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Organizational Behavior

 Contributions of Philosophers in Management Sciences

 Born June 28, 1712 in Geneva, Switzerland.
 Died July 2, 1778, Ermenonville, France.
 Swiss-born philosopher, writer, self-taught composer, and political theorist whose
writing inspired the leaders of the French Revolution and the Romantic generation.


Political Philosophy
 The idea of the general will.
 The emergence of the general will: procedure, virtue and the legislator.
 Rousseau’s claim to reconcile freedom and authority.
 Representation and government.
 Civil religion and toleration.

 Known as “the father of Early Childhood Education”.
 Emphasizes the importance of expression.
 Natural development that’s child-centered creates a well-balanced freethinking child.
 Preserve the “original perfect nature” of the child.
 Children are very different compared to adults.
 Children develop through various stages, and that different approaches may be
appropriate to each.
 The purpose of education according to Rousseau is to learn how to live righteously.
 Rousseau believed that the growth of a child was divided into three sections.
 Birth to twelve years of age, children interact like animals.
 From the age of twelve to sixteen, children begin to develop.
 From sixteen and onwards, children develop into adults.
 Educators need to tend to their environment.
 He wrote the history of England which became a bestseller.

 Hume’s compatibilist theory of free will proved extremely influential on subsequent
moral philosophy.
1. People are essentially good but they become corrupted by the evils of society. He
believed in liberty, equality, and fraternity “Make the citizen good by training, and
everything else will follow.” - Jean Jacques Rousseau.

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