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Om Swastiastu

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Hopefully on this sunny morning we are always given health by Almighty God

Dear Ms. Diah as a lecture at Stikes Wiramedika Bali, and my beloved ones.

On this happy occasion, I will driver my speech about “ Diarrhea”

Distinguished guests, the environment is one of the most important factors in our daily lives,
because the environment is where we live. However, so far we have often encountered garbage
scattered everywhere, floods that have become catastrophic subscriptions in Indonesia,
unpleasant odors, and many residents are stricken with diseases due to the dirty environment.
Examples of diseases due to unhealthy environment that is currently rife are diarrhea. Diarrhea,
as we know it, is a waterborne disease. The number of regions in Indonesia that have clean water
conditions is very minimal, so diarrhea can spread quickly. Diarrhea is caused by the entry of
germs into the body through animal intermediaries, germs that are in food, water, through the
body (do not wash hands when eating). Other causes are: Unstable psychological conditions,
foods that stimulate intestinal peristaltic, spicy foods, etc.

Imagine, in Indonesia, the rural population using clean water only reached 67.3%. Of these, only
half (51.4%) met bacteriological requirements. Whereas the population that uses healthy toilets is
only 54%. If the condition of Indonesia is like that, how not, diarrheal disease can spread easily.
In fact, until now, diarrheal disease has become the number 2 cause of death in infants, number 3
in infants, and number 5 for all ages. Diarrhea is a condition in which a person loses control of
his ability to defecate normally causing him to have to defecate at any time. Defecation is seen
when the discharge from the rectum which is usually in the solid form becomes soft, runny or
very runny. This condition if it takes place can cause dryness of water (dehydrated) and if it
continues normal harm to the patient can also cause death. Usually sufferers will experience
discomfort in the abdomen, pain in the solar plexus. Patients usually begin to feel restless, sweat
quickly and shiver throughout the body. In more severe cases, diarrhea causes the patient to start
feeling nauseous, vomiting and also fever.

Diarrhea causes loss of fluid and electrolytes so that the patient must be given as much fluid as
possible to replace the lost fluid. As first aid, given household fluids such as starch water,
vegetable water, boiled water, tea. In addition, electrolyte liquid should be given in the form of
ORS. If there are no ORS, you can use salt sugar solution. How to make it as follows: one
tablespoon of granulated sugar, a quarter of a tablespoon of salt, dissolved in one glass of boiled
water (200 cc). Furthermore, patients are given a drink. Nutrition for diarrhea sufferers must be
considered because diarrhea sufferers have conditions that do not allow bowel movements, it is
necessary to be given soft food to help bowel movements. For babies who are still breastfeeding,
breast milk is still given and PASI is diluted. We know that prevention is better than cure,
therefore some of the prevention of diarrhea is to wash hands before and after eating, cover food
and drinks, wash food / vegetables before processing, always drink cooked water, maintain
personal hygiene , keep the environment clean: houses, drains, garbage thrown away and closed,
eating healthy / nutritious food. If first aid efforts have been made but diarrhea still continues,
take the patient immediately to the nearest health care center.

Thus my speech today is hopefully useful for all. Sorry if something is not acceptable. Finally, I
say thank you to all ladies and gentlemen.

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om

Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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