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Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (2007) 79(1): 97-109

(Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences)

ISSN 0001-3765

Animal defense strategies and anxiety disorders


Departamento de Neurologia, Psiquiatria e Psicologia Médica, Universidade de São Paulo

Divisão de Psiquiatria, Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Hospital das Clínicas 3◦ andar
Avenida dos Bandeirantes 3900, 14048-900 Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil

Manuscript received on January 26, 2005; accepted for publication on May 31, 2006;
contributed by F REDERICO G. G RAEFF *

Anxiety disorders are classified according to symptoms, time course and therapeutic response. Concurrently, the
experimental analysis of defensive behavior has identified three strategies of defense that are shared by different animal
species, triggered by situations of potential, distal and proximal predatory threat, respectively. The first one consists
of cautious exploration of the environment for risk assessment. The associated emotion is supposed to be anxiety
and its pathology, Generalized Anxiety Disorder. The second is manifested by oriented escape or by behavioral
inhibition, being related to normal fear and to Specific Phobias, as disorders. The third consists of disorganized flight
or complete immobility, associated to dread and Panic Disorder. Among conspecific interactions lies a forth defense
strategy, submission, that has been related to normal social anxiety (shyness) and to Social Anxiety Disorder. In
turn, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder do not seem to be directly related to innate
defense reactions. Such evolutionary approach offers a reliable theoretical framework for the study of the biological
determinants of anxiety disorders, and a sound basis for psychiatric classification.
Key words: defense strategies, basic emotions, anxiety disorders.

INTRODUCTION Panic disorder (PD) is characterized by the occur-

rence of panic attacks, in which feelings of extreme fear
Anxiety disorders were once merged within the vague
and dread strike unexpectedly and repeatedly, accom-
concept of neurosis, but are now divided into distinct
panied by marked physiological symptoms. Over time,
nosological classes, characterized by different symp-
persistent concerns about having another panic attack or
toms, time courses and therapeutic responses (World
about the consequences of the panic attacks develop. The
Health Organization 1992, American Psychiatric As-
person becomes afraid of being in situations or places
sociation 1994). This development started in the early
from which escape could be difficult or embarrassing, a
1980s and has allowed, among other advances, the sys-
condition known as agoraphobia and, in extreme cases,
tematic study of pathophysiology.
being unable to leave home unless accompanied by
The most widely used classifications were elabo-
someone. Specific phobias (SP) are exaggerated fears of
rated by the American Psychiatric Association, called
objects (blood), animals (spiders) or situations (closed
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder.
rooms). Social phobia, recently renamed social anxiety
The classification of primary anxiety disorders accord-
disorder (SAD), refers to abnormal fear of situations in
ing to its 4th edition (DSM-IV) is shown in Table I.
which the person’s behavior can be scrutinized by others.
*Member Academia Brasileira de Ciências Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized
Correspondence to: Prof. Frederico G. Graeff
E-mail: by intrusive, unwanted, repetitive thoughts (obsessions)

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along generations. Later on, he extended this view to be-
DSM IV classification of primary anxiety disorders.
havioral strategies, choosing the expression of emotions
Categories in animals, human beings included as an example (Dar-
Panic disorder with agoraphobia win 1872). In this way, the evolutionary perspective was
Panic disorder without agoraphobia introduced into Psychology.
Agoraphobia without history of panic disorder Along the 20th century, a research program based on
Specific phobia evolution was carried out by the discipline called Ethol-
Social phobia ogy, aimed at the comparative (in the zoological sense)
Obsessive-compulsive disorder study of animal behavior. At the beginning, ethological
Acute stress disorder studies have relied on systematic observation of animals
Posttraumatic stress disorder in their natural habitat, without any interference. With
Generalized anxiety disorder time, ethological analysis has become increasingly ex-
Anxiety disorder due to general medical condition perimental, in order to answer functional questions that
Substance-induced anxiety disorder have been raised by naturalistic observation (Tinbergen
Unspecified anxiety disorder 1972). This development has led to a merge between
Ethology and the formerly rival approach, Experimen-
tal Analysis of Behavior, which had originated in psy-
chological laboratories dedicated to the study of ani-
and rituals (compulsions) performed out to appease anx- mal learning. The resulting discipline, Ethoexperimen-
iety. Acute stress disorder (ASD) is the development of tal Analysis of Behavior, provides the empirical data that
characteristic anxiety and dissociative symptoms within underpin the theoretical constructs of present day Evo-
4 weeks after an extreme traumatic event and lasts less lutionary Psychology and Evolutionary Psychiatry.
than 1 month. Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) One of the main contributions of ethoexperimental
is the reaction to a terrifying event that keeps return- behavior analysis has been the identification of a basic
ing in the form of frightening, intrusive memories, and set of defensive strategies that are common to several
brings on hypervigilance and numbing of normal emo- species (actually genera) that have been associated to
tions. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is charac- human anxiety and related emotions. Due to the similar
terized by chronic exaggerated worry and tension over environmental constraints prevailing in the planet earth,
everyday events and decisions. convergent evolution has taken place, and the same basic
Whenever the neurochemical or neuroanatomical defense strategies are displayed by virtually all vertebrate
underpinnings of anxiety disorders are considered, an and even non-vertebrate animal species. Nevertheless,
evolutionary perspective is necessarily (even if unknow- for the purpose of relating animal defense strategies to
ingly) adopted, since Darwinian evolution through nat- human anxiety in neurobiological terms, only animals
ural selection is the only epistemological paradigm of that have brains phylogenetically related the human brain
present day biological sciences (Kuhn 1996). Although are of interest. For this reason, in the present article we
the focus of Charles Darwin´s attention was “ on the ori- review reported studies on defensive strategies displayed
gin of species” (Darwin 1859), the processes he advo- by non-human mammals, and discuss the extrapolation
cated for – natural selection – explains the conservation of the obtained results to human beings, with a particular
of species rather than the beginning of new ones. For emphasis on the neurobiology of anxiety disorders.
new species to arise, other factors, such as environmental
change and geographical isolation are also necessary. At
first, Darwin suggested that because of adaptive advan- The concept of levels of defense was originally based
tage – essentially ability to breed more offspring capable on the results of a series of ethoexperimental studies
of reaching reproductive age – certain physical charac- carried out by the research group led by Caroline and
teristics of living organisms are selected and preserved Robert Blanchard using wild rats caught in the sugar cane

