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Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol.

103 (3rd series)

Ataxic Disorders
S.H. Subramony and A. Dürr, Editors
# 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Chapter 45

Balance and gait problems in the elderly

Stroke Service and Neurology Clinical Trials Unit, Department of Neurology, Massachusetts
General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
Department of Neurology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

Gait and balance problems are common with advancing
Balance and postural control
age. Balance difficulties are reported by 13% of
patients at age 65, 35% at age 75, and 46% at age Postural control requires the maintenance of an indivi-
85 (Sixt and Landahl, 1987; Gerson et al., 1989). dual’s center of mass over his base of support (in
Gait impairment has been estimated to occur in 8% to humans, the stance as a function of the lower extremi-
19% of elderly individuals living in the community ties) (Horak, 1987; Lee, 1989; McCollum and Leen,
(Newman et al., 1960; Dawson et al., 1987; Sudarsky, 1989). More generally, this demands the center of mass
1990). In East Boston, a degree of shuffling or be maintained within the limits of stability (area in which
difficulty with turns was noted in 15% of the population the center of mass can be moved without changing the
aged 67–74, 29% of those 75–84, and 49% of the base of support). Stability limits are a function of three
population 85 and above (Odenheimer et al., 1994). major components: the biomechanics (body morphology
Disorders of balance and gait are particularly impor- and configuration, joint torque strength, speed at which
tant in the elderly because they compromise indepen- the torque strengths can be developed, and joint range
dence and contribute to the risk of falls and injury of motion), body support and task requirements, and
(Rubenstein and Josephson, 1997). Falls were attributed the nature of the support surface (e.g., angle, compli-
to impaired balance and gait in 32% of subjects over 75 ance, friction) (McCollum and Leen, 1989; Shumway-
in a community-based study (Tinetti et al., 1988). Cook and Horak, 1990; Alexander, 1994). Postural
Falls are associated with increased morbidity and mortal- control responses vary with the task and challenge
ity (Tinetti, 1986; Lipsitz et al., 1991). Hip fractures and (Alexander et al., 1992; Alexander, 1994). For example,
other fall-related injuries often result in hospitalization in elderly individuals, unipedal stance is considerably
and nursing home admission, and carry with them large more difficult than bipedal stance (Bohannon et al.,
healthcare expenditures (Cummings et al., 1990; Tinetti 1984). Standing on a slowly moving reduced-support
and Williams, 1997). surface is more challenging than standing on a slowly
Although they are considered as separate moving full-support surface (Alexander et al., 1992).
clinical entities, balance and gait disturbance are often Balance and postural control are crucial to carry out
intertwined (Mori, 1987; Nutt and Horak, 2004). This most daily activities. Examples include the ability to
chapter considers some of the relevant mechanisms maintain various positions, automatically respond to
and common patterns of gait and balance disturbance. voluntary body and extremity movements, and react

*Correspondence to: Anand Viswanathan, MD, PhD, Stroke Service and Memory Disorders Unit, Associate Director, Telestroke
Services , Massachusetts General Hospital Hemorrhagic Stroke Research Program, 175 Cambridge Street, Suite 300, Boston,
MA 02114, USA. Tel: 617.643.3876, Fax: 617.726.5346. E-mail:
to external disturbances (Berg et al., 1992). It thus is Gait
reasonable to assume that any disruption of postural
control could result in increased risk of falls and injury.
The neuroanatomical basis for postural control has In quadrupedal animals, locomotion depends on the
been explored in quadrupedal animals. The hind limbs activity of a spinal pattern generator. Cats and dogs
of cats with spinal transection have muscle tone for with high spinal transection achieve a crude pattern of
weight support, however, they do not adequately walking on the treadmill, provided their balance is
respond to postural perturbations to prevent falls supported. This “fictive locomotion” can be stimulated
(Macpherson and Fung, 1999). These animals require with levodopa or clonidine, and occurs independent of
support to maintain upright stance (Grillner and sensory feedback (Grillner and Wallen, 1985). While it
Wallen, 1985; Macpherson and Fung, 1999). Stimulation is difficult to produce sustained spinal locomotion in
of the dorsal and ventral tegmental areas of the pons primates (Eidelberg et al., 1981), efforts have been
can elicit coordinated postural responses in animals made to harness spinal stepping in the rehabilitation
(Mori, 1987; Mori et al., 1989). These data suggest that of spinal injury patients (Dietz et al., 1995).
