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by Diana Sammataro and Alphonse Avitabile
Foreword by E. C. Martin
Illustrations by Diana Sammataro and Jan Propst


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So many people, students, teachers, and relatives alike contributed so much to make
this book possible that we could not possibly list them all. However, the following
people are acknowledged for their physical, spiritual, intellectual, and financial support
in ,the creation and production of this effort. We love you all for what you gave and
are humbled when all we can saysay is thank you.
Special thanks to Linda Stafford for her skillful editing of the manuscript, to Jan
Propst for her fine drawings, and Carol Conkey for preparing an excellent index.

Ruth Avitabile Paul Propst

Josephine Bologna Jan Raad
Ron Conkey nick and Jinny Ryan
William Howison Joe and Nelva Sammataro
John Kasinskas Margaret Santaro
Rob and Dorothy Kennedy Milton Savos
Paul and Lois LaRue Kathryn Sedo
Dolly Ann Martin Dick and Chip Spear
John and Gwen Nystuen Doug and Grace Truax 0 1978 by Diana Sammataro and
Anthon Pedersen Alphonse Avitabile
All rights reserved
Published by Peach Mountain Press, ltd.,
Dexter, Michigan
Library of Congress Catalog Card
No. 78-54266
ISBN O-931850-00-2 cloth
ISBN O-931 850-01-o paper
Manufactured in the United States
of America

A steadily growing interest in bee- but there is an almost universal complaint open a hive, examine a few combs, diag-
keeping has been evident during the that beginners’ books are not sufficiently nose the needs of the colony, and perform
1970s. This has been partly stimulated explicit. This book is designed basically the appropriate manipulations needed to
by increases in the price of honey during for beginners. It will not only give you keep the colony progressing towards
the 1970s and some people have started a good understanding of the life history maximum production. When that day
beekeeping with the idea that they could and behavior of bees, but it also tells arrives, you will be a beekeeper. Bee-
make a profit from it. But more have you how to manage bees, how to control keeping isn’t simple, but if it intrigues
been caught up in what I think is a very their diseases, how to remove and pro- you, stay with it. It will take three or
commendable trend. They want to work cess honey, and many other “how-to-do- four seasons before you feel that you
in a garden to produce their own vege- it” aspects. It also discusses reasons, ad- are definitely mastering the art. Even
tables, to raise goats to produce their vantages, and disadvantages of carrying out the most experienced beekeepers con-
own milk, or keep bees to produce their major hive manipulations. This is good. tinue to learn new ways each season.
very own delicious honey. This is part It will cause you to think and ponder If this book starts you securely on
of a yearning to do something that and more fully understand what beekeep- your way, it will be one of the impor-
brings us closer to nature, to get away ing is all about. There is a good section tant investments of your life. As you
from the machines and computers and on life history and behavior of bees, and progress, join a beekeepers association,
ti:e synthetic quality of much of mod- don’t underestimate the need to under- subscribe to one or two bee journals,
ern life, to experience the thrill of pro- stand bees and their natural behavior if continue to build your beekeeping library,
ducing something from the earth. Along you are to learn how to manage them. and become part of a great fraternity.
with this has come an interest in pre- Honey bees are still wild creatures, in
serving the many wild, beautiful, natural spite of their long association with man. E. C. Martin
aspects of our environment, a feeling Much of beekeeping consists of modify- Agricultural Research Service
that these things are important if we are ing the natural behavior of bees to ac- Beltsville, Maryland
to maintain our world as a piace worth complish our purposes.
living in. Beginners, naturally, want to be
Beginning beekeepers usual!y told precisely what to do at different
rely on literature to guide their progress times of the year, and this book at-
in mastering the art and science of api- tempts to provide this information in a
culture. Those who can get help from concise and accurate way. Keep in
knowledgeable beekeepers are fortunate. mind, however, that you do not become
There are hundreds of beekeeping books, an accomplished beekeeper until you can

What You Should Know First
Understanding Bees 3
Equipment and Beekeeping Supplies
Before the Bees Arrive 24
Obtaining Bees
Working with Bees 30
Starting Bees from Packages
Feeding Bees
General Seasonal Management 53
Special Management Problems 68
Products of the Hive 93
Bee Pests and Diseases 99
Bee Pfants 109

A Bee Sting Reaction Physiology 112
B Anatomy of the Honey Bee 114
C Observation Hives 118
D Basic Hive Parts 119

References 120
Index 129
I Introduction

Beekeeping is an interesting and reward- An extensive reference section lists not

ing activity for those with a love of nature, only the basic beekeeping books but the
the fascination with the unique social pamphlets, supply houses, organizations,
organization of bees, or a taste for honey. and such which can be of immense value
-I This handbook is designed to help to all who keep bees.
people who intend to keep honey bees, as While considered by some to be the
well as those who already have them and “gentle art,” beekeeping in reality can be
are in need of a ready guide on various physically demanding and strenuous. The
beekeeping techniques. It is designed to typical picture of a veiled beekeeper,
help both the new or experienced bee- standing beside the hive with smoker in
keeper in setting up or reorganizing an hand, does not depict the aching back,
apiary, or bee yard, and in improving their sweating brow, smoke-filled eyes, or
style of working with bees/This book can painful stings. This handbook is intended
also serve as a quick outline on colony to maximize the more interesting and
management operations. The text presents enjoyable aspects of the art.
the key elements in beekeeping-outlining
all of the major options available to the
beekeeper. It lists advantages and dis-
advantages of each important technique.
It is extensively cross-referenced to point
the reader to more detailed information
when that is necessary.
Numerous diagrams and illustrations
illuminate the descriptions given in the text
and help to aquaint the reader with various
equipment, beekeeping operations, and the
like. Space has been provided so that readers
can keep notes on their own successes and

What You Should Know First

LEGAL REQUIREMENTS -Exposing combs and equipment Signs that indicate this more dangerous
infected with American foulbrood reaction are itching all over the body
All states have some laws that pertain is illegal. (hives), breathing difficulty, sneezing, or
to keeping honey bees and registering hives -Penalties are provided for viola- loss of consciousness. This type of reac-
containing bees. Some city and state laws tions of these apiary inspection tion occurs when the body is allergic to
limit the number of hives (the wooden laws. the bee venom and, if not treated, could
boxes that colonies of bees live in) in For specific legal requirements, check your be fatal.
urban areas. Since bees can be declared a state department of agriculture’s Apiary People generally develop either an
nuisance in some cities, local laws must be Inspection Law (see REFERENCES:. Man- immunity or an allergy to bee venom over
studied before an apiary is established. agement of Bee Colonies). time and repeated exposure to the poison.
Most states have an Apiary Inspection Law The individual’s unique body chemistry
developed to aid the beekeeper by provid- will react in its characteristic way. If there
ing statutory means for controlling and BEE STING REACTIONS is ever any question about whether one is
eradicating American foulbrood, once the developing an allergy, a physician or local
most destructive of bee diseases. The An important question that beekeepers allergy clinic should be consulted imme-
law’s general requirements are: must consider is their individual response diately!
-All beekeepers must register hives to bee stings. Although most beekeepers Detailed information on the treat-
containing honey bees with their become immune to bee stings after a few ment of bee stings is included in the sec-
state’s department of agriculture. years, some individuals may develop an tion on HANDLING BEES; the physiology
-The director of agriculture and allergy to bee venom. of bee sting reactions is shown in APPEN-
appointed deputies have the right Reaction patterns vary among individ- DIX A.
to inspect, treat, quarantine, dis- uals, but there are two types of reactions
infect, and/or destroy any diseased -the local reaction and the systemic reac-
hives. tion, both of which are accompanied by
-Transportation of bees and equip- some pain at the sting site.
ment must be certified by the bee In the first, a localized swelling
inspector or other designated occurs, like a mosquito bite, which is red
state official. and itchy and which usually lasts a few
-All beekeepers shall have bee colo- days. The systemic or general reaction,
nies in hives containing moveable on the other hand, means that the entire
frames. body is reacting to the venom proteins.

Most insects are solitary creatures-

they neither live together in communities
Understanding Bees nor share the labors of raising their young.
Among the insects that do live in commun-
ities, the most noted are the ants, termites,
wasps, and bees. The social structure de-
BEE ANCESTORS fines the degree of community living, and
the true social insects-those which are
The probable ancestors of the Order Hymenoptera, to which honey bees belong, highly specialized-are ants, termites, and
evolved some 260 million years ago. Fossil insects preserved in Permian rock, dating honey bees.
from the close of the Paleozoic era, display Hymenopteran-like structures, including The sophistication of the social struc-
the membranous wings and the ant-like waists. Approximately 50 million years later, tures of honey bees is indicated by a
in the middle of the Mesozoic era, the Hymenopterans were firmly established in the number of characteristics, for example:
fossil records. By late Mesozoic, there was also abundant plant life, including some -longevity of the female parent
flower-bearing species. It wasn’t until 60 million years ago, the Tertiary period, that (queen) co-existing with her off-
the stinging Hymenoptera became common; the land by this time was dominated by spring
the flowering plants or angiosperms. -progressive feeding of food to the
During the vast periods of time that followed, the flowering piants became more young, instead of mass-feeding
specialized and more dependent on motile pollinators. Insect pollinators like the bees -division of labor; queen lays eggs,
(Apidae) were ven/ important; the bees and the plants they pollinated each evolved sterile female workers perform other
structures to their mutual benefit as a result of their interdependence. The plants be- functions
came more attractive to the bees in shape, color, and odor. In their turn, the bees de- -nest and shelter construction,
veloped hairy bodies to trap the pollen of flowers, inflatable sacs to carry away floral storage of food
nectars, and a highly structured social order. Such an evolved social organization, along -swarming as a reproductive process
with a defense and communication system, has permitted these insects to efficiently ex- -perennial nature of colony
ploit the most rewarding of floral sources. Among the members of the Apidae Family, -communication among members of
one of the most valuable to man is the honey bee. the colony
The placement of the honey bee in the Animal Kingdom is: Honey bees can be described as a
Phylum: Arthropoda (many-jointed, segmented, chitinous invertebrates) eusocial community, consisting of a mother
Class: I nsecta (queen), and daughters (sterile workers),
Order: Hymenoptera (membranous wings) overlapping at least two generations. Since
Superfamily: Apoidea hornet and wasp colonies, for example, do
Family: Apidae (nine members of this family are native to the U.S.) not overwinter as do honey bees they are
Tribe: Apini termed semi-social insects.
Genus: Apk (bee, native of the old world)
Species: mellifera (honey-bearing)
RACES OF BEES in America is the Italian, the researcher or Advantages:
the hobbyist beekeeper may be interested -gentle and hardy
General in experimenting with some other bee -have the longest tongue of the three
races. Since uncontrolled crossbreeding of races and can thus use more species
The races of honey bees (Apis melli- races could result in inferior queens, it is of flowers
fera) can be divided into three groups: prudent to maintain only one race of bees -little tendency to swarm
the European, Oriental, and African races. in any one apiary. -forage at lower temperatures and
The European race can be further divided A general breakdown of the races of earlier in the day
into four groups: Dark, Italian, Carniolan, honey bees now used in the United States Disadvantages:
and Caucasian bees. (capsulized from the chapter on “Races of -can sting persistently when aroused
The Dark bees were first brought Bees,” by F. Ruttner in the Hive and the -tend to propolize or “bee glue”
across the Atlantic by the early American Honey Bee, ed. by Dadant and Sons, heavily
colonists (about 1630). Over two centuries Hamilton, Illinois, 1975), is shown in this -late starters in spring brood rearing
later (1859) the first Italian queens were section: Carniolan Honey Bee (Apis mellifera
imported to America. This variety was Italian Honey Bee fApis mellifera ligustica cafnica Pollmann):
quickly recognized as superior to the Ger- Spin) :
man Dark bee, and today the Italian honey The Italians are yellow with dark Carniolans are grayer than the Italians,
bee is the most widely distributed bee in brown bands on the abdomen; “goldens” with black bands; they are originally from
the Western Hemisphere. Yugoslavia.
have five bands, the “leathers” have three
The other two European races have Advantages:
also been brought to the United States and, Advantages: -gentlest of the three races
with the Italian bee, are crossbred, inter- -good brood rearing habits -few brood diseases
bred, and inbred for disease resistance, -economic honey consumers
hardiness, and gentleness. -little robbing instinct
-lighter color makes queen easy to
Importation of honey bees into the -very white wax and honey cappings
United States was halted in 1922 because -low propolizers
-moderate tendency to swarm
of the danger of introducing bee diseases Disadvantages:
-moderate propolizers
which did not already exist here. -tendency to swarm
-generally productive and gentle
South America had no such restric- -hard to obtain
-common and easy to obtain
tions when the African honey bee (Apis -dark queen difficult to locate
mellifera adansoniij was introduced there. -poor orientation Hybrid Bees
The volatile hybrid-known as the African- -not as gentle as other races
ized Kerr Strain or Brazilian bee (and -tendency to rob weaker hives In addition to these races of bees
labeled the Killer Bee by the press)-may -can be susceptible to many diseases there are hybrid bees which can be crosses
eventually be bred down and become between races of bees or between selected
gentler. So far, there is little scientific Caucasian Honey Bee (Apis mellifera strains within a race. Some common hy-
correlation between temper and honey caucasica Gorb) : brids are Starline (inbred Italians), Midnite
production. Caucasian bees are black with gray (inbred Caucasians), and Mraz (select
While the most common honey bee bands; they were introduced from Russia. strain Italians).
-better honey producers
-gentler A general knowledge of bee biology will enable the beekeeper to understand and,
-hardier to some extent, manage the many activities of honey bees. Such information will aid
-can be disease resistant the beekeeper in interpreting yearly cycles, signs of swarm preparation, queenlessness,
Dkadvantages: failing or unmated queens, the presence of disease, and the behavior of bees under such
-offspring queens from hybrid mother circumsttinces.
may bear little resemblance to the There are three different types of honey bees in a colony, and the beekeeper must
original queen learn to recognize them: the queen, the infertile female workers, and the male bees or
-requeening every other year may be drones.
necessan/ to insure hybrid queen is The queen, under normal conditions, is responsible for laying all-the eggs for the
laying and will not be superseded colony and, through the release of chemical signals called queen substances or phero-
mones, can exert marked influence on the behavior of the workers and the drones. The
drones are the male bees that mate with virgin or newly mated queens to provide
queens with the semen needed to lay the fertilized eggs. Bee colonies are usually
monogynous, having only one egg producer-the queen.


