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Chi bién Kim Hyeon-ju + Lee Hye-jeong David S. McCormick + John Boswell Chuyén-ngi phan chi gidi L@ Huy Lam ic] NTV sui xukt BA TéNG HOP Cong ty TNHH HANH PHO Hé CHI MIN Nhan Tri Viét ‘ Tomato TOEIC WRITING FLOW ‘Copyright © 2009 Neungyule Education, Ine. Published in Vietnam, 2009 “This edition ig published in Vietnam under a license Agreement between Neungyule Education, inc. Korea and Nhan Tri, Viet Co., Lid. Vielnam through Imprima Korea Agency, Korea. Ail rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, ‘oF transmitted, in any form of by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, ‘or otherwise, without the prior written permission of tha copyright owner. Prologue seve ing Hu nbu ai caing biét day 1a “hinh thie tip din’, toy nhién hay xem edu sau day: “T'm leaving in a few minutes. See you.” ‘Vi ngudi déng nghiép phai tiép tue 6 lai van phong lam vige, nén ban da dé lai tin nin xin 161 vé vige ve trade, Vi vay, ban da gi lat cho ngudi ban dé céu-trén, 6 o6 nghta as "TOI 58 @i ngay day. Hien gp lai sau me!” Khi doe cau naiy, nhidu doe gia got dign hot: “C6 pha sach bi sai khong? Tat sao lai ding thi hién tai tip dién 46 diém dgt hanh dng trong tuong Iai?” ‘Chung toi da ting lo ling kiém tra lai xem edu trén ¢6 that sw bf 'sai hay khéng va két qua la a€ dién dat hanh déng trong twong lai gan, ngudi ta thudng diing thi hién tai tiép dién hon thi tuong lat, Day 1a itu oo ban vi ngudi hoe va sik dung tig Anh dé noi va viét trong thue té. Tuy nhién, ‘y6i nhing nguii chi hoc so qua vé ngit phap thi 06 thé cam thay xa la voi diém ng php nay. Day chinh la sy khdc biét gitta tiéng Anh “sng” va tiéng Anh “chét”. ‘Vi vy khi lat qua trang du titn ea Writing flow, ban sé g4p tua 48 Grammaring ma khong phai 18 Grammar, D6 khong’phaf 1a thuat nga do ching toi ty nghi ra ma Ja thudt ng eda Larsen Freeman, mot hoe gia ngon nga ving dung nguti My. Cau chinh xée va 6 nghfa khong phai o6 duge th vige img dung méy méc nhimg quy tée chung, ma Ja tix qué trinh suy nght tim eéch ap dung hing quy tde dé vao edch dién dat cia ban than. Nét eich khée, vot ngw-phap, ban khong thé dp ‘dung eiing nhie ede quy tée ging nhu dét vét cde cong thie toan hoe. ‘Néu duge yéu edu viét bat tiéu Iudn dat khodng 300 ti thi ngay-ed chiing tOi eng khéng dim bio minh o6 thé vit ding hét timg cdi trong bai, nhung déy laf la did ma rat nhidu ngudi hoe tiéng ‘Anh lo lng. Ban nén bé di suy nghi phdi chim ehi luyén tap tig edu trude réi mei chuyén sang vit bai van dai. Trong mot bat van, edu tao ella todn bai ¢6 tim quan trong tuong duong vit do chinh xde otia ting edu, C6 1¢ nhiéu ngudt nghf ring edu tgocia bai vin'tiéng Anh cing tuong tu nu tigag me dé eta minb, hung that ra, ngay ti phuong thie trién khai dén ede thuat nga trong bal van tigng Anh da o6-sy khde bigt. Mule d@ khde biét nay phy thude vio link vue ma bai vin dé cap dn; Dimg dot 4én khi han o6 thé viet chinh xe tat c€ cde edu big ting Anh rbt mot Juydn vist mot bai vin dai, vi nhw vay rét kh va rat lau d€ ban 66 thé vigt duce mot bat van tiéng Anh hoan-chinh. Cé phat higm gié ban dang tép viét-bai van chi khong phat vist cau khéng? New ‘ing nhu vay thi ban dang-agay cang hon thign kha nang viel van eda mink ma khong gap bat Ky khé Khan ndo Tap thé dau bép Tomato Writing What's on the M.E.N.U’? Starters Viét cau Preview Cau hdi viét logi 1 Recipe 4. ‘Ta thong tam: Danh ti Recipe 2. Tit trong tam: Dong tir Recipe’, Ti trong tam: Giei to Recipe 4. Tu trong tam: Tar bd nghia Recipe 5. Tirtrong tam: Lign tw Mini Test 2 bai 4a 18 24 32 50 Main Dishes 1 Viét Email ‘Thong tin eo bin vé email Preview Cau hot viét loai 2 Recipe 6. Hoi thong tin Recipe 7. Yeu cau Recipe 8. Cung edp thong tin Recipe 9. Than phién Recipe 10. Dé nghi, got y Mini Test 2 bai ove atiantiivl 66 70 Desserts M al n Actual Test Lishes2 = Actual Test 3. Viét bai luan Actual Test 4. ‘Thong tin co ban v8 bai luan 162 Actual Test 5. 308 Proview Cau hit viét loai 8 170 Answers 321 Recipe 11. Tim viéc lam 172 Recipe 12. Sinh hoat céng sé 188 Recipe 13. Sép xép cing viee Recipe 14, Tré thanh nguh tai gibi Recipe 15. Té chife sinh hoat ed nhan Mini Test 2 bai Cau tao cla séch Starters ‘Bai Lugo 300 tiv cing bat déu to mt chu, STEP + Grammaring Phin nay khing chi gop ban luyéa vit elu ‘hing, sn con ip ben diém dat mdb tinh, hotng bing abiéu fy Kha aha. STEF 2. Sentence Power Mini Test Bhng sich hye v8 luygn tgp ing phoong hip, “Thiam al bli test v8 ew hi vit og 1. ‘ban. s8 viet ef than thao. Main Dishes 1 ‘Viét email ‘Trinh bay #0 rang que ba bud, think thin tating dén viet gmail tra le. About Ernait ‘Sip xtp mhimg edch didn dat thing ding va hin the o5 hin ia email trade Mhi bat da ‘viet mat email thye 1, 5 saw. nharitrivide Arm STEP Brainstorming STEP 2 Paragraph Power ‘Tuy theo chd 48, ding nfo tim jing dé ‘Diy 1 gai doan ban din de ¥ tating a 9 thé bla nok dng yeu el. sich io dog vin, aera * ig: ‘STEP 3\Writing Emails Mini Test Lyn tgp vit email td ii theo yéu edu lia ‘Thi Tam hai bai tot v cau hdividt Topi 2. lu hai va abt gin guy din. Main Dishes 2 Viet bai lua ‘rath ay’ jim dab sh’ Cag gut ‘Meit fadiny i rst chine chic bee: ibn, dat ang Tg sath } STEP 1 Brainstorming tho quan diém ban & chon. ‘ng io tim jung c thé si dung lam eo si STEP2 Paragraph Power Bai logn hay phi ban ghm ede dogn van hay Phd ny gilp ban tp trang Iuydn tap efch vit ede doan vin md bai, than bl, vi Kt Info then ahidu ch dé kis aha & STEP 8 Writing Essays Laryén tp viet bai fudn ding thé thite va hit gian quy.dinh, Messerts 5 Actual Tests ‘yen tap lim cfe bei test eye te ‘mon viét TOEIC. Mini Test ‘Ti Jam he ai test vcd hii vit lori 8 ‘Sit dyng CD-ROM dé thye hath fam 5 bai test ‘rong moi tring gidng voi ky thi thye té, wwwenhantrivieticom Cach sui dung sach Théi gian biéu 4 tuan giip ngudi hoc sach TOEIC Writing flow dat hiéu qua cao Thong tin vé ky thi TOEIC Speaking & Writing ‘Théng tin chung vé ky thi TOEIC Speaking & Writing Hign tai'ky-thi TOEIC. Spaaking & Writing gm hat lnat: TOEIG Speaking & Writing kiém tra ky ang noi va ky ning viét; va TOEIC Speaking chi kiém tra ky néng noi. Thi sinh o6 thé chon mot trong hai loai nay a6 dang ky dr thi. 01 He thong ky thi Ky thi TOEIC Speaking & Writing duge tién hauh theo thé thie IBY (Inte>net-based Test); thi sinh sé lam bai thi trén may tinh tai nheing trang tém khéo thi duye ehi-dinh, O Speaking Test, eau ted loi cde thi sinh sé duoe ghi dm Jai; con d6i vei Writing Test, tht sinh sé am bat true Up trén may va phan tra loi 38 duge gui-dén ETS @ Hoa Ky qua dudng truyén Internet, Phan tra lon cia thi sinh s6 duge cde chuyén gia cla ETS true tiép chdm diém. 02 Diém 86 eesti 4, Phuong thite tinh diém (Scoring) fog Diém sf cia bai thi TOEIC Speaking & Writing duoc tinh ring; #6 diém tii da cho mbi ky ning la Bj 200 didm. Cap 49 8 la cap d cao nhAt cia Speaking B va cdp 40 9 la cfip d5 cao nhit cia Writing, 2. Thong bao diém Khodng 3-4 tun saw ngiy thi, thi sinh c6 thé xem diém qua trang Web do ETS chi dinh va thi sinh se ban -duge phiéu diém trong vong 7-10 ngity ké ti ngay cong bé diém. 9. Thoi han higu lve cia két qua thi ‘Ther han higu lye la 2 nam. Dé dy thi, tht sink Khong odin phat o6 did kien age biét mb hoe lie, tr ich, vx. Ww wri Ahantiivietcom Thong tin vé ky thi TOEIC Writing Test ‘Théng tin vé TOEIC Writing Test 01 Dae tring TOEIC Writing Test duge thiét ké dé danh gia kha nang vide trong mdi truing kinh doanh:quéic ‘€ cia thi sinh. Thi sinh khong nbuing phai didn dat duge y kién cia minh, ma cbn phi viét cde email lén quan gn cong vite hoac bai lun di khodng 300 tir voi chi dé trong tim xoay quanh eng vige va noi lam viée, Ngodl ra, bai thi duoe thyc hign tran may tinh, nén tht sinh edn phat ob kg nang dénh méy tiéng Anh thanh thao. 02 hoi gian thi va cm tao cia bai thi ‘Toit ian Dim 96 a phat 03 tif 30 phit 04 idm (cb eb 10 pit) 0 hit 5 dif 03 Chuan bj cho kj thi AL 2-Luyén vi len man hink duh m oi 4p each gidi thich y kién bein than va dua'ra ly 04 Chnén bj vao phong thi ThEalnh eo: thé chon mit trong hat budi-thh 9 mat tai phong Gi trude git tht 20 phul,, khang y lwtay then! an nov ke hi sinbse tide han thi mon vit ‘ Seaver eg Seen acs Tauern gig | Re eee tine ny sic cau o'ban ll waiting Cu bat Hidelogl 1 View 1-5 Screen Man hinh huémg din cau hai viét loai 1 ‘Questions 1-5: Write a sentence based on a picture ‘Tong cdng c6 5 ctu ha Dieaotions: In thispart:of the testvou vil write ONE “SNPMOTE TS) sentence thet is based on @ picture. With each picture, you Ndi dung lign quan dé bite will be given TWO. words or phrases that you must use in hhinh va ngit phép 1a ede yéu your sentence. You can change the forms of the words and ‘6 auyét dinh diém si. you can use the words in any ofdet. Your seftences wil'be © Tidy chudn ade dinh 9 chioh Soe ads i nt phép = Ch dg vidt pai bao gen ch * the appropriate use of grammar and bai tirtrpng tend cho. + the relevance of the sentence to the picture. = S# bjt id trong eb 06 i ‘gt php itn quin Ant trong tin fn this part, you can move to the next question by clicking gs cho on Next. if you want to return to a previous question, click $b rir idm nf ob ii ng php on Back. You will have 8 minutes to complete this part of lita quan dfn toda bf tre the test = $8 kbd bi tr ion nob 1: hd trong phd ctu Kg lin Example Sample response gn dl tt ttm a cho, [Che ian is taking notes. ] @ Nii dung idn quan dn bie hish ~ Chu dg vit khéng cht mi 8 9g ange thd hig trong ble hinh md bua dg di of thé sy lua pi dung cia bie hin, ‘Tho pian dé tr 1815 cfu hai ta ‘@ phuit; thi sinh e6 thé sit dung men ine Ikhoding that gian chuyén ti ctu Glick on Continue to go on. ‘il miy sang cds hil Khe 8 ‘iciém tra va sila di ngit phip néu eb, ‘Screen 2 Man hinh tra l6i cau hoi xudt hign khi ban nhdp chuét vao Continue (@ Screen 1) Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it, You may change the rms of the words and you may use them in any order, woman / work ut Paste Und 1 Redo Not vist cau tra lot hi vide cia tra 1st (© Ban phils ung hai ty trong ‘hm dae cho dus bik inh a ‘it mel vk ni dng cu 86 pi lien quan én bi hia © Ban oth vide mt cu ton dn nu si dg thich yp bai titrong tin due cho Phin bé thai gian ~ Thi gian din cho ¥ 6 chu hi 18 phi; «6 nghis fa ben c6 1 phit, 30 iy cho mii cha, Ty nbitn, bam nfm dnb 1 ph cho mbi edu 909 pit eb lal a kif tra vi aa 1S ng phdp, Néx 6 ctu nio tpn Khing thd vit trong ving 1 phat tht hay chuyéa sang lie cu kde, ri 9 quay Tai edu 46 trong Khodng thd gan cn hi sila chita cd tr ei © Ban ob thé wi dung cfc cing as 18 try Kh vit ch rd 1 48 tt Sign thi gan, Ching ban, ban bth lt (cui) nhing chb cl tilt € din (pase) vao ei ban mun, © Trong phn cu ot trong tim, ban hing due phép phgm bit cd 18i no, nga ci chink th ‘ivi, ben en phd dj bigt ci 9 én phn ny. Thi sinh sé xem mot bifc hinh va hai ty trong tam vé bite hinh dé. woman / repair 4 Bic hink nay chup hai ngwii phy ma dang ita xe hoi. C6.nbiéu edch 4@ mo ta noi dung cia bie hinh; toy mhién, diéu kign dat ra la ban phai sé dung hai ta trong tam duye cho. Cée ban dé nght ra dupe vai cdu rdi phai Khong? Hay xem nhiing vi du sai duéi day. 1 Awomean repat 2 The women is repairing the cat 2 Two women are checking a cr by opening the hood 4 One woman is looking at the engine. Another is repairing it. Ban cé tim ra cdc ché sai khong? © 1 Caw nay sai vi trong bie hinh ed 2 nguét phu: mi; ny a, sé ca dong tix ropalr @ trong cu khong phi hyp véi-chi nga-s6 it va cau thiéu tae te vi dng ta chinh repair la ngoai dong tit (transitive verb) 2 Chi nga-cda cau 1a sti nhiéu-nén ding ti phai la-are méi pho hop. 3 Diy 1a mot cau hay nhung thiéu tir trong tam repair. 4 -Mae di ban duge phép viét mt edu theo ¥ eda ben nhung yeu cau dat ra ta hai tir trong tim phai nfm trong cong mgt cfu Hay xem nhiing cau mau ditdi day. 4 The women are repairing a car. Ning ngul phy nit dé dang sia xe 2 The women are bending over the car to repair it. Nhing neudi phy nit 46. dang cat ngudt dB sila xe. 3 Two women are repairing the car by opening the hood Hai ngudi phy ait dang sia xe bang cach md ndp caps xe: 4°One womain is looking at the engine and another is repairing it d-dang nbin vdo dfing ea cbr: ngudi kia dang sida Mot ngui ph 8 ox jae wweinhantrivietcom & Trong bite hinh 1a mot ngudi phi ma dang-niét chuyén dién thoai va ghi chi vao cudn s6 tai phong lam viee. Te'trong tam oa bite hinh nay o6 gi Ikhae'vei tir trong tam eta bute hinh trade? Mot trong hai tir trong tam la because, vi vay: ban phai gta thich ly do cho hanh déng cia ngwoi phu no. O'trudng hyp nay, ban phai suy ludn tinh hhudng dé viét edu thieh hop Hay xem nhitng vi du sai dutdi day. 21 The woman writes a note because needs to remamber something. 2 She talks on the phone while writing a note. 3 The woman is writing because she wants to remember. Ban cé tim ra cac ché sai khong? © 1 O caw nay, ménh dé di'saw lien tt because khong of cha ng 2 Caw ndy of edu tric net php duing nhimg khong st dung te trong tan because 3 Caw nay thiéu tie tir-sau ding tu write va remember, Hay xem nhitng cau mau dudi day. 1 She is writing 4 note because she doesn’ want te forget anything, Co dy dang ghi chit bot i 08 dy kt gut: mgt didu ado, ne Fd 2 Because she wants to write a message, she has opened her notebook 3 She is writing i jotebook because she needs to record a telephone message ‘4. She is writing down what she's talking about on the phone because she needs to recor woul 01 Grammar ng idm bat cdc hinn/thdi da vai tré cua ting tu loal trong cau i, dad Cae baw bu bist 06 8 ti loal trong tiéng Ark: dunb ti, dong ti, tinh ti, trang a, ot ti, Lien tr va tir ed thin, MOi ti logi déu déng hong vat tro nhat dinh trong Kem brie hinh dudi day. wan ed thé dé dang nhin théy mot con ché ngbi-canh mot ngudt din ong; tuy ab n khong thé nét 1a dog man sit boi vi ban phi stk dung tt vung theo cde quy: tie inh khi than lgp edu, cht khong phat sp xép tir vumg tuong ting Iai vot nhan oo thé tao ra mot edu tiéng Anh hodn chinh. Case quy tée d6 duoe got la *ngt phap in’, G phan nay, ehting ta sé tap trung xem xét et thay 46i hinh thite'va vai tro iu, bat dd Le be Jogi dau tin: dan ta titlogi quan trong trong 1. Vai trd cia danh ty trong cau Iai bite hinh trén, thik nghi vé vai tra cla danh te trong céu la gi va of ging st dung ta trong tim duage cho dé tgo.thanh mot-¢ () Chit ngit A dog is sitting next to a man (2) Tée tir pat/dog The man is patting the dog. ‘Ti trong tam dé thay déi, Bari-cdn luu y rang dong tu pat @ Ta tigdat dong tu, én phdi ob d6t tuong'di sau dong tir nay. O day, danh ta dog dong vai trd te tt ctia dong ti pat (9) Tic tir cia gigi tir dog / next to Aman is sitting next to his dog. Te trong tim dupe eho'la danh tit dog va gigi tir next to, Didu ban edn lim y 6-day la theo sau gici tir phat la danh tw howe det tu; vt vay, theo sau next to phi la dog hoe man, Ngoai eau mau trén, ban cing cd thé viét: A dog'is’sitting next toa man hoa A dog is sitting next to him: 2. Sut thay déi hin thai cia danh tt So véi dong ti, hinh thai cda:danh ta &-trong cu Kling thay adi ohidu; tay vay, cong 6 mot 86 diéu ban can hm y, (1) $6 cia danh tir person /talk’ ~~ ‘Three people are talking to each other. ‘Diém khée bidt lon nhat giite hat bite hinb trén la’sé huong ngudi. Bafe hinh thit nbét chi oé nipt agin phy ai, vi vay tir trong tam van dune itt nguyén 1 woman; trong khi dé bie binh thik hat ¢6 ba ngwet, vi vay ti trong tim duye thay dBi ta person sang three people (people 1a danh tis6 nhiéu cia person: Didu 46 of nghia la tay theo 26 aia danh ta, mao tie va hinh that eila danh te 6 thé duge thay dét cho phu hop: wna nna (2) Danh tit khong dém duge boat / water A boat is in the middle of the water. C6 g4 Kae biet gita hai ti trong tm boat va water? 6 cau t78n, boat 1a danh tit Aém dugo, vi véy ban o6 thé viét a boat, Tuy nhién, water 1a dah tir khong dé duge, Lame ring trong tiéng Anb, danb tir khong dém due khong e6 hinh thde 66 nhiéa va khong thé di véi tis lugng nhu a, one, «. 3. Danh tir va ty han dinh people / wear » Allthe people are wearing helmets. ~ The man on the bench is wearing a helmet. ‘Ti han @inh di voi danh ti 46 lam cho ¥nghfa cia danb tit due rb rang va sing dong hon. O eit m&u thir nbat, all the people cé nghia r6 rang la "khong bd sot nguoi néo ca, ¥ nghta Khe vii khi chi si dung people mot edch chung chung, O eau mdu thit hai, khi ding the trade denh tiv man, bani 6 ¥ xée dink’ ro nguoi dan ong dang ngdt ndt ngudt nao khae tren bang ghé ma khong phai 1a f 02 Sentence Power Luyén tép cdch sit dudo. danh tt dé tao cau ‘Chon mt trong ede tir trong tam duoe cho, dién vo ché tréng mot each thich hop. Ban of thé thay 46i hink thai eda danb tir néu cfm thiet (Mi ta cht dite sit Aang mg Lan.) ch has just gotten off the school bus. [bus / wood / front door The door to is still open. 8 are behind the bus. " © The girl got out at oeab front door cil iil / got offing (xe ig)! ohind diag sax man / people / business suit / building | are standing in front of a building. is wearing a darker suit than the other. © The people are dressed in formal « The man is meeting someone outside \Vooabs in front of ting iin | date (wa) sd business: suit bo com eding 63 outside ben ngodi TS ‘AtThe) git has just gotten off the schol bus. ©) The door to the bus is sti open, The woods are behind the bus, [Diop sahil @ The git got out atthe front door. 2 © TwotThe} people ave standing in font ofa building ‘One rman is veering a darker sult than the other, fone the ather=1 assed informal business suits, The man is meeting someone outside theta) building Be 1 = The people are wwe. nhantiivieticom Pa ‘ ‘ fish / ice / price / merchant : are lying in four lines. You can see displayed clearly. ¢ uses ice so he can keep the fish fresh. EE 2 Wo can see ditferent kinds of fish on ‘Vocab tie idm /cisplay ions bly! woop fresh git co ie man / house / machinery / and ‘The man is operating comes with a lot of land. ‘The machinery is being used to dig up a is working In front of the house. ‘Voeth: operate did iin come with xu hid cing ei and dit (8g up tio tee clothes / wall / sign / balcony is hanging on the wall above the clothes. 2 There's a balcony sticking out above are displayed in front of the wall. 2 A bunch of flowers is hanging under Vocab: sigh bin Mio, hang on the wall reo tr tee / sek out hid ra Fish ari ying in four tines, stv dank esd 98 whl ‘You can se the prices visplayed clearly. The merchant uses ice 80 he can keep the fish fresh. We oan see different kinds of fish on ie. ‘The man is operating the(some) machinery. The house cores with ¢ fot a land. “The machinery is being used to dig up thelsomel fand, A(The} man is working in front of the house. ‘AThe) sign is hanging onthe wall above the clothes. There's a balcony sticking out above althe) wall. The(Some) clothes ave displayed » Iront of the wal. ‘A bunch of flowats is hanging under althe) balcony, 2 ‘ 01 Grammar/ng Ném bat cdc Hinh/thai da dang,va val trd cla ting tl: loai trong céu 1, Vai tro ctia dong tt trong cau (1) Vi nga food /use ‘They are using knives and forks to eat their food. Vai trd tiéu biéa nhét cia dong ti 1a dién ta trang thai hode hanh dong eda chil ngtt trong edu (Xem cach ding cia use 6 cau tren). (2) Tic tir Dong bi eon 06 thé dong vat trd cde tue ti, Tét nbién, v6 vat tro nay, dong tip thay déi hinh thai (Nem each ding cds danh dong tt eating & edu dudi day), enjoy /eat They enjoy eating their food. (3) Tur bé nghia Déng ti cung eo thé dong vai tro tit bé nghia trong cau, tuong tir nhw che néng ctia tinh to hode trang tw, Tét nbién, véi vai trd nay, dong tr pha thay déi hinh thai Xem bile hinh duc day. sit / newspaper He is sitting down reading newspaper. Bue hinh chup mot nguot dan ong dang mgdi doc bao trén bang ghé. Ban of thé mo'ta sit down and read @ newspaper. T h ndi khie den ian va higu qué hon. Khi mugin 4 hoi, ban e6 thé sit dang edu viding lien ta and. Law y mge dd ¢6 hinh thite ging nhau la thém-~ing'sau dong to nhung danh ding ti ding vai trd dank tt trong eau, cin phan tir €éng vai trd tt bé nghta, in dat cde anh ding xdy ra dong tric phan tu nhut 6 cau méu trén, Ngoai ra, edu trie phan on. duge sit dyng 4é bé nghta cho chi ngu. Kem vi'dy a ‘The man holding a briefcasa is walking, Chiing ta &@ phan tich trudnig hop khide et dung hin thai bién 6i eile ding tir dé 6 nghia cho cau Hay xem Iai brie hinh nguéi din: ong dang ngéi doc bdo trén bang ehé: sit / look He sat down to look at the newspaper. day tie trong tam 1a hai dong ta, Now ngit tren ghé 1a hanh dong didn ra trede tha ban o6 thé vidt la ngbi xudhg dé dye bdo bang cach diing cum to + at {o-+ infinitive), chi mue dich hoge ¥ dink. ig ta nguyen mde 2. Sut thay déi hinh thai ctia dong ti i, dong tie IA tit Toai bién d6i hinh that nhiéu nhat boi vi déng to thich cho Trong tit e@ eat thuing dign dat nhiéw thong tin khde nheu chi bing mot ti, Cé ba ly do gi sir bién dé hinh thai cia dng tt sau day, (1) Bién 461 hinh thai theo s6 ciia chit ngit person / fix: person / fix A person fixes the car, Two people fix the car. Hai brie hinh tren déw chup enh ngudi ta dang aia xe; tny vay, 86 hang ngudt trang ‘éi bie khde nhau. @ eau méu thit nhdt, cha ngo la danh te 36, vi vay dng te chinh $6 dubi -e)e (thi bién tai dom); trong khi d6 chi mgd ¢ caw mau tht hai la dank t ohiéy, vi vay dong tix chinh khong e6 du6t -(0)s. Néu rmuén dién dat hinh dng @ thi liép din, ban phai bign dét dng ti be phu hop y6i 86 cia chil ng nhix sait: A person is fixing the car va Two people are. fixing the car. (2) Bién déi hinh thai theo cach ee The car is being fixed by anengineer. The car is being fixed by two women, (3) Bién 46i hinh thai theo thi Dong te bidn d6t hinh that'd6 dién dat cae thi Khae nhatw nbu: quia Kin, hin tai, twomg lai, tiép dién, hoan than. Digu quan trong 1a ban phai si dung thi thich hop timg tinh hudng cu thé Xetn bue hinh dusi day toad /#runk They are joading their groceries into the trunk. Biic hinh thé hign cénh hai me con dang chat-hang vao cp xe hot Hanb dong nay dang way ra, vi vay 6 c&it mu, thi hign tai tigp din be + ~ing duge ai dung. ‘Tuy vay, néu tir trong tam la finish/ grocery thi hin thai dong tit-sé Khe finish/ grocery —_ ~ They have finished their grocery shopping. Trong trang hgp nay, hanh dong chink khong edn la-chat hang-vao c6p-xe, ma 1a ket thie vige mua thu phém; vi vdy, ban khong thé sit dung thi tip dién, ma phai dung thi hién tai hoan thank (have + phan tu-qud kin) dé dién dat hinh dong dd xay ra réi Néu phat huy tri tudng tugng, ban ¢6 thé viet cfu nhu sau Once they have finished shopping for groceries, they will head home. Mie dit su biéh df hinh that eda dong tir kha phuie tap, ahungnho vay; ban méi cb thé didu dot ede thi khde nhaw. Hay luyen tap thém vai vi dy.vé thi vA céch. Xem biic hinh dudi day. park / bike Buc hinh chup mot chiée xe dap dang déu ghn gée cy. Néu dung xe dap 1am chii-ngu thi ban 06 thé viet cau nur sau: The c@ is parked next to the tre voi thang bite hinh mo ta vat ma khong chi ro nguii thye hign banh dong, ban nen diang dang bi dong dé viét edu. ‘Tuy vay, ban cling c6 thé vide edu, eu dung elni-nga chi nguot néunghi dén tinh hudng truce khi chide xe dap duce dmg 0 day. R6 rang mot ai d6 dé thue hién vige nay. Someone has parked the bike by the tree. Néu chit ag 1anguor tht ding tut phai & dang qué khet hode hign tai hodn thanh do hanh dong 1 vige 4 xay ra trade 46. ‘Thong thudng dong tt od ede hinh thal sov: # Ding tir nguyen » Dang. Ludi =(@)s » Dang qué khit @ Phan‘tirqud khit Phin tis hign at Diorig i nygayerr man 6 to 02 Sentence Power Luyén tap cdch sd dug dOng ti dé tao cau f ‘Chon mot trong cae tie trong tam duge cho, dién vao-ché tring mot cdch thich hop. Ban 6 thé thay 4éi hinh thal eta dong ti néu cAn thiét Mai tr chi dive sit dung 1 er sit /talk / review / hold Thay are about a project. They're on the steps > The people are up pieces of paper, 2) The businesswomen are a report Voeabe voview sem lv / pret di sin stopa ic tam ep have / cross / take / walk 2 The people are the street. One man his hand in his pocket ‘The pedestrians are across the road. ® They're 3 break from work. iy | eons dé bee ua bnonk git Vocab:-pedostian my Rallcblitin + 9. They a0 talking about a project 2 They're sitting on the stops 4 The people 279 holding up pieces of paper: @ The businessiwomen are reviewing a roport 8 street ‘One mai has his hand in his pocket. 2.0 The poopie are crossing ‘The pedestrians are walking across the road, They'‘e taking & break from work go / demonstrate / lean / use » The men are over a problem with their project. Both of the builders are onthe workbench » They're tools to help them build something. One manis how to do a task. Voeah: demonstrate gs ich auld Hy x / workoonc ia tho my, tho sit / hold / show / work They're ona project together, The laptop is on the desk. ‘The woman is a glass of wine in her left hand She is him something on the computer, ‘Voeabs show cho xem /aptop (computer ma tink x ‘ocoupy / dress / hold / lead The man at the head of the table is the discussion. 2 The meeting room is currently The employees are a meeting. } The people are all in professional attire. ‘Yoeab? occupy eign /at tha head a the table iw iis Lomployeniinnign ane yan doy rane phx the ian are going aver a problem with tholr project © Both of the builders are leaning, ‘on the workbench, They're using tools to f demonstrating how to doa task 4 They're working:on a project together: Tha laptop is sitting on tha desk, ~ The woman is holding 9 glass of wine in her left hand, Sha is showing him something on the compu ‘The man at the head of the tabla is leading the discussion, “- The meeting room is currentiy ‘occupied. The amployeos are holding 8 meeting, ~ The peop! professional air. thain build something, © One-man is, are all dressed in ‘ 01 Grammaring Ndm bét cdc hinh thai ¢a dang va vai tré cua ting tt loal trong cau Gidi ta la to loai dage st dung thatmg xuyén trong cau, nhung Khong phainguot hoe tiéng Anh nde eng o6 thé d& dang néu rb vai teb can git ti. Ngbfa den eda gidt tur— preposition 18 dpe dat d trude vt gic tir thuoug két hop vi damb tit hode dai tu dé bd ghia eho danh tirva démg ti, hedc Két hop voi dong tu dé tyo re ede cum ti 06 nghta chat dint 1. Vai trd etia gidi tt trong cau (1) Gioi tir + danh tit Givi tr ket hyp. vat dan tirdé dibn dat mdi quan be vi tri giua ede Ai tuo, Xem thie hinh dist day va o8 ging nghi vé mét quan hé vi tri gida ede 461 tuong wi haw, man / behind The man is standing behind the woman. @ woman /nextto ~» The woman is sitting next to the dog. @dog/in front of — » The dog is lying down in front of the table. Some glasses and dishes have been @ ) glass /on placed on the table. There are four chairs arranged around ® chair / around shetable; Nam gidi ti duoc st dung trong cde vi du trén déu 1A ede gt6i ti thong dung trong tiéng Anh Hay luyén tp xde Gin vj tr eda dé tong trong bute hin dé vidt cfu (2) Cum dong tir get /on ‘The people are waiting to get on board. Buc hinh trén m6 {4 cinh nhiéu nguid dang ding ché Jén-téu. Khi nhin vao bute hinh va ti trong tam, ban o6 nghi.ra cam dong-tir get on khong? Cum ding ti get'on / get off chi hanh dong len/xubug ede phuong tién giao thong: Cae com ti tao thanh te dong ti va gi6l tw ote trang ti (vi du get on / get off) duge goi la cum ding ti, Hau hét ede dong tico ban déu 6 nhién eym dong tir khde nhaw, Yara ey The girl is sitting at the computer. ‘Trong tring: hop nay, ban phai ding cum dng bir sit at dé vigt edu m6 ta buée hin, Ngoai ra, cuni déng tirnay-cdn xuét hign d ede thanh ng nhu sit at a desk, sit at a table: Yamiwinhantriviet com. ‘ 2. Su bién déi hinh thai cla gidi wr i tit duge tao y bien déi hinh thé. Tuy vay, bs Gleb Khong f, instead of, thanh tit hai tt tré len 46 dign dat mét y nghta nhu ne: hole in front of next to / stand ‘The man reading the book is standing next to the shelf. Neoai ra, ban phat nhé ring dai tit ding seu gi6t th phai duge déi sang dang dat ti tie ti, |, i , 02 Sentence Péwer Luyén tap cach su dufig } gidi tu dé taocdu Chon mgt trong ede ti trong tiim dupe cho, dién vio ché tring mit each thich hop, (Méi tat chi dupe sit dung mot lin.) in / at / on / in front of ») They are standing just the car, @ The young man is holding some cleaning stuff his hands. ® The older man is putting his hand the other's shoulder. There are bushes the back of the cen oes: hots cn, di Ycloaning sut uy by / on / outside / to each other. They‘re waiting the traffic lights. The men are standing the sidewalk. They're having a conversation an The businessmen are talking office complex. Vocab: businessman wha dow nuh tate Koh de ‘office compo 1 They are standing just in front of the car. @ The young man is holding some cleaning stutt in hs hands. The oider man is putting his hand on the other's showider. “ There are bushes at the back of the'car. 2. The businessmen are talking to each other. 2 They're waiting by the trelfic tights hen are standing on the sidewalk: = They're having a conversation outside an office complex beside / on /in / through » There are buildings the other side of the river. i The park is right the river The river runs the middle of the city. @ There are no clouds at all the sky. ‘Vocab: bese bai cunt / ight niayY mide of @ gia i loud ty in/ of / behind / at The people are looking a road map. ® They're standing up the front seat of theircar. © The caris in the center afield. @ There are some trees the people. Vocab: oad map hair cht duciny ? coat ced ug / Hold dink dng ‘on / next to / along / in D The fence runs the water. 2A couple of people are standing ‘the wharf. *) The lampposts are the fence @ There is a large white buildi the background. Woenbs tence este whats! lampposts ‘There are bulaings on the other side of the river ‘Tha patkis right beslde the river. ‘The siverruns through the middie of the cy.” © Thess are no clouds at all n the sky. The-peopte ore lvoking ata road map. © They're standing up In the front seat of their ca The eat isin tho center of afield ‘There ate some trees behind the people The force runs along the water. A couple of people are standing om the whart ‘The lampposts ate next to tha fence,» There is @large white building in the background ‘ ,01 Grammaring Nm bat cdc ninh/thal fa dang va vai trd cia tung tt loaltrong céu Cé hai ti Joai bé nghia tiéu biéu: tinh tit bé nghia cho dank tir va dat ti trang tu bé nghia cho dong ty, tinh th, trang tir va todn bo cau. |, Vai trd ctia tit bé nghia trong cau (1) Vai trd bé nghia cho danh tir cia tinh tir difterent/ horse > The horses are different sizes. window / open One of the windows is open. wh tie nhung eich dung cia ehting ¢6 su sina cho danh ta, tinh ti cO-thG diimg teude dank tie (vi du thie 10 Ini git (rong caw trtie“be + tinh ti" (vidu-thut hat), O ed hai nh tis khang bide. di vad tro cbr bd i suit/ blue The man in the business suit is-nextto the woman in the blue jacket. Trong truong hep nay, cum gidi 18 next to déng val trd tinh tk trong edu. Lara ¥ Ta Khong niuing:es cée tinh tir rieng 1é-bd nghia cho danh ti, ma-cén.o6 cde cum tinh ti (xetn vi du tren). eartirow Many shopping carts are lined up in a row. ‘Khi nbin vao bite hink, ‘Trong truéng hop nay, cum gidi UF in a row déng Vai ted cda cum trang ti bé nghta cho dong tit line up trong cfu, Luu ¥ 14 Khong ohing 0d cde trang ti rieng 16 bé nghia cho dong tu, m4 cdn ed-cde cum trang tirixem vi du tren ne nghi xa duoe cum gid ti in a row khong? 2. Su bién déi hinh thai ciia ttt bé nghia ‘Truong hop:duy nhdt ma tinh tir va trang td bién d6i hinh that la kht chung duge st dung trong esc ed tre ed so sn bute hinh dusi day: horse /bia’ One horse is bigger than the other: ‘TH Efong 4m 1a horse / big, vi vay ban of thé vigt ed Mat con ngua to hem con ngwa ia. Néu mudn digardat § nguye lai, ban 6 thé wt: One horse is smaller than the other ( Cu trie so sinh hon: tinh ti ngén / trang tirngén + -er + than + d6i tuong so séah Nem biic hinh chup hai-dita tré dang di xe dap didi dy ride /fast Ackid rides his bike faster than his friend. (C6 phai mot dita tré dap xe nhanh hon duia kia khong? Trong tracing hop nay, ban c6 thé sikdang trang ti-so stink hom dé viet edu. Tuy vay, ban edn phat law y ring vot nhang trang ti hoge tinh ti ed hai am ist tré le beautiful hoae patiently, khi viét cau so sanh han phii sit dung less hodc more, more /-choice ‘The store offers more choices than before. Bac hinh tren mo td nguét dan dng vita hin vao ede lont trét cdy dime trang bay, vila cut vui.vé, Ban cé thé si dung ta trong tam more / choice dé viét cu vi more 1a tinh ta so sdnh hun ea many / much bé nghia cho dazih ti choice. Hay ght nbd va luyén tap viét cau ¢6 tinh tit so sénh hon bé nghta'cho danh tir dking ngay sau né nbu 6 vi du tren | f sc 02 Sentence Power . } Luyén tap cdch su duy } ti bd nghia dé tao c: Chon mét trong cde ti trong tim duye cho, dién vao ché tréng mot cdich thich hop: Ban o6 thé thay déi hinh thai cua tu bé nghia néu edn thiét. MBi tit chi duye atk dung mt lan.) lable / different / bright i kinds of fruit are on display. 2 The produce is currently for sa ‘The food display is tit by lamps. @ Awide variety of fruit and vegetables is now. Vocab: avaliable cd shé ding ive hod Aight (8-8) chide sing produce: ot eorontiy hig nay / slight / stylish [neat /empty 0 The table has been set 2 The tableware on the table is very The wine glasses are different in size, @ The restaurant is at the moment, Voeabi noat ngdn ndp (set sip dt, don (bi J) I abloware bg dé dn at me moment va ie nay itare.on display. 