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farms of Hawaii (Blanchard and Blanchard 1988). The that of reward (Blanchard and Blanchard 1988).
choice of wild animals is due to the fact that laboratory In most species, risk assessment involves specific
rats have undergone domestication by selective breeding stimulus processing among the wealth of information
that attenuated defensive aggression along generations, that is generally available in natural environments. Be-
making them easier to handle, but unsuitable for the cause confrontations demand a rapid reaction, existing
study of defense (Blanchard et al. 1986). species are designed by natural selection to rapidly rec-
As a consequence, the results reviewed below are ognize specific features of predators or conspecifics that
organized according to the proposal by Blanchard and signal danger through a process called ‘stimulus filter-
Blanchard (1988) that antipredatory defense is hierar- ing’ (Alcock 1993). Different perceptual cues that elicit
chically organized in levels of defense that go from risk risk assessment have been investigated, among which
assessment, to escape, tense immobility, defensive threat are odors (Blanchard et al. 2001c, McGregor et al. 2002,
and, finally, defensive attack. To these strategies we add Zangrossi and File 1992, 1994), visual cues (Coss and
submission, which occurs only among individuals of the Ramakrishnan 2000) and sounds (Ramakrishnan and
same species. Coss 2000). In social species, the predatory risk is also
evaluated on the basis of typical vocalizations of con-
R ISK A SSESSMENT specifics, as shown by studies using alarm call playback
The first level of defense occurs when danger is not (McCowan et al. 2001).
present in an environment where the source of danger had In response to danger cues, animals express risk
previously been met; or when the environment is novel, assessment in a wide variety of species-typical ways.
implicating in potential rewards and threats, generating Among the behavioral topographies studied, there are
approach-avoidance conflict. The original experimen- visual scanning in bonnet monkeys and ground squirrels
tal condition in which this behavior category has been (Hanson and Coss 1997, Ramakrishnan and Coss 2000,
identified is the so-called ‘Visible Burrow System’. This Thorson et al. 1998, Coss and Ramakrishnan 2000),
apparatus is a large semi-natural enclosure that allows sniffing in mice and rats (Berton et al. 1998, Wallace
groups of animals to live, forage, breed, etc. The pres- and Rosen 2000, Benus 2001), stretched approach in rats
ence of females provides incentive for males to fight and (Blanchard and Blanchard 1988, McGregor et al. 2002)
to establish dominance hierarchies that are very stable and contact with odorous objects, also in rats (Zangrossi
across time (Blanchard et al. 2001d). The burrows side- and File 1994).
line two borders of a square arena, where food and water Animals often overestimate risk (Thorson et al.
are periodically provided. The roof is transparent, al- 1998), since the cost of spending energy in avoidance
lowing observation with red lighting that is invisible to and loosing valuable resources is relatively small, as
rats. At a given day, a cat is placed in the arena for a compared to that of severe damage or death. On the
certain period, and then removed. In the presence of the other hand, assuming a certain level of risk is necessary
cat, the rats emit ultrasonic alarm calls and seek refuge to obtain living resources.
inside the burrows. Long after the cat’s removal, they During risk assessment, non-defensive behaviors,
stay inside the tunnels, not daring to cross the doors that such as locomotion, environmental exploration, self-
allow entrance into the arena. However, as food and wa- grooming, feeding and social interaction are inhibited
ter deprivation increase, the need to explore the arena (Blanchard et al. 1998a, Bramley and Wass 2001, Mas-
becomes imperative. As a result, the uppermost male in tripieri et al. 1992), and the degree of suppression of
the colony hierarchy cautiously walks toward one of the these behaviors may be used as an indirect index of de-
doors keeping the belly in touch with the floor (stretched fensiveness or anxiety.
approach) and, in several occasions, pokes the head out of
the hole followed by rapid retreat. This behavior pattern
has been named ‘risk assessment’, supposedly aimed at The second level of defense in the wild rat has been
the evaluation of the likelihood of danger as opposed to characterized within an oval runway. After habituation