The honey bee, like most insects, has three main body parts: a head, a thorax,
and an abdomen (see illus.). Located on the head are five eyes (two compound and
three simple ones), the antennae, and the feeding structures like the tongue (proboscis)
and the jaws (mandibles).
The thorax, or middle section of the bee, contains the muscles which control
the two pairs of wings; other muscles control the three pairs of legs. The legs are
the specialized structures which assist the bee in cleaning itself and in collecting and
carrying pollen. The armor-plated thorax is perforated with three pairs of holes,
called spiracles, which are part of the breathing or respiratory system.
The abdomen is the longest part of the bee. It too is armor-plated with hard
scale-like segments and is also perforated with seven more pairs of spiracles. The
worker bee’s sting is located on the tip of the abdomen. The wax secreting glands,
on the underside of the abdomen, and the scent gland, just above the sting, are im-
portant abdominal glands. The queen’s abdomen contains, among other things,
ovaries for egg production, a storage sac for drone semen, and a sting but no wax
glands. More detailed information on the digestive and glandular anatomy of the
honey bee is included in APPENDIX B.
External Anatomy of a Worker Bee

fore wing # // \

wing hooks

simple eye -\ <%1111.

compound eye-, .

antenn- ,

labrum (upper liPI

mandible (jaw) +corbicula (pollen basket)
: pollen press

HEAD - THORAX ABDOMEN Adapted from R. E. Snodgrass: Anatomy of the

Honeybee. Copyright @I956 by Cornell University.
Used by permission of Cornell University Press.

Stinging insects belong to the Order The most numerous members of a bee colony are the workers, reaching a peak
Hymenoptera which includes both social population of 40,000 or more by midsummer in a normal hive. The workers are
and solitary bees and wasps. The more smaller ,than the drones and have a shorter abdomen than the queen. The eggs from
aggressive species of stinging insects are the which workers and queens emerge are fertilized; drone eggs are not.
hornets and the yellow jackets (both of The eggs of worker bees hatch in three days; after hatching, they are first lavishly
the Vespidae Family); less aggressive are or mass-fed a high-protein substance called royal jelly (produced by the hypopharyngeal
the bumble bees (Bombidae) and the glands of adult workers) for a few days. Beginning on the fourth day these larvae are
honey bees (Apidae). fed, as needed, with a mixture of honey and pollen. The switch from a royal jelly diet
The venoms of these insects are not to one of pollen and honey appears to be responsible for the differentiation of larvae
chemically alike. Thus, a beekeeper who so fed into worker bees; similar larvae which are fed royal jelly throughout their larval
is allergic to yellow jacket venom will not life develop into queens.
necessarily develop an allergy to honey After six days of feeding, the openings of the cells containing the larvae are
bee venom or the venom of other sting- capped over with a slightly convex wax cover. Inside the capped cell, the larva begins
ing inse@s. to spin a cocoon initiating the pupal stage; 12 days later, an adult worker bee chews
The newcomer to beekeeping should its way from beneath the capping and begins the first of many tasks which she will
find it interesting that drone bees have no perform during her life span.
stinging structure, and that queens general- T$$;!wokker bee’s age and the needs of the colony dictate the work she is to do.
ly use their stings only to dispatch rival Gen#@lly, ,wQrkers from one to three weeks of age remain within the hive. There they:
queens. ‘~;7;jyt. ~* ,
The stinging mechanism is a modifica- -!&3 and clean larvae and their cells
,tion of the egg-laying equipment (or ovi- -tend the queen (feed, groom, help spread queen pheromones)
positor) of female insects. The entire -clean the cells and the hive
structure consists of an acid gland, an -secrete wax
alkali gland, and a poison sac; the venom -build new comb and cap cells containing honey, pollen, and brood
is a mixture of the contents of these -guard the entrance and other areas of the hive
glands. -patrol the hive, look for intruders
The barbed lancets of the sting catch -help to heat or cool the hive, as needed
in the victim’s skin and, as the bee pulls -accept nectar from foragers; store and cure it
away, the poison sac attached to the sting -pack pollen
awaratus is ripped out of the bee’s body. -take brief orientation flights to familiarize themselves with landmarks near the
Pumps near the base of the poison sac hive, also called play flights
force more venom into the wound for After about three weeks of hive duties, the glands that produce the larval food and
several minutes. To minimize the amount wax have begun to atrophy, These workers then move away from the warm broodnest
of venom received, it is important to (where the eggs, larvae, and pupae are) onto broodless combs. Here they come in con-
promptly remove the sting by scraping or tact with returning foragers and are eventually recruited to food sources.
flicking it off with a fingernail, not by As foragers, they will usually collect one of the following items: honeydew,
pulling it out. pollen, nectar, water, or propolis. Foraging activities take a heavy toll on workers and
(3.6-E&) j .&6 ie ‘salb 3!qdJoweraw uaaAUaq aLu!l
syaaivt 8 sn=P PZ snep 9’PL SAeP 9’9 SAep E (paqi!Uayn) ’ aJOJC
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The queen is the longest bee in the colony; her lorlg abdomen, usually without
mlor bands, distinguishes her from both workers and drones. Any larva which
hatches from a fertilized egg is a potential queen. Thus worker bees can raise a The Queen
new queen from larvae when their old queen has been accidently lost, or when
she is injured or too old to perform her duties well. This fact also permits queen
breeders to raise queens from very young worker larvae.
The destiny of larvae hatched from fertilized eggs depends upon their diet.
Larvae which are fed royal jelly (the high-protein substance secreted by young
workers) throughout their larval period will develop into queens.
Worker bees prepare special cells for the rearing of queens. These cup-shaped
cells are usually located on the lower edges of the combs. Many queen cups con-
structed in the spring may indicate that the colony is beginning swarm preparation
If, on the other hand, a small number of these cups are found elsewhere on the
comb or worker cells are modified into queen cells it may indicate that bees are pre-
paring to supersede or replace their existing queen. This may be due to her age, an
inadequate amount of queen substances (queen pheromones), low egg production,
injury, disease, or some combination of these deficiencies (see SPECIAL MANAGE-
MENT PROBLEMS: Queen Supersedurejl.
The cup-shaped cells become queen cc//s after eggs are layed in them by the
queen. The larvae in these cells are fed copiously with royal jelly and, as the larvae
grow, the cells are elongated and take on the characteristic peanut-like appearance and
hang vertically from the comb.
In cases where a queen is suddenly lost due to some accident, no queen cells will
exist (unless, by coincidence, the bees are in the process of swarming or superseding
their queen). In such cases, the worker bees “select” and feed larvae in worker cells
which are less than two days old. The workers add wax to the cells as the larvae grow,
and peanut-shaped queen cells gradually form in the midst of the capped worker ceils.
i After emerging, a virgin queen may begin to search for and partially destroy any
other queen cells, leaving the workers to discard the pupae or larvae inside. Some
cells may contain queens ready to emerge, in which case she will partially open these
dells and sting the occupants. While performing these tasks, she may also encounter
other emerged queens; fighting ensues and ultimate1.y only one virgin queen survives.
About six days after emerging, the queen wiii leave the hive on a mating flight;
if weather is inclement, this flight will be delayed until more favorable weather appears.
During her flight, the queen’s pheromones attract male bees from drone-congregating
a==, and she may mate with up to ten or more drones in succession. When her sperm
sac (spermatheca) is filled, she returns to the hive and will never leave it, unless it is in Notes
the accompaniment of a swarm. Three days or so after mating, the now bigger and
heavier queen will begin to lay eggs. The queen continues to lay eggs the rest of her
life, pausing for a month or so late each fall. It has been reported that a good queen
is able to lay up to 2,000 eggs a day for brief periods.

