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The Jolson Story[1946]DVDrip DivX [Eng]

DVD Covers Included

Let me sing a funny song, with crazy words that roll along, and if my song can make
you happy, I'm happy.....I'm happy....." Al Jolson sang those words of the song, '
Let me sing and I'm happy,' in the opening of The Jolson Story, words that
epitomized the passion and energy in his music. The Jolson Story does a magnificent
job in giving us a taste of Jolson's magic that spellbound America in the twenties
and early thirties, most of his songs are in the show, April Showers, Swanee,
Mammy, California Here I Come and , the incomparable, The Anniversary Song, sang as
only Jolson can. And, due to some enterprising technology at the time we also hear
more of his voice in the Movie that perhaps his fans did in those days with Film
Studio microphones capturing and accentuating a deep resonance that is solely
Jolson's. The Film doesn't attempt to factually explore his life, although we do
get a chance to see some truths of the relationship with his real life wife, Ruby
Keeler, who in the Movie was known as Julie Benson, played by Evelyn Keys.
Interesting to note was the fact that Columbia Pictures, who released the Movie
failed to give Warner Bros.the Film company responsible for giving Jolson the role
in The Jazz Singer, any recognition whatsoever, presenting further evidence of the
Producer's and Jolson's desire to give us some entertainment, as opposed to a
lesson in history. And, entertained we are, as Larry Parks, with his unbelievable
miming to Jolson's songs......apart from a cameo from Jolson singing
Swanee....takes us from Vaudeville days in the twenties with all Jolson's great
songs and routines, to his semi retirement in the thirties. The Jolson Story is a
wonderful experience, full of songs we still sing today more than fifty years after
they were released, and sung by the man most of us remember as the greatest
entertainer of them all......Al Jolson

Jolson Sings Again. To be uploaded shortly.

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