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to the new environment, the experimenter enters the alley This is particularly true in the case of proximal defense.
at a distance beyond a critical limit from the rat. As the Considering flight, the tactics used by a particular an-
animal perceives the experimenter, the muscles contract imal take into account the location, the direction of at-
in an immobile posture. This tense immobility, often tack, and the predator’s hunting strategy. For instance, in
called ‘freezing’ behavior, has thus been conceptualized gerbils artificially threatened with a black square metal
as a defense strategy against real threat that is at a dis- sheet moved above the animals’ head, two ways of es-
tance, being thus named ‘distal defense’ (Blanchard and caping are used. When the trajectory of the threatening
Blanchard 1988). In natural conditions, immobility may stimulus is at an angle, the animal is more likely to run
be viewed as a primitive camouflage, since it impairs away from the object. However, when the threat comes
visual or aural detection by the predator (Jedrzejewski straight ahead, the gerbil usually runs to the opposite di-
et al. 1993). rection, passing under the danger stimulus (Ellard 1993).
In the laboratory, freezing is usually characterized In natural circumstances, this would require the predator
by total lack of movement, except those required for to make a quick turn, which is a difficult maneuver for
breathing. This response has been extensively used as a flying animal. Bonnet monkeys (Ramahrishnan and
an index of fear in experimental studies, as it occurs in Coss 2000) as well as bank voles (Jedrzejewski et al.
closed environments that do not allow escape in response 1993) respond to the attack of their predators (leopards
to stimuli that signal noxious stimuli, most frequently and weasels, respectively) by rapidly climbing upon trees
electric foot shock (see, e.g., LeDoux 1996). or similar structures. The voles’ tactic is particularly ef-
fective against weasels, which can pursue rodents both
F LIGHT on the ground and inside burrows. A burrow, but not a
In the above oval runway, if the experimenter approaches tree, is a safe place when the predator is an owl. Past
the rat beyond a critical distance the animal interrupts experience is also important. For instance, Ellard (1993)
immobility and initiates flight. As a consequence, the reported that gerbils choose to run toward familiar places,
third level of defense was called ‘proximal defense’ by called home bases, even when more accessible, but yet
Blanchard and Blanchard (1988). In addition to flight, unknown hiding places are available.
defensive threat and fight are also strategies that belong
to this level of defense.
Flight occurs when the threat is very close and, of When a barrier is placed in one of the corridors of the
course, an escape route is available (Blanchard et al. oval runway preventing escape, and the experimenter
1986, 1998b, Ellard 1993, Hanson and Coss 1997). In approaches the wild rat very closely, the animal adopts
natural environments, this strategy is adaptive because it an upright posture and shrieks (defensive threat), before
rapidly removes the animal from a threatening situation, jumping to bite the experimenter (defensive attack). To-
bringing it to a safe place such as a burrow or a tree, re- gether with flight, these strategies have been categorized
ducing the probability of capture by the predator (Adams as proximal defense (Blanchard and Blanchard 1988).
1979, Ellard 1993). Flight also reduces provocative ex- The function of defensive threat is to communicate
changes between animals, particularly in the case of con- an attacking disposition to the opponent, which is of-
specific agonistic interactions. In economical terms, the ten successful in deferring the attack. Threat is usually
animal will flee when the likely benefit of staying and expressed by characteristic vocalizations and postures
maintaining ongoing activities is significantly smaller (Blanchard et al. 1998b, Koenig and Rothe 1994); furry
than the cost of abandoning the place where he is and animals often raise their body hair, looking bigger and
the activities he is engaged in. more frightening to the assailing animal (Eibl-Eibesfeldt
As pointed out before, the basic defense strategies and Sutterlin 1990). Maternal aggression may be in-
are conserved across species, determined by their com- cluded in this category, although its main function is to
mon adaptive function. However, the way each species protect the offspring rather than the female adult (Benus
carries out the same defense strategy varies considerably. 2001, Neumann et al. 2001).