2 The fresh produce is currently for sale. D The food display is brightly lit by lamps. The vessets wil stay there until somebody unties them. HiWhen} the viather improves, more people will want to go out on the water 4 hwo of the men are sitting down but orie is standing up. « Its hot eo. they have taken ff their jackets, One man is standing up because(since) there ‘srt enough spaco on the Eench, - SincelBecsuse) itis 6 nice day, the men have gone ta the perk. 5 The men hes gotten off his bicycle and he is locking at the building. «* He will get beck on 1s bevels when he is ready to leave, The building is in the sun but the man is standing in the shade... The ear parked in front of the fence needs to be moved er it could be towed away. a e ‘Questions 1-5: Write a sentence based on a picture Directions: in this part of the test, you will write ONE sentence that is based on a picture. With each picture, you will be given TWO words or phrases that you must. use in your sentence. You car change the forms of the words and you can use the: ‘words in any order: Your sentences will be scored on ++ the appropriate use of grammar and * the relevance of the sentence to the picture. In:this part, you can move to the next question by.clicking on Next. If you want to Feturn toe previous question, click on Back. You will have B minutes to complete this partof the test Example ‘Sample response “The menis taking notes. ‘man /note Click on Continue to go on worwahi Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it, You may-change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order, man / machine Directions: Writs ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it. You may change the foirns of the words and you may Use them in any order street / stand Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it. You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order. Oe Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases undet it. You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order outside / so that nnbantrhvi Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it. You may change the-forms of the words and you may.use them in any order. while / read Questions 1-5: Write a sentence based on a picture Directions: in this part of the test, you will writs ONE sentence that is based on 2 | picture. With each picture, you will be given TWO words or phrases that you must | tise in your sentence. You can chenge the forms. of the words and you can use the wortls in any order. Your sentences will be scored on « the appropriate use of grammar and «© the relevance of the sentence to the picture. In this part, you canmove to the next question by-clicking on Next: if you want to return to 2 previous question, click on Back. You will have 8 minutes to complete this, part of the test. Example ‘Sample response “The man is taking notes. man /note Click on Continue to go on. Py vowwinhantrivietcom Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it. You’ may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order lady / stop eta eS Directions: Write ONE sentence based om the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it: You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in, any order Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it. You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order. operate / warehouse Ge ey Directions: Write ONE sénténce based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it. You may change the forms of the wotds and you may use them in any order. room / before = © ES Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it. You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order, work / now that 8 omale | inh thite cia email Email la cach truyén dat thong digp phé bién tren toan thé gidt, vi vay edie: email déu eé phuong thite ¢rién khal tuong ty hau va khong lién quan dén nigon ngit sir dung. Tuy vay, ban cdn’phét nam vung edu teo dae trung cia email gui va nhin trong mot trudng kink doanh vi ching rat khde vét’email 4 aban. eee : i © Neti gl vi mgt nha Phin thé kidn thing tn vé nav, Fromm: Camie Lee gi nigh, 2€ mye, thot diese gli 1a To: Customer Sérvice Representative, pil fe tr ait bs email, Ch Vision Electronics: cdi de ga pn ny, bn bth xe Subject: Lesor printor fin ge 86 cb phi A tur hay ididng. O email kinh doanh, ngubi ta Bh td, ede vy ong i, vn: phn ‘ngubh pi va ngubi nbn, ‘To whom it may concern, Sh Ch chido hii ‘Diy ge xe a phn i ba email, Cu md lu thng ep nha a Sant: April 3, 6:22 PM. Dear + tea ngubi abin: Trong trating fp en apd abn Ug xe nb ‘hi, ban of thE ding cfu md lo To |.am interested in buying a taser printer that | saw on: hers tiny concer (che mp Your company’s website, | think it looks good but itis so ae sae Neon SW ‘expensive. Can you tell me about any special payment ‘Noi dung chink options. you. might heve?-And iit possible .send the Phin yi by hog pei printer 16 rhe et an overseas address? ee: ‘Thanks in advance, ay ‘Ket thie, Carte Lee. fa don gb hing ‘Than you vi ten eda fig “Tron érsal git Abi Ae, neu i 68, ‘thé shim dew vio sav tn ee min * ww. chanfriviet com very formal formal fortnat informal Nhimg diém can hu y khi viét email Nhu da duge phan tich, email of edu tao “eéu chao héi + néi dung chink + Rét thsie” va didu quan trong la-xem xét méi quan hé gida nguon git va ngudt nhdn @é sit dung each dién dat thich hop nhat, 1, Cau chao héi Hinh thie mé ddu ph bién nkdt 1a “Dear + ten nguér nhan", nhung cach xung hd sé thay 441 tiy theo gidf tinh, mie 46 thdn mat gida nguéi pit va nguot nhéa: © Nguoi gifi va ngudi nhén khong biét ro nhan Dear Sir/ Macarn Nig bit i ta clang emai a oat Sir or Madam ig i Si Mat To whim i iy conéorn Ning bit 8 ng po ch bo ps an, ie * ‘Wiphan dich vu, ex, cba cdng ty, hen én ai dung edu nay ‘v@i nghid Gui cho ngnta co tess quam, Dear Tery Tavor Dew ase dug rc env hy i i ahi Hetio eto ln la eal nt ih be ‘Dear Me, Smith: $0 a de tr Go tro angi ats a Et ‘rong ong bn pho ng a bag ong Mrs hobs Ms; ‘ne: Bean ‘Chak viet igi ca Dear, i ng Me Ms Atte bo in lt Ag ig le Sang trom Rt dean, 5 ita ogg 0 gu heh mie ml gue bit a, ear Max ip shan ag tin Wo ATE all adit i ob 6 cage cian th Tage We 2M haa TiRe-ngelN (Hi) Davita 2. N6i dung chinh Ban nén trink bay noi dung chinh mot cach don gidn, ngdn gon. Néu la email cdng viee, hay uve bé phén hoi than thét tiét, site khée, v.v. va di ngay vio trong tam. Noi dung chinb ctia email due bit dau nbu thé nao tiy thude-vao méit quan he gita nguoi gibt va ngudi nhgn email. cing oh ib ak LE bs Fite Cheha Hither CHL dng iba pdb ue HG thio Si Good morning, Mr White. ich chi bei: cho bigt. hi gian thaven't talked to you fora while, Khi.di lau thing viét email hn ahaw Cék dd bi i ang vo ip ah abi, Ghng so Agedch Vm sending this email to report that our contract wil be fished ‘ait email ag of October 1 | would like to tell you that our next statt meeting willbe held on ‘September 16, at 2:30 RM, ‘This isto reply to your email of June 10. (iw dae Thank you for your emel, ii iy tine tn 4 @PPFeclate your gift more ther | sen s5y hone Ht was a sreat pleasure to soend sometime wth you Please scaept my apologies forthe delivery del. ‘msony taidn't write you sooner © Céich truyén dat noi dung chinh ‘Hoi P Shave a few questions about your ad paths website. thing tin ‘em wertting te wakc yaw: about my work schedule fof nex rant. Yin du fm wondoring if you can find the time to gue us some guidelines ‘This is to request that you send us the catalogue of your next season's line Would you please send me an application form? vwawanhantrivietcom: Cung cp t'm going to-give you the information you Kii bit div ici i oly Nos ‘thing tin. asked for. The problem is that our hotel rooms aie hi ## cip din avd filly booked up during that season, We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to our accountng oper. ‘think you'd better pay your expenses by the end of next week. Why don't you check out other resorts for your holiday? | suggest that you Send us’ sample product so thet we can access ft saat ah [rhope-we ean discuss the sales promotion in the.near BE ach sé thin sn kbs on ‘future: tong I gi. | a0k forward to seeing you at the next employees’ pany Vil keep you posted with ‘the updated information. Please let us know your decision as soon as possible Teg obd quyét dinh’cda ngioi nhtn: ca * i. wite to you again later / Let's Keep in touch A 8 oath aay ib le very Cordially Diy lh hice hich bp abt. formal | Sincerely yours) Ban eh edn viét Sweray la (Besty Regards / iy lv cich két thie phé bid nhs, 6-tHE ding dae dem cing ifs: Best wishes ‘is etal pita bon be thdn thigh vei ahas, formsl Yours /Cheers Crh Kt thie email ny ch te dung pe hg gu 8 mh ge ‘bg thao thik i, (1 warming Cu hat viétloal 2 Viewo-/ Screen 1 Man hinh huong dan cau hoi viét loai 2 ‘Questions 6-7: Respond to a written request ‘Tong cdng e6 2 cau hoi (Questions 6-7) ‘Directions: In this part of the test, you'wil show how wali _Tiéu chun d6 dnb id vA'eho: ‘you can wate a response to1an e-mail. Your response wi ba idm Ha b6 cye, ning le tt rung, ‘scored on cht Iigmg va tinh da dang cia cea fdas : any oF you »©.Caftlumg va tah ds dang on ta. : ‘the. ce ‘your sentences, int soba tbe ey ‘ou da dang boo gbm clu don, cu ghép * organization, adie @ Ning ete rg ~ Bich pit xem thi sinh 6 Wi ning sf dong ng a dang vi hich bop ‘fi An buf hay Khdng, ‘You will have 10 minutes to read and answer each email. ‘Click on Continue to go on. Screen 2 Man hinh tra Joi cau héi xudt hign khi ban nhdp chudt vo Continue (@ Screen 1) Directions: Read the email below. From: Megan Plume, Project Manager To: All editors Subject: Changes to cover Sent: March 23, 6:21PM. Hi, everyone. I've decided we need to make some chenges to the cover of “Business Success,” the book we are scheduled to send to-the client for confirmation, | am look- ing for your ideas about how to improve the cover, 30 please email thern to me by the end of the day. Directions: Respond to the email as if you are an editor. In your email to Megan Plume, make at least THREE sugges- tions. {ut Paste! Undo | Redo Not viet edu tra lot ‘Thai iam: 10 phit © Dae mt email di Kinng 100 tt 8am de tah hig. D Nh de ya eu a i gut trong pha hog da, @ Vide email tré Idi theo yéu cfu. hi dpe huting din vi email cho ain © Nm th og chung cin on ‘bp email thOng qu neu (sau From), ng aga (sau To) va me ih i eal (na Subj), rng ht ring, Tryng ti ca ahi vid mal trong hy thi OEIC Khng pi ah gi xem ni vite kh ning tri hi ly Binh tha oa email, ‘md 14 dinh gid xem email 46 06 tayén dat eh ge ahdag agi dig nh yb edu, ti, db nghi, eung ofp thing tin, ve lién quan Adachi @ dap cho hay Ikhdng. Do 4, ban khing cf phai dé ‘in qu nid ohio thie ol ema, ‘nb iy tp trong ay ght vce 7 tag ita un dn eh wish iy dh A bt ch hifi trong nail ela moh. Ban nhan dude email. Hay mé ra xem nhé? eon ° Fifi’ Marco Facinni, Marketing Director “Lp tt email att Cherie Black, Marketing Representative lind ip i Sujet, Promotion opportunity Ban ta ngu nbd email, Zenit: March 23, 8:21 PM, abutng ban Bai? Bn la Cherie Black, hn vidn Hello Mr, Black; ep th | wel lke t offer you's promotion to the tele ot market) 4 15 do gi ema? Jing supervisor. You are one of cur'best performing em- |__| Gng iy muh hecho Ban i vd ployees, and I'rn sure you can handle this responsibilty. | ex hii thing cue ‘This position offers an excellant benefits package. Please —! contact me-soon ta let me know your decision. Noi dung yéu edu la git ‘Tri Ti cho itt bam 6 chip than Fagatis; ‘ge thang ee hay Kh, Marco.Facinai = Thong tin: theo sau From, To cho ban biét ngudi gi, ngudi nabén email va mh quan he gita ho, Ding bi que phan nay vi néu ndim duye tan cia nguos ‘g0i, ngudi nhan va cd chic vy, phong ban true thnde, ban sé cé thé dé dang hidu r6-duoe tinh hudng chung cia email, ( email nay, ban chi thay tén va chit vu eda ngudi git va ngwdi nhan nhung khong thay ten ola dng ty; diéu nay 06 ghia ring day }d-email get trong ndt hi efng ty: cia nguot gin email 14 Director, esi bp thude cp Ianh dao: sia cong 19 -CAN ow vee Ul ty ni 14 Reprosentative, nbn: vi han bi gia bo, n Ban phai viét email tra lai nhut thé nao? [Directions] Respond to the email as if you're the marketing repre- sentative. In your email, describe TWO questions you have about the promotion. Gia si ban 1a aban vién tiép thi, ban hay wi6t entail tra lo, trong dé ban se hot hai van A, Lam ¥ la 6 edu héi viét email trong ky thi TOEIC thue té; ban phat hoan tat ba chiidé duge yeu edu & phan husnig dn, nhung 6 day ban chi edn t4p trung vo chi dé Hai thong tin ma thos, Xem email tra di mau dui day. ene Dear Mr. Facinni, 'm very interested in the marketing supervisor's rol However, before accepting the offer, | need to first ask a |-—* M8 ddu ‘couple of questions about the position > ‘Thy quan tm dn chev mat, ‘ung tl ho dius Hing. Fistly, was wondering which branich the vacancy is in. ‘would much prefer to stay in New York. Seconaly. can you Lo eens a ‘lease tell rie what hours | would have to work? | would 2 Tdi gin im vie rather not work weekends od Please get back to me as son as you can: ~~~ KE thie ‘Vai léng tri Iti cong stm chng tt. Sincerely, Cherie Black cd ~ Lum y ring day 18 tinh huéng-nhén duoe su 48 bat lén chite vy gidm sat tip. ‘thi (Marketing Supervisor) cho nén ban s& od thé phai chuyén dén lam & chi ahanh khae; vi vay, trong email tra Iti, viée dat edu héi vé not lam vige ya thd gian lam viée duge-xem la hop Ty. Ngoat-ra, email cua ngudi gut 06 dé cap dén cat dién kién khée nhwr phiie Ioi (benefits package), cho nén han od thé dt edu hét ey thé hom vé ede digu kién phuse li hoge lumg béng. ‘Lap luan dua vao thong tin trong email cila ngudi git sé rat cd ich cho ban khi dat va eau hét thfch hop trang email trd lei cda minh, www.nhantrivietcom Ban thay b ling phat Ahong? Stay dat ctu hoi! ou Nhiing cach dién dat diing dé “hdi thang tin” Khi duge yéu cdu dat céu hdi trong email, doi khi ban phan van khong biét phai hoi vé diéu gi. Dudi day la nbung each dién dat ban 06 thé sit dung trong trucng hop nay. Truéc khi dat cau héi Khi doe xong email, néu ¢6 mot vai diéu lam ban lo lng, ban cé thé dat cau héi nhu sau, I'd like to ask you a few questions about your prod- uct / offer. I'd like to inquire about your product / offer. Dong ti thug duye ding 46 dat cau hat la ask, hoc inquire (trang trong hon) Khi dat cau héi | wonder if K . el! can get another discount on it. 'm not sure i Please inform me when the seminar is being held. Céch dat cu hat dom gidn nhét la st dung cfu nghi van. Tuy ahién, ban cuing 06 thé sit dung cach dt cau hdi gidn tiép nhu 6 ede vi du trén, 2 01 Bra| nstorming Luyén tp khd nang nght ra nhiing 4 _y tudngltan thiét cho cdc chu dé vé f nhdng #hh hudng khdcnhau In-house Emails (email trong not bo cong ty) 00 From: Sarah Berger, General Affairs ‘To: Ail employees Subject. Company policy on lateness Sent: July 22, 11:24 AM. Hello, everyone! Employee punctuality is important for our company’s productivity. However, management has noticed that many employees ate fro- quently tate to work. To address this issue, employees must check in with their managers by 8:30. AM. if you have eny questions with this policy, please contact me directly. Sareh Berger, General Affairs @® Nim bit tink hudng: Ban phai tim duge ¥ tuimg dé trién khai chil dé dua vao ‘email cho sin. Hay tra lot ede oa hal duh day. (1) What seems to be the main problem? Employees tend to these days. (2) What stiould employees do to solve the problem? Employees should by 8:30 A.M. CG, Nghi-ra ¥ tudng: Hay xem bin than la nhan vién cite cong ty, dién vao chd- tréng.hai edu héi.cén lat. (1) Flexible working hours? (2) In case of out-of office . "meeting? (3) = 8) ‘wwreinihantedeletcom, 2 Commercial Emails (émail quéag cao stn phdm) e900 2 a. f ‘ Address | Spal'Chesk: | Font Type é From: Link Travel ‘To: Becky Robinson Subject! Link Travel special offer: © Sent; June §, 835 PM We're offering all our loyal customers a fantastic opportunity 10 trav el this summer. = For a jimited time only, we're: offering discounts on trips to selected. 2 destinations, Email us or visit your local Link Travel branch tor more details. © Nam bit tinh huding: Ban phii thor dnoe y tung 6é trién Khai chit dB diva vao. ‘email cho sdn. Hay tra loi edie edu hoi dudi day. (1) Who sent this email? (2) What is mentioned as an advantage of the offer? CNet ra j tung: Hay xem bin than 1a ngudt nbign bute ernatl do, dién vo0 ché trong hat cau hot eb Iai. (1) When does itexpire? (2) 3) (4) What are the “selected destinations’? n SU ye fo Stage 01 Model Strategy Em In-house Emails (Email trong n6i b9 cong ty) From: Sarah Berger. Generat Affairs ‘To: Allemployees Subject: |: Company policy on lateness, Sent:sJuly 22, 11:244.M, Hello; everyone! Employee punctuality is important for our company's productivity, “i:Hewever, management hes noticed that many employees are frequently late to work. % To.address this issue, employees must check in with their managers by 8:30 A.M. Hfyou have any questions with this policy, please contact me directly. Sarah Berger, General Atairs ‘Vocab: be frequently ate to rhuwing xin di (Iam) rr [0 address this save dé gidi gre 1idt dé nay ! chock In wth bdo cdo :o met poy chink sch Roxie link ding ‘ut ofthe oice hén godt wn phony © Nim bit tinh busing (1) Van 8 trong tam 1a gi? > Employees tend to be late these days. Gidi thich: Subject va phan D ciia ndi dung chinh trinh bay vige cong ty xem chuyen di Tam tré-cda nbn vien Ja van 48 trong tem. (2) Nhan vien phat lam gra gidt quyét vin a8? > Employees should check in with their managers by 8:30 A.M. Gidi thich: Noi dung nay dune trinh bay trong phan ® cila email, © Nghia ¥ ting (1) Are flexible working hours allowed? C8 dudte phép are vige gla inh ding thong? (2) What if have @ meeting out of the office? Nit 08 met cute hop ttn mga oti pong th a0?” (3) What if had worked iate the day before? Nu i 40 lam vite mugn wo aghy hérn tnide th s20? 14) Hows the penalty imposed? ‘pt 5B a the wo? wewnhanttiviercom Commercial Emails (Email quang cao sin phim) cece Fiom:"? Link Travel ‘To: Becky Robinson ‘Subject: Link Travel special offer ‘Sent: June 5, 8:35PM. |We're offering all our loyal customers a fantastic opportunity to travel this summer, “Fora limited time only, we're offering discounts on trips to selected destinations. Email us or visit your local Link Travel branch for more detaiis, Vocab: special ofr kha nial de Big Joyal customer hui h hing rang wank i offer a discount ‘on gid: gid dink cho / selected destination di’ din duge chon Tox / branch chi hut & {or more details dé bid them chi set © Nim bit tinh hung (0) Ngudi git email nay 1a ai? > Link Travel. Gat thick: Néu email duge cho 1a email quing edo thi ban phat xe dink nguti suit email 14 ai: sin phém quang cdo la gi; 6 diém gi n6i bat, Can ett vao phi ‘@ eda email, ban e6 thé biét duge nguéi git la cOng ty du lich. (2) Lot ich ma ngudi git email cung cdp 1a gi? > Discount opportunity, Gidi thick: Xem phan @ eda email. Cong ty du lich cung-edp co-hOi giém gid ‘cho ede khach hang trung thanh eda minh, Email nay chi dé c4p dén vige gidm sid nhumg kh6ng dua ra tf le gidon gis ou thé; vi vay, ban e6 thé sit dung diéu nay lam nén tng cho cau héi cla minh, Neh ra § tng (1) Whon does it expire? hi no tht ohutong tri (huytn- mali) HC gh? * (2) What's the price range? hung gt 1a 500" (3) What's the discount rate for packages? Ty Ie elder gia ho ee chun eu lic ton gM bo fle (4) What are the “selected destinations? cio, bx legs hon Toe” ta: shu me fy, | Luyén tp khé nang su dung ., 02 Paragraph Power ¥ tudng vé cdu hdi d& ju ‘Doe cde email saz, dién noi dung thich hop vao ché tréng phi hep véi noi dung cia cd hai cho sin, Business-Customer Emails (Email gti cho khach hang mua sin phdm ©) From: Wendy Tyler To: Pedro Valdez ‘Subject: Your new laptop. Sent: Today, 4:15 RM, ‘Dear Mr, Valdez, ‘My name is Wendy Tyler and | erm in charge of our after-sales service. ‘hope you're happy with your:new Lin Klater SX5 Notebook. Ifyou have any questions about the computer, please Jet me know fight away, Kind regards, Wendy Tyler @ Noi dung hdi (1) Ce the 06 wi my dre Khong? (2) ving shia nee my i te rong? | have two questions I'd like to ask you. Firstly, Secondly, Business-Business Emails (Email ita cae cong ty) From: Mark Rose, Conference Man- ager, Spencerville Hotel | To: Hari Meliola, Sales Manager, Fortech ‘Subject: Confirmation Sent: June 18, 10:47 A.M, J am:writing to confirm your registre- tion for the Sales Managers’ Confer ence at The Spencerville Hotel on Fri- day, June 22. | look forward to, seeing you at the event. Should you have any questions relating to travel, accom- iniodation or the conferénce agenda, please contact me at any time. Sincerely, Mark Rose: @® Noi dung hii 1G) The ig dn mb tig phe vy: ib al phdi thong? 42) NB dat MON sm enla au Wi chiding Wi 6 dase wid gut thing? | would like to ask you two questions about the informa- tion you gave me. To:start with In.addition, wuw.nhantriviet;com y Stage 02 Mertl/ef Sratoay Neca Business-Customer Emails (Email giti cho khéch hang mua’sin phdém ©) Ihave two questions I'd ike toask you. Noi dung héi » Firstly; ear'-exctiange the case Tor 9 4) cy nt dub dy Age tng? pithy lias OB? 4) Wai Bong giat thie hin Ok ng i mitp ok » Secondly, csr you recatnrendia reeson- atte hong? ably priced printer? ‘Vocab aftet-saies servic ich vv ha ma be ih charge of phi irc be happy wth vali lg od & Hoh away nuan Aap me / exchange A for 8 di A 1a) B | recommend ick thi Business-Business Emails (Email gitta cae cong ty) | would like to ask you two questions: @y Nas dung héi ——— ) Thte ating dn dn ne ge bie > To.start.with, will there be free boven ae tea, inane ‘ages ad arach? (2) Nii @ iat anaes er ual Ut cng tg Sn addition, can-we get e discount in sé.dage ged aid khong? cage we say at your hotel? ‘Voeab; wits to confi tha ropitation tor vit shu é xd wh vie: dang Ay / accommodation ch’ ‘mesting (conference) agenda cixcmg sink mgt sie rating to ida quam dn iat any tne bat cl i nao | beverages and snacks rhc wing va-mon dn mke get a aiscount duce gid gid In-house Emails (mail trong noi bo cong ty) have two questions about the health and” @} Noi dung héi aoe (0) Hoe mene ohare a dee udo nay nd? Eee as ae ree (2) Neu khtng tham dy thi em thé pio dé nh day, so { might not be able to. make it sung ihe ae? Wisi day ie the seminar going teibie nett on? » Also, if | can’t make ity how ean | get a copiy of the materiais? ‘Voesb: toad a Sominar chal yi mit hid vyhichusidn dé J gain information on edie wig ei vd ‘raining seeaion hy tv lig / 90-ahand and nek x re nhigm hit ba hold on dared hake aio ! cant make i thong thave dv die werwintiantivieticom, Business-Customer Emails (Email giti cho khach hing mua sin pham @) eee ‘Actually. | do have some questions about > Noi dung hai the product (1) NBi gap Bhd thai bh Ip at sn phi th > For one thing, I''m having weuble setting dduge giiip-d@ khong? up the machine, Ca your steré help me” (gy New thiéweudin hung dn Sit dung InP oBre ty with the iastatiation? t don't mind paying «6 thé gu cho (67 dig? patra, > For another, | didn’t notice & manual when | opened the box. Is there @ product ‘manual you could give me? oes: eppianes iid Bi, dung ! proc si pin have trouble dig tp Ad Rh Ri Hn ~ ‘set up (instal) tne machine fp dt i may dé / hap A with @ gin A Line 8 pay extra ind them id @ «9 03 Writing Emails ep “Sdp xép hop ly khong fhai gian i 10 phut dé viét mét email thuc té 4 Nam bat ndi dung chinh trong email cho'sin va step | 70:00 yeu cdu cia phan hung din Nam viing trong tam eta email clio sin trong vong 2 phut: From: Jenny Bierre, Marketing Manager, HyperCom To: Mailinglist ‘Subject: © Great Off-Peak Plan!! Sent: August 14, 12:22 RM. Dear HyperCom customer, HyperCom is offering an amazing new cell phone plan.“ The Off- Peak Plan is just $15 a month, Users can receive unlimited calling time outside normal business hours. This deal can’t be beaten! Please contact us right away if you have any questions about this great offer. Yours faithfully, Jenny Bierre Marketing Manager, HyperCom [Directions] Respond to the email as if you are a customer. In your email, make: THREE questions Gili st ban la Which hang, hay dat ra 3 caw hei trong email tra let. @ Nim bit goi y Ly do gui email dune néu 196 phan © @ Kiém tra ni dung con thigu & phén @ Ja gi va-tao ra méi lién ket bang cach dat cfu hat. @ Liet ke trong 1 phut _~ Nguai git email: Gidm ce Tiép thi ciia cong ty HyperCom, Nguéi nhan email: Nhiing nguéi co tén trong danh sach khach hang L Lf do giti email: Quang cio vé gid oude de bigt danh cho dign thoai di dong [-NOi dung quing edo: Chi déng 15 dé 1a méi thang, thot gian got ngoai gi ‘hanh chinh Ja khong gidi han * Yéu edu: Deng vai khéch hing quan tam dén goi cudc dién thogi dé va dat ra 8.cau hii wow nhantivieticom mer. 2 08:08 pong nao Ban hay nghi ra 3 y tudng vé cu hoi trong khodng 2 phot a (2 (3) sien 86:00 Viet email tra 163i Dua vio ede ¥ tuéng da nghf ra 6 trén, viét email tré'loi trong 6 phiit con lal Npwti (Ma diuy (Cu hii 1) Firstly, {Ciu hii 21 Secondly, (Céu béi.9) Finally, Ket thel fo . Stage 03 MORE hry step 1 10.00. Ném bit n6i dung chinh trong email cho sin va yéu edu cia phn hung din From: Jenny Sierre, Marketing Manager, HyperCom ‘To: Mailing ist Subject: Great Off-Peak Plant ‘Sont: August 14, 12:22PM, Dear HyperCom customer, HyperCom is offering an amazing new cell phone pian: The Off-Peak Plan is just $15.4 month.. Users can receive unlimited calling time outside normal business hours. This deal can't be ‘beaten! Please contact us right away'f youhave any questions about this great offer. Yours feithtuly, Jenny Bisrre Marketing Manager HyperCom Voeib:ottpak ng i cao ign noma businoss houre i cin cant be beaten khang cin gid no 16t hom step 2 06100 Ding no Cac diéu bien. lien quan dén tién cue rat phute tap; vi vay, ban 6 thé tap trung vio diéu nay dé nghi ra y tuéng choede cau hit thich hop. (1) The exact hours when the unlimited service is provided (2) Charges during peak hours: 1G) if there is an extra charge for upgrading the service wiwinhanttiviercom seo B 06:00 Viet email ta tat oy eenenetnanmnsremennemii To HyparCom. Hello. The new Off-Peak Plan iooks very appealing. However, | have thiee ‘questions about the new service. Firstly, | wonder if business hours. mea from 9.00 AM. to 6 PM. | want to Know the exact hours when | can use the unlimited service, Secondly, your advertisement only mentions charges: for calls’ made ‘outside business hours, How much are customers on this plan charged for miking calls during peek hours? Finally, cell phone companies normally charge sn upgrade or registration fee. Will HyperCam charge me any extra fees if | upgrade to the Of-Peak Plan? {look forward to hearing from you. Thanks. Chin luge: Khi gap ede email tuong tw nhu trudmg hop nay, ban 6 thé sit dung tén eéng ty lam tén ngudi nhan, ‘Vocab: appealing dp diin / be charged tor phdt tnd ridn cho J charge A B sink A (sa tid) BS registration to pi ng by Ban nhan dude email. Hay mé ra xem nhi Gayle Owens, Partner, Temping Agency aN ga eat tw at Doanly nghié eung ep al Any vacancies? 9) Bg Hs gui nhn email, March'23, 5:21 PN hung ban 1a ai? Ban Aidan Smith, Operator, Grayling Expons -l idan Stith, gi de Doar Nie Aidan Seith, i edgy aut Mid 1 by do git email? Hello! | was speaking with your associate, Paul Baker, ‘Rive eg ty ba 6 en them hen sy kbd who told'me that'you might need some temping staff Bee over summer, We have some ©) at the moment with expertise in a wide range ot fields. Please let me know if we can help you with anything, -— i people available Noi dung yeu edu la gi? Vii Tg thong bi hit ci ki no Faithfully, song ty em nha vién thi vu Gayle Owens — Bain phai wae dinh duige chnio'vy va mét quan be gion ngwbi git va. nguet nhén: email. Trong trong hop nay, ban khong duge’ bd qua phin dé cép chite vy ca thé (partner, operator) va loai hink cong ty (Temping Agency, Grayling Exports) vi nhiing thong tin nay $8 qidp ban ndm duge'mét quan We cia tiguid coi jan hi xde-dinbomne ail 6 nail O guia: ahan. dich git ¢ hare chia dé Subjacti-bam ae hieu duoe hon mat nikernof dure oda ant not dong esinh, bare Ohi cn: xem 6) dutig’minh dit dodn e6 ang - Ban phai viét email tra 10i nhu thé nao? [Directions] Respond to the email as if you are Aidan Smith. In. your email, make TWO requests for temping staff. Gid sit ban 1a Aidan Smith, ban hay viét email tré loi, trong dé néu ra hai yeu chu vé nha vién thi vy, Xem email tra loi mau dudi day. ene. i Helio Ms, Owens, ‘Good to hear from you! As Paul told you, we need to hire Mediu some temps over the summer period. cree ere first, wa have three vacancies in the data-entry team, hn id tw hay ng ‘We're hoping for experienced administrative staff for a these roles, In adltion, we also need two temps in the gi dng oi hai you eu customer service center. No excerience is required for © hn ba nb ita ha cin of these two positions, ‘in nghiés eo ahém ahi. élite Thanks, ® Cin hai-nhan vidn moi (khéng Aidan Smith: edn phai c6 kinh nghiém) cho. trang tm dh Khe hing >» = Lam ¥ la cfu chao md ddu va két thie khovig duge tinh diém, nén ban chi edn viét ton ngudi nhan va ngudt gti la du. Trong tam cita email tra loi la: ban -da néu ra hai you edu chua; noi dung yéu edu:cé phit hop vet tinh ‘hudng hay khong, Ban muon nguot hhac lim mot vléc g cho minh phat hhong? Pity yer céu! Nhiing cach dién dat ding dé “yéu cau” Ban chét eila yéu cA Ja “mong mu6n al d6 lam diéu gi cho minh’, Tuy vay, tay theo doi tuong va tinh huéng, eéch néu ra yéu cdu cting khde nhau. Mae da chi cing mét yéu cdu nhung ban cé thé nh mét edch lich su hode cing 06 thé dién dat nhu mot chi thj. Co ba cdch dién dat thong dung khi yéu edu la: request, | would appreciate it if ~, Can you ~2. ‘Trtéc khi yeu cdu Day la nhimg each diBn dat dupe ak dung khi musn lam edng td ngay muc dich ‘yeu cd trong loi mé dau ctia email 1am writing to request a private meeting with you. We request that Ms. Clark come to our office. Khi yéu cau 1 would appreciate it if you could rearrange your schedule. I'm hoping for a fast response to this request. Please inform me the list of attendees. Can you give me the agenda file? | would appreciate it if ~ duge si dung trong cde tinh hudng trang trong. ‘Trong cde tinh hudng khdc, ban co thé dung Can you ~? hoe cde cau ménh enh mhe nhang, \ \ 01 Bra nstorming Luyén thp kha nang nghi ra nhung y-tudng|tan thiét cho cdc chi dé vé hang hh huéng khée nhau fv In-house Emails (imait trong ngi bo cong ty) e00 | a bd % a Age T iene (Sav Ganeat | “Addeose—j ‘Spall Check 1 Fant Type ‘Subject: Network maintenance. Sent) July 23,12:48 PM. Hi everyone! I'm wtiting to let you know that we will be updating the network connection on the 4th floor on Monday next week, This ‘means that the Internet will be down for most of the day. 'm sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Sebastian Roberts @& Nim bit tinh budng: Ban phai tim duge ¥ tong dé trién Khai chit dé diva vio email cho san, Hay tré lj ede edu hoi dui day, (1) What's the purpose of the email? To let the staff know that the will be down. (2) How long will the network problem last? For Gy Nebi-va y tudng: Hay xem bin than [a hin vién ia cong ty, dién-vao cht tréng hat yeu edu con fai, (1) An exact schedule for (2) Your annual schedule the IT maintenance work ~~ ~ for updating the network Internet Disruption @ fm) ~—— wewwnnhantrivietcom Customer Emails (email aia khach hing) B00 sn St ka 38 ay 7 ee ee From: F: Iqbal ‘To: Sales Representative, Grange Electronics: ‘Subject: Sovara GX electronic food processor Sent: July'31, 9:22 AM. Hello, My namie is F Iqbal, and } purctiased a Sovara GX electronic food ‘processor from your store, intially, the processor worked exactly a advertised: However, the machine then Segan acting wip, and now it won't even start. What can | do about this problem? 3 F. Iqbal <@)Ném bat tinh hudng: Ban phai tim dupe y tudng dé trién khai chi dé dua vie ‘mail cho sd. Hay tra lt ec choi duet day, a ww (1) Who is F Iqbal? He is the one who the food processor. (2), What seems to be the problem? ‘The food processor F. Iqbal bought doesn’t Neh va g tddng: Hay xem bin than ta nguot nhan be email dé, dién vao ché trong hat yéu edu ebn la. (1) A copy of your product (2) warranty ia (4) Visit one of our ser: vice centers Stage 01 Model?» 