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Min-Regret Methods in Portfolio Transition

Minimizing the cost of regret protection option

Andrei Ordine

Received: date / Accepted: date

Abstract Investors often regret their trades. Regret Also, many active programs are terminated early due
can significantly impact their strategic decisions, for to a period of regretful under-performance.
example, by making them abandon a pre-planned in- Intuitively, brokers and asset managers understand
vestment strategy during stressed market conditions. this situation well, and use approaches such as dollar
Therefore, minimizing expected regret is a prudent way cost averaging to perform client portfolio transitions.
to construct investment strategies. We propose to mea- Yet there is very few published articles on this topic.
sure the cost of regret as a price of regret protection The article [1] provides arguments why dollar-cost av-
option, and apply this new metric to portfolio transi- eraging minimizes the maximum regret of an investor;
tion strategies, where the objective is to increase (or de- another article [2] claims that the dollar-cost averaging
crease) risky exposures over a specified period of time. is always sub-optimal for utility-maximizing investors.
Regret-averse investors should design their portfolio tran- In our view, the sub-optimality is valid within the as-
sition with low cost of regret. sumptions of utility maximization - but the true in-
vestor preferences are more complex than maximizing
Keywords min-regret methods · portfolio transition · expected mean return-variance utility.
option pricing
In this article, we consider that an investor can buy
a ”regret protection” option to compensate for the re-
gret, subject to a strike or a deductible. The regret pro-
1 Introduction tection option pays the difference between the ”perfect-
foresight” portfolio profit-and-loss, which uses the best
The classical economics theory views the questions of retrospective trade point or points, and the actual strat-
market timing as irrelevant and assumes that investors egy profit-and-loss, less the strike. If the difference is
follow a prescribed set of rational behaviour rules. In re- below the strike, the investor receives nothing from the
ality, investors’ decision making is more complex, and option. As can be seen, this is a ”look-back” option, as
involves regret. Retail investors are known for mistim- its value depends on the market return path.
ing the markets, liquidating their equity positions dur- The price of this option can be used to measure the
ing market corrections and buying during rallies ([3]). expected regret, and we call it the cost of regret. We
We hypothesize that regret is the driving factor behind suggest that minimizing the cost of regret in designing
the retail investor decisions. the trading strategy is a prudent way to protect against
The problem equally affects institutional investors: regret and its effects on investment policy execution.
for example, an asset manager that decides to increase The main practical application of our research is
the equity holdings in a portfolio and completes the portfolio transition, or changing the portfolio composi-
increase just before a major market correction will face tion from the current point to the desired allocation.
questions from the client or the board of trustees, and These allocations can be expressed in holdings or in
may be punished for a theoretically correct decision. weight terms. The straight-line rule is to linearly in-
crease or decrease each weight or holding from the cur-
Address(es) of author(s) should be given rent value to the target value.

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2 Andrei Ordine

One of the conclusions is that, in the short horizon, quantity purchased during week t at price St . We have
investors should risk-up their portfolios just slightly X
faster than with a straight-line rule. On a longer tran- qt = 1.
sition period, the investors should use a concave trajec-
tory, moving faster in the beginning. Intuitively, this is Imagine that the trader has decided to buy all shares
because in the short horizon, profits and losses on an right away, at the price S0 , to make things easier, and
investment can be viewed as symmetric: the chance of in the next month, the price drops 20%. Immediately,
losing 5% is the same as the chance of gaining 5%. In the client calls on the phone and screams in excitement:
the long run, the losses are still limited to the initial in- ”Did you see the shares just lost 20%? I hope you are
vestment, but the gains are unlimited, so staying under- executing my buy order right now!”. Needless to say,
invested for an extensive period of time has asymmetric the client’s mood changes as soon as he learned that all
regret - the regret is higher in a up-market scenario than of the shares have been already bought and he just lost
in its mirror-image down-market scenario. 20%.
It should be noted that the price of the regret pro- Imagine, on the the hand, that the trader procras-
tection option can be measured using traditional exotic tinated and did nothing with the order, and the share
option pricing tools, which of course are not perfect price increased 20%. The client calls on the phone and
in their assumptions of normal market return distribu- happily tells the trader - I hope my order is now done!
tion, but can nevertheless provide insights in construct- Of course, in this situation, the client is upset as he
ing low-regret strategies. Importantly, under reasonably learns that he is still in cash.
loose assumptions, the option price does not depend on In these examples, the client and the trader experi-
the real-world asset return assumptions and can be es- ence regret. In the first case, the regret is from commit-
timated in the risk-neutral space. ting all money at once, in the second case, the regret is
The applications of our work go beyond portfolio from inaction. But how do we measure the regret? At
transition questions. The cost of regret framework can the end of the 100-week trade period, we calculate the
be applied in any situation where the investment per- dollar amount of regret as the difference between the av-
formance is evaluated post-factum with hindsight - the erage price that the trader’s strategy has achieved and
regret protection option can be defined in any such set- the best (i.e. lowest) price through the trade period:
ting, with the payoff equal to the performance difference
between the actual strategy and a ”crystal ball” strat- N· qt St − min St
egy that uses some knowledge of future market. Low t=0...T