postural control depends on supraspinal mechanisms. Primate bipedal locomotion depends on higher com-
These higher centers are thought to adapt postural mand and control centers in the brainstem, cerebellum,
responses to both environment and circumstance. Pos- and forebrain (Orlovsky, 1972). There are four areas
tural adjustments surrounding voluntary movements where stepping and postural response can be evoked by
are constantly being made in order to maintain postural electrical stimulation in animals: a subthalamic and a
stability (Massion, 1994). The vestibular system and cer- mesencephalic locomotor region, and a dorsal and
ebellum have been thought to serve as the primary med- ventral tegmental field in the caudal pons. Eidelberg
iators of control in integrative models of postural control and colleagues (1981) evoked a form of “controlled loco-
(Keshner and Cohen, 1989; Nutt and Horak, 2004). The motion”, more natural than spinal stepping, by stimula-
cerebellum may modify limb and trunk movements tion of the mesencephalic locomotor region (MLR) in
initiated by the vestibulospinal tract (Keshner and Cohen, primates. The MLR is of particular interest as it includes
1989; Llinas and Walton, 1979). Without cerebellar input, the cholinergic neurons of the pedunculopontine nucleus
there is lack of balance of opposing muscle forces, and (PPN). In the cat, stimulation of the PPN produces step-
the postural response is not graded over the appropriate ping, and inhibition slows walking (Garcia-Rill, 1991).
time to optimize muscle co-activation to the task A complex pattern of activity is recorded from cells
demands (Keshner and Allum, 1986; Diener et al., 1992). in the PPN during locomotor activity (Pahapill and
Muscle and joint proprioceptors provide the somato- Lozano, 2000).
sensory information for balance and gait used for trigger- Locomotor commands from the brainstem are
ing rapid postural responses. Romberg observed the passed through descending pathways in the spinal cord,
importance of dorsal column afferents from the lower including the reticulospinal and vestibulospinal tracts
limbs in maintenance of standing balance (Romberg, (Lawrence and Kuypers, 1968). Eidelberg et al. (1981)
1853). Cutaneous sensory information is used to observed that primates with partial spinal transection
distinguish the contour and characteristics of support sur- can recover the capacity for locomotion, provided that
faces and to measure pressure under the feet in contact one ventral quadrant of the spinal cord is preserved.
with these surfaces. Graviceptors in the trunk help to
define postural verticality (Mittelstaedt, 1999). Vestibular
inputs control head and trunk orientation in space and
stabilize gait. Vision also contributes to postural stability Although apparently natural locomotion can be exe-
and is used to avoid obstacles and plan trajectories during cuted by pathways in the brainstem, cerebellum, and
gait (Paulus et al., 1984; Rondot et al., 1992). Finally, spinal cord, many of the gait disorders seen in the
postural responses are modified and adapted by context, elderly result from pathology in the forebrain: the basal
previous experience, and expectation. ganglia, motor cortex, and frontal subcortical circuits
In older individuals, peripheral sensory information (Garcia-Rill, 1986; Armstrong, 1988; Mori, 1997).
(touch sensitivity and proprioception) is the most Humans suffer significant impairment after injury to
important contributor to postural stability, followed motor cortical areas. The forebrain provides a goal
by visual and vestibular input (Lord et al., 1991). The and purpose for walking. It specifies when to start,
variance between individuals is not well explained by when to stop, where to change direction, and it anima-
this model, and may be due to central integrative fac- tes the performance. The cerebral control provides an
tors such as problem-solving ability, motivation, and element of skill and finesse. For example, cats with pyr-
attention (Tinetti, 1986). amidotomy recover an ability to walk on flat ground,
but fail to walk on a narrow beam or across a ladder. consciousness and confusion. The patient is described
Cerebral control is also involved in context-dependent by others as “collapsing in a heap”. The differential diag-
adaptation, and avoidance of obstacles (Drew, 1993). nosis includes disorders such as syncope, orthostatic
The importance of cerebral control of gait and bal- hypotension, akinetic seizures, and asterixis.
