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 to judge or to regard; to look upon.

"I think he is very smart"
similar words (- believe, consider, conceive)
 to use or to exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make
inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments.
"I am thinking all day and I´m getting nowhere"
similar words (- cogitate, cerebrate)
more examples and from the YouTube video

Qual a diferença entre TO THINK, THINK OF, THINK ABOUT e THINK IN?

– TO THINK: achar (que), pensar

It think it will rain (Eu acho que vai chover)
I think she’s not coming today . (Eu acho que ela não virá hoje)


I can think in English (Eu consigo pensar em espanhol)
I still don’t think in Spanish . (Eu ainda não penso em espanhol)

–TO THINK OF: pensar em (algo/alguém) – de bate pronto / de imaginar / de pensar rápido
e responder
Hey, think of a color (Hey, pense em uma cor)
She thought of her childhood when she saw that movies (Ela pensou em sua infância
quando ela viu aquele filme)

–TO THINK ABOUT: pensar sobre (algo/alguem) no sentido de refletir, pensar mais a
respeito, considerar uma ideia
I was thinking about getting a new job (Eu estava pensando em conseguir um emprego
They are thinking about moving to the US = (the USA) (Eles estão pensando em se
mudar para os Estados Unidos).

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