cost of regret protection indicates strategies that are ro- This is because the client regrets not buying the shares
bust to market timing, parameter estimation, or other at the lowest price.
modeling decisions. The cost of regret protection can be We assume the client has tolerance for K dollars of
used as a metric on its own, but can also be combined regret per one share. The trader can consider protecting
with other investor objectives when doing strategy op- himself against regret via a lookback option that pays
timization. the following amount at time T:
The article is organized as follows. In the first sec- !
tion, we present a simple example that succinctly il-
N · max qt St − min St − K, 0
lustrates the problem and the method. We then move t=0...T
to an example of factor allocation transition. We close
The price of this option can be estimated as follows:
with the conclusions and future research.
N · e−rT E max qt St − min St − K, 0

2 Simple example of equity trade Here r is the ”risk-free” rate and the stock price is as-
sumed to be following the log-Brownian motion process
Suppose that a trader has an order from a client to with the risk-neutral drift, described in section 3. We as-
buy N = 100 shares of a company, and has T = 100 sume the risk-free rate r = 0, initial stock price S0 = 1,
weeks to complete the purchase. The trader can buy all stock price volatility 14%.
shares at the beginning (t = 0), at the end (t = T ), in First we consider 4 simple strategies: buy all shares
the middle of the transition period (t = T /2), or in any at start, equal purchase every week, 50% at start and
other way. We define a general strategy by the sequence 50% at end, and all at end. Table 1 shows the cost of
qt , t = 0 . . . T , where qt ≥ 0 is the fraction of the total regret for each strategy.

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Min-Regret Methods in Portfolio Transition 3

Table 1 Cost of regret for simple strategies, per share the loss is naturally limited by the amount of money in-
vested - while the gains are, on the long horizon, poten-
Strategy Cost of regret
tially unlimited. Therefore, being under-invested early
All at start 0.063 on creates additional regret.
Equal purchase weekly 0.044
Equal at start and end 0.049
Now we move to the multi-asset setting.
All at end 0.070

3 Example of portfolio transition

Stylized Transition Paths

Path number In our previous example, we defined the low-regret eq-
uity purchase strategy. However, in a typical asset man-
1 ager transition problems, the setting is multi-asset or
Quantity of equity purchased


multi-factor, and the portfolio exposures are expressed
in terms of weights or exposures, not in terms of equity
0.5 units or dollar holdings. In this section, we define the
0.4 cost of regret for the multi-asset portfolio transition.
0.3 Just like in the simple equity purchase example,
at the end of the transition, we are compared against
the retrospective ”strategy” that assumes some knowl-
edge of the future market return path. It is reason-
10 20 30 40 50 60
Time, weeks
70 80 90 100 able to assume that such strategy will monotonically
increase/decrease the weight of each asset, connecting
Fig. 1 Stylized transition paths: 1=fast, the top path, the starting exposures to the target exposures. We use
30=linear path, 60=slow, the bottom path the following notations. The market return is defined
as the sequence of vectors:
Cost of regret for stylized transition paths
R0 , . . . , R T

0.05 Each vector’s dimension is equal to the number of assets

in the portfolio.
The portfolio weights, defined by the transition strat-
Cost of regret

egy, are as follows:
0.047 25:
transition path Start = w0 , . . . , wT = T arget

0.045 The portfolio return is then equal to:

10 20 30 40 50 60
R= (1 + wn Rn ) − 1
Transition path (1=fast, 60=slow, 30=linear) n=0

Fig. 2 Cost of regret for stylized transition paths The comparison point, the best portfolio return with
the perfect foresight, can be defined as the following
As can be seen, the gradual buying of equal number
of shares each week has the lowest cost of regret among
the 4 strategies considered. RP F = max (1 + w̃n Rn ) − 1

We also consider a continuous family of transition
paths, as shown in figure 1. Each path starts with 0, The maximum is taken subject to the following condi-
and completes the transition at the end of the 100-week tions:
period. The cost of regret for each of the paths in the w̃0 = w0
family is shown in figure 2. The conclusion is that the
lowest-regret approach to trading is slightly faster than w̃T = wT
linear, within the stylized family of paths. and one of the following for each asset k:
The reason why the transition should be slightly
faster than linear is the asymmetry of the asset return: w̃0k ≤ w̃1k ≤ ... ≤ w̃Tk
4 Andrei Ordine

Table 2 Multi-asset portfolio transition Cost of Regret for Stylized Transition Paths:
x 10
−3 Multiasset Portfolio
Asset Starting weight Ending weight 2.6

