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Faculty of Law, UiTM


September 2019-January 2020

Assignment 1


Hanifa lost his camera recently. He advertised in the Mempelam Daily, a local newspaper, a
reward of RM500 to anyone who can find and return the camera to him. Leela, his neighbour,
found the camera.She knew that the camera belonged to Hanifa, so she returned it to him. Leela
only knew of the reward the next day after reading the advertisement. Leela wishes to claim the
RM500 from Hanifa. Advise Leela.

(10 marks)

Question 2

Nita, aged 16, agreed to join the Studio X Dancing Club. She later represented the club in a
dancing competition. Nita agreed to be bound by all of the club's rules and regulations. One of
the club's rules stated that the club would be entitled to 30% of the prize money won and if she
withdraws herself from the event she would be liable to compensate the club for the competition
fee. Before the competition, Nita suffered knee injury. She had to withdraw her participation.
The Studio X Dancing Club now wants to recover the competition fee from Nita.

Advise Julia. (10 marks)


Please complete the assignment in group and the deadline submission is on the 3rd seminar.

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