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Adverse effects of climate change on crop

yield in South-Eastern Punjab

As our planet is getting warmer due to excessive emissions of greenhouse gases
in the atmosphere, which ultimately results in changing weather patterns in
Pakistan. Last year, it has experienced the most prolonged summer in the region
as unpropitious heat wave hit the region.

The farmers in the region are astonished to observe this kind of uncertainty in
the weather, as cotton growers are worried that the present heat wave could
inhibits the growth of plants because their lands are not meant to be fertilized
for this sort of weather pattern. On the other hand, the costs of fertilizers are
increasing on unprecedented levels which make it more difficult for them to
make ends meet.

In this region, most of the farmers don’t have access to canals and ground water
to irrigate their lands. They are solely relying on the monsoon for the irrigation
process which has become erratic now. Torrential rains may have bad effect on
the cotton plant; it increases the possibility of disease and pest attack. This
could have devastating impact on the crops.

In the last few years, farmers are observing consistency in the weather pattern
which makes them wonder that if it continues in a long term, this can put their
livelihood at stake. In south-eastern Punjab, most of the households are largely
depended on the yield of crops.

Government on the other hand is doing nothing to help these farmers, as most
of people in power are either unaware of it and some of them are climate
change deniers. They must form a sound body in that region that will educate
farmers about the impact of climate change and help them to find solutions in
order to deal with it.

I am afraid that if that pattern continues for a long time, farmers may get
demotivated and shift their concentration towards different occupations. This in
turn may have devastating effect on our economy as we rely heavily on
agricultural exports to run our country.

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