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Success is Yours!

Dear Lord! How dearly You love me! Great is your love as You sacrificed
Yourself for me. I thank and praise You and love you with all my heart, my
soul and my mind. Lord, answer my prayer as I humbly come before Your
feet praying for the success of my examinations.

Lord, the Bible says that the horse is made ready for the day of battle, but
victory rests with the Lord! As I prepare for the exams, please give me the
treasures of wisdom and knowledge which lie in You. Give me a heart of
wisdom and understanding. Fill me with the special Spirit of Wisdom that
you gave Daniel so that he was ten times wiser than anyone.

Lord, You are a wonderful Counselor and magnificent in Your works! Give
me good counsel to prepare my lessons well for the examinations. Grant
me a sharp memory so that I can retain all that I have learned. As you were
with Joseph and made him successful, make me successful too.

Jesus, You have promised, ‘Surely I am with you always, to the very end of
the age; I will never leave you nor forsake you.’ Be with me during the time
of preparation and the writing of the exam. Help me remember what I have
studied and give me the grace to write the correct answers and complete
my exam within the stipulated time.

My Lord, victory, and honor come from you, and only You can exalt people
to greater heights. Grant me, Your child, success, honor, and distinction in
all the examinations. I believe I am victorious because of Jesus Christ who
loves me and to whom belongs the victory. I know that victory is mine! I
thank you for all that You are going to do in my life. I pray in the name of
Jesus, O Father, Amen.

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