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Deep Learning book, by Ian Goodfellow,

Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville

Chapter 6 :Deep Feedforward Networks

Benoit Massé Dionyssos Kounades-Bastian

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Linear regression (and classication)
Input vector x
Output vector y
Parameters Weight W and bias b

Prediction : y = W> x + b

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Linear regression (and classication)
Input vector x
Output vector y
Parameters Weight W and bias b

Prediction : y = W> x + b

W b
x u y

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Linear regression (and classication)
Input vector x
Output vector y
Parameters Weight W and bias b

Prediction : y = W> x + b

x1 W11 . . . W23 b1
u1 y1
x2 b2
u2 y2
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Linear regression (and classication)
Input vector x
Output vector y
Parameters Weight W and bias b

Prediction : y = W> x + b

x1 W, b
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Linear regression (and classication)

Easy to use
Easy to train, low risk of overtting

Some problems are inherently non-linear

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Solving XOR

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Solving XOR

Linear regressor

x1 W, b
There is no value for W and b
such that ∀(x1 , x2 ) ∈ {0, 1}2
W >
+ b = xor (x1 , x2 )

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Solving XOR

What about... ?
W, b
x1 u1 V, c
x2 u2

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Solving XOR

What about... ?
W, b
x1 u1 V, c
x2 u2
Strictly equivalent :
The composition of two linear operation is still a linear

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Solving XOR
And about... ?
W, b φ
x1 u1 h1 V, c
x2 u2 h2
In which φ(x ) = max {0, x }

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Solving XOR
And about... ?
W, b φ
x1 u1 h1 V, c
x2 u2 h2
In which φ(x ) = max {0, x }

It is possible !
1 1 0 1
With W = ,b= ,V= and c = 0,
1 1 −1 −2

Vφ(Wx + b) = xor (x1 , x2 )

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Neural network with one hidden layer

Compact representation
W , b, φ V, c
x h y

Neural network
Hidden layer with non-linearity
→ can represent broader class of function

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Universal approximation theorem

A neural network with one hidden layer can approximate any
continuous function

More formally, given a continuous function f : Cn 7→ Rm where

Cn is a compact subset of R ,

:x→ vi φ(wi > x + bi ) + c
∀ε, ∃fNN
i =1
such that
∀x ∈ Cn , ||f (x ) − fNN (x )|| < ε

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Obtaining the network

The universal theorem gives no information about HOW to
obtain such a network
Size of the hidden layer h
Values of W and b

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Obtaining the network

The universal theorem gives no information about HOW to
obtain such a network
Size of the hidden layer h
Values of W and b
Using the network
Even if we nd a way to obtain the network, the size of the
hidden layer may be prohibitively large.

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Deep neural network
Why Deep ?
Let's stack l hidden layers one after the other; l is called the
length of the network.

W 1 , b1 , φ W 2 , b2 , φ W l , bl , φ V, c
x h1 ... hl y

Properties of DNN
The universal approximation theorem also apply
Some functions can be approximated by a DNN with N
hidden unit, and would require O(e N ) hidden units to be
represented by a shallow network.

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Linear classier
− Limited representational power

+ Simple

Shallow Neural network (Exactly one hidden layer)

+ Unlimited representational power

− Sometimes prohibitively wide

Deep Neural network

+ Unlimited representational power

+ Relatively small number of hidden units needed

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Linear classier
− Limited representational power

+ Simple

Shallow Neural network (Exactly one hidden layer)

+ Unlimited representational power

− Sometimes prohibitively wide

Deep Neural network

+ Unlimited representational power

+ Relatively small number of hidden units needed

Remaining problem
How to get this DNN ?

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On the path of getting my own DNN

First, we need to dene the architecture of the DNN
The depth l
The size of the hidden layers n1 , . . . , nl
The activation function φ
The output unit

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On the path of getting my own DNN

First, we need to dene the architecture of the DNN
The depth l
The size of the hidden layers n1 , . . . , nl
The activation function φ
The output unit

When the architecture is dened, we need to train the DNN
W1 , b1 , . . . , Wl , bl

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The depth l
The size of the hidden layers n1 , . . . , nl
Strongly depend on the problem to solve

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The depth l
The size of the hidden layers n1 , . . . , nl
Strongly depend on the problem to solve

The activation function φ

g : x 7→ max { , xx } 1
σ : x 7→ ( + e )
ReLU 0

Sigmoid 1
− −

Many others : tanh, RBF, softplus...

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The depth l
The size of the hidden layers n1 , . . . , nl
Strongly depend on the problem to solve

The activation function φ

g : x 7→ max { , xx } 1
σ : x 7→ ( + e )
ReLU 0

Sigmoid 1
− −

Many others : tanh, RBF, softplus...