4 Strategy In-house Emails (Email trong n6i bo cong ty) From: Sebastian Roberts, iT Managar To: All-4th floor staff ‘Subject: Network maintenance Sent: July 23,12:48 PM. Hi everyone! i'rm:writing to let you know that we will be. updating the network connection, ‘on the 4th floor on Monday next week. ) This means that the Internat will be down 2 for most of the day. I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Sebastian Rabarts ‘Vootb: maintenance dio 1 / cause inconvorionce cdi ra subi tg ® Nim bit tinh hung: (1) Mue dich cia-email lé ai? > To let the staff know that the Internet will be down. Gidi thich: Thong bio v8 vige st:dung internet s@ bi gidn dogn do duximg truyén dye nang cap, {2) Six 06 6.88 kéo dai trong bao lau? > Fora day. Gidi thich: Noi dung nay duoe dé cp trong phin ® ola email. © Nghi ray tung (1) Give schedule for the T maintenance work. Hay chia 26), mot Heh trinh chint ede ud cing viee bdo tet my: tih: (2) Send us your annual schedule for updating the network. ‘Hay pili cho ehiing 14i Ke hoach hang:ndm cila ede anh vé vide ndng ed mang tdi. (3) Let us know the maintenance schedule a month in advance. Hy. cha ching 101 bidt ke hoaeh bila tri trite m@t. thing. (4) Provide us with wireless laptops. Hay cung cp cho ching 191 mdy tinh xdch tay si dung mane khOng diy, www.nhantrivietcom Customer Emails (Email ciia khach hang) From: F label To: Sales Representative, Grange Electronics Subject: Sovara GX electronic food processor Sent: July 31, 9:22 AM, Hello, ) My name is F. Iqbal, and | purchased @ Sovara GX electronic food processor from your store, Initially, the processor worked exactly as advertised. ®) However, the machine then began acting up, and now it won't even start. What can | do about this problem? F lqbat ‘Voeabs food processor mai che" bitin hc pln finally thoge dd, du idm act up gid cig! ‘warranty gids bdo hnh © Nim bit tinh budng (1 F, Iqbal 1a ai? > He is the one who purchased the food processor. Gidi thich: Dua vio ©, ban c6 thé biét ring Ong Ay la nguéi mua sn phim, (2) Van dé Jag? > The food processor F. Iqbal bought doesn't work. Gili thich: Cai may ché bién thue phdm ong dy mua ¢ cia hang bi hing. ‘Trong trudng hop nay, ngwdi ban hang cé thé yeu cu ngudi mua cho xem igidy bao hank hode héa don mua hang, Nghia § tung (1) Send me a copy of your product warranty. ‘Hay gif cho (61 bdn. saa gidy Odo hank sda phdin cia Ban, (2) Call our customer service department and make an appointment. Hay got ater ef eum (any diet wa Bhai hang eda cling (Oto sdp xk mgi ede. (2) Send the processor to tho main service center by mail. ili may che BEM tyre phdin A dh tag doh wy chink Bing cdg tu di. to On’ Of our service centers (a) Take the processor ‘ .~» 02 Paragraph Power } Luyén tap kha nang su-dung ¢ f ¥ tuing vé cau yéu cfu tao cau. ‘Doc cde emiail sau, dién n6i dung thich hgp-vao ché tring pha hop wi ngi dung cia yéu edu cho sin, Commercial Emails (mail quing cao sin phim) | From: B. Johnson, Sales Director, t Compton Resort To: Mailing list i Subject: Compton Resort's Summer Special | Sent: July 16, 9:16 RM. Dear Executive: ‘Are you ready for e'summer getaway? Then we've got ust the thing for you fog 6n to HYPERLINK “htteiv/www." to discover our amazingly affordable deals. For more information, visit the website or email us now! ® Noi dung yéu cau A stig tg tte nb pig viii 1722 ‘eing 8. (2). rts bit nem shen no ee rane Pi ionhecha cOng-vbe @ pha ng If it's not too much trouble, I'd like to make a couple of requests. Terstart with, Furthermore, Business-Customer Emails (Email gti cho khach hang mua sin phim) From: J. Jones, Roseo Furniture. To: K. Wiliams Re: After-Sales Service Sent: August 6, 2:18 PM. Dear Ms. Williams: According to our records, you recently bought-a Caitlin Two-Sester Fabric Sofa ftom our store. | hope you ate pleased with-your purchase. If you would like’ to request any after-sales assistance: | please contact me. || Thank you, | |.J. Jones @ Noi dung you edu (1) Cho tOF bit eceh dau chit sph, (2). Gai cho (dt cadir dant myc sadn prin, I'd like to request your assis- tance on a couple of matters, First of all, inaddition, sweenbantrivietcom: Business-Business Emails (Email From: Derek Walker, Salas Represen- tative, Printing Express To: Gina Pollock, Administrative Assis- tant, YK Accounting Executives Subject: Your call Sent: August 20, 8:05 A.M. Dear Ms. Poliock | understand you tried to call me on Friday afternoon last week. Sorry, I've only just received the message. If you have any printing work you need done, please email me rightaway with your requests. Sincerely, Derek Walker gitta cae cong ty) @ Noi dung yeu eu (1). Giicho ching 07 va be ube hop ban gdm de J 1 (2) Gatreho hing 16m ten td Butt dich cho doh hang, We'd like to make two requests for printing work. In-house Emails (Email trong ndi bd cong ty) From: Jenny Patel, Marketing Director To; Marketing team Subject: Tomorrow's promotion Sent: August 22, 11:27 AM Everyone, Tomorrow is a big day for us ~ we're running the big sales promotion in Corby Mall. | hope you're all prepared. Remember, we should all aim to be there by 8 A.M. to start setting up. Feel free toask meiif you have any. last-minute problems or requests: Cheers, Jenny Patel @® Noi dung yéu edu (1) Vit tong aden ta Ii cng vibe (t due sheng? (2) Vil Bing cho todd ht xe th Condy Mat dace Hone? | have some last-minute re- quests to make. _ Suter Commercial Emails (Email qudng cao sin pham) It’s not too much trouble, I'd ike to make a couple of requests. » To start with, ! want so-baxk @ the wankend of August T42, » Furthermore, could you sent me sore informstion abauk your senor facilities? ® Noi dung yeu cdu AN Mudin dat mate mot phong vio ngdy 13-42. thie 8, {2} suo bit them tng tev uae tang iy - ly oho bg vide @ whe gi, Veeab: mating it fan sich ite ngs nin! execute ty ign bum guint} getaway cheatin {890m 0 Uy dhe tn 67 attra gic) pha cheng doa did Rig, mae Business-Customer Emails (Email giti cho khich hang mua sin phim) 1d Jik® to fequest your assistance on a ‘couple of matters. > Firat of all, Pwobld appreciate your ad vice art how to:niean the sofa. = In addition, coiild yas plapse bend me a cony of your product catalog? @ Noi dung yeu ef Gio er Bet eon tau cit spa, (2) Gti cho 0 cudte dank muc sin phd. Vorab: afersates service dich oy Ku nid! eoatar chi ned! tabee gota he nicpha it Business-Business Emails (Email givta cite cong ty) ‘We'd like to make two requests for print: ing work, ~To.stait with, we-need sovaral copies of Also, wali tke about'n hundred per bhiets for our oustamars @ Noi dung yeu cfu (7) Gai cho ching 151 vdi Btn bdo edo dank cho ceude hep ban gigm. dBc-sde to, (2b Gat ches chiing abi amb tein. butter dtl che tstch hang. ‘Yoeab: upcoming dp i / board moeting euse hip ban gin dlr In-house Emails (Email trong nai bé cong 1y) Thave some last-minute requests to make, > Firstly, cout you lease rpviese em weil? > Algo, fmight have trouble getting ta: Gerby Mall tomorrow. Would yea he abia togive me aride? Voeabs fast minute vo ple cut review hii Pra Fer! Mave trouble doing yuki? Rae Ah Lie pol ta teen ne oie iim) © Noi dung yeu cf (8) Mai thing: Kd a tac cane: vide otis 101 dpe. od 2) Vi ing eho nah an Cent Mec snéeg? ), ~ L422 03 Writing Emajls_ i oe “Sp x8p hop ty khioaag thal gian i ? 4 10 phuit a€ vit mot email thuc té 1 Nam bat ndi dung chinh trong email cho sin va step | 70:68 yeu céu ciia phan huéng din ‘Nam ving trong tam ela email cho sfin trong-vong 2 phut. From: Ava Taylor, Secretary to the President | To: All employees Re: i Staff meeting Sent: August 7, 9: Good moming! ‘> Remember that our monthly staff meeting will be held tomorrow in conference room 2, The meeting starts at 3 o'clock and is expected to last an hour. | hope to see you ail there tomorrow. ‘Thank you, I Aa Taylor {Directions} Respond to the email as if you are a member of the staff. in your email, make THREE requests related to the meeting. Gid sitban 1d mét nha vidn eta edn ty, hay wiét email neu ra ba yew elit ©) hin quan dén cage bop. 7 © Nam bit goiy Ly do gai email due db c&p 18.0 va ®. Ban hay dt minh vdo vj tri eda mot ahaa vién, 06 ging nghf ra cde noi durigecdn yeu cau trude Khi evde hop dién ra, @® Ligt ke trong 1 phut Ngudi gutt email: Thur ky eit Chi tieh Nguoi nhiin email: Toan thé nhin vien Ly do giti email: Thing bio v6 cube hop-nhin wn hang thang, ‘Yeu edu: Néu ra ba yeu-edu vd cue hop hang thang trong vai tré la mot-nhao vién 100 aw.niantrivietcon: ep 2 08:00 Dong nao Ban hay nght ra 3 dibu cdn yéu cu trong khodng 2 phuit. a (2) 8) wi 86:00 Viet email tra 101 Dua vao ede } tuéng da nght ra ¢ tren, viet email tra lov trong 6 phiit con lai Nextt hin] IMG du} [Yeu eu 1) So, primarily, [Yeu cfu 2] Also, [Yeu elu 3) Finally, Nemec Stage 03 Mo al, Strategy ~ ston 1 10.00. Nam bét ndi dung chinh trong email cho sin va yéu clu cia phén huéng dln From; Ave Taylor, Secretary to the President All employees Re: Staff meeting ‘Sent: August 79:03 A.M. Good morning! Remember that our-monthiy staff meeting will be hald tomorrow in conference room 2. ‘The meeting starts at:3 o'clock and is expected to last an hour. 1 hope to see you all ‘there. tomorrow. Thank you, ‘Ava Taylor ‘Yoeab: monty stat misting cue op wh og hang thang / wll be Weld ret chie / ‘be expected to do dump: mong don tiem (gi) last héo dat stop 2 0800 Ding nko Cude hop.nhan vien trong cng ty la mét chi dé quen thude. Ban nén 6 gang nghi ra cée ndi dung c6 thé yéu cdu trude Kkhi didn'ra cude hop. Chang han, néu ban fa nguéi chiu trich nhiém phat biéu, ban 06 thé yeu edu chudn bi nhiing thiét bi nhe loa, my ting am, vv. Néu khong thé tham dw vi mot ly do nao dé, ban ¢6:thé yeu cu duge nha cde taf litu lién quan d&n cube hop. (PA copy of the minutes (2) Handouts for the meeting 13) Equiment for the presentation like 2 projector or a laptop ( wownhantivietcom stop B 06:00. Vigt email tra lot = ‘a (Neca) Mudd ink snail acne LS Hello Ms. Taylor, Unfortunately: | cannot atterid the staff meeting tomorrow, but | still want to Keep. up with company affairs. ‘So, primarily | am writing to tequest'a copy of the minutes from the meeting, ‘Also; if there are:any handouts for the meeting; please send them to me, Finally, 1d tke you to convey my apologies to the rest of the staff at the meeting. ‘Thank you for your assistance. warm regards; ‘Caden Brown ‘Chign huge: Khi gip cae chu 48 vé hoi hop, hoi nghi, v.v., diéu dau tien ban 6 ‘thé yéu cdu 1a nbing tai ligu liém quan dén n6i dung ede eude hop hhoge hoi nghi do. ‘Voeab: keop up wit ew kip! prmarly chi yi! minutos bin bi / handout 28 itu de ‘Phat (lip hoc. hdi mahi) 1 convey one’s apologies chien li xin tdi Ban nhan dude email. Hay md ra xem nhé? ene ONepat sitt email la ait (Gia eb phat dich vo ka hang From wi c nager, Plus Airlines: ‘om: ©, Davis, Customer Affairs Manager, Plus Airlines - stisgsy Mg i bac To: ¥. Miller Subject: Yourcoinplaint, — = Sent, September 4, 2:62 BM. Ringo thing tn ring is, hung chbe cds bon Dear Ms: Miller: thing phi 46 tee cin ohn ty hang bing. | understand you had @ problem on the Plus Aitines Flight Ly do gai email? from Moscow to L.A. last Wednesday. Please email me. ‘Than phidn-vb mgt ida is back with more information about the problem you en- |» N6i dung yéu edu la gi? ‘countered $0 that we can handle this issue effectively, Bn kbd bai Ying vé mgt ida haces ‘Bi dé t6n chuydin bay tir Moscow Yours sincerely; ‘idén L.A. phat khing? © .Dovis Vai lng cho bid thing tin chi sgt = Can cit vao noi dung cla email, ban c6 thé thay ring day 1a email C. Davis, 4m déc bp phn dich vu khach hang cia cong ty hang khéug Plus Airlines, gui cho V, Miller-va yéu cdu Miller cho biét v8 nhung van dé:da jam ba dy khong hat long trong ehuyén bay cia hang tit Moscow dl L.A. Ban phai viét email tra 16i nhu thé nao? [Directions] Respond to the email as if you are V. Miller. in your email, provide TWO pieces of information about the flight. Gi st ban la V. Miller, ban hay viét email trd 1d, trong 46 cung cfp hai ‘thong tin ma ban khong hai long vé chuyén bay 46. Xem email tra 161 mau didi day. one are iS Dest Mr C. Davis: Hm writing to tell you about two separate incidents that ocourrad on flight P0928, Firstly, the flight itself wes: delayed by 2 hours: This caused me great inconvenience: The second incident occurred mid-flight, when | had “ 10 repeatedly push the call button in-order to get the ak din tog ba ag 9b attention of a flight attendant. | expect much better selclay service from your company riext time. Ci May bay bit gi (B Tidp vido hing khong phye oy ‘Yours, shim chap Vv Miller > = Luu # la hang khbng, Khéch san, nhé hang la hing chi dé thuing sudt ‘hién @ ede email than phién vi day la nhimg dich vu ma khach hang thutng si dung nhiéu tin va d& xdy ra-su vewwanhantrivietcom Ban muon nguot hhiic biét [hai Ahong? Hiy cung cde thong tin! gu Nhiing cach dién dat dling dé “cung cap théng tin” Cung ofp thong tin bao quét ohiéu tinh hudng khée nhaw nhw truyén dat thdng tin, gidi thich ly do, than phién va cilng e6 thé thong bao nhing diéu An lia §. Digu quan trong la ban phai nght ra dupe nhing ¥ tung tuong ting thich hop v6i timg tinh hudng trong email duge cho. Ban cé thé sik dung tk trong tém information va know dé tgo ra nhing céch dién dat thuimg dung dé cung ep thong tin nhu give information hoge 1 want you to know about. Luma ¥ rng Information 1a danh ti Khéng dém duge. Cféch dién dat khi bat dau email cung cap thong tin 1am writing to tell you that the product is malfunctioning. il give you information on the museum's opening hours. I'd like to give you some information on the new envi- ronmental regulations. | want you to know about the latest trends in advertising. | want you to know that tickets for the concert are limited, Nhde nhd mét cach té nhi Please make sure you arrive 10 minutes before the scheduled departure time. Bear in mind that reservations must be made a week in advance. ae jp kha _ndng.nghi ra nhiing \G 42 yo OIE Bra ;nstorming 4 nti cho fe chi a v8 : Fromm Addison More, Administration Manager ; To: Jaden Wilson, HR Director | ‘Subject: Employee Awards Ceremony ‘Sent: September 12; 10:43 A.M. | Dear Mr. Wilson, | understand that you're in charge of organizing this year’s employes awards ceremony. The employees in my team would like to know ‘more about the ceremony. If there is anything you can tell me about the event, | would appreciate it ayrectments Sor Severs Cheers, ‘Addison More AP ah ern it aa ence © Nim bit tinh huéng: Ban phai tim duoe ¥ tudmg dé trién khat chi 46 dra va ‘email-cho sin, Hay teat 10 ede cf hil dui day. (1) What kind of event is going to be held? THE: nese eae ode forthe year. (2} Why did Addison More write the email? To get on the upcoming event. @, Nghi ra ¥ tfOng: Hay. xem ban thin 14. nhén vien ctia cing ty, dién vao chi trong hai thong tin con lai: (1) Have selected a venue (2) Welcome to bring part- ners along to the event info on ‘the Comp: a) a (a) ‘wow.nhanirivietconn 2 Business-Customer Emails (mail gti cho khach hang) ooo. “ 2. i Es a Age T ma ance ‘Adéross | SpelCnack | Foor be | From: Howard Anderson, Sales Director, Johnson Apparel To: Matting list ‘Subject: New product line Sent: September 20, 9:03 AM. We're currently. doing market research to find out about people's shopping hebits. You can fil out our online survey at HYPERLINK 2 | “httpdwwew’. However, if you only have limited time, please email us with any information you think might bo help ‘Warm regards, Howard Anderson @®Nim bat tinh hudng: Ban phai tier duge ¥ tung dé trién-khai chi dé dua vio email cho sin. Hay tra let cae eau hoi dust day. (1) Who might read t!.¢ email? a P customers of Johnson Apparel. eB (2) What's the purpose of the email? To get customer C Nghi ra ¥ tuéng: Hay xem ban than 1A ngudi nhdn bate email d6, dién vao ché tring hai thong tin con lai, (1) Buying reasonably _ priced clothes ) a (4) Conservative clothing is preferred. Stage 01 Model Pee & egy 4 ee —— > In-house Emails (Email trong n6i bd cong ty) From: Addison More, Administration Manager ‘Te: Jaden Wilson, HR Director Subject: © Employee Awards Ceremony Sent: September 12, 10:43 AM Dear Mc Wilson, | understand that you're in charge of organizing this year's eriployée awards ceremony. % The employees in my team would like to know more about the ceremony. If there ‘s.arything you can tell me about the event, | would appreciate it Cheers, ‘Addison More ‘Vocab: administration gud 4° HR human resources) has Ie / venue ret gp @2! ‘be welcome to do dye eum ngt Bhi © Nim bit tinh hudng (ay Sy kign gi:s8 duge t6 chic? » The employee awards ceremony for the year. Gidi thich: Su kién dupe trinh bay # Subject, {2) Tai sao Addison More giti email nay? > To get some information on the upcoming event. Gidi thioh: Day té noi dung oda phdn @, Lou ¥ 1d nd dung eda eral o6 lien quan dén sy kign, vi vay ban ¢6 thé nght dén ede yeu 18 nbu thoi gian, nei chén, thite an va thito uéhig phuc va cho su kign Kei vigt email tra Ii CG Nghi'ra ¢ twdng (1) Let them know we have selected a venue. Chr pet 18 hg te en te: iW chit (2) Tell your employees thet they are welcome to bring partners along to the event, “Then bo oo vina witn aon biel ha dupe dn thee glen du 1 ny (9) Tell them a buffet dinner will be provided. Thigh cha p18. ob cng wo: budh (4) The event is going to last for about 2 hours. Bub 8 ndy Eko dai Business-Customer Emails (Email giti cho khach hang) From: Howard Anderson, Sales Director, Johnison Apparel To: Malling list Subject: New product line Sent: September 20, 9:03 A.M. We're currently doing market research to find out about peopl habits. You cen fil out our online survey at HYPERLINK ‘nttp:/iwwwjohnsonap com However, if you only have limited time, please email us with sny information you think might be helpful Warm regards, Howard Anderson ‘Voeahe apparel oi alc gun do {some baste stutt mr axié dd dac rit yen! ronservative ren thang ® Ném bit tinh huéng (1) Ai s8 doe email? > Potential customers of Johnson Apparel. Gidi thich: Mating tist -mne gui emiail chi d¢ cap dén dank séch khach bang cin cong ty. (2) Mue dich git email? >To gat customer feedback. Giai thich: Mue dich git email duye néu 16 4 phan ©. © Nghira ¥ tuéng (1) Fonly buy clothes that aro reasonably priced. Toi eh mua quan’ aa. gid ed pdt ohdng, (2) [shop for clothes about once a month at the market. Tac mua sd gudn do d-ehg Rhodng mbt dhdng mdi (3) Quality is willing to pay more for those items. sly important for some basic stuff like winter coats or suits, so I'm ‘Rnd, texexant sequen, trong dO wo mt 38 Tide. eg mb (i prefer conservative clothing, 1) 02 Paragraph Power J¢ a re Ten tép kha nang si v€ cung cp théng tin a a, ‘Doe cae email sau, dién noi dung thich hop vao ché trong phi hgp vot noi dung cila thong tin cho sin: Business-Customer Emails (Email git cho khach hang ©) From: Noel White, Accounting Execu- tive, Howard Electrics ‘To: Madison Evans © Subject: Late bill payment Sent: September 27, 7:52AM. Dear Ms. Evans, | Our. recerds show that you still have not paid your electricity bill for August. If you do not give us a satisfactory | explanation, we will charge a late pay- ment fee to your account. Please con- ‘tact Us to let us know how you plan to solve this problem. | Faithfully, Noel White, 9 y.tuing cau @ Noi dung thong tin \ (1 H8 thing mang cia’ igdin-hang Bi irve trae, cho nn khding chinyén khodn, thank todn disc. ° (2) Vita ght chi: phid thank tadn tnbn bd <6 tide one. I'm sorry for the late bill pay- ment, First of all And I'm now pleased to inform you that In-house Emails: (Email trong noi bd cong ty) From: Caleb Martin, Customer Repre- sentative ‘To: Emma Moore, Custorner Relations Manegor Subject Customer Service Workshop Sent: October 15, 8:47 A.M. | Hello, Ms. Moore, | Lunderstand there is going to be evo "untary workshop for customer service: employees on Friday. I'm considering attending the session, but I'd like to. get more information about it first | Can you please tell me more about the | workshop? i § | | | | Caleb @ Noi dung thing tin (1) Budi i tis SB dg yiry Pak, gh chap gid én 1 Chicas. cd, (2) Budi noi. thda 58 gem 6 nhieu bar cep. Vil give you some information about the customer service workshop to help you decide whether to attend or not. First, Additionalty, wwwinhanttivietcom Business-Business Emails (Email giva cae cong vy) From; Daylan Thomas, Managing Di- rector, Gladstone Stock Brokers To: Olivia Garcia, Realtor, OfficeSpace ine, Subject: Relocating offices Sent: October 26, 5:10 P.M. Dear Olivia: The current lease on out large office ‘space downtown is about to expire. ‘We are planning to relocate our head quarters in a cheaper area. Please pass-on any information about avail- able commercial properties. Thanks in advance. Sincerely, Daylan Thomas © Noi dung thong tin 9 Aaah Hhoding ar dn en range 1am writing to tell you about two issues relating to leasing an office. Eivatty Business-Customer Emails (Email giii cho khach hang @) From: Javier Remon, Director, Dine-A- Do Catering To: Rose Wright, Secretary of the Eng- lish Department, Fortswall College Subject: Catering for your function Sent: October 2,.6:13 PM. Deat Ms. Wright Thank you for contacting me forhelp with your department's annual party on Friday, October 26. We would be: delighted 10 cater the event. Please pass on some more information about the event so that we can begin plan- ning the menu Thanks, Javier Raman @ Noi dung thong tin (53:56 igus na aa Ht Rdg 0D (2) ta 9. yding 06 mbt 36 nguéi an choy. thom gia sy kg nay Please allow me to tell you more about our event. ne wo Stage 02 Model.” ce Strategy Business-Customer Emails (Email gui cho khach hing ©) 'm sorry for the late bill payment. First of all} normally pay iny exer Gat using Internet banking. Hawavse, ey tian’ ‘qntlals Syetinn ie Palfunicthating:. 66 the payment dide't go trough » And i'm now pleased to inform you that 4 for thie fall diyou ed havi fs smonint: @ Noi dung thong tin 1) HE thting ining cla nada Rang bj uc trae, cho. én khang chuydn khodm thank tod duce. (2) vita git chi phidls thank tod roan bb 56 tien one ‘Woeshs electrics eis ty dig fit: /iatabw payment vic sand son fe dom mtn Ff ch pt? ower bili ln sid a malunetion Bi hang, BC tue ac itu amour sé side dy dat In-house Emails (mail trong néi ba cong ty) Vik give you some information about the customer service workshop to help you acide whether to attend oF not. = Firat, the Workshop will be led by erty Park, an expert from Chicage: > Additionally, :h3 workshop wil include a umber of exercises: Vorabs cuatomer service workshop Bust hip dide'vd dick “expert chusén gia! a rumber of mit so exorcise. © Noi dung thong tin (1) Budi AB thd 38 dape: jerry Park; mbt chen’ ‘gia da tt Chivags, cfd ta. {2) Hub AOi-thdo 52 98m cd-nhiéu bar tap. ‘ahah Bb oy tne cha rh / ap Business-Business Emails (Email give cae cong ty) | am writing to tell you about two issues relating to teasing an office. > Firstly, (bis haya t9 find! larae speres.on short notice: Therefore, it coullt toke upto vic \eks to find a appronriote space for yo > Secondly, leased on dawintown proper {ies ere. becoming increasingly expensive. You aould sive money: ny relocating 19 a euburtian office comoiex, @ Noi dung thong tin CO-MGt khodag hat nid @F tim due not thie te 12) Néir chy vain phony etx ngout thant the 5& st kidemr eae hi pk. Voeabi on short-notice song mot thiti giat ngdri ! up to 1én dit / property bil deing sam 7 Inereasingly ngs ane Ln! velocate dv ch suburban hae mgout 3 / ‘ttica compo ta nha van phidng dow nharariviercom, Business-Customer Emails (Email gui cho khach hang @) Please allow me to tell you more about ©) Noi dung théng tin Rue en AS6 nguti tham gia ag Kign. 1a Khong 100 ngudi = The first thi know is = i Ainet iti yosa'sheulel kc IS at a ci it rit ah inj sha gd pkrt around 108 people to 2 paler ‘fusiedion: Please: tes se are yOu cole Tor ‘arp@ helpings a0 that the food does: = Plus, bear ih mind that severst vegetar jeri ill emwnd the. gue Voit eating cng op hve phim, dich ow Ftuncion se hin, hist Liu de J elgg ict dn | tun out he? / vegetarian monn chi vi .-» 03 Writing Emails j "© S4p xp hop ty khoding fol pn f 10 phut 48 viét mét email thuc t& 4 ‘Nam bat n6i dung chinh trong email cho sin va step | 78:00 yeu cau ciia phan huténg din ‘Nam ‘ving trong tim-cia eniail cho-slin-trong vong 2 phuit. From: Chice West To! Inquiries, City Concert Halt Subject: 1) Seattle Symphony Orchestra Sent: October 10, 2:12 PM. Hello, heard that the Seattle Symphony Orchestra js likely to perform at the City Concert Hall sometime soon, i Could you please email me back with more information about this concert? Thanks, Chios West [Directions] Respond to this email es-if you work for the City Concert Hall. In your ‘email, provide THREE pieces of information about the upcoming con- cert. Gia sit ban 1a ohdn vien eda Thinh phong Thanh pho, hay viét email cung cap ‘ba thong tin. vé budi hoa nhac sdp dién ra. @ Nim bit goi gs Ly do gui email duoe dé ep 75 trong phan © va. @ Liet ke trong 1 phit Nigotai git emi: Nqubi quan tim dén but hide ahs Nevai nbn email: Phing thing tia cis Thinh phong Thanh phd Ly do gai email: Hii thing tn vé busi hia nhac ela ban nhge Seattle Symphony Yeu edu: Cung edp ba thong tir lién quan dén budi hbo nhac trong vai tro la mgt nhén vién eda Thinh phonig Than phi vawvanhanteivietcom step 2 08:00 Dong nao ‘Ban hay nghi ra 3 thong tin dé cung edp trong khoding 2 phuit, a 2) 3) ce ee step 9 96:08 viet email tra loi Dua vao ede # tiving da right raétrén, viet email trd lat trong @ phuit etn lal [Ngai ohin} (Me dé} {Thong tin 1] To begin with, (Thong tin 2} Furthermore, (Théng tin 3} Lastly, a f5 _& Strategy 2 la be Stage 03 Model,” ee stee | 10.00 Nim bil n6i dung chinh trong email cho sin va yéu edu eta phn hung din From: Chloe West To: inquiries, City Concert Hat Subject: Seattie Symphony Otchest/a Sent: October 10, 2:12 PM. Hello, | heard that the Seattle Symphony Orchestea is likely to perform at the City Concert Hall ‘Sometime soon, Could you please email me back with more information about this ‘concert? ‘Thanks, Chios West Voeahs inqutios ping tis tbe Waly to dod kh ing Lame ~ / poor rink ign) sortie soon tring han rt ge step 208.00 Dong ndo Diy la tink huting yew edu cung cp thing tin v8 budi biéu dién shu not bia dién, thot gian, nguéi biéu dign va chuong trinh, vv. (1) The concert will be held at 7:30 PM, on Friday the 23rd, (2) A ticket costs $25.. (8) Ariasare prepared. 8 wanwnhantrivietcom step 06:00 Viét email tr lt at mich inh must nea ‘Thing ta ocimpaienimatitcactiintimmnnintont Dear Ms, West: ‘Thanks for your inquiry. I's my pleasure to pass en information about the Seattle Symphony Orchestra's upcoming concert. To begin with, the conceit will be held at 7:30 PM. oh Friday the’ 23rd. Furthermore, tickets are available from all major ticketing outlets for just $26 et person Lastly we're pleased to inform you that we have also prepared a few beautiful arias. ¥ you want to know more about the event, | will send you an official program in the mail Kind regards, Logan irving Chin lige: Khi viét vé ba thong tin khae nhau, ban nén sik dung tir én két didn dat thi ty dé ngudi doc co thé dé dang phan biet cae noi dung khée nhau, trénh edie nhiim lin ding tiée. Voeab: inquiry ci hii, yu cd ing tin / upcoming sap die! wil bo held 38 dupe cha ‘ckating outlet dai pd phil ed (fea! program chuemg sinh chinh thie Ban nhan diutge email. Hay mé ra xem nhé? POD. ‘ Nguii giti email la ai? Gide eB pain quan kde ] hing elicbng ty mba kd Fini M, Jackson, Customer Relations Manager, Hartford. Importers + Har G. Watkins, Purchasing Director, Liam Retailing Ban la ngu@i nban email, nhung ban ta ai? Your shipment: Novernber 5, 4:26 PM, 6, Watkins, gm de ph trict mia shin urvb biG bi ca el ly bin | le Liam Dear Mr: Watkins, 41g do gat mail? \ heard from ouir customer service team that there are ‘hing wiin d& nay sink @ det hing. vila gue some problems with the shipment of electronic goods we a ie a (Noi dung yu edu La git sent you last week, I'm sorry for any inconvenience this | y4'¢. wer shane aed cia dot bine hes caused, Please let me know more details about the ign ben nbn vio tudn trv nature of the problems, Warm regards, M. Jackson ~ Day 1a email M. Jackson, gdm dde'bo phan quan he Khach hang eda cong ty nhép khéu Hartford, giti cho @. Watkins, gidm ade phy tnich sua sm vat tnva thigt bj cia dai ly ban 18 Liam, hdi vé ee suo bien quan dém dot hang via giao. Ban phai viét email tra 1di nhur thé nao? [Directions] Respond to the email as if you are G. Watkins. In your email, explain TWO problems you have experienced with the shipment. Gid si bai 1G, Watking, ban hay viét email tra la, trong dé n6i vé hai sured lien quan dén dot hang vea giao. Xem email tré léi mau dudi day. 900 as Dear Ms. Jackson, Thanks for your email, After inspecting the entire shipment, I've come across 8 couple of problems. = mi ata Most importantly, several of the Givex A-31 stereo — systems appear to have been damaged in transit, (' send these items back to you tobe exchanged Also, noticed |» Hai a elim quan déa dot that the ENav GPS systems we ordered were missing big vite giao from the shipment. The iNav is a popular item in our 1 Hang hi b-8 stores, 0 please send these to us es soon as possible. ~ 2 a it ura bj this Cheers, &. Watkins > — Vain dé thudng gap nhat lien quan 46h vide giao ohan hang ma ban 6 thé ght ra la hang hoa bi hw hai, giao nhém hang, thiéu hang, tré han, vv, te Ban thay khong hat long vot diéu gi do pe "GF # it khong? Hay tb ¢ than phién! "G GF Nhting cach dién dat dude ding dé “trinh bay van dé” Sy 6 lién quan dén vige sit dung sin phdm hoge nhén dich vu nao dé la van 48 thuong xuyén xdy ra, Trong cdc truing hop nhu vay, kha nang trao dé vot hau mbt cdch r6 rang vé nhing diém khong hai long la diéu trong tim trong giao tigp. Ban nén ding edc ti théng dung nhu complaint, trouble, problem 8 tao ra nhing cach didn det od thé sit dung khi 48 cép dén nung didu bin than khéng hal long. Khi bat dau email than phién | have a couple of complaints about the facilities at your hotel. I'm having trouble adjusting the volume on my MP3 player. I'm experiencing difficulty with the software package. Please allow me to explain the problems we encoun- tered. Please allow me to explain what went wrong during the package tour. Khi néi vé nhing diéu ban khéng hai long The tour has now been canceled, so this is a bit disap- pointing. Your company’s failure to meet the deadline was ex. tremely disappointing for us. Khi dé cap dén didu ban khong hai long, ban ob thé khéing dinh rang Toi ridt didi vong 08 didu nay. up \ G sxo7 01 Bia lnatonming i“ Luyén the kha nang nghi ra nhdng : y tudnig|ban thiét cho cdc chi 4é vé hung hh huéng khdc nhau <8 q In-house Emails (mail trong noi bo cong ty) eo eS “ 3 kl S 6 Age Seve. Bae cancel | Address Soet Check 1 Font Tyee From: Deloris Wise, Database Manager To: Los Verdant, Sales Director Subject: Updated mailing list Sent: November 12. 7:43 A.M, ‘Dear Me Verdant: understand that you &ré sot happy with the work my team has done con the client mailing list. Please let irie know specifically what. prob- ems you have encouriterad so that we ean improve our performance In the future. "Thanks, Delors Wise & Nim bat tinh hudng: Bon phai tim duye g tuing dé trién Khai cha dé dua vo email cho edn. Hay trd len ede caw hot dungi day. (1) What's the purpose of the email? To inquire about : with her team's work. (2) What kind of work has Deloris Wise's team done? Pe of aclient mailing list. @ Neh ra j tudng: Hay xem ban than la nhén vién eda cong ty, dién hat diéu bon ‘khong hai long vao chd tring con fa. (2) The information was “oy net accurate enough, Complaints about Work 3) aa a) (1) The work delayed wanwinhantiivieticort. - ‘© 128 ff # Stage 01 Monel. 4 Strategy In-house Emails (Email trong ndi bd cong ty) From: Delotis Wise, Database Manager ‘Yo: Les Verdant; Sates Director Subject: Updated maiing list ‘Sent: November 12, 7:43 AM. Deer Mr. Verdam: © Lunderstand that you are not happy with the work my team has done on the client railing list. 2 Ploase let ms know specifically what problems you hava encountered ‘80 that we can improve our performance in the future, Thanks, Deioris Wise ‘Vocab: updated dion: cdp nhdt specitcaly (nidt eich) cu thé’! encounter iam dv, gp phi © Nim bit tink huing (A) Mue dich cva-email la gi? >To inquire about problems with her team’s work. Gidi thich: Dua vao phdn ®, ban o6 thé thay trong tam cla email la yeu edu ngudi nhén email cho biét nhing diéu khong bai long vé nhom cia 66 Ay. (2) Nhigm vu ma'nhém ei Deloris Wise lam Ia gi? > Preparation of a client mailing list. Gia thich: Dua vao phan dau eda email, ban 06 thé biét nhiém vu ma hom oda Deloris Wise Jam 1a 1én danh stich khach hang. G Nehira ¥ tung {7} 1 got the tist one wok later than Iwas supposed to gett. 6% rb. ag a ich byw if tai Soo on len tn, {2) 1 expect you to provide us with more accurate information: "TO! mudi 6 cung ep cho ching ti ng théng tor chinh xtc hom. {3} Lots of information we requested was missing. Nig tig i ching tar yu eds id cn iB. (4) Th mailing list was not forge enough. Dah sch te keh bog 8 ta thdg tin. the ly eet Ud, www.nhantrivieticom Business-Business Emails (Email gitta cée cong ty) From: |) Paula Thompson, Event Coordinator, Jackson Enterprises To: Cameron Harris, Managing Director, Save the Environment Trust ‘Subject: Your fundraiser Sent: November 21, 3:27 PM. Dear Mr. Harts thought that last Saturday's fundraiser that | helped you coordinate was a great success, However, | understand your organization is unhappy with some aspects of the event. Please let me know the precise nature of the problems so that we can reach a resolution Sincerely, Paula Thompson Vocab: eoottinate gui difu pi ervorpiga cing 0 x1 nie £ fundraiser hogr dng ny gi fin gave sop ® Nam bat tink hudng (1) Paula Thompson 1a ai? > She is an event coordinator. Gidi thich: Cong vige cia eb dy duge néu r0 ngay sau tén ho & mye ngudi gai email. 