ance has been emphasized in recent studies of dual-task By contrast, in falls with retained muscle tone, the
walking. There is evidence to suggest that postural con- patient falls in a particular direction. In these falls, the
trol in the elderly deteriorates when older adults per- patient is often described as “toppling like a falling
form a secondary dual task whilst walking (Beauchet tree”. When eliciting the history, it should be distin-
et al., 2009). The deterioration is even more pro- guished whether the patient experiences “near-falls”
nounced in older individuals who have previously fallen (falling with a late or inadequate compensatory postural
(Chen et al., 1996; Lajoie et al., 1996a; Woollacott and response) or consistently falls to the ground. The latter
Shumway-Cook, 2002). A recent study examined the would suggest that the patient has inadequate postural
relationship of dual-task walking to cognition in two defense. Some toppling falls occur as the patient seems
groups of elderly individuals (those who have fallen to lose equilibrium standing still. This type of fall most
and those who have not) compared to healthy young commonly occurs in progressive supranuclear palsy
adults. The performance of dual tasks decreased gait (PSP) or thalamic and putaminal astasia (Masdeu and
speed in all groups. However, swing time variability (a Gorelick, 1988; Labadie et al., 1989). Falls that occur
measure of dynamic balance) was increased in the with change of momentum (gait initiation, stopping,
elderly falling group. Furthermore, executive function or turning) are more characteristic of parkinsonism. In
(as measured by the Stroop and Go-NoGo tests) was these types of falls there may be little or no evidence
more impaired in the falling group (Springer et al., of effort to resist the fall. This is unlike patients with
2006). This may suggest that loss of frontal subcortical cerebellar disease who, although lacking equilibrium,
pathways, important in executive function, may also tend to make protective efforts to arrest falls.
impact gait and postural control. Tripping falls occur due to the failure to clear the
support surface, the foot catching on irregularities or
CLASSIFICATION obstructions on the surface. Most commonly forward
falls, they result from foot drop, spasticity, or parkin-
Introduction sonism. Tripping and slipping falls are common,
With a large network of neural systems involved in pos- and are sometimes referred to as mechanical falls.
tural control and locomotion, impairment can occur at Falls due to “freezing” occur when the patient’s feet
various different levels. Indeed, balance and gait disor- apparently stick to the floor while the center of mass
ders encountered in older people are heterogeneous and continues to move forward. Along similar lines, the
sometimes multifactorial. Neurologic disorders overlap steps of a festinating gait are too short to keep the
with arthritic and antalgic gaits. Failing gaits may patient’s feet under the moving center of mass. Both
appear fundamentally similar even when they are mech- types of falls result in the patient falling forward.
anistically different. The disorder of balance and gait Falls due to peripheral or central vestibular deficits
that is observed clinically is the product of a physiolog- may result from patients experiencing vertigo, or walking
ical abnormality modified by a compensatory response. in a challenging sensory environment. Falls that occur as a
Some features such as widened stance are non-specific, result of walking on uneven surfaces suggest inadequate
and represent biomechanical adaptations to improve sensory input for balance. This may be seen in peripheral
stability and efficiency. Classification of these disor- neuropathies and disease affecting the dorsal columns.
ders based on clinical history, physical examination, In sensory falls, patients tend to recognize their lack of
and gait observation is a difficult challenge. Nutt equilibrium and attempt to compensate before falling.
and Horak (2004) have proposed a classification of Finally, it has been suggested that non-patterned falls
common patterns of falls and gait disorders which may represent failure of attention and insight. This type
provides a helpful starting point. of fall may occur in dementing illnesses (Nutt and
Horak, 2004). Fall patterns are summarized in Table 45.1.
Fall patterns
Gait patterns
Information on falls is generally ascertained by clinical
history obtained from the patient or caregivers. Falls Neurologic disorders of gait can be classified based on:
due to loss of postural tone (termed collapsing falls) 1) common clinical syndromes, 2) underlying physiologic
should be distinguished from falls with retained tone. mechanisms, or 3) etiologic factors. Each classification
These falls are not always associated with loss of has its proponents and its limitations. Nutt (1998, 2001)
Table 45.1 The major difficulty with this approach is that the
Fall patterns criteria for the five highest-level gait disorders are
somewhat arbitrary and are not always uniformly
Fall pattern Common causes applied. The categories do not correlate well with etio-
logic diagnosis, and may change in the same patient
1. Collapsing falls (loss of Syncope, orthostatic over time.
muscle tone) hypotension, akinetic Classification of gait disorders based on etiology is
seizures, negative practical (Sudarsky, 2001). Indeed, etiologic diagnosis is
myoclonus the first step in therapeutic intervention. Neurologic eval-
2. Toppling falls uation of 50 patients over 65 with an undiagnosed neuro-
(maintained muscle Progressive supranuclear
logic disorder of gait was successful at identifying the
tone) palsy (PSP)
Falling while standing Parkinsonism
principal etiologic factor in 85% of cases. Treatable
Falling with change Cerebellar disease disorders were identified in 25% (Sudarsky and Ronthal,
of position 1983). However, this system is not easily applied to older
Weaving from side to patients with higher-level gait disorders, or patients with
side until fall more advanced disability. Sometimes an etiology is not
3. Tripping Foot drop known and cannot be established, or the disorder is
Parkinsonism clearly multifactorial.