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Defensive threat is a ‘last-resource’ defense strat- and mating resources as well as protection (De Waal
egy, since it occurs when the predator is about to contact 1986, 2000).
the prey or has already inflicted pain, and an escape route In hierarchically organized species both dominant
is not available (Blanchard and Blanchard 1988, Blan- males and subordinates are constantly evaluating the
chard et al. 1998b). Yet, in these extreme circumstances risks and benefits of their social rank, and therefore the
certain species, such as the guinea pig, display tonic im- convenience of displaying submissive postures (Gilbert
mobility or death feigning (Olsen et al. 2002), which is 1998b).
qualitatively different from the behavioral inhibition or
freezing discussed above. HUMAN DEFENSE

Defensive attack differs from offensive attack in In the title of Darwin’s (1872) book, ‘man’ precedes
both behavioral topography and associated physiological ‘animals’, indicating that his main focus was on human
changes (Adams 1979). For instance, in defensive threat emotions. However, extrapolation from non-human be-
the cat displays a characteristic arched-back posture with havior to man has always been a matter of concern, be-
marked sympathetic manifestations (e.g., pupil dilatation cause of the inextricable influence of culture in human
and raised fur), whereas a stretched body posture with conduct. Although rudiments of cultural transmission
pupil constriction and smooth fur precede offensive at- have been documented in chimpanzees (e.g., Nishimura
tack. The latter is displayed by a dominant animal in re- et al. 2003), only in human beings, cultural produc-
sponse to a subordinate, and occurs in disputes about en- tions evolve historically. This emergent phenomenon is
vironmental resources, mate or social dominance. In this based on the brain capacity for symbolic language and
case, vulnerable body regions of the opponent are usually for remarkable learning and memory, which was pro-
avoided; the same inhibition is not observed in defensive vided by the human biological evolution that took place
attack, when vital body areas are targeted (Brain 1981). in the Pleistocene. During millions of years human be-
In rats, for example, offense includes lateral attack, chas- ings have been hunter-gatherers in the African savannas,
ing, standing on top of the opponent, and bites targeted and these environmental pressures shaped the species
at the back of the opponent (Blanchard et al. 2001c). In features (Buss and Shackelford 1997). No later envi-
contrast, defensive attack bites are made at the head and ronment in which human beings have lived, prevailed
the snout, severely hurting the opponent; this may dis- long enough to significantly change the basic make up
tract the attacker long enough for the defensive animal that has been built in that geological era.
to flee away (Blanchard and Blanchard 1988). In contrast, human culture – the set of information
and techniques that is transmitted along generations –
has evolved in many directions, following rules that are
This strategy of defense occurs in social species that are similar to those of biological natural selection, at least
hierarchically organized, and ranks among behaviors that according to some authors (see, e.g., Mesoudi et al.
are aimed at reconciliation or appeasement, avoiding de- 2004). As a result, human behavior has become ex-
structive fights among conspecifics (Marks and Nesse tremely variable, since in addition to common biological
1994, Gilbert 1998a, b). determinants it is heavily influenced by the individual’s
Typically, after an agonistic encounter between history and the particular cultural background of the so-
two males, motivated by dispute over resources, terri- cial group to which the person belongs.
tory, mate or social rank, the defeated opponent displays As a result, the search for biological invariants
certain postures that inhibit further attack by the winner. that cut across cultures becomes a very hard task. Aware
This (re-)establishes the dominance hierarchy, prevent- of these shortcomings, Darwin himself tried to control
ing future shocks and maintaining social bonds that are cultural influences by looking at emotional expressions
necessary for the group’s stability. For the defeated an- in children and mentally ill people, and by studying the
imal, it not only preserves physical integrity, but also recognition of basic emotions in human faces among
keeps integration with the social group, ensuring food members of different civilizations (Darwin 1872). In-

