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Quinn Beyer

Professor Ferrara

Cover Letter


Dear Professor Ferrara,

Throughout the entire first semester I always looked forward to our ENW 100 class

because I knew that I would be learning useful writing skills. The literacy narrative was a great

topic for me because I felt that it wasn’t super challenging, but I was still exposed to new things.

I enjoyed being able to write about past stories from my lifetime in a correct and concise manner.

Being able to learn from your mistakes while writing is an attribute that I have definitely learned

to use. Anyone can see teachers remarks on a writing and just simply ignore them, it is being

able to take those remarks and improve your writing which is something I feel that I exceled at

when writing my literacy narrative.

When we moved into the rhetorical analysis unit, I was a little nervous because I knew

there were kids in the class who had already been exposed to rhetorical analysis while I on the

other hand had not. I understood the basis of the unit and how it focuses on persuasive writing,

but I wasn’t following along well with the small things like ethos, logos, and pathos. Through

more research and following along with the slides in class I began to slowly understand and be

able to realize it in my writing. Also, another challenging part of this unit for me was translating
my ted talk into an essay. I found this difficult because the ted talk, I chose wasn’t really posing

much of an argument, so I had to find ways to build around that.

The last unit that we finished up at the end of the semester was the multimodal essay

which was something I was very interested in. I enjoyed this unit because this essay was sort of

like a research paper on a topic of our choice, so I actually enjoyed writing and researching the

topic. Similar to the rhetorical analysis unit. There could be two sides of the argument in the

paper and I chose one side and stuck to it so that maybe I could convince people to believe my

side. I didn’t run into many issues while writing this essay, maybe one thing I learned in writing

a research paper like this is that it may be good to state some reasons against your argument only

in order to have many in favor of your argument. All in all this has been a great class for me and

I hope I carry on the things I learned with me.

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