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Siapa yang membuat tugu ?

Monument was made by a Thomas Karsten

Ini apa ?
Icon malang
initially Monument for tribute governor general Jaan pieterzoen Coen
Dimana tempatnya
Street Tugu Malang in front office mayor
Kenapa dibangun
for initially general Jaan pieterzoen Coen
Kapan dibangun
monument made on year 1920
in 1920 Thomas Karsten made plaza in malang. This plaza is a symbol of power dutch
colonial in malang. At first the name of this park is JP Coen Plein, respect of governor
general Jaan Pieter zoen.
Jaan Pieter zoen is governor general dutch in Indonesian. on the date 21 Mei 1619-31 Januari
1623 and 30 september 1627 – 21 september 1629.
In 1946 foundation of obelisk were built. The monument was signed By Soekarno and A.G.
Suroto. In 1947dutch destroying monument. The dutch reason for destroying the obelisk
monument As a form of resentment they ‘re over the perseverance of men malang in
defending its territory.
In 1953, Monuments pillar which destroyed finally rebuilt by a city government malang. It
was then inaugurated again by the President of the republic of Indonesia , Ir. Soekarno.
Monument also means something, pointy bamboo as a weapon used by the Indonesians to
repel invaders.
The is also a chain that describes the unity and oneness of Indonesian people that cannot
by colonists.
Other meaning is found in stars that have 17 foundations and 8 stories, with staircases of 4
and 5 angles. This combination stood as the date for independence of the republic of
Indonesia, August 17, 1945.

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