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InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

The computer is a versatile and powerful tool for you and your
organisation. It enables you to work more effectively and to communicate with
people around the world.
The challenges of the 21st century will require new ways of thinking about
and understanding the complex, interconnected and rapidly changing world in
which we live and work. And the IT field of complexity science is providing the
insights and we need to push our thinking in new directions."
In a rapidly changing technological world, we need experts that make it
simple for individuals, businesses and companies to get the job done without
having to wonder how it is done.
This module is prepared with an intention to provide best theory knowledge
and practical skill persisting these Computer Fundamentals. InfoSoft believes
in providing up to date knowledge and thus the book has been designed by C.A.
& MCA’s keeping in mind an individual’s future and commercial requirement
of the Industry.
InfoSoft is proud of its R & D Team for developing such a Book that
enhances the in-built quality of individuals aspiring future in the field of
computer sector.

Research & Development Team – InfoSoft

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
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Chapter 1: Introduction to Programming

What Is a Program?
 To Program Is An Art.
 The Art cannot be learnt without really making art pieces.
 Similarly, Programming cannot be learnt without just by knowing or reading syntax of a particular
programming language.
 To learn a programming, one must write programs on computer.
 The later part of chapter discusses the two common problem solving methods:
(1) Algorithm
(2) Flowchart
 Types Of Programming language:
(1) Machine Language Programming
(2) Assembly Language Programming
(3) Higher Level Language Programming

What Is Machine Language Programming?

Machine Language Programming is done using binary codes of underlying Processor. As a binary codes
(instruction set) varies from Machine to Machine (processor to processor), programs Written using binary codes
of one machine language are not portable

Another problem is that machine language is to remember binary codes for each instruction.
For Example, addition of to numbers may be done by using binary codes 010110101. It is very difficult for human
being to remember such codes for 100 to 200 different operations.
The solution is to use short name called mnemonics for each binary codes .

For Example :

Addition is represented by “ADD”.

What is Assembly Language Programming?

The solution is to use short name called mnemonics for each binary codes .
For Example:- Addition is represented by “ADD”. The program written by using such mnemonics is known as
assembly language program. Assembly language programming thus solved problem of remembering binary

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

After Writing Assembly languages program, A Software tool called Assembler is convert into machine language
program because computer understand only binary languages.
The advantages of machine and assembly is that programs written using them are faster.

What is higher level languages?

The higher level languages are like natural languages as they use phrases of natural languages. It make them
easy to understand the program development also becomes simpler and faster.
A single statement in a higher level language denotes several operation in a machine or assembly languages.
There number of higher level languages are available.

For Example,

BASIC ,FORTON , COBOL, C, C++, JAVA All are higher level languages.
A Software tool called compiler is used to translate higher level languages into machine languages.
A separate compiler is required for each language .the BC (Boarland-C) is very popular compiler available for PC

Characteristics Of Higher Level languages:

(1) Interactive
(2) Variety of data type
(3) Rich set of operators
(4) Flexible control Structure
(5) Readability
(6) Modularity
(7) File Handling
(8) Memory Management
(9) Procedural Vs. Object-Oriented
(10) Procedure or event-driven
(11) Availability of Library Support
(12) Interface to other Language


The major advantage of higher level languages is that they are interactive. They Allow user to interface with
program through sophisticated input-output statements while program is being executed on a system

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
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InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Variety of data type :

Data types are broadly categories in to two ways:
(1) Basic
(2) User Defined
The Basic type include data types for characters ,integers, and real values.
The user defined types include data types for more complex information. Example of the user
defined data types are array, structure or records, unions etc.
C supports four basic types :
(1) char
(2) int
(3) float
(4) double
Rich set of operators:
An operator defines operation to be performed on data. For example ,+ defined arithmetic Addition of
two numbers.
Commonly There are Five types of operators:
(1) Arithmetic Operators(+,-,*,/)
(2) Logical Operators(AND,OR,NOT)
(3) Relational Operators(>,<,==,!=,>=,<=)
(4) Conditional Operators(Exp1?Exp2:Exp3)
(5) Increment/decrement Operators (++/- -)
Flexible control Structure:
The control structures are Providing necessary mechanism for implementing Algorithm in
language format. The structure programming languages mainly three types of control structure:
(1) Sequence
(2) Selection or decision
(3) Repetition or looping
(1) Sequence:
The sequence is inherit to any programming language as control Always goes to next statement
in sequence unless otherwise, it is intentionally send to some other part.
For Example,
X = 5;
(2) Selection or decision :
The selection statement or decision Statement are very important and used for deciding further
executing path based on logical condition .
A decision Making programs Skip a some part of program.

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
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The C Programming Languages Support Some selection statement or decision Statement like if ,
if-else , Multiple if-else , Switch etc…
For Example,
Printf (“%d” ,x);
Printf (“%d” ,y);
(3) Repetition or looping:
Many times, it is necessary that same part of process if the program is to be repeated .for this
purpose , Languages support three different types of looping statement:
(1) For loop
(2) While loop
(3) Do-While loop
For Example,
For(int i=0;i<=10;i++)
Once a Program is Written, it is read many times in feature by same or other person. A program if read
it after long time by some person looks new and easily read and understand.
In C comment is Written in /*……*/. Any thing between /* and */ ,is considered as comment and
removed during compilation process as comment are not part of program which are written just for improving
readability of a program.


Programming language support concept known as modularity in order to handle size and complexity effectively.
Modularity is nothing but dividing large program into collection of small subroutines .Each subroutines
is itself a small program Performed well defined task.

File Handling :
In many Application, input to program is taken form another file which is already available
Or output of program is stored in file for feature use.
In a C programming ,file management is supported through rich set of the file handling
functions which allows user to open a file, read from file , write into file etc…

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Memory Management:
The memory management can be supported either through library calls or directly using system calls.
The C programming Support Memory Management Function in library known as <malloc.h>. it provides
function like malloc() to allocate memory dynamically and free() to release the memory.
In language like c++ and java, memory management is done through operators New And Delete.
Procedural Vs. Object-Oriented:
Procedural language emphasize on Procedures, while object oriented languages emphasize on object
oriented principles like object ,classes ,encapsulation ,inheritance etc….
The C is procedural language , While C++ Is Object oriented language Another Example of Object
oriented languages is that java.
Procedural Vs. Event driven :
In procedure driven programming, Execution is strictly done by calling procedures i.e. one procedure call
another which may be some procedure.
For Example, execution of C program begins by calling function main() which acts as entry function and
calls other function in a program.
Modern soft wares are GUI(graphical user interface) soft wares which are developed using visual
languages like Microsoft visual basic, VC++,sun JAVA etc… All GUI programs are event driven.
Availability of Library Support:
The C Compilers are available with rich Supported library function. A very common library is standard
I/O Which provides functions related to Input/output. It is supported through header file #include<stdio.h> the
other common C libraries are string Maths , Ctype ,etc…
Interface to other Language:
Many programming languages supported interface to other language i.e. they provide extension to
other languages. Such interface or extension is very useful for many reasons.
For Example, c support interface to assembly languages statement within C program itself. It then
facilitates to access operating system services directly or some critical portion can be written in assembly for
efficiency purpose.
Problem Solving Methods:
There Are two types of Problem Solving Methods:
(1) Algorithm
(2) Flowchart
(1) Algorithm: An algorithm is a step wise solution of program. Algorithm gives a sequence of steps which
makes complete solution of a programs in hend.
For, Example: Write a program to find ares of circle.
So, We find out:

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
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Input R
Compute A=3.14 *R*R
Print A
(2) Flowchart:
A flow Chart is a Pictorial representation of Algorithm. Flowchart consider Some Symbol are as
Symbol Use



Process or Computation

Flow Direction

For Example:- Draw the flowchart to find a area of circle:


Input R
Input R




RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Introduction To C
C is a relatively small language, but one which it higher level language.
C's small ,it has some advantage: there's less to learn; there isn't excess baggage in the way when you don't
need it.(you can give a comment if some part is not used in program).
It has also be a disadvantage: since it doesn't do everything for you, there's a lot you have to do yourself.
(Actually, this is viewed by many as an additional advantage: anything the language doesn't do for you, it doesn't
dictate to you, either, so you're free to do that something however you want.)
C is referred to a ``high-level assembly language.''
Some people think that's an insult, but it's actually a deliberate and significant aspect of the language.
If you have programmed in assembly language, you'll probably find C very natural and comfortable (although if
you continue to focus too heavily on machine-level details, you'll probably end up with unnecessarily non
portable programs).
If you haven't programmed in assembly language, you may be frustrated by C's lack of certain higher-level
features. In either case, you should understand why C was designed this way: so that seemingly-simple
constructions expressed in C would not expand to arbitrarily expensive (in time or space) machine language
constructions when compiled.
If you write a C program simply, it is likely to result in a efficient machine language executable. If you find that
the executable program resulting from a C program is not efficient, it's probably because of something silly you
did not because of something the compiler did behind your back which you have no control over.
Feature of C:
(1) C is portable
(2) C does not certain input/output statements.
(3) C is modular language.

