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Rafael Amestoy

Soap Operas

“Soap Opera” is a genre very similar to Drama but with ordinary characters, a mundane

plot (not always), bad acting, and an “endless” list of episodes. Also this genre has have different

platforms where it could develop. Nowadays it is transmitted only by television or online

websites, although in previous years they were also published on the radio or in the newspaper.

Soap Operas are generally watched by old people especially grandmothers, at least in

Argentina. Young people and men usually can not bear watching them. I think that this happen

due to a cultural imposition. Young people want to see new things and experience different

feelings or activities, not watch a corny, hackneyed and bored Soap Opera. In the second case,

men in our society “must” consume football, cars or any kind of sport related with being a

“male”. So, old women are the ones that were or are more at home, they are the ones that feel

more identify with this television genre that take action in a context pretty similar to theirs.

To conclude, I believe that they will not exist anymore between our societies because less

and less people will feel identify with this genre. Women are continuously “becoming

independence” from home and the concept of family is decaying in these days where it is

compared with prison.

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