Spasticity Efforts have been made to incorporate the strengths
4. Freezing Parkinsonism of each system into a single framework, or to develop a
Normal pressure hybrid system to be of practical use for the clinician
(Jankovic et al., 2001; Sudarsky, 2004). Some of the
Frontal lobe disease
Multi-infarct state
common patterns of failing gait in the elderly are
5. Sensory falls (falling in Vestibular disorders described below and summarized in Table 45.2.
specific environments Peripheral neuropathy
or with concurrent Table 45.2
sensory symptoms)
6. Non-patterned Attentional or insight Gait patterns
failure (dementia)
Gait pattern Differential diagnosis
Adapted from Nutt JG, Horak FB (2004). Classification of balance
and gait disorders. In: AM Bronstein, T Brandt, M Woollacott, et al. 1. Cautious gait Common in the elderly, non-specific,
(Eds), Clinical Disorders of Balance, Posture and Gait. Hodder & multifactorial
Stoughton, London, pp. 63–73. Subcortical white matter
2. Stiff-legged Parkinsonism
has proposed a classification of gait disorders into eight gait Dystonia
groups based on clinical characteristics: cautious, weak, Stroke, multi-infarct state
stiff, ataxic, veering, freezing, marche à petits pas, and 3. Freezing gait Parkinsonism
bizarre. The advantage of this syndrome-based approach Normal pressure hydrocephalus
is that it lends itself to observational analysis, and is Frontal lobe disease
Multi-infarct state
easily understood and applied. It tends to cluster together
4. Frontal gait Multi-infarct state
cases that share a similar physiologic mechanism, though 5. Dystonic gait Focal or generalized dystonia
many complex cases are not easily handled. 6. Cerebellar gait Cerebellar lesions
A physiologic, systems-based approach has also 7. Sensory ataxia Peripheral neuropathies of various
been proposed (Nutt et al., 1993). In this model, gait causes
disorders are categorized into three levels. The lowest- 8. Psychogenic ‘Fear of falling’ gait (seen in the
level gait disorders include those due to arthritis, neuro- gait elderly; demonstrate abnormal gait
muscular disease, and sensory loss. Middle-level gait with an exaggerated compensatory
disorders include hemiplegic gait, cerebellar gait, and response)
the extrapyramidal syndromes. The highest-level gait Psychogenic disorders
disorders (common in the elderly) are subdivided
Adapted from Nutt JG, Horak FB (2004). Classification of balance
further into five categories: cautious gait, subcortical and gait disorders. In: AM Bronstein, T Brandt, M Woollacott, et al.
disequilibrium, frontal disequilibrium, isolated gait igni- (Eds), Clinical Disorders of Balance, Posture and Gait. Hodder &
tion failure (i.e., pure freezing gait), and frontal gait. Stoughton, London, pp. 63–73.
CAUTIOUS GAIT problem on one occasion but not the next. Freezing is
often overcome with the aid of sensory cues; visual
In their landmark paper on higher-level gait disorders,
cues may be particularly effective.
Nutt and colleagues (1993) introduced the concept
Freezing of gait is particularly common in Parkinson’s
of the “cautious gait”. The pattern of reduced stride,
disease; the frequency increases with disease duration,
wider base, and shorter swing phase with preservation
motor disability, and duration of levodopa treatment
of rhythmic stepping is an adaptation to perceived
(Giladi et al., 2001). Freezing of gait was reported in
imbalance. Older people commonly adopt a guarded
26% of Parkinson’s patients at the 14-month endpoint
or cautious pattern of locomotion in order to achieve
of the DATATOP study (Giladi et al., 2001), and in
better stability (Murray et al., 1969). While this pattern
25% of patients at 3–4 years in the ropinirole 056 study
of gait is non-specific, more characteristic features of
(Rascol et al., 2000). In patients with motor fluctuations,
an underlying neurologic deficit may emerge over time.
gait freezing is most often observed during off time.
