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Metropolitan form and landscape urbanism

Brenda Scheer

Do we know how to design a metropolitan than the usual suburban development,

region, the now-ubiquitous urbanized ter- preferably connected by transportation
ritory sprawling fifty or one hundred miles networks. The second conception is that
without a break? Can we even conceive of of a non-centered metropolis, or, as Lang
it as a place with its own identity? Even puts it, “edgeless” city, where business land
if we can imagine ways to conceptualize uses (for example) do not coalesce in sig-
design ideas at the metropolitan scale, can nificant centers, and do not coincide with
we imagine a level of control that still cor- higher density housing or with mixed uses,
responds to our traditional idea of “design”? since this is not a necessary condition in an
Much of the contemporary urban land- auto-centered metropolis. (Lang 2003: 10).
scape is a loose, flat, agglomerated field, Drawing on the first conception, a fre-
interspersed with natural landscape, large quently suggested metropolitan design
industrial uses, airports, shopping malls, strategy is to propose more, higher density
high schools with enormous sports facili- urban centers (Ewing et al. 2008) to absorb
ties, stadiums, office parks, subdivisions growth and offer greater potential for sus-
and a vast, flattened landscape devoted to tainability. Dunham Jones and Williams
parking. Most commentators decry it as (2008) note an increasing suburban trend
formless sprawl: without structure and too to redevelop large malls and other derelict
amorphous to have identity. sites into mixed use housing and retail,
Even describing this landscape is diffi- which they consider a significant first step
cult. Although the notions of concentric in creating dispersed centers.
rings of “center, suburb, and periphery” But even those who firmly support the
are clearly obsolete, urban designers have multi-centric strategy concede that the
not coalesced around a conceptual frame- metropolitan landscape cannot be substan-
work of metropolitan form that embraces tially reconfigured into something resem-
both its scale and its physical diversity. bling a traditional urban setting. Even if
Robert Lang (2003) postulates two for- we stopped adding territory to metropoli-
mal conceptions. One is the idea that tan areas tomorrow (which is unlikely),
the metropolis is (or could be) multi- what has already been built is difficult to
centered, with the “ur-center” of the his- reshape. Highways, low-density housing,
toric downtown, and a distributed set of and the corresponding vast extent of the
mini-downtowns. These are imagined as metropolis will remain the dominant
mixed use centers with higher density urban form in the US for many decades.


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In fact, after twenty years of promotion, ways to think of urban design that could
compact mixed use projects still constitute have more impact on the metropolitan
less than half of 1 percent of the urbanized landscape?
land area – trailer parks are more prolific
(Wheeler 2008: 406–407).
Complicating our ability to conceptualize Ecological urbanism
the metropolitan landscape is the signifi-
cant change in how we inhabit and under- Charles Waldheim (2006) has written,
stand this kind of city. In traditional cities, “Landscape Urbanism describes disciplin-
the center was a necessary place of shared ary realignment currently underway in
economic, cultural and social experiences. which landscape replaces architecture as
The central city’s key monuments and pub- the basic building block of urbanism.”
lic spaces were inhabited and understood Although it goes by many names (urban
by all residents.Today, the distributed form ecology, landscape urbanism, landscape
and uses of the metropolis make it unnec- ecology), this reinvigorated movement is
essary to inhabit or even visit the center of potentially a very powerful response to the
a large metropolis. Robert Fishman sug- problems created by metropolitan form (see
gests that our idea of “urban” – a place of also chapter by Spirn). Waldheim (2006)
common understanding and coming calls upon the groundbreaking work of
together, simply does not apply anymore. landscape architect James Corner (Corner
He suggests that a reordering of our per- and MacLean 2000), as well as drawing
ceptions has already occurred: the “center” on much earlier principles of landscape
of a metropolis is now the individual ecology developed under traditional urban
household, not a shared place (Fishman configurations.
1990). Each household develops a distinct In 1984, Michael Hough proposed that
perception of the urban landscape, cir- ecological processes be used as a principle
cumscribed by its daily trips and choices. and model of urban design. Hough was
My Starbucks, my job, my movie theater, only the latest in a series of important
my daycare – these tend to be located in a landscape architects and planners to fore-
limited orbit, which may be a substantially ground the natural setting as a key compo-
different orbit than my neighbors’, and is nent of urban form. For centuries, the
likely to have very little overlap with a dominant conception of urban form was
person living five or twenty miles from me. architectural – the ideal city consisted of
Urban design has traditionally involved buildings, streets and civic spaces, and the
shaping the public realm as a series of countryside was its treasured opposite: a
outdoor rooms or axial spaces defined by place of natural repose or bucolic produc-
built form and cultivated landscape. Urban tivity. When Patrick Geddes first set about
designers cannot apply these concepts to defining modern planning in the nine-
the metropolitan scale, with its character- teenth century, he specifically turned to
istic lack of central focus and low density. biological conceptions and analogies to
The urban designer’s obsession with pedes- articulate the relationship between a city,
trian scale also loses meaning in a city its inhabitants, and its corresponding coun-
where speed and vastness are characteristic. tryside (Welter 2002).
Problematic, too, is the pervasive idea of In the mid-twentieth century, Ian
urban design as designing a “product” – McHarg reinvigorated the notion that
a large project conceived and built as a urban design and planning should account
whole, which is impractical at the scale of for the natural environment. In his highly
the extended metropolis. Are there other influential, Design with Nature (1969),