2)Su ign gi da duoc td chite trade do? >A fundraiser. Gidi thich: Diya vao Subject va phan ®, ban o6 thé biét ¢6 mot sy kién quyén gép 44 duge 6 chute truve dé, Lana ¥ 1a fundraiser e6 hal nghia: su kién quyén gop va nguii tim kiém ngudn tdi wre. Ci Nghi ra y ting (1) The turnout was extremely disappointing for all of us. cm aa Tal od ching 18 rib thal upg ud sheng me (2) The event was rather boring and guests left earlier than we expected. 18 vd sin ha. hig 104 rons Chucsns inh ny Bad tim chin vt Rade (3) The location you chose was not easy to access. a wid cds cbem thi Hating An eda (4) The catering that your company organized was not satisfactory. Fink com 02 Paragraph Pewer i Luyén tap khd nang su dung y tung vé trinh bay than phién tao cau oe ede emai sam, dién not dung thich hep vao ché trdng pha hop vot ni dung ota nhing diéu khong hat long cho sin. Business-Customer Emails (Email giti cho khitch hang) From: B. Robinson, AfterSales Service Representative, O-Teico To: N. Lebowski Subject: Feedback Sent: December 3, 5:06 PM, Dear client: ‘As-one of our first customers to buy the Q-Teico GS3, we hope you can provide us with some feedback on ‘the new cell phone. if you have any problems or concerns about the per formance of the phone, please let us know. Sincerely, B. Robinson @® Didu khong bai long (1) Rich a er ag ahd i WA uda ede phim. (Di. Nhant néb pin, I have encountered two prob- lems. ‘The main issue t have with the phone's thet th addition: Customer-Business Emails (£:nail khach bang giti cong ty) From; Jasper F “To: Heidi K., Client Aftairs Manager, Western Rent-a-Car Subject: Credit card statement Sent: December 7,9:03 AM. Dest Ms. Heidi. K:: have just received iy credit card statement for the month of November. | Tnoted that your company charged “me $350 for renting the Astra XR. | | thought we agreed on a charge of _ $150. Was there 9 problem of some sort? @ Didu khong hai long (1) kitag 48 dy bin ag xe nh 2 tha: thud. (me 0 ngs an iu ben eau. You were charged an additional $200 for your rental service be- cause of two problems that we discovered. First, In. addition, wewwinhanteivietcom A Customer-Business Emails (Email knach hang gi cong ty) From: Kevin Baker ‘To: Arthur Lane, Membership Man- ager, Cariton Fitness Center Subject: Warning Sent: December 19, 5:18 PM. Dear Arthus, Today | received a letter of warning from the Carlton Fitness Center management about following gym tegulations, I don't understand what the problem is. Can you please let me know what's going oh? Kevin Baker @ Didu khong hai long 11) Thug surth duve Bn 2) Sb dung ee wie; (8D THE dye matt ‘uy dia 0h gia ik unig md ut th dye 18 30 ph. Please allow me to explain the two main problems we have noted. Firste Secondly; Business-Customer Emails (Email gii cho khéch hing) From: Habibul A., Sales Assistant, The Online Hardware Shop To: Denise S. ‘Subject: Responding to your com- plaint ‘Sent: December 27, 7:02 PM Dear Ms. Denise S.: heard from our receptionist here at The Online Hardware Shop that you are not Satisfied with the X3 Shel ing Unit you bought recently. !'m very sorry te hear this, f you don't mind, please let me’ knew the specific prob: jems you have with the product by email Ailthe best, Habibul A @ Diéu khong hai long 19). #8 dn hon 80 vel gure. co; ibng vite wat nha: aE x, 42) Muctng adn idp dp edi I'm sorry to say that I've expe- rienced difficulty with the X3 Shelving Unit. Firstly, Equally, Stage 02 Model,” Vb a al Strategy Business-Customer Emails (Email giti cho khach hang) have encountered two problems. > The main issue | have with the phone is: that if is too small. have trouble pushing thé buttons: In addition, t've noticed thar the bartery Funbioutvery dvickly ® Dieu khong hai long (1) ich oa cka ign thagi qd ind nn hh io oft phim. (2) Nha Re Din, ‘Vocab: (A/S) attarsales sevice dich ow hisi-mai /roptesentatve dai did F encounter probleme gap phils cde 8a Ad J fasue vf 8 fran oun i, com hit. Customer-Business Emails (Email khich bang giti cag ty) You were charged an additional $200 for your rantal service because of two prob: emis that we discovered. > First, you didnt fil the tank up before seturning the veticle. which you agreed to ‘do 98 part of the signed rental agreement. > In addition, there was damage done to thé tar, Tho rear taft light nad beer smashed. ‘@® Diéu khong hai long (.ehtna:a® dy bin woe AN rd xe nha thda thud. 12) Me bi Rag be haw bn te 0. ‘Vocah: croc card statomeont bdo clo sv nh i Rhode !edtional sm, Bd sumg te tari up 46 dy binh xg / damage src hai! roar if ght den hd ber sé smaah Lim. 08 tan Customer-Business Emails (Email khach hang gui cong ty) Please allow me to explain the two main problems we have noted. > Firstly, you frequently park inthe spaces feserved for staff in the morning, Please ‘make sure that you park'in the member's ‘arta trate now eo, > Secondly, remomiber thet the time limi Tor machine Usege'is 20 minutes, Our nas conter employees have noticed that you spend too iong on soma machines. @ Didu khong hai tong Gi) That supe dine d nai dah eho mise wen, {2150 dung ode hidt bj 169: thE dye qud thai Bran ‘gay dink (thd piano dung: mBt hit bi dp the due 18 30-pht). ‘Vocab a tettr of warning whircdnh edo / wequentiy tring xiyén / reserve dn cho ‘oe it i an 1h? ia / tion dey tdi ‘wivwenhantriviet:com 4 Business-Customer Emails (Email giti cho khich hing) '¥m sorry to say that I've experienced dit: ayéu khong hai Tong ficulty with the X3 Shelving Unit. (10418 fom nso vol dng oo, 0h vay ns 2 Firaly, the shelves are larger-than’adVar= sng uta-uts nh dB xe. tiged: This moans thatthay de-not fitinmny yoy Huang an tp vp nt wh Hi ‘gardge, whichis very inconvenient. » Equally I Hiad trouble assembling the shilving cin s the insteuétions were vary hard to-understand, ‘Vocab: hardware'chop ca hig bd dé igi Rin. / shelving unt (is ldp rdp) AE dhong dg crt ‘experience sri nighiém / ft in mie co / garage mh dé xe inconwerent bl én) ‘assemble Lip r4p!instuctions hung dn 1m he V4 03 Writing Emails “ ‘s4p xép hop ly khoang fhot rgién 10 phut 48 viét mét email thuc té at # Nam bat néi dung chinh trong email cho sén va aso | 1088 yeu cau cia phin budng dan ‘Ndm ving trong tam cda email cho sdn trong vong 2 phut, | From: Mt. white, Manager Digby's Fashion Outlet Tos. Partridge. ‘Subject: Something wrong? Sent: December 13, 4:21 PM. Dear Ms. L, Partridge, 1 received your phone message this morning about “) there being some problems with the dress you bought from our store last month. Please tell me about these issues in more detail whenever it is convenient. Faithfully, ‘M. White {Directions} Respond to the email as if you are L. Partridge, in your email, outline THREE problems with the dress Gia'sit ban la L. Partridge, hay viet email trinh bay ba'vdn 4@ én quan én hide do dam. © Nim bit gai y Ly do gi email duge dé cap ro trong phan ©. @® Liet ke trong 1 phut ‘Ngudi gui email: M. White, quin ly cia dai ly ban 18 Dighy s Fashion ‘Ngw@i nhdin email: Khich bing tén li 1. Partridge: Ly do gui email: ¢ biét them chi tiét vé sy ef sdy ra yéi-chibe do dim L. Partridge di-mua ‘Yeu‘edu: Tyinh bay ba van dé lign quan dén chide ao dim toi vai L. Partridge Wwaw.nhantrlviet com te a 2 08:00 pong nao Ban hay nghi ra 3 van dé dé trinh bay trong khodng 2 phi, a (2) @) Po step 96:00. viet email ta | Dua vao cae 7 twing da Heb ra tren, viét email tré lei trong 6 phuit con lat INguti.nban} i (MG dau) — (Van dé 1] First, [Vin dé 2] More importantly, [Vin dé3} And f) Stage 03 A 177_& Strategy ‘step 1 10.00 Ném bat noi dung chinh trong email cho sda va yéu cdu cia phin hudng din From:'M, White, Manager, Digby's Fashion Outlet : L. Partridge Subject: Something wrong?, Sent: December 13, 4:27 PM. Dear Ms. L. Partridge, | received your phone message this morning:sbout there being some problems with the ‘dress you bought from our store last month: Please tell me about thase issues in more detail whenever it is convenient. Faithfully, M.White ‘Vocab: receive xhan fin densi hi «le! whenever its convenient hilt ct kh nao sa ie stop 2 0800 Ding néo ‘Chae chai 1a ban od nhiéu kink nghiém trong-vige mua sim ‘quin so phai khong? Hay ob géng nghi xem thong thadng cé nbiing van dé gi phat sinh c6 thé khién ban khong hai long. (1) Bad stitching, 2) The dress shrank. (3) The dress is bleached, a wewwinharitrivieticom step O 06:00 Viet email tri Ii (Tien ‘at skoritiiviencom om fi Hi, Mr. Mi. White, ‘Thanks for getting back to me $0 quickly. Unfortunately, | do have @ coupie of complaints about the dress. First, the stitching on the back is corning undone. The quality of your elothing is normally high, so this is a bit disappointing. ‘More importantly, though, the directions on the label indicate that the dress is -machine-washable. Howaver, after | put it in the machine last week, the material has shrunk anc ir ne tanger fits me. And it seems to be bleached a bit as well. The color Ie nar bright blue anymore. Please email me soon to let me know what you plan to do about this. ‘Yours, L: Partridge (Chién luge: Ban nén ghi nhd cdng nhiéu tir vung va thanh ngulién quan dén ‘quan éo cing tat. ‘Vocab stitching dmg hhdu on the backrén Kwg /machine-washate ih gidt bing may / sho Cohrankcshrink) cai Ata bd leach phi mau” ‘are 998 eon o Ni it email ai? i de ong y van tal Peters 3: Walker, Director Pete's Shipping - Ben 1a ngui nhén email, Z. Lee, Purchasing Manager, Norvile Supnlies zi abitng ban 18 ai Our serv ses analy 17,412 PM. Auta thet bj od tong ty ing 1y do git email? Dear Mr. Lee, : Tho fa vé dich vu vn euyen, fundarstand you tried to contact me: this. morning to. dis cuss improvernenis you believe we could make to our ser |: r si, 1 joi axl an to Gi. rvecacrSeaxtnelion iow. | Net desta eh # ailing ho it ine bo we could perform better please respond to this erval altars Yours, D. Walker ~ Diy li-email cia ebng ty van tdi gU eho cing ty déi tie voi ndi dung yeu cdu cing ty d6t {de cho biét j kign vé ning cdi thien nhim nang exo cbst tuong dich vu van chuy .W7 Ban phai viét email tra Idi nhu thé nao? [Directions] Respond to the email as if you are Z. Lee. In your email, make TWO suggestions about how the com- pany could improve its services. Gia sit ban 1a Z. Lee, tian hay viet email tra loi, trong 46 dura ra hai got ¥ ‘nhdm néng cao dich vy eda céng ty van tdi, Xem email tra li mau du6i day. ihe seco cerns Ss 2 Hello, | have two suggestions thar should help yau improve your = uiada ‘services. 4 ‘Cahal et¥ Firstly: You should develop an online ordering service. My ‘company makes many large arders and it can de annoving 10 fill out so ruch paperwork. An oniine order form: would Hai eg ‘be simpler: Secondly, | suggést you put @ tracking device I Patrik ih w at ag te ‘Sfi-yOur Shipmiefits. That way, customers don’t need to - eee worry about delays or lost deliveries. 4 oe Roane fein te evi Kind regards, Zee >» ~ Hai got an online order form va a tracking device-duye trink bay trong email méu xwit phat ti ofc ¥ turing Hen quan 4&n tink hudng néu ra trong email ma ngwin viét nan doo: Tuy vay, han pha hm ¥ Ja cho day tung 06 hay dén may di nda, ban cing phai biét.cach dién dat thich hop thi mei co thé tg0 ra mot email suc tich-va hiéu qua. wwwenhantiviercom Ban cb y hién phat khong? Hay bay, t6 y hith cia mink! Nhiing cach dién dat dude diing dé “bay t6 dé nghi, gai y Céc bir nhur suggestion (48 nghi, 48 xuét), advice (loi khuyén), instruction (sy turing din), step (bude, gial dogn) thurmg dupe sit dung trong cic d8 nghi, got ¥ lich sy. Trong khi dé, suggest, recommend, you should -, v.v. thuing xudt hign trong nung edch bay t6 48 nghi, got ¥ thong dung. Khi dé nghi, goi y | have’a suggestion for you which should help you improve efficiency. I have a couple of suggestions for how you could improve your customer service. | suggest you invest in glossy marketing materials. I'd recommend that you develop a more efficient de- livery service. You should apply for as many job vacancies as possible. Khi huéng dan If you follow the steps outlined below, you should be able to install the program. if you follow the next steps, you should be able to fix the problem with the copier. | Seite \| \ \ , ra i @ «01 Bra nstorming pox Ses “Luyda the kha ning nghi ra nhang - f i _y-tudnglean thiét cho cdc chd 48 vé ~ ¢ nhding hh huéng khdc nhau Z oe q Customer-Business Emails (emait khich hing iti cong ty ©) e008. is cans: es a Se a Age T cure Save | Cancel 5 Ame | Spettonesk f Forte From: G; Posey To: N. Jones, Event Manager, ITF Conferences ‘Subject: Next month's conference Sent: February 26, 8:12 PM, i Bear Ms: Jones, I'm coming to San Francisco next month to attend the "Women in Literature” conference. | need to: make the arrangements for my-trip. 2 and was hoping you could give me some advice about this. t hope to | 3) fear back from you soon. Faithful, 'G. Posey ® Nam bat tinh hudng: Ban:phai tim duge y teing dé trién khai chu dé dys vau -email cho sin. Hay trd loi ede edu hit dust day. 41) Who is N. Jones? Sho isan for the upcoming conference. (2) What's the purpose of the email? To suggestions for her travel arrangements. @, Nghi raf tudng: Hay xem ban than ban la nguit nhan buc email nay, didn vio ché tréng hai dé nghi con lai. (1) To stay close to the (2) To fly in earlier conference center. ™S eo - 3) 40 ‘ 2 Customer-Business Emails cemait nach bang witi cong vy 2) e008 2 Li a fet y Rene | Be ) Address. { SpowCheck | Font Type From: Len Munster “To: Inquiries, Pluzo Air Subject: AC is matfunetioning Sent: February 12; 1145A.M. Hello; © Lown a Pluzo Air ait-conditioning unit which has started matfunction- ing. The product warranty has already run out, $0 you're not liable for the problem, but | was stil hoping you could give me some advice ‘about how to ficit, Thanks for your consideration. Regards, Len Nim bat tinh budng: Ban phai tim duye'y tudng é¢ trign whas chi dé dua vao email cho sin. Hay tré loi cde ciu hoi dusi day. y (1) What seems to be the problem? ae ‘Mr. Munster's doesn't work properly, (2) What is the purpose of the email? To get useful about fixing the air conditioner, @ Nehi ra ¥ ting: Hay xem bin thin ban la nguét ban bite email 6, dlén veo ch tring hai dé nght con lat. (1) To consult the product el manual Malfunction of Electronics: 3) 4 . é (4) To check a list of tech- nicians. tee Stage 01 Model’ Customer-Business Emails (Email khich hang gui cong ty ©) From: G: Posey To: \/'N. Jones, Event Manager, ITF Conteronces Subject: Next montis conference Sent: February 26, 8:12 PM Dear Ms, Jones, 0 Sah Francisco next marth to attend thé “Wornen in Litetature™ conference. I need to make the arrangements for my trip, and | was hoping you could give me some advice about this. | hope to hear back trom you secon Faithfully, G: Posey ‘Woeeh: contarence fli right (erature vay hive / make arrangemants sdp xp (moi ike) ‘© Nim bit tink hudng (1) N.dones la ai? +> Sho is an event manager for the upcoming conference. Giai thich: Chute vy eiia N. Jones, ngudi nhdn email, dage new ro ngay bén canh ten otia 0b dy. (2) Muc dich gti email la gi? > To ask for suggestions for her travel arrangements, Gidi thich: Yeu cdu nhing thong tin edn thiét &€ chadn bi cko chiyén di dit hoi nghi. © Nahi ra ¥ tuing {(1}You should stay at's hotel close to the conference center. hyde 2 khdch som ge ud ag den hos ah {2} You should try to fly in the day before the conference Is dua to start. hy nin atts trtte hide: din ea HL gh, (3) It is recommended that you bring your laptop to take notes. Chi nen mang theo: may tink doh tay.Aé ght ee 4) You can plan a tour of the city because you have free time in the afternoon. Chi ed:tnd ten 42° hoaety them quart thanh: phd uF chi eo tha glam rank: wdo bust inva, wanw.ahanteivieticom Customer-Business Emails (mail khach hing giti cong ty 2) From: Len Munster Tor Inquities, Pluzo Air Subject: AVC is malfunctioning Sent: February 12, 11.45 AM. Hello, 1 own @ Pluzo Air air-conditioning unit which hag started malfunctioning. The product warranty has already run-out, so you're not liable for the problem, = but | was Still hoping you could give me some advice about how to fix it. Thanks for your consideration, Regards, Len Vocab: inquites phan ching tin aleeondioning he viding did haa whee de / unit aay ‘atfuncton it tt warranty hes run out an ul a / be labo for chu uric sikifm 28 ~ f consideration sic su xe, ap quan tam © Nim bit inh hudng (i) Van dela gi? > Mr. Munster's air conditioner doesn't work properly. Gidi thich: Can cit vito Subject va phin:mé dau cia email, ban 6 thé thay ring vin 48 6 day 1a may didu hoa nbigt dp bj hing. (2) Mue ich gui email la gi? > To get useful advice about fixing the air conditioner. ii thieh: Tuy 4a het han bao hanb, nhury ngue git email vin mong:nhiin iage vai lot khuyén vé cach sita cai may didu hoa nhigt €0-by hang d6. Nghi ra ¥ tung 1) Consult the product manual. (2) Try to disassemble every unit and clean it. (3) You can send it to our main service center. (2) Try checking our wabsite fora tist of recommended technicians. 9 1 2 1 02 Paragraph Pewer Luyén tép ikhd nang’ st dyng tudrig vé dé nghi, got ¥ 48 tao. ‘Doc -tde email saa, dién noi dung thich hop vao ché tring phit hop vet noi dung cila ede dé nghi, got ¥.cho sin. In-house Emails (Email trong ndi bé cng ty) From: Ken M,, Departmental Secretary ‘To: All Administration Staff ‘Subject: Meeting Sent: January 15, 8:24 A.M. Hi everyone, Please don't forget that we have the departmental meeting tomorrow at 3:00 PM, If you have any suggestions for issues you'd like us to discuss, please let me know right away. Thanks. Ken ® DE ght (9 Tha ue dai seh chi oun, (2) Tha tud edch edt tien m0 inar vibe. | have a couple of suggestions for matters you might like to add tothe meeting’s agenda. Firstly, The other issue i'd tike:te discuss is. Business-Customer Emails (Email gi cho khach hing) From: Jacob W.. Customer Services Manager, Plymouth City Food- link | To: Foodlink Supermarket Loyalty Card 5) holders: Subject: Getting feedback Sent: January 29, 2:13 PM. Dear Foodlink Loyalty Card holders, ‘Thank-you for shopping at Foodlink. As part of our commitment to your satis- faction. I'm writing to all our card hold- ets to check that you are happy with ‘our service. If there is anything thet you would like 1o'see changed, please contact me. Yours sincerely, Jacob W. @ DE nghi (1) Nn med ete 24 tin nai (2) én 26 hina pd tug mon oh ede ‘dts ng, thd thi Plymouth City Foodlink is an ex- cellent supermarket, but | have ‘two suggestions that could make it even better. First, in addition, www.nhantriviet com Business-Business Emails (Email givta cde cong ty) From: C. Dodson, Senior Executive, AdvertiZe To: K. Silva, General Manager, Code) Sportswear Subject: The new campaign Sent: March 21, 11:57 AM Dear Mr. Silva, My name‘is Claire Dodson and | am handling your advertising account on behalf of AdvertiZe. We're now glan- ning 3 new promotional campaign for your company. If you have any specific requirements for the campaign, please contact me:as soon as possible. Sincerely, ©. Dodson ® Dé nghi AD) Cait phi sem natant ne ge teu reich de (2) Cdn phdi tn dung cde kénh qudng cdo ching han Internet There are two matters | need to instruct you on before you be- gin planning the campaign. Fall, Customer-Business Emails (Email khach hang gthi cong ty) ? From: Keita Wellesley To: Customer Support, Mainland Mow- ers Subject: A problem Sent: April 2, 12:36 RM. Hello, | bought'a Big Cut lawnmower from Mainland Mowers about 6 weeks'ago. Unfortunately, something seems to be jammed in the lawnmower's blade, and I'm not sure how-to get it out safely, Can you please giv me some advice? Thanks, Keira ® Dé nghi (0) Nén gid guyét thea hat bude: sau: gen i 8 th i Det imdy ndin righiéng vis ge lai dao ca. (Niele de dieu ave If you follow the next two steps, you should be able to unblock the blade. First of all ‘ my Stage 02 Model, Strategy In-house Emails (Email trong néi bd cong ty) | have a couple of suggestions for mat- tors yolu might like to add to the meeting's ‘agenda. > Fitatly, | want to discuss the parking list. > The other issue Id like to discuss is the office environment. We need to talk about ways we can redecorate in heré to make it pleasent, @ Dé nghi (0) Tado fun dann sdeh cht déu xe, (2) Thao fudn eich edi thién mét trudng lam vike. ‘Voeaby, gona chums irl nah i parking Wit dah sich du xe / offoe ervironenent di tram sige [redecorate trang i lai Business-Customer Emails (Email gti cho khach hang) Plymouth City Foodiink is an excellent su- ‘permarket, but | have two suggestions that could make it even better. » First, you should keep the supermarket ‘open 24 hours'a day. >In addition, | think there should be big- ger rewards for Loyalty Card holders. @ Dé nghi (1) én md eda 24 gid: midi naay. (2).Nan 26 hiang phd thurtng tn hom cho de fon ang thdn tie ‘Voc: joylty cand holder Risch hing dupe cp thé wae (do sng xen mua sim dm sta hag, iu thi ndo &6) | comertmect foi cam bi! reward phan thuaing Business-Business Emails (Email gite cae cong ty) ‘There are two matters! need to instruct you on'before you bagin planning the campaign. > First of all, we'd like the advertisements to target young people, especially. mal Young malss are our biggest market, 80 ‘we need to eppeal to them, > Secondly, we'd like you to sake use of new advertising channels. In particular, please try and use a lot of Internet adver. tisements. @ DE nghi (1) Cin phdi xem nam thant ridin id kidch hang. ue ti (2) Cn phdi tén dung ede kénh quéng cto méi, ohéing han Internet. Voeabs advertising account hyp ding que cdo / 00 bohall of win dank / requirement véu edu / ‘target nhdin vo! appoat hip én, 161 cud ! channel Rénk in parteular ey thé www nhantrivietcon Customer-Business Emails (Email khach hang giti cong ty) If you follow the next two steps, you should be able to unblock the blade. > First of all, tip the red safety switch on the side of the mower. > Then, turn the mower on its side and corefully lft the blade cover off, > If you are uncomfortable about handling this task, then | suggest you take the lawn: mower to your nearest Mainland Mowers service center instead. @ Dé nghi (i). Nin gid quyl theo ta Buide sow BO cdg tee an todn: mau a d ben hc, B DAY indy nm nehibng v8 g2 hv dad (2) Mang may dé trang (dem dich un edn nt ‘Voeth: lawnmower may xén cd fan Ret blade fri dan! ge out Id} ra! thp bdr (come td, mit) ‘of the side Ben hig / hari x ly 1 “Sp xép hop ly khoang fhai gian 10 phut 4é viét mot email thyc té Nam bat néi dung chinh trong email cho sin va sto | 10:00 yeu cau cia phan hudng din N&m ving trong tém ciia email cho sin trong vong 2 phuit. From: Jenny Cooper, Manager, Hotel Mating. | To: Marcus Farley Subject: Your stay Sent: March '6, 4:21 PM. Dear Mr. Farley, hope you enjayed your'recent stay at Hotel Marina, It was a pleasure having you!“ ff you have any advice you would like to give us about our facilities and services, please let me know. Thank you, Jenny Cooper [Directions] Respond to the email as if you are Marcus Farley. In your email, make THREE suggestions about how the hotel could be improved, Gia si ben la Marcus Farley, hay viét email trinh bay ba dé nghi vé cach cai thin khach san, © Nim bit goi y Ly-do gui email duge dé cap r6 trong phan ©. @ Ligt ke trong 1 phit ~ Neuti git email: Jenny Cooper, gin dc Bhieh son Marina [Nei hn email: Khieh hing tén ih Mareus Farley : Ly do gti email: Dé nghe li khuyén caw khiieh hing da ting dén é tai Khéch san Yeu eh; Trinh bay badd nghi vé echo thiém khich san trong-vai Mareus Farley wanwiihantiviercom o step < G8:00 peng nao Ban hay nghi ra dé nghi #é trinh bay trong kholing a (2) Improving Hotel / Service | 3) RQ step \ GG:08 viet email tra loi Dua viocde ¥ tod Fora start, [Dé nghi 2TAlso, nghi- 2 Finally, g lA nght rad treii, viét email tra lai trong 6 phat: edn lat step 170.00 Nam bét nfi dung chinh trong email cho sin va yéu edu cia phén hing dén From: Jenny Cooper, Manager, Hotel Marina To: Marcus Fatley Subject: Your stay Sent: March 6, 4:21 PM, Dear Mr Farley, | hope vou enjoyed your recent stay-at Hotel Marina, it wes a pleasure having youl it vou ‘have any adivice you would like to give us about our facilities and services, please let me ‘know. ‘Thank you, Jenny Cooper ‘Voeabs recent gd dy say sic ei st ala Chacha / ‘Wowas a pleasure having you. Ri hin hank dare sdb dat Snibd. / cities ede tien neh, ca sd vat chat step 2 0800. Dgng néo Cé rat nhiéu dé nghi ban 6 thé néu ra déi voi dich vu va cost: vat chat eta khach san nhw dich va gidt ii, dong trayén Internet, dich va'don phong, phong may tinh danh cho doanh nhan, v.v. 11) Complimentary breakfast could be better (2) Upgrade the business center 13) The checkout time is too early Possible 150 step 06:00 Viet email tra li ips bla Comat Dinah ‘Diagli2h ‘Dhoaia} nil Dear Ms. Cooper’ | enjoyed staying at your hotel, but | have a couple of suggestions about possible improvements you could make, For a start, the complimentary breakfast could be better. Sometimes the ingredients werer't fresh, which was a little disappointing Also, I'd ike you to upgrade the business center. The computers and printers sot up in this area were quite outdated and slow. Finally, | want to mention your checkout time. | had to check out by 10 A.M, and found it a bit earlier compared to other hotels: Other thar those things, | thought the hotel wes excellent. ‘Thanks, ‘Marcus Farley Chin Huge: Liru 9 dén ede to vung va thanh nga lién quan dén dich vu, co si vit chat cia khéch san, ‘Yoeab: make improvements thu hig «deca thin | complimentary bai, mai /ingrodiont ‘think phn: / st up ldp da, shit lp! outdated i that / compared to 30 vei ss Questions 6-7: Respond to a written request Directions: in this part of the test, you will show how weil you can write @ response to an-e-mail, Your response will be scored on * the quality and variety of your sentences, * vocabulary, and * organization You will have 10 minutes to read and answer eacti @-mail Click on Continue to go on. Directions: Read the e-mail below. From © Torina, Customer Service Representative To: J. Samuel, Director of Shipping Subject” Delivery delay Sent: June 25, 11.07 AM | heard from oné of our customers; Jenny Smith, that she’stil hasn't feceived the wadding invitation ‘cards she ordered, We promised to make this delivery by June 16, She seems to be quite upset: Can you look into this, please? Directions! Respond to the e-mail as if you are J. Samuel. In your e-mail, describe TWO steps you will take to handle the situation and make ONE request. Mini Test 1 Directions: Read the ¢-mail below. From: Ken Smith ‘To: Aaron Devin, President, First Insurance Agency Subject: Interview. Sent: March 29, 8:76 A.M. Dear Mr. Daviin, ishave a job interview scheduled for next Monday’at 3:00 PM, However. | am affaid there have been some changes in my current schedule, so |-heve to work until late at night that day. Could you possibly reschedule my interview dete? | fook forward to meeting you soon. Best regards, Ken Smith) Directions: Respond to the @-mail as if you are Aaron Devlin. In your e-mail, suggest TWO possible times for holding the interview and request ONE item that Ken Smith should bring with hirn. sowwinhantiwetcon 18 ‘ Mini Test 2 Questions 6-7: Respond to a written request Directions: In this pari of the test, you will show: how well you can write @ response to an e-mail, Your response will be scored on » the quality and variaty.of your sentences, * yoeabulary, and organization, You will have 10 minutes to read and answer each e-mail, Click on Continue to go on. 7 Mini Test 2 18 Directions: Read the @-mail below, From: Randy Emerick, Assistant to Vice-Pre: To: Ail staff Subject: Vice-president’ retirement party Sent: January 27, 1:15 PM. Vice-President Jetty Silvaria’s retirement party will take place at the Grand Traverse Resoit on February 9 at 7:00 PM, We ate asking that employees help. ‘with preparations tor the party, such a8 decorations, setting up tables, and so on. Directions: Respond to the e-mail as if you are an employee at this company. In your e-mail, ask TWO questions and: make ONE suggestion about organizing the: patty. saiwirssharirivier Cony Directions: Read the e-mail below, From: Oscar Wolfe To: Jack's Online Hardware Subject: Malfunctioning drill ‘Sent: June 12, 10:14 AM. ‘The power drill | bought from you on the Internet last month is not working well anymore. it turns on, but it doesn’t dri as efficiently as it used to. | have to push very hard to make it cut into the wood, It’s just not funetioning like it should. Help me please! ‘Oscar Wolfe Directions: Respond to the e-mail as if you are a customer service worker at Jack's: Online Hardware, in your e-mail, give TWO instructions to handle the problem ‘and make ONE suggesticn about maintaining this tool, hi & , ng tin eo ban vé bai Indn 1 Cu tao co’ban cia bai luan TOEIC Witing yéu clu ban viét mit bai lus ob d6 dai khodng 800 4 ve cae dhd d@ tien quan dén siah hoat cong s6 trong khong thot gian 30 phuit. Dé vigt duge mot bat ludn hodn chinh thi 4iéu quan trong Ki trade hét ban, pha ‘ptm ‘ving efi tne eo han cia ba ludn bao gdm phd md bal, than bai va ket logn. Phin mé bai (Introduction) doa vin mu, ban phi hb Medical services can be a huge expense in our lives, People. without adequate medical insurance can lose | all of their: money and possessions if they get sick or Se Sap Tat gt eh te | injured. (CBs hga a8) 1 believe’ it is the goverrime beled ee a responsibilty to make sure that all citizens receive oe sufficient magical services. This is because individuals sie eH ed, ‘and companies do not always have enough financial resources to pay for modical bis. [1g 401) Iris not feir to expect individuals to pay for their | . madical bills. Only the rich can comfonably pay for eean eden f 2 Seseesienees: ‘hE gi thot sin in thn Ta ob ¢ 4, gin idm nb vy. {lg do 2] At the sarne time, companies already struggle 10. make profits, s0 they should not be:requirad to give up their earnings to pay far their employees’ medical ‘treatment {Cialip li les 8) Therefore, the government must be iio Gaeslabeat responsible for paying medical bills. They can get phd kt lt, ban phi lap ii chs money for medical services through taxes, it the fui bb tray @ pada md ba hin government pays the hospital bills and costs related to tao a8 hyd pe ag eo 9 Medication, al citizens can receive equal treatment. 