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Name: 1.


2.Salsa Dila Aninda

3. Riri Anggraini P.

Subject: LRM

Maintaining Australian Pride in Burragorang (1969) by Nan MacDonald and Waratah

and Wattle (1905) by Henry Lawson poems.

There are two keywords to from the terminology in this analysis. They are maintain and

pride. In Cambridge Dictionary (2019), maintain is to keep in existence, or not allow to

become less. In Collins Dictionary (2019) maintain means do let it stop or grow weaker. In

Merriam Webster (2019) maintain is to keep in an existing state. While in Collins Dictionary

(2019) pride is a feeling of satisfaction which you have because you or people close to you

have done something good or possess something good. Moreover, in Oxford Learner’s

Dictionaries (2019) pride is a feeling of pleasure or satisfaction that you get when you or

people who are connected with you have done something well or own something that other

people admire.

In this analysis maintaining Australian pride means the way that Australian do to keep their

own country and their indigenous culture. The speakers of these poems are the Australian

native who try to encourage their people to preserve their own culture and country. In

those poems, maintaining Australian pride is shown in two points; Behavior and Mindset.

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