Genetic Traits
Since the queen mates in the open, the beekeeper has limited control over which
drones will inseminate her. Those few that do mate with her may be from several
apiaries and/or from “wild” colonies.
As a consequence of this random mating pattern, the queen’s sperm sac may con-
tain semen from genetically different drones, Her worker bee and queen progeny,
therefore, will consist of individuals that are not necessarily genetically alike (that is,
they will be half-sisters). The drones, hatching from unfertiiized eggs (parthenogenesis),
would all be full brothers, since the queen will lay genetically similar drone eggs
whether she has been inseminated or not. Only when the queen has been artificially
inseminated with semen from known drone stock will a colony’s workers be nearly
Since the queen is the sole egg producer, she is responsible for all the genetic
traits of a colony; if the characteristics in a colony are undesirable, requeening should
change the hive’s genetic makeup and therefore its character. Unless hybridized, the
queen should be of superior purebred stock to optimize the desirable traits.
The queen is responsible for all of the following characteristics of the colony:
-color -longevity
-temperament --cleanliness
-industry and production -total hive population
-swarming tendency -brood pattern
-winter hardiness -tongue length
-propolizing tendency -handling ease !
-burr-comb building -whiteness of honey cappings
-nectar-carrying capacity -conservation of stores in inclement
-disease resistance weather


The drone, or male bee, is a large, chunky, blunt-ended bee with very large com-
pound eyes that meet at the top of his head. The drone larvae hatch from unfertillied
eggs. Under normal conditions, unfertilized eggs are laid by a mated queen in the
hexagonal wax ceils similar to, but larger than, worker cells.
After six and one half days of feeding, the ceils of drone larvae are capped with
The Drone
wax. The capped drone cell is dome-shaped, like a bullet’s head, and is readily distin-
guished from the slightly convex shape of the capped worker cell. Beginners often
mistake these drone cells for queen cells. Capped ceils lying on a horizontal plane are
either worker or drone ceils;. those which are ultimately peanut-shaped and suspended
on a vi3Tical plane are queen cells.
The newly emerged adult drone begs food from a worker bee, but later he feeds
himself from the honey stores. Adult drones have no sting (the sting is a modified
female egg-laying structure) and have very short tongues (unsuitable for gathering
nectar). Drones never collect food, secrete wax, or feed the young. Their sole known
function is to mate with virgin or newly mated queens.
Drones first leave the hive (about six days after emerging) on a warm, windless,
and sunny afternoon. As they get older, they fly to locations known as drone-
congregating areas. Whenever the drones in these areas detect the pheromones of a
virgin queen or newly mated queen they pursue her, and a few succeed in mating with
her; those few die soon after mating.
Whenever there is a dearth of nectar (when no food is being collected), worker
bees expel drone brood and adult drones from the hive. During the summer, bee-
keepers often see workers dragging drones in various stages of metamorphosis out of
their cells and dropping them in front of the hive. Normally in the fall ail adult
drones and any remaining drone brood are gradually evicted from the hive. The
evicted drones probably die of starvation or exposure. Queenless hives and those with
laying workers or drone-laying or failing queens, usually retain drones longer.

The Drone Layers

A queen that fails to mate can lay only unfertilized eggs. Similarly, a failing
queen is one that did mate but now lays ail or mainly drone eggs since her semen
supply is almost or completely depleted. Some workers of hopelessly queenless hives
(unable to make another queen) may undergo ovary development and start to lay
eggs. These eggs are, of course, unfertilized. Ail unfertilized eggs laid by mated,
unmated, or failing queens or by laying workers will produce mature drones, capable
of mating.
Unlike a mated queen, a failing or unmated queen will often lay drone eggs in COLONY ACTIVITIES
worker cells; laying workers usually place their eggs in worker cells as well. Although
these drone larvae are in worker cells, their cappings will have the characteristic General
dome-shape found on regular drone cells. Drone cappings over worker cells, therefore, Beekeepers and researchers have not
indicate the presence of an unmated or failing queen or laying workers. been fully able to sort out and compre-
Another indication of a drone-layer is a scattered brood pattern. Upon closer hend ail the interrelated factors regulating
inspection, it may be found that each uncapped ceil within a scattered brood pattern the activities and behavior of a bee colony.
contains not one, but several eggs. These eggs, instead of being deposited at the As has been already discussed, the worker
bottom of the ceil as is characteristic of eggs laid by queens, adhere to the cell bees are responsible for doing many of the
walls. These eggs have been deposited by laying workers. tasks necessary to maintain the colony
The presence of occupied drone cells in the spring, summer, and early fall in a unit. The duties performed by the workers
queenright colony (where a healthy, mated,queen is present) is a normal part of the can be divided into two catagories: the
colony cycle. One should not attempt to destroy or reduce the number of drones, hive duties and the foraging duties.
either by trapping adults or by cutting out cells of drone brood. Their numbers will When a beekeeper opens a hive, or
not substantially reduce the honey output of the colony. If, however, a colony has examines a colony within a glass observa-
numerous drones due to old, sagging combs full of drone cells, these combs should be tion hive, these two separate groups can
replaced with frames of foundation (see EQUIPMENT AND BEE SUPPLIES: Founda- be seen performing the tasks allotted to
tion). Since the foundation is of worker-sized cells, the frames will soon be filled them by age. A brief discussion of some
with worker larvae, and the drone population will decrease naturally. of the more important duties is presented
in this section (see also REFERENCES:
Books on Bees).
Relative Cell Sizes
Comb Building
The wax comb is the nest and abode
of the honey bee. In the wild, the comb
is usually confined within a dark enclosure
such as a hollow tree, although some nests
can be found in the open. The wax for the
f$$$$$-dro;;;;i4 to an inch) the nest is produced by workers who fash-
ion it into the hexagonal “honeycomb”
cells in which eggs hatch and brood devel-
ops. Hexagonal cells not containing eggs
or brood are used for the storage of honey
and pollen (see illus.). Wax is also used
to corlstruct queen cups and the cells used
to rear queens. After queens have been
D queen cell (one inch long)
25 mm reared, bees usually remove these queen
Beeswax is usually produced by work-
er bees between 12 and 18 days old and
is secreted from the wax glands located in The Bee Space
their abdomens (see APPENDIX B: Ana-
@my). A wax droplet is secreted from
beneath the overlapping portions of the
last four abdominal segments; on contact
with air, the wax hardens to a thin oval
soale. The bee then transfers this wax
scale from the abdomen with its hind legs,
passes it to the forelegs, and then to its
jaws. The scale is then masticated, sof- ---
tened, and used to begin construction or
-top bar of frame
added to existing comb.
The cells of the honeycomb do not
lie on a completely horizontal plane, but
are tilted upward slightly. This prevents
stored materials and brood from spilling
or rolling out of the cells before they are
capped with wax. Each comb surface is
separated from another by about 3/8 inch I
bee space
(9.5 mm) which is celled a bee space (see 3/8” (9.5 mm)
illus.). --tie
Wax glands are stimulated to produce
~lilx when bees gorge honey, nectar, or
sugar syrup. When many bees are secret-
ing wax, they hang in festoons or layers.
If bees are seen in such a posture, called
fhtooning, they are probably producing - hnttnm
“YLl.“lll hnr
“&a# “I ,,a,,,-
wax. Wax secretion is stimulated by: \ bee space
-high temperatures
-plentiful nectar, honey, or sugar
-ample pollen consumption
Because a swarm of bees in engorged
with nectar or honey, their wax glands
are stimulated, and when placed on foun-
dation they will render or draw it into
beautiful white new comb.
Bee space Changes in the concentrations of these it is a dark, reddish-to-brown color,
T pheromones result in modifications in the sticky when warm, brittle when
Bees do not space combs at random
I in a natural hive, nor in the wooden bee behavior of the colony (see SPECIAL cold)
hive. Bees do not construct comb in MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS: Swarming --propolize cracks, moveable hive
;wces less than 3/8 inch (9.5 mm). and Queen Supersedure). parts including frames, bottom
.b This fact was published by the Phila- An additional function of food trans- board, and inner cover (some races
delphia minister L. L. Langstroth a little mission is the spread of the hive’s odor. use more propolis than others; see
over 100 years ago. It was the basis on Each hive has its own characteristic odor UNDERSTANDING BEES: Races
which he designed the prototype bee hive which may aid the bees in one hive in of Bees).
used today. The 3/8 inch space enables distinguishing bees from other colonies
one to remove frames without having to (such as robbers) and foreign queens (see Fanning
combs. A 3/8 inch gap separates SPECIAL MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS:
Bees can often be seen fanning their
the frames, the hive walls, and the Requeening). To keep foreign bees out,
wings on the extended landing deck of
board from parts of each frame, guard bees patrol the hive and challenge
the bottom board. This fanning also takes
e top bars from the inner cover of intruders, especially at the entrance. Guard
place on the portion of the bottom board
bees are workers that have very high con-
within the hive that is obscured from
By utilizing this natural spacing, the centrations of the alarm pheromones.
view (see illus.).
per ensures that the bees do not Some fanning bees position them-
comb to the walls or to other sec- Nest Cleaning
selves with their heads directed toward
nd that the frames can be Nest cleaning activities include keep- the back of the hive so that their fanning
If the frames are spaced ing the nest free from debris and disease, draws air out of the hive; other fanners
inch apart, or if the bee- removing healthy brood during a nectar may be facing the opposite direction,
keeper neglects to return a frame to the dearth or when the colony can no longer forcing air into the hive. By their com-
hive after examining it, the bees will fill care for the brood, and coating of the bined efforts, these separate groups accel-
the gap with comb or extend the cells of interior hive parts with propolis. erate the movement of air throughout the
combs adjacent to this gap. Recent To accomplish this, worker bees: entire hive.
studies indicate some races of bees leave -remove dead or dying brood and By circulating air through the hive,
a smaller space that is less than 3/8 of an adults from the hive bees are able to:
inch between combs. -remove healthy brood, usually -assist in regulating brood tempera-
Food Transmission and Hive Odor drone brood and adults, when the ture
hive is not bringing in much food -evaporate water carried into hive
Bees within a hive exchange honey or or in the fall to reduce internal temperatures
nectar. Foragers returning from the fields -remove debris such as grass and -evaporate excess moisture from
pass food to the hive bees who then pass leaves unripened honey (nectar with a
it to other bees. Along with this food ex- -remove granulated honey or dry high percentage of water); as this
change the queen pheromones are passed sugar moisture evaporates it too will cool
first from the queen, then to each bee in -coat the insides of the hive and wax or humidify the hive
the colony; the transmission of these chem- cells with bee glue or propolis (col- -keep wax from melting as tempera-
ical signals helps hold the colony together. lected from buds or bark of trees; tures climb
-eliminate accumulations of gases
(such as CO,)
Another type of fanning helps spread
workers’ pheromones. In this case, the
fanning bee’s abdomen is raised; a gland
(Nassanoff or Scent Gland) located near
the tip of the abdomen is opened and a Fanning Bees Circulating Air in a Hive
mixture of pheromones is released from
it. These chemicals guide other bees to-
ward the fanners.
This type of fanning is commonly
-when a swarm or package of bees
I is emptied at the entrance or inside
a hive
-when bees are shaken off a frame
or otherwise disorientated
-when a hive is opened that is : -- \ 4
queenless or that has a virgin or H-T-- \
newly mated queen fe frames left out for
-when a swarm-begins cluster forma- / i y-b, -- clarity
tion f i/
-as a swarm enters a natural home
air flow in upper
; ,”/:
part of hive assisted
Washboard Movement by bees on frames
Beekeepers can often observe bees,
usually in the early evening, on the front
wall of the hive with their heads pointed
toward the entrance. These bees are entrance fanners
standing on their second and third pair of
legs and seem to be scraping the surface
of the hive with their mandibles and front
legs, as if to clean it. As they scrape,
their bodies rock back and forth in a mo-
tion similar to one scrubbing clothes on
a washboard. This is called the washboard
movement. The exact purpose of this
activity is not presently understood.