A programming language is a tool. If you're building a house, and I'm teaching you how to use a hammer, and
you ask how to assemble rafters and trusses into gables, that's a legitimate question, but the answer has fallen
that ``How do I use a hammer?'' and into ``How do I build a house?''. In the same way, we'll see that C does not
have built-in features to perform every function that we might ever need to do while programming.
As mentioned above, C imposes relatively few built-in ways of doing things on the programmer. Some common
tasks, such as manipulating strings, allocating memory, and doing input/output (I/O), are performed by calling
on library functions.
Other tasks which you might want to do, such as creating or listing directories, or interacting with a mouse, or
displaying windows or other user-interface elements, or doing color graphics, are not defined by the C language
at all.
You can do these things from a C program, of course, but you will be calling on services which are peculiar to
your programming environment (compiler, processor, and operating system) and which are not defined by the C

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

standard. Since this course is about portable C programming, it will also be steering clear of facilities not
provided in all C environments.
This aspect of the language which it's fairly pointless to complain about. If you take care and pay attention, you
can avoid many of the pitfalls. These notes will point out many of the obvious (and not so obvious) trouble
The first example program in C language is:-
print or display a simple string, and Exit ``hello, world'' program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

printf("Hello, world!\n");
getch ();
If you have a C compiler, the first thing to do is figure out how to type this program in and compile it and run it
and see where its output went. (If you don't have a C compiler yet, the first thing to do is to find one.)
The first two line #include <stdio.h> And #include <conio.h> is practically boilerplate; it will appear in
almost all programs we write. It asks that some definitions having to do with the ``Standard I/O Library'' be
included in our program; these definitions are needed if we are to call the library function printf correctly.
The second line says that we are defining a function named main. Most of the time, we can name our functions
anything we want, but the function name main is special: it is the function that will be ``called'' first when our
program starts running.
The empty pair of parentheses ( And ) indicates that our main function accepts no arguments, that is, there
isn't any information which needs to be passed in when the function is called.
The braces { and } surround a list of statements in C. Here, they surround the list of statements making up the
function main.
The line
printf("Hello, world!\n");
is the first statement in the program. It asks that the function printf be called; printf is a library function which
prints formatted output. The parentheses surround printf's argument list: the information which is handed to it
which it should act on. The semicolon at the end of the line terminates the statement.
(printf's name reflects the fact that C was first developed when Teletypes and other printing terminals were still
in widespread use. Today, of course, video displays are far more common. printf's ``prints'' to the standard
output, that is, to the default location for program output to go. Nowadays, that's almost always a video screen

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
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or a window on that screen. If you do have a printer, you'll typically have to do something extra to get a program
to print to it.)
printf's first (and, in this case, only) argument is the string which it should print. The string, enclosed in double
quotes "", consists of the words ``Hello, world!'' followed by a special sequence: \n. In strings, any two-character
sequence beginning with the backslash \ represents a single special character. The sequence \n represents the
``new line'' character, which prints a carriage return or line feed or whatever it takes to end one line of output
and move down to the next. (This program only prints one line of output, but it's still important to terminate it.)
The second line in the main function is
In general, a function may return a value to its caller, and main is no exception. When main returns (that is,
reaches its end and stops functioning), the program is at its end, and the return value from main tells the
operating system (or whatever invoked the program that main is the main function of) whether it succeeded or
not. By convention, a return value of 0 indicates success.
This program may look so absolutely trivial that it seems as if it's not even worth typing it in and trying to run it,
but doing so may be a big (and is certainly a vital) first hurdle. On an unfamiliar computer, it can be arbitrarily
difficult to figure out how to enter a text file containing program source, or how to compile and link it, or how to
invoke it, or what happened after (if?) it ran. The most experienced C programmers immediately go back to this
one, simple program whenever they're trying out a new system or a new way of entering or building programs
or a new way of printing output from within programs. As Kernighan and Ritchie say, everything else is
comparatively easy.
How you compile and run this (or any) program is a function of the compiler and operating system you're using.
The first step is to type it in, exactly as shown; this may involve using a text editor to create a file containing the
program text. You'll have to give the file a name, and all C compilers (that I've ever heard of) require that files
containing C source end with the extension .c. So you might place the program text in a file called hello.c.
The second step is to compile the program. (Strictly speaking, compilation consists of two steps, compilation
proper followed by linking, but we can overlook this distinction at first, especially because the compiler often
takes care of initiating the linking step automatically.) On many Unix systems, the command to compile a C
program from a source file hello.c is
cc -o hello hello.c
You would type this command at the Unix shell prompt, and it requests that the cc (C compiler) program be run,
placing its output (i.e. the new executable program it creates) in the file hello, and taking its input (i.e. the
source code to be compiled) from the file hello.c.
The third step is to run (execute, invoke) the newly-built hello program. Again on a Unix system, this is done
simply by typing the program's name:
Depending on how your system is set up (in particular, on whether the current directory is searched for
executables, based on the PATH variable), you may have to type

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
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to indicate that the hello program is in the current directory (as opposed to some ``bin'' directory full of
executable programs, elsewhere).
You may also have your choice of C compilers. On many Unix machines, the cc command is an older compiler
which does not recognize modern, ANSI Standard C syntax. An old compiler will accept the simple programs
we'll be starting with, but it will not accept most of our later programs. If you find yourself getting baffling
compilation errors on programs which you've typed in exactly as they're shown, it probably indicates that you're
using an older compiler. On many machines, another compiler called acc or gcc is available, and you'll want to
use it, instead. (Both acc and gcc are typically invoked the same as cc; that is, the above cc command would
instead be typed, say, gcc -o hello hello.c .)

(One final caveat about Unix systems: don't name your test programs test, because there's already a standard
command called test, and you and the command interpreter will get badly confused if you try to replace the
system's test command with your own, not least because your own almost certainly does something completely

Under MS-DOS, the compilation procedure is quite similar. The name of the command you type will depend on
your compiler (e.g. cl for the Microsoft C compiler, tc or bcc for Borland's Turbo C, etc.). You may have to
manually perform the second, linking step, perhaps with a command named link or tlink. The executable file
which the compiler/linker creates will have a name ending in .exe (or perhaps .com), but you can still invoke it
by typing the base name (e.g. hello). See your compiler documentation for complete details; one of the manuals
should contain a demonstration of how to enter, compile, and run a small program that prints some simple
output, just as we're trying to describe here.

In an integrated or ``visual'' programming environment, such as those on the Macintosh or under various
versions of Microsoft Windows, the steps you take to enter, compile, and run a program are somewhat different
(and, theoretically, simpler). Typically, there is a way to open a new source window, type source code into it,
give it a file name, and add it to the program (or ``project'') you're building. If necessary, there will be a way to
specify what other source files (or ``modules'') make up the program. Then, there's a button or menu selection
which compiles and runs the program, all from within the programming environment. (There will also be a way
to create a standalone executable file which you can run from outside the environment.) In a PC-compatible
environment, you may have to choose between creating DOS programs or Windows programs. (If you have
troubles pertaining to the printf function, try specifying a target environment of MS-DOS. Supposedly, some
compilers which are targeted at Windows environments won't let you call printf, because until you call some
fancier functions to request that a window be created, there's no window for printf to print to.) Again, check the
introductory or tutorial manual that came with the programming package; it should walk you through the steps
necessary to get your first program running.