The cautious gait may be the most common higher-level
“Off period” gait freezing may respond to an upward
gait disorder.
adjustment or redistribution of anti-parkinsonian medi-
This term is sometimes used to describe the appre-
cation. “On period” gait freezing is more difficult to
hensive elderly patient with recent falls, who walks
treat with medication, and responds best to rehabilita-
with the arms abducted, clutching at walls and furni-
tion-based interventions. Falls due to freezing occur
ture, as if walking on a slippery surface (Murphy and
when the patient’s center of mass continues to move
Isaacs, 1982). A better description for this phenomenon
forward while the feet remain in place. Cueing to
is the pathologically cautious or phobic gait. It is
lengthen stride seems to be the most productive strategy
particularly amenable to rehabilitation therapies.
(Rubinstein et al., 2002).
Gait freezing also occurs in patients with other neu-
rodegenerative parkinsonian disorders. In one study,
A variety of stiff-legged gaits are observed among freezing of gait was present in 24% of patients with
patients with strokes, demyelinating disease, spinal dis- atypical Parkinson’s at the time of presentation (Muller
orders, and cerebral palsy. However, spastic gait is not et al., 2002). A syndrome of primary progressive freez-
a unitary disorder. Although there is an element of ing gait (“pure gait ignition failure”) has been
spasticity in all these conditions, there are distinct pat- described. (Achiron et al., 1993; Atchison et al., 1993).
terns of abnormal locomotion (Mayer et al., 2001). Factor and coworkers reported on the natural history
There may be inappropriate flexion at the hip or knee. of 30 patients with primary progressive freezing gait
Some patients have adductor spasm, with circumduc- who were not levodopa-responsive. Most developed
tion and scissoring. Equinovarus is another common falls within 3 years and lost independent ambulation
pattern. With progressed disease, toe-walking may be in 5 years (Factor et al., 2002). Subsequent long-term
seen. The shoes of a patient often reflect uneven wear. follow-up suggests that patients with this presentation
Intervention with botulinum toxin, nerve block, or sur- ultimately evolve into a recognizable neurodegenerative
gery may be successful if the intervention is appropri- disorder, and that primary progressive freezing gait is
ately targeted (O’Brien, 2001). not a distinct morbid entity (Factor et al., 2006).


Freezing of gait was first described by Charcot (1877) in The frontal gait is a combination of impaired stepping
patients with Parkinson’s disease. It is a distinctive (shuffling, freezing gait) and some degree of disequi-
phenomenon with arrests of movement (motor blocks), librium. A major cause of this phenomenon is cerebro-
usually brief, often occurring with gait initiation or vascular disease, and it is commonly seen in older
when the patient turns to change direction. Motor patients. Small-vessel disease involving the basal gang-
blocks during gait initiation are sometimes termed start lia and periventricular white matter is the most frequent
hesitation or “gait ignition failure”. There may be a underlying abnormality. The anatomic basis for the
series of quick, ineffective stepping movements with phenomenon is presumed to involve the disconnection
side-to-side shifting of weight, without forward of the cortical motor areas from the basal ganglia and
engagement (“slipping clutch syndrome”). Locomotor brainstem locomotor centers. White matter lesions
movements are then normal or near normal once the within this network produce a gait disorder in patients
patient is in motion, but freezing may return as the with hypertensive cerebrovascular disease and patients
patient turns or attempts to navigate the door threshold. with hydrocephalus. Other somewhat imprecise terms
There is variability, in that the same doorway may be a such as lower body Parkinsonism (FitzGerald and
Jankovic, 1989) and gait apraxia (Meyer and Barron, exhibit imbalance when they turn or change direction.
1960) have been used to describe the phenomenon in Control of gait and balance is localized within the
the literature. cerebellum to the midline structures, including the
Thompson and Marsden (1987) characterized the efferent pathways of the interposed and fastigial nuclei
gait disorder in 12 patients with subcortical arterioscle- (Thach et al., 1992; Thach and Bastian, 2004; Schoch
rotic encephalopathy (Binswanger’s disease), based on et al., 2006).
observational analysis of the patients’ chair rise and Kinematic studies in cerebellar patients confirm the
gait (Thompson and Marsden, 1987). Elble and collea- features described above. The essential physiologic abnor-
gues (1996) studied the physiology of gait initiation mality is irregular stepping – increased variability of
in five patients with vascular disease (lower body timing, direction, and amplitude (Ebersbach et al., 1999).