Colony Defense Foragh7g. Foraging bees fly out the bees increases the efficiency of food
and away from the hive in a definite direc- gathering activities by recruiting more bees
Worker bees will defend their hive tion in search of food, propolis, and water. to available and abundant food sites.
by flying at and often stinging an intruder. Their return flight usually takes them A worker bee orients herself according
Such action should not be interpreted as straight into the hive or onto the bottom to various external stimuli as she comes
“meanness” but rather as a defensive board. from and goes to collecting locations:
action. When an intruder approaches and Robbing. Unlike orientation flights,
enters or begins to open a hive, some bees -the sun’s position and polarized
which are short in duration, robbing activity light
raise their abdomens, begin fanning, and is similar to foraging activity. Upon first
thereby disperse the alarm odor being re- -landmarks, both horizontal and
approaching a hive, the robbers sway to and vertical
leased by a gland at the base of the sting. fro in front of a hive to be robbed in a man- -ultraviolet light, enabling her to
This pheromone has an odor similar to ner somewhat similar to a figure eight. see the sun on cloudy days
that of banana oil. It incites other bees Once the hive has been invaded, other rob-
to defend the colony. Once some of the A worker bee is able to inform other
bing bees are “recruited” to it, bees about the location of a food source
attacking bees sting clothing or skin, some Cleansing or Defecating Flights. On
alarm odor remains at the site, tagging through a series of body movements, called
warm winter days, when the air is calm, dances, which include wing vibrations,
the victim. The tagged victim may be- bees fly out of the hive to defecate. Often,
come the target of further aggressive acts odor, and glandular secretions. (The func-
they circle in the vicinity of the hive releas- tion of these dances was first reported by
as long as the alarm odor remains on the ing body wastes in the air. Package bees
clothing or skin. Karl von Frisch.) Bees returning from a
also take cleansing flights after being re- particularly rich food source will excite
leased, since they have been confined for other foragers and notify them about
Flight several days. The outside of the hive can where to find it by dancing. There are
Except for occasional orientation be spotted with brown or yellowish spots two basic dances-the Round Dance and
flights, worker bees generally remain as a result of winter cleansing flights or the Wag-Tail or Figure Eight Dance. The
within the hive for the first three weeks package bee flights. If the flight takes Round Dance communicates distance (up
of their adult life, cleaning, feeding, build- place when the ground is covered with to 300 feet, or 100m) from the hive in
ing comb, ripening honey, and packing snow, these yellow or brown spots appear any direction. The Wag-Tail or Figure
pollen. These routines are more or less peppered on the snow. Eight Dance communicates both distance
discontinued at the end of the third week and direction (see illus.). The flavor,
as bees turn to tasks which requi:e flight. Foraging and Communication
odor, and sugar concentration of the food
An ability to recognize the different The gathering of food for feeding act as both a stimuli and guide to recruit-
types of flying activity will permit the bee- larvae and for storage requires a high degree ed bees.
keeper to interpret activities at or near the of cooperation and communication among Another type of foraging that bees en-
hive entrance. the members of a colony. Haphazard gage in is robbing. Bees occasionally ob-
Orientation. Bees on orientation searches for food by the older worker bees tain honey, nectar, or sugar syrup from
flights familiarize themselves with land- would require too much energy and could other colonies. Robbing often occurs
marks surrounding their hive. These bees not be sustained over long periods of time when a beekeeper is examining or feeding
hover near the hive entrance for very short without adversely affecting the well-being a colony; bees from other hives fly over
periods of time. of the colony. Communication among and steal some food from the exposed

frames. If the hive is not quickly covered,

the robbers will recruit other bees to re- Wag-Tail or Figure Eight Dance
turn f& more bounty. Robbing is espe-
cially severe when there is a dearth of

Round Dance

angle of dance related to sun

dancingbee reckted bees


During the summer, a bee hive which houses a full colony of bees normally con-
sists of a bottom board, two deep hive bodies for the broodnest, a queen excluder,
one or more standard or shallow stipers (the number depending on the abundance of
nectar, or the honeyflow), and an inner and outer cover.
Some beekeepers use only standard supers for their hives; others use the shallow-
er supers for both the brood and the honey. If only the deep hive bodies are used,
lifting off the honey will be very strenuous. If, on the other hand, only shallow
supers are used, finding the queen becomes much more time consuming and disrup-
tive to the colony.
The number of hive bodies left for bees in the winter can vary. Some beekeep-
ers winter their bees in two deeps and a shallow, using the shallow for winter stores
of honey and pollen. In certain parts of the country colonies are wintered in one
deep and one shallow, or two deeps, or sometimes even in three deeps (see
SPECIAL MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS: Wintering). In all cases, an ample supply
of food must be provided.
It has been traditional to paint the hive bodies white to reflect the sun’s heat in
the summer months and help keep the colony cool. Even the metal top of the outer
cover might be painted white to reflect more heat during the hottest summer months.
While white is most favorable in southern climates, beekeepers in northern areas might
consider painting hives darker shades to reta;;) the heat longer. For hives located on
wooded sites, where it is shady most of the time, darker colors might prove especially
Whatever color is used, the outer sides and rims of the wooden hive parts should
be painted in order to extend the life of the equipment and to retard rotting. Since
bees produce moisture as a part of their metabolic activity, a latex paint would be
least likely to blister as the moisture leaks out; lead-based or other toxic paints should
never be used.
Some equipment, like frames and hive bodies, is now available in plastic. Any
experimentation with plastic equipment should be done slowly; the beekeeper who
buys all plastic equipment may risk losing all the bees if they should suddenly decide
-as bees sometimes do-that they don’t like plastic (see REFERENCES: Equipment).
In areas where loss of beehives through theft is a concern, all wooden hive parts
should be branded and registered with individual identification.

5asic Hive Parts Outer Cover

Sometimes called the telescoping
cover, it is usually made of wood and
covered with tin or aluminum. This
outer cover - cover overlaps or telescopes over the rim
of the inner cover and hive body. A flat
inner cover wooden cover is used primarily in the
drier areas of the western U.S.
shallow super -
Inner Cover
The inner cover, sometimes called an
queen excluder - escape board, is a wooden, masonite, or
plastic board that has about a l/2 inch
rim (13 mm) on one side and an oblong
hole in its center into which a bee escape
fits. When honey is to be removed, a bee
escape is put in place and the inner cover
is placed below a honey super; the work-
ers then move down into the brood cham-
ber but not back up into the honey super.
Whenever it becomes necessary to
feed a colony, food can be placed on top
entrance cleat of the inner cover, enclosed within an
empty super and the outer cover, allow-
bottom board ing the bees to pass through the oblong
hole to collect the food (see FEEDING
BEES). The hole in the inner cover can
also serve to rid the hive of excess mois-
ture, particularly in the winter when the
inner cover can be placed between the
honey supers and an extra super full of
” hive stand
absorbent insulating material such as
AGEMENT: Wintering Techniques).
Shallow or Honey Super will be evenly spaced within the hive used (see BEFORE THE BEES ARRIVE:
The shallow super comes in various body and so that the comb will be even- Hive Standr).
depths, from 4 13/16 inches (12.2 cm) ly drawn out by the bees. Some bee-
to 7 5/8 inches (19.4 cm) with frames keepers later remove one frame to allow FOUNDATION
of corresponding depth. The most com- easier manipulations of the hive and use
mon shallow super is 6 5/8 inches special spacers (I ike Stoller Spacers) cr Founda,tion is a Thin sheet of beeswax
(16.8 cm). There may be several supers follower boards, or they merely space impressed with the hexagonal shape of a
per hive since most of the honey is the nine frames evenly by hand (see AP- worker-sized cell. This sheet is set in the
stored in them. Although the standard PENDIX D for hive plans). center of a frame and wired or pinned in
supers are designed to hold ten frames, place. When put into a hive of bees that
some beekeepers put only eight or nine are gorged with honey, nectar, or syrup
frames in the honey supers so that the Bottom Board (a state which induces worker bees to
bees will draw out the comb more. Hive bodies are placed on a bottom produce wax), the bees will use the foun-
(The different super sizes are illustrated board, which should never be placed dation as a base and draw up the walls of
in GENERAL SEASONAL MANAGE- directly on the ground as it would quick- the cells. Once completely filled out, the
MENT: During the Honey flo w; super ly rot. A wood preservative like creosoate frame is said to contain drawn comb.
sizes). will help protect the underside of the There are many kinds and thickness-
bottom board, but the preservative should es of foundation, but basically the thicker
be allowed to dry thoroughly before sheets with inlaid vertical wires are used
Queen Excluder for brood frames and extracting supers.
placing the board under a colony. It
A zinc or plastic perforated sheet, is unnecessary to paint or coat the in- The thinner foundation is used in the
or a wooden-framed grill, the excluder terior hive parts with any substance. honey supers and for section comb honey.
allows only the worker bees to pass One type of bottom board has two Drone-sized cell foundation is also avail-
through; the larger drones and queens rim heights-a short winter rim and a able for comb honey supers or for other
cannot. This is placed on top of the deeper summer rim-and is called a re- uses.
broodnest to prevent the queen from versible bottom board. Many beekeepers, To set the foundation firmly in the
entering the honey supers above. It is instead of reversing the bottom board, frame, especially in the brood frames,
also used in two-queen colonies or for use an entrance cleat to reduce the hive horizontal wires should be strung across
any manipulation in which the queen is opening in the winter. Plastic bottom the wooden frame (see illus.). The imbed-
to be excluded (see SPECIAL MANAGE- boards are available as well, but they ded wires help keep the comb from sagging
MENT PROBLEMS). sometimes buckle if the hive is very and the cells from stretching due to the
heavy. warm temperatures within the hive during
the summer months. The distorted cells
Hive Body in sagging comb are unsuitable for raising
worker brood and may even allow in-
The standard-size hive body is 9 5/8
Hive Stand creased numbers of drone brood.
inches (24.5 cm) in depth. Ten full-depth I
frames should be used when they are Foundation is also available reinforced
To keep the bottom board off the with plastic rather than wires; a plastic
started with wax foundation so that they ground, some type of stand should be sheet is covered on each side with bees-

wax and imprinted with the hexagonal BEGINNER’S LIST

pattern. Such foundation is easy to in-
stall but if the wax separates from the Most hive parts come disassembled and some parts require painting. Some bee
plastic base, the bees may not work it. supply companies sell plastic equipment, but most hive parts are made of western pine.
Foundation should be stored away For two complete hives one would need:
from heat and freezing temperatures; if -2 standard hives, consisting of 2 deep hive bodies, inner and
kept in plastic bags the wax sheets will re- outer covers, bottom boards, 20 wooden frames $ 60.00
main fresh and soft. -2 additional deep bodies with frames 17.00
-6 Ibs. (40 sheets) medium brood foundation, wired 25.00
-1 large 4 X 10 inch smoker 11.00
-1 square-folding veil, plus helmet 15.00
Setting Foundation -1 lb. #28 tinned embedding wire 3.50
-1 spur embedder, to embed wire in foundation 1.50
-1 lo-inch hive tool 2.50
-1 gallon white exterior latex paint 12.00
-4 shallow supers with frames (6 5/8-inch hive body, 40.00
$28 tinned wire 6 l/$-inch frame)
-40 sheets foundation for shallow supers 19.50
-medication (Fumildil-5 and Terramycin) 12.00
TOTAL $219.00

