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There are then some useful steps you can follow to get an overall framework for your

1. Assembling your data
2. Coding the data
3. Comparing the data
4. Building meanings and interpretations
5. Reporting the outcomes

Analysing and synthesising qualitative data

1. Categorising
2. Analysing talk
Richards (2003, p. 185) suggests four steps in a basic analysis, and in the discussion
below I will follow his model:
 Providing a general characterisation
 Identifying grossly apparent features
 Focusing in on structural elements
 Developing a description.

Analysing and synthesising quantitative data

Quantitative analysis is used:
1. to gain a concise numerical picture of the issues;
2. to characterise or describe a set of numbers;
3. to show numbers succinctly in terms of averages, frequencies, percentages;
4. to show how numbers disperse or vary around a central point.

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