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
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Data Types:
There are only a few basic data types in C. The first ones we'll be encountering and using are:
 char (a character)
 int (an integer, in the range -32,767 to 32,767 )
 long int (a larger integer (up to +-2,147,483,647))
 float( a floating-point number )
 double (a floating-point number, with more precision and perhaps greater range than float )

C Character set And Tokens:

Character :
The Words(tokens) and statement used in any language are from their basic character set. For Example, the
word used in English language are formed from its alphabet having 26 different symbols i.e. A,B,C…..,Z or
a,b,c…..,z the character in the c are divided into four categories.
(1) Letters or alphabets
(2) Digits
(3) Special character
(4) White Spaces
The letters include the uppercase(A,B . . . .,Z) And lowercase (a,b,c . . . .,z) Alphabets of Engilsh Language. The
Digits include the 0,1,2,3. . .,9.
The C also use special character like ;(semicolon),’(single quotes),”(double quotes),+,-,*,/,%,>,= etc. for different
The white space are used to separate the word or tokens. they are blank, tab or newline.
Tokens :
The character together makes special symbol or word known as token. The Example of the token are the words
used to define data types like int , float ,etc…Similarly any operator i.e. +,-,*,/,%,> etc. are also tokens. The
constants used in program like 12,12.67 are also tokens.
The keywords are the special words used in C programming having specific meaning .the meaning of the key
word are not changed. They are also known as reserve words. The keyword can not be used as identifiers.
Some Example of Keywords are:

(1) Auto (5) Struct (9) For (13) Static

(2) Break (6) Long (10)While (14) Do
(3) Case (7) Float (11) Goto (15) Switch
(4) Int (8) If (12) Void

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
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The identifiers are user defined names used in programs for providing name to variables, arrays
And function . The identifiers are made up of letters(upper case and lower case) ,digits and underscore .
The C is case sensitive language.
For Example: max And Max are not same.

The constants are the values Which Are never change.
The C is Use Following types of constants:
(1) Numeric Constants.
a. Integer
b. Real

(2) Non- Numeric Constants.

a. Character
b. String

Integer constants represent the Whole is used 0 to9 and option sign - and + before number.
For Example,
Real constants represent the number with fractional parts i.e. digits after decimal Part
For Example,
Character constants represent single character and are always enclosed in single quotes.
For Example,

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
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Within character and string constants, the backslash character \ is special, and is used to represent
characters not easily typed on the keyboard or for various reasons not easily typed in constants. The most
common of these ``character escapes'' are:
\n a ``newline'' character
\b a backspace
\r a carriage return (without a line feed)
\' a single quote (e.g. in a character constant)
\" a double quote (e.g. in a string constant)
\\ a single backslash
\t a horizontal tab
\0 a Null

For example, "he said \"hi\"" is a string constant which contains two double quotes, and '\'' is a character
constant consisting of a (single) single quote. Notice once again that the character constant 'A' is very different
from the string constant "A".

A string is represented in C as a sequence or array of characters. (We'll have more to say about arrays in general,
and strings in particular, later.) A string constant is a sequence of zero or more characters enclosed in double
For Example:
"hello, world"
"this is a test"
“D” (Not that “D” And ‘D’ Are not same)
The variables represent the quantities which changes with time. Each variable identified by a unique
identifier in a program called variable name
For Example, length , area , max etc… Are Variable

Variable Declarations
Informally, a variable (also called an object) is a place you can store a value. So that you can refer to it
unambiguously, a variable needs a name. You can think of the variables in your program as a set of boxes or
cubbyholes, each with a label giving its name; you might imagine that storing a value ``in'' a variable consists of
writing the value on a slip of paper and placing it in the cubbyhole.

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
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A declaration tells the compiler the name and type of a variable you'll be using in your program. In its simplest
form, a declaration consists of the type, the name of the variable, and a terminating semicolon:
char c;
int i;
float f;
You can also declare several variables of the same type in one declaration, separating them with
int i1, i2;
Later we'll see that declarations may also contain initializers, qualifiers and storage classes, and that we can
declare arrays, functions, pointers, and other kinds of data structures.
The placement of declarations is significant. You can't place them just anywhere (i.e. they cannot be
interspersed with the other statements in your program). They must either be placed at the beginning of a
function, or at the beginning of a brace-enclosed block of statements (which we'll learn about in the next
chapter), or outside of any function. Furthermore, the placement of a declaration, as well as its storage class,
controls several things about its visibility and lifetime, as we'll see later.

There are five types of Operators:
(1) Arithmetic Operators
(2) Relational Operators
(3) Logical Operators
(4) Assignment Operators
(5) Inc/Dec Operators
(6) Ternary Operators
(7) Bit-Wise Operators
(8) Comma Operator
(9) Sizeof Opearator

Arithmetic Operators:
The C include following types of Arithmetic Operators:
Operators Meaning
+ Addition or Unary plus
- Subtraction or Unary minus
* Multiplication
/ Division
Modulo division

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
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Relational Operators:
When There are a comparison of age of two person, comparison of Marks of two Students etc…
Like (a>b),(3>2).
The C include following types of Relational Operators:
Operators Meaning
> Greater then
>= Greater then or equal to
< Less then
<= Less then or equal to
Equal to
Not Equal to

Logical Operators:
The Expressions Having Two or more relational expression is called logical expression.
The C include following types of Logical Operators:
Operators Meaning
&& Logical END
|| Logical OR
! Logical NOT

Assignment operator:
The assignment operator = assigns a value to a variable.
For example,
sets x to 1, and
sets a to whatever b's value is.
The expression
is, as we've mentioned elsewhere, the standard programming idiom for increasing a variable's value by 1: this
expression takes i's old value, adds 1 to it, and stores it back into i. (C provides several ``shortcut'' operators for
modifying variables in this and similar ways, which we'll meet later.)
We've called the = sign the ``assignment operator'' and referred to ``assignment expressions'' because, in fact, =
is an operator just like + or -. C does not have ``assignment statements''; instead, an assignment like a = b is an
expression and can be used wherever any expression can appear. Since it's an expression, the assignment a = b

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
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has a value, namely, the same value that's assigned to a. This value can then be used in a larger expression; for
example, we might write
which is equivalent to
c = (a = b)
and assigns b's value to both a and c. (The assignment operator, therefore, groups from right to left.) Later we'll
see other circumstances in which it can be useful to use the value of an assignment expression.
It's usually a matter of style whether you initialize a variable with an initializer in its declaration or with an
assignment expression near where you first use it. That is, there's no particular difference between
int a = 10;
int a;
/* later... */
a = 10;


The ++ (increment) and - - (decrement) operator both are unary operators. The increment operator increments
the integer value by 1, while decrement operator decrements integer value by 1. They are used only with
integer variables. The increment and decrement are of two types: PREFIX AND POSTFIX. The ++m and - -m are
example of prefix increment and prefix decrement operators. Similarly, m++ and m- - are examples of postfix
increment and postfix decrement.

For Example:
int x;
int n = 5;
x= ++n;
Here, the last statement x=++n; used the prefix ++ operator.
If we replace the third statement in preceding Example by:
Then after the execution of statement n=6 but x=5 as it uses the postfix increment which means
assign first and then increment. We can say from preceding discussion that
Is the short form of

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
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is the short form of


Ternary Operator:
This is also known as conditional operator. It can be written as follows.
e1?e2:e3 ;
Where e1 is Logical Expression and Evaluated First. If it is true, then Expression e2 is
executed otherwise expression e3 is executed. The following if-else statement
Is written in using ternary operator as follows.
Max=(x<y) ? X:Y;
Here, the maximum of x and y is assigned to Max

Bit-Wise Operator:

Normally, higher level language do not use Bit wise Operator as they denote the lower level operations which
are common in assembly/ machines language but C language is exception. the c support Bit Wise operators
To perform bit-wise operators like ANDing , ORing ,etc. table gives the all Bit-wise operators.

Operators Meaning
& Bit-Wise AND
| Bit-Wise OR
^ Bit-wise Exclusive OR
<< Left shift
>> Right shift
~ 1’s Complement

Comma Operator:
The comma operator is used to combine the multipal statement which are related to a single statement.
Consider as Following:

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
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These Statement Assign the values to X and Y and then stores their sum into Z.they can be written using comma
operator as follows:
Z=(X=5, Y=7, X+Y);

Size Of Operator:
The size Of Opertor is used to find the size of the operand occupied in memory in bytes. For Example,
m= sizeof(int);
will make m=2 as integer occupies 2 bytes in memory.