CAD Cash 0% -20% 2.4

CAD Equity 9% 9% 2.2

DM LargeMid Equity 50% 61%
EM LargeMid Equity 6% 10%

Cost of regret
G7 Bonds 14% 29% 1.8
CAD Bonds 22% 11% 20:
transition path

or 1.2

w̃0k ≥ w̃1k ≥ ... ≥ w̃Tk 1

Note that we require the weights to either increase or 10 20 30 40 50
Transition Path (1=fast, 60=slow, 30=linear)

decrease for each exposure (non-strictly). This is be-

cause, in practice, portfolio managers use monotonic Fig. 3 Cost of regret for stylized transition paths, multi-asset
transition paths, so we express the regret against the portfolio
universe of monotonic transitions. We can consider other
types of perfect-foresight constraints, such as only buy- linear. Of course, this analysis is in many ways similar
ing / only selling, this depends on particular applica- to the one-asset case as we transition all assets at the
tions. Note that if we have a cash position among the same speed, scaled to their initial and target weights.
exposures, we do not enforce the monotonicity condi- A more comprehensive analysis would involve finding
tion on it. an unconstrained low-regret path - this would require
Again, the monotonicity conditions for the expo- solving the mathematically difficult functional calcu-
sures are somewhat subjective. They are similar to the lus problem of finding the lowest-regret transition in
requirement that we only buy equities in the simplified the multi-asset setting without assuming any family of
example in the previous section. The perfect-foresight transition paths.
strategy cannot be completely unconstrained: nobody
can be expected to know the daily return for each as-
set, each day in advance. Had that been the case, the 4 Conclusions and the general framework
perfect foresight return is unlimited.
The regret is then defined as the difference in returns We have laid out a min-regret portfolio transition frame-
between the perfect-foresight transition and the actual work for a multi-asset setting. The notions of assets
transition: and factors here are completely interchangeable, so any
RP F − R portfolio transition can be handled with ease. However,
in this paper, we made a number of simplifying assump-
The regret protection option price can then be calcu-
tions. The Geometric Brownian Motion model of the
lated as the following expectation, assuming the ”stan-
stock market is not perfect, so using a more realistic dis-
dard” risk-neutral portfolio dynamics as detailed in sec-
tributional model can give a more accurate low-regret
tion 5.
transition path.
A · e−rT E max (RP F − R − K, 0) . Moreover, the market does not have constant volatil-
ity: as market practitioners know, the market goes through
Here A is the amount of dollars invested at time 0, K periods of calm and periods of stress, and both peri-
is the regret tolerance in the simple return terms, and ods are ”sticky” - volatility begets volatility and calm
r is the risk-free rate. Again, we assume K = 0.1 and begets calm. We have started working on a transition
r = 0. in the setting where the markets switch regimes, and
As a demonstration, we calculate a low-regret port- the first indication is that the low-regret approach is to
folio transition for the assets, starting and ending points move faster in high-volatility regimes. Another impor-
as shown in table 2. The transition is over a period of tant question deals with adjusting the transition strat-
200 days, on a weekly frequency. We use the stylized egy after a sharp market move. Our future work will
family of transition paths, applied to the given start- investigate these questions in detail.
ing and ending weights. The resulting cost of regret for The min-regret framework applications are not lim-
each of the stylized paths is shown in chart 3. Sim- ited to the portfolio transition questions. The min-regret
ilarly, the low-regret transition is slightly faster than framework can be efficiently applied in any situation
Min-Regret Methods in Portfolio Transition 5

where the investment performance can be judged post-

factum, with some assumptions of the forecasting abil-
ity, be that market entry point forecast or the forecast
of expected returns and correlations. For example, the
min-regret methods are used in robust portfolio opti-
mization. Generally, min-regret methods are helpful in
situations where the forecasting ability of investors is
limited, as they provide investment solutions that are
robust to a wide range of market outcomes.

5 Appendix: Asset price model

This section briefly describes the Geometric Brownian

Motion asset price process. While we acknowledge that
the model ignores many properties of real markets, it
appears sufficient to illustrate our min-regret transition
For a single stock, the Geometric Brownian Motion
is a stochastic process that solves the following stochas-
tic differential equation:

dSt = µSt dt + σSt dWt

The solution to the equation is the following stochastic

St = S0 exp µ− t + σWt
The first two moments of the stock price at time t are:

S0 eµT

and  2 
S02 e2µT eσ T − 1 .

The multi-asset Geometric Brownian Motion is defined

similarly - each asset i satisfies the stochastic equation

dSti = µi Sti dt + σi Sti dWti

and the underlying Wiener processes are correlated.


1. Gordon Pye, Minimax Policies for Selling an Asset and

Dollar Averaging, Management Science, Vol 17, No 7 (1971)
2. George M. Constantinides, A Note on the Suboptimality of
Dollar-Cost Averaging as an Investment Policy, Journal of
Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol 14, Issue 2 (1979)
3. Andrew Clare, Nick Motson, Do UK retail investors buy
at the top and sell at the bottom?, Working Paper, Cen-
tre for Asset Management Research, Cass Business School,
September 2010

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