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 Match up the three columns for each

number: the symbol, term and its


1) “ ” COLON a) It is used at the end of
the sentence
2) ? FULL STOP b) It is used before a list,
or to introduce sayings or
3) ; INVERTED c) It is used to separate
COMMAS phrases in a sentence, or
when a list is being written
4) ! COMMA d) It is used at the end of
a sentence, instead of a
full stop, when something
is being asked
5) . EXCLAMATION e) It is used to join
MARK sentences instead of a
6) , SEMICOLON f) They are used to
indicate speech in a
sentence. They surround
the exact words which are
being spoken.
7) : QUESTION g) It is used after
MARK interjections which indicate
surprise, amazement,
shock or delight or at the
end of a sentence
Capital letters and punctuation
marks are missing from this text.
Can you put them in?

once upon a time a big brave hunter

whose name was ngambo was walking
through the jungle when he saw the
tallest giraffe he had ever seen he
went running back to his village and
shouted to his friends come quickly
and see this amazing animal everyone
went with him and when they saw the
giraffe they couldnt believe their

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