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Are you nervous when speaking in public? There are some ways to develop confidence speaking.

you should prepare well. Know what you are going to say and why you want to say it.Second, you ought
to practice. For example,talk to your family or in the mirror. Then ask them to comment on your
speaking. Never memorize your speech and say it word to word. Remember the main points. Imagine
that you are explaining things to your friends. Third, you should connect with your audience. Such as
looking in their eyes or asking them questions about your talk. When your audience sides with you, your
job as a speaker becomes easier. Finally, act confident. People can not see how nervous you are. So do
not show them. Smile and stick your chest out. Look confident, even if you do not feel it.Follow the
previous simple steps and you will be more confident in talking in front of the crowd.

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