Printf's name comes from print Formatted. It generates output under the control of a format string (its first
argument) which consists of literal characters to be printed and also special character sequences--format
specifiers--which request that other arguments be fetched, formatted, and inserted into the string. Our very first
program was nothing more than a call to printf, printing a constant string:
printf("Hello, world!\n");

Our second program also featured a call to printf:

printf("i is %d\n", i);

In that case, whenever printf ``printed'' the string "i is %d", it did not print it verbatim; it replaced the two
characters %d with the value of the variable i.
There are quite a number of format specifies for printf. Here are the basic ones :
%d print an int argument in decimal
%ld print a long int argument in decimal
%c print a character
%s print a string
%f print a float or double argument
%e same as %f, but use exponential notation
%g use %e or %f, whichever is better
%o print an int argument in octal (base 8)
%x print an int argument in hexadecimal (base 16)
%% print a single %
It is also possible to specify the width and precision of numbers and strings as they are inserted (somewhat like
FORTRAN format statements); we'll present those details in a later chapter. (Very briefly, for those who are
curious: a notation like %3d means to print an int in a field at least 3 spaces wide; a notation like %5.2f means to
print a float or double in a field at least 5 spaces wide, with two places to the right of the decimal.)
To illustrate with a few more examples: the call

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
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printf("%c %d %f %e %s %d%%\n", '1', 2, 3.14, 56000000., "eight", 9);

would print
1 2 3.140000 5.600000e+07 eight 9%
The call
printf("%d %o %x\n", 100, 100, 100);
would print
100 144 64
Successive calls to printf just build up the output a piece at a time, so the calls
printf("Hello, ");

Would also print Hello, world! (on one line of output).

Earlier we learned that C represents characters internally as small integers corresponding to the characters'
values in the machine's character set (typically ASCII). This means that there isn't really much difference
between a character and an integer in C; most of the difference is in whether we choose to interpret an integer
as an integer or a character. printf is one place where we get to make that choice: %d prints an integer value as
a string of digits representing its decimal value, while %c prints the character corresponding to a character set
value. So the lines
char c = 'A';
int i = 97;
printf("c = %c, i = %d\n", c, i);
would print c as the character A and i as the number 97. But if, on the other hand, we called
printf("c = %d, i = %c\n", c, i);
we'd see the decimal value (printed by %d) of the character 'A', followed by the character (whatever it is) which
happens to have the decimal value 97.
You have to be careful when calling printf. It has no way of knowing how many arguments you've passed it or
what their types are other than by looking for the format specifiers in the format string. If there are more format
specifiers (that is, more % signs) than there are arguments, or if the arguments have the wrong types for the
format specifiers, printf can misbehave badly, often printing nonsense numbers or (even worse) numbers which
mislead you into thinking that some other part of your program is broken.
Because of some automatic conversion rules which we haven't covered yet, you have a small amount of latitude
in the types of the expressions you pass as arguments to printf. The argument for %c may be of type char or int,
and the argument for %d may be of type char or int. The string argument for %s may be a string constant, an
array of characters, or a pointer to some characters (though we haven't really covered strings or pointers yet).
Finally, the arguments corresponding to %e, %f, and %g may be of types float or double. But other combinations
do not work reliably: %d will not print a long int or a float or a double; %ld will not print an int; %e, %f, and %g
will not print an int.

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
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Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
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Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 22 ~
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Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 23 ~
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Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
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Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
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Chapter 2 : Decision Making.

If Else Statement:

The Important and essential part of a programming language is their control structures. The programming
language is their control structure. The important control structure are:

(1) Sequence
(2) Decision
(3) Looping

In This chepter. We will study the decision making statement of c programming language.
 if-else
 multiple If-else
 switch
 goto

If-else Statement :-

The formet of if-else is given below.

statement1 ;
stement2 ;

Here, the condition is represented by relation or logical expression.if condition is true, then statment1 is
executed and if Condition is false, then statement2 is executed. The statement1 and/or statment2 can be
either single statement or computed statement i.e. group of statements. the else part in if-else statement is
optional. The if statement without else looks like:

statement ;
In this case ,if condition is true, then statement is executes, otherwise control is transferred to the statement
that follows the if structure.
Fig. shows the execution the execution of the if else statement.

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
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Statment1 Statment2

Switch Statement :

The Switch in C is a multi-choice provides one choice for each value of variable or expression. The
block of statements associated with the choice whose value is same as the value of variable or expression is
exeqted.the format of the switch statement is given below:-
Switch(variable or expression )
case lable1: statement_block1;
break ;
case lable2: statement_block2;
break ;
default : default_block ;

Here, label1 , label2 . . .show the possible values of the variable or expression. For each value of variable or
expression, one statement block is provided. For Example statement block1 is associated with the lable1. The
statement block consist of one or more statement. After every statement block, there is break which send
control to the next statement after switch statement. The last choice is default which is chosen when value of
variable or expression does not match to any of the this case, the default statement is executed.

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
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Goto Statement:

The goto statement in C programming is used to transfer the control unconditionally from one part of the
program to another part of the program. The c is structure programming language where the use of the goto
statement is very dangerous because it can easily violate the rules of structured programming.
The format of the goto Statement is as follows:
goto label ;
Here, label is the label to the statement to which goto transfer control. The meaning is that the execution
begins from this labeled or target statement.
Following format shows the two possible use of goto statement :forward and backward.
In forward, the target statement comes after the goto, while in backward target statement comes
before goto statement. Note that label must be followed by colon(:) at the target statement.

(a) Goto forward

goto label;
Label :
(b) Goto backward

Statement ;
goto label;

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
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RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
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Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 30 ~
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Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 31 ~
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Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
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Chapter 3 : Looping

A Looping is an important control structure in higher level language Programming. The objective of looping is to
provide repetition of the part of the program i.e. block of statement in a program , number of times. the
looping statement provided by the higher level language gives necessary control to repeat the block of
statements. Consider the following program segment which makes sum of 1 to 10.

sum = 0;
I = 1;
Sum = sum + I ;
i = i + 1;
if ( i<=10)
goto start ;

As long as i<=10 . the steps followed by above example are :

1. Initialize sum with 0 and i with 1.

2. Current value of i is added to sum.
3. The i is incremented by 1.
4. If i <=10, then control gose to step 2,otherwise it gose to step 5.
5. The value of sum is printed.

The step 2 to step 5 form the loop as they are repeated 10 times .

Loop structure contain two important elements:-condition and body

There are two types of loop structured support by language as follows:-

(a) Entry control

(b) Exit control

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
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condition body



(a) Entry Control (b) Exit Control

The C language support Following types of looping structure :

(1) While
(2) Do-while
(3) For

While Loop:

We have already used the while loop in many programs. The structure of while ts as follows.

While(condition )
body ;

Here , the condition is evaluated first and if it is true, then the statement in the body of the loop executed . after
executing body, the condition is evaluated first and if it true body is executed again this process is repeated as
long as the condition is true . the control moves out once the condition is is not necessary to enclose
body of loop in pair of braces { } if body contain only one statement Fig. Shows The Flowchart of While-loop :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
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For Example, The While loop can be Written as a follows to print 1 to 10.
While (I <=10)

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
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Do-While Loop:-

The format of the do - While is given as follows :-


In do-while ,first the body is executed and then the condition is checked. If the Condition is true then body is
true body is executed again. The body executed again and again as long as condition is true. The control out of
the loop, once the condition become false. The Do-while loop is an Exit control loop as the condition is checked
after executing the body. This ensures that body is executed at least once even if the condition is false first
time..Fig Shows the flow chart of the do-While Statement.



The Example of theDo while loop Are:

Printf(“Enter the number”);

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
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For Loop:

The format of for Loop is as follows:

body ;

Here ,<e1> is the initialization of variables by initial values. the<e2>is executes only once when we enter the
loop ,if <e1> contains more than variables for initialization, they must be separated by commas. The <e2> is the
condition and if it is true, then control enter into the body of the loop and if it is true, then control enters into
the body of the loop and executes the statements in the body. After the executing the body of the loop , <e3> is
executed which contains statement which modifies the variable.