Optional Equipment:
-bee gloves $ 8.00
tie off -bee suit 18.00
-queen excluder 5.00
-bee escape .50
-extra hive tool 2.50
-bee brush 1.50
-division-board feeders (10) 20.00
-pollen substitute (for 10 colonies) 3.00
-uncapping knife 21 .oo
-honey extractor (2-frame hand powered) 116.00
-jars, bottles, labels 4.00
-branding iron 60.00
The prices listed are approximate 1977 prices which will vary some depending on
make, supplier, etc.
FOR THE BEGINNER on lips, scalp, or inside the nose or ear Bee suits should be washed occasion-
canal are extremely painful; it is down- ally to keep down accumulated dirt.
To the beginning beekeeper, the pleth- right foolish to risk them. All sensible Lighter weight material is best, since the
ora of equipment available from the bee beekeepers wear veils. Veils can be pur- best part of the day for working with bees
catalogues may prove somewhat confusing; chased separately or attached to helmets. is usually also the hottest part of the day.
the basic equipment listed under the Begin- Unbleached muslin is an excellent mate-
ner’s List provides a starting point. Bee Suit rial for a bee suit because it is inexpensive
It is generally not a good idea to keep Homemade bee suits, or those pur- and easy to wash.
just one hive, since the queen could become chased from a supply house, are of white
injured or die, perhaps leaving the colony cotton and have pockets and pouches to
with laying workers. Two to five colonies Bee Gloves
carry hive tools, matches, and the like.
would be a manageable number of hives for For the do-it-yourselfer, a jumpsuit pat- Many old-time beekeepers distain
the beginner. tern made two sizes larger than one or- using bee gloves, but for the beginner it
While used hive bodies and frames are dinarily wears and with an extra long collar is a good idea to start with them, -Gloves
less expensive than new equipment, they and sleeves works very well. The suit that do not fit well will make handling
could be contaminated with brood diseas- will not only protect against stings, but frames more awkward and may even in-
es which are not readily apparent. If will keep one‘s clothing free of propolis, vite more stings than no gloves at all. All
equipment is questionable, it should be which is very hard to remove. The collar bee supply houses carry men’s sizes, and
sterilized. The most economical way to should be turned up before putting on a the smaller women’s sizes can be ordered
sterilize such equipment is to place it in an bee veil. from British supply houses (see REFER-
ethyline oxide chamber. Some state agri- Trouser and sleeve cuffs should be ENCES: Beekeeping Supplies: foreign).
cultural departments now have these cham- designed to close tightly. Gauntlets made Gloves are a great help in keeping wax,
bers, and the cost for sterilizing old equip- for wrists and ar,kles will keep bees from honey, and propolis off your hands, but
ment is minimal. getting beneath clothing, Some beekeep- should be washed periodically (especially
Other more expensive equipment, ers tuck their trousers into shoes or socks after working with diseased bees). One
such as honey extractors, can be shared by or fit cuffs with elastic; leg straps for disadvantage of gloves is that they may
several beekeepers on a cooperative basis. trousers are also available. If clothing is retain the alarm odor long after bees
Hobbyists are cautioned not to buy every not closed tightiy, bees wiii crawi under- sting them.
gadget on the market. When in doubt neath unnoticed, and when a bee is After gaining a bit of experience
about the usefulness of a particular piece pressed between clothing and skin it will and increased confidence in working with
of equipment, seek the advice of other sting. Once a bee gets inside the clcth- bees, even the relatively new beekeeper
beekeepers. ing, one may attempt to release it or may sometimes choose to work without
crush it before it stings. gloves. Gauntlets that fit over the arms,
Bee Veil
Bees are less likely to sting people keeping the hands free, are an added pro-
.A bee veil is a must. Although photos wearing light-colored attire. Bees are tection, but leather watch bands should
appear in bee magazines and elsewhere more prone to sting dark, furry objects, be pocketed during barehanded apiary
which show beekeepers working without so avoid dark clothing when working with work since they seem to incite bees to
veils, such practice is discouraged. Stings bees. sting.
Bee Smoker Bee Escapes
Two types of hive tools are available. The smoker is a metal cylinder with Bee escapes are primarily use to re-

One type can usually be found in most attached bellows in which a fire is lit. move bees from hive bodies containing
large hardware stores (see illus.). Either Smoke blown from the smoker’s nozzle honey so that the honey can be harvested
tool is an invaluable aid to the beekeeper (see illus.) is directed into the hive and free of bees (see illus.). These devices can
when prying apart hive bodies and frames between the frames to encourage bees to also be used when one has to move a hive
that have been propolized. gorge honey. Once engorged, bees are that consists of more than two hive bodies,
It is a good idea to have several hive more docile and less prone to sting. When by first placing the escape board above the
tools on hand since they are easy to mis- purchasing a smoker, get the largest avail- second body. After the bees exit, the ex-
place. The hive tool should be periodical- able size (see HANDLING BEES; smoker). tra bodies are removed and the remaining
ly sanded clean of excess propolis and hive can easily be lifted and moved.
wax. Brightly colored paint will help See GENERAL SEASONAL MAN-
keep them from being lost in the grass. Smoker AGEMENT: Harvesting the Honey; re-
The ends should be sharpened at least moving bees from honey supers, and

Moving Established Hives.

Maxant Hive Tool

The Porter Bee Escape


jbI L-fire pan- SIDE VIEW

Regular Hive Tool i : :
‘1 I opening
1 I If _. .‘...“‘;;“..
,.ic..-. -” : q,;-g;. I gate

Ideal Site

the Ekes Arrive air drainage



The ideal apiary or bee yard should

be located to optimize the following con-
ditions: 2
-- running
-close to fresh water; this can be sup-
access road water
plied with a dripping faucet or other
-easy year-round vehicle access
-near food sources, especially waste
areas and marsh land
-on top of slopes to improve air Poor Site
drainage away from hives
-away from wet bottomland and
stagnant air; honey will not cure
properly if too wet
-in open fields with north windbreak
and noontime summer shade
-far from fire and flood areas
-near the owner or friendly neighbors
to discourage vandals and thieves
and to encourage visits
-with entrances oriented to the east
southeast to catch sun’s early
warmth and to keep out prevailing
winter winds
-with entrances clear of weeds and
other obstructions

ldentif ication (supering) entrance clear of weeds and will discour-

-begin spring management operations age animal pests. When working such a
The name and address of the bee-
-interchange the locations of weak hive, the beekeeper can set the hive
keeper should be posted at each outyard
and strong hives (see SPECIAL bodies that are temporarily removed
(an apiary that is not ne3r the beekeeper’s
MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS: from the hive on an empty super or
home). This will allow bee inspectors to
Swarm Proven tion Techniques) extra hive stand.
contact the beekeeper if necessary. If the -check hives for swarming prepara-
outyard is located on another person’s tions, especially during or shortly
property, the beekeeper should request a after a spring honeyflow (see
signed statement from the owner that SPECIAL MANAGEMENT PROB-
the hives are the property of the bee- L EMS: Swarming) High Hive Stand
keeper. This may avoid legal battles in -requeen
the event of the property owner’s death. Whenever the scale shows a hive gain- /- ----- ’ I
ing wsight, the beekeeper should check /
/ / / /[
Hive Scale //--------_/‘,’
and note which flowers are in bloom in Y ,s
A hive scale is a device which is order to anticipate nectar flows in future L;+------_--f p I
placed under a strong colony and from years. Occasionally, hives may gain or 7
which accurate records of weight gains weight when no major nectar plants are I ,A
and losses can be made. These scales can in bloom. In this instance, bees are gath- I I /’ /
be a valuable aid to the beekeeper. If, for ering honeydew, a sugary liquid secreted I I
example, the scale-shows that the hive has directly by plants or excreted by insects I /” I I
grown heavier daily, it means a strong feeding on plant sap. If, on the other I 5-
honeyflow is on and the hives can be r--r
c- -, I I
hand, a scale records a continual weight
supered-that is, have extra supers placed loss, the beekeeper should check the colo-
on top of the brood nest. The scale for- nies to see why. The colonies may need
merly used to weigh hives was a farmer’s to be fed in order to prevent starvation;
grain scale, but several scales specially de- or they may be diseased, queenless or
signed for bee colonies are now on the weak, with stores being depleted by
market. robber bees.
When a honeyflow is on and the hive
is gaining weight because of the nectar HIVE STANDS
being brought in, the beekeeper should
be alerted to do certain tasks, depending The amount of bending and lifting
on the season: that
_ _ beekeeper must do while working
-add frames and/or supers full of a hive can be minimized when the hive is
foundation, since the worker bee’s placed on a stand about 18 inches (46 cm) (4) 1x4x16.5 inches
wax glands are stimulated during above the ground (see illus.). Such a (41.9 cm)
honeyflows stand, in addition to saving the beekeep-
-add extra supers for honey storage er’s back, will keep the hive dry and the
Hive stands also help extend the life TYPES OF HIVE STANDS HIVE ORIENTATION
of the bottom board (see EQUIPMENT
AND BEE SUPPLIES: Basic Hive Parts Hives can be kept off the ground by In most apiaries, the hives are placed
for an illustration of hive parts). Wood placing them on any one or a combination in rows or paired in rows. The hives with-
that is continuously wet or damp will of these materials: in a pair should be 6 to 8 inches apart
quickly rot. Pests such as carpenter ants -cinder blocks covered with tar (15 to 20 cm), and there should be 5 to
and termites are likely to nest in the paper or shingles 8 feet (1.5 to 2.4 m) between pairs (see
bottom board when it is in contact with -bricks or drain tiles illus.).
the damp ground (see BEE PESTS AND -wooden railroad ties, pallets, or When the hives are in long rows,
DISEASES: Minor Insect Enemies). 2 x 4 inch lumber there is a tendency for some bees to
Other pests such as skunks and mice have -wooden hive stands of durable drift to the wrong hives. This drifting
less easy access to hives that are placed lumber ;nay be due to prevailing winds which
on some sort of hive stands. Creosote or pentachlorophenol, ap- continually push returning bees toward
Some stands are constructed to plied according to directions, will help the end of the rows. Drifting can be re-
create a dead air space underneath the preserve wooden stands. duced by placing the hives in a horseshoe
hive. This provides extra insulation and configuration, by putting up a windbreak,
can enhance the bees’ wintering success or by shortening or staggering the rows.
(see illus.). (There might be other reasons for drifting
that cannot be completely avoided, how-
Low Hiie Stand
Forming Dead Air Space Hive Orientation

I/ ’ :
I I:- I ‘I!- w _ -
L,; ___
$4 ! ,.,,. I
i..-._-..-..-LITj sh:Ztrposition

dead air space created

when hives pushed together

t-t-- -----~ -
32” (81.3 cm)


Careful record keeping will enable the beekeeper to maintain an accurate account
of the condition of each hive, as well as to determine beekeeping expenses. Such
records are absolutely necessary for those who desire to continually upgrade their
stock. The goal that the beekeeper should strive for is gentle bees that overwinter
wall, remain disease-free, and produce a surplus of honey whenever weather and floral
conditions permit (see HANDLING BEES: The Hive Diary).
A diary of the blooming times of important nectar and pollen-producing plants
will help one anticipate the time when major honeyflows and important sources of
pollen will become available. Such information will permit the beekeeper to plan
wisely the activities necessary for successful beekeeping.
Financial records should also be kept for income tax and loan purposes and to
determine the amount of income lost or gained in a season. Keep records of such
things as:
-dates of all beekeeping purchases subscriptions
-equipment bought, destroyed, -lectures, talks, shows, and fairs
stolen, or sold attended or entered, with assoc-
-mileage to apiary iated fees
-dead or stolen colonies, queens, -books and conference fees
or packages -equipment for selling honey
-pesticide loss (Indemnity Program (labels, bottles, etc.)
reimbursement) -amount of honey extracted,
-medications for beekeeper and for bottled, and sold
bees -amount of comb honey packaged
-organizational memberships; journal and sold
(see REFERENCES: Management of Bee Colonies).


