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So, in this course, you are going to learn

about Industry 4.0 and Industrial IoT (IIoT).

So, we will get into the depth of each of

these in detail throughout the course.

However, let us first try to understand, what

is central to each of these technologies.

So, IIoT is Industrial IoT, which is about

the applications of IoT in the industry.

So, there are some industry specific requirements

for which the existing IoT technology, which

have applications in different, different

domains will have specific requirements of

industries, and we will have to be tailored

to get to cater to those industrial requirements.

So that is where industrial IoT comes into

picture and is so much popular, particularly

in the industry.

Nowadays, most of the industries globally,

they are transforming, they have been mandated

to transform to be Industry 4.0 compliant.

And they are transforming towards the adoption

of IIoT technologies.

So, we will be learning about the different

aspects of each of these Industry 4.0 and


But first let us try to understand what is


So, very briefly IoT is about internet of


A technology which tries to build up an inter

network of different things, and what are

these things, these things are different physical

objects; different physical objects that we

use, that we see around us and so on.

These physical objects could be anything and
everything that we can think of starting from

things like, the toothbrushes which we use

very early in the morning, to the air conditioner

of the room, to the heating system, the projection

system, in front of us.

And this also includes the traditional computational

devices such as computers, PDAs, laptops and

so on.

So, computational as well as the traditional

computational devices plus the present different

physical objects, all these objects that I

mentioned like the toothbrush, projection

system, heating system and this refrigeration

system, and so on.

So, all of these things would be inter networked,

would be interconnected.

And then this inter network is going to send

lot of data, which will have to be processed

in order to make use out of the data that

have been retrieved.

So, there are different uses of it.

So, IoT finds applications in building smart

homes for instance, smart cities and so on.

So, there are even different components of

smart cities like smart transportation, smart

parking, smart healthcare and so on and so


So, IoT finds applications in making cities

and homes smart.

In the industrial context, we are trying to

think about an extension of all of these to

serve making industrial processes much more

efficient and autonomous.
So, we will look into each of these.

Now, before we do that in this lecture let

us try to understand that what is central

to the IoT or IIoT.

So, what is central are basically certain

things, known as sensors and actuators.

And there are few other associated peripheral

technologies also, which we will cover in

subsequent lectures, but sensing and actuation

is key to IoT as well as IIoT, right.

So, let us try to understand, what is this

sensor, and what is this actuator.

So, before we do, we need to understand that

both sensors and actuators can be classified

as transducers.

So, these are like transducers.

So, sensors, actuators are transducers.

So, what is a transducer?

So, transducer basically is something that

converts the signal in one form into a signal

in another form.

So, let us look at this diagram in front of


So, we have over here, we have a sensor; we

have an actuator.

So, this sensor plus the processor which will

basically process the input that is coming

from these sensors; this is a transducer.

So, this is a transducer.

Similarly, actuator plus processor is also

a transducer, right.
So, as you can see over here this transducer
and the sensor inside it take some input signal

and produce a certain output, send certain

output, which will be processed further.

And based on the processed data, there will

be something that will be actuated.

So, all throughout as we can see, there is

some kind of energy transformation that is


And this actuator then produces certain output.

So, this is how sensors or transducers sensors

or actuators as transducers work.

So, let us look further.

So, we have the concept of transducer which

as I said is some device which converts a

signal from one physical form to another physical


And these physical forms could be like electrical

form, mechanical form you know magnetic form,

thermal, chemical, optical, and so on.

So, what we are seeing is that a transducer

is nothing but an energy converter.

It converts the energy from one form to the

energy in another form.

So, for instance things like microphone, the

traditional microphone.

The microphone basically converts sound signals

to electrical signals, which basically are

then amplified further and the speakers basically

through the speakers we are able to hear,


So, this is basically the concept of how a

microphone works.
So, microphone is an example, a traditional
example of a transducer.

A speaker is also likewise a converter of

energy from electrical form to sound.

So, a speaker is also another example of the


Similarly, we have antennas which will convert

electromagnetic energy into electrical energy

and vice versa.

