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Teenage Bad Habits in Saudi Arabia


Your Gender

54% Male

Figure 1: Gender

From the above shown graph, it has been analyzed that 54% respondents of the survey which

were about seven respondents of the questionnaire that was distributed to the selected audience

stated that they are male while on the other hand 46% respondents of the survey which were

about seven respondents of the questionnaire that was distributed to the selected audience stated

that they are female.

Age of your child

7-9 years
10-13 years
14-17 years
18-21 years

Figure 2: age of the child


From the above shown figure, it has been analyzed that 31% respondents of the survey which

were about four respondents of the questionnaire that was distributed to the selected population

of the survey stated that their children belong to the age group of 14-17 years, while on the

other hand, 31% respondents of the survey which were about four respondents of the

questionnaire that was distributed to the selected population of the survey stated that their

children belong to the age group of 7-9 years. It has been also observed from the above data

that 23% respondents of the survey which were about four respondents of the questionnaire

that was distributed to the selected population of the survey stated that their children belong to

the age group of 10-13 years while on the other hand, 15% respondents of the survey which

were about four respondents of the questionnaire that was distributed to the selected population

of the survey stated that their children belong to the age group of 18-21 years.

What bad habit your children follows

at home?

22% smoking
spending over time on social
overspending of money

Figure 3: the bad habit of children at home

From the above shown graph, it has been observed that 45% of the respondents of the survey

which were about four respondents stated that their children follow a bad habit of smoking at

their home while on the other hand, 33% of the respondents of the survey which were about

three respondents stated that their children follow a bad habit of spending overtime on using

social media platforms at their home. In addition, it has also been observed that 22% of the

respondents of the survey which were about two respondents stated that their children follow

a bad habit of spending over money at their home.

How much time your children spends

on playing computer games?

31% 1-2 hours
23% 2-3 hours
3-4 hours
more than 4 hours

Figure 4: Time spent on playing games

From the above shown graph, it has been observed that 31% of the respondents of the survey

which were about four respondents of the questionnaire said that their children spend 3-4 hours

on playing computer games while on the other hand that 31% of the respondents of the survey

which were about four respondents of the questionnaire said that their children spend more

than 4 hours on playing computer games. It has been also observed that that 23% of the

respondents of the survey which were about three respondents of the questionnaire said that

their children spend 2-3 hours on playing computer games while on the other hand that 15% of

the respondents of the survey which were about two respondents of the questionnaire said that

their children spend 1-2 hours on playing computer games.


Do your children behave disrespectful

towards you?

46% Yes
23% Sometimes

Figure 5: disrespectful behavior of children

From the above shown graph, it has been observed that 46% of the respondents of the survey

which were about six responses of respondents indicated that their children behave

disrespectfully towards their parents while on the other hand, 31% of the respondents of the

survey which were about four responses of respondents indicated that sometimes their children

behave disrespectfully towards their parents. It has also been stated that 23% of the respondents

of the survey which were about three responses of respondents, indicated that their children do

not behave disrespectfully towards their parents.

Do you think your children have been

wasting their time through the use of
gaming and social media?

46% Yes

Figure 6: time waste through games and social media


From the above shown figure, it has been observed that 46% of the respondents which were

about six respondents of the survey said that they think their children waste their most of the

time by using social media and gaming while on the other hand, 31% of the respondents which

were about four respondents of the survey said that they sometimes think their children waste

their most of the time by using social media and gaming. In addition, it has been indicated that

23% of the respondents, which were about three respondents of the survey said that they do not

think their children waste their most of the time by using social media and gaming.

Do you think bad habits of children

can lead them to problems in their


46% Yes

Figure 7: bad habits leading to problems

From the above shown figure, it has been observed that 46% of the respondents of the survey

which were about six responses of the participants to the questionnaire said that they think that

bad habits of children can lead them to various types of problems in their future while on the

other hand, 31% of the respondents of the survey which were about four responses of the

participants to the questionnaire said that they do not think that bad habits of children can lead

them to various types of problems in their future. In addition, it has also been observed that

23% of the respondents of the survey, which were about three responses of the participants to

the questionnaire said that they think that bad habits of children can lead them to various types

of problems in their future.



It has been recommended that parents should stay very diligent and highly connected with their

children for staying updated on what problems they have been facing in their life. It has also

been suggested that parents should maintain a strong positive relationship with their children

for sharing everything easily. Children should also be motivated to go out and participate in

physical activities. Teachers should also motivate and encourage their students to do good

behavior with their parents by describing student morals and ethics.


There were several numbers of limitations faced while working on the current project. Some

of the main limitations have been described below.

 The hesitation of participants in responding at the time of the survey

 Lack of time while conducting this research study


From some recent years, teenage bad habits are getting common in Saudi Arabia for several

numbers of reasons. The most common teenage bad habits include smoking, over wastage of

money, playing video games, spending over time on social media. It has been suggested that

individuals should follow some specific strategies and methods for solving these teenage bad

habits and improving their morals and ethics.

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