There are‘numerous books, pamphlets, journals, and organizations for beekeep-

ers. In addition, talking and working with other beekeepers can be an important
way to learn more about the art and science of apiculture. For the beginner, and
for those who wish to learn more about beekeeping, local or state groups and uni-
versity extension offices usually offer workshops or seasonal rneetings for beekeep-
ers to help them improve their techniques or to share experiences.
Listings of some of the resources available can be found in the REFERENCES
Advantages: beekeepers. Before moving any bees and
-easier for beginners to work (fewer used equipment, check and comply with
bees than in an established hive) all legal requirements (see SPECIAL MAN-
-more adult bees than in a nucleus AGEMENT PROBLEMS: Moving Estab-
Obtaining Bees (or small hive)
-certified healthy and from healthy
lished Hives).
stock -cared for by an experienced owner
-no brood diseases -owner available for questions
-replacements are easy to obtain -already assembled
GENERAL -available in 2, 3, 4, and 5 pound -include all ages of bees and brood,
units (there are approximately except during one or two winter
The beginning beekeeper, or the es- 3,500 bees per pound) months
tablished beekeeper who wants to enlarge Disadvantages: -with established hives surplus hon-
the apiary or set up a new apian/, can -queen could become injured due ey at the close of the season is al-
obtain colonies of bees by: to stress in shipment most guaranteed
-buying package bees -drifting common (bees fly into Disadvantages:
-buying nucleus or established hives other hives or become lost), -old equipment may be of different
-collecting wild colonies from build- especially at installation types and sizes
ings or bee trees -dependent on weather; if it is too -combs could be old and may have
-collecting swarms cold, bees may not “catch“ an excess of drone cells that re-
-no eggs or brood until queen starts quire replacement
PACKAGES to lay; about 21 days until new -queen could be old or of poor
adult workers emerge quality and stock
Package bees.come from the southern -must be fed heavily to draw foun- -equipment or honey could be
stat& and are shipped all over the country dation since feedzng stimulates wax diseased
in the spring by mail or are picked up by glands to produce wax -large established colonies would be
dealers and trucked to their destination. -must be fed heavily at least until very populous and thus be difficult
Packages should be reserved in the winter the first major honeyflow to keep for beginner to work
months (December and January) in order from starvation
to secure the desired number of packages -bees may not feed if weather is
and choice of shipping dates. Request too cold or wet
delivery three to four weeks prior to the -should be medicated
dandelion/fruit bloom in your location.
Generally a three-pound package of WCLEUS AND ESTABLISHED HIVES
bees (about 1.35 kg) wiil provide the
ample amount of bees needed to begin a Nucleus hives (or nuts) consisting of
good colony. The approximate cost four or five standard-sized frames and
(1977’1 of such a package with one laying established hives, both with laying queens,
queen is $25.00. can be purchased from local dealers or

- -
A co/any of bees-consisting of several thousand workers, usually one queen, and
sometimes drones-which is living in a building or in a tree can often be obtained free
of charge from the owner of the premises, with appropriate permission. A swarm of
bees is a small portion of a colony between homesites. While swarms are free and
generally easy to collect, as a precaution they should be treated as if diseased and be
given medicated sugar syrup after installation in a hive (see SPECIAL MANAGEMENT
PROBLEMS: Catching Swarms).
Bee colonies in buildings are difficult to remove and can cost much in time and
stings. The only way to successfully remove the entire colony and its combs involves
tearing off the outer and/or the inner portion of the building covering the colony.
Removing bees and combs from bee trees usually involves felling the tree and splitting
it. Much of the comb and many of the bees, perhaps even the queen, are often
crushed when the tree hits the ground. Bees removed from buildings or trees
should also be given medicated syrup.
Other methods of obtaining colonies from buildings or trees usually involve
leaving an empty hive or a hive with a frame or two of bees and brood near the re-
duced entrance of the colony to be trapped; this process may take months and often
only a portion of the colony may be captured.
Several beekeeping books and/or an experienced beekeeper should be consulted
before deciding on any one method of removing bees (see REFERENCES: Beekeep-
ing Pamphlets).
-interesting and educational
-free bees to augment weak hives, make nuts, or start new hives
-extra wax and honey from removed combs
-bees could be diseased
-queen might be injured or killed
-could require a great deal of labor with little reward
-bees could be inferior stock
-queen is often difficult to find and capture

A precise timetable for checking

hives cannot be given since conditions
Working with Bees vary from colony to colony throughout
the year, and some hives will require
more attention than others. Some gen-
eral guidelines explaining when to open
GENERAL your hives, and when not to, can be
given. A hive should be examined:
The beekeeper should know what to look for and do before opening a hive. -in the spring, when temperatures
Thus, the amount of time spent at each hive can be kept to a minimum (no more first reach over 55” F (12.8”C);
than 55 minutes). Each time a colony is examined the foraging activities of the briefly check the general condi-
worker bees are disrupted, and it may be hours before normal foraging resumes. Dur- tions and determine whether the
ing a major honeyflow, this disruption could result in a measurable drop in the quan- colony has an adequate food sup-
tity of honey collected. PlY
-after the first fruit bloom, check
It has been estimated that an average of 150 bees are killed every time a hive is
worked. Bees that are killed or injured release their alarm pheromone, which may ex- hives periodically for growth,
cite other bees to become more aggressive. Careful handling of the bees and the hive strength, swarming signs, and such
equipment can minimize +he bees’ release of the alarm chemical and could reduce the -after a major honeyflow, to remove
number of stings the beekeeper receives. or add supers
-periodically after a honeyflow, for
Avoid quick movements when working with the bees and do not jar the frames
condition of queen and brood
or other equipment. By proceeding slowly and gently, one allows time for the bees
-before the winter season sets in
to move out of the way. Although killing some bees is unavoidable, the beekeeper
After making some hive manipula-
who works slowiy but precisely can keep the number of squashed bees to a minimum.
tions, check the colony to see how it was
affected. For example, check a hive:
-14 days after installing a package
or swarm
-one week after queen introduction
-one week after dividing a hive
-whenever pesticide damage, disease,
queenlessness, or similar conditions
are suspected
A hive should not be examined:
-during a major honeyflow; a hive
should not be disturbed unless ab-
solutely necessary-for example, if
disease is suspected, for requeening, -tape and screen to close holes and -swarming record (how often, what
or to add or take off supers cracks time of year)
-on a very windy or cold winter’s -pruning clippers and sickle to keep -manipulation that day (reversing,
day vegetation under control supering, etc.)
-when it is raining -bee medication -effects of last manipulation and
-at night -bee-sting kit or other medications time elapsed (after requeening,
for the beekeeper etc.)
BEFORE GOING TO THE APIARY -hive weight gained or lost since
THE HIVE DIARY last visit
The following list of equipment and -requeening schedule (age of queen)
supplies should be available before depart- Methods of keeping track of the -disease record
ing for the apiary. Although some of condition of each hive vary. Some bee- -wintering ability
these items will not be needed during keepers use a system of bricks or stones -medication schedule (what type,
every trip to the apiary, it may be pru- placed on top of the hives in some code when, for what reason)
dent to keep them near at hand (in the to tell the queen’s age, swarming tenden- -number of stings received and
car or in the apiary shed): cies, or the like. But since the stones can reaction
-extra hive tools be removed or the code forgotten, other
-extra smoker methods giving more precise information SMOKING
-matches should be used.
-dry fuel for smoker A sheet of paper stapled or tacked The use of smoke while working bees
-water to wash sticky hands, to the underside of the outer cover is a is essential. No hive should be opened or
quench thirst, and put out smoker good place to keep records. Similarly, a examined without first smoking the bees.
-can or jar of fresh syrup for emer- hive diary can be kept and filled out each A few periodic puffs of smoke will help
gency feeding time the hives are worked. keep the bees under control, but bees that
-plastic spray bottle By referring to the diary before are oversmoked might become irritated.
-extra frames going to the apiary, the beekeeper will be When bees are smoked, they seek out
-extra hive bodies, outer covers, less likely to forget any needed supplies and engorge honey or nectar in the hive.
inner covers or equipment. Every time a particular Bees with full stomachs are less prone to
-division screen hive or group of hives is worked, the sting. When the hive is first opened, the
-container to collect scrapings of following information should be noted or guard bees-which are sensitive to hive
wax or propolis sketched in the hive diary: manipulations-release an alarm pheromone
-queen excluder -date to alert other bees; when many bees are
-hive diary -weather conditions (wind, temper- releasing this pheromone, the beekeeper
-pencil and pen ature, humidity, etc.) may also detect this alarm odor, which is
-burlap or cotton sacking, to pro- -colony strength: number of frames similar to the odor of banana oil. The
tect uncovered supers from rob- with sealed brood; number of alarm pheromone causes the bees to react
bing bees frames covered by adult bees aggressively to protect the hive from “in-
-newspaper to unite hives -characteristics of hive (aggressive, truders.” Smoke directed from the bee-
-hammer and nails for repairs gentle, productive) keeper’s smoker into the entrance of the
hive will mask the initial release of the Lighting the Smoker
alarm odor and, as a consequence, the
One should become thoroughly familiar with the smoker before using it at the
other bees will be more likely to continue
apiary. It is a good idea to practice lighting it a few times before using it near bees.
their routine hive duties rather than as-
All beekeepers have their favorite fuel and may use it exclusively. The best fuel to
sume an aggressive stance.
use is the fuel that works best for you and that is readily accessible. Some common-
Smoke can also be used to drive bees
ly used fuels are:
away from or toward an area within the -cardboard
-straw -cedar bark
hive. It is also used to mask the alarm -rags
-leaves -twigs
pheromone after one has been stung.
-rotted wood -burlap -sawdust
Since the gland tnrhich releases the alarm -corn cobs
-sumac bobs -wood shavings
pheromone is at the base of the sting,
-pine needles -cotton stuffing
after one is stung some of this pheromone
Synthetic materials should not be used since they may give off a toxic smoke when
“tags” the area; other bees who detect
burned; newspaper should not be used as the sole fuel since the ash is too big and
this signal may also sting the tagged area.
could burn the bees.
Clothing and bee gloves that have been To light a smoker:
stung should also be smoked (and washed -Drop a small amount of blazing fuel (even a small piece of newspaper) to
occasionally) to mask the alarm odor. the bottom of the smoker.
The bigger smokers should be pur- -Puff the smoker and slowly pack it with unburned material.
chased since they are easier to light than -Puff hard until it stays lit.
the smaller ones, burn longer, and are less -Once it is going, put a handful of grass or green leaves on top of the fuel to
likely to fail when they are needed most. cool the smoke and catch hot ashes.
-Do not pack it too tightly and keep filling it periodically.
After finishing work in the apiary:
-Place the hive tool(s) in the opened smoker and puff a blaze to sterilize the
-Empty the remaining fuel and ashes onto dirt or pavement and drench them
with water. Some beekeepers stuff rags into the nozzle of the smoker to
suffocate the fire so that the fuel may be reused later.
-Make sure the fire is out and the smoker is cool before putting it away and
never leave a lighted smoker in a vehicle.
-Sand both the smoker and the hive tools periodically.

