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As advanced and efficient as our solar panels and becoming,theyr’e still pretty much useless
when rain clous arrive overhead.We have innovated this device that can harvests energy from both
sunlight and raindrops that we call the ‘Weather Panel’.

A weather Panel that harvests kinetic energy from water without destroying the output of the
solar cells during sunny times.The key part of the system is a triboelectricnanogenerator(TENGs).Its a
device which creates electric charge from the friction of 2 materials rubbing together.

The idea of using TENGs like this isn’t completely new, the challenge has been to develop that
wasn’t too bulky or complex. To do that we use 2 polymer layers to form

According to Use of a Stochastic Weather Generator In the development of climate change

scenarios, recent work on the sensitivity of crop models and climatic extremes has clearly demonstrated
that changes in variability can have more profound effects on crop yield and on the probability of
extreme weather events than simple changes in the mean values. The construction of climate change
scenarios based on spatial regression downscaling and on the use of a local stochastic weather
generator is described. These values were then used to perturb the parameters of the stochastic
weather generator in order to simulate site-specific daily weather data. This approach permits the
incorporation of changes in the mean and variability of climate in a consistent and computationally
inexpensive way. We use this article as an inspiration so that we can concentrate on the minor
problems related to Climate Change but we cannot focus on the extreme climates happening in our
country. Our significance of our study is to inspire future inventors so that ther can innovate the study,
and people nearing in mild climates: so that they can get the correct temperature as they wanted when
electricity consumed.


In making a Weather Panel,We need to prepare the materials that we need.In creating a
frame whose area is 25 squared cm. Assembling the solar cells( 15 solar cells).Next, create holes
for the weather panels connection. Then, attach the solar cells down using wires. Then, solder
the wires for a better connection. Next, we connect the wirings of the solar panel connection
up to the solar side of the charge controller.Then, we hook the battery to the inverter. The next
step we will attach the panel to the polymer layers. Next, add even pressure on the glass.

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