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Cross culture in movie 99 CAHAYA DILANGIT EROPA

Ilyas wahid.i


A. Ethnic Identity of Film Leaders

Film as one of the mass media, has the strength and ability to reach many social
segments, because the film is considered capable of meeting the demands and
tastes of the community for entertainment. In the analysis of the film entitled 99
Light in Heaven of Europe which tells the story of the journey of Hanum and
Rangga in Europe to explore the history of Islamic development in the Continent
of Europe. Ecological identity is an inherent characteristic of an ethnic group that
distinguishes it from other ethnic groups. And each ethnic group has its own
cultural characteristics. In this case ethnic groups can be considered as cultural
units. Identity is a characteristic or special character of something, if in humans it
is called identity. Identity is always attached to personality, because personality is
the background of one's personal behavior in an individual.

Ethnic identity in a film character entitled "99 cahaya dilangit eropa”

is about religious values, especially Islam. As a stranger who visits an old

civilization and (feels great). This film depicts Hanum and Rangga must always
adjust to a place where the majority are non-Muslim. Not only Hanum and Rangga
figures who have Muslim or Islamic identities in this film, but there are still more
figures who have Muslim identities in the European country, such as figures named
Fatma who have deep knowledge of Islamic history, especially in Europe.

Fatma also became a friend and character who helped Hanum find traces of Islam
in Europe. His journey and quest led Hanum to be more in love and at the same
time amazed by his religion. Then Fatmayang's son named Aisye and Fatma's
friend Marion, they also attended to enliven the atmosphere on the journey Hanum
found the lights of Islam in the European sky.

B. Form of Message Meaning

The meaning of the message in the film "99 Light in the Europe"
this is how we must tolerate one another between religions. Where we must
respect each other's beliefs held by humans, learn to understand the patterns of life
and character of each individual. In this film, it was explained that most of the
minorities in a country experienced considerable social inequality. Most forms of
message in this film were verbal messages. For example in the fragment of the film
when the maar invited rangga to worship, an example of a piece about the
goodness of Islam when Hanum cooked salted fish in the department, his neighbor
was angry at Hanum and said that it smelled like socks. Even though he had been
cursed at Hanum, he gave the dish to his neighbor and finally the neighbor said
that the food was very good. When Hanum was in their restaurant ridiculed by
non-Muslims, just Hanum and Fatma paid for their food. Hanum and Fatma had a
mission to be good Muslim agents. Then there were also non-verbal messages in
this film, such as symbols in several scenes, like the example of the Mother
Mariayang photo scene, there is a tauhid lafadz in the photo. The hijab edge of the
Virgin Mary is inaugurated Laa illaaha illallah.

Then there are more examples of non-verbal messages such as restaurant slogans

"Der Wiener Deewan", the slogan in the restaurant reads "All You."

Can Eat,

Pay As You Wish ". Visitors can take as much food as they can, and

they can also pay for their benefit. So the message referred to in these symbols can
be interpreted by the concept of sincerity.

C. Forms of Misunderstanding That End in Conflict

In the message of communication (verbal and non-verbal), there is a form of

misunderstanding in interpreting the verbal and non-verbal messages from the
dialogue dialogues of the characters in the film that lead to conflict such as the
following scenes:
Conflict arose when Rangga and Khan were confronted with a test schedule which
coincided with Friday prayers so they both had to choose one that had to be

Rangga's conflict with Hanum was caused by the attitude of the maid who
embraced Rangga in front of Hanum, causing a misunderstanding between Hanum
and Rangga. In his opinion Marja's attitude towards the Rangga was considered
normal by Marja.

The conflict between Steven and Khan, who often misunderstood, started from
their different food habits, causing other misunderstandings.

When my father was in danger and was told to go home by his mother, then asked
Rangga to exchange the exam schedule, when it caused a misunderstanding
between Steven and Rangga.

D. Obstacles in the Form of Ethnocentrism

Ethnocentrism according to Mulyana is to view everything in its own group as the

center of everything, and other things measured and valued based on the group's
reference. our similarity with them, the closer they are to us; the greater the
inequality, the further they are with us. We tend to see our group, our country, our
own culture, as the best, as the most moral.

In the film "99 Light Dilangit Europe" there are form obstacles

The ethnocentrum inherent in warring individuals in the film is like:

At the time Hanum was scolded by his own neighbor because he cooked salty the
neighbor's words were like the smell of socks. Even though the neighbor himself
did not know the food cooked by Hanum was Indonesian food. The obstacle was
caused by ignorance of the neighbor leading to a dispute.
When Hanum saw Marjaa hugging Rangga, Hanum assumed that they both had a
special relationship, while Marja considered that attitude to be normal, and only to
express his gratitude to Rangga.

At the time Rangga and Kahn were confronted with the test schedule along with
the Friday prayer. The obstacle is because the profession does not know the
importance of Friday prayers by Muslims, namely Rangga and Khan.


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