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Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say

with The Power of Attention

Presenters: Julia and Helena Billington
The Power of Attention:
• A condition of readiness; I am ready for __________.
• It can be a narrowing of focus or ____________________.
• A pitfall of very narrow focus_________________.
• Difficulty of a wide focus__________________

We focus on what we value:

What do you post in the classroom?

What you focus on you get more of:

• What do you want more of?
• What you post in the classroom is an example of what you _________ and
what you value.
• What animal symbol would you choose for your class and why?
• What will you plant and nurture?

My Commitment #1:
When I notice that my attention or focus has wandered, I will be a S.T.A.R.
Smile Take A deep breath and Relax

The Power of Attention

❖ Visual focus: what did you see first?
❖ Emotional focus: where do you feel your reaction in your body?
❖ Problem Solving/Executive focus: what story did you tell yourself?

My Commitment #2
When I notice my focus is on the problem, I will:
❖ take a calming breath
❖ identify a possible solution
❖ switch my focus to the solution
Paint the picture, be specific
❖ Say the name
❖ Describe the action
❖ Point out details
❖ Why it was helpful
❖ What was accomplished

Practice your noticing skills.

Name, describe, details, why, and/or what was accomplished

My focus:
When I notice my focus is on the problem, I will:
❖ take a calming breath
❖ identify a possible solution
❖ switch my focus to the solution
❖ say what I mean

❖ Conscious Discipline: Building Resilient Classrooms by Dr. Becky Bailey
❖ Keeper of the Animals by Michael Caduto and Joseph Bruchac
❖ You Are My Little Bird by Elizabeth Mitchel
❖ The Whole Brain Child by Daniel Siegel

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