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Business Forum Section 02, Spring 2019 Instructor – Prof.

Michael Schneider
Class Times: Monday, Thursday 8:40am - 10:00am; BRR1095
Teaching Assistants (TA) Contact Info:
MockS Interview & Office of Career Management - Contact:
Suitable Program- Contact Michele Tomitz,


Business Forum is a required course for all Rutgers Business School (RBS) students. It is a Professional Development
course administered, organized and led by Professor Schneider, featuring Company representatives, campus recruiters,
student-run organizations, and the Office of Career Management (OCM). The OCM presentations are designed to help
students strengthen their business networking skills and assist in the students’ job/internship search, e.g., resume
writing and interviewing skills. In addition, the course will have two sub-modules.
 Sub-module #1: Business Communications – delivered by Professor Y. Eason
 Sub-module #2: Ethics –

Suitable- GOALS
1. To help students seek and secure an internship/employment through improved understanding of business
needs, technical skills, behaviors, and attitudes companies look for when hiring
2. To provide students with the opportunity to learn about specific companies and industries directly from leaders in
5:00 – 6:20 p.m.
those organizations; hold open forum Q&As to help student think about what they would like to do professionally
Beck Hall3.Auditorium
demonstrate the ability to develop clear and concise written and oral business communication skills
4. To provide the student an opportunity to improve their interviewing and oral communications skills through
classroom presentations, participation, business communications and mock interview
5. Students will demonstrate recognition of ethical dilemmas in decision-making scenarios


Students must wear “Business Casual” to each class unless specified by the Professor or Teaching Assistants. There
will be presentations by Financial Services Firms, Big 4 Accounting Firms, various Fortune 500 Companies where we
require students to wear Business Professional (details below). We will notify students when such presentations take
place via Blackboard announcements.

It is expected that students will attend all classes and they must complete all assignments on-time by the due date/time
through Blackboard. You cannot make-up a missed class.

Being present in class gives students the chance to hear the types of jobs and internships in a company, the Co. hiring
process for internship programs, and learning about the multiple functions of a company.

Business Forum places all of its students in direct contact with employers, as such, students will be representing the
Rutgers Business School student body. Put your best foot forward, and help your classmates and peers by showing
employers what Rutgers students can give to their company.

DRESS CODE- Business Casual attire is required for all classes except when certain companies present. For men, this
includes slacks/chinos, button-down shirt, and loafers/dress shoes. For women, this consists of dress pants/skirt with a
blouse or appropriate top. Please see a TA early in the semester if you have any questions or concerns.

Business Professional attire will be required for specific lectures. For men, this includes shirt, tie, full suit, and dress
shoes. For women, this consists of a blazer and a pair of matching trousers or skirt in a matching fabric.

The Schedule of Company Presenters and topics will be posted separately.

Business Forum Spring 2019 V.2F


Use of electronics is NOT ALLOWED during class. It is disrespectful to speakers and reflects poorly on the
university. If a student is seen using electronic gear for texting, emailing, school work, five (5) points will be deducted
from the student’s attendance grade with each infraction. Students will not receive a warning and may be asked to
leave the classroom by the Professor or Teaching Assistant (TA).

To help ensure the cooperation of the students in adhering to the electronics policy, all students are required to sign
an Electronics Agreement, found in Assignments, by the end of the add/drop period. Instructions will be given out
during the first few classes.

Final Grades are made up from the following distribution:
Business Communications Assignments 40%
Ethics Assignment 25%
Attendance & Participation 30%
Suitable 05%
Mock Interview Required to Pass or F

The scale for final grades is as follows:

93 – 100 pts =A 70 – 74.99 =C
87 – 92.99 = B+ 60 – 69.99 =D
81 – 86.99 =B <60 =F
75 – 80.99 = C+

Extra Credit- Case Competitions

Students can earn extra credit by participating in an RBS sponsored or professional organization (i.e. Deloitte,
KPMG, Target, JNJ, etc.) case competitions. One (1) point will be given to students for participating and presenting
in a case competition. If applicable, students will receive 1 additional point (total of 2) for qualifying and participating
in Regional or Final competitions. Students will need documentation of participation as well as the case competition
sponsor’s contact information. A maximum of two (2) points will be awarded per student toward your final grade.

The proof of participation and outcome, must be submitted to the TAs within a week of the presentation date. Any
submissions later than the one-week timeframe are left to the discretion of the TA and Professor Schneider

Late Submissions of Assignments- Any submissions made in the 24 hour period following the due date of an
assignment are ineligible for full credit. To be clear, late submissions will not receive full credit. Any assignment
submitted more than 24 hours after the deadline will not be accepted. Submit early and check. There is a zero-
tolerance policy on late submissions. Please note that technical issues often occur for last-second submissions.
Students: make sure the Assignment is submitted correctly

Students are allowed two (2) unexcused absences for the semester without penalty. Documentation or
notification is not required for Unexcused absences. For every absence after the two (2) Unexcused absences, five
(5) points will be deducted from the student’s attendance grade. For reference, 5 points off the attendance grade
equates to about 1.75 points off the final grade.
Excused absences include: (1) signed medical note on a MD’s stationary only, (2) a scheduled interview with
potential employer if the student is unable to change Co’s requested date/time (documentation required from the
company recruiter). Self-reporting your absences does not make the absence excused - only the above reasons
would excuse you from the missed class. If you are absent for 4 classes, then you are in danger of failing and
repeating the class.

Punctuality and Leaving Early

If a student is late by 10 minutes, they will not be allowed in the classroom, and/or will be marked absent. Students
leaving class early will be marked absent. However, there are circumstances where students may get permission
from the Professor and/or TA beforehand to leave early (these will be addressed on a case-by-case basis).