So, antenna is also a transducer.

And there are many many other examples such

as a strain gauge which is also an example

of a transducer.

So, let us try to understand sensors as transducers.

So, what is that sensor?

Sensor as this name suggests senses something.

Senses what, senses the physical quantity,

the physical changes, the physical characteristic

of the environment in which it is operating.

So, a temperature sensor for example, will

sense the changes in the temperature of the

environment in which the sensor, the temperature

sensor, has been deployed, is operating.

So, this is an example.

So, it is basically a characteristic of a

device or material to detect the presence

of a particular physical quantity.

And in this particular example that I have

given you this physical quantity is this temperature.

So, changes to detect the presence the change

in the temperature is what a temperature sensor

would do.
So, the output of the sensor is a signal which
is converted to some human readable form.

And these human readable forms can be different,

different forms, changes in the current characteristics,

changes in the voltage characteristics, changes

in the resistance, changes in the capacitance,

changes in the impedance.

So, these changes are understandable by humans.

So, this is this human understandable or readable

form that is referred to over here.

So, a sensor basically performs some function

of input by sensing or feeling the physical

changes in the characteristic of a system,

in response to some stimulus.

So, these stimulus are basically physical


This stimulus could be changes in the temperature,

changes in the lighting condition, changes

in the gas.

So, these gases could be like a gas sensor,

for instance would sense changes in different

gases, for which they have been in a fabricated

to sense.

So, a for example, there could be a methane

sensor - methane gas sensor, a carbon dioxide

sensor, carbon monoxide sensor, oxygen sensor.

So, these are basically sensors which have

been devised to sense the changes in the amounts

of these gases in the environment, right.

So, gas sensors are basically incidentally

very much useful to monitor different presence

of different gases particularly in our current

context of environment, monitoring gas sensors
are very useful.

They are also very useful for mining environments.

So, for example, methane sensors are used

in the mines to detect the increase in methane

gas, possible increase in methane gas in coal


And, as you know that these gases are very

dangerous, so it is very important.

So, IoT in mines for example, you need to

use different gas sensors, right, if it is

for gas monitoring application.

So, these sensors are very much useful.

So, temperature, pressure - pressure means

atmospheric pressure, atmospheric temperature

or it could be temperature of any particular


So, all these different sensors could be used

for this particular purpose.

So, then we have that something is sensed

and the response is in the form of some changes

in the resistive capacities, changes in the

capacitive capacities and so on or changes

in current voltage characteristics in.

So, all these characteristics current, voltage,

resistance, capacitance, impedance you know;

so these come as in the form of the output.

So, here are some pictures of certain sensors.

And these are the ones the sensors actually

that I have in my lab, and there are many

other sensors also.

I picked up these ones in order to show you

how different sensors look like.
And these are not the only ones.

Actually, the sensors basically they come

in different shapes and sizes.

So, there are some these are like you know

macro sized sensors, but you could also have

micro sized sensors which are like MEMs based

sensors, there could be nano sensors also.

So, these are like you know even more you

know advanced kind of sensors that are available.

And these sensors have different, different


So, this is a temperature and humidity sensor.

This is a gas sensor for detecting LPG gas,

methane, carbon monoxide and so on.

This is an ultrasonic sensor.

This is a camera sensor you can see the camera

over here, Camera sensor.

This is PIR sensor, this is rain detector

sensor, and this is fire detector sensor.

So, you have so many different, different

types of sensors.

Now, let me see if I can show you some of

these different sensors.

So, this is a PIR sensor ok; this is a PIR


And we have, this is an ultrasonic sensor.

This ultrasonic sensor can help you to detect

how far a particular object is.

So, this sensor can help you in that.

So, obstacles, basically obstacles can be

detected with the help of this sensor.

And this basically works on the basis of you

know, ultrasound, a sound wave that is sent
from one of these two cylinders that you can
see over here.

So, one cylinder sends a you know sound signal,

it gets reflected by that obstacle, and is

detected by the other.

And then based on that you know, this entire

sensor works like, you know how far a particular

obstacle is where if there is an obstacle

in its range and so on.