1 qos i bn tha hp, | This is the only way that is fair for everyone. i phn ryt Whaat dep dn dhe bg mel in Kg de rab uy phd thn bu we vevivechanitiviet corn Cac giai doan viét bai luan- 8 Hiéu TOPIC Diém mau chét dau tien khi viét bai ludn la hiéu dung chi dé 44 cho, Ban ehi-nén bat déeviét bai hug sas Kh da nd bét chinh xde trong tam eta vin db. Dong nao tim y twéng lién quan dén chit dé Ban phai chon ¥ tudng cilia ban than saa cho phi hop. ‘vol topic eang nhur thé loai cia eau hoi vi du ohu kidu cau hii yéu cu néu f kin ding ¥ hay khong déng y, ‘kidu tiring thust, kidu didn t€ uu = khuyét didam, vie: va ‘sau d6 suy nght tin ly do h6 try cho cae § tuning Ao. ‘Nam cdc tuéng chink ‘Ban phai ght chu ede ¥ taong'da nghi-ra ve bat dau viet in, doan: vain sau khi thiét lap duge dan eda bai tuan, ‘Vidt bai Iwan thie té Ban-phar vit bat Iudn theo trinh tus Phém md bab ‘Than dai > Ket lug, dng thot phat duy tri tinh nbatt ‘quan xayén sudt bai Tun: Doc lai “Troe: et-thuie; gn phai:de by doin ab tai en: ten-v0 18) sath play, bith ee kek cht ch geese than namgeenirmiic doebed eh tinh 3 Doan van: Don vi co ban cdu thanh bai luan ‘Nhu @4 trinh bay phan trade; m6t bai ludn tiéu chudn phaicé edu trie: Mo bat + Than bai > Két nan, bao gom nbiéu doan van khde nhau. ‘Trong ting Anh, doan vin duge got JA paragraph; so voi eau van dom 1é 66 miuc dich truyén dat thong tin don gién, doan van bao.gim tap hop nhiéu cfu van déng vai tra Ja don'vi co ban cia su thuyét phue trong bat ludn. Vi vay, mt bat lun hodn chinh phat 1€ tp hyp ede dogn van bay t6 quan diém ahat ‘quan, dirge'lién ket chat ché, sie tich va o6 mite do thuyét phue cao, 1. Diém khdc biét giita phuong thiic trién khai ¥ cia phuong Dong va phuong Tay Nhu ban e6 thé théy o hai hinh ve dudi day, phuong thitc trién Ichai y:cita phuong Dong va phuong Tay od su-khde bitt rat len. Ova: hea phuong Dong, ban thuimg pha nghe rat nhiéu cdu néi réi moi di dén duge két lun; trong khi 6, d6i voi tiéng Anh, hic nao ban cang phat bat déw bai ludn bing cat dn d& tuomg ung vor ket ludn, Si kha biet nay duge thé hién-rd ngay khi viét mét-doan vain. Vi vay, dé-¢6 thé viét mbt bai Tuan 06 4 hoan chinh cao, diéu quan trong la ban phai biét edu tao co ban cia doan van va. 06 sing luyén tap vidt dogn vin theo ed tao 46, Phiding thie triéa Khai j-cla phang Bing Phung thie trign Khai joa phutmg Tay 2. Cau tao co ban ca doan van ‘Dogn vin ting Anh thuimg bat ddu bing cau chi. dé tuyng ting vét Ket Iudn, tip theo Ja nbimg ly do-cu thé hé tro cho chi dé va két thife bang edu hoan tat chi 48 6. "Thong thudng méi doan.van-cé 5-10 cau vi khodng 75-160 tu. Tuy nhién, vai bai ludn khodng 300 tu thi méi doan-nén o6 khodng 4-5 cau bao gim mot eau eb dé, hai hoae ba cau gidt thich Iy'do va sau 46.18 mot cau két thuc, ‘Hay xem bai ludn'sau day vidt vé choi dé “Cong ty se lam i dé nban’vién trang thanh voi céng ty? www.nhiantivietcom & Topic sentence (1 semence} & Subject development (2-8 sentences) @ Summary sentence £1 sentence) (Phuong. the trién khai dogn van theo 3 bude cia bai haan tiéng Anh] oe By offering @ opportunities for career development, __ Chu un &é @ phin md bai @ professional training and @ outstanding employee “ tee ‘aupemeanianté® p trong ea luda, Support systems, employers can Keep hol oftheir aoa eteenene workers for longer : ee Fest of oh, companies must offer ther employees {Cau ddu tien eda than bail ‘opportunities for advancement to get them to stay. 4 ‘Chu cht €8 Tope satenca) ‘One of the main reasons that people switch companies — {sto find a job with batter pay and more responsibility. ‘Many of these employees would, of course, be Gg tit be more likely to stay with the company if there were | SSumiect covenant) ‘opportunities for promotion: ‘Therefore, itis crucial that employers give workers the. Kei thie doan vin ‘chance to find better positions within the company, iSummaiyzantencel 88, 3. Chign luge dé viét t6t doan van Chayén tr tng thé song chi tiét + Lam § 18 phuong thie trién Khai nay tuomg tyr nur kht ban zoom may quay phim hay midy chup hinh dé nhin thay duoe 16 hon; ban edn phai phat trign ta eau chi dé ctia cd doan vam than noi dung chi titt mot exch that thuyét. phuc. » ‘Trong mdi dogn van, ben chi nén trinh bay nbuing n6i dung lién quan dén edu chi dé cds doan van @6. » (-mbi doan van, ban chi nén dua-ra:cde-ndi dung hé try cho-cdu chil dé, bat ké noi dung: 46:14 Ly do hay dan chimg * Sik dung lien ti mot each link hoat = Néu sit ding lien tw thich hop 48 nds ese cats trong mot doan van lat vet stbau, ban ise 6 thé tao ra.dage ede doan van mach loc-vé 06 tinh logic cao. + Két qua: therefore, thus, as a result - So sanh (tuong déng): similarly, in the same way - So sénh (khae biét): but, however, on the contrary, on the other hand, conversely +» Dan chiing: for example, for instance + Tudng thuat lai: in other words BG sung: in addition, also, moreover, furthermore - Nhuong bd: nevertheless, nonetheless Thiru: first, second, third, to begin with, next, after - Tom tit, két lugn: in conclusion, to summarize, in summary. © Luy@n t4p phuong thie trién khai noi dung * Mo ta: Phuong thie mé td thudng duge ding trong ede tinh hudng giai thich, git thiéu vé san phdm; diéu quan trong la ban phai ndm duoe thi ty-md ta. (trén + dui, duéi > trén, indi.» phiti, phai -> trfi, bn trong -* bén mgodi, bén ngodi -* bén trong) ® Mé t4 qud trinh: Phuong thue trién kha nay thudmg dage dung khi tra Jot caw hai How to, Diéw quan trong la ban: phai mé ta theo ting bude vi gita cic bude ban cé thé siz dung ede len tu sau Firstly ~~ Secondly — Thirdly ~- Finally To begin with — After Next — At last Initially — Afterward —- Then To start with —- Next —- Thereafter + Trinh bay nguyen whan va két quad: Saw khi bat dat trién khai chadé bang nguyen nhan ode két qui, ban s¢ dua ra ly do bang ede ebting ett khac nhan, r6i két thnic bing each néu ra két Inén. (Vi dysedu chiidé neu ra ket qua: phy ni ngei sinh dé da tré than viin 4@ mang tith xa hoi > ndidung cu thé ida: nbuitig vi du va bidu hign chuing iainke vide phu adi ngai sinh dé da tré thanh van dé mang tinh x8 hoi) * Sosénh va 46i chidu: Phuong thie trién Khai nay thadng duge sik dung khi ban new ra hal vain dé cing mot hic. 2. Than bai 12 ‘Than bat gim e6 2-3 doan'van, Méi doan dda phil. mé dau bing:eau chil d (topic sentence) va eau do la nhitng ly’ do, co: sd-eu thé (specific support) dé hé try cho cau ‘ch dé 46, Kem nhuing cach €i6n dat véi trong tam la ede Lien ty thuimg duge ding khi trinh bay topic sentence va specific support duct day. Khi trink bay topic sentence ‘hen tir bit ddu moi doan van) Firstly ~- Secondly ~- Thirdly To start with —- Another reason — Also Primarily —- In addition — Lastly First of ali Furthermore — Finally First and foremost —. Another reason ~- Final reason * Trinh bay ba wu-diém khi lam vige lau ném.o mot not Primarily, it is better to stayin the same job because it is much more convenient and comfortable. in addition, | think it is better to stay at the same company because then you | can enjoy lasting friendships with your colleagues. Lastly, staying at the same’ company increases your chances for career develonment. Khi néu vi du hoac giai thich ly do For example / For instance Khi gidi thich va neu vi dy cu thé However / On the other hand Khi trinh bay-ly do phan doi In addition / Furthermore / Moreover / At the same time Khi gidi thich mé rong Sau Khi trinh bay ly do tai sao ban nh lap dgr trang thiet bi tap thé due trong ‘cong ty khong phai la mot. y kién hay, ban phai dua ra vi dy ou thé, While most employees will be able to maintain @ balance between work and exercise, some will inevitably neglect their duties. For example, in my previous role, | supervised a group of employees. One’ worker in particular spent too long exercising at lunchtime and was consistently late back to the, office. '* Giai thich mé rong sau khi da trinh bay ly do tat sao lap dat trang thiét bi tap thé duc trong cong ty khang phai la mot ¥ kién hay. Exercise equipment is often very expensive, and it needs to be maintained and upgraded often. Moreover. the space taken up by an exercise area is also costly: wwwinhantrivietcom 3, Két lun In conelusion / To conclude In summary / Overall All of the reasons / Bringing it all together » Tom tdt y kidn da trinh bay trong mot ea in summery, companies should not provide employees with exercise areas = Liét ké ngiin gon nhing co sf Ip huan 44 néu trong phan than bai thanh mot cau, Bringing it all together, the best way to manage healthcare expenses is to, have individuals pay for their own treatment. 18 ‘Question 8: Write an opinion essay Directions: in this part of the test, you will write an essay in response to @ question that asks you to state, explain, and suppott your opinion on an issue. Typically, an effective ‘88say Will contain a minimum of:300 words: Your response will be'scored on, ‘+ whether your opinion is supported with reasons ‘andlor examples, + grammer, * vocabulary, and organization, ‘You will-have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay, Click on Continue to 90 0n. Ch bai 68 8 “Tibi ch Al dinh cd va cho didm ___ He efu tgo ton bai, nding hye ter ‘vg, chia xde vé ngtphép vA f kid 06 duge hi try bai ede vid hoge lj do thich hgp bay ing. © Dik quan trong ban pai ra ‘ig if do ap fh date hap AE bt cho ki ca bn hin, ‘Néw ch trinh bay y-Kign eda minh thi ‘oan King thd dat due dif ca, Directions: Read the question below. You have 30 | minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. Typically, 2 i ‘an effective essay will contain 2 minimum of 300 | words. i <2) Think about the work you are doing of the future work. ‘What are the most important characteristics you and the people around you must possess to be successful for the job? Use specific details and examples to ‘support your opinion. | Cut Paste | Undo | Rado | Wore Count ‘Noi viét bai luan Xem xét chi dé va yéu cau ctia cau hoi What are key things to consider when choosing a job? Chi dé Give THREE factors that you believe are the most important. Th la Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choices. Ping thietrifa bhai iba 18 ‘Yeu edw cite cu hii 1a ban phdi-néu ra “ba yéu (8 quan trong edn phai cin nhac Ichi chon vige lam". Caw hot yeu edu ban trinh bay ¥ kién ed nha du trén 1A mot trong nhiing dang edu hoi viét ludn thutmg gap & mon thi viét TOEIC. Tntéc khi bat dau bai luan, diéu quan trong dau tién la ban phai xac dinh duc ba yéu tO quan trong cn phai can nhac. om Gié lam vige: in thug » atk + id. quan dain ai-tan 36 » Sy thi vi (im gide trdch abies phil Ché a6 dai ngd ta Litn quon dé fién latog, Ban c6 thé ght dfn tung tai di khong? Tint ide Ché lam tot / m tit) Déng nao tim y tudng Ba yéu t6 quan trong can phai can nhac khi chon viéc lam Salary > ‘Satisfaction ‘Tieu chudn chon twa ee Working hours Xem bai Juan mau ¢6 cau tric 5 doan van sau. — Doan ‘in © Trinh bay e0-quan ¢iém ieaceailen The key factors to:consider when choosing a job are tisfaction, salary, atid working hove. Doan van ® Trinh bay oo si 1 hé try cho quan diém First of al, itis vital that you get satisfaction frarn your job. mania og van (Trinh bly co si 2 WB fr eho quan idm dose In addition, salsry should be taken into consideration ‘when choosing a job, Doan vin @ Trink bay co sé h6 trg cho quan diém Lastly, you should ednsider the warking houré involved: in any job you choose. Doan van 9 Tom tat lai quan dé Het hign jpg satistacton salary, an woking hours at Conclusion key points to consider when choosing 8 job. www.nhantrivie Te vung hu ich lien guan dén chi. dé tim viéc lam Basic Vocab company <éng wy industry eng nghiep, neiih kink doank hospitality se fi manufacturing su sin x i ketch dit transportation sy clinyén cho health care cham sdc_y té fetail ban le government chal quien employment. editg-vide, vige him employer 1 employee niiduvién recommendation su siti shidu, su tid ett résumé bast tim di vd whan than application sic xin applicant nun xin 2 recruit: fio) fc, zing vién (= candidate) fang se recruiter nguti tuvén dung) Nghé nghiep Accounting Ké todn Administration & Clerical Qudnari hank chink General Affairs Ting v Customer Service Dich ow khuich hang Engineering Ky liad Sales & Merketing Kinh dowh va rip thi Human Resources: Nita due 3K Phuong thie lam vite fulbtime ediig cide) win itd gi probationary period ait teehee internship parttime temps ‘ (Chri. 48 tien quan dén tim vie va tuyén dung thuomg wudt hién & mon veh TOEIC. Ban phai co ging suy nghi va hét ké nhong van dé lien quan dén nghé nghidp, diéu kign & not lim. vide han da chon, hoje dac trung cia ting Joai nghé nghiep, v.v. 1. Nhitng van dé lién quan dén noi lam viée ‘Moi trong Him ike o6 tt Wing? © ¢ tide ‘tai nha Nén-choa nd ni cong ty lie: © Noi lim viee * Non chow die’ nis - hay cg ty nh? tin luong cao hay aghi phép l6u hon’? 4 @ What makes a company good to work for? A company reputation oe wathing environment Denafits package Possible. (lob secur satiny {fair work assessment “eas ~ on-the-job taining hata work career advancement oD Q Which do you prefer when choosing a job: a high salary or a lot of vacation leave? A sorngatin es _ phir makin to ‘ea 8 living Possible = Beery t0 lnisure ene Support obe'sfamity =~ 468S recharge one's baterios ‘monetary rewards: © workife balance: viwvenhantrviercont 2. Hoat déng tim viéc Céing vide trute day ei mite Itong cao hon ong vite mdi shai king? + Cong ty 06 thué aban cing (Gb phai chudn bj didu gi = ‘nade kh nbn eon vite Khe? lau dai ining? 4 Q What is the best way to search for a job? A employment snoadhuntet Jeb referral service: estils recruitment website: Classifieds ~*~ Wears. S. networking aman resources ‘make a cafear change i o Q What measures can people take to get a job? 3 A uslifcaion requirement cnattione er. ail ‘cover latter ieee) foreign language skills sical” oeatoneeaining v8 . 02 Paragraph Power 4 i tuyén tap viét'doan van, ‘don vi co ban edu thanh bal lan is 1. Viét cau Iuan dé a ‘Bee cals hire viét ev Tad a8 thasie cho bat Inari. Lum j ta ban chi duge viét mét ca. What is the best way to search for a new job? The best way to 2 Which would you choose: a job that pays little but gives you plenty of free time, or a job that pays a lot but allows you little time off? | would much rather Do you think that companies should hire employees for life? believe that when 4 Asan employer, would you rather hire an experienced employee * ata high salary, or an inexperienced worker at a lower salary? if | were an employer, | would prefer 4, search for a job is to’ use recruitment websites because they are fast, convenient and extensive 2, work in a lowar-paying job that olfars more free time because | can have time to ‘travel, to take up naw hobbies, and to hang out with my friends end farrily, . companies recruit new employees, they should try to hire people for shoiter petiods because new emplovees bring in enthusiasm, excitement, and fresh ideas, 4, to bite 2 more experianced employee bacause inexperienced workers would be Jess reliable and need more-trgining and supervision, weew.nliantivlet.corn 2. Viét doan van ‘Viet doan yan phi hop v6i caw ludn dé da viet & phan trade. O bai tap may, bai sé lyn tap viét doan van m6 bat vii it mht la hat eda (cau mb dau vaca lua A What is the best way to search for a new job? Cae anda Cau tut a Which would you choose: a job that pays little but gives you plenty of free time, or a job that pays a lot but allows you little time off? Cau md div tuandé Do you think that companies should hire employees for life? Cu mi diz Cau lua dé ‘Asan employer, would you rather hire an experienced employee at a high salary, or an inexperienced worker at a lower salary? Stage 02 Model. .. What is the best way to search fora new job? (Che mi ddu These days, there are many diferent ways in which a person can jook for-a-new: job. (Clu lugn 4é & In my opinion, the best way to search for a new job is 10 use recruitment websites. © These sites are more elective than any other method of searching because they are fast, convenient and extensive: * The following 25ay will explain these ponts in more detall & Chién luge: O phan md bai, ban phat tinh bay tém tat ¥ kién ciia ban than trong cat Judn dé (thesis). Tuy: nbién, mech van sé te-nbién hon néx baa khong di ngay vao van dé ma bat dau bing cau mé-déu nhw edu ©. Cau me dau thutmg 1a ly Inn chung vé chi dé nh xu thé hien nay, thai dd cia mot gud, vv, Céu dé cap dein website la phiong tign tim vige tit nhat; eau @ gidt thich Iydo-cho.quan didm trén va céu ® 14 cau lién két gitip-nguét doe chuyén dén dogn vin tiép theo mot edch tigp I va tao.edm gide ket thie doan van mé dau mot cach chat che; oes: terutmont nt dmg? abet rome! amtanohve vine a, whi sng chy Which would you choose: a job that pays little but gives you plenty of free time, or a job that pays a lot but allows you littie time off? Ciu md du“ Many people say that moriey is the most important factor when we choose a job. Cu lida dB Buri could choose between a high-paying job with tinte tres: time and a low-paying job with lots of free time, | would definitely opt far the jow-paying job. * This kind of job would give me more time to travel, to take Lp new: hobbies, and to hang outwith my friends and fait: B Chign luge: Day la dang edu héi you edw ban chon ange trong hai ¥ kién. ‘Voi dang edu héi nay, ben e&n phai néi ro ¥ kién ma han chon trong edu lan 4B, tuong te nhir @ eau @, thdp theo-ta mot vai ly-do hyd gon gist thick eho ya chon ea ban, réi méi bét du trién khot bai ludn. Vocab ot hi Ahi lr FO Frc Ton Be ae up ba (mi che, ba) ¢ hang out with di che eet umevenhantivies cor, Do you think that companies should hire employees for life? Chu md déu * Traditionally, companies have employed workers for life: Cu Inf dé But in today's modern world, rather than hiring employes for fo, | think that companies should recruit workers for short-term contracts instead. "The key adventages of hiring employees for shorter periods are that new employees bring if enthusiasm, excitement, and fresh ideas. « Therefore, as it will become obvious, the most Sensible thing for employers to do'ls hire employees on short contracts. S Chién hige: Nou rd quan diém cia bin than 1a ddng sevot vide thug nhan cong law dai hay chi thné hq trong mot thot gion nugin nher 6 eau 2, réi trién Khai bat Iudn. Can @ ist ke tom tét ede I do giai thieh cho quan diém ben a chon, Lun y la cde ly do nay thuing duge dién dat ngén gon trong mot eau. Voeabs for ite rir di, hw di rather than iin. fl shon term nga an J contact hop ding As an employer, would you rather hire an experienced employee at a high salary, or an inexperienced worker at a lower salary? Cau id fu. Some employers try to save money on wages by recruiting inexperionced employees, (Clu lbgn @ & However, given the choice; | would ite an experienced worker over an inexperienced one, evan though it would cost more. The reasons | would-opt for experience are that inexperienced workers would be less. feliable, and they would need more training and supervision. © Chign huge: Chi dé ciia cau héi la kidu lua chon, vi vay cau Iwan dé ® phai neti ré quan diéin ind’ ban da chon (éedean van maa, ngudi viét chon qnan mm sé luydn dite aban vin 66 kink nghiém cho da phat tra Inong. cao} tip chow bar phat-bé sung ede ly do ght thich tai seo-lei chon quan. diém do, oct experienced hic njhiew'f given ina croton ike over B sob su 21 aupersiaon 69 4 2 <2 03 Writing Essays } Sap x€p hop ly khodng thdi gian 30 phut 48 vit mét bai Ivan thuc té ] step | 30:00 Ndm bat yéu cdu eda caujhdi duge cho Nam ving trong tam eda cau hdt dud day trong vong 1 phuit: What do you think a candidate should do to prepare for a job interview? Use specific examples and details to support your answer. @ Lift ke trong 1 phit Dang cdu bdit Yeu efisxae-dinh didu quan trong, sad d6 Ty Tubn v8 diéu dd fF [NOL dung trinh bay: Nhiing diéu-cér phi chun bi:eho euge phéng-véin xin viée [N@i/dung bao hime: Vi du, chi tiét eu thé bi trg cho Wy in ei ban step Z 29:08 pong nao tim cdc ¥ twang lien quan Cénhiéu edch d8 nght ra ¥ tuxing, ‘Tham khdo hai ¥ tudng duct dy va sew dd hay 06 gang say nghi-dé tim ray tong eda ban than, 11-To prepare a ist of possibie questions ideas 1 2 To practice interview skills i model) & 3 To research the company. oe wT 1 To establish personal contact ideas 2% Todress protessionaly S modt2 = & 3'To be punctual step (3 25:00 Viet bai luan hoan chink ‘Cho di ban-cha nght ra day di ede ¥ tuimg, nhung trong Khodng thin gian 25. phuit can Iai, ban eng phai bat du vidt bai Luan. Hay the viet bai han bad. sgim $ doan vin sau day. (MG bai] (Cao ma du) (Cau gn €8) (Than bai] (Ly do 1) First of all, {Ly d0.2) Another thing that 3 ily do-8) Finally, le-condiusion, 0 Stage 03 Model,» & Strategy , 5 CE oS nage - 1 Introduction Cau nd Wha A candidate going into a job interview needs to be fully prepared: (Cau fain #8) ‘These preparations should include compiling @ list of possible questions, practicing the interview in advance, and researching the company thoroughly. if a candidate does these thvee things properly then they will have done averything possible to ensure success at the imerview: Body. {ty do 1] Cu chi dada vie} First of afl, candidates should prepare a list of possible: ‘questions thet the interviewers are likely to ask. Usually, interviewers will ask candidates. ‘general questions about their qualifications and experience. interviewers may also'ask technical questions related to that particular field, (Vidi) For instance, someone applying for @ computer programmer's position should prepare to answer questions about ‘operating systems and software products, By preparing these questions in advance, the candidate will Know viiat to expect im the interview. {LY do 2] (Cia chi dB cia doan vio) Another thing that candidates should do to prepare for a job interview is practice their interview skills. They can ask their friends or relatives to act 2 the interviewer, and have tham ask the prepared questions. This allows the candidate to biattice delivering ariswors te these questions. By preparing’in this way, they can feel much mote comfortable during the actual interview. (Ly do 3] Cav eh dd cis ign vn) Finally, candidates should do some fesaarch on the company at which they are applying for a job. In these modern times, this research ould Involve simply doing an Internat search on the company. Candidates whe have knowledge about thé company’s operations and backaraund are likely to impress the interviewer. Daing even a srhall amount of research helps 4 person to come across as professionai and organized. Conelusion (Cu tp lef ln 8) tr conclusion, candidates should prepare possible questions, conduct practice interviews, and do’ some research on the company before going to a job interview. Candidates who are fully prepared in this way are abie'to answer the interviewer's questions more etfectively, and 80/are more tkely to get the job. (3 bai) hig ilo ch phil chats bi cho bud ping vn an vide Alist of possible questions Practicing the interview Researching the company in advance fMhdn bal) | ‘Gidi thich chi tit vi ba difu-edn phat chuiin bj [Ly dott [Ly do} ‘(Ly do 3) Alist of possible questions Practicing the interview Researching the company ~ Nd dv lsu Bg N= Lap pede Aj atogphing win, Thm ida Weng ty Bentham dy ae trang tng nh we So ie ci i sk hing vin nn ie ~ chia re ng R&,——Ran bli ping tht = Ll he Ki a ng bn ies io AE deb waa ide (ét tug) ~ Ni chin it ahig dis nto etn, Bans of abd tala cong bad ping vi xn if oes: bo tuty prepared ui bjs sng compli a ist Lép ru mot bing é ualitcation sri dB chen mon technical thufe Ay thuit ‘ppy for rp da xin Gelver an answer to ir Joi poration sx heat dng come across as. died i & Strategy re. Stage 03 Model /. St en 2 Introduction @ Mode! (Chu md tu) Candidates need to make sure they are relaxed and confident before going toa job interview. (Chu lugn 48) To prepare for the interview, they should try to contact someone: at the company beforehand, dress as professionally as possible, and arrive on time. Body [1g do} (Cav ehi dé a dogn van) To start with, it is a good idea for candidates to try and contact someone from the company before going to the interview. This way. ‘candidates can find out more about the compar and the specific role they are applying for. More importantly, though, itis an excallent way of establishing a personal connection with the company. This not only halps the candidates to feel more comfortable at the interview but it also might make the interviewer feel more positive towards that particular candidate a5 well /Ly do 2 (Cas chi 8 ela dogn vin) Then,-On the day of the interview, itis crucial that carididates put a lot of thought and effort into their appearance. The interviewer's first Impression of a candidate is largely based on appearance. Therefore, candidates need to look as neat, tidy, and professional at the interview 2s possible. {Ly do 5 (Cavs & cin dgn vi) Similarly, it is important for candidates to make sure they arrive on time for the interview. The worst thing they can do at ¢ job interview is artive late. It ooks extremely unprofessional. Moreovar, they will probably be rushing to get there, ‘meaning they will be stressed end exhausted before the interview even begins. Instead, candidates should aim to get there wall before time so that they can enter the interview fonm in a comfortable, confident and relaxed mood. Conclusion lip ii cu ugn 48) In summary, it is very important for candidates to make personal contact with the company beforehand, and to dress professionally, and be punctual on the day of the interview itself: This way, they will feel more comfortable and have a much: better chance of leaving a positive impression with the interviewer. www .nhantrviet,com (Me bail ‘9 Nhaing dita cla phi chuta bj cho Sali png vin ite Punctuality tty dot) {Hy do (uy dost Personal contact Professional dress Punctuality OF he taino tpt» in Ydo i ~ ib ch 1 dot aw ph ‘ga in hg ty tra Bh cba fe gai Hah fa ping of ding si8 ping via th et he | i. ‘(Wet tata} = Nik hid jt bu iu ae te, tun ab tao dap fa trg 6% 5 ng ahine wn ‘Vocab: make sue (hat) oe (xing) ‘onion tn beforehand mete ‘speci ole va cw the rere imporamty. quan trong bom {eel postive towards Gerange the work increase the productivity ~~" possible perforin eficiently ideas -conveniance ivfegutar pace oneselt HS unpreditable © @ Which do you prefer: staying in a company for a jong time or changing jobs frequently? A ‘got s néw challenge Get promated explore new ar09s, Possible "7-98 ney raise abroad range ofexperience ~ Ideas. be'tayalto pi. nN get beter position.” OS gpeid toi te adapt to a 2, Van héa cong sb Cang ty v6 thé gidm sat Cé dupe An mie thoi méi ge hoat ding cia nhin vién ‘hi di lam khong? . hing? @) Co dug sit dyng + Yin da + Obng ty cb edn phal cho tat trang thiét:bi, dung cy seng:ed J ed nhin vien hung che db cia cing ty van ebng vige hau. bhing? ‘cd nhl kbéng? Seay hie Ii @ Should companies allow employees to dress casually in the workplace? A ‘reas cesvaly, wea casual clothes forma = intorrnad 3 ait _- express ones 7 Possible i relaxed % Ideas + improve work efficiency appeat unprofessional swore mors creatively @ Should companies give all employees the same benefits package? A foster loyalty ceeuitnantstrteoy ‘on a case-by-case basis . not fair * Possitte workplace unity ies, equality conflict inthe office encourage eooperation 02 Paragraph Power. ~ Luyén tép viét doan vane don vi co ban edu thanh pai luan 1. Viét cau Inan dé Doc céu hoi va viét cu Iudn dé thesis} cho bai luén, Lam y la ban chi duge vit. mbt cau. 1 What ate the advantages and disadvantages of operating with flexible working hours? The main advantage of but the main disadvantage 2 Some workers prefer to start their day early in the morning, while others prefer to start their day. a little later. Which do you prefer? (rung hap chow mt trong bai'~ 1) {Chon bét déu lim vite vao sing sim] @ | prefer to {Chon bt df lim sige mio hon} @ I prefer to 8 ‘Do you agree with the following statement? “Companies should allow employees to dress casually at work.” ‘Tring hép chon mit trong hai - 2) [Cho phép 4m mac thodi mai] @ Companies must let employees {Ring duce phép tn mde thoti mi) @ Companies must not let employees 1. operating with flexible working hours is thet itis convenient for employees, is that it ‘can be hard to arrange team meetings and events. 2.5 start my working day eater because | am more productive in the moming, 1 can finish eartier in the evening. and ! have more time to handle urgent problems during the day. go to Work later becauise It glves me @ chanée to sleep in oF Use the: mornings for other activities, and it allows me to avoid rustvhour traffic. ‘9. <0 weer casual clothes so that they can be more comfortabie, relaxed, and confident. 2 dies casually because it looks unprofessional, encourages laziness, and distracts the workers from their esponsibiities, 4 wwwinhantrivietcom 2. Viét doan van Yiét dogn van phui hop var cau ludn 48 da viet & phan trude. O bai tap ndy, ban sé luven tap viet doan vin & phén than bai wél ft nha 1a ba eau (etn chil dé va Ty do. 4 What are the advantages and disadvantages of operating with flexible working hours? (Viet mot doan vn v8 wu diém va mot dean van v8 ehuye dim) (Trinh bay uu diém) Céu cht dé Ly do ay nhuye didor} Cat Ly do © Some workers prefer to start their day early in the morning, while others prefer to start their day a little later. Which do you prefer? Caw chi de Lydo 8 Do you agree with the following statement? ‘Companies should allow employees to dress casually at work. aie ahi a Lda f Stage 02 Model Strategy ~ ‘What are the advantages and disadvantages of operating with flexible ‘Clu thi €8 0 Ficat of all, having flexible. working hours at a company offers employees more convenience, ‘Ly do 2 For instance, parents can leave work earlier to take care of their children after school. Employees can arrange theic work around their own: schedules. % With greater convenience, they are likely to feel more content at work. @ Chign hige: Xét vé co’ban, cach trién khai mot doan’ van trong than bai ‘khong khée nhiéu so vot cach trién khai toan bd bai ludn. Trude hét, ban phat ‘néi vé-quan diém cia ban than bing eu chil dé (topic sentence), sai dé phal ‘chon phuong thie thich hop &6 trinh bay lot iat thich eu thé cho y'kién a6. Ban ‘thé dive ra co’aireho ¥ hign eta minh bing cach néi r0 ly do hoge cho vida cu thé, O'doan vin trén, © trinb bay wu diém ctia gi¢'lam vide linh dng; ® va 1a ‘vidu cy thé gidi thich cho uru diém do, Bang céch lap lai noi dung cia cau chi 48, © tro thank cAacnhin manh quan diém va la eu két thie doan vin. Vocab flexibe working hour gi fim vige lind dng / offer convanienoe dem fai su sien loi be thal to rac Bhd meng / feat contont a chy ha Tong ‘[Trvténg hgp trinh bay nhuge diém) ‘Cau chi dB Fiest of ai, a disadvantage’ of & flexible work schedule is that it makes it difficult to arrange team events. ‘Lido. Important activtias such as training seminars, weekly meetings and ‘sOcial events are much harder to organize because each employee's schedule ‘is different and unpredictable, © A set schedule is muct easier to work with, © Chién luge: Cau chi dé da néu ra nhuoe diém cui lich lam viée linh dong la kha 8p x&p cdc cing vige / hoat ding mhém. Trong truimg hop nay, khi tinh bay 1y do, ban nén dua ra ede vi du cu thé vé host dng nhom hu: training seminars, weekly meetings va social events, Vocab: arrange sdp xép /unprodtable hiding thi’ dodn eric ar / fat schedule ic hat gion bidw ti www nhantvieticom ‘Some workers prefer to start their day early in the morning, while others prefer to start their day a little later. Which do you prefer? (Cau chi db ©The main reascn | prefer to:start my working day earlier is thet! ‘am much more productive in the morning, Ly do Before lunch | am able to work with a-clear head and | can get a lot of ‘work done. 3 However, aftet lunch | usually feel tired and | do not perform as. efficiently, # By getting to work eatly, | can accomplish’a lot more during the day. © Chién huge: Doan van trén Ja mét vi du tiéu biéw eda dogn van trong than bat trimh bay ro rang quan diém cua agai viét dét vot dang eau hér chon mot trong hai y kién, Lun y la'dogn vin ob edu tno dign hinh: © edu ehh dé > @ ‘ed @ trinh bay ly do © nhan manh ofu eh dB. Vocab: productive a naig sat can, (lime vi) Rig sult cao | work with a cléar hows fa ide wit dd de minh mide { apcomplish hod shh 61 dlat ke gud Do you agree with the following statement? "Companies should allow employees to dress casually at work." (Cau chi d& iP Firstly; employers should allow workers to dress casually to help ‘them feel comforiabie in the office Ly do Employees who are happy with their working environment are more tikaly to perform well. For example, many companies make employees. wear ‘suits to work even in sufvimer. Consequently, the workers often feel hot and cannot work efficiently. Instead, companies shouid allow their employees to wear casual clothes that are more comfortable. LL © Chién hide: Cu chi dé new ra“sr tien lof” Ta ty do dé tan thanb-vige rnc thodi mat Khi di lain. Cac, 48 a: dua'ra eae vi du cu thé ching min cho sy tign lot do, Lam y cfu ® khong két thie theo kicw Lup lai ety cbt de ma két thie mét-cich thayet phye dua vao: hang Iy'de da trinh bay @ 23 9 ii ii die de Mg BA ud we consequently da vl Voeabs dross casually feel hat oar thay oF 03 Writing Essays ] ‘sép x€p hop fy khodng thai gia } 30 phut 48 vit moral tuan-thuc t& } step | 30:00 Nim bit you clu cba cau hai dude:cho Nim ving trong tam eiia-cdu hét duct day trong vong 1 phil Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? “Companies should give each employee the same benefits package.” Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. (@® Ligt ke trong 1 phit Dang eu hii: Dang ¥ hote king Hing § Noi dung trink bay: Bao of dbng ji vig nlidn sign hay Ehbog NGi dung bao bam: Ly do-vievi dy minh box stig ep ob &p phe loi bah dng dei vel Ut e@ step 2 29:00 Dong nao tim cdc ¥ tng lién quan Co nhiéu céch dé nghi ray tudmg. Tham khdo hai ¥ tadng dudi day va sau dé ‘hay of gang suy nghi dé tim ray tudng otia ban than, {To foster loyalty To'reward employees 3) model? = © © To attract new recruits Tovensure workplace equality 7 To avoid conflict in the office \model2 & Jo simplify administrative processes ideas 2: agree vo step 3 25:00 Viet bai lugn’ hoan chink Cho dit ban chwa nghi ra ddy dd ede ¢ tuomg, nhumig trong khoding thei gian 25, phut con lai, ban cung phai bat ddu viét bai lain, Hay thir vit bat ludn bao wom 5 doan van sau diy. (Mé bai] Personally, (Phin ball (by do-1) Fitety, (Uy do 8) Finally, Ket loan! tn sium, Stage 03 Model”; Olio | : Introduction {Cas ién &@) Personally, | believe that companies should not give all employees exactly. the same benefits package. In order to encourage loyalty to the company, improve employee performance and attract new recruits, employers need to beable to use a Variety of benefits packages for their different employees, Basically, employers must be able to offer employee benefits at their own discretion Body ij do If (Cau chi dé sty dcan vin) Firstly, companies should offer differant employees different fringe benefits so thet they can foster employse loyalty. (Vi ty) For instance, many companies give long-serving employees one or two weeks’ additional paid annual leave. These companies suGcassfully use vacation beneitts 10 reward employees: wha are oval to the company. By offering these extra benefits, companies can encourege workers to serve longer terms. [Ly do 9) (Cau chi #8 cs dean vén) Secondly, companies can use benefits to reward empioyer performance. Why should @ hard-working employee and a lazy employee get exactly the same benefits? Instead, the company should have the discretion to offer benefits only to those workers who deserve them. This encourages all employees to work harder and improves the company’s performance overall, (Lio 3) (Cav eh cis doun Von) Finally, companies can use different benefits to attract new employees. Sometimes employers otter attractive benefits to job candidates in order to gat them’ to join: the compeny. For instance. if a company urgently needs to hire customer service staff, it can offer an enticing range of benefits that employees in other departments do not receive, such as (iste vacation leave, higher overtime pay and so on. Being able to offer a variety of benefits packages is vital in the competition for talent. Conclusion (Ou ip tai ets gn dé) tn sur, companies should certainly be entitled to offer different benefits packages to different employees. Employers need to be allowed this discretion s0 that they can reward employee loyalty and performance. Moreover, employers must be able to adjust the fringe benefits that they offer on a case-by-case basis in order to recruit toptatent io ai) : Phin dh vite mi nhin vitm ly = sb.ché & phi to chu nou initia so tnemnenmansts Te foster loyalty, ‘To reward employees ‘To attract new recruits ecstriin caccsnes | tan ba | {Boum bw do gid thith tel sit phim Adi | sept Ig do} ty doa) ty dos) To foster loyalty To reward employees. Toattract new recruits Oh pe i be ca ~ Si doe pi i tp 52 ang eh phe Bhd nha thee iy ing tg thie en hg btu at sd AE as abd ba shin a nist, * _ itt I8E tuba) ~ Nha math jn cho ng on hechb Ab pls ag a ing abla il, : Vocab: encourage loyalty Kinve hich Hing tang toh ‘a ons own croton the. mea chink Behn ‘be loyai to the company trimig vhdnh wii cong ty ‘serve longer terms: plixc ow nhing thei han ldu hom reward employes pertormance tliaing cho higu suit lim vige ea mbdn even improve performance cdi shige Iu sud li vige nti dm gn ‘vital quan trong, sing cin {in the competition for talent trong cuse canh tramh thi thé 1di nang. nse nai ‘be ented to co guydie ‘on a case-by-case basis dics erén ning srwing hop cy the x Stage 03 Mode UP & Strategy GE si Nat apse Introduction O Medel 0 (Cin hin 2} firmly believe that employers should offer each employes the same benefits package. By taking this fairer approach, companies can establish a workplace, that promotes equality and unity. Moreover, they can avoid any confusion among staff members about what benefits each employee is entitled to. Body {Ly do 1)(Cauchi a cba doen vin} Primarily, companies should offer each employes the same benefits package in the interests of equality, In the past. many employers have been _guilty of unfairly favoring some: employees over others, often on account af the individual employee's race-or gender Therefore, in the modem world. it is.very, important that ‘employers treat each worker equally and faitly. Offering each employee the same fringe benefits ispait of this proves, {Uf do] (Cu cil & cia doen van! In addition, every employee should receive the same fringe benefits in order to promote workplace «nity. (Din ching Kio fghitn la bin thin} In my own personal experience, it creates a lot of stress and conflict in the office when some employees receive more benefits than others. Employees stop working together for the ‘900d of the company and instead arque with each other. However, i employees all receive the same benefits, they are much more likely to work together towards a common goal [1 do 8] (Cau chi d8 cia dogn vial Lastly, employers.can avoid a fot of confusion by offering ali workers the same benefits. in situation where empioyees receive different benefits, all the emplayees have different teave entitlements, expense arrangements and 50 on Personnel, administration and, accounting staff can easily become confused about the dotails of each person's contract. Thus, it is much Basiér when each employee receives the same benofits package. Conclusion (Ci lp ait ln 88 Ain al, think itis much more effective to offer each employee the ‘exaict same benefits package. That way, companies can promote edualty and ubity among their worklorce. Likewise, they can avoid costly administrative and accounting mistakes arid confusion. www toed ebb phic ob abba To ensure workplace To avoid conflict in the office To simplify administrative ‘equality processes: i } “thn i 5 Bun ra ba Ay do gid thich tal sao tie think i I tg doa} {ty do Uy do) ‘To ensure workplace equality To avoid conflict in the office To simplify administrative processes ~ Ca phe ak ng = Git thieh ib nibs vi dy o& sham CE pha Ue inh ing ti o6 ttf a i hog hing minh hg ig ty tit ip: den gn hi be data temgstag chi dpi in tg 8 rash ith ge de ng it ie btn ‘inv ah { P= hain 9 Hf és | hE 8 phe inh Ang cbo Mk bin vie eng eg i Vocab: contusions fn adn prima. cir Inthe intro) of ov eh ca ~ ‘ao guy of de ph ai Lm ome ~ favor over 8 sedi hon B ‘ex4at contct 120 7a him ich = ‘work tage. cig i Mm wide ‘eave ontiament cust dure neh phen ‘alin 6 fat owise cans dy, ame te vy Xem xét chi dé va yéu cau cilia cau hdi What do you think is the most important thing to prepare before starting anew business? Chi dé Choose ONE thing and use specific details and examples to support your choice. Thé loai: Trinh bay mét f kién ‘Cau hai yéu edu ban-trinh bay yeu (6 quan trong nhst edn phi chudn. bj trade klni bit ddu mot céng vite kinh doanh mdi, Déi voi dang cau hoi nay, ban edn phai suy nght ¥8 mbt jou t6 thich hop'ndo 6-06 thé chia ra thanh nbiéa vin 4@ va gidi thich chi tiét bon 0 phan than bai Mét yéu té quan trong can phai chudn bi trvée khi bat diu céng viée kinh doanh méi Ia gi? Dank mue hing hia cla doa nghiép mei 100% + + Kin nghigm @ Bat dau cong vide > Mai quan be tng « ( ce Dong nao tim ¥ tudng Yéu t6 quan trong nhat can phai chudn bi truée khi bat dau mét cong viéc kinh doanh mdi la cost (chi phi) Admini- stration costs Marketing costs Chi phi eon Emergency reserves Xem bai luan mau c6 c&u tric 5 doan van sau. Mebat Introduction ‘Than bai Body, Ket haan Conclusion Dean van © Trinh bay r0 quan diém ‘The most important preparation to make before staiting.a new business is to get enough investment to cover administration andl marketing costs, and have some money left fit reserve. Doan van ® Ly-do 1 Firstly, itis importent to get investment for anew business venture because the adininist an be surprisingly high. Doan van ® Ly do 2 In addition, itis cru order to cover r Doan vin © Ly do.B Finally, getting a lot of investment is-vitat Because it tion to secure investment capital in arketing costs. helps provide Doan vit @ Tenn tat Tai quan diém In-sum, itis important to secure investment for a new, business venture to take care of administration and marketing costs, and keep some cash in reserve. wyew.nhanttivietcom Te vung hieu bch lén quan dén sap. agp cong vléc Basic Vocab office supplies «te phing phiine office equipment ihiét bi oun phing fax machine im fax copier may photocopy laptop indy uh witch tay document 1ii lide copy. bain sao ( duplicate) file Ao sey tai lid undertake mln lam, cam ket iP Marketing on-the-job Ahi-dang lam vige seasonal demand nf edu theo thei ou ‘on-the-job training dao tao ki conduct surveys sid héni cde eude kao sat dang lam vige respondent nguiii tid loi competitive price. gid cainh rani quality chai duong marketplace thi «wing publicize quip edo, qudug bi launch split déng, tung ra (sé phim) Customer Service Jf consumer khich hang, nguct tiéw ding customer f merchandise Ising lidw (= goods, commodity! f purchase sna refund fii oun, ind aid receipt biti 1 voucher sem pluie warranty: gid fio he charge: ili gia give a discount x ® } i 01 Braj; nstorming ‘Eng nfo Hm cdc ly do lai thich cho ¥ Hgqtua ban than Voi ede chil 48 Lien quan dén cong: viée cil thé trong moi trutng kinh doanh, ban 6 thé viét ra suy nght eda bin than tra leh ede caw hot Nén quan dén sin phim, quang edo, quan ly doanh nghigp, v.v 1, San phém va quang c4o Phung phap higu qui d2 duy tri Jong trung thinh ola khéch hang 1& gi? Phung phap nao dé __Suéng bi sin, phém e@ ant ech higu qua? Anh Dung ich eye « Sin phim va Yeu t8 auan trong mit vi tide eye ella quang cdo lagi? ‘uubieg she sngudi tidu ding thing ~ ein nhde khi chon sin phim la gi? 4 @ Which should companies do to ensure customer loyalty? A after-sales server » atoompettve price discount coupon Possible “~~ surable seammcenieanes on: HORNS. 5 gonmunnee teens membership ~ huxury items © What are the positive and negative impacts of advertising? A Lupto-the-minute ‘boost the economy Possible “i-- @xtanerated information consumer choice Ideas ~~ false advertising inspire overconsumption oS eniaiead the public 268 sreevenbanitivietcoin 2. Quan ly doanh nghiép Phi chudn bjgt neu main + mad andl cing ty mi? ‘Uu tin hing dau cba cing ty Va tgo.ra Toi bun pha khdng? » » Phau chit qian tiong ak coda mat CEO (Gidm de Dida hin): gi? Gilia lam vige cho cing ty: va» inh doanh Ae Ig, inh the mot hon? © Which would you prefer: to work for yourself or to be employed? A stiemployed fishy fu businass Possible =~ fu thors go out of business: ideas fulfill one’s potential {ob security deal with pressure D @ Do you think that a company’s top priority should be to make a profit? A pursue profit > worker's rights make a profiton Possibie environmental dama capitalize opportunities - ids corporate social responsibility (CSR} ontrbution te soelety sitiaiiacasen 02 Paragraph Power Luyén tap viét doan van, don vi co ban edu thanh be tuén 18 1, Viét cau nan dé = ‘Doe ciiu hai va vidt ca ludn dé (thesis) eho bai fuan. Lam v1 ban chi dine viét mot cau. 1 ‘What is the: most important factor to. consider when choosing a product? The most important factor to consider when choosing a product is Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? ‘A company’s top priority should be to make a profit." (Chon mét trong hai quan diém) © Lagree that Tdon't think 2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? "Advertising makes us buy things we don’t need.” (Chon mot trong hai quan diém) +1 believe that © Itis incorrect to say that +. quality because then the:praduct ists longi performs betier and actualy saves you money in the tong term. 2% businesses! top prictity should be to make @ profit es this helps to enrich ‘shareholders, give consumers more chidices, and boost the national economy. © companies’ top priority should be to make @ profit because this approach is. bad for society, consumers, and workers. 8. advertisements make people buy things they don't need by exaggerating the attibutes of products, misieading consumers and feeding materialism. { advertising makes people buy things they don't need because consumers aie able to analyze and resist advertising content, and rake chotoes for themselves. 20 ‘( ewes shanntivieteéon 2. Viét doan van ‘Vigt doan van phi hop voi cau luan dé da viet @ phan trude. O'bai tap nay, ban sé luyén tap viet doan van cia phan than bai-v6i it mat la ba caw (eau ehtt dé va by do) What is the most important factor to consider when choosing a product? Cau chd dd Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? “A company’s top priority should be to make a profit." Cais etd Ly-do i. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? “Advertising makes us buy things we don’t need." cht dé Stage 02 Model hs HSrategy -~ 4 ‘What is the most important factor to consider when choosing a product? Clu -ché 48 © To start with, quality. products last:tonget than cheaper ones do. Lj do & For example. | once bought the cheapest availabie ink printer for my: house. © It constantly broke down and | had to buy a new, more expensive fie. # This better Guality printer has been far more durable than the cheap ‘one, and it seldom gies me problems. ft is worth paying. extra for quality @ Chién huge: Néu cau cha M¢ trink bay rang “chat lugng” la mot trong nhiing yéu 16 chon Iya sn. phidm thi toén bp doan van s6 gif thich ly do tai a0 diéu d6 tro thanh yéu t quan trong nha, ‘Vorab: to ster wth racic fi! broek down bi ang durable bie / woth dng, se dg! ‘ext (idm) id idm 2 Do you agree oF disagree with the following statement? “A-company’s top priority should be to make a profit.” (Glu hii dé 4p First:and foremost, | belleve companies’ top priority. should not bo making a pratit because the result is bad for society overall, Lido 2 If industrial manufacturers, for instance, aimed to make money above all else, the consequences would be terrible. © There would be a lot more environmentel poliution in.our air and oceans. Instead, businesses need to develop a balance: between making profits and making «mare positive contribution to society. © Chién luge: Dogn vin mau trén trinh.bay ¥ kién phan di quan diém cho ‘ing wu titn hang div ea cing ty.Ja tao ra loi nhudn, Ly- do iat thich cho ¥ ign ny d& dupe néu'76 deat chi €8 ex doan van. Vocus to whdi dr emvenmertal potion 6 ride md ring? contabution tor dong sip che ‘ ‘swe nhantavieticom Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? “Advertising makes us buy things we don't need.” Chu chil 48 Firstly, advertising encourages people to buy things they don’t need because commercials give consumers exaggerated information about pertain products and services. Lj do © Every product, for instance, claims tobe the "best on the market or the “riiast ihnévative" It is an advertiser's job to make the product seam essential so that consumers will buyit. “In reality, though, many purchases that people make are unnecessary. @ Chién luge: Doan van tien tin thanh quan diém cho rang quing edo’ khién ching ta rma nhing the chiing ta khong edn, Cau chil dé. neu ly do thong tin phéng dai cia quang cao” gidi thich cho quan diém dé, Can ®, ©, © hd tro cho edu chi dé bang ede néi dung'cu thé hon. Yoeab: encourage A todo Want ich Rim gi commorca doa phim ying ct irén ist ‘vaggersing dive ping dei claim tobe nye b ls nnovatve dé mob / advertiser ngicii qudng cdo | essential chiét yeu / make a purchase mc mdr mdi mio de -03 Writing Essays ~~ sap xép hop ly khang that gian 30 phut dé vit mét bai ludn:thuc té ww step | 30:00 Nam bit yéu cdu cila cdwhdi durde cho [Nim ving tromig tam ca caw hot duct day trong vong 4-phut, “Most people would prefer to work for themselves rather than someone else.” Do you agree with this statement? Use specific reasons and details to explain your opinion. ® Ligt ke trong 1 phat _- Dang cd hat: Ding # hode Khang ding ¥ Noi dung trinh bay: Ban cing § wi $ kién “Hau hét moi mgt dda thich kind doe dbe | ‘gp hom 13 lam vige cho ngu@i khée” hay khong L Noi dung bao him: Ly do oy thi vi nbi dong chi tiet atten 2 29:00. Dong néo tm, cke’y tutdng lién’quan C6 nhidu cach dé nght ra tudng. Tham khdo hai ¥ tugng dudi day va sau dé hay c6 gang suy aghi 4é tim ra ¥ toéng cia ban than, | greater independence ideas 1? 2. more tlexbiity somodeit | & agree Sebigger rewards © less job seeuity : Srmore stressful = model2 © tags convenient as newinhaniiiviencém step 3 25:00 Viet bai luan hoan chinh Cho dit ban’chua ngbt ra day dil ede y tung, nhumg trong khong thet gian 25 phut con Tas, ban cang phat bét ddu viet bai tuan. Hay the viet bai lagn bao gdm 5 doan van sau day. [MG bail believe that Thin hai] IL do 1) First of al (Ly do2) Seconaly, (Lf Ho 3) More importantly, Ket Wwe] tr’sum, of Stage 03 Model,’ Pe ze ASt matey . Introduction © Model 4 —— Clu luis 48) believe that, given the’choice, almost everyone Would opt to work for themselves rather than be an employee at a campeny. Being self-employed or cunning a business gives paople independence, flexibility with their schedule, and, most importantly, reward for their efforts. It is for these reasons that most people dies of ‘working for themselves, Body (Lf do 1} ia chi 8 sia doen vin: First of all, most people would prefer for themselves because of the independence they could: gain: Employses have tO follow their boss's instructions, even if they. de not agree with them, However, self-employed people and those’ who run businesses have the freedom to make their own decisions. People who work for thornselves find i incredibly liberating, JP dh 2) (Civ ahd db wa dian vin Secondly, being self-employed is appealing because people who work for themselves have the flexibility to manage their own schedules. Employees, though, have to Work when their managers tel ther to, Un chi Ki oghidin cla bin thin} 1 know from personal experience that it can be really difficult to organize simple things like bill payments when doing a full-time job. It is hard to get time during the day to’ettend to these matters: People who wark for themselves, however, can ft these things into their schedules. (Ly do 3] (Ota eh ola dan vin} More importantly, most people would prefer to work for ‘themselves in order to get the rewards they deserve, Most employees fee! no great incentive to uy hard at work because they usually receive the seme amount of money ‘agardiess of their efforts. But the situation is totally diferent for seltemployed people and those who fun businesses: The harder thay work, the moré money they earn. Unlike normat employeas, they ate directly rewatded for their effort Therefore, most people would rather work for themsehves. ‘Conclusion (Ci lip tsi cfu Jun 48) In sum, most people would rather be their own boss than work as ‘employees if they could. Business owners have more independence, more flexibility, and ‘cove greater rewards fer their vork than normal empovees do, ‘ veww.nhantriviet.con IMé bai Diig ji y hind Greater independence More flexibility ‘Bigger rewards I me (Than bail 2 Dacrabaly debby che gas tim ia ben Ws doa} ty dom) {Ly do 31 Greater independence More flexibility Bigger rewards Tri by yp the Kilo Nery thew ahi thin Nn mane te: No de ‘i had a0 Bis gad ie Kh 0 bp a i tang ag hi at tag pie sg ike of ain A lam vs Jam wide ib hash chink {Ket tug) Lap lw di inv inh doa de lip ‘hdr gn cua fia in bio thn blog cies ‘pe bi do. rh by 6th ba Voeib: sottomployod kink doauh die tip tun @ business: didu haw mot doamd nghigp follow instructons cin shea hi ht ‘ake one's ow decision tr minh ra gin dk appealing ip di, it cut exdiny i inh ding ‘il payment ie thai oan ho dom fea job cdg vide Lim nga hai ul cng id toa eh ga A 0 B dp xép A hop 20 8 eserve ding ing dang reganceas of bhéng quan ii / lig chay dee Incentive ne kick 6, dng vién be one's own boss rc mh am chil 20 Stage 03 onl 7, -& Strategy © Mose! 2 niente Introduction White some people would rather be self-employed or run a company, most people actually prefer working for someone else. ‘Cis luin dé) As an employee, people can enjoy a certain ‘amount of job security. They can also avoid the stress of running @ business, a3 well as enjoy the convenience of being off duty a lotof the time, Body {Lj do 1}Cau chi A ci dagn vin) To begin with, many people prefer the security of working fot someone else. Of course. employees can lose their jobs of get fired, but overall | think working at a compary offers more stable employment then. working for oneself. Small ‘operations, however, go out of business sutprisingly often. and self-employed people can ‘end up with large debts when theit businesses fail. Self-employed people are often taking @ big risk with thei financial future. Working ‘for sorrieoné elie is @ lot lass risky than investing all your resources in your own company. [1s de 2} Civ chi db cia sgn van} On this note, itis also a lot more stressful to nun 8 business: than it is to work as an employee: Small business owners and selfemployed people are constantly organizing their finances, stressing about clients of worrying about market ‘changes. ‘Stress con be harmful to @ person's health and weikbeing. Most people prefer working for someone.else so that they do not. need to worty about these’ complicated business matters, {Lj do 8] (Cho eh db ela don vin! Lastly, many people prefer the convenience of working for sompone else: Self-employed people have to work long hours, and they often have to work ‘on weekends of at fight. Employees, on the other hand, can simply work their normal weekly hours. They do not need to worry about working outside their normal Rours. They ean ‘get away trom work and relax. Conclusion ‘Chu lp si tts dt To conclude, many people eetuslly prefar to work as an employee rather than as a business owner. This is because @mployees can enjoy more security, ‘reater convenience, an above al less work-related stress. ‘ vive AnE eR EOE, Ia baad ‘bing Ag 9 v9 ie 8 Less job security More stressful: Less convenient 1 } } i tk a) % | i ar haf BB tr ch quan din ci ba i 5 meeps i Ug do {ty do ah ny do Less job security, More stressful Loss convenient + Sq adnb vige kinh doarb de = Git Ubich inh htiig ah aba, ~ Gi tMieh sg Tehéng than tiga: ‘lip va vide Sim thot she vps, seeing thing ‘Bhi kin doanh ie lap ee gi thie ep fas ‘at tobe vide lke thot, IRét tug ; ~ dp wea ie lm cheng the bis maah ut df cn bn theo Hig eh Aap fib dob ech by 8 aa ‘Yoeabi job secury sinh an dn ea eb wide Of ty: Ae phién lm vide et re A hls ‘90 out of business By phi sdn ‘nd up with AG sie Fg ‘organize finances. gusdn f tidn bac ‘complicated phic zap ‘et away teom work ix de oe ‘work-related stross cing thang lidn quam dai cong vide seit ( 20 Sfrz,,' Xem xét chi dé va yéu cau cia cau héi Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? ‘Thé loai: Déng ¥ hay khong déng ¥ “It is more important to be able to work well in a team than work independently.” Cha dé Use specific reasons and examples to explain your opinion. Phuong thife trién khai Dang cau hét yeu cdu ban trinh bay ¥ kién ding ¥ hay khong dbng y la dang cau héi phé bign & mén viet TOEIG, Ban nén trién khai bai iuén theo trinh tr sau: Trade hat, ban neu 76 y kién eda bin than ta déng y hay khong ding y voi cha dé, sau dé trinh bay-ly do gidi thich cho quan diém cia minh, Tat nhién, ban ¢6 thé phat big mot quan diém trung dung khi ban khong ya chon 0 rang mot trong hai y kién duge cho, nhung ban s@ duoe diém cao hon. néu trinh bay chinh xée la déng y hay khong ding y. Truéc khi bat dau viét bai nan, hay tht nghi xem cach lam viéc nao ban thich hon? C6 edu ns ring. Neu len vido deo Up thi Sah ty : . le vite ep tl ahah + "Ding ghey la nwt thay tof whit ain the ve ti ph kh? « = Br kine Ki hos thin vi Khitan vif then nan Dong nao tim ¥ tudng Kha nang lam viéc theo nhém tét la diéu quan trong hon Working Friendly cooperatively, ‘environment Uu diém eta lam vige theo nhom gear Learning from others Xem bai Inan mau co cau tric 5 doan van sau. Doan van © Trinh bay P8 quan diém: Ding y hay khong ding ¥ Mo bai Teamwork skills ate more important because they help Introduction employees to work cooperatively, to contribute to a frietidly atmosphere, and to learn new business skills Doan van ® Ly do 1 Firstly, teamwork skils are crucial because employees need to work écinperatively on projects. Doan van '® Ly do2 Moreover, teamwork skills are important because they foster a friendly office environment. Doan van @ Ly 403 Finally. working together in @ team helps individuals to learn from*others around them. Than bai Body Dogn van @ ‘Tom tit lai quan diém Kétluan In conclusion, teamwork skills are vital because they Conclusion allow people to collaborate on projects, contribute to a positive work envirchment, and develop new skills ‘© eos Te vung hitw ich, lién quan. dén chi. dé trd thank ngucr tdi got Basic Vocab work lim vide get accustomed to quer oi accomplish hore thank, lain xong assign phan cing take on ‘emi be engaged in ban lim vide xi assist etup. giip dé ‘assistant ly} Leader delegate nguii dai didn, meraii dave ily nhidn director gicim doe board of directors. baw gia dc executive iy vign ban guin tr] boss dng chil timmediate boss dng chil tre sie supervisor. gidm sit vién superintendent ngudi quan Is (cong vide manager nguait quin Wi, quan die, givim Adc staff tdp thé nhdv vién/ staff member nhéu viéw ambitious. dam vong voluntarily: tink nguyen expertise su thank thao, sic tink thong dedication su cing hign >K Colleague J coworker dine ughicp (fellow worker) business associate siguri cong getatong with how hep evi interpersonal giita ea whi vd wlan teamwork wing 0 frlondly utr shiv nstorming ic ly do gial thich Nein than Chit dé lien quan dén nhimng yéu t6 mang-tai thanh cong, quan hé voi moi ‘ngudi, tal naiig edn thiét, v.v. trong mor truemg cdng sila chil dé phd bién'é cae céu hii viét. Ban hay eb ging dat ra cde edu hoi ¥é cach duy tri tot dep ‘mi quan hé voi moi nguoi, quan diém cia bin thin vé tai ning trong cong ‘ty ma ban 66 thé nghi'ra dugg” 1, Tainang =~ “iis 1am vite theo nhém Bi kign doh cho t i rihin in kha ning fig? * @ «+ thi att hm phat khéng? Nevo inh do tt ‘Tai ning “+ Oh-nén ts than Ye nyu nh thé nto? tring ahi Khong? 128 Which is better: to work with coworkers in a team or to work alone? A sociaf animal. sominan gaat we independence "pig. 'y—— develap friendships 10225 deal with problems with other people Me bbe in conict with 8 out of one's contol cooperation, collaboration a Q What is the advantage of being a leader of a group? A ‘make important decisions manage steam x nee tatethe credit S pyscinig \ngpira the team bbe incharge of added responsibitities Ideas. show song leadership * be a good role model a ( www.nbantrivieticom: 2. Quan hé gitta cac nhan vién trong cong sd 6 cdn pha tuan theo ‘im thé no 28 day. mit qua he Va yeu edu gud dng ce sdk dap git ce nin vidn trong ebng 26? = edp tren Khng? ‘Bai sé lam gi Khi thay hah vi © Quan he voi + Céindn ty tip voi dbag hi dgo dae eda ding nghigp? rigoai gid Yam vige? migi ngudi A “1 { 4 Q Is it important to spend time with the coworkers after work? A colleague, fellow worker bond with A. business associate Bosstbte: talk informally keep good relationships Ideas personal ties socialize with A gathering ) @ What are important skills to help keep good relationships in - ~ the workplace? A teamwork shits friendly attitude geod coreranicater “= sabe raliabo. fees: postive attituse considerate persistance \ @ sy 02 Paragraph Power ge] “ Luyén tép viét doan van, i don vi-co ban cau thanh Rai luan 2 1, Viét cau Inan dé Ss Doc cau hoi va viét cu ludn dé (thesis) cho bai ladn. Lin y la ban chi duoe viet mot cau, Which do you prefer: being the leader or just being a member of the team? (Chon mje trong hai digu hen thich? (Tré thinb tring thém) “1 would prefer to (Chi la mt thanb vies trong ohm] “@ | would choose to What is the most important skill to master in the workplace? Personally, | believe What do you think are the characteristics of a good co-worker? The best people to work with are 1. 2) be the leadar of @ team rsther than just one of the members. The advantages of leading include being able to make decisions, take credit for your team’s success, and get respect from your colleagues, “ remain a normal member of the team because leaders have to take the bier for team failures, deal with extra pressure, and work overtime frequently. 2. itis extremely important for workers to develop good interpersonal skills Interpersorial skils re vital when handling customers, dealing with colleagues, and intaracting with management, . those who are friendly, reliable, and considerate, eee swwwunhantrivietcom NS 2. Viét doan van Viet doan van phi hop voi can Iuan #6 da viet ¢ phan trude. G bai tap nay, ban sé luyén-tap viet doen vin eda. phan than bid voi it mbit 1A ba cau fed ehni dé va Jy dot Which do you prefer: being the leader or just being a member of the team? Cau chi 48 Ly do What is the most important skill to master in the workplace? Cau chit dé Ly da What do you think are the characteristics of a good co-worker? (au chi a8 alll ai Stage 02 Model /?_8 Strategy é . = 1 Which do you prefer: being the leader or just being a member of the team? {Chon tré thanh trufing nhémj ‘Cin chi 42-9: First of all. | would prefer to be a leader because it would give ‘me the Opportunity to make important decisions. Ly-do 2) Having the power to take responsibility for decisions makes work much more satisfying. ° Many employees, for example, fee! that their boss's methods are inefficient and ineffective. « However, thy sti hava to fallow: ‘their superior’ instructions. * As the leader, | would be able to make iecisions that | felt were best, @ Chin luge: O phan than bai, ban edn phi trién khai hat hoge ba dean trinh bay chi t16t vé:cdu Iudn dé duge ict thitu trong phdn ma bas. Cau chit dé Dé doan van trén tom tat mbt trong ba diéu tot 6 thé dat duge khi lam trudmg nhém. Cau ® dén eau ® gidi thich eu thé hon cho quan diém dd. ‘Vocab: take responsibilty for chi snich whin've | boss dine sin superior cap wren Ioatsctions hi ej, oni {Chon chi lam thin vién trong nhém} (Cau ch dé “i Firstiy. | would prefer to stay:a member of the teem because team leaders have to be accountable for any mistakes raide by people in the team, Ly do 2 tn reality, i is impossibie for loader to check everything that weir ‘employees do. «In my experience in charge of small projects, { have had to take the blame for errors made by employees even when it wasn't my fault. | hate having to be accountable in this sort of situation because | don’t think i's fai © Fe rather just’be @ normal team mambor and only také responsibilty {or my own pertormance. © Chign luge: Day la doan van tidu biéu bb tre cho quan diém “chon chi lim thinh vien trong nhém", Newer viét cho ring uu diém cia vige chi lam thanh vién trong nhom la “chi chis trach nhiém vé cong vibe etia ban than”, 4é néa ra sy ting phan, clu ®, @, @ trinh bay vi du vé ganh nang khi phi chiu ‘tréch nhigm cho 16i l4m cia ede thank vien kha: Voeab: be accountable tor chin inch nhigm cho ln roaty rong thu 12) ‘both charge of phir tnd! tak the blame for chive indih nhaéme cho ( “TDI aTaR SCE What is the most important skill to master in the workplace? Cau chi 43-0 Firstly, interpersarial skills are absolutely essential for employees. when they deal with customers. LY do % Clients often judge an entire company basad on their experiences with the staff, © To use one example, if an employes is rude or unhelpful when handling’a customer's inquiry, the company’is likely to lose that customer for good. “However, if the employee hes great interpersonal skills, the customer will #2el satisfied with the service, © Chidn luge: Céu lugn dé 4a néu v9 husk A6i nan wir thé la ky ming quan trong nhét-va trinh bay nga gon bay kién hé tre cho quan diém 6, O dogn van thin bat nay, mot trong ba ¥ kign ho tro dé ~ ky nang giao tiép voi khiich hang duge trién khai trong @, @, ® cng vil ede ly do gidi thich va vi dy ex thé. Voeabs deal wih gan sip oo stat jp ie wht ei) do tu 097 hare vi for good mai mi What do you think are the characteristics of a good co-worker? Cau chi dé» First and foremost, a co-worker should ideally be friendly, Ly do We all spetid a lot of time at work, is crucial thet we enjoy spending time with the people there. For instance, | really enjoyed my previous job because of my colleagues, not bacause of the work. «in spite of the fact that my office administration job was not particularly interesting, | enjoyed. coming to work so | could meet my friendly. co-workers. age didn eta bana Chign huge: Cin chai 48.1 48 efp den 1 tet. dd 38 tinh than tien, Cau ®, trinh bay ly do cho c@u chu dé; cou) néw fen kinkenghotm ala hin than (hat daa boog Fer instances -ctng vot vt dy ‘Voesbi: tat and forest hi eoawenkar dg ili! ela oni, it callus istp administration 96. Ih 03 Writing Essays 4p xp hop ly khodng thai gian 30 phut dé viét mét bal tuan thuc té step | 30:00 Nam bit yéu cdu ciia cau hoi durge’cho Nam ving trong tam cia cau hoi dudi day trong vong 1 phut. Managing a team can be a very difficult job. In your opinion, what qualities make a good boss? Use reasons and examples to support your answer. @ Litt ke trong 1 phat Dang edw hit Teint bay quae diém E NOi dung trinh bay: Phim chat ela mot ngubi link dap gibi ‘Noi dung bao ham: 1.7 0 v2 vi du minh how step 2 29:00 Dong nao tim cac ¥ tudng lién quan (Co nbiéu ciich a8 nghi ra y ting. Thasn khdo hai ¥ tuong dudi day va saw 46 hay 06 gang suy nghidé tim ra y tudng ofa bén than. {Toba approachable ideas 1, Tobe knowledgeable S model? ‘Toibe 2 good communicator ‘i: To be inspirational ‘ideas? © Totveat employees fairly S modl2 @ ‘© To create a friendly atmosphere vewvinihantiivieticony see 25:00 -vieepartuan:hoan eink Cho dd ban chua nghi ra day dit cacy tung, nbumg trong khoang thin gian Tal, ba has bat dau vidt bai ludn, Hay thir viét bat Jud bao Mi bail People have aitferent opinions about what makes a good boss. Firstly, Sevondty, Finally, {6 Mijn In conclusion, Stage 03 Mod iB Srateoy. © Vodei 4 Pee introduction People have differant opinions about what makes a good boss. (Civ vin dé) In my opinion, a ‘boss meeds to be approachable, knowledgeable and a good communicator. |f managers possess these qualities, | think employees find it much more rewarding to ‘work for them. Body [Ls dot} (Chu hi d8 els dagn vn) Firstly, a good boss should be approachable. When or ‘employee has a problem that they need to discuss, they should not be too intimidated to 1a\k to