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When communicating to others, how have you ensured your communication is clear, well-

structured and tailored to your audience? Tell us about a time you have done this and the impact it

I’m taking “others” to mean giving a presentation to an audience. The first thing you
have to do is to think of - who is my audience? What is their background and
education? What is important to them? Always remember who your audience is when
developing a presentation. Typically when you are asking to give a presentation you’ll
be able to ask, “Who is the audience?” And get some background.

The second thing is to tell a story. When you are giving a presentation you are telling a
story. You have to think of where to begin and then where to go next. Ideally speaking
you’re talking about A and your audience is thinking, now I want to hear about B, and
voila- you talk about B. I have a natural sense of “flow” for developing presentations, but
that is how I do it. I typically start out with high level information, to get people
nodding, yes, they understand, and then I gradually go into more detail.

And then at the end you have to wrap up and remind them the key points you want
them to remember.

People have different styles when giving presentations. I tend to be animated. I use
PowerPoint for technical presentations and I like to not dwell on one chart too long.
Some people prefer to use fewer charts and to talk about each of them a long time.

You have to find what style works best for you by observing when you feel most
comfortable and also when you get feedback that you’ve done a good job.
Tell me about a time when you have been faced with resistance or negativity and how you have
responded to this?

At my current job I was in charge of five pages of Daily Jang. Daily Jang is a highest
circulation Newspaper of Pakistan in Urdu Language. I have interviewed a young Activist for
SAFHA NOJAWAN (Youth Page) as I believed that issue need to be highlighted on
mainstream media so that more people will get motivated for such kind act. The activist was
running a Primary school for the needy children of his own and he need funds to provide
quality education to the needy ones. I edited and finalize the interview but my Magazine
Editor denied to approve the said interview, She claimed the interview is more of a
Marketing of the school which can not be publish in our Newspaper. I explained her that it is
no way near marketing as the person doing it of is own for the betterment of the society and
in replacement he is getting nothing but prayers of the poor people. However, my Editor did
not allow me to publish the Interview, so rather I argued further, I asked one of my Journalist
fellow who was working in Electronic Media so he has interviewed him Live for the News
Channel from there more media outlets highlight this issue.
Describe a situation that required you to manage a number of pieces of work at the same time. How
did you handle it? What was the result?

It is my daily routine to manage number of news, articles and features at the same time. Like
Yesterday I received a detailed News regarding Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan removed
Director General of Federal Investigation Agency and appointed Wajid Zia as new DG FIA. The said
story was in English and I have to translate it in Urdu, other than this I have two crime stories, two
Political stories to edit as well as checking the dummy copy of the Newspaper. My desk Incharge
told me that because of the Hawker’s strike we have to finalize the copy of the Newspaper one hour
prior to the normal timing. Hence, I did not take a dinner break instead took a Chicken soup on the
Desk while continue doing my work. The result was as usual all the given tasks was fulfilled and all
stories has been published.

Can you tell us about a time you have adopted a long term strategy when you were under pressure
to implement a short term fix? How did you manage customer expectations and ensure their needs
were met?

Some five year ago When I joined Jang and Geo Group as Sub Editor, In-Charge magazine section, Daily
Jang has made me In-Charge of five pages of Daily Jang’s Mid-Week Magazine. As a policy of the Jang
group I have to prepare Two Weeks pages in advance. However, Magazine Editor had directed me to
prepare four weeks pages in advance. It was a real difficult task for me as I have to prepare four weeks
pages with in five days. I need hell lot of valuable content for the Magazine pages that also fulfill the
desire of readers. At that time using my Journalistic characteristics I asked all my contacts to furnish me
the requisite content within three days I have received all the content that fulfill my requirement for the
four pages of mid-week magazine. However, at that time I have realize that if I can manage four week
works in advance why not going for quarterly advanced work so that I would not face such problems, in
case if I go for few days leave. Within a month I have developed a three month advance plan for the
pages I was looking after and implemented it very much successfully. The feedback of the readers was
the evidence of the quality of my work.

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