Let me show you another sensor of different


This is basically the color sensor; it can

detect colors, different types of colors.

This is an accelerometer sensor, accelerometer.

Then we have the gas sensor, carbon monoxide

more specifically.

This sensor can detect carbon monoxide gas.

Then, we I have also brought for you another

sensor which is the rain gauge right.

So, rain basically rainfall sensor this will

detect the rainfall, right.

So, we have different, different sensors.

Now, let us go back to our discussion, what

we were having earlier.

So, we have these different types of sensors.

These sensors have their own different ways

of operating.

But let us try to understand, first the characteristics

of sensors at a very high level, in general,

the characteristics of sensors can be classified

into two types, the static characteristics

and the dynamic characteristics.

So, before that let me try to tell you about
how a particular sensor works.

So, different sensors have different operating

mechanisms, but in general what happens is

after you have, you know a sensor starts its

operation, so it takes a while in general

not necessarily in many cases it will take

a while to come to something called the steady


So, it will come to a steady state of operation,

and then it will work in that steady state.

So, static characteristics basically are about

the characteristics of a particular sensor

in the steady state condition.

In the steady state, once the sensor has come

to its steady state, in that steady state

how the output of a sensor changes in response

to the input change.

And dynamic characteristics are before that.

So, these dynamic characteristics are about

the properties of the systems transient response,

transient response to an input, right.

So, before basically the sensor achieves the

steady state, this is what it captures.

So, these static characteristics could be

characteristics such as accuracy.

And as this name suggests it is about the

correctness of the output compared, to the,

to a superior system, how much accurately

in other words, how much correctly, how much

accurately the sensor measures, whatever it

is supposed to sense, right.

Then we have another characteristic a static

characteristic which is the range.
Range means the range of operation lowest
value to highest value.

How much is the range of operation of a particular

sensor, lowest temperature to highest temperature

of a particular temperature sensor is the

range of that particular sensor, right.

Then we have resolution.

And resolution is about the smallest change

in the input that a sensor is capable of sensing.

Smallest change the resolution likes the resolution

of a camera for instance.

Similarly, you have the resolution of a sensor

like a temperature sensor.

So, the smallest change in temperature for

instance that a particular temperature sensor

is able to sense or detect is basically the

resolution of a particular sensor.

Error is basically the difference between

the standard value and the value produced

by the sensor that is the error characteristic.

Sensitivity, sensitivity indicates the ratio

of incremental change in the response of the

system with respect to the incremental change

in the input parameter, right.

So, that is basically the sensitivity of a


Then, the linearity characteristic is about

that the deviation of a sensor has in its

value from the straight line curve.

So, if you draw the curve of behavior of a

particular sensor, so the deviation it has

from the straight line is the linearity, of

linearity, characteristic of a particular

Then you have the characteristic like drift.

Drift is about that if you keep a particular

sensor for long duration of time in a particular

temperature for if it is a temperature sensor

or any other sensor for a particular reading


If you are keeping it for a sufficiently long

duration of time, then the difference in measurements

that it will show over the period of time

is the drift.

Then we have the repeatability characteristic,

which is the deviation from the measurements,

in a sequence, under the same conditions.

So, whether the same value can be repeatedly

obtained under the same conditions by the

same sensor is basically the repeatability

characteristic of that particular sensor.

Now, let us come to those were the static


Now, let us come to the dynamic characteristic.

So, dynamic characteristics about if you are

changing the input, inputs, how well the sensor

responds to its changes in the input; so the

transients that are received or captured through

the dynamic characteristic.

So, you have different things like zero ordered

system, which is basically a system which

where the output shows a response to the input

signal with no delay.

And these zero order systems do not include

energy storing requirements.

So, basically a potentiometer for instance

measures the linear and rotary displacements,

right; so this is an example of a zero order


First order system are when the output approaches

its final value gradually, this is faster

gradually is very key to this particular thing,

the first order system.

And these systems will have some kind of mechanism

for energy storage and dissipation both, right.

So, typically let us say there could be a

capacitance for example.