their manager. Vida) For example, Hind it really helpful in my job thet | can talk to my boss about personal issues | have with my colleagues or with clients. My manager can’help me'sort Out these problems and get on with my work. On the other-hand, some ‘employers are difficult to talk to and that can cause further problems for amiptoyees. {Ly do 2) (Cis chd dt ale dogn vani Secondly, it is important that a boss be knowledgeable. Employees need a boss who can monitor their work and give them advice on their specific projects. in order this, 3 manager needs to be very knowledgeable about the subject. \DEn chit int niin oie bin thin! In’ my previous job, for instance; my manager was an experienced marketing executive who could pass on excellent advice about particular projects and promotions. ‘1Ly-do:3] (Cu ché @ oie Hoan vani Finally, a boss needs to be a good communicator. Employees need to know in advance ebout the work schedile and about changes in policy More importantly, employees need to get honest advice and feedback from managers: about theie performance. | kndw that find it really helpful when my boss lets me know about areas | need to work on and improve: When managets communicate clearly with employees, the entire team runs more smoothly ‘Conelusion ‘Céu lap li clu ign 48) in conclusion, | believe @ good boss should be easy to talk to, knowledgeable, and good at communicating with employees. That way, employees will ‘be able to-enjoy working under meir leadership, wre nhantrivietcom (M6 bail Pincha nga aso it To be knowledgeable To be approachable: {Than bai) Ba pn ht ia nga nb da itt fy dour ly. do2} ‘Tobe approachable To be knowledgeable - Nav yo hin of inet Nt da min hoa ch phe cit ab ion nga li doo "hig hh Ld cn ng oh dat (ee tn} ~ Nim bing eb pe ba pin tn sh ch dap id Age lp d phn tha si Vocab: approachable 66 thé'rgp cin ‘ewaraing ding Lam (ntimidated rut ré personal sue oun fd ed hin sort out phn lou, ait goed got on with rip cue (im 2iee) executive hd gal pass on dia ra in advance tree: work on lm vige run smoothly hoor dng wot dy ‘To be a good communicator (uy do) To be a good communicator ~ Gul thie da. ce phi itt i no tp" ele ag Lab dae Strategy ie) aes ‘ Introduction in, @ Model S| a Lebelieve thare aie thiee characteristice that'@ boss really must posseds in order to be'an ‘effective lead: (Cty lun dt) :A boss needs to be inspirational, treat all workers fairly, and have a friendly and positive attitude, With all of these qualities, a manager will ‘fo doubt lead with great success. Body ‘Uy de) Cau chi di doan ska) To start with, bosses need to be abla to inspire those working under them. if the leader is inspirational, the other members of the team are swiliig to work harder: and longer it order t0 achieve'success. (Vi du) For instance, my previous manager was not a very effective boss. He was an unimpressive man who did not have the respect of his team, As-@ result, the team was often unproductive. An inspirational Jeader would have encouraged us to perform better. ‘Ly do 2} (Cav chi cla oun vio} Furthermore, a manager should treat all employees feirly. Wid) | have worked in a team where the manager treated some staff very kindly, but ‘was very strict in her dealings with other members. This kind of management style “causes friction-and stress within the team, and employees stop working together as team. Instead, a manager needs to teaat everyone equally so that the team can work together ‘positively arid cooperatively LL do 3 Cay ch At ola dran vin Lestly, bosses must try to have a friendly relationship, swith their employees. Heving a ‘riendly relationship with your manager makes it much ‘asia to discuss personal and workrelsted problems with them. Also, the positive ‘working environment that a friendly rhanager creates is offen more productive’ as well Certainly in my experience: | have performed better when working for mariagers that have made an etfott 10 get 16 know me personally, Conclusion | Ciw ip Ini ei bain d2) To conclude, the best bosses are those that have the ability to inspire people, that treat their employees fairly, and that get to know their employees ‘personally. By creating a frlendiy, supportive and harmonious environment, these ‘Managers are able to-get the best out of their workers, ( ‘ ‘To be inspirational ‘To treat employees fairly To create a friendly atmosphere: {Tada bl 2 Ba phn it ba ngs ab dpe pil i : semen : | fly dot} Lg do 2) ‘Ly do 3) To be inspirational: ‘To treat employees fairly. ‘To create a friendly atmosphere = Nedin meth § bin bhi each +. Whén-mach 7 kid bing ach ne ~ Néu ig Kt qu Uk dep hi oka ravi Gp tung hae shite viens ‘re dy tuomg: pln: ln: J vige tgo:ra due bilu khong Xbb ‘abv Sime vide 1 nv nga ah ody sink ki nguat ink dao 62th ‘hii then: ‘dba hing dt Reh Ie “hiving sing bing (Ket tab) | = Nba march bing each lap lai ba ‘phiim:chitt cia nha Lan da git a= thle bcp 8 pl th ai Vocab: possess sh hitw Inspirational bie Rhich Ue; avd. cin ha treat dei eit 9 doubt Riding nahi nipressive Wing dy dure came ‘let ng hdc Irietion sea cham, syextch mich rice sn sud hid, eo ra hid Ret gud make an effort nd fir, of ging: EES SR ~ Xem xét chi dé va yéu cau cia ciu hdi Some people like to stick to things they already know how to do well. Others prefer to try new things and take risks. Chi aé Which do you prefer? Thé loai: Lua chon Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Phuong thie trig khai Cau hotinay dua xa hai van'dé va yea edu ban chon mot trong hai van dé do, ri gid thich ly do cho tua:chon eda ban than. Lara y la vai chu hot-dang nay, aiéu quan trong khéng phai la ban’ chon vén dé ndo, ma la edch trinh ba phuc hay khong, sida thich ly do eda ban c6 thi Truc khi bat dau viét bai luan, hay fim hiéu chit dé ctia cau héi. yo sau ki ohn f Lavi a thi Kh Vide dalam, * Bann Se \ vige moi si a Déng nao tim ¥ twéng Chon lam nhiing viée mdi va chap nhan rui ro cling v6i ba ly do cho lua chon do Stay fresh Challenge ae enthusiastic Vu digm Ehi lam nhimg viée mai het Develop new skills Xem bai luén mau c6 cu tric 5 doan van sau. Doan vain © Trinh bay: rd Iya chon eda ban Ma bai Personally, | prefer to try as many new things as Inttoduetion possible in ordar to create challenges for mys: f ssiasmm, and develop new skits. Doan-van @ Ly dod Firstly, | ove challenges, 60 that is why I like to.try new things often Doan vin @ Ly do 2 a bat in.addition, taking risks end trying new things's a 00d way to stay fresh ond enthusiastic Doan vin @ Ly. do'3 Also, | like to try different things because it helps me develop. new skills: Doan van Tom t4¢ Tat quan di Ké iuan fn conclusion, ‘enjoy trying new things end taking Conclusion tisks because want 16 challenge myself, renew my enthusiasm, and develop new skills waieenbantrivietcom Ta vung hie. ich. len quan den chic dé t6° chute sink hoat ca nhan vehicle xed get to work by subway di lan bang de dién ned drive to work [ai xe di lam walk to work di bg déin nat lam viée heavy traffic xe cd déng diie parking lot bai du xe tow. ‘eco xe \\ ticket: 2¢ phar \. toll phi cau ducdney * Commuting \ we Education workshop lidi ‘io es ae v* \ employee development plicit trfcie whdn sw training course Blvd fain dyvcat enroll hi danth session wil hops hadi myias online course ica hoe wen mene time management training dsc Tien evich quan bila gian \ House realestate bar dgng stn residence chd 4, noi cw tri, nlit & tenant gudi thud whit furnished diaje mang bi dé dae utility dich ox dien, nude (utility Bill fda dom ride din, need} Health general checkup icin relieve stress. fatigue nutrition dial di prescribe: be tom sea the doctor ¥/ i sf \ 2 ws 01Bra{g nstorming j Da oh “) oe ~ Bong ns in ¢éc ly do gidi thich i choy Widgieta ban than j é Mac du khong phé bién nhw cde cdu hat tién quan dén not lam vige, cu hot Wen quan dén sinh hoat thaimg ngay cila ca nhan dot khi cung xuit bien ‘trong mon viét TOEIC, Dé chudn bi tét cho chi dé nay, ban nén uu y dén ede not dung nhu gia dith, com eat, ede van dé gido duc, phat trién cing vige, caf thign ban than, vv, 1, Cai thién ban than att io 48 ida thuyét it trsde mat ‘Gach nao-tét nhdt dé gidi ton cang thing? + + gut? Nén chon ning vige dé + + Cin lam gi dé chim: Aig Van iy ning vige se ade Ride the bin thin? “| @ What are the best ways to relax? A goonvacsion “ feel the pressure > Q Which do you prefer: to stick to things you already know or to try new things and take risks? A create challange: Se itn ~ takelrun} a risk eveoponws potenti) dal chong rihigu thay d6i cho cube \ sing ba? 1 Q How do movies and television shows affect people's behavior? aA way of interacting tehtect society social issue eae educational program ‘violent ieees pop eutture obscene Identify with the celebrities 2 Q Is the Internet more useful than books as a source of information? A digital medi misinformation lies + inaceorate eee” Possible upto-date data ideas traditional media daly undated retabie ve “Luyén tép viét doan van, don vj co ban cdu thanh pai lusn P 1. Viét cau Iwan dé Doe cdu hot va viet ca tudn dé (thesis)'cho bai udn, Lamy 1a ban-ché dave viet mot du. Some people settle in one location for their entire lives. Others move. to new places regularly, Which do you prefer? Chon mit trmg bal du ban thick} [Cu ngu lw dai 4 mit nai] Twould much rather 2) {Thusag xuyén dt chayén dn shiéu not hhide nheu] | would prefer to How do movies and television shows affect people's behavior? Movies and television influence Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? “The Internet is more:useful than books as a source of information.” (Ding ¥ Rode khing Aéng #2

Bringing it all together, | think | would prefer to move around to a number of different iocations »» By moving often, | could develop a wide network of friends, experience different cultures, and learn new languages, & Basically, | think that it would make me a more wellréuinded ahd interesting parson. © Chign luge: Luv ¥ la @ doan van két Iwan, ban khéng duce trinh bay phuong hung khde +t phuong busing da néu 6 phan mé bai va cling tran dua ra cde ¥ tung met. O doan van két lug trén, ctu © khdng dink tei quan diém ola nguei viét; edu @ dé cap lai nhiing lof ch (4a trinh bay trong phén than bai) va edu @ ket thuie dogn van va od bai Iuan Voeab: bring together 1 lai move around chit i Bhd not! Woll-roundod hin fila, aang 2 How do movies and television shows affect people's behavior? "Tit luge va ket thie “io surn up, movies énd television shows often have @ strong impact on people's behaviors and sttitudes. ® They influence the way people dress, the way people talk to each other every day, and evan sometime: the way people feel about a particular social issue. © Chién luge: Kiéu két thiie bai ludndién hinh thudng bao gém 2 edu; cau © 8 cap lai cau ludn dé va cau ® ligt ké nbtmg ly do ou thé, déng thot két thie phan ket lun, ‘Vocab to sum tp in fai show chomg wink: hava an impact on cd te dong do we 1 atu tid / sola issue we x ht wiwinanhantrivietton Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? “The internet is more useful than books as a source of information.” ‘Tom luge va két thie To conclude, the Internet is a more useful resource for finding information then books ‘The Internet is Superior because it provides the most up-to-date data, covers an enormous range of topics, and allows users to interact with contents. «> Eventually, the Internet may even. completely replace books, © Chign luge: Néu o phdn mi bai, ban chon quan diém nao (ding ¥ hode khong @éng §) thi 6 phan than bai, ben <¢-néu.r0.nhuing lyf do gidi thich cho quan diém cia bin thén va @ phan két lugn, ban sé Jap Jai va nbn man quan diém €6, Voeab: conclude Aéi lui (resource 1 ngicié superior un vid hye / up-to-date ep mht cover ban gui an enormous range of mit phamxi ring Iain | replace hay rhe 25 ie 1 g eB 03. Writin Exeaya ~~ sé xép hog ly khodng thoi gian 30 phut 46 yiét moral juga ‘thye ne step | 30:00 Nam bat you clu eda cau hdi durge:cho ‘Ném ving trong tam oiia cau hoi dudi day trong vong 1 phutt. Do you think it is a good idea for teenagers to have Jobs while they are still students? Support your opinion by using specific reasons and details. ® Ligt ke trong 1 phut Dang edu dit Trinh bay quan diém [Noi dung trinh bay: Thanh thi6y nidn vit lige wedi anh Yb vige ding hay sat ‘S NOi dung bao hime Lf do v8-n6i dung ehi tit step 2 29:00 bong ndo tm cdc § tung lién quan Cé nhiéu each dé nghf ray tuéng. Tham khdo hai tuing dundt day va sawdé ‘hay 6 gdng dong nao dé tim ra ¥ tudng oda ban than. ‘To give them independence {2 To develop their work this Sy mode & {8 To understand the value of money i ‘To give them too much responsibilty (To prevent them from doing hobbies i) model2 - {To distract them from schoolwork | ideas 2: disagree 288 vere nhantrivietcom step 3 25:00: viet bai tun hota chia (Cho da ban chua nght'ra day di cde ¢ tudng, nhung trong khoiing thot giant 25 phuit cbn lai, ban cling phai bat ddu viet bai luin. Hay.thi viét bai luan bao gém 5 dogn van sau day. [MG bai) I think itis Phi: bai) Lys 1) Firstly; (Ly do 2) Moreover, y ee 4 je uau) To sum vp, ( = 8 bai) ‘Th hi en wa i i, vu ha chy lg To give them independence To develop their work ethic To understand the value of money (Thin bai a ag heh hi $5 tn ah tty doa} yao) iby do) To give them independence To develop their work athie To understand ‘the value of money iin de ino ity pai tit ‘ch che phi i do [et tug) = Tron isan wi dmv hac hang ig = Xie eI du rah ty re, ‘thn an ants em 6 Vocab: sense of independence vit. lip overall i chang outweigh ge hms dui regen draback sid nga Bt Joh save: lh tum confident cn velop @ work ethic har midi da dic nighé naliép smansal labor lar ny che ts appreiate thing ci, dink gi can manage a budget gin fe fae ‘demanding fav di hit 2 & Stage 03 Model Fh Strategy — Site Introduetion Cia hn A) Teenagers shoisid not try to get a part-time job when they are still at school. Finding part-time work would force too much responsibility on teans, prevent them from pursuing thelr hobbies, and distract thetn from their schoolwork. There aie much more valuable ways for a'young person to-spend their time than working at a part-time jab. Body [Lf do 1} (Cane dé ols Yogn vin) First, teenagers should not work because it forces too much responsibility on them at a young age. We have to work throughout our whole adult lives, and many people feel sté@ssed because of financial matters, By exposing thant to these ‘sama issues, parents run the tisk of having their childtan grow Up too fast. At such @ young ‘age, there is ne need for tham to have to understand the pressures of earning money. {Udo 2} (Cau dl 8 ele dagn yin) Also, working would stop teens from being able to use the spare time to pursue hobbies and interests, Schools and youth groups offer a wide variaty af activities for young people, inckiding sports, music, and drama. Not only are these hobbies fun for teenagers, they also provide them with the opportunity to make new friends Teens should be out socializing and enjoying these extre-curicular activities, rather that cleaning or serving food at 'part-ume job. {Lj do 9) (Chueh ia dog vdn! Finally, teeris should not took for part-time work because it would be too distracting. Yourig people need to get the best education passible in order 10 succeed later in ite, Apart ime jb would take up valuable Study time. Moreover, it might ‘lso'leave the taén feeling tited ahd unable to concentiate at school, Conetusion (Cau ip Ii ta tage d8)-ANL in all, teonagers should definitely not look for part-time work when they are still at school. The drawbacks of working are simply too’ serious. Getting 2 job would force them to deal with adult issues, deny them the chance t6 enjoy thelr hobbies, ‘and prevent them from achieving their best at school. seww.nhantrivietcam (ata bai ‘Thanh thi ign i fim, wi dbp it chayb a ‘Togivethemtoomuch —Toprev@nt them from doing _To distract them from responsibility hobbies schoolwork , : | ‘(Tht bai | Ba doi hich cho dnp at | meaty pane | I i I lug don) ty dos) (Hs do 3} ‘To give them too To prevent them from ‘To distract them from ‘much responsibility doing hobbies schoolwork Hy ph gin ie gi wii ~m sife Hhia Hhg h—— p Kaog i fp rg vite tech sh hinge bt dg al chek hye ip tm (Ret fuga) Tio had hit thing ais im gata ~ Nite If do rch bay 8 tea, 18; pin 4 gunn id dos Vocab: orca responsiblity dp dat eich nhim itact lam 200 Lng ‘nancial mater oh 48 td chic fxpose A to tho lasuen Alién A apse veh ning tn dd ds ‘spare time ihdi gian rénh extra-curricular acthity hogt déng ngoai Khia ‘take up chitin (thot gian) concentrate on dp ing odo ry the chance choi biti di (ea) cha ast Question 8: Write an opinion essay Directions: in this part of the test, you will write an essay in response fo a ques- tion that asks you to state, explain, and support your opinion on an issue. Typ cally, an effective essay will contain a minimum of 300 words. Your response will be scored on = whether your opinion is supported with reasons and/or examples, * grammar, + vocabulary, and = organization. You witi have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. Click on Continue to go on. ase etemeefieree wiwenhanitrivi Directions: Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. Typically, an effective essay will contains minimum of 300 words, ‘Some pecpte fiké taking-one long vacation each year. Others enjoy taking several shorter vacations. ‘Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice oS Mini Test 2 Question 8: Write an opinion essay Directions: In this part of the rest, you will write an essay in fesponse to a ques- tion that asks you to state, explain, and support your Gpinion on ah issue: Typ cally, an effective essay will contain @ minimum of 300 words. Your response will ‘be scored on. « Whether your opinion is supported with reasons andior examples, ” grammar, + vocabulary; and + erganization. ‘You will have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay, Click on Continue to go on. a0 @xtrommcom/forum vawnvahanirivietcoet Directions: Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. Typically, an effective essay will contain a minimum of 300 words. These days. people think companies ought to-do something extra for their employees, What should a company do to efisure the loyalty of its employees? Give reasons and examples to support your opinion. er Desserts - Ist Actual Test 1 Questions 1-5: Write a sentence based on a picture Directions: in this part of the test, you will write ONE sentence that is based on’a picture. With each picture, you will be: given TWO words.or phrases that you must use in your sentence, You can change the forms of the words and you can use the words in any order. Your sentences willbe Scored on the appropriate use of grammar and the relevance of the sentence to the picture. la this part, you can move tothe next question: by. clicking on Next..1f you want to return toa previous question, click on Back. You will have B minutes to complete this part of the test Example ‘Sample response ‘The man is taking note: Click on Continue to 400" Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases: under it. You may-change:the forms of the words and you may use them in-any order. mechanic / teach mm www. nhant ure using the TWO. ms of the words Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the pi words or- phrases under it, You may change the and you may use them in any order fix / bicycle Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it. You may change the forms of the words and you may use’ them in any order. sit / at Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO. words or phrases under it. You may change the forms af the words and you may use them in any order. newspaper / while Directions: Write ONE sentence based on’the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it. You may change the forms of the words and:you may-use them in any order. baggage / until am ( winw.nhantivietcom ‘Questions 6-7; Respond to a written request Directions: in this part of the test. you will show how well you'can write 9 response to an e-mail..Your response will be scored:on + the quality and variety of your sentences, = Wocabulary, and = organization. ‘You will have 10 minutes to read and answer each e-mail. ( oe Gia Directions; Read the e-mail below, From! James Parker, Office Manager Tox All employees Subject: Moving offices ‘Sent: August 16.235 PM. We’ are going to be moving our current office to another section of this building irom Monday to Wednesday next week. | would jike all staff mambers to be involved in this process. Please tell me on which of these days you can participate. ‘Thank you, James Directions: Respond to the e-mail as if you are an employee of James Parker. In your e-mail, suggest ONE time that you would like to participate and ask TWO ‘questions about the move. wens nibanisiiiet:cory Directions: Read the e-mail below. From: Cameron Contos, Passageways Travel Company To: Customer list, Subject: A great vacation package Sent: December 22, 9:23 AM, Dear Passageways customers, You ate our valued clients and we want to share @ great travel package with you. We are offering an unbelievable, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you to explore the Galepagos Islands. The first 200 customers who respond to this advertisement will receive a 10% discount on their hotel fares. Directions: Respond to the e-mail as if you are @ Passageways Travel customer. In your ‘¢-mail, ask TWO. questions and make ONE request regarding the travel package. 258 erela escent Question 8; Write an opinion essay Directions: In this. part of the test, you will write-an essay in response to a question that asks you to state, explain, and support your opinion'on an issue. ‘Typically, an effective assay will contain a minimum of 300 wards. Your response will be scored on +» whather your opinion is supported with reasons and/or examples, = grammar, ‘vocabulary, and “organization. ‘You will have 30 minutes to pian, write, end revise your essay. ‘Click on Continue to go on. 0 yeuwinhantiviencom Directions: Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan. write. and ‘evise your essay. Typically, an effective response will contain a minimum of 300 words. ‘What do you think afe the most important characteristics for job you have had OF you want to have? Use specific details and examples to support your opinion, * ~ 2G cesses ACtual Test, Actual Test 2 Questions 1-5: Write a sentence based on a picture Directions: in this part of the test, you will write ONE sentence that is based on a picture. With each picture, you will be given TWO’ words or phrases that you must use in your sentence. You can change the forms, of the words and you can use the words in any order. Your sentences will be scored on © the appropriate use of grammar and » the relevance of the sentence to the picture. In this part, you can move to the next question by clicking on Next. if you want to return to a previous question, click on Back. You will have 8 minutes to-complete this part of the test. Example ‘Sample response ‘The man is taking note: man /nota Click on Continue tc go on, 7 Directions: Writs ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it. You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order. people / listen za a wiow.nhantrivietcom Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture usin js. or phrases under it You may change th you May use them ‘in‘any order. boat / water ng the TWO forms of the words bck | Nex > Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words of phrases under it. You may change the forms of the wards and you may use them in. any order after / order ‘ WEAN HISH Eo? Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it. You may change the forms of the words and you'may use them in any ord on / telephone Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO. words er phrases under it. You may change the forms of the words nd you fay use them in any order. when / passenger Questions 6-7: Respond to a written request Directions: in this part of the test, you will show how well you can write a fesporise to. an e-mail. Your response'will be scored on + tie quality and variety ot Your sentences, » vocabulary, and "organization, ‘You will have 10 minutes to read and answer each e-mail Click on Continue to a9 on. Directions: Read the ¢-mail below. From: A. Chae, General Company’ To: Fine Prints ‘Subject: Printing accident Sent: May 2, 10:32 AM, Dear Fine Prints, Your company recently prepared ietterheads for us. However, I'vé just noticed ‘that you printed ouroid address by mistake. | have to send out hundreds of letters. 40 Our customers for @ new promotion. Piéase e-mail me about this as soon as. possible, ‘Thank you, A. Chae: ‘your e-mail, make TWO stiggestions for how to handle the problem and: provide Directions: Respond to the e-mail as if you are an empioyee-at Fine Prints. In ‘ONE piece of information you think will be useful, > 2a on fi ‘ etry Directions: Read the e-mail below. From: Bill Britten, Teachers’ Association Chairman To: TA Members Subject: Summer Concert Participant Recruitment ‘Sent: May 28, 3:45 PM. We're going to hold our annual summer concent festival from July 7 to 14, if you have any students interested in playing in our orchestra, please give us their names and the instruments they play so’ they can join in this wonderful event, Please reply by e-mail:no later than June 6. ‘Thanks in advance for your assistance, Directions: Respond to the e-mail as if you are a member of the Teachers’ ‘Association, In your email, ask TWO questions and give ONE piece of information about the event. 2 ‘Question 8: Write an opinion essay Directions: in this. part of the test, you will write an essay in response. toa question that asks you to state, explain. and support your opinion on an issue ‘TWoically, an-effective essay will contain. minimum of 300:words. Your response willbe scored on + whether your opinion is supported with reasons and/or exampies, * grammer, * vocabulary, and. * organization. ‘You will have 30 minutes to plan, ‘write, and revise your essay: i Click of Continue to gd on. ae Stemuenyiee awnwinkantrivieticom Directions: Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay, Typically, av effective response will contain a minimum of 300. words. ‘Some workers must work at night. What are the advantages and disadvantages of night-shift work? Give reasons and examples to Support your opinion. ae desserts ACtUal Test Grd Questions 1-5: Write a sentence based on a picture Directions: in this part of the test, you will write ONE sentence that is based on a picture, With each picture, you will be given TWO words of phrases that you must use in your sentence. You can change the forms: of the words and you can use the wards in any order. Your sentences will be s¢ored on + the appropriate use of grammar and + the’televance of the sentence to the picture In this part, you can move to the next question by clicking on Next. If you want to return to a previous question, click on Back. You will have 8 minutes'to complete this part of the test example unger [Cie an i taking notes.) man /note Cick’on Continu : Sag os Sk Nox Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO wards or phrases under it, You-may change the for s of the words and you may use them in any order teacher / explain 2 45:08 Net Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it. You may char the wor and you may use them in any order. stand / across Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO, words of phtases under it. You may change the forms. of the words: andyou'may use them. in.any order exercise / dog a wow ihantrivietconr Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it, You may change the forms of the words and you thay use them in eny order. look / while Directions: Write. ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO. words or phrases under it, You may'change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order sit / and ( weneveantaritty Questions 6-7: Respond to a written request Directions: In this part of the test, you will show how well you can write @ response to an e-mail, Your response will be scored on * the quality and variety of your sentences, * Voeabulaty, and * orgahivation ‘You will have 10 minutes to-read and answer each e-mail. Click on Continue to go on. TORIC Renee Directions: Réad the e-mail below: From: P, Spata Te: A Means Subject: Welcome Sent: November 9, 4:08 PM. Welcome! i'r happy to have you in our department, Please tell re if there is anything | can do to make your transition here mote comfortable. And let me know if you have any questions about working ia our office. Directions: Respond to the.e-mail as it you are’A. Means. In yout e-mail. ask | -FWO questions about working in the new office and make QNE request, me ( wawinhantrivercom ferric Directions: Read the e-mail below. From: Daniel Tucker To: Exacto Translation Services ‘Subject: Need:more information ‘Sent: November 14, 11:37 AM, ‘am currently working on 4 5,000-word document for my Ph.D. ‘course that Vheed translated into French. | checked your websité but there is not much information about your services. Please let me know more about pricing, how fong translations take, and so on. Daniel Tucker Directions: Respond to the! e-mail as it you afe 8 translator at Exacto Translation Services. In your:e-mail, expiain TWO steps involved in the transiation process and request ONE additional piece of information about the customer's document. Question 8: Write an opinion essay Directions: in this part of the'test, you will write an essay in response to 2 question that asks you t6 state, explain, and support your opinion onan issue, Typically, an effective essay will contain:a minimum of 300 words. Your response will be-scored on «whether your opinion is supported with reasons and/or examples, + grammer, * vocabulary, and * organization. ‘You will have 30-minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. Click on Continue to goon, vantrivietcont ere tel Directions: Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and ‘revise your essay. Typically, an effective response will contain a minimurh of 300 words. ‘Some people choose to work at one job for a long time. Others prefer to change jobs frequently, Which way do you think is better? Use specific reasons and examples to-expiain your choice, bos pessets ACtual Test 4th ‘Questions 1-5: Write a sentence based on a picture Directions: In this part of the test, you will write ONE sentence that is based on a picture. With each picture, you will be given TWO words oF phrases that you must use in your sentence. You can change the farms of the words and you can use the words in any order. Your sentences will be scored.on + the appropriate use of grammar and » the relevance of the sentence to the picture. In this part, you can move to the next question by clicking on Next. [f you want to return to @ previous-question, click on Back. You will have 8 minutes to complete this part of the test. Example, Sample response [ike Rian tag Click on Continue to go on Sica words or phrases under it, You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any. order. show / woman Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it, You. may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order in front of / building ( 1 fetter tene Directions: Write ONE sentence’ based on the picture using the TWO words of phrases under it. You may change the forms of the words and you may use ther in any order. z as / write Directions: Write ONE sentence based of the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it. You may change the forms. of the words and you may usé them any order. finish / because Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it. You may change the forms of the words and you may use them ‘in any-order, ‘Questions 6-7: Respond to a written request Directions: In this part of the test, you will show: how wall you can write a response to ane-mail. Your response will be scored on « the quality and variety af your sentences, = vocabulary, and = organization. ‘You will have 10 minutes to read and answer each e-mail, Click on Continue to go on Question = Directions: lead the e-mail below. From: Barry Cole, Accounting | To: Jirm Slate, Assistant Manager, Accounting, Subject: Computer problems ‘Sent: Mafch 10. 