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he proposed to selectively limit urban devel- and wildlife support. He also firmly sup-
opment by directing it away from fragile, ported an enlightenment ideal, popularized
beautiful, or critically important natural by Frederick Law Olmsted, that contact
ecologies, especially in areas that were in with the natural environment was a neces-
the path of urban expansion. Natural areas sary, civilizing force for society.
thus preserved could serve as an outlet In recent years, urban ecology has once
for city dwellers. McHarg’s invention of again been invoked as a potential design
the layered mapping system of analysis led approach. The global warming crisis is
directly to today’s computerized mapping certainly one provocation, but the exten-
GIS tools. sive loss of the countryside to develop-
Hough’s ideas took him in a different ment has effectively distanced all city
direction. He explicitly rejected the con- dwellers from the natural landscape.
ceptual separation of nature and city, insist- Landscape urbanism specifically references
ing that the city exists within an important the metropolitan sprawl that now physically
natural landscape and has reciprocal and characterizes the city (Figure 46.1). In this
critical effects on it. He particularly dis- design conception, landscape is both an
dained the high-energy cultivated urban analogue of the city and its description.
landscape (lawns and streetscape) for its The analogue suggests how the city has
unnecessary lack of ecological diversity become like a landscape, an endless and
and productivity. He imagined a city that boundless territory of diverse fields and
was designed to mimic natural processes by flows, both natural and human-made.
waste re-use, species diversification, water This conceptualization sees the city as,
collection and recharge, food production, necessarily, an ecosystem, but one that has

Figure 46.1 Aerial Image of Texas Stadium.


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dependencies on imported energy and as a way of regional differentiation. The

