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Torralba, Mikaela Yzabelle E.


“The Fibonacci Sequence”

The Fibonacci Sequence is the series of numbers in which the next number is found
by adding up the two numbers before it. It starts with the number 1, 1, 2, 3, 5… etc. People
often think that they are just numbers but beyond that is the fact that it can also be seen
within the world around us. It can be seen in the human body, having 2 feet or 2 eyes. It
can be seen in objects such as an electric fan which has 3 propellers. Another is that it can
be also seen in nature in so many different plants and trees. The branches of the trees or
how the leaves are formed.

As seen from the picture above, there are two different colored flowers but share the
same type of flower. The flower seen above is called “Bougainvillea”, it is an ornamental
climbing plant that is widely cultivated in the tropics. In the pictures above, there are 2
colors but it is the same flower and has also the same number of petals. As you can see, it
has 3 petals with also 3 little flowers blooming inside of it. The flower can be included in
the Fibonacci Sequence for it has 3 petals.

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