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Docker Installation:

- CentOS7 64 bit Linux for Docker Engine
sudo yum install -y docker
check status: sudo systemctl status docker.service
start service: sudo systemctl start docker.service
check version: docker version
docker info : displays no of container, images, storage driver etc
- We can run docker with non root user, as docker maintains a group (docker)
else add your account to docker group to access without sudo
- $docker run -it centos /bin/bash ( This command starts a container of
ubuntu image and enters into the roor propmt of container)
$docker ps -a (shows the list of docker containers spinned up recently)
container id: bf5808d5971a
$ls /var/lib/docker/containers/ ( you can find each container directory
and the data available in container)
$docker start bf5808d5971a ( starting the existing container)
$docker attach bf5808d5971a ( getting into the container)
Docker Engine:
Daemon to build & run containers
Docker Images: meta data info about the os image, We can't launch a container
without image
-docker run -it fedora /bin/sh ( in this command fedora is Docker image)
If that image doesn't exist, it downloads from docker hub
-docker images ( shows the list of images downloaded in file system)
-docker images fedora ( you can see the list of fedora images with their
-docker pull fedora ( This command downloads the image of fedora and save
in local file system @ /var/lib/docker)

Containers:Containers are launched from images ( Running instances of Images) ;

These are run time constructs
- A container is a running linux instance
- docker -it centos /bin/bash ( i- interactive; t- tty connection)
Ctrl + P + Q ( we can exit container without exiting, so that it runs in
docker ps ( you can see running containers)
docker ps -a ( shows all the container running/stopped)
- Delete container
sudo docker info (will give you total no of containers and images)
sudo docker stop <docker_Id>
sudo docker rm <docker_Id>
sudo docker info ( verify the count of no of containers)

Docker images from Dockerfile:

- Dockerfile : is a simple instructions to build an image
$mkdir dockerImages; cd dockerImages
$vi Dockerfile
# Centos based Hello Worl container
FROM centos:latest
RUN yum install -y httpd
CMD ["echo","Hello World"]
every RUN statement creates a layer in container and it is a build
time constructor, but CMD is run time constructor
where it runs when container is bring up, each docker file should have
only one CMD and can have multiple RUN
$sudo docker build -t helloworld:1.0 . ( . represents you are in
dockerfile dir else use -f Dockerfile ; -t specifies name of the image)
$sudo docker history 2bdaa07a1ecf ( you can see the hisotry of layers it
is created and committed)
$sudo docker run helloworld:1.0
Hello World
Common Dockerfile instructions start with RUN, ENV, FROM, MAINTAINER, ADD, and CMD,
among others.

FROM - Specifies the base image that the Dockerfile will use to build a new image.
For this post, we are using phusion/baseimage as our base image because it is a
minimal Ubuntu-based image modified for Docker friendliness.

MAINTAINER - Specifies the Dockerfile Author Name and his/her email.

RUN - Runs any UNIX command to build the image.

ENV - Sets the environment variables. For this post, JAVA_HOME is the variable that
is set.

CMD - Provides the facility to run commands at the start of container. This can be
overridden upon executing the docker run command.

ADD - This instruction copies the new files, directories into the Docker container
file system at specified destination.

EXPOSE - This instruction exposes specified port to the host machine.

VOLUME - This command is used to expose to the host machine the volume from the
container. We can map this volume to any host directory.
ex: ( VOLUME /root/.m2)

Docker Networking:
$ip a ( you can docker0: created by docker engine to behave like
switch/interface between vm and container)
- sudo yum install bridge-utils
- sudo brctl show docker0
- sudo docker run -it --name=yellow helloworld:1.0
sudo brctl show docker0
- vi Dockerfile
# Centos based Hello Worl container
FROM centos:latest
RUN yum install -y httpd
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/sbin/httpd", "-D", "FOREGROUND"]
$docker build t apache:1.0 .
$docker run -d -p 5001:80 --name=web1 apache:1.0

FROM centos:latest
RUN yum install -y wget \
&& wget --no-cookies --no-check-certificate --header "Cookie: gpw_e24=http; oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie"
"" \
&& tar xzf jdk-7u79-linux-x64.tar.gz \
&& export JAVA_HOME=`pwd`/jdk1.7.0_79 \
&& export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin \
&& wget
7/v7.0.75/bin/apache-tomcat-7.0.75.tar.gz \
&& wget
7/v7.0.75/bin/apache-tomcat-7.0.75.tar.gz \
&& tar -zxvf apache-tomcat-7.0.75.tar.gz
ENV JAVA_HOME=/jdk1.7.0_79
CMD sh apache-tomcat-7.0.75/bin/; while true; do sleep 1000; done


-Registry - hosting location ( docker.hub)
-Repos - centos/ubuntu/fedora etc
official repos/ un official repos (user repos) created by members of docker
- Register in docker.hub and get credentials to push your private repos
- docker tag 1f8ec1108a3f chiranjeevipatel/fedora:latest
- sido docker images
- sudo docker login (chiranjeevipatel/XXXX)
- sudo docker push chiranjeevipatel/fedora
- sudo docker pull hiranjeevipatel/fedora
sudo docker images

Images in Details:
- stack of image snapshots ; these are called layers
docker images --tree ( will show how the docker images are layered)
- How to move a docker container from one machien to other
docker run centos /bin/bash "echo HelloWorld > /tmp/new-file"
The above command creates file in tmp dir, now lets build t

- LeadApp
2 images
1. LeadApp FE ( Tomcat)
2. LeadApp BE ( Mysql)

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