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Nathan Halsey

Climate change is the most important global challenge that affects every living thing on

this planet and could cost them a lot.The United Nations has this goal because the public needs to

be aware of climate change and act now to stop it. Society needs to be aware that climate change

is indeed happening and people should do everything to stop it. On the UN’s website it stated

“Climate change is affecting every country on every continent.It is disrupting national economies

and affecting lives, costing people, communities and countries dearly today and even more

tomorrow.” (“Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts”). This is

costing everyone a lot today, but even more tomorrow. Also it not only affecting individuals, but

whole communities. This could create a massacre because if some of the things people rely on

like a farm, could be destroyed and create a rippling effect. It states from the UN’s Website

“Weather patterns are changing, sea levels are rising, weather events are becoming more extreme

and greenhouse gas emissions are now at their highest levels in history” (“Goal 13: Take urgent

action to combat climate change and its impacts”). This means that people could lose their house

from the ocean or dangerous weather and this could destroy things people rely on like gas or

crops. This obviously is showing that communities and societies could collapse and lead to more

issues.This goal effects every other goal in a negative way so if society wants to end all others

things they need to end climate change. In the future kids might have to look at wildlife in a book

others got to see in person. Society needs to take urgent action so this will never become reality.

Goal 13, climate change, is the most important because it not only affecting someone today , but

it will affect everyone later.

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