Parkinsonism). The basic architecture of the first step Palliyath and coworkers (1998) have noted a reduced veloc-
was preserved in these patients, though steps were ity and stride length in 10 patients with cerebellar degener-
irregular and sometimes aborted. Postural shifts neces- ation. Analysis of movements about the knee and ankle
sary to initiate forward movement were not effectively joints revealed poor intra-limb coordination, indicating a
generated (Elble et al., 1996; Ebersbach et al., 1999). decomposition of multi-joint movement. Other character-
The major avenue of treatment for the frontal gait istic features included reduced dorsiflexion of the ankle
disorder of subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy at the onset of the swing phase, which might predispose
is physical therapy. Iansek and colleagues (2001) trained to tripping (Palliyath et al., 1998). Studies by Horak and
patients with frontal gait using a paradigm of balance Diener (1994) show that postural responses in cerebellar
training, attentional cues, and stride lengthening. patients have a normal latency, but are hypermetric in
force, contributing to truncal titubation. Patients often fall
DYSTONIC GAIT in a direction opposite to the force by which they were
perturbed (Horak and Diener, 1994).
Dystonia has a variety of causes, and can produce
Patients with alcoholic cerebellar degeneration,
unusual and sometimes bizarre disorders of gait. Walking
which affects primarily the midline vermis, often have
and running may be differentially affected; dystonia may
a gait ataxia out of proportion to findings in the
disappear when walking backwards. In younger patients
oculomotor system and limbs. Although there are no
with generalized dystonia, there may be torsion of the
neuropathological data to support the concept of age-
trunk, and the twisted posture of the lower body may
related cerebellar degeneration, it is clear that healthy
make walking difficult altogether.
older subjects have more difficulty performing tasks
The most common focal disorder is dystonic inversion
such as one-limb stance and tandem gait.
at the ankle, sometimes associated with extension of the
great toe. Dystonic toe flexion also occurs, as do more
complex proximal lower limb dystonias. Focal dystonia SENSORY ATAXIA
is sometimes amenable to botulinum toxin injection,
Locomotor ataxia was described in the nineteenth cen-
provided that the active muscles can be successfully iden-
tury in patients with tabetic neurosyphilis. Such patients
tified and targeted (O’Brien, 2001). Dystonic flexion of
are visually dependent in their walking, and do poorly in
the thoracolumbar spine (camptocormia) has been identi-
the dark. Features that distinguish sensory ataxia from
fied in patients with Parkinson’s disease. It is activated as
cerebellar are summarized in Table 45.3. Although there
the patient stands to walk, and remits when lying supine,
is redundancy of sensory information about the position
which helps distinguish the disorder from contracture
of the body in space during locomotion, humans are
(Nieves et al., 2001).
particularly dependent on proprioception. Patients with
peripheral neuropathy affecting large fibers are at a
substantially increased risk for falls (Richardson et al.,
Gordon Holmes characterized the gait ataxia in studies 1992). Causes of a predominantly ataxic neuropathy in
of patients with penetrating head injury (Holmes, 1922). clinical practice include vincristine and cisplatin chemo-
Cerebellar disease produces imbalance (disequilibrium) therapy, cobalamin deficiency, paraproteinemia, and
and a distinct locomotor disorder. The gait is often slow subacute sensory neuropathy, which may be autoim-
and halting, with a widened base of support. Stepping is mune or paraneoplastic (Sabin, 1997).