human-made intervention that can over- geography of the place is not only an aes-
whelm natural systems.The urban landscape thetic component. It is intimately tied to
contains surfaces, areas and systems that the historic and economic foundation of
overlap, collide, and shift. It is characterized all places and remains a powerful determi-
by a wide variety of urban typologies, not nant of urban form, shaping culture and
analogous to plant communities. Some are identity. Living in concert with the land-
named and well described, like office parks scape, while broadly and widely inhabiting
and subdivisions, freeway intersections and it, is different from thinking of landscape
airports, but some are nearly invisible or as an element of design in contrast to
lack identity, like vehicle storage lots, utility architecture.
corridors and edgeless corridors of single The natural systems also become a step-
office buildings. ping off point for imitating natural proc-
The “city as landscape” analogy suggests esses. The ideal is to model the city as a
that the city can have common ground self-sustaining dynamic system: recycling
with nature: it invokes ideas of evolution, its own waste, producing its own energy,
rapid and incremental change, interdepend- and otherwise balancing inputs and out-
ency of parts (ecology), and the productive puts.To even begin this task requires look-
reuse of waste. ing holistically at urban processes and
Another conceptualization of the “city accepting the idea that waste, for example,
as landscape” is the nature of the physical might become a resource (Figure 46.2)
situation of the city itself: broad and with- (Berger 2006).The city also contains recip-
out boundaries, the city lies within a natu- rocal and responsive conditions, which
ral landscape and is defined and limited by are rarely accounted for in urban design.
it in ways that have not been important in (Lerup 1995) For example, disordered strip
a hundred years. Rejecting the dichoto- centers are the necessary resultant and the
mous concept of “city” as a place of verti- support system of the orderly subdivisions
cal density opposed by the “country,” behind them. Outside the boundaries of
a relatively natural setting, the urban land- exclusively residential neighborhoods are
scape is neither. Instead, it is everywhere the gas stations, storage lockers and big
both at once, ideally using the framework box theaters that serve the residents of
of the regional landscape as an important these neighborhoods, but are not allowed
urban design element and motivator of in. (Scheer 2007). Every shop lining an
change. For this expanded role, the term urban street generates multiple shipping
“landscape” must escape the confines of containers stored in a rail yard or loaded
green formal lawns, gardens or parks and on a truck.
regain McHarg’s concept as the space of In all the ideas of urban ecology, the
potential and realized urban development, metropolitan landscape is not considered a
with the resultant dependencies and inter- static object, but a living and growing sys-
mingling of natural and human-made tem. Like a forest, it is complicated and has
systems and architecture. elements that change on many different
Landscape urbanism’s most pervasive time scales. The current form of the city is
design idea is to emphasize the natural a palimpsest of modern functionalist build-
systems that already exist in the metropo- ings and parking, superimposed upon and
lis, recovering them and foregrounding securely bounded by the property lines of
them as shapers of metropolitan image. former farms and small towns, nestled in
Topographic changes, waterways, and natu- ancient valleys that are fed by streams that
ral landscapes are interpreted and expressed are captured and controlled over generations

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Figure 46.2 High Line park in New York City.

(Scheer 2001). This is a solid representa- energy networks. Infrastructure can also
tion of the time and scale in the shaping of include air terminals and routes, interstate
a metropolis: from ancient landform to trading networks, and communications
tomorrow’s new construction. networks. “Infrastructure” can also refer to
Like any evolving system, the urban ownership and political subdivisions that
landscape requires flexibility and elasticity structure land and limit its uses.
to accommodate change. Kevin Lynch Importantly, infrastructure systems are
(1981) proposed that the ability to change resistant to rapid large-scale change, unlike
was essential to the definition of good city buildings or land uses which are relatively
form, but despite this early warning, the impermanent and short-lived (Scheer 2001).
static “master plan” is still the sine qua non The potentials and limitations of the infra-
of traditional urban design. structure are thus critical tools for the
By contrast, landscape urbanism takes urban designer, easily as important as indi-
explicit account of change and has devel- vidual buildings or the codes that shape
oped several strategies to accommodate them, and with greater influence over
continuous evolution.The first is to design longer periods of time. Location and
and privilege open systems of physical design of infrastructure, which is the rela-
infrastructure, rather than a full and spe- tively static component of the city, pro-
cific architectural plan. The city’s infra- vides a rigid framework that allows land
structure defines important systems of use, architecture, and landscape to remain
order for designers. Infrastructure includes flexible but orderly and defined.
streets, transit, highway interchanges, but Another strategy for dealing with change
also water distribution and importantly, is the planned obsolescence of particular