A capacitor which will store this energy and

dissipate over a duration of time, in these


Second order systems will have complex output

response not gradually, but a complex output


And this output response of these sensors

will typically oscillate before the steady

state right.

So, it will be something like this.

It will be something like if you are plotting

then it could be something like this before

that steady state is arrived.

So, this oscillation, oscillation between

certain values right.

So, these are basically, for the complex you

know, output response of these systems.

These are the second order systems.

Now, let us look at how these sensors could

be classified.

The sensors could be classified in different,

different ways.
They could be classified as either passive
sensor or active sensor, analog sensor or

digital sensor, scalar sensor or vector sensor.

So, let us look at what are these.

A passive sensor cannot independently sense

the input.

So, examples of passive sensors are accelerometer,

soil moisture, water level, temperature sensor,

and so on.

But active sensors are the ones, which can

independently sense the input, for instance,

radar as a sensor is an example of an active

sensor, a sounder, altimeter sensors, and

so on.

Then, let us look at another classification

analog versus analog versus digital.

So, analog sensors again as this name suggests

produces output which is some continuous function

of the input parameter, examples would be

temperature sensor, light detection sensor,

LDR, pressure sensor, analog pressure sensors,

the analog variants of these pressure sensors,

analog Hall effect sensor or magnetic sensors,

and so on.

A LDR shows continuous variation in its resistance

as a function of intensity of light falling

on it.

Digital sensors are basically the ones where

the response is of binary nature.

And these have been designed in order to overcome

some of the limitations of the analog sensors

which produces continuous function of the

output with respect to the input changes,
change characteristics.

So, there is some analog to, you know, digital

conversion that is there in most of these

digital sensors.

So, examples of digital sensors would be PIR

sensor, digital (thermo) temperature sensor

and so on.

Scalar sensors and vector sensors: scalar

sensor are basically the ones which will measure

only the magnitude of the input parameter,

only the magnitude, basically, it is a difference

between scalar values and the vector values,

the which basically shows the difference in

the scalar sensor versus the vector sensor.

So, the response of a sensor is a function

of the magnitude of the input parameter only

the magnitude of it, so, nothing else.

And these are not affected by the direction

of the input parameter.

So, examples of it would be temperature sensor,

gas sensor, strain sensor, color sensor, smoke

sensors, these are all examples of the scalar

sensor, because the detection of these parameters

do not depend on the change in the direction

of the input, change in the direction of temperature,

change in the direction of gas etcetera, etc.

So, it does not get affected by that.

But the quantity of the temperature quantity

of the gas present you know and so on.

Then we have the vector sensors which are

basically the response of the sensor depends

on the magnitude, of the magnitude, the direction

and the orientation, not only the magnitude,

but also the direction and the orientation.

Examples would be accelerometer, gyroscope,

magnetic field, motion detector sensors, and

so on.

So, let us look at how an actuator basically


So, as you can see in this particular figure,

an actuator takes two inputs, one input is

the energy.

So, there has to be some kind of an energy

supply, energy source and some signal, some


And together these will be taken by the actuator

to produce some kind of a motion, such as

the force or whatever.

So, an actuator is a part of the system that

deals with the control action that is required,

the mechanical action.

So, typically mechanical, but this could be

mechanical or electromechanical and so on.

So, you could have mechanical actuators or

electro mechanical actuators and so on.

So, let me now show you some pictures of actuators

that I have in my lab.

There are many others, but these are some

of these pictures of actuators.

So, this is an actuator; this is an electric


So, this relay what it does is it transforms

the electrical energy into some kind of mechanical

action, so or it could be electromechanical

as well.
So, you know, these relays are very much useful
for, performing, taking an electric signal

and performing some kind of mechanical option;

sorry mechanical operation such as turning

on a particular valve, turning off a valve,

turning on a device such as a compressor,

turning off a device such as a compressor

and so on.

So, this is a relay, which is an actuator.

Then this is a motor - a dc motor.

This is a dc motor as you can see over here.

This is a dc motor and this motor is also

an actuator and you know what a motor does.

So, this is one motor.

