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Noverher 3, 1961 on? Terrace Averue Colton, Ca Dear Brother ot hiv cs 0 a scateniene pinging t5 uate Sopa thane 2 ve, HER) Poss. porports te be a statenent Rite about 1908 with Sister McEnterfer, brother D. 3. dobirsen present, If Flder Fobineon waa present, the pur- “se"nould be to make @ stenographic report of vhat wa? said, > avel: report in our Filer, on one or two cocestons before, bet T met | that T do not belteve we can place dependence on “orth from memory of one vho tatkec with Sister ally when it stands so mich alone. We do not have t's pen, published cr unpyhlished,that: vhich statement, ‘The nictrre set forth e with the picture which we find set in seasion 4n 1913, Tou Life Sketches, and! in its entirety in Selected Yessaves, Book 2, find this reported quite filly in ‘end tng, It ia mite st vartance with what Sister White has set forth in meeting certain offshoot teachings through the years, and in con- ction with this, has expressed her confidence in the triumph of the message. See such statements as you may find then in Selected Negsages, 3ook 2 in such chapters 28 "Divine Credentials," pp. “3-71, HET gone of the chapters which follow, Yy counsel would be that this statement should not be used, in the first place because human memory is so wea that absolute derendence cannot be placed on it; and second, because the statement ts at variance with the over-all picture which is ziven to us by Fllen White, T am glad you have uritten to us =bout this matter,~ Please discourage its use. Sincerely your brother, ALi £8

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