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uses or forms. A temporary use, including cross-disciplinary participation yields ideas

a landscape or building, can be cycled out and plans which are fragmented, incom-
in phases. Landscape has particular poten- plete, suggestive, loose, and yet distinctive
tial for short-term healing of abused places, (see examples of projects in Czerniak and
or as a placeholder for the next planned Hargreaves 2007). Partial completion is
cycle of more intense use. Designed land- often the norm, since the “design” may
scapes or natural areas thus become a heal- not be much more than setting up a series
ing mechanism, especially in concert with of strong frameworks (including natural
built form. For example, devastated inner systems) and effective processes for man-
cities can be revived as landscape tempo- aging transformation. It may be necessary
rarily replacing vacant lots, as in proposals to imagine and design a cross-boundary
for Detroit (Shane 2004) or Brooklyn “authority” to carry out the plan. A met-
(Brown and Morrish 1994). ropolitan landscape strategy may also
Because of the fluid and dynamic nature require public relations, branding and pro-
of the metropolitan form, urban design as motion of the central idea so that the
landscape urbanism requires a critical bal- “summoning up” of the metropolitan per-
ance between control and flexibility. Limited ception has life outside specific designs for
control of the field of design distinguishes “projects” (Healey 2007).
landscape urbanism ideas from the “big
architecture” camp of urban design – plans
for large scale projects that describe every Metropolitan scale and
building and every open space and require urban design
large scale ownership or heavy-handed
political control. What would be a successful metropolitan
Individuals actively working in this vein design? Our goal as urban designers is
are commonly some combination of ecol- always to improve the daily life and sensi-
ogist, landscape architect, politician, urban bility of the inhabitants and visitors, to
designer, planner, scientist, engineer, or bring greater access and opportunity to
architect. Designers, broadly defined, may all, to create places for people to come
or not may not work for a “client” in the together, and of course, to assist with the
traditional sense of having a discrete task great project of making a more sustainable
(master plan or building design), a site, a world. In addition to these traditions, met-
time scale, and a contract. Frequently, the ropolitan design would need to account
designer instigates the work or advocates for for all typologies of place, not just tradi-
it or simply carries it out and leads a change tional centers. It would need to distinguish
in direction (Berger 2006). Organizations and create places within the metropolitan
like Envision Utah, which identifies and landscape. It would recognize speed and
funds its own design projects, and then movement and the variable daily circuits
markets the recommendations to consti- of household life. It would recognize the
tuents and agencies, provide a template need for flexibility and different rates of
for this kind of design. In the absence of change. It would celebrate the diversity of
regional government, civic and advocacy the metropolitan landscape and conserve
groups may provide the only possible its resources. Finally, it would need to oper-
method of implementation (Yaro 2000). ate within the values of democracy, entre-
In these roles designers act more as preneurship, local control and individualism
researchers or activists, seeking support for that shape the fabric of this kind of city.
propositions and experiments, testing ideas The struggle to design at the regional scale
and theories.This alternative approach and began as early as the late nineteenth century