The output unit

Linear outputE[y] = V> hl + c
For regression with Gaussian distribution y ∼ N (E[y], I)

Sigmoid output = σ(w> hl + ) b
For classication with Bernouilli distribution P (y = 1|x) = ŷ

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Parameters Training

Let's dene θ = (W1 , b1 , . . . , Wl , bl ).
We suppose we have a set of inputs X = (x1 , . . . , xN ) and a
set of expected outputs Y = (y1 , . . . , yN ). The goal is to nd
a neural network fNN such that
∀i , fNN (x i , θ) ' yi .

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Parameters Training

Cost function
To evaluate the error that our current network makes, let's
dene a cost function L(X, Y, θ). The goal becomes to nd
argmin L(X, Y, θ)

Loss function
Should represent a combination of the distances between every
yi and the corresponding fNN (xi , θ)
Mean square error (rare)

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Parameters Training

Find the minimum

The basic idea consists in computing θ̂ such that
∇θ L(X, Y, θ̂) = 0.

This is dicult to solve analytically e.g. when θ have millions

of degrees of freedom.

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Parameters Training

Gradient descent
Let's use a numerical way to optimize θ, called the gradient
descent (section 4.3). The idea is that
f (θ − εu) ' f (θ) − εu> ∇f (θ)

So if we take u = ∇f (θ), we have u> u > 0 and then

f (θ − εu) ' f (θ) − εu> u < f (θ).

If f is a function to minimize, we have an update rule that

improves our estimate.

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Parameters Training

Gradient descent algorithm

Have an estimate θ̂ of the parameters
Compute ∇θ L(X, Y, θ̂)
Update θ̂ ←− θ̂ − ε∇θ L
Repeat step 2-3 until ∇θ L < threshold

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Parameters Training

Gradient descent algorithm

Have an estimate θ̂ of the parameters
Compute ∇θ L(X, Y, θ̂)
Update θ̂ ←− θ̂ − ε∇θ L
Repeat step 2-3 until ∇θ L < threshold

How to estimate eciently ∇θ L(X, Y, θ̂) ?
Back-propagation algorithm

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Back-propagation for Parameter Learning

Consider the architecture:

w 2 w 1

y φ φ
with function:

y =φ w2 φ(w1 x ) ,
some training pairs T = x̂n , ŷn n=1 , and

an activation-function φ().
Learn w1 , w2 so that: Feeding x̂n results ŷn .

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Prerequisite: dierentiable activation function

For learning to be possible φ() has to be dierentiable.

Let φ0 (x ) = ∂φ(x ) denote the derivative of φ(x ).
For example when φ(x ) = Relu(x ) we have:

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Gradient-based Learning

Minimize the loss function L(w1 , w2 , T ).

We will learn the weights by iterating:
 
updated ∂L
 ∂ w1 
w1 w1
= −γ , (1)
w2 w2 ∂L
∂ w2

L is the loss function (must be dierentiable): In detail is

L(w1 , w2 , T ) and we want to compute the gradient(s) at
w1 , w2 .

γ is the learning rate (a scalar typically known).

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Calculate intermediate The partial derivatives are:

values on all units:
∂L(d )
∂d = L0 ( ).d
a = w1x̂n

1 .
= φ0 ( w2φ(w1x̂n ))
b = φ(w1x̂n ) ∂c
7 .

c = w2φ(w1x̂n )
∂b = .

w1x̂n )
3 .
d = φ w2φ(w1x̂n ) ∂a = φ0 ( .

4 .

L(d ) = L φ w2 φ(w1 x̂n )

5 .

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Calculating the Gradients I

Apply chain rule:

∂L ∂L ∂ d ∂ c ∂ b ∂ a
= ,
∂ w1 ∂ d ∂ c ∂ b ∂ a w1

∂L(d ) ∂L(d ) ∂ d ∂ c
= .
∂ w2 ∂ d ∂ c w2

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Calculating the Gradients I

Apply chain rule:

∂L ∂L ∂ d ∂ c ∂ b ∂ a
= ,
∂ w1 ∂ d ∂ c ∂ b ∂ a w1

∂L(d ) ∂L(d ) ∂ d ∂ c
= .
∂ w2 ∂ d ∂ c w2

Start the calculation from left-to-right.

We propage the gradients (partial products) from the last
layer towards the input.

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Calculating the Gradients

And because we have N training pairs:

∂L X ∂L(dn ) ∂ dn ∂ cn ∂ bn ∂ an
= ,
∂ w1 n=1 ∂ dn ∂ cn ∂ bn ∂ an w1

∂L X ∂L(dn ) ∂ dn ∂ cn
= .
∂ w2 n=1 ∂ dn ∂ cn w2

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Thank you !

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