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91000075260, a ‘SERIAL ng SSE/93/ aaa wreaths forar are Central Board of Secondary Hducation . ‘Saved eget ota, 1993 ALL: INDTA SECONDARY SCHOOL EXAMINATION, 1993 ii ae via fr ere eae HEMRAL. SINGH RAUTELA hit Roll No- Son (of Sori 2 Feu 4427395 RRREK DoS RAUTELA ‘born on. ‘ B 2 parece OND GURY MIME TEEN HUNDRED AND SEVENTY SEVEN passed the Secondary School Examination of the Board hold in March, 1993 fraraa a from KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA IN .2 NAUSENAGAGH VISAG ALP. ) fe Pat 8 Et a= in the following subjects: T2ENGLISH \COURSE~A 2 HINDI COURSE-A 3 MATHEMATICS 4: SCIENCE WITH PRAC 5 WORK EXPERTENCE 6 PHYS HEALTH EDUCA.) 7 ART EDUCATION a Reve tat fete Dethi Controlter of Examinations ) its fra reat fer mt r Dated 94-06-1993 Central Board of Secondary Education 2 er Fry res Poe ah er @, we era eel A gree tren ser fora Bo : ‘ * against a subject indicates that the candidate passed in this subject at the ‘Compartmental examination.

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