Business Forum, Spring2019section02V.2F

If a student is observed sleeping in class, or using an electronic device, then the student will be marked absent
and penalized five (5) points on their final attendance grade. When observed it is marked on the student’s
record and the student may not be notified.

Students will be assigned seats after the add/drop period ends and TAs will take attendance based on the seating
arrangements formalized in the third class. If you have special needs, e.g., vision, hearing, other, then please consult the
Professor or a TA and we will make the necessary accommodations. If you are not sitting in your assigned seat, you will
be marked absent. If you are observed sleeping in class, or using an electronic device, then you will be marked absent
and penalized an additional 5 points on your final Attendance grade.


Questions about attendance, grading, majors, clubs, and assignments should be emailed to the TA email found in
the heading of the syllabus. Our Teaching Assistants are important resources for grades, clubs, RBS Resources,
etc. TAs are selected based on their interest in helping students and giving back to help business students find their
passion and secure an internship or job. Please don’t hesitate to reach out!

BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS (BC)- These four sessions are designed to equip students with helpful and
increasingly important business communications skills. The Syllabus and Assignments will be reviewed by
Professor Eason and attached to this syllabus.

Business Ethics
Our presenter will discuss Business Ethics, a critical part of working in a company. This is especially important today,
with global businesses, reports of sexual harassment in the workplace and compliance issues. Students will be given
two cases to review and analyze – assignment details will be given during the presentation.

Mock Interviews: Conducting a Mock Interview by OCM is a requirement to pass Business Forum.
Interview proficiency is a critical aspect involved in securing an internship and/or a job. If a student does not receive
a passing grade on the mock interview, the student will fail the course. The Office of Career Management will
provide students with guidance and information on how to prepare for and conduct an interview. Students will be
required to put their job search and interviewing skills to the test by having a mock interview. This interview will
simulate the job interview situation. Students will be evaluated on their demeanor, speech, answers to questions,
posture, dress, etc. Students will receive feedback on their performance. TAs can discuss interviewing with you too.

Suitable = 5% of final grade

Suitable is a data analytics & student engagement tracking platform. It is being used by Temple, Pittsburgh, and
Arizona State among others. The platform will enable us to structure and measure student success outside of the
classroom, while integrating our co-curricular activities into a holistic student experience. The activities on the platform
will be designed to develop important professional competencies, provide networking opportunities that will help our
students become more qualified, well-rounded hires upon graduation. In addition, the platform provides us with data &
analytics on program engagement, outcomes, and accreditation.

Full participation, 120 points, in the Suitable program will result in the maximum 5 points towards the student’s final
grade. To qualify for full participation, the student must attend the appropriate number of events to earn the minimum 120
program points. The number of points varies depending on the program, however there will be more than enough
opportunities for students to meet the minimum. We encourage all students in the course to take full advantage of the
new program by connecting with employers, developing their professionalism and attending as many events as possible.

Business Forum Spring 2019 V.2F

Business Communications Assignments Preview
The Details of these Assignments will be Posted in Assignments area/folder in Blackboard
Due Date Develop Increasingly, companies are skipping the phone interview and asking candidates 15
TBD Your to participate in a video interview, typically on the platform. Here, points
Elevator unlike Skype, there is no human interaction. The process usually involves a
Pitch process where questions flash on your computer screen and you may have 30
to 60 seconds to review it and one to two minutes to answer it. You then
respond while you are looking at the camera on your computer or phone. This
can be a frustrating and anxiety–ridden exercise when you encounter it for the
first time.

This exercise is designed to prepare you for this type of artificial interview and it
serves as "mock" video interview. Importantly, it helps you to better express
yourself when you are in an in-person interview and asked the key question:
“Tell me about yourself.”

How you speak is key to how you are perceived. Many companies have
Toastmasters groups where employees can hone their communication and
speech making skills. Polished presentation skills often lead to promotions and a
perception of leadership abilities. Speaking well is a way to get recognized and
invited to meetings and included insignificant discussions.

This assignment will require you to write, and videotape your elevator speech
introducing yourself.

After completing this assignment, you should be able to:

• Understand how to talk about yourself.
• Know how to deliver a video presentation.
• Better write about your skills and career goal

Due Date LinkedIn This assignment will require you to create a LinkedIn profile for yourself. 5
TBD Profile After completing this assignment, you should be able to: points
 Understand how to write a summary about your skills.
 Explain what makes you a potential employee.
 Describe your skills and interests to an organization.
 Be familiar with the basic methods to present your goals to others.
 Define your career goals.

This assignment will require you to create a LinkedIn profile for yourself.
After completing this assignment, you should be able to:
 Understand how to write a summary about your skills.
 Explain what makes you a potential employee.
 Describe your skills and interests to an organization.
 Be familiar with the basic methods to present your goals to others.
 Define your career goals.
Even if you have already have a LinkedIn profile, edit it to make sure it has
these elements:
(The details for this assignment are in the Assignment area in
 1. Photo
 2. Informative headline
 3. Education
 4. Professional summary
 5. Experience
Due Date Email to This assignment will require you to write an email. 10
TBD a After completing this assignment, you should be able to: points
 Understand how to write an email using plain English.

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Executive  Explain the details needed to get your point across.
 Describe the importance of your message.
 Be familiar with the how to write subject title.
Due Date Executive This assignment will require you to read a brief business case about a company 10
TBD Summary and write an executive summary report with your recommendations. points
Report After completing this assignment, you should be able to:
 Understand how to review a report.
 Have the ability to evaluate the important points in a report.
 Write insights gained from reading a report.
 Be familiar with giving suggestions and advice based on reading a
This assignment will require you to write an executive summary.

Business Forum Spring 2019 V.2F

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