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terestingly, the last method is now widely used conductors, and often approach the front vehicle in order
(Ekman 1993). to ask for permission to overtake it. Another difference
To our knowledge, only two empirical studies have was that in general Hawaiian women have evaluated the
been carried out so far to identify in human beings the threats in the different scenarios as more intense than men
defense strategies that were originally described in non- have done, a gender difference that has not been signifi-
human animals. The first was conducted by Blanchard et cant in the Brazilian sample studied. In addition, gender
al. (2001b), in Hawaii, while the second was conducted differences that were absent in the first study concern-
in Ribeirão Preto, so far reported as a master disserta- ing the evaluation of three dimensions of threat, namely
tion (Shuhama 2005). Due to ethical constraints, the ex- ‘escapability of the situation’, ‘ambiguity of the threat
perimental analysis of human defense cannot be done stimulus’ and ‘presence of a hiding place’ appeared in
by direct behavioral observation. As a consequence, the Brazilian study.
both studies used a fear questionnaire that instructed the Taken together, the results of these studies indicate
participants to choose a primary defensive response to that human beings share with non-human mammals the
each of twelve scenarios involving a present or potential same set of biologically determined defense strategies,
threatening conspecific. These scenarios were designed the expression of which can be modulated, to a certain
to vary features known to influence defensive responding extent, by cultural influence. Due to the known short-
in non-human mammals: magnitude of threat, escapa- comings of the questionnaire methodology, further re-
bility of the situation, ambiguity of the threat stimulus, search on this subject matter is clearly necessary. Re-
distance between the threat and the subject and presence minding that the theoretical constructs of evolutionary
of a hiding place. Psychology and Psychiatry rely on this assumption, it is
The results of the Hawaiian study, performed in 160 remarkable that only few attempts to empirically address
undergraduate students of both genders, have shown that the question of the commonality of basic psychobiolog-
male and female responses to the scenarios were highly ical processes among non-human mammals and human
correlated, except for ‘yell, scream, or call for help’, beings have been made so far.
which was frequent for females, but rare for males. Sig-
nificant correlations were obtained regarding eight spe- IMPLICATIONS FOR PSYCHIATRY

cific hypotheses derived from the animal literature, with In human beings, defensive reactions are accompanied
some support for two additional hypotheses. While three by conscious feelings of anxiety, fear, or panic. To what
predicted correlations were not supported in these find- extent these feelings occur in non-human animals is a
ings, only a single significant correlation was obtained matter of philosophical argument. Nevertheless, if the
that had not been predicted on the basis of the animal lit- evolutionary approach is correct, the brain workings that
erature. Overall, these results support the view that the underpin the defensive strategies discussed above are
defensive patterning is similar for humans and nonhuman likely to be conserved along evolution, justifying the use
mammals (Blanchard et al. 2001b). of non-human mammals to investigate the neurobiology
The results of the Brazilian study, performed in 248 of human basic emotions. More complex emotions, such
undergraduate students (Shuhama 2005), were very sim- as guilt, pride and jealousy, are heavily determined by
ilar, except for some differences that are likely to be due psychosocial factors and, therefore, unsuitable for this
to cultural factors. For instance, in one of the scenarios type of analysis.
a car was said to approach the rear of the vehicle con- The possible relations among basic emotions, their
ducted by the participant very closely. The American disorders and the above defensive strategies are discussed
subjects of the former study (Blanchard et al. 2001b) below.
have unambiguously interpreted this conduct as highly
threatening, in contrast to the Brazilian responders. This A NXIETY versus PANIC
difference is probably due to the fact that Brazilian car As soon as they have established the concept of lev-
drivers are less concerned about risk than the American els of antipredatory defense, Blanchard and Blanchard

