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512 Concord Avenue Boulder, Colorado May 4, 1970 57ST Cherokae Road Stockton, Calif, Deer Brother Your letter of inquiry concerning the statement by brother Wl] Ross at hand, and will write you a few lines pertaing to it. Yoa, T have been acquainted with him for years. He attended the Boulder S.D,A. church but passed away around [945. I have heard him make the statement many times, which I am enclosing for pou. Brother Elmer Johnson also heard him make the statement, and is still living north of Boulder. I in fact just visited with brother Johnson and his wife this Sabbath, You can depend on this statement as coming froma reliable source, for brother Ross was visiting with Sr. White many many times, He told us many of his experiences while visiting with her, What brother Rogs mentions in this testimony, of course, must not be considered as } but as a statement which Sr. White made while they were standing at the railroad depot waiting for the train, and then Will Ross relating it to us as nearly as he can rp~ call the words from her mouth, Personally, I am looking for that "storm" that 1s mentioned in this statement by brother Ross, to begin very very soon nowi!1 I think that 1t is closely related to the Judgment of the Living Time. For your convenience I have taken time out to type you just a few of the references that I think are the same or related to this Will Ross testimony. Please look them up and place them along with this "storm that 1s coming! 2x45 Zoch.15:7-95 Vol.6,p.195 “overflowing scourge". M.431#3; E.W. 49#1-2 “overflowing scourg 83 “no further eters Ezek.I3: I-16 "wall® Tsa.28:1-22; Fuek-12:21 goes down.; 6 T. Re 40I "storm" ; IT. p. "whetting his sword. to cut thom down.” Ezekiel @ Read Carefullyls $7. 266% 967 117° B.C=.# = DAS. To sum it up as #t see it now, it is something like this: —S~ ‘The Lord 1s going to send us real trouble in the form of a "storm" that is like a wind-storm or whirlwind, perhaps an upset of our government or uprising in sone Tora which bringe in real trouble for ©.D,A.'e, It will clean out the spurious from the genuine and separate the dross from the gold tn the church. It ie called in 7 B.C. p.9IT by Sr.White "a torrible ordeal”. Look up that word in your dictionary, please. She goes on to say that it is necessary in order to separate the chaff from the grain, Personally, 1 think that this pictures to U~ the beginning of the Judgment of the Living, Mal.3:1-4 states that He "suddenly comes to His temple...and elts and refines, Christ came suddenly to His temple in the fall of I844, but that wa: to begin tie Tadmmne of the Bonds iow te te about to come suddend; to His temple to bezin the Judgment of the Living. We aust Feasabes many many Bible texts have a double application, or a secondary and primary application. Tho seme must be remembered when we try to study out the books of Daniel and Revelation, and other Old Testament prophets. For an example Just read slowly Jor.4:1-23; Isa, 66:15-16 ".,.Lord will come with and sword....plead sseslain.." Also read Iea.3:I5-I4 ",.Lora atandeth plead, tistandeth to JUDGE....judgment with the ancien: - of his peopie... This 19 all I have time for now, but I have given you these re- ferences to put with the Will Ross statement so that you will have no question but that it all fits into a picture of the eoming persecution which is created by the "storm" which the Lord permits to come in orde to secure a pure,clean, people in Israel, that they may be entrusted with the Latter Rain, ‘For no Latter Rain will be poured out right now, for we have too many who are only “chaf?” and will blow away on the "wind" that come: I hope that this will help you in your further study of this sub- Ject, and wishing you heaven's richest blessings as you andeavor to work’ of Jesus, I remain In Christian love,

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