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The reasons for choosing sport shoe retail business is because there is a wide range of

opportunities and benefits in this specific sector.

Firstly, in a standard sport shoe retail business, brands will require specific pricing and displays
on their goods. The store owner is limited, and in some cases, he/she can’t even discount older
goods to move inventory. Brand requirements are a burden – in some cases – but popular brands
sell well. For instance, Adidas, Puma, Nike and Rebook. That, ultimately, drives profits.

The upside to brand requirements is the brand doing their advertising and marketing to build
demand around the product. They also research the display and pricing to maximize sales

One newer advantage to the sport shoe retail business model is the ability to sell in both a
physical location and online. The online retail world is crowded, but stores can focus on
marketing and drive sales to any location. This opens a much larger market than markets that
only serve a specific community, such as a specific city, town, county or neighbourhood.

Moving old inventory is also easier in the digital world. Inventory that doesn’t sell in the retail
space can still move on auction sites such as or via our own digital storefront. This
delivers an advantage by minimizing losses on product that doesn’t sell quickly at a physical

Finally, A sport shoe retail has the advantage of a simple business model. We acquire inventory,
display the inventory and market the inventory to drive traffic and sales. It’s easier to launch
than many businesses, and we can start small and build it into an empire.

To conclude, there’s a lot of opportunities in this sector which made me choose to run sport
shoe retail business.

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