The <e2> is then evaluated with the modified values and if it is true, then body is again executed. This process
is repeated as long as condition represented by <e2> is true. Once it becomes false, control comes out of the
loop and executing is resumed from next statement after for loop, if body of for loop. If the body of for loop
contains only one statement, then pair of brace { } is not required. Fig shows the flow chart of for loop.





RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
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Nesting of Loop:

Loop inside loop is called nested loop For Example:-

.... ..
For( )
For( )
Inner loop Outer loop

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
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For Example:
void main()
int i,j;
Inner loop Outer loop

Break And Continue

Sometimes, due to an exceptional condition, you need to jump out of a loop early, that is, before the main
controlling expression of the loop causes it to terminate normally. Other times, in an elaborate loop, you may
want to jump back to the top of the loop (to test the controlling expression again, and perhaps begin a new trip
through the loop) without playing out all the steps of the current loop. The break and continue statements allow
you to do these two things. (They are, in fact, essentially restricted forms of goto.)
To put everything we've seen in this chapter together, as well as demonstrate the use of the break statement,
here is a program for printing prime numbers between 1 and 100:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

int i, j;

printf("%d\n", 2);

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 39 ~
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for(i = 3; i <= 100; i = i + 1)

for(j = 2; j < i; j = j + 1)
if(i % j == 0)
if(j > sqrt(i))
printf("%d\n", i);


The outer loop steps the variable i through the numbers from 3 to 100; the code tests to see if each number has
any divisors other than 1 and itself. The trial divisor j loops from 2 up to i. j is a divisor of i if the remainder of i
divided by j is 0, so the code uses C's ``remainder'' or ``modulus'' operator % to make this test. (Remember that i
% j gives the remainder when i is divided by j.)

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 40 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 41 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 42 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 43 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 44 ~
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Chapter 4 : Arrays And String

Array is an set of element.

Arrays is useful concept for representing a group of similar values of under a single name. thus, array can be
defined simply as the group of values of same type. Whenever a particular value from a group is needed,we can
access it by name of group i. e.Arrays name and the position of the value in the group . For Example, group of
Markes of ten student. If name of groyp is “marks”,then the mark of 6th student is accessed by mentioning the
position 6 in the group “ marks”

There three types of arrays:

(1) One dimensional arrays
(2) Two dimensional arrays
(3) Multi dimensional arrays

One dimensional Arrays:

The array represents a group of similar values under a single name. The format of the one-dimensional array is
as follows:

type arrary_name [size];

For Example,
int a[10];
Where a is the name of array of 10 integers.

For Example:

So far, we've been declaring simple variables: the declaration

int i;
declares a single variable, named i, of type int. It is also possible to declare an array of several elements. The
int a[10];
declares an array, named a, consisting of ten elements, each of type int. Simply speaking, an array is a variable
that can hold more than one value. You specify which of the several values you're referring to at any given time

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 45 ~
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by using a numeric subscript. (Arrays in programming are similar to vectors or matrices in mathematics.) We
can represent the array a above with a picture like this:

In C, arrays are zero-based: the ten elements of a 10-element array are numbered from 0 to 9. The subscript
which specifies a single element of an array is simply an integer expression in square brackets. The first element
of the array is a[0], the second element is a[1], etc. You can use these ``array subscript expressions'' anywhere
you can use the name of a simple variable, for example:

a[0] = 10;
a[1] = 20;
a[2] = a[0] + a[1];

Notice that the subscripted array references (i.e. expressions such as a[0] and a[1]) can appear on either side of
the assignment operator.
The subscript does not have to be a constant like 0 or 1; it can be any integral expression. For example, it's
common to loop over all elements of an array:
int i;

for(i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1)

a[i] = 0;

This loop sets all ten elements of the array.

Arrays are a real convenience for many problems, but there is not a lot that C will do with them for you
automatically. In particular, you can neither set all elements of an array at once nor assign one array to another;
both of the assignments
a = 0; /* WRONG */
int b[10];
b = a; /* WRONG */
are illegal.
To set all of the elements of an array to some value, you must do so one by one, as in the loop example above.
To copy the contents of one array to another, you must again do so one by one:
int b[10];

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 46 ~
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for(i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1)

b[i] = a[i];
Remember that for an array declared
int a[10];
there is no element a[10]; the topmost element is a[9]. This is one reason that zero-based loops are also
common in C. Note that the for loop
for(i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1)
Does just what you want in this case: it starts at 0, the number 10 suggests (correctly) that it goes through 10
iterations, but the less-than comparison means that the last trip through the loop has i set to 9. (The comparison
i <= 9 would also work, but it would be less clear and therefore poorer style.)

In the little examples so far, we've always looped over all 10 elements of the sample array a. It's common,
however, to use an array that's bigger than necessarily needed, and to use a second variable to keep track of
how many elements of the array are currently in use. For example, we might have an integer variable
int na; /* number of elements of a[] in use */
Then, when we wanted to do something with a (such as print it out), the loop would run from 0 to na, not 10 (or
whatever a's size was):
for(i = 0; i < na; i = i + 1)
printf("%d\n", a[i]);

Naturally, we would have to ensure ensure that na's value was always less than or equal to the number of
elements actually declared in a.

Arrays are not limited to type int; you can have arrays of char or double or any other type.

Two –dimensional Array:

Two- dimensional array are used to represent the two –dimensional structure like matrix,tables etc. The two-
dimensional array is declared as :

Type array_name[row_size][column_size];

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
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Multi-dimensional array:

The C programming also allows the use of the three or more dimensional array which are known as multi-
dimensional arrays. The general format for declaration of the multi-dimensional arrays is as follows.

Types array_name[d1][d2][d3]………[dn];

Where d1 is the 1th dimension. for Example,

int sales[3][4][12];

What is a String?

A string is a sequence of characters. string is useful to store the nin-numerical quantities such as name,address
etc. The C stores the characters ASCII values in memory.Each of the spical character called null character and
denoted as ‘\0’ NULL For Example,
String “Hello” is stored as :

‘h’ ‘e’ ‘l’ ‘l’ ‘o’ ‘\0’

String Function:

The c does not support operation on string directly except read and perform such operations such
operations either user should write the required code or uses the library functions
Provided by #include<string.h>.Some function of the string are:

Function Meaning
Strlen(s) Computes length of string s
Strrev(s) Reverse the string s
Strcpy(s1,s2) Copies string s2 into s1
Strcat(s1,s2) Concate s2 at the end of s1
Strcmp(s1,s2) Compares s1 and s2. Returns 0 if s1=s2,returns positive
If s1>s2 and returns negative if s1<s2

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 48 ~
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For Example,

Since C never lets us assign entire arrays, we use the strcpy function to copy one string to another:

#include <string.h>

char string1[] = "Hello, world!";

char string2[20];

strcpy(string2, string1);

The destination string is strcpy's first argument, so that a call to strcpy mimics an assignment expression (with
the destination on the left-hand side). Notice that we had to allocate string2 big enough to hold the string that
would be copied to it. Also, at the top of any source file where we're using the standard library's string-handling
functions (such as strcpy) we must include the line

#include <string.h>

Which contains external declarations for these functions.

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 49 ~
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Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 50 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 51 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 52 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 53 ~
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Chapter 5 : Function

 A Function is one form of the sub=program or subroutine.

 Function itself is selfcontained program which implements a small but independent task.
 It is not an independent program,but it works as a part of program.

Defining function:

The format of function is as follows :

Return_type name(argument)
Here return_type shows the type of value function returns. If function does not return any value,but
returns only control, then the return_type is void. the name is the name of the function.

Return statement:

The format of the return statement is as follows.


The first form of the return does not return any value, but returns only control to the caller. Whene return type
of the function is void and we want to return control from the middle of the function, this from is very useful.
Void fun()
If( . . . )

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 54 ~
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Int main(int ,int);
Void main()
Int x ,y,z;
Printf (“enter values of x and y”);

Z=max(x ,y)

Scanf(“%d /n ” z);

Int max(int a, int b)

Return(a > b ? a : b);
Whene function returns some vaiue , we use the seconed form of the return. In this example the function max()
returns integer
Is written , where a>b?a:b finds the maximua of a and b which is returned by return statement.

