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Scientific Journal, July 2019

Erika Yuliani
Some factors related to pregnancy happened to teenagers in work area of UPT
Public Health Centre of Gajah Mada in 2019

Xv + 53 pages + 3 tables + 2 schemes + 9 attachments

Teenagers pregnancy is a pregnancy happens to women age of 14 to 20 years old
both married and not married. There were 162 pregnant teenagers in UPT Public
Health Centre of Gajah Mada in 2018. Based on the data exist the number of
teenagers pregnancy is in work area of UPT Public Health Centre of Gajah Mada.
The purpose of this research is to indicate education, job, and marital status with
teenagers pregnancy in work area of UPT Public Health Centre of Gajah Mada.
This research uses study control case design with quantitative approaching. Data
accumulation was done by using checklist sheet and number of sample., In this
research all pregnant mothers who have pregnancy in teenage years amount of 28
persons control case 1:1 that the sample consist of 28 respondents as control so
that total of samples are 56 samples.This research will be done in work area of
UPT Public Health Centre of Gajah Mada. Statistic test is done by univariate
analysis to indicate frequency distribution and percentage of each variable,
bivariate analysis to view relation each variable of independent and dependent.
The analysis data is used by Chi Square. The result of the research shows that 56
respondents most of teenagers poorly educated or graduated of Primary
School/Islamic Primary School, Junior High School/Islamic Junior High School
(57%), jobless (98%), and married (100%). After having statistic analysis there is
not related significant (p>0.05) between education, job, and marital status. This
research is expected to have more knowledge and experience for next researcher
and it can be input for health workers to do counseling about teenagers pregnancy.

References : 21 (2010 – 2018)

Key Word : Education, job and marital status


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