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(1988) became aware of an overlap between the notion involved in both GAD and risk assessment, then experi-
of ‘risk assessment’ and the so called ‘behavioral inhibi- mental situations that evoke this defense strategy should
tion system’, considered as equivalent to anxiety by the be amenable to the effects of drugs that affect GAD. A
late British psychologist Jeffrey Gray (Gray 1982). As cardinal feature of these situations is to induce approach-
a corollary, they have suggested that the same structures avoidance conflict, which has been deemed essential for
implicated by Gray in behavioral inhibition – mainly the generating anxiety (Gray and McNaughton 2000). As
septum and the hippocampus – are likely to support risk expected, animal models of anxiety that generate con-
assessment. flict, such as punishment tests, the light-dark transition
Taking a step forward, Deakin and Graeff (1991) box or the inhibitory avoidance task in the elevated T-
have connected animal defense to normal emotions and maze prove to have high predictive value in regard to
psychiatric classes of anxiety disorders. A further elab- GAD. That is, anxiety indexes in these models are de-
oration has included the three levels of antipredatory de- creased by drugs, such as the benzodiazepine receptor
fense discussed above (Graeff 1994). A synthesis of agonists used as medicine for GAD, and increased by
these proposals is summarized in Table II. drugs like caffeine and several benzodiazepine receptor
According to this proposal, risk assessment (or be- antagonists, which have experimentally been shown to
havioral inhibition) and freezing are related to anxiety, aggravate GAD (for a review, see Graeff and Zangrossi
organized escape to fear, and disorganized flight to panic. Jr 2002).
These adaptive responses can become excessive or occur The second best animal model related to GAD is
in inappropriate conditions, thus becoming pathological. the so-called ‘conditioned emotional response’ or CER.
This development is likely to occur in the human species, In this paradigm, the freezing behavior of the rat is mea-
since the patterns of defense that had been shaped under sured in an experimental box inside which the same an-
the selective pressures of the Pleistocene, and remained imal had previously received noxious electric foot-
virtually unchanged may become unfit for the challenges shocks. These shocks may be either signaled by a dis-
posed by the artificial and rapidly changing environment crete stimulus – the conditioned stimulus (CS) – , usually
shaped by cultural evolution (Dixon 1998). a tone or a light; alternatively, no such stimulus exists
In a similar vein, Nesse (1990) and Marks and and the environment becomes a contextual CS. In either
Nesse (1994) have argued that the DSM-IV categories case, the amount of freezing is attenuated by anxiolytic
of anxiety disorders correspond to exaggerations of nor- drugs (Graeff and Zangrossi Jr 2002). This is a clear
mal emotions responding to specific danger situations. model of anticipatory anxiety, like that verified in PD,
In particular, they have connected panic to imminent at- which arises from the expectation of having further panic
tack by a predator, agoraphobia to environment in which attacks. This similar pharmacological profile indicates
attack is likely to occur, simple phobias to innate fears, that GAD and anticipatory anxiety are supported by the
such as that of small dangerous animals, social anxiety same neurobiological processes.
to threats to status or group membership, and obsessive When they were designed, the above models of
cleanness to infectious diseases. These aspects will be GAD and anticipatory anxiety were thought to represent
addressed to in the following sections. anxiety disorders, in general. However these experimen-
tal paradigms fail to detect antipanic drugs, supporting
the proposal that anxiety and panic are neurobiologically
Pharmacological analysis different (Deakin and Graeff 1991). To develop animal
Pharmacology has been useful to test hypotheses derived models of PD, the evolutionary approach is being ex-
from the evolutionary approach, because the same drugs plicitly used. The core hypothesis is that panic relates
that either improve or aggravate anxiety disorders can to proximal flight organized in the dorsal periaqueductal
be administered to laboratory animals under experimen- gray (PAG) matter of the midbrain (Deakin and Graeff
tal conditions that attempt to model these pathologies. 1991). Three such models deserve mentioning. The first
For instance, if the same neurobiological processes are one is the flight response in the ‘mouse defense test bat-

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Correlation among defense strategies, anxiety-like emotions and their disorders.
Danger source Defense strategy Critical brain structures Emotion Pathology
Potential Risk Assessment Septum-Hippocampus Anxiety GAD
(Conflict) (Behavioral inhibition) Amygdala
Conditioned stimulus Freezing behavior Amygdala, ventral PAG Anxiety Anticipatory
Conditioned stimulus Avoidance Amygdala Learned fear Specific phobias
Distal Escape Medial hypothalamus Innate fear
Proximal Flight / Freeze Dorsal PAG Panic Panic disorder

GAD: generalized anxiety disorder; PAG: periaqueductal gray matter. Modified from Deakin and Graeff (1991) and Graeff (1994).