Call by value

When arguments passed by a value , the calls fuctions creates a new variables of the same type as argument and
copies the actual argument passed from the main value into it, which is called dummy argument. So by using call
by value,duplicate copy of original variable is created, which will take space in the memory,so it will waste the

For example , call by value method

Int a,b,c,sum;

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 55 ~
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Int calsum(intx,inty,intz)

Call by reference

Call by reference method,from the main function , instead of passing a value ,its adderss is mpassed and at calls
function receive the address by using pointer varisble which will gives the value at that address,so no duplication
occurs. Soc save the space in the memory will using Call by reference method.

For example , Call by reference method:

Int a,b,c;
Int calsum(int*x ,int*y ,int*z)

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
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Function and Array :

The array can be passed to function as argument as like individual variables like a char , an integer , a double
etc. The array can be passed to function by writing oniy array name in function call.
Following function call shows how an array is passed as function argument.


In this function call , a is an array of n integer. The array a is passed as first argument while the size of the array
is passed as second argument to the function max_n0. The function max_n0 is written as follows.
Int max_n(int v[], int size)
Int I,max;



We have already used #inclued and #define in the programs. This are Preprocessor Directives. The Preprocessor
is one of the phases in compilation process which performs its tasks just before compiles the program. The
Preprocessor directive starts always with # character in first column of line in program.
The Preprocessor performs mainly three types of expansions as mentioned below.

1. File inclusion
2. Macro substitution
3. Conditional inclusion

File inclusion : The file inclusion directive starts from #include. The format of the #include is as follows.
Where file_name is the name of file to be included.

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 57 ~
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Macro substitution: Macro substitution means to replace the macro by the macro string. Macro start with the
#defines. The simple macro is defined as follows.
#define macro_name string

Conditional inclusion: The conditional inclusion is used to avoid the inclusion the inclusion of the same file more
than once in a program.

For example , the header file mts.h is written as follows.

#include MTS
#define MTS
/* content of the mts.h */

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 58 ~
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Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 59 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 60 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 61 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 62 ~
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Chapter 6 : Poniter


Poniter are very useful in accessing memory outside the function, passing function parameters to allow two-way
communication between calling and called functions, dynamic allocation of memory for various simple to
compex data structures, hardware device programming etc…

Every variable declare in C program is given space in computer memory according to its size.For Example, An
integer variable occupies two bytes as it is 16-bit in size.

What is pointer ?

A pointer is also a variable Which stores address of another variable. Once you get the address of variable in
pointer, it can be used for different purpose like to access the variable value at that address , to increment it two
that the address of next element if original variable is of array type etc… the meaning is that ,once pointer is
initialize by address of some variable , pointer can be used for our advantage. Before a pointer is used , it must
be first declared and then initialized. A pointer variable is declared as follows:-

Ptr_type *pointer_name;

In above , following are important

(1) Ptr_type denotes type of pointer and is data type of the variable to which pointer can point.
(2) * denotes that it is pointer variable .
(3) Pointer_name is name of pointer variable which can be any valid identifier .

As an Example,
int *ptr;
declares pointer variable with name ptr of type integer. Type of pointer means variable type to
which pointer pointes. Here,ptr is of type integer means it can point to integer variable only.
Following are some more Examples of pinter declaration:-
float *f; // f is pointer to float.
long int * l; //l is pointer to long integer.
char *c; // C is pointer to character.

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
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Command Line Argments:

Program can also accept input values through command line arguments when it is started. for Example,Whwn
turbo C started as :
C:\tc>tc test.c
On MS-DOS,tc is a program which takes test.c as command line argument and when tc window opens ,it opens
file test .c immediately. another example of command line argument is DOS copy command written as follows:
C:\>copy file.c file2.c
Where copy command takes two files names, source file name (file1.c) and destination file name(file2.c)
as arguments from command line. In order to pass input to C program through command line argument s,we
have to use arguments or parameters to main ( ) is the first function call when C program start it has two
arguments shown below:
Void Main (int argc,char *argv[ ] )
The first argument is args knows as arguments count which tells how many arguments are passed.the
second argument argv which is array of character pointer s.pointers pointing to argument case of
Example of DOS copy command ,argc=3 and argv is as follows:

Orgv: Copy’\0’


For example,

Write a program which simply displays(echoes) its arguments.

\* write this program in file echo.c */
Void main(int argc, char *argv[] )
Int I;
For( i=1; i<argc; i++)

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 64 ~
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Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 65 ~
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Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 66 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 67 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 68 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Chapter 7 : Structures


 Structure is a collection of different types of variables under a single name which is used to represent
logically related data pertaining to same entity or object.
 The structure is a very powerful and important tool which fulfills requirements of complex problems.
 A simple example of a structure is information about employees in payrool or information about
 Structure allocates separate memory for each of its variables, while union allocates memory for only
one and shared by al of its members.Hence,union is not a group of variables, but it is a variable,which
can take different type.

Defining structures and structure variables :

A structureis a group of variables of different types.The general format to define a structure is given as:

struct struct_tag
data_type member_variable1;
data_type member_variable2;
In above , world struct is a reserve word and used to defined a structure template.

Struct-tag is an optional tag which provides type name to the structure and usefulin creation of variables of the
structure type. The member of structures and enclosed in pair of { } .Each member consist of a type and variable
name followed by semicolon (;). the definition is ended with semicolon (;) . Note that such structure definition
just declares a template or prototype of a structure varicble,but does not occupy any memory.Hence,Word
declaration is more appropriate.

Consider following Example of a structure ,defining a student record:-

Struct student

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 69 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Int roll_no;
Char name[20];
Int age;
} ;

In above example, word student is representing a tag. There are three members as :
(1) Roll number,integer type
(2) Name of student, string type
(3) Age in years,integer type

Accessing structure members:

Member of a structure can be accessed and used individually in a problem. Following syntax is used to access
thse members of a structure.


Structure_name is the name of structure variable and used member_name is the name of variable which is
member of structure member operator”.”(dot) conntects member name to structure name.

For example,

Denotes value of variable age of a structure of variable s1 which is of type student. Same way s2.age denotes
age value associated with student s2. The s1.age ors2.sge are just like any other integer variable and can be
used freely in expression. The following statement assigns 20 to s1.age
S1.age =20;
The roll-number of student s1 can be read from keyword as

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 70 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 71 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 72 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 73 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 74 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Chapter 8 : File Management

File Management function :

The file management function are defined in the header file <stdio.h>. They are available in the program by
including the header file <stdio.h>. Table gives the list of the file management function which are common in
use. The list includes functions for performing the following operation on files.

 Opening a file.
 Closing a file .
 Reading from a file(both ASCII and binary).
 Writing to a (both ASCII and binary).
 Error handing functions.
 Functions to implement random files.

Function Operation
fopen() Open a file
Fclose() Close afile
Getc() Rrad a character from file
Putc() Write a character into file
Fscanf() Read from a file
Fprintf() Write into file
Getw() Read an integer from file
Putw() Write object from a file
Fread() Read object from file
Fwrite() Write object in file
Feof() Indicates end of file
Ferror() Indicates error in file processing
Fseek() Move to the desired position in file
Ftell() Tells the current position in file
Rewined() Move to the beginning of file

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 75 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 76 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 77 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 78 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 79 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 80 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Chapter 9:
History of C++

In 1970, Ken Thompson, immersed in the development of UNIX at Bell Labs, created the B language. It was a
port of BCPL for a specific machine and system (DEC PDP-7 and UNIX), and was adapted to his particular taste
and necessities.

In 1973, Dennis Ritchie, had developed the basis of C.

The inclusion of types, its handling, as well as the improvement of arrays and pointers, along with the later
demonstrated capacity of portability without becoming a high-level language, contributed to the expansion of
the C language.

It was established with the book "The C Programming Language" by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie, known
as the White Book.

About C++ Language

 What is C++?

C++ is a programming language. It literally means "increased C", reflecting its nature as an evolution of
the C language.

 Is it necessary to already know another programming language before learning C++?

Not necessarily.

C++ is a simple and clear language in its expressions.

 What is OOP: Object-oriented programming?

It is a programming model that treats programming from a perspective where each component is
considered an object, with its own properties and methods, replacing or complementing structured
programming paradigm, where the focus was on procedures and parameters.

 Is C++ a proprietary language?

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 81 ~
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No. No one owns the C++ language. Anyone can use the language royalty-free.

Programming languages
A programming language is a set of instructions and a series of lexical conventions specifically designed to order
computers what to do.