There could be different, different types

of motors, and each of these is basically

an actuator, examples of actuators.

And let me show you another actuator which

is basically another type of motor which is

known as the stepper motor.

So, this stepper motor is also an example

of another type of actuator.

You could also have actuators like these which

I think most of you have already seen right.

So, you have these, these could also be actuators


And you know what it is; these are the LEDs.

So, an LED could be turned on or off in response

to something, something being sensed, let

us say, a gas being present.

So, you turn on the led so that becomes an

example of an actuation, ok.
So, let us now go forward.

So, an actuator basically what it does is

it takes a control signal as an input and

also the input of some energy source and then

it performs its operation.

So, here is the picture of a dc motor.

And I already show you showed you live the

how a dc motor looks like.

Similarly, a relay is another example, electric


These are different, different examples electric

motors, solenoid valves, hard drives, stepper

motor, comb drive, then you have hydraulic

cylinder, piezoelectric actuator, pneumatic

actuators, these are different, different

types of actuators.

And these actuators can come in different

shapes and sizes.

These could be micro actuators, macro actuators,

and so on depending on the size of these actuators.

So, the actuators can be classified into different


And these are some of these examples, electric

linear, electric rotary, fluid power linear,

fluid power rotary, linear chain actuator,

manual linear, manual rotary.

These are some different types of classifications

of actuators.

Now, let us look at this electric linear actuator.

So, as this name suggests, these are basically

powered by electric signal.

These actuators are powered by electric signal.

And these basically that electric signal,

electric energy in these actuators is transformed

to achieve some kind of linear displacement

and that is why these are known as, you know,

electric linear actuators.

These could be you know examples could be

electric bell, and this is the picture that

you can see the animated one.

So, electric bell opening and closing of dampers,

locking doors, breaking machine motions and

so on.

These are examples of use of electric linear


Then the next one is electric rotary actuator.

So, you know, an example is what you see in

front of you now.

These are powered by electrical signals.

These are powered by electrical signals and

converts the electrical energy into as this

name suggests the rotational motion.

So, the previous one was electrical energy

into linear displacement.

And this one is electrical energy into rotational


So, you know quarter turn valves, and different-different

other electrical motors for example: these

are all examples of electric rotor actuator.

Then you have the fluid power linear actuator.

And again as this name suggests, these are

powered by different electric fluid sorry

hydraulic fluids, gas or air pressure, and

so on and produces linear displacement.

Then you have fluid power rotary actuator

again powered by fluid such as gas liquids

and so on.

But, produces rotational motion like the example

that you see the picture that you see in front

of you, rotational motion is produced as an

output of these actuators.

Then you have the linear chain actuator, which

basically consists of devices, mechanical

devices such as sprockets and sections of

chains which produce linear motion by the

free ends of the specially designed chains.

And the picture is in front of you in order

to understand how these work.

So, these are primarily used in motion control


Then we have the manual linear actuator which

provides linear displacement through the translation

of manually rotated screws or gears.

So, here basically it is not automatic here

it is manual.

So, manual rotation is performed on some screws

or whatever and consequently there is some

linear displacement.

So, these are the manual linear actuators.

So, these are you know examples of these could

be found in gear boxes, hand operated knobs,

wheels etc.

And these are primarily used for manipulating

tools and work pieces.

Then you have the manual rotary actuators

which provide rotary output through the translation

of manually rotated screws, levers or gears,

gears, and these are primarily used for the
operation of valves.

So, with this we come to an end of this particular

lecture on sensors and actuators.

And as I told you at the outset sensors are,

and, actuators are basically key to the building

of IoT and IIoT based systems.

And, you know, everywhere throughout you will

see that in this course, we are talking about

the use of sensors and actuators, and this

preliminary understanding about each of these,

the sensors and actuators, is necessary for

you to have an in-depth understanding about

how IIoT works.

So, these are some of these references in

front of you.

There are many more to be there, but I think

these will be sufficient and whatever I have

discussed is sufficient for you to have the

basic understanding to go forward and understand

the other lectures in this course.

Thank you.

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