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with Ebenezer Howard’s ideas of a central The first step in recognizing the scale
city surrounded by reserved open spaces and and scope of the metropolitan design
smaller satellite settlements. Early twentieth- problem is a reordering of design priori-
century planning advocates like Lewis ties, which is well underway. It is not too
Mumford, Benton MacKaye, and Clarence difficult to imagine a time soon when
Stein moved expeditiously to import this interpreting, reviving, and integrating nat-
regionalism to the fast growing cities of ural systems is the very first order of busi-
the east coast, by proposing dispersed cent- ness for the urban designer. These systems
ers or corridors and associated green belts. are all-encompassing, historically signifi-
These ideas, which separated nature and cant, uniquely beautiful, and critical to the
settlements, were frustrated by the lack of ecological functioning of the region.
a regional governing mechanism and the Landscape urbanism, with its emphasis on
low-density sprawl that subsequently con- large and small natural systems, a multi-
sumed the countryside (Fishman 2000). layered physical infrastructure, cradle-to
These same frustrations exist today, but cradle ideals, and a flexible level of devel-
the problem is compounded by actual arti- opment control, offers a way of managing
facts on the ground – existing networks, urban design at a metropolitan scale.
sprawling subdivisions, suburban typologies
– and the urgent need to conserve resources.
At the scale of the region, it is tempting to References
work on technical solutions (transit, drain-
age, air pollution, land use, governance) Berger, A. (2006). Drosscape: Wasting Land in Urban
without taking account of the regional, America, New York: Princeton Architectural
aesthetic “sensibility” issues identified by Press.
Lynch (1976). Brown, C. and Morrish, B. (1994). The Productive
At the metropolitan scale, our sense of Park: New Waterworks as Neighborhood Resources,
the city is not immediate and graspable in New York: The Architectural League of
a pictorial way, like the common picture New York and Princeton Architectural Press.
of a downtown street or a riverfront park, Corner, J. and MacLean, A. (2000).Taking Measures
which a person or a group can literally across the American Landscape, New Haven, CT:
Yale University Press.
grasp in its entirety by being there. As we
Czerniak, J. and Hargreaves, G. (Ed.) (2007). Large
have seen, a metropolitan sense is shaped Parks, New York: Princeton Architectural
by a series of experiences so that the metro- Press.
politan form is created as an abstract in the Dunham Jones, E. and Williamson, J. (2008).
mind of each individual. “Retrofitting Suburbs: Instant Cities, Instant
Creating a collective metropolitan sense Architecture and Incremental Metro-
would seem to be one important order of politanism.” Harvard Design Magazine, Spring/
business for designers.This collective sense Summer.
could aid in the perception of the region’s Ewing, R., Bartholomew, K., Winkelman, S.,
unique character, its accessibility and Walters, J. and Chen, D. (2008). Growing Cooler:
diversity, and in the protection and The Evidence on Urban Development and Climate
Change, Washington, DC: The Urban Land
enhancement of valued places. If the met-
ropolitan form continues to be seen as Fishman, R. (1990). “Megalopolis Unbound.”
hopelessly disordered, there may be a ten- Wilson Quarterly, 14(1): 25–47.
dency to overlook the potential for large- —— (2000). “The Death and Life of American
scale design in favor of small-scale Regional Planning.” In Katz, B. (Ed.) Reflections
interventions that leave most of the urban on Regionalism, Washington, DC: Brookings
landscape without guidance of any kind. Institution Press. 107–123.


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Healey, P. (2007). Spatial Complexity and Territorial Wheeler, S.M. (2008). “Built Landscapes in
Governance, London: Routledge. Metropolitan Regions,” Journal of Planning
Hough, M. (1984). City Form and Natural Process, Education and Research, 27: 400–416.
London: Elsevier Science. Welter, V. (2002). Biopolis: Patrick Geddes and the
Lang, R. (2003). Edgeless Cities: Exploring the City of Life, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Elusive Metropolis. Washington, DC: Brookings Yaro, R.D. (2000). “Growing and Governing
Institution Press. Smart: A Case Study of the New York Region,”
Lerup, L. (1995). “Stim and Dross: Rethinking the In Katz, B. (Ed.) Reflections on Regionalism,
Metropolis,” Assemblage 25, Cambridge: MIT Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press,
Press. pp. 43–77.
Lynch, K. (1976). Managing the Sense of a Region,
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
—— (1981). A Theory of Good City Form,
Cambridge: MIT Press. Further reading
McHarg, I. (1969). Design with Nature, American
Natural Museum of History. Lynch, K. (1976). Managing the Sense of a Region,
Scheer, B.C. (2001). “The Anatomy of Sprawl,” Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. One of the first
Places: A Forum of Environmental Design, Fall, urban design texts to consider design at the
14(2): 26–37. regional scale.
—— (2007). “The Shape of the City: The Future McHarg, I. (1969). Design with Nature,Washington,
of Master Plans,” Planning, American Planning DC: American Natural Museum of History.
Association, July, 30–33. Classic treatise on how to design cities and
Shane, G. (2004). “The Emergence of Landscape urban areas privileging the natural ecology and
Urbanism: Reflections on Stalking Detroit,” regional landscape.
Harvard Design Magazine, Fall/Winter. Thompson, G. and Steiner, F. (Eds.) (1997).
Waldheim, C. (2006). “A Reference Manifesto.” Ecological Design and Planning, New York: John
In Waldheim, C. (Ed.) Landscape Urbanism Wiley and Sons, Inc. Collection of essays
Reader, New York: Princeton Architectural focusing on the design and planning towards
Press, pp. 15–19. an ecological landscape.


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