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Assalamu’alaikum Wr.


First of all,let’s thank Allah SWT who has been giving us come mercies and blessing so that
we can attend this meeting whithout any troubles at all.Secondly,may sholawat and salam be
with our prophet Muhammad SWT who has guided us from the darkness and lightness in the
wourld as well as in the next world.

Health can be used as a standard of health from the mouth and

surrounding tissue. someone who can be applied from dental and oral diseases, can
eat normally, and socialize
recommend cavity health promotion
mouth in schools as a form of prevention of oral diseases for
increase knowledge, attitudes and behaviors related to health
oral cavity

promote the health of teeth and mouth at school by brushing teeth

how to brush teeth properly
by brushing your teeth after eating and before going to bed
the benefits of brushing teeth
teeth become clean and healthy, give a fresh feeling in the mouth, and can prevent bad breath
can be done by brushing teeth
preparation of tools and materials
1 toothbrush
1 cup or clean cup of water
toothpaste and dry cloth or towel
that's a short way to maintain healthy teeth and mouth.

(Promoting oral heath at school)

By Aulia Rindani

Kelas a

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