358 PM. Mr. Slate: L have been having problems with my office :computer recently. | requested ‘assistance frm the help desk several times but they have not fixed it yet. Could ‘you piease help me find a way to solve this problem? Thank you, Barry Directions: Respond to the e-mail es if you are Mr: Slate. In your-e-mail, ask ONE | question and make TWO suggestions about getting the computer fixed. ol ( werwanhantrivietcom: Directions: Read the e-mail below, From: Tradewinds Apartments To: All residents Subject: Residants’ meeting Sent: September 3,12:28 PM. Dea Tradewinds residents, This message is to remind you that we will be having our monthly meeting next week. To make the meeting more beneficial for all, please e-mail us with some suggestions for topics to discuss and let us know if you are going to. attend the meet 1G OF ROT. Thank you: Directions: Respond to the e-mail as if you are a resident at Tradewinds Apartments. In'your e-mail, suggest TWO topics and ask ONE question about the meeting. ‘Question 8: Write an opinion essay Directions: In this part of the test, you will write an essay in response to a question that asks you to state, explain, and support Your opinion’ on an issue. ‘Typically, an effective essay will contain. a minimum: ‘of 300 words. Your response will be seored on + Whether your opinion is supported with reasons and/or examples, © grammar, © vocabulary, and © organization: You will have 30 minutes to plan, write, end revise your essay. ‘Click on Continue to go on somes ebaneniencom Directions: Read the question’ below. You have 30 minutes to plan, wiite, and revise your essay. Typically, an effective response will contain 3 minimum of 300 words: Some companies push employees to retire alter they pass.middle age. Others allow employees to stay until they want to retire. Which do you think is batter from the company’s point of view? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your chaite. 5th dessats Actual Test Actual Test 5 ore Questions 1-5: Write a sentence based on a picture Directions: in this:part of the test. you will write ONE sentence that is based on a picture. With each piéture, you will be given TWO words phrases that you must use in your sentence. You can-change the forms ‘of the words and you can use the words in any order. Your sentences will be scored on + the appropriate Use of grammer and » the relevance of the sentence to the picture. In this pari, you can move to the next question by clicking on Next. if you want to return to 2 previous question, click on Back. You will have 8 minutes to complete this part of the tast Example ‘Sample fesponse man is taking notes. man /note Click 68 Continue to go on Directions: ‘Write ONE séstence based Gn the picture using the TWO words 6r phrases under it. You may change the forms. of the words and you may. use them in any order woman / hold ode Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO. words:or phrases under it. You may change the forms 6f the words and you may use them in any. order, Cert re Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO wofds or phrases under it, You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order. | hat / table sie ( www-nhantrivietic Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it. You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order. talk / lunch Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or-phrases under it. You may change the forms. of the words and you may-use tham in any order. if / box ‘Questions 6-7: Respond to a written request | Directions: In:this part of the test, you will show how weil you can. write a response to an @-mail, Your response will be scored on » the quality and variety of your sentences, * vocabulary, and ~ organization ‘You will have 10 minutes to read and answer each e-mail Click on Continue to go on. ‘ ne Aken Directions: Read the e-mail below. From: Paradise Travel ro: Marilyn MeMillan Subject: About your complaint Sent: October 29, 3:05 PM. Dear Ms. McMillan. My manager tells me you experienced some problems with our service during your recent trip to Melaysia. We would like to know about your complaint in more detail. Please tell us what Happened to you and how. we can make’ you satisfied with ‘our company, Paradise Travel Directions: Respond to the e-mail as if you are Marilyn MeMilian. in. your e-mail, describe TWO problems which occurred during your trip and suggest ONE way the travel company can make you more satistied. “ ‘ seewrnhantiivlet fone ceo Directions: Read the e-mail below. From:J. Chavez To: Job fair event organizer ‘Subject: Directions to the conference center Sent: Januaty §, 9564.M- | am registered to attend the job fair at the conference center this weekend Could you please let ine know the best way to get to the center from the Mira Beau Hotel where Iam staying? I donot have a:car Thank you, J. Chavez Directions: Respond to the e-mail as if you are the job fair event organizer, In your e-mail, ask J. Chavez ONE question about his participation and make TWO Suggestions for transportation to the event. er a fea one ‘Question 8: Write an opinion essay Directions: In this part of the test, you will write'an essay if response to & ‘question that asks you to'state, explain, and support your opinion onvan issue. | “Typically, an effective essay will contain-a minimum of 300 words: Your response Will be scored on, “whether your opinion is supported with reasons andior examples, * grammar, i * votabulary, and organization ‘You will have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. Glick on Continue to.go on. wir nihantavietcan ai ee Directions: Read the question below. You have 30° minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay, Typically, an eftactive response will contain a minimum. of 300 words: ina company. sometimes: employees:fefuse to be promoted: | which situations should employees be able to refuse 8 promotion? Give reasons and examples to support yourideas. a8 Tomato TOEIC W G Answers MINI TEST 1 Questions 1-5 Write a sentence based on a picture. The mans using the machi he mans 9 man is touching some buttons on the machine. ing money fron the: machine. man / machine 4, Afew people are standing on the str ing at a street comer. people standing next to ea Four peop! stroet & street / stand 3 he woman i iGokiiig at the other tourist site. ) The tourist is ooking at the other side of the water 22 She is looking for the other way across the rivet. look / other He is talking on’the phone get some fresh air He got out of fis car so'that he’ talk ouatsid at he can get better racention, outside / so that They are a newspaper witlle they wait for some guests. while / read MINI TEST Questions 1-5 Write a sentence based-on a picture ‘The lady has just stopped at a flower shop. stopping by the local $1098 to took at ‘The man is checking in at a reception 1) There is one man working behind the 198 sultcace is resting hi man / reception desk ome of the The worker is ehouse machinery is being operated 189 warehouse operates 270u operate / warehouse wv whantriviet cori, 4 The meeting 00% is arranged before the meeting Starts, itwas very messy 2 The yoomis ight before an important meeting, room / before it there is much left to man understands his ‘can complete the work. @ The younger man ig tiring, ager’s inst sill have a lot of work to do ow that the ole work / now that MINI TEST 1 Questions 6-7 Respond to a written request, 6 Dear Torine IM ddul Oh my; this ia not @ good situate. wil xt a6 800n as possible: The probiern is that we fost the customer's address, {Request} Could you place send ma her contact Information again? Here is how | wil fi the problem. [Step 1] First, ! wit Send the invitation cards to her by express mall [Step 2] After that, | wil write her a letter of apology. inthe letter, | wil explain my mistake and offer her & smat discount, IRs thie} | hops we don’ lose our customer because of my mistake, J: Samwsi Dear Mr. Smith IMG dé} My schedule next wok is very ful 60 1 do nat have ‘may’ times available for holding your ‘interview, {Suggestion 1}/ can 999 you either at 4:00 PAN: on Tuesday or at 2:00 FM. on Friday, [Suggestion 2} those times are not convenient for you, we vill have to reschedule the interview for ‘the week after next, [Request] Please remember to bing 3 porttolc'of your work to’ the interview. | néed to sAe the kindof \work you have been doing over the past S yalrs in ycur previous jabs. [Ket ide Lookin forward to alscussing the job with you tn perso. ‘Aaron Devin ‘eae Cusations 6 Questions 6-7 Respond to a written request. 6 Heo, [Md dtu} I"m happy'to help ofganize Mr. Siverla’s retirement funtion, but | have some questions about the event: [Question 1] Fist, 'm wondering about the scale of the party ta lot of poopie show up, wo wil noed to devote a lot of ie to organizing the event. How many people are expected to attend? [Question 2] Aso, will the company be provicing employees with transportation to the venue? it might 'be Inconvenient for volunteers who don't have cars. [Suggestion] Lastly | wit arrange an employees’ collection Yor Mt. Sera, it everyone donates a smal ‘amount, we can get him a nice git, (Két thie} Thank you, Ted Wilson z ‘Dear Mr. Woite, {813 dlu} Your problem is actuaty quite common, Have you tried reading the manual that came with the dnt? it has @ guide for handling problems with your cil, instruction 1] Fist of al, make sure you change the dri ip trom time to time because it gots wom out, Unstruction 2] that doesn't male it better: try putting clon the %6 of the dif, Sometimies the ii: Reeds ‘more olf to make Mun eticienty, [Suggestion] Aso, | sivas suagest that dil owners clear the dell wel alter avery use. This wil help 4 fn wh Jack's Onine Hardware MINI TEST 1 Question 8 Write an opinion essay. 8 [Ma bas) <8 dfwo in the modem world, we have to work so hard. In many eases, we have to work 6:oF 6 days a week, Therefore, vacations are 4 very important time to rest and renew ourselves, «Cu luén dé its true that taking several short vacations each year has soma merits, but | preter taking one Jong: vacation instead. | wll explain my reasons here, [hk bai] oy do 1) Cu ck 4 esa dopn vin> When | want to get a real break from my job! néed several days to releve my stress and feal refreshed. Ir! have just one oF two extra days to res, | cannot fly ‘elax, | keop thinking about my job and how I have to return ina faw days, On the other hand, when | tek @ vacation for a week or more, | have enough time to forget about the stress at work, I can sleep 2 lot and get new eneray. [1 do 3} eC chi dé ea dogn vn» Another important advartage of taking a long vacation is that 1am ‘able to.go on a trip. One or two days is not enough time to go aay. from my city. | ally Kas traveling ‘because It holps me get new inspivation in my Ife. Being stuck in tha same environment is not a good ‘way to gat refreshed. | need to see new things dnd Yeo far away trom my job, After this kind of tp, ‘can return to work with a positive attitude. | am ready to work hard again, {tj do 8} ‘Because of thie situation, employers must make more effor to earn the loyalty of thelr employees. | wil discuss some ways they can do this, (Thin bai [Ly do 1] Chu chi dé ea dogn vbn> The most important thing Is to treat the workers weil, This ‘mwans providing good benefits, such 2s hestth care, vacation time, sick leave, bonuses, and pension plans. Many employers do not want to spend much money cn these benefits because they are very ‘expensive. This can be @ big mistake. Tha workers feel that the boss doasn’t care about them. As a ‘result, the workers feel they don’t need fo be loyal to the company. If they see a better job offer, they: ‘can jump to the new job without hesitation. {Uf tcc ch A se yh Arter way that an erepove an keep ta chr’ yey by ‘maintaining a randy workplace envionment. The boss can do this by visting the workers regularly ‘while they are working. They can encourage the employees to do a good job and compliment thern ‘when the work Is done wel, toe ate ete ee ay season. At this tne thay can take the workers out to restaurants and buy them food and orinks, Creating a friendly, supportive atmosphere can make the employees more comfortable, This positive relationship with ther boss will maka tham decide to be loyal 16 the company. {KE lubnj In sum, people often think about the ways in whlch thelr company takes care of them. They: ‘corisider whether or not the company has made them feel welcome and comlortable, «Ci lp Ie cli |ugn a> W they think that their employer tries hard to rake their We good, then they wil probably be mote loyal to the company, Thy wi not jaave @asly and they wit work hard. ACTUAL TEST Questions 1-5 Write a sentence based on a picture 1 - gi Modet Answvar One mechanic is teaching another how to fix something. ‘Amechanic is being taught an important procedure, The manager is teaching the mechanic scmething, mechanic/ teach Model answer The man is fixing his bicyct «) The bicycle is being fixed. @ The man fixing the bicycle ls wearing protective gear. fix / bicycle 3 ij yj, (Model Answer The women are sitting at the table. They are sitting downfor a moating at work z The women siting at the table are d'soussing soiisthing sit / at . Qtemnemynous baggage / until Model Answer He is reading the being washed, aper white his clothes are o-The man is reading the newspaper while waiting for the wash, @ There are newspapers in the launcty room for people to read ‘while they watt Medal/Answer She will not check in her baggage until she has finished using her phone. ‘) Tha women wil st next to hor baggage until her fight arrives, 2 The wontan will not open her baggage unt she is outside the tecminal Es ACTUAL TEST Questions 6-7 Respond to a written request. 6 Hello Mr. Parker, (M2 aul vt be more than happy to help move our office next weak. Suggestion] However, | have a very important appointment next Monday moening. Therefore, 1 might not be able to help move that day. But | can help with the move on Tussday or Wednesday for sure. [Question 1]Can you tell me how many hours we are supposed to work each day? [Question 2] Also, is it necessary to wear any specia! clothing for this? {él tie) Thank you, Jack Walker, Accounting 7 Dear Mr. Contos, Mg aia} | am very interested in tha travel package to the Galapagos Islands. | just need some more Information before | make my decision. [Question 1] How many days doas this tour last? { have only one week of vacation available, so | need to know this, [Question 2] And are there any extra discounts for chicren? My husband and | have two boys. We ‘would love to bring them to the Galapagos Islands. [Request] Could you pisase send me any addtional information you have about this package tour as son a3 possible? | wart to make my decision before too much time passes, {KE thie) Thank you, Pamela Frederickson ‘a2 Questions 7 a wivwinhantriviet:com Question 8 Write an opinion essay. 8 {Ma bill Most ponte in the world must gat a job at somes time in‘thekife. | have had many diferent jobs in the past. {Ciu Inia dé} For me, there are three things that | think are important when | decide to One of the most important points to consider isthe nature Cf the work: Personally, | prefer jobs where | can interact a lot with other people. | ike discussing ideas and reaching conclusions with coleaguas. This is an important characteristic for me ‘because | get bored just siting at a désk or working alone on a prbject 11§ do 2} | ‘want to work someplace where | can stay for many yaars. | do not want to wory about the company going bankrupt or being sold to overseas interests. Thase days the Job market is very competitive, 0 it ean take a long time fo find a new job. | do not want to lose my job unexpected. This would be too stresstul. Therefor, job seouiy is very important [1 do:8} | also think that a job must offer good benefits, such as health Insurance, vacation tim, and a ponsion plan. The government doas not give enough help to people who are sick or rtited. | Know some people Who lost a lot of money when they got sick because their employer did not pay for their medical expenses. «Gili thes 2> Also, wth modern medicine, people are living longer anct longer. Therefore, having a good retirement pian is very Important, [Nt tidal In short, a job which includes lots of interaction with people, high job security, and good benefits is the best kind of job for me, ACTUAL TEST Questions 1-5 Write a sentence based on a picture. Madet Answer Sore peopie are listening to the man who is holding @ pen, A group of people are tstenig to the man behing the desk 2 The people listening to the presentation are wearing business people / listen suits 2 Model Anewer There is only one boat on the wate The boat is floating on the water. The boat on the water is a yacht. boat / water Madar Answer They will order food after they look at the menu: after they order. 2 Alter examining the menu, they after / order a ‘ on ne Model Answer She is talking-o9 the teloohe ® The woman is having a conversatiah on the telephorts 2 The telephone is siting v Model Answer The passengers will step forward + subway arrives. n the: cd, the train val leave tho 3 find g seat when they gat.on ations subway, ACTUAL TEST 2 Questions 6-7 Respond to a witten request. 6 Dear Mr. A. Chae, IMé ddul We apologize for this mistake. This siust be ‘ery inconvenient for you, There are two ways to. handle this problem. [Suggestion 1] The frst way is to print your new address on a'sticker label and attach it to the old letterhead. [Suggestion 2} The other way isto print out new sheets of paper with the new address. [Information] I must inform you that the first aption would be taster, but It might rot ook as professional as the second option: ‘You can decide which you prefer Just send us your new address again and we wil take care ot it with no extra charge. kit tel Sincerely, Fine Prints Hallo Me. Britten, ita tut Hlaving & euirimer concert fe @ ord ied. ar sure that some of my students wit wart to ‘patispata fn this event. Sefore sending the particoante’ Ist | have something to ask you ‘Question 1} Can you plaase tel ma how many days and hours of rehearsal wil be required ofthe studsnts? [Question 2} Aso, wil tare be auctions for the orchestra,r wil al students who ar interested be ‘eccepted into the group? |information] Maybe you 89 ret know this, but ond of miy pups Is a very gifted viotnist who hes ‘sready baen offered a scholarship to a speciaist music: colege. She indicated that she may be intorested in joining the orchestra. Ikét thie Thanks, Fon Lawrence S38 Cusstions 6-7 ( wwenniianteviercon Question 8 Write an opinion essay. 8 [M6 bail Most people viork about eight hours a day. Thay start ther jobs in the morning and they finish jn the evening, But some people do things the opposite way, They work the night shift. (Cam luam a) tt Js trus that working at night has certain advantages and disadvantages. Here | will discuss both sides of this issue. {Thin bai) ( diém 3} Many people do not tke working et right because they would rather relax or sleep. For this reason, if somebody can work at night, it-can be easier to find a job. [Uw diém 2] Working at rights also good because it is a very celm time. Because most people re sleoping, you can work in'a ‘ery peaceful and comfortable way. [Uu éiéw 3} Finally, selary for working a right shit can be higher than for a day shi, This is also because most people do not want 10 work lat ‘Working iate at night also has some negative points. (Nhige ifm 1} For one thing, you cannot sleep at a ‘orm! time of the day. When you are working, other people are sleeping. When you are asleep, other people are atiake, This kind of situation can make you feel vary strange because you are not on the ‘same schedule a5 other people. [Niue diém 2] Another disadvantage of working a night shit is that you will probably be sleeping during nornal business hours. This will make it hard for you to go out and buy things you need. When you are awake, the stores ara closed. (Nhu diém J] One last reason that working late i not good is the effect on your social life. Again, because you are awake when most people are asleep, t willbe hard to mast your friends and farily. This can harm your retationships with the people you lke the most. |KéC Luts} Even though there are sorne advantages to working late et right, | believe thet itis better to work during the day, Working a day shit creates a healthy schedule for your body and mind, and it also helps your sociale, ACTUAL TEST Questions 1-5 Write a sentence based on a picture. 4 Model A\ The math teacher is jaining how to-solve a problem, 1 The teacher is explaining the math equation. 2 The man explaining something on the board is a teacher / explain Model Answer The man stands across from the woman, 0 The peaple are standing across from each other ® The man is standing across the counter. stand / across ‘Model Answer The woman ise ng with her dogs. is exercising her dogs. @ The dogs are getting some exercise outdoors: exercise / dog 28: Canons ES ‘® wawwinhantrivieticom Modet Answer The employees are looking at the man wits he explains something, ‘The mans i eammates Ww ng : ona chat lock / while 2 The people are looking 2t'a grach while the man deltas 2 presentation, 5 Modal Answer The people are sitting arid listening to the speaker, nis ging 9 pre {) The audience is siting and 2) The people avo siting and the man is stand sit / and ACTUAL T 3 EST Questions 6-7 Respond to a written request. 6 Hello, Me Spata. {Mt fa ar also very happy to be moving to your office. | have heafd so many greet things about your team, and I want to be more familar with what you Mave been doing. {Request} do have a small request. Could you provide me with some recent annual reports? [Question 1] iso, can you tell me which desks are avalabie? | would thks to move my things there this weekend if possible. [Question 2] Lasts, wil thers bo ia mesting son for new stat? [Ket thie} 1am looking forwant to working wth you in the near futur. ‘Thank you, A. Means 7 Dear Me. Tucker, [Mo du} You requested more information about our translation services. [Step 1} The frst step Is for you to send us & 1-page summary of your paper, so we éan decide if itis very technical or not, [Step 2} After that, we wil sand a pre-research document that you must fil out: Then we can give you fan estimate about how long the translation process wil take. [Request] Piease inform us there are ary deadtines for your peper. TEL thiel Thank you for choosing us. ‘Sally Wnitman Coordinator of Exacto Translation Services 2k, Guise a wyew.nhantrivietcom Question 8 Write an opinion essay. 8 {988 bal ts rus that working at tha same job fora long time has many benefits, such as pay raisos ‘and perhaps a good retirement plan. [Cia Iufn dé) But personaly, | prefer changing jobs trom time to time. To me, staying atthe same job ls somewhat boring. (vin bal [Ly do 1 lao dei dog vn> Fst, | don't ike doing the same kind of work for @ tong oro of time. Evan i stay with one company for several years, | Usuely ty fo fake on a large varioty Cf duties and responstbilties, As the expression says, “Variety Is the spice of Ife | realy beléve this, Without trying new things, liose interest. When I change my Job, for exemple, from being a ‘musician to being a teacher, | fee that | am leaming new things. This makes me content in my if. | feel refreshed and new. | think that If ean keep learning new things, | will always be satisfied, ILy do 2] «Clu cht d€ ein doan vi> Another reason | profer changing jobs ffom time to time is that Ike getting new challenges. i | stay n the sarme job fora vary long time, | feel that it becomes too familar and easy. After that, | decide to try something new. This is because | want to learn another skil or ‘explore new arees thet | know nothing about. Challenges make you work harder, and when you work harder you get more gratification. [Ly do 8} Cit chi dé eda doan van> A final reason | believe itis good to change jobs is that this helps me build my résum, itis true that you shouldn't change jobs every year. That is too soon. But i you stay in each job for atleast thres to five years, it shows that you cen be committed to @ company. A broad range of experience wil help you get better positions in the future, [Két tn jn] Al of the reasons | hava explained hers are good reasons for changing jobs frequently f you move to job from time to tine, you will avoid becoming bored, your enthusiasm for your work vl help you be a. good employee, and the challenges of working somewhere new wil motivate you to iy harder. Ultimately you willbe happier and more successful at Work. ACTUAL TEST Questions 1-5 Write a sentence based on a picture. The is showing the gid how to fix the car, 1) The woman shows the engine of the carto her child 2 The woman is showing the vahicle's engine to her daughter. Model Answer The beach is located in frorit of the & There fs a small park infront partment bull @ The people are sunbathing on a’beach in front of some cit as boubalings. in front of / building 3 # Madel Answer 7 She is writirig Some notes:as she talks on the phone. As well a 5 she 8 typing on the computer, she needs to concentrate on as /write Model Answe They have to fh the meeting soon the time is up. ) Because one man need fo finish, » Because they haven't finished discussing the matter, they will finish / because need to. meat a; ‘96, thelr meeting Model Anewer The people are examining the map to see how far they have to go. They ere reading a map to check tow to get there 2 The wor is showing the man how to read the map. map / how ACTUAL TEST 4 Questions 6-7 Respond to.a written request. 6 Barry, {0a fa} understand! your problem ard | ain sory that the Help desk has not been assisting you. Let ime ask you something. [Question] Exactly how long ago did you tequest assistance? {[S¥agestion 1]! think you should walk down tothe help desk center to soeak with ther in person. ‘Sometimes people are more responsive when we meet them face to face. [Suggestion 2} that dosn't work. suggest you ask to speak to the manager of the help dask. Tat ‘hi or her that gaid that your computer must be fied as soon as possible [ée tide] Don’t wory.t am sure we can got your problem fixed soon, in Slate Hallo, [Me ths) | woud ike to-attanc the meeting ext week because | have some Important issues £0 discuss. [Question] What day and time wl the meeting be? | need to check my schedule to make sure I ear come. [Suggestion 1} think we ned to talk about the’ parking situation. Lots ‘of people ora double-parking their cate thess days. This causes many problems in the early morrig when itis time to-go to work, [Suggestion 21 wil also suggest sore solutions for recycing. The bins we Neve are too sal and people are putting their bates and cars al around, It looks vary messy. {Kit thie} Thank you for the notice, and se@ you next week: Billy Bond 944 Quastions tor ‘ woivenharitrivietcom Question 8 Write an opinion essay, 8 {94a-b (Cas uj dé) Its true that there are bones end drawbacks of allowing employees to stay in their company after they reach middle age, While some businessas encourage workers to retire early, ‘thers feel that employees should stay at work as long as thay. are willing and able. Here | wil lsouss ‘both sides of this issue bafore reaching a conclusion. {thin bai] (Nhing han ché ea ng Hs ge Ub nam] There are mary ways in ‘hich older employees can create a burden forthe company, [Min a1} For example, they tend to need more mecical attention compared to younger employees. “This means that they need more tine for medical appointments and mere money for heath insurance, (in ad 2) At the same tind, there are always lots of young people looking for their frst job, They Usually have just fished college and have fresh knowledge fiom thai schooling. They are very eager 40 start. work and make a good impression on their bosses. |Mn 8 1 Furthermore, young workers" salaries wil be lower than those of older empoyess who have ‘been atthe company for many years, In order for a business to hire young worker itis neoessary to make som space for them inthe company, This is accomplished by asking older workers to reir early {tu digm ei gv lim vie Hu mbm] /On the other hand, older people do have some strong quaities as emplayees, «Ua difm 1» For example, they have many years of experiance in ther field, This helps them make good decisions ancl work effectively. In short, dor ‘Workers have @ lt of wisdom that cannot be jaerned in schoo), which is useful in making a business run smoothly. [K@t us) In Conclusion, evan though older employees may give some extra financial burdens to companies, their exnerionce i$ so valuable that employers should keep them as.fong as possible. They should not push their Senior workers to retire just to save some money. They need these wise people To help the company run wel ACTUAL TEST 5 Questions 1-5 Write a sentence based on a picture 1 Mod it The woman ts holding the cup and looking at the computer. The woman is holding onto two me time, Tha computer is used'by a woman woman / hold iModel Answer Lots of people are waiting ina long line. jong tine. ing to get into the building. people / wait Model Answar Hats are displayed on the table. Thore are 3 fot of hats 0 © The Hats on the table are hat / table Model Ariswe They are talking over lu ‘Tha women aré talking about tne food they ordered for lunch. © They ere having lunch and talking to each other Model Answer if the man drops the box, it will be damaged. o) The man coukin't cary the be ell the box had hendiles, it would be Basler toreany. too heavy ACTUAL T 5 EST Questions 6-7 Respond to a written request. 6 [MQ iu} My trip to Malaysia was supposed to include aifere, tree days and four nights in @ five-star hotel, and free breakfast every day. We also expected to have a room with a view af the ocean. [Problem 11 The frst problem was that the breskfest tested very bad, [Problem 2] Ard the other problem was that we did not receive a room with an oesan view. We could ‘only See trees and parking lots [Suggestion] i you want to make us happy customers again, please offer us a dieount on our next ‘1p ere impreve the service Mariyn MeMilan {Mé ddul Sure, 1 Gan give you some information about getting to the event, [Suggestion 1] The best way to.get to the conference canter is to take a shutte bus from your hotel. | ‘suggest speaking to the receptionist at the hotel front desk for more information, [Suggestion 2]1 also suggest that you arrive at the bus stop at least 10 minutes befor it eaves the hotel, [Question] And wit you be presenting at the convention, oF ust attending as an audience member? We suigcest that presenters should artive at least one hour in advance of their scheduled speech. {Kit thie] Hove a safe trip, ‘Bart Davis ‘Job fair event organizer sae Questions 6-7 ‘ www, Question 8 Write an opinion essay, 8 Mi bail Usually win we hear the word “promation," we thiok'® miist bs something gdod. But there _afe cases wien people tum down a promotion. We might wonder why Sornebody would not want to ‘be promoted. And what can a toss or manager do In this kind of situation? Wher is it wcceptabie for a worker to deny a promotion offer? Cin Indu 4611 think there ere some situations in which an employee should be able to turn down a'prometion, ‘Thin bai) 1 do 11 Gonisder some reasons why péople refuse a promiotion. Usually & promotion include’ a pay rise. That seems attracthe. But a promotion also means that more responsitilty wal be given to the parson who was promoted. [Clu ehi dé cia dagn vin] Many people do ot feel comfortable in positions which require more responsibity, They do not want to: make important decisions because they are afraid of getting in trouble if thelr decision is not good. They would prefer 10 simply follow orders and! complete relatively easier tasks, They don't want to worry about problems ‘at work after they go home at the end of the day. I think i somebody is aid of handing more ‘esponsibility, then they should be able to turn-down an offer for promotion. {Lp do 2} «Ct eh A ela dogn vin> Another reason people choose to refuse a promotion is because thoy ‘ae content in their current positon. Most of the tne getting @ promotion means taking'on a new set of tasks and duties. if somebody is. satisfied with his or her curent jab, then they would not want to ‘change everything just to gat a "better* position. {0g do 8 Chu eh eda doan vim» Finally you realy Bke the people who you work wi nthe arfica, thon getting promoted could mean thet you wil have to move into a diferent ctice and work next to new people. This could meke your job much Jess enjoyeble if your new coworkers are ft 8 RkBable, 1Rétingal For al of the reasons above, | think people should be able fo stayin ther postion # thay Want to; This.can make thom more effective workers because they are salisfed with their job, Tomato TOEIC WRITING FLOW Chi bin. Kim Hyeon-ju + Lee Hye-jeong David S, McCormick + John Boswell. Chuyén.ngit phén chi giai Lé Huy Lam ‘Chiu trch abigail bin Nguyén Thi Thanh Huong Bign tap Pham Van Thinh ‘Trin bay-séch ‘Cong ty Nhiin Tri Vigt Site ban in Nguyén Tu Tudng Minh HA XUAT BAN TONG HOP THANH PHO HO CHI MINH 62 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai ~ Quen 1 ‘@ 38225340 ~ 38296764 ~ 98247225 - 38296713 ~ 98229637 Pax: 38222128 Binal:, Cong ty TNH Nhan Tri Viet 33" Trin Dinh. Xu, P. Neuyda: Cur Trinh, Q. 1, TP. HO Chi Minh ‘we 9uy70344 Fx: 99200681 In 2.000 cuén kh6 18,5x26 em tai Xi nghiép In MACHINCO - 21 Bai Thi Xuan ~ Quan 1 ~Thanh pho ‘HéChi Minh. Sxudthén226-09/CXB/510-35/THTPHCM, In xongva nop itn chidu thang 9-209,

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