Why C++?
C++ has certain characteristics over other programming languages. The most remarkable are:

 Object-oriented programming
 Modular programming
 C Compatibility
 C++ is backwards compatible with the C language. Any code written in C can easily be included in a C++
program without making any change.
 Speed

Basics of C++

Structure of C++ program :

Basic input/output: cout , cin.

Operator : unary, binary
Conditional: if , else ? .
Loops : for ,while
Functions , call by value, prototypes ,header files.

Program in C++.

#include <iostream.h>
void main ()
cout << "Hello World!";
return 0;

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 82 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Output: Hello World!

1) #include <iostream>

In this case the directive #include <iostream> tells the preprocessor to include the iostream standard
This specific file (iostream) includes the declarations of the basic standard input-output library in C++,
and it is included because its functionality is going to be used later in the program.

2) int main ()

This line corresponds to the beginning of the definition of the main function.
The main function is the point by where all C++ programs start their execution, independently of its
location within the source code.
For that same reason, it is essential that all C++ programs have a main function.
The word main is followed in the code by a pair of parentheses (()).

3) cout << "Hello World!";

Cout is a pre-defind instance of the stream ostream-much more later.

<< is the insertion operator : it inserts what follows into the stream
“Hello world” is the string we want to output.
endl does 2 things :
i. it writes a <CR>.
ii. It flushes the output buffer.
all statement in C++ must end with ‘;’.

4) return 0;

The return statement causes the main function to finish.

Since main isof type int , it must return an int to the program
That called it.
a return value of ‘0’ signifies successful completion.

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 83 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

5) }
Finally,we mark the end of the main code block.

Comment :

Comments are parts of the source code disregarded by the compiler. They simply do nothing.
Their purpose is only to allow the programmer to insert notes or descriptions embedded within the source code.

C++ supports two ways to insert comments:

//line comment

The first of them, known as line comment, discards everything from where the pair of slash signs (//) is found up
to the end of that same line. The second one, known as block comment, discards everything between the /*
characters and the first appearance of the */ characters, with the possibility of including more than one line.

We are going to add comments program:

/* my second program in C++
with more comments */

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main ()
cout << "Hello World! "; // prints Hello World!
cout << "I'm a C++ program"; // prints I'm a C++ program
return 0;

Output :

Hello World! I'm a C++ program

If you include comments within the source code of your programs without using the comment characters
combinations //, /* or */, the compiler will take them as if they were C++ expressions, most likely causing one or
several error messages when you compile it.
Operator : unary, binary

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 84 ~
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Conditional: if , else ? .
Loops : for ,while
Functions , call by value, prototypes ,header files.
You Can See In Programming in c.

Standard Output (cout)

The standard output of a program is the screen, and the C++ stream object defined to access it is cout.
cout is used in conjunction with the insertion operator, which is written as << (two "less than" signs).
For Example:

cout << "Hello"; // prints Hello

cout << Hello; // prints the content of Hello variable

The endl manipulator produces a newline character, exactly as the insertion of '\n' does, but it also has an
additional behavior when it is used with buffered streams: the buffer is flushed

Standard Input (cin).

The standard input device is usually the keyboard. Handling the standard input in C++ is done by applying the
overloaded operator of extraction (>>) on the cin stream. The operator must be followed by the variable that will
store the data that is going to be extracted from the stream.
For example:
int age;
cin >> age;
The first statement declares a variable of type int called age, and the second one waits for an input from cin (the
keyboard) in order to store it in this integer variable.

Another Example:
cin >> a >> b;
is equivalent to:
cin >> a;
cin >> b;
In both cases the user must give two data, one for variable a and another one for variable b that may be
separated by any valid blank separator: a space, a tab character or a newline.

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 85 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 86 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 87 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 88 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 89 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Chapter 10:

Classes And Objects:

A class is an expanded concept of a data structure: instead of holding only data, it can hold both data and
An object is an instantiation of a class. In terms of variables, a class would be the type, and an object would be
the variable.

Classes are generally declared using the keyword class, with the following format:
class class_name

Where class_name is a valid identifier for the class, object_names is an optional list of names for objects of this
class. The body of the declaration can contain members, that can be either data or function declarations, and
optionally access specifiers.

All is very similar to the declaration on data structures, except that we can now include also functions and
members, but also this new thing called access specifier.
An access specifier is one of the following three keywords: private, public or protected.
These specifiers modify the access rights that the members following them acquire:

Private members of a class are accessible only from within other members of the same class or from their

Protected members are accessible from members of their same class and from their friends, but also from
members of their derived classes.

Finally, public members are accessible from anywhere where the object is visible.
By default, all members of a class declared with the class keyword have private access for all its members.
Therefore, any member that is declared before one other class specifier automatically has private access.

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 90 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

For example:
class CRectangle
int x, y; //data member
void getdate (10,20);
int area (void);
Void main()
CRectangle rect;

Declares a class (i.e., a type) called CRectangle and an object (i.e., a variable) of this class called rect.
This class contains four members: two data members of type int (member x and member y) with private access
(because private is the default access level) and two member functions with public access: getdate() and area(), of
which for now we have only included their declaration, not their definition.

Notice the difference between the class name and the object name: In the previous example, CRectangle was the
class name , where as rect was an object of type CRectangle. It is the same relationship int and a have in the
following declaration:
int a;

where int is the type name (the class) and a is the variable name (the object).

After the previous declarations of CRectangle and rect, we can refer within the body of the program to any of the
public members of the object rect as if they were normal functions or normal variables, just by putting the
object's name followed by a dot (.) and then the name of the member. All very similar to what we did with plain
data structures before. For example:
rect.getdate (3,4);
myarea = rect.area();

Here is the complete example of class ss:

Class ss

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 91 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

int a,b;
void getdate(int x,int y)
Void putdata()
Cout<<”The value of a is:”<<a<<endl;
Cout<<”The value of b is:”<<b<<endl;

Void main()
Class ss s1;
Int p,q;
Cout<<”enter the value of p:”;
Cout<<”enter the vaule of q”;

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 92 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 93 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 94 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 95 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 96 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Chapter 11:
Constructors and destructors

A class can include a special function called constructor, which is automatically called whenever a new object of
this class is created. This constructor function must have the same name as the class, and cannot have any
return type; not even void.
We are going to implement data including a constructor:
#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>
Class data
Int a,b;
Data(int x)
Data(int x,int y)
Void putdata()
cout<<”the value of a is:”<<a<<endl;
cout<<”the value of b is:”<<b<<endl;
Void main()

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 97 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Int p,q;
Cout<<”Enter the value of p &q”;
Data d1=datas(p);
Data d2=datas(p,q);
Data d3=datas();

You can also see how neither the constructor prototype declaration (within the class) nor the latter constructor
definition include a return value; not even void.


The destructor fulfills the opposite functionality. It is automatically called when an object is destroyed, either
because its scope of existence has finished (for example, if it was defined as a local object within a function and
the function ends) or because it is an object dynamically assigned and it is released using the operator delete.

The destructor must have the same name as the class, but preceded with a tilde sign (~) and it must also return
no value.

The use of destructors is especially suitable when an object assigns dynamic memory during its lifetime and at
the moment of being destroyed we want to release the memory that the object was allocated.
// example on constructors and destructors
#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>
class CRectangle
int *width, *height;
CRectangle (int,int);
~CRectangle ();
int area () {return (*width * *height);

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 98 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.


CRectangle::CRectangle (int a, int b)

width = new int;
height = new int;
*width = a;
*height = b;

CRectangle::~CRectangle () {
delete width;
delete height;

int main () {
CRectangle rect (3,4), rectb (5,6);
cout << "rect area: " << rect.area() << endl;
cout << "rectb area: " << rectb.area() << endl;
return 0;
rect area: 12
rectb area: 30

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 99 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 100 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 101 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 102 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 103 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Chapter 12:

The keyword this

The keyword this represents a pointer to the object whose member function is being executed. It is a pointer to
the object itself.

One of its uses can be to check if a parameter passed to a member function is the object itself. For example,
Class test
Int x;
Void putdata();
Cout<<”the value of x is:”<<this->x;
Void main()
Output:- The value of x is:50

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 104 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 105 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 106 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 107 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 108 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Chapter 13:

Friend functions

In principle, private and protected members of a class cannot be accessed from outside the same class in which
they are declared. However, this rule does not affect friends.