The general method used by most

beekeepers to open and examine a hive
is outlined below. The procedure may Examining a Hive
vary somewhat, depending upon the num-
ber of supers on the hive and the purpose
of the examination:
-Approach the hive from the side * 91
or back. s 4b
-Do not stand in front of the hive l s* l 4
stacked and
at any time, since the flight path *aa& e-
staggered shallow
of incoming bees will be blocked. in supers
sa2* %* @
-Puff some smoke into the entrance
(being sure it gets inside) and wait
30 seconds so the bees can begin
to gorge honey.
-Gently pry or take off the outer
cover and direct a few puffs of removed frame
smoke through the oblong hole of
the inner cover, and again wait 30
seconds for the bees to gorge hon-
ey; then gently pry off the inner
cover. If an inner cover is not
outer cover (base)
used on the hive, puff some smoke
under the outer cover as you take
it off and wait 30 seconds.
-Place the inner cover near the en-
trance so clinging bees can reenter
the hive.
+fter the covers have been re-
moved, smoke the bses down from
the top bars of the frames; smoke
must be used judiciously-too
much will cause the bees to run
in every direction, making your
work more difficult and decreas-
ing the likelihood of finding the
-Use the outer cover (underside-up) vertically over the hive; in this way, (pollen, honey, or stored sugar
or a spare hive stand as a base for if the queen is on the frame she syrup)
stacking supers as they are re- will not drop onto the ground. -the brood pattern is compact for
moved from the hive (see illus.). -Continue to examine each adjacent both uncapped (larvae) and capped
-Throughout the examination, frame until your objective is com- (pupae) brood
smoke the bees as needed to keep pleted. The beekeeper should also check for,
them out of your way and to keep -Frames should be returned to their and take measures to correct, the follow-
them from getting squashed. original positions and spacing unless ing adverse conditions:
-The purpose of the examination you are adding frames of founda- -queenlessness
will dictate whether to first remove tion, honey, drawn comb, brood, -queen cups and/or queen cells
all supers above the bottom one or eggs. (either supersedure or swarm cells)
or whether to work from the top -If brood and eggs are separated -amount of drones and drone cells
down during your inspection. from the broodnest, the brood -presence of a failing queen or a
-Each time a super is pried off, might become chilled, and the bees drone-laying queen
puff a bit of smoke onto the super will have a hard time maintaining -presence of laying workers
below. the proper temperatures if the -leaking feeders
-If the hive is very populous, it is broodnest is expanded too much. -crowded conditions (give extra
best to start by examining the -When replacing supers, the bees in hive bodies)
bottom-most hive body, after the super below will be milling on -overheated conditions (provide
stacking all other supers on the the top bars and rims; smoke the shade or ventilation)
upturned cover nearby (give them bees down so they will not get -diseases and pests
an occasional puff of smoke as crushed as you replace the supers. -robbing activities
you work). If you were to begin -Whenever possible, scrape excess -bottom board clogged by bees,
by working at the top, the bees propolis and burr comb (comb not debris, or propolis (clean off or
smoked from successive operations in the proper place) from the replace)
on the upper supers would crowd frames with a hive tool; the extra -wet, damp, or rotting bottom
to the lowest super-making it wax can later be melted down (see board (replace)
very full by the time you reach it. PRODUCTS OF THE HIVE: Bees- -dwindling populations
-Wherever you decide to begin your wax). -broken combs or frames
examination, smoke the bees off -cracked or broken equipment
the top bars and down between WHAT TO LOOK FOR -obstruction in front of the en-
the frames; gently pry up the trance (weeds, grass)
frame closest to you. In the spring the colony must build
-You may set the removed frame in strength in order to achieve the peak
against the back of the base hive population of 40,000 or more that is nec-
body, out of the sun and where it essary to secure a good honey crop. The
won’t be kicked or jarred; or place beekeeper should be able to verify that:
it in an empty hive body. -a queen and/or eggs are present
-As each frame is examined, hold it -there are adequate food stores

The queen’s presence and the extent of her activity can be established without Good Disposition
finding her. If one finds brood frames with a concentrated pattern of capped worker To minimize the likelihood of being
cells, frames mostly filled with eggs or larvae (uncapped brood), or a combination of stung, ii: is best to work the hive on days
both, her presence and quality are indicated.
when most field bees are foraging.
If it is necessary to find her, the hive should be opened gently (as outlined in Generally, bees are gentlest:
WORKIAIG WITH BEES: Opening the Hive) and the outermost frame should be re- -in the spring, when populations are
moved. She will seldom be found on frames with just honey and pollen or on frames low and a honeyflow is on
with capped brood; she wili most likely be found on or near frames containing eggs -during a good honeyflow
and uncapped larvae. -on warm, sunny, calm days
The queen can often be spotted in the midst of her encircling “attendants.” -when populations are low, as with
When a queen moves slowly along the frame from cell to cell, the other bees will package bees
clear her path, but the circle will be reformed when she pauses (see illus.). -when bees are well-gorged with
If the queen must be found-whether before requeening, to kill her before unit- food, as with a swarm or package
ing colonies, to mark her or clip her wing, or just to satisfy the need to see her-but bees
cannot be located within 15 minutes or without disrupting the entire hive, it may be -between late morning and early
helpful to use the following method: afternoon (roughly between IO a.m.
-Place a queen excluder between the two brood chambers (usually the two and 2 p.m. depending on season
lower hive bodies). and time zone)
-Five days later the queen will be in the hive body whose frames contain
eggs. Since ail eggs hatch in three days, the brood chamber from which she Irritable Di’rposition
was excluded will have no eggs.
Bees are more prone to sting when
most of the foragers are in the hive. The
reason for the foragers not being out is +
related to conditions outside the hive
(usually weather). The following condi-
tions are those under which bees are
more likely to sting:
-in the fall, after the honeyflow
-during a poor honeyflow when
there is little food Corning in
-when disturbed by skunks or other
-before a thunderstorm
-on cool, wet, cloudy days The sting should be scraped off with -baking soda
-on hot, sultry, humid days a fingernail or hive tool as soon as possible -ammonia
-on windy days to minimize the amount of venom pumped -meat tenderizer, as a paste
-in the early morning or the late into the wound. Start to scrape the skin -mud
afternoon or evening with your nail about an inch awsv from All of the above treatments work
-when queenless the sting and continue scraping through best if applied immediately after being
-when laying workers are present the sting; it will pull out easily. One stung. Immediate application of these
-when many bees are killed by should never attempt to remove the sting items, however, is usually impossible if
improper handling by pinching it, since the pinching action the beekeeper gets stung away from home
-when the hive or a hive part is will squeeze the poison sac, forcing more or through a bee suit.
jarred venom ‘into the victim’s tissue. To give relief to the itching red welt
-when diseased Since an alarm pheromone accom- that appears following a bee sting one
-in reaction to pungent hair oils, panies a sting, other bees are likely to might apply calamine lotion or other in-
lotions, or perfumes sting in that vicinity; smoke should be sect bite/poison preparation, or hot water.
-when examined without using applied to the area of the sting to mask
smoke the alarm odor. Systemic Reaction
-when honey is removed and rob
Persons who break out in hives or
bing activities are stimulated TREATMENT OF BEE STINGS have difficulty breathing after being stung
by a honey bee may be allergic to bee
WHAT TO DO WHEN STUNG Local Reaction venom. For all systemic or general aller-
Once a worker bee does succeed in For local reactions, there is very gic reactions, immediate medical aid is
piercing the beekeeper’s skin with the little an individual can do except to re- strongly recommended even though some
barbed lancets of its sting, the bee can- lieve the itching. Since the sting barbs medication may be at hand.
not withdraw the lancets from the skin. are so tiny and the puncture so small, no Bee sting reaction medication can
As the bee struggles to free itself, the ’ treatment will be effective in reducing the only be obtained with a prescription. The
poison sac attached to the lancets is amount of venom other than the prompt, drugs commonly prescribed are an anti-
ripped from the bee’s abdomen. This proper removal of the sting structure. histamine and adrenaline. Here are some
means that the bee will ultimately die; and Every beekeeper has a favorite treat- examples:
having left most of its sting imbedded in ment for bee stings. The treatment does Od:
the victim’s tissue, it will obviously not not “cure” the sting but gives a different -1soproterenol Hydrogenchloride”
be able to sting again before it dies. sensation to the area, and thus it takes (Isuprel Sublingual; three-year
Other stinging insects have either one’s mind off the momentary pain. The shelf life) in 10 mg pills; placed
smooth lancets or lancets with ineffec- following items are often used to relieve under the tongue, followed by:
tual barbs; they can therefore withdraw bee stings: -0iphenh ydramine H ydrogenchlo -
that portion of the sting and repeatedly -bee sting treatment kits ride* (Benadryl; four-year shelf
reinsert it. The queen honey bee has -ice packs or cold water life) in 50 mg pills; an antihicta-
such a sting, but she rarely if ever directs -vinegar mine
it at victims other than rival queens. -raw onions rubbed on the area *generic name oC’:drug
Injected: the face; or walk behind a tree or queen with syrup, then place
-Anakit@ or other insect sting kits bush, trying not to let other bees her on a frame of uncapped
are available with a prescription follow you, and remove the veil brood.
and include a syringe filled with quickly to release the trapped bee. -Requeen.
Epinephrine (Adrenaline), with -If your smoker goes out: cover
instructions for it to be injected exposed supers with extra outer
under the skin (subcutaneously). cover(s) or cloth to prevent rob-
Keep refrigerated and do not use bing and relight the smoker. Notes
if cloudy; do not inject directly -If you are chased by a lot of bees:
into veins. blow smoke on yourself and walk
Aerosol: casually behind bushes or trees;
-An aerosol bronchial applicator, as be sure your smoker does not
for asthma sufferers, will offer throw out flame, otherwise your
quick relief of breathlessness as a clothing might ignite. Bees are
result of a bee sting. The dosage very myopic; they see movement
of two puffs should be repeated (like fleeing bodies) very easily but
after 15 minutes. are confused if many objects like
Although the above information branches or leaves are between
provides an outline of what might be them and their target.
done for systemic or general allergic -If the queen is balled when re-
reactions to bee stings, exact and precise leased directly into a colony of
medical information should be strictly package bees or when introduced
adhe& to. No one should attempt to into a hive that is being requeened
selfdiagnose their response to bee stings or to one which already has a queen
or to prescribe medications for themselves (in these cases the bees consider
or others but should instead seek the ad- her foreign and commence to sur-
vice of a physician. round or “ball” and attack her) or
(A discussion of bee sting reaction when the hive is roughiy handled
physiology is included in Appendix A. do one of the following:
See also REFERENCES: Bee Sting.) -Cover the hive quickly and hope
for the best.
UNEXPECTED OCCURRENCES -Break up the ball with smoke or
water and cage the queen; rein-
When working with bees, situations troduce her using the Indirect
sometimes arise for which the beekeeper Release Method (see STARTING
is not prepared. These are some of the FROM PACKAGES and SPE-
more common ones: CIAL MANAGEMENT PROB-
-If a bee gets in your veil: kill it LEMS).
quickly, before it stings you on -Break up the ball and spray the
Starting Bees from Packages
Package of Bees

