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Victory Elijah Christian College

Philosophy -MIDTERM Test


I. True or False
1. Philosophy investigates things, not by using any laboratory instruments or investigate tools,
neither on the basis of supernatural revelation, otherwise it becomes theology.
2. Anthropologist study human beings in relation with the society.
3. Philosopher studies human beings, society, religion, language, God and plants; among
other concern.
4. Educational challenge in the 21st century entails how to deal appropriately with cultural
and racial multiplicity and that one does not engaged in harassment of any form.
5. Linguists limits themselves with language.
6. Many of the most vital issues of philosophy are still disputed and have unsettled questions
7. In our everyday attempts to understand the world in terms of appearance to a reality, we
try to make things comprehensible by simplifying or reducing mass of things we call
appearance to a relatively fewer number of things we call reality.
8. Socrates was the teacher of Plato.
9. Reality is the same as ideal.
10. Plato calls the realities as ideas of forms.
11. Ethics is generally a study of the nature of moral judgements.
12. According to Socrates, to be happy, a person has to live a virtuous life.
13. Reasoning is the concern of the logician.
14. Aristotle was the first philosopher to advise a logical method.
15. Aesthetics helps us to live more deeply and richly.
16. Conversation and understanding involve coming to a misagreement.
17. Loob, Filipino Philosophy of Time, and Bahala Na, are attitudes and values constitutes the
hidden springs of the Filipino mind.
18. Filipino time was mistakenly interpreted as always delayed in the committed time of
19. Abundance is not a choice.
20. We cannot truly live without material considerations, but externals are not all there are;
values, for instance, matter.

II. Answer the questions.

1. What is Philosophy? And its significance in your life.
2. What is “holism”?Explain.
3. Give at least 5 positive and 5 negative Filipino traits or values. Explain each.
4. What virtues do you value most is it wisdom?
5. Who is Socrates? Plato? Aristotle?
6. What is the difference between ideal and reality?
7. Explain the importance of logic and critical thinking.
8. List the different methods of Philosophy and choose a specific method that is the most
meaningful for you.
9. How truth and opinion differ?
10. Define freedom.
Victory Elijah Christian College
Philosophy -FINALS Test


Reasoning Practical Epistemol Logike

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Aristotle Aesthetic Plato

s To overflow
ethics Abundare

I. Complete the missing words in the sentence.

1. Etymologically, the word____________ comes from the two Greek words,
philo, meaning____________ and Sophia, meaning____________.
2. For Socrates, to be happy, a person has to live a _____________ lifr.
3. _______________is generally a study of nature of moral judgments.
4. _____________deals with nature, sources, limitations and validity of
5. The term ____________comes from the Greek word___________and was
coined by Zeno, the Stoic.
6. _______was the first philosopher to devise a logical method.
7. __________is the science of the beautiful in its various manifestations
including the sublime, comic, tragic, pathetic, and ugly.
8. Abundance comes from the latin term, ___________ meaning to
9. Socrates most famous student.
10. ____________means that one does not only know the rules right living,
but one liver them.
II. True or False
1. The spirit of modern philosophy is an outburst of discovery.
2. Aesthetics brings us in touch with our culture.
3. Rationalism and empiricism both of humanity in all sorts of conditions.
4. To experience aesthetics, means whatever experience was relevance to
art, whether the experience be that of the creative artist or of
5. Philosophy plays not important role in our lives.
6. Philosophy investigates things, not by using any laboratory instruments or
investigate tools, neither on the basic of supernatural revelation, otherwise
it becomes theology.
7. Anthropologists study human being, society.
8. Philosopher study human beings, society, religion, language. God and
plants, among other concern.
9. Educational challenge in the 21st century entails how to deal
appropriately with cultural and racial multiplicity and that one does not
engage in harassment of any form.
10. Linguists limits themselves with language.
11. Many of the most vital issues of philosophy are still disputed and have
unsettled question today.
12. In our everyday attempts to understand the world in terms of
appearance to a relatively on fewer number of things we call reality.
13. Socrates was the Teacher of Plato.
14. Reality is the same as ideas of forms.
15. Plato calls the realities as ideas of forms.
16. Ethics is generally a study of the nature of moral judgments.
17. According to Socrates, to be happy, a person has to live a virtuous
18. Reasoning is the concern of the logician.
19. Aristotle was the first philosopher to advise a logical method.
20. Aesthetics helps us to live more deeply and richly.
21. Conversation and understanding involve coming to a disagreement.
22. Look, Filipino Philosophy of Time, and Bahala Na, are attitudes and
values constitutes the hidden springs of the Filipino mind.
23. Filipino time was mistakenly interpreted as always delayed in the
committed time of arrival.
24. Abundance is not a choice.
25. We cannot truly live without material considerations, but externals
are not all there are; values for instance matter.
26. Thales of Miletus was a pre- Socratro Greek philosopher,
mathematician and according to him the most difficult thing in life is to
know yourself.
27. The past is certain, the future is not obscure.
28. The philosophy of Confucius is known as Taoism.
29. One of the social teachings of Confucius is “Be simple in manner and
slow in speech”.
30. .Aristotle view of a logical and beautifully organized world governed
by intelligences according to interest logical.

III. Answer the question.

1. Define Philosophy and its significance in our lives.
2. Explain “holism”?
3. What is the difference differ?
4. How truth and opinion differ?
5. Define freedom?
6. Give at least 5 negative & 5 positive Filipino traits and valves. Explain
7. Define emotion?
8. In love and infatuation are the same?
9. In it always better to have more choices? Why?
10. In the mind the same as the brain or do we have souls?

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