Friends are functions or classes declared with the friend keyword.

If we want to declare an external function as friend of a class, thus allowing this function to have access to the
private and protected members of this class, we do it by declaring a prototype of this external function within
the class, and preceding it with the keyword friend:
// friend functions
#include <iostream.h>
using namespace std;

class CRectangle
int width, height;
void set_values (int, int);
int area ()
return (width * height);
friend CRectangle duplicate (CRectangle);

void CRectangle::set_values (int a, int b)

width = a;
height = b;

CRectangle duplicate (CRectangle rectparam)

CRectangle rectres;
rectres.width = rectparam.width*2;

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 109 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

rectres.height = rectparam.height*2;
return (rectres);

int main ()
CRectangle rect, rectb;
rect.set_values (2,3);
rectb = duplicate (rect);
cout << rectb.area();
return 0;



The duplicate function is a friend of CRectangle. From within that function we have been able to access the
members width and height of different objects of type CRectangle, which are private members. Notice that
neither in the declaration of duplicate() nor in its later use in main() have we considered duplicate a member of
class CRectangle. It isn't! It simply has access to its private and protected members without being a member.

The friend functions can serve, for example, to conduct operations between two different classes. Generally, the
use of friend functions is out of an object-oriented programming methodology, so whenever possible it is better
to use members of the same class to perform operations with them. Such as in the previous example, it would
have been shorter to integrate duplicate() within the class CRectangle.

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 110 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Chapter 14:


A key feature of C++ classes is inheritance.

Inheritance allows to create classes which are derived from other classes, so that they automatically include
some of its "parent's" members, plus its own.

For example, we are going to suppose that we want to declare a series of classes that describe polygons like our
CRectangle, or like CTriangle. They have certain common properties, such as both can be described by means of
only two sides: height and base.

This could be represented in the world of classes with a class CPolygon from which we would derive the two
other ones: CRectangle and CTriangle.

The class CPolygon would contain members that are common for both types of polygon.
In our case: width and height.
And CRectangle and CTriangle would be its derived classes, with specific features that are different from one type
of polygon to the other.

Classes that are derived from others inherit all the accessible members of the base class. That means that if a
base class includes a member A and we derive it to another class with another member called B, the derived
class will contain both members A and B.

In order to derive a class from another, we use a colon (:) in the declaration of the derived class using the
following format:

class derived_class_name: public base_class_name

{ /*...*/ };

Where derived_class_name is the name of the derived class and base_class_name is the name of the class on which
it is based. The public access specifier may be replaced by any one of the other access specifiers protected and
private. This access specifier limits the most accessible level for the members inherited from the base class: The
members with a more accessible level are inherited with this level instead, while the members with an equal or
more restrictive access level keep their restrictive level in the derived class.

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 111 ~
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// derived classes
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class CPolygon {
int width, height;
void set_values (int a, int b)
{ width=a; height=b;}

class CRectangle: public CPolygon {

int area ()
{ return (width * height); }

class CTriangle: public CPolygon {

int area ()
{ return (width * height / 2); }

int main () {
CRectangle rect;
CTriangle trgl;
rect.set_values (4,5);
trgl.set_values (4,5);
cout << rect.area() << endl;
cout << trgl.area() << endl;
return 0;

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 112 ~
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We can summarize the different access types according to who can access them in the following way:

Access public protected private

members of the same class yes yes yes
members of derived classes yes yes no
not members yes no no

Where "not members" represent any access from outside the class, such as from main(), from another class or
from a function.

This is because we have used the public keyword to define the inheritance relationship on each of the derived
class CRectangle: public CPolygon { ... }
This public keyword after the colon (:) denotes the most accessible level the members inherited from the class
that follows it (in this case CPolygon) will have. Since public is the most accessible level, by specifying this keyword
the derived class will inherit all the members with the same levels they had in the base class.
If we specify a more restrictive access level like protected, all public members of the base class are inherited as
protected in the derived class. Whereas if we specify the most restricting of all access levels: private, all the base
class members are inherited as private.

For example, if daughter was a class derived from mother that we defined as:

class daughter: protected mother;

This would set protected as the maximum access level for the members of daughter that it inherited from mother.
That is, all members that were public in mother would become protected in daughter. Of course, this would not
restrict daughter to declare its own public members. That maximum access level is only set for the members
inherited from mother.

If we do not explicitly specify any access level for the inheritance, the compiler assumes private for classes
declared with class keyword and public for those declared with struct.

What is inherited from the base class?

In principle, a derived class inherits every member of a base class except:
its constructor and its destructor
its operator=() members

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 113 ~
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its friends
Although the constructors and destructors of the base class are not inherited themselves, its default constructor
(i.e., its constructor with no parameters) and its destructor are always called when a new object of a derived
class is created or destroyed.

If the base class has no default constructor or you want that an overloaded constructor is called when a new
derived object is created, you can specify it in each constructor definition of the derived class:

derived_constructor_name (parameters) : base_constructor_name (parameters) {...}

Multiple inheritance

In C++ it is perfectly possible that a class inherits members from more than one class. This is done by simply
separating the different base classes with commas in the derived class declaration. For example, if we had a
specific class to print on screen (COutput) and we wanted our classes CRectangle and CTriangle to also inherit its
members in addition to those of CPolygon we could write:
class CRectangle: public CPolygon, public COutput;
class CTriangle: public CPolygon, public COutput;

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 114 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 115 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 116 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 117 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 118 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Chapter 15:


Before getting into this section, it is recommended that you have a proper understanding of pointers and class
If any of the following statements seem strange to you, you should review the indicated sections:

Statement: Explained in:

int a::b(int c) { } Classes
a->b Data Structures
class a: public b { }; Friendship and inheritance
Virtual members

A member of a class that can be redefined in its derived classes is known as a virtual member.
In order to declare a member of a class as virtual, we must precede its declaration with the keyword virtual:

Abstract base classes

Abstract base classes are something very similar to our CPolygon class of our previous example. The only
difference is that in our previous example we have defined a valid area() function with a minimal functionality for
objects that were of class CPolygon (like the object poly), whereas in an abstract base classes we could leave that
area() member function without implementation at all. This is done by appending =0 (equal to zero) to the
function declaration.

An abstract base CPolygon class could look like this:

// abstract class CPolygon
class CPolygon
int width, height;
void set_values (int a, int b)
width=a; height=b;

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 119 ~
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virtual int area () =0;

Notice how we appended =0 to virtual int area () instead of specifying an implementation for the function. This
type of function is called a pure virtual function, and all classes that contain at least one pure virtual function are
abstract base classes.

The main difference between an abstract base class and a regular polymorphic class is that because in abstract
base classes at least one of its members lacks implementation we cannot create instances (objects) of it.

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 120 ~
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Chapter 16:


Function templates:
Function templates are special functions that can operate with generic types. This allows us to create a function
template whose functionality can be adapted to more than one type or class without repeating the entire code
for each type.

In C++ this can be achieved using template parameters. A template parameter is a special kind of parameter that
can be used to pass a type as argument: just like regular function parameters can be used to pass values to a
function, template parameters allow to pass also types to a function. These function templates can use these
parameters as if they were any other regular type.

Exceptions provide a way to react to exceptional circumstances (like runtime errors) in our program by
transferring control to special functions called handlers.

To catch exceptions we must place a portion of code under exception inspection. This is done by enclosing that
portion of code in a try block. When an exceptional circumstance arises within that block, an exception is thrown
that transfers the control to the exception handler. If no exception is thrown, the code continues normally and
all handlers are ignored.

A exception is thrown by using the throw keyword from inside the try block.

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 121 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 122 ~
InfoSoft Computer Education Building Successful Careers.

Programs :-

RAOPURA: - 112 -113, Sunrise Point, Nr. Hanuman Temple, Opp Raopura Bus Stop, Raopura.
SAYAJIGUNJ: - 2nd Floor, Nautilus, Opp. Hotel P.M. Regency, above Mahavir Ice - Cream.
ELLORA PARK:- Chandra Chaya, Above SBI, Opp Vidhya Vikas School, Nr. Cash N Carry.
 0265 – 6507526 / 9227160174 / 9227853100
~ 123 ~

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