tery’ (MDTB) that has been developed by Blanchard et al. three times, at 30-s intervals; for the second, the same
(2001a). In this test situation, a mouse is placed inside an rat is placed, also three times in succession, at the end of
oval runway (smaller than that for rats), and a stuffed rat one of the open arms. In both tasks, the time taken by the
is made to approach the experimental animals. As a func- animal to withdraw from the arm with its four paws is
tion of the distance from the rat, the mouse expresses risk measured. Typically, in non-drugged rats the withdrawal
assessment, that is, turns around to look at the predator latency increases along inhibitory avoidance training, as
(differently from rats that only show this strategy when a result of the punitive consequence of the response – to
the predator is absent), then freezes (much less than rats), enter an aversive open arm. In contrast, the escape la-
and eventually flees when the threat is very close. If a bar- tency remains unchanged, especially if the rats had been
rier is placed to shut the runway, defensive threat and at- pre-exposed to the open arms for 30 min on the day be-
tack can also be observed. Pharmacological studies have fore the experimental session. Pharmacological results
shown that while risk assessment has predictive value for reviewed elsewhere (Graeff et al. 1998, Graeff and Zan-
GAD, proximal flight correlates with panic. More specif- grossi Jr 2002, Graeff 2004) have shown that inhibitory
ically, drug regimens that are clinically effective on PD, avoidance is impaired by drugs that improve GAD, and
mainly chronic administration of imipramine, chlorim- facilitated by anxiogenic agents, while one-way escape
ipramine or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SS- is decreased by anti-panic treatment, and enhanced by
RIs), impair the flight response; conversely, agents that the panicogenic agent cholecystokinin 4 (CCK 4).
induce panic in PD patients strengthen the same behavior The third animal model of PD consists of measur-
(Blanchard et al. 2001a). ing behavioral reactions elicited by electrical stimulation
The second panic model, the ‘elevated T-maze’ or of the dorsal PAG. Schenberg and coworkers have veri-
ETM (Graeff et al. 1993), has been designed to test fied that the electrical stimulation of the dorsal PAG of
Deakin and Graeff’s (1991) proposal. This apparatus rats observed inside a circular arena elicits a series of
consists of two arms unprotected by walls, called the responses as the intensity of the electrical current in-
open arms, which are perpendicular to an arm enclosed creases, namely freezing, walking, running and jump-
by walls, except at the extremity that gives access to the ing. Some of them, particularly running and jumping are
intersection with the open arms. The ETM is elevated attenuated by chronic treatment with chlorimipramine.
50 cm above the floor, the test being based on the natural This and other evidence led to the proposal that elec-
fear of rats in regard to open and elevated spaces, where trical stimulation of the dorsal PAG is a model of PD
they cannot scan the environment with their vibrissae (Schenberg et al. 2001).
(thigmotaxis). Two tasks are successively performed by It is worth remarking that the three models of PD
the same rat in the ETM, namely inhibitory avoidance and above are attempts to reach the ideal goal of associating
one-way escape. For the first one, the animal is placed by predictive value (mainly of drug response) to theoretical
the experimenter at the distal end of the enclosed maze validity, as the same hypothetical constructs have been

An Acad Bras Cienc (2007) 79 (1)


made to apply to both the animal model and the panic, and with the nosological categories of GAD, spe-
modeled disorder, under an encompassing evolutionary cific phobias and PD, respectively. Among other con-
perspective. sequences, this approach has led to significant advances
in the knowledge of the neurobiology of these disorders
S PECIFIC P HOBIAS (for a discussion, see Graeff 2004). Let us now move
Deakin and Graeff (1991) have suggested that active to further defense categories that occur in circumstances
avoidance and escape strategies are related to learned other than predatory threat.
and unlearned phobias, respectively (Table II). In con-
trast to the situations that induce anxiety, in active escape
or avoidance the source of danger is devoid of reward- S OCIAL A NXIETY D ISORDER
ing value and, therefore, does not engender approach-
avoidance conflict. According to Gray and McNaughton Excepting for specific phobias, SAD is the most preva-
(2000), these responses relate to fear. Testifying to the lent of the anxiety disorders. Nevertheless, its pathogen-
neurobiological distinction between fear and anxiety, esis is poorly understood (Furmark et al. 2002).
pharmacological evidence shows that escape and avoid- Within the evolutionary approach, SAD is an ex-
ance responses are unaffected by anxiolytic drugs, un- aggeration of social anxiety, a trait acquired along hu-
less heavily sedating doses are used (Graeff and Zan- man evolution. Social anxiety signals potential threats
grossi Jr 2002). Similarly, clinical phobias are resistant and activates coping responses (Stein and Bouwer 1997).
to pharmacological treatment, being successfully man- Furthermore, making a good impression on others may
aged by cognitive-behavioral therapy (Leaman 1999). have survival function, since it elicits important social re-
Therefore, phobias may be viewed as disorders of fear. sources and investments from others and prevents social
Marks and Nesse (1994), among others, have remarked sanction or exclusion (Gilbert 2001).
that most phobic objects – height (acrophobia), closed The evolutionary function of social anxiety is illus-
environments (claustrophobia), blood (erythrophobia), trated by the phenomenon of blushing. Darwin (1872)
poisonous insects or animals – are the same, regardless himself remarked that reddening of the face, neck and
of cultural differences, and no longer represent prevalent ears is associated to “ thinking of what others think of
dangers in civilized societies. Yet, such dangers were us”. In animals that are organized in social ranks, status is
prominent in the Pleistocene, having shaped human evo- signaled by appeasement displays, which indicate accep-
lution. Thus, phobias may be an exaggeration of ances- tance of a submissive status as to a dominant conspecific.
tral fears, which have been ingrained in our brains by In human beings, blushing, together with lowered gaze
natural selection. and nervous grin displayed in anxiety-provoking social
Learning mechanisms are also likely to play a role situations are reminiscent of animal appeasement dis-
in some phobias, although in most cases the patient is plays, and signs of embarrassment mitigate the negative
unable to recall any original traumatic event related to reactions of others. An appeasement “ false alarm”, or a
the phobia. Even if learning is involved, experimental dysfunction in otherwise adaptive appeasement signals,
evidence suggests that it is far easier to make aversive may therefore underlie SAD (Stein and Bouwer 1997).
association with certain images, like spiders, than to oth- Animal social behavior and SAD appear to be gov-
ers, such as flowers (Ohman et al. 1975). This indicates erned by similar neurobiological mechanisms. For in-
that there are innate fear stimuli that are particular to hu- stance, drugs that increase serotonergic neurotransmis-
man beings, as it has been shown in several other species sion have been shown to increase social affiliation in
(Marks and Nesse 1994). monkeys (Raleigh et al. 1991) and to improve SAD
So far, the evolutionary paradigm has allowed the (van der Linden et al. 2000). Evolutionary perspec-
association between the three levels of antipredatory de- tives therefore provide a theoretical framework and in-
fense originally described by Blanchard and Blanchard spire animal models that may help to better understand
(1988) with the normal emotions of anxiety, fear and SAD pathogenesis.