irregular, which results in a lurching quality as the Several studies have examined the impact of propri-
upper body segments struggle to maintain alignment. oceptive deficits on postural control and gait. Horak
The patient may stumble or veer off to the side. Truncal (2001) has demonstrated increased body sway during
instability is more pronounced when attempting to walk stance, and displacement of the center of mass while
on a narrow base, or tandem, heel to toe. Patients also walking in patients with diabetic neuropathy. In order
Table 45.3
Clinical distinction of ataxic and unsteady gaits

Cerebellar ataxia Sensory ataxia Frontal gait

Stance Wide-based Looks down Wide-based

Velocity Variable Slow Very slow
Stride Irregular, lurching High-stepping Short, shuffling
Romberg þ/ Unsteady, falls þ/
Heel!shin Abnormal þ/ Normal
Initiation Normal Normal Hesitant
Turns Veers away þ/ Hesitant, fragmented
Postural instability þ þþþ þþþþ
Poor postural synergies
Falls Uncommon Frequent Frequent

to compensate for excess motion of the center of mass, slow motion may occur, as if the patient were walking
patients alter lateral step placement. Somatosensory through a viscous substance. Uneconomical postures
information derived from fingertip contact with a sta- with wastage of muscular effort are another classic
ble object (haptic information) can help with balance example. Dramatic fluctuations may occur over min-
compensation (Horak, 2001). Lajoie and colleagues utes, which is unusual for patients with neurologic
(1996b) have reported kinematic studies in a patient disease. Observation and distraction may activate or
with advanced sensory neuropathy, who had absent suppress the findings. A video atlas has been published
proprioception in the limbs by clinical measures. by Hayes and colleagues (1999), which elaborates on
Compensatory strategies that enabled locomotion to these criteria and notes some diagnostic pitfalls. Prog-
proceed in the absence of somatosensory feedback nosis is often good for those patients in whom the his-
were examined. A forward tilt was observed, with flex- tory is recent and the decompensation of walking is
ion of the neck such that the patient could monitor the acute. Dramatic cures are often possible in this setting
performance visually. EMG demonstrated co-activation (Keane, 1989). When psychogenic disorders of gait per-
of the vastus lateralis and medial hamstring during sist for 6 months or longer and become part of an
weight acceptance, effectively bracing the leg during established pattern of dependence and disability, it is
the stance phase (Lajoie et al., 1996b). often difficult to restore function (Bhatia, 2001).
Vestibular deficits can also impair control of the
head and center of mass during locomotion (Horak,
2001). Fife and Baloh (1993) found bilateral vestibular
deficits in 7 of 26 patients over 75 with disequilibrium Introduction
of uncertain cause. This syndrome is most often asso-
As described above, higher-level gait disorders are
ciated with a cautious gait and a feeling of unsteadiness
common in the elderly. With the increasing use of
in the elderly, as opposed to a gross sensory ataxia
neuroimaging in recent years, an effort has been made
(Kerber et al., 1998).
to better understand these gait disorders using radio-
graphic markers. Specifically, there has been consider-
able research on the relationship between balance and
Psychogenic disorders of gait occur at all ages, though gait abnormalities in the elderly and changes in CT or
caution should be used in making this diagnosis in the MRI (Baloh and Vinters, 1995; Baloh et al., 1995, 2003;
elderly (Hayes et al., 1999). Older people often exhibit Tell et al., 1998; Guttmann et al., 2000; Starr et al.,
a combination of physical disability and an exaggerated 2003). Even more recently, there has been developing
compensatory response, particularly if there is appre- interest in the relationship between balance and gait
hension and fear of falling. impairment and cognitive dysfunction and dementia in
Lempert and colleagues (1991) have characterized older individuals, in the hope of defining disease predic-
the recognition features which help identify psycho- tors as well as prognostic markers. Efforts have been
genic disorders of gait, from a review of video in 37 focused on both vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s
cases. The abnormalities are often distinctive. Extreme disease (Verghese et al., 2002; Scarmeas et al., 2005).
White matter disease aged over 75 years and free of dementia were evaluated.
Subjects’ gait was characterized as one of seven distinct
White matter hyperintensities (WMH) have been shown to
types (unsteady, hemiparetic, parkinsonian, ataxic,
be associated with impaired gait and balance in both cross-
frontal, spastic, neuropathic). During follow-up (median
sectional and prospective studies of healthy older indivi-
follow-up 6.6 years), there were 125 newly diagnosed
duals (Baloh and Vinters, 1995; Baloh et al., 1995, 2003;
cases of dementia (70 Alzheimer’s dementia, 47 vascular
Tell et al., 1998; Guttmann et al., 2000; Starr et al., 2003;
dementia, 8 other). Subjects with gait abnormalities had
Baezner et al., 2008; Silbert et al., 2008). This is presum-
an increased risk of developing vascular dementia (hazard
ably due to lesions of higher cortical tracts which interrupt
ratio [HR], 3.46; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.86–6.42)
pathways critical for gait and balance, although the precise
but not Alzheimer’s dementia (HR, 1.07; 95% CI, 0.57–
mechanism has not been defined. Baloh and colleagues
2.02). The types of abnormal gait which predicted vascular
(2003) prospectively followed 59 healthy subjects older
dementia were unsteady gait (HR, 2.61), frontal gait (HR,
than 75 years with serial gait and balance examinations
4.32) and hemiparetic gait (HR, 13.13).
