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Lark Murry

Jesus; The Mighty God

John 1:14

Robert De-Nobeli was a foreign missionary to India in the year 1605. When he
came to India he adopted fully India cultures in every possibility to live exactly
like Indian. He was a contextual pioneer in his time.

“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory,
glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth” (ESV).

“And” – and is a joining word to make a complete sense or to give a full picture
of the preceding text. The word „and‟ holds the entire message of this chapter or
the whole book of Gospel John, because it connected the previous verses/all that
words that has been spoken.

“The Word” the entire world or everything under the sun is created through
this Word. There is nothing that was made without the Word, for it was there
from the beginning. The Word was already existed even before anything. How
do we know that? In verse 1 says “in the beginning was the Word ____ with
God ___ and was God”. Since it was already there in the beginning with God,
God created through the Word. In verse 3 says “all things were made thought
Him”. In the book of Genesis 1:1 says “In the beginning God created the heaven
and the earth” but here the Word exists even before the heaven and the earth,
the infinite one – uncreated one.

In verse 3 of Genesis 1 God said “let there be light and there was and the light”
which was made through the Word (this Word). And with this we see a flawless
picture that through this Word everything was made of what it says in verse 3
“All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made
that was made” (John 1:3). God decided to create to fill the world for Him and
by Him.
The Word “became flesh” the Word is the creator of all in all that is under the
sun and now that Word, the creator has become flesh. When we say flesh, it
means touchable, physical which can feel of pain, sorrow, suffering, sadness,
emotional etc. The one who is infinite has become finite. He is the uncreated
being and invisible God but He became visible being “He is the image of the
invisible God” (Col 1:15). Here the Word refers to Jesus Christ which means
God became as one of us. God incarnated to human form. The Word did not
become a man like Adam before the fall; for he was made in “the likeness of
sinful flesh” that he condemned sin in the flesh (Romans 8:3).

Christ was there even before everything existed not because that He has a
beginning but He is eternal “He was with God” (John 1:1). And that eternal
God came to us to show us who He was and is. The word of God justifies that
“no one has ever seen God, the only God ___ but He has made us known”
(John 1:18). Christ is in control of everything. Christ is the Creator of all. He‟s
omnipresence God. He‟s Omnipotent and in His awesome power God himself
makes us known.

“Dwell among us” Christ is beyond our imagination because He‟s God and no
one can compare His power, beauty and faithfulness now and forever. He‟s the
Almighty God with full of glory, and the glory is so powerful that we cannot
face or stand before his glory, e.g. Moses face was shining when he came down
from Sinai after meeting God so people put vial to cover their face until Moses
speech was over (Ex 34:29-35). Since a finite can‟t be compared with infinite
God, so He made himself humble and chose to live among us. It was not just a
name Jesus Christ who grew up in Nazareth, one day decided he was God, but
rather the Word who was with God and was God gave up the glory through He
was there before the world existed (John 17:5). He emptied Himself in that He
took the form of slave by becoming like human beings (Phil 2:7).
It is the fullness of grace and truth. “Full of grace and truth”. This does not
mean that His own life was filled with grace and truth, but that he is the Author
of these two blessings, as we see in ver. 17 that “grace and truth” are said to
have come “through Jesus Christ”.

Grace is the revelation of God’s love (1 John 4:8, 16), and the gospel of Christ
is full of grace to lost sinners of mankind.

Truth is the revelation of God’s light (1 John 1:5), for Christ made known to
us the way of acceptance and salvation.

Why He choose to live among us by leaving all His heavenly glory?

He doesn‟t come to condemn us but He came down to work with us that us may
overcome the world. He chose to show us how much He loves us and has care
for us. Since from the beginning we failed to understand God‟s love because we
don‟t even try to understand how much He loves us. So Christ came down from
a far to our level. He came for us as one among you. He came to help us to let
you come out from where we are now – to give us light, to set us free and to
give us life.

He came to enlighten us through the life that is in Him. In Him was life and the
life was the light of man. In Him alone we can be shone or enlightened.

Christ is the mighty God and with that mighty power He came to our level that
we may live. He came down to where you are i.e. addiction, sinner, smoker, etc
that to take you out from that life, a life that you had been slave under your old
being. He came down into your darkness that you may able to overcome the
darkness in Him.

The word of God says that “He came to his own people and his own people did
not receive Him, but those who received him He made the right to become the
children of God” (John 1:12). His people: we are created in his own image
(Gen 1:27) _____ Children of God: means those who have an intimate
relationship with God, doing exactly what the word of God demands/says,
obeying and following in actions. All are not counted children of God but only
those who believe in Christ.

The reason of God coming into this word is to show us who He is by being one
among us. In Him, there‟s life, a life can make you to range with Him. In Him
there‟s peace, a peace which the world can‟t give. In Him there‟s joy, a joy that
give us smile and can make our face shines. In Him there‟s healing, the healer
who can heal all our wounds in and out. In Him there‟s light, the true light that
give us light on our path. In Him there‟s freedom, once He set us free, we will
be free in deed.

Why are you sad? Is there no one that you can share your problems you are
going through? Is that your burden is too heavy that you can‟t handle? Why you
keep groaning in your heart for your situations? What troubles your heart? He
knows your problems and pain. He came to stand beside you when you feel like
no one. He came to give you rest from your devastations with his peace. So
would you not go and share to Him all that troubles your heart. Go to Him, He
came for you and He‟s calling “come to me all who labour and are heavy laden
and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28). The mighty God who created the
universe has come down to help you.

With all his mighty powers He came down searching for you. He came to make
you his own child while you are feeling you are alone no one to share; He came
longing our willing heart to make a room for Him. So give a place in your heart
while the Saviour is longing/waiting you. He Came to save so be saved by
becoming His own Child. Go with all your afflictions and find rest in Him.

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