An Acad Bras Cienc (2007) 79 (1)


P OSTTRAUMATIC S TRESS D ISORDER to stereotyped grooming, checking and hoarding routines

observed in animals, which are programmed in the stria-
The critical feature of PTSD is to have undergone an ut-
tum, as well as to veterinary pathology, such as paw lick-
terly distressful experience. Therefore, fear learning and
ing dermatitis in dogs and feather pulling in birds, which
memory processes, rather than inborn traits, are funda-
favorably respond to SSRIs in the same way as OCD
mental for its pathogenesis (LeDoux 1996). However,
(Rapoport 1991).
only a fraction of those exposed to the same traumatic
event develop the disorder, pointing to developmental
risk factors.
In this respect, Shore (2002) has suggested that an The evidence discussed above supports the view that
insecure attachment template may result in infants human beings share with non-human mammals a set of
abused by the parents or caretakers in the first two years defense strategies that correspond to the basic emotions
of life. This experience would affect the development of of anxiety, fear, panic and embarrassment. Dys-
the right brain hemisphere, which is dominant for attach- functions of the psychobiological processes that under-
ment, affect regulation, and stress modulation, thereby, pin these defense strategies and their related emotions
resulting in coping deficits that increase vulnerability to would result in the anxiety disorders classified as GAD,
PTSD. This deficit would be expressed as an alternation PD, specific phobias and SAD, respectively. PTSD
between intrusive terrifying flashbacks and traumatic would be mainly due to faulty regulation of learning
images (sympathetic arousal) and dissociation, avoid- and memory processes, resulting in an abnormal stress
ance, and affective numbing (parasympathetic arousal), response. At least some symptoms of OCD may be due
which are the main symptoms of PTSD. to overactivity of brain circuits that organize routines of
Although this conception includes an evolutionary self grooming and territorial checking, which are only
element, represented by Bowlby’s (1988) attachment remotely related to defense.
system, it is not directly related to inborn defense strate- According to this evolutionary perspective, anxi-
gies, which are the focus of the present review. ety disorders may be viewed as dysfunction of defense
mechanisms. This approach may provide a reliable
O BSESSIVE -C OMPULSIVE D ISORDER theoretical basis for psychiatric classification, which is
nowadays based on phenomenology alone.
Undoubtedly, anxiety is a prominent symptom of OCD,
but there is no consensus on whether this condition ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
should be classified as a primary anxiety disorder. In-
This work was supported by a grant from Fundação de
deed, at variance with the DSM IV (APA 1994), the 10th
Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
edition of the International Classification of Disorders
(2002/13197-2). FGG is recipient of research fellow-
(ICD 10; WHO 1992) categorizes OCD independently
ships from Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento
of anxiety disorders.
Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) and Fundação de Apoio
Supporting the latter view, neuroimaging studies
ao Ensino, Pesquisa e Assistência do Hospital das Clíni-
have implicated in OCD brain structures, such as the
cas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Univer-
caudate nucleus and the thalamus (Saxena et al. 1998),
sidade de São Paulo (FAEPA – Hospital das Clínicas –
that do not belong to the core systems underlying defen-
FMRPUSP). We are indebted to Heloísa E.G. de Oliveira
sive behaviors. Only in the broadest sense of defense
Graeff for the revision of English writing.
against infectious microorganisms or territorial defense
(Nesse 1990, Marks and Nesse 1994) would some fre-
quently occurring OCD symptoms, like compulsive hand
washing and checking behavior, be related to the concept Os transtornos de ansiedade são classificados conforme a sin-
of defense. In any case, the evolutionary approach on tomatologia, decurso temporal e resposta terapêutica. Parale-
OCD has been fertile, by relating compulsive symptoms lamente, a análise experimental dos comportamentos de de-

An Acad Bras Cienc (2007) 79 (1)


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