in order to determine variables that predicted change in
gait and balance. Both severity and volume of white mat-
Poor outcome in Alzheimer’s disease
ter lesions were significantly correlated with functional
measures of gait and balance. WMH volume was shown In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the
to be a predictor of yearly change in Tinetti score in mul- relation between gait abnormalities and Alzheimer’s
tivariable stepwise regression analysis (Baloh et al., 2003). dementia. A recent study has examined the impact of
In the population-based Cardiovascular Health motor deficits on outcome of patients with early Alzhei-
Study, investigators found an association between slo- mer’s disease (AD) (Scarmeas et al., 2005). These inves-
wed gait speed and WMH (Rosano et al., 2005). They tigators evaluated and then followed 533 patients with
found that in 321 elderly individuals (mean age 78.3 early AD (score of  16 on Folstein Mini-Mental State
years), those with gait speed < 1.02 m/s were more likely Examination [MMSE]) every 6 months (mean follow-up
to have severe grade of WMH (as evaluated by a semi- 3 years). Using a standardized portion of the Unified Par-
quantitative scale). Furthermore, in another recent kinson’s Disease Rating Scale, the presence of motor
report from this study, worsening white matter lesions signs (including posture and gait abnormalities) were
in 1919 participants undergoing two MRI scans sepa- assessed. The outcomes assessed were in four domains:
rated by 5 years predicted decreased gait speed on fol- a cognitive endpoint (MMSE  10/30), a functional end-
low-up examination (p<0.036) (Longstreth et al., 2005). point (Blessed Dementia Rating Scale  10), an institu-
White matter lesions in the brainstem have also tionalization equivalent index, and death. Those
recently been shown to impact balance function in older individuals with posture and gait abnormalities were
individuals. Starr and coworkers (2003) analyzed gait found to be at increased risk for institutionalization
speed and balance and their relationship to clinical vari- (RR, 1.70; 95% CI, 1.16–2.49) and death (RR, 1.56; 95%
ables and WMH in 97 healthy elderly. In multivariable CI, 1.17–2.06) after adjustment for covariates including
analysis, only brainstem WMHs were associated with initial functional and cognitive impairment, age, and edu-
impaired balance in their population (Starr et al., 2003). cation. Interestingly, posture and gait abnormalities in
More recently, in a cross-sectional analysis 639 older these AD patients were not associated with an increased
individuals in the Leukoaraiosis and Disability (LADIS) risk of poor cognitive or functional outcome.
study, severity of white matter lesions was also found to
significantly impact gait speed and balance (p<0.001 CONCLUSIONS
for both comparisons) (Baezner et al., 2008).
Age- and disease-related changes in the central and
This finding is consistent with physiologic studies
peripheral nervous system result in balance and gait
that have shown that interruption of brainstem tracts
impairment in elderly individuals. Over time, this
can affect postural control and gait.
impairment can result in falls and injury, with signifi-
cant associated morbidity and mortality.
Predictor of vascular dementia
A systematic approach should be employed in the
Disorders of gait are a well-known presenting feature of evaluation of balance and gait problems in older indivi-
vascular dementias (Rosen et al., 1980; Roman, 1987; Chui duals. This should include methodical testing of both
et al., 1992). As gait abnormalities are often present at the patient posture and gait. Fall and disequilibrium pat-
onset of these dementias, Verghese and colleagues (2002) terns should be recorded. Similarly, characterization
examined whether they may be a predictor of vascular of patient gait pattern should be made. Imaging and
dementia. In this community-based study, 422 subjects laboratory testing may be of benefit in certain cases.
Intervention should be focused on an effort to iden- of old more than young adults. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med
tify treatable disorders. Programs to improve postural Sci 51: M116–M1122.
control and muscle strength, and reduce the risk of fall Chui HC, Victoroff JI, Margolin D et al. (1992). Criteria for
injury have been used with some success, even in frail the diagnosis of ischemic vascular dementia proposed by
the State of California Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnostic
seniors (Fiatarone et al., 1994; Tinetti et al., 1994). A
and Treatment Centers. Neurology 42: 473–480.
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