A package of bees is a screened box containing several pounds of bees, a laying lid
queen in a separate cage, and a feeder can of sugar syrup (see illus.). The package queen cage
is prepared by a bee breeder or package dealer who opens a hive, isolates the queen, I I
and shakes the bees clinging to the frames into a funnel which is attached to the cir-
cular opening of the screened box. After the desired number of bees (measured in
pounds) has been shaken into the package, a newly mated queen taken from a queen-
mating box is enclosed in a queen cage and placed in the package, usually suspended
next to the circular opening for the feeder can. The feeder can containing sugar
syrup is then inserted into the circular opening, a lid is placed over it, and the pack-
age is ready to ship.
The bees in the package now have a foreign queen (not their own), but since
she is caged, they are unable to harm her. While in transit, the bees will come to
accept her as their own.
There are many methods used to install bee packages, the basic differences
being in the manner in which the queen is released from her cage. In the Indirect
Release Methods, the queen remains caged and the bees are allowed access to a
candy plug which they must remove in order to release her. This method simply \ \feeder can
wooden frame
delays the queen from being freed among the other bees for a few more hours or
days and increases the likelihood of their accepting her. bee cluster
In the Direct Release Methods, the screen or cork is removed from the queen
cage, allowing the queen to walk out onto the top bars of the hive among the other
bees or into the entrance. When the queen is released directly, the bees may still
not be fully acquainted with her and, as a consequence, they may form a tight ball
of bees around her and begin stinging and tearing her apart. This process, called
balling tie queen may result in the queen’s death or permanent injury (see WORK-
ING WITH BEES: Unexpected Occurrences). Combinations and variations of the
Direct and Indirect Release Methods are covered in STARTING BEES FROM PACK-
AGES: Installing Packages.
ORDERING PACKAGES and uncapped larvae from an established drawn comb, a bottom board, inner cover,
hive, they will raise a new queen. outer cover, and entrance cleat (see
If possible, packages should be or- EQUIPMENT AND BEEKEEPING SUP-
dered directly through the breeder (other WHEN THE PACKAGES ARRIVE PLIES: Basic Hive Parts). Hive entrances
beekeepers may be able to provide a list of should be closed until the bees are in-
reliable sources), or they can be obtained The bees may be buzzing loudly and stalled to prevent mice from entering the
through a local bee supply house. Ad- wandering all over the package when it hive and damaging the comb.
vertisements by local dealers may be arrives. They are not “mad” or ferocious.
found in publications of state beekeeping As soon as possible, the package should INSTALLING PACKAGES
organizations, and beekeeping journals be placed in a cool (not cold), draft-free,
quiet, and darkened area, and the bees Indirect Release Method I
like the American Bee Journal, Gleanings
in Bee Culture, and the s;Oeedy Bee in- should be fed heavily with sugar syrup. The bees should be fed with syrup
clude advertisements for almost all pack- They will soon become calm. Feed the almost continuously for the last half hour
age bee dealers (see REFERENCES: bees liberally with sugar syrup from a before the package is installed so the bees
Journals and Publications). spray bottle (but do not soak them) or will remain calm (see FEEDING BEES:
sprinkle the syrup on the screened sides Sugar Syrup). Follow this procedure:
A week before the bees are expect-
of the package. Some beekeepers brush -Take the package to the pre-
ed, call the post office and leave a phone
the syrup on the screen, but this can in- assembled hive.
number where you can be reached so the
jure the bees-many of whom will have -Shake or jar the package so the
postal clerks can contact you when the
bees arrive. If the bottom of the package their tongues and feet protruding through bees drop to the bottom of the
the screen. package.
has well over an inch of dead bees, have
the postal clerk or express agent sign a The syrup, which should consist of -Spray the bees with syrup or water
Bad Order Receipt; this may allow the a mixture of one or two parts white sugar to coat their wings, but do not
shipper to collect from the express agency. to one part warm water, should be pre- soak them.
If the package is guaranteed and the pared before the bees arrive (see FEED- -Remove the lid, exposing the top
queen is found to be dead and/or the ING BEES: Sugar Syrup). The syrup of the feeder can and the queen
package has well over an inch of dead should be medicated with Fumidil-B, cage;
bees, the shipper should be notified and sulfathiozol, or terramycin TM25 or -if the queen cage is attached to
asked when replacements can be expected. TM50 (see BEE PESTS AND DISEASES: a metal tab adjacent to the feed-
~~em&yqy j_ er, remove the cage and replace
If the queen is dead, replacement Install the package in the late after- the lid.
must not be delayed or some workers noon; if the weather is unusually cold, -if the queen cage is’hung from
will undergo ovary maturation and begin wait for the weather to improve (but do a wire or piece of screen next
to lay eggs. Laying workers can only not wait more than a few days), and con- to the feeder, grasp the wire tab
produce drone eggs and, thus, the colony tinue the feeding. to keep the cage from falling
would be doomed (see SPECIAL MAN- All equipment should be readied and into the package; remove the
AGEMENT PROBLEMS: Laying Work- in place well before the bees’ arrival; feeder can and then the queen
=). If the queenless package bees can equipment should include a deep hive cage; replace the lid to contain
be provided with a frame or two of eggs body with ten frames of foundation or the bees.
I d
-If the queen is alive, remove the
cork from the end of the quran
cage which contains the white
candy; scrape and remove most of
the candy plug with a nail, leaving
a l/4 to l/8 inch (3-C mm) candy
Indirect Release Method I barrier. The candy will delay the
queen’s release, helping to insure
her acceptance by the other bees.
~cu~fd of bees -If no candy is present, after re-
moving the cork, plug the hole
with a midget marshmallow.
-Suspend the queen cage between
; top bar of frame
F the fifth and sixth frames of the
hive, screen-face forward and
u candy-end up (see illus.); the cage
FL emntv Ijive
should not be placed directly under
candy burlap the oblong hole of the inner cover
comb so as to avoid syrup dripping on
the cage.
-Remove the package lid and shake
approximately a cupful of bees
cover onto the queen cage; replace the
-queen cage package lid.
-Place the inner cover on the hive,
frames rim-side down, to allow extra
room above the top bars; invert
CLOSE UP the feeder can or jar over the ob-
long hole of the inner cover; invert
’ the jar so that initial drippings will
kii&f-entrance fall on the ground away from the
hive, otherwise syrup dripped on
the hive or inner cover may invite
robbing bees; if ths feeder leaks,
get another (see FEEDING BEES:
Friction- Top Jar or Sue w- Top
-Place an empty hive body over the
inner cover and feeder can; place
the outer cover on top. up the empty feeder, direct smoke into later date
-Again spray the remaining bees in the oblong hole of the inner cover to -egg-laying delayed since queen is
the package with syrup. move the bees away, place a full feeder not immediately released
-Remove the package lid and shake on top, and close the hive.
a third of the bees out in front of Open the hive on the 15th day after Indirect Release Method II
the hive allowing them to walk in- installing the package, weather permitting, Follow the same procedures as in
I I to the entrance. However, if it is (see WORKING WITH BEES: General) the first method as far as removing the
cold, use the Direct Release Meth- using smoke as needed. If one or more of queen cage, and then follow this sequence:
od instead. the frames shows a fairly compact brood -If the weather is cool, place the
-The freed group of bees will soon pattern (capped cells and open cells full of queen cage in your pocket, screen
begin to scant (their heads will face eggs and larvae), all is well. Close the hive side away from your body; if the
the entrance, abdomens raised, and leave it undisturbed for another week. weather is warm, place the queen
wings fanning), releasing an odor During the next visit to the hive, remove cage in the shade.
or pheromone to attract other bees the queen cage and refill the feeder; con- -Remove four or five frames from
to the hive. tinue feeding the colony until the first one side of the hive body,
-When the bees begin to enter the major honeyflow. Two months after in- -Suspend the queen cage between
hive rapidly, shake the rest of the stalling the package, add a second hive two frames, after scraping away
bees from the package slowly to body with frames if the first is full of some of the candy plug (as in
keep the bees from drifting in drawn comb and brood. If there is no Method I).
front of the hive. major honeyflow and the new hive body -If the weather is cool, shake some
-After most of the bees have en- contains frames with foundation only, bees onto the queen cage to keep
tered, partially block the entrance feed the bees with syrup. If the bees are her from becoming chilled.
of the hive with a reducer cleat or not fed they -will chew the foundation. -Place the entire package in the
with grass; leave the entrance par- Advan tagas: vacant space in the hive (where
tially blocked for two months (re- -excellent chance of queen being the frames have been removed),
placing grass when needed) to dis- accepted being sure that the open-end of
courage robbing. -no additional trips to apiary needed the package is up to allow the bees
-Leave the package near the hive -syrup located in vicinity of bees to escape (see illus.).
entrance overnight, open-end up, and queen, so likelihood of starva- -Replace the inner cover, rim-side
to let any remaining bees escape tion is slight down, and feed the colony as de-
into the hive. -easy way to feed medicated syrup scribed in the previous section,
-Check to see if queen is released -bees will not leave hive if queen with sugar syrup from a feeder can
after one week. is caged and unable to fly or jar (see FEEDING BEES: Sugar
For the next 14 days, do not disturb Disadvantages: SYfUP).
the colony except to replace syrup in the -some drifting occurs -After placing an empty hive body
feeder can. When replacing the syrup, -an extra hive body is needed on top and covering it with the
have a lit smoker ready and first blow -may take a little more time than outer cover, reduce the entrance
smoke into the empty hive body at the other methods with a cleat or with grass (as in
top. Smoke around the feeder, then tilt -have to remove queen cage at a Method I).
-a~ 01 dnJAs ~J!M saaq eyl AeJds-
*aDeds lueDer\ aql u! pJeoq wolloq
aq oluo saaq aql lie aye+ pue
a6eyaed ayl woJ4 py ayl anowau-
‘aA!y al/1 $0 qp
-p!w ayz WOJJsaurey Jno4 aftowat(-
-apeys a41 u! a6ea a41 lnd ‘wJeM
s! $1 J! !Apoq JnOA ~1014 AeMe ap!s
uaaJ3s ‘1ayDod JnoA u! a6e3 uaanb
a41 aaeld ‘loo:, s! JayleaM aql41-
:aauanbas s!yl
~01104 uayl pue ‘a6e3 uaanb aql Gu!AowaJ
se Je4 se 1 poylayy asealau i3aJ!pul ayl Jo4
pauylno se saJnpaDoJd 1~14 aql ~0110 j

papaau Apoq aA!y eJlxa-

sqwo3 asaql
u! s66a Ael 0% lJels 146!w uaanb
aqi pue JadoJd ayq aql u! lou ‘a6e
-yaed ayl u! qwoa Pl!nq Aew saaq-
paAelap s! asealaJ
s,uaanb aDu!s paAelap 6u!Ael-66a-
SaweJ4 a3eldaJ ‘atjeyaed
aAowaJ ‘a6eD uaanb ayl aAowaJ
OXapew aq lsnw sd!Ji leuo!l!ppe-
AeMe paduas Apue3
SJauU!baq ~04 lsayea-
Gu)~!+ ssal- (Ai!JV Jo4 PaWUO Allewd uaaxq a6ea “ear&/
ql!M ueyi. ssal paqJnls!p saaq-
Gu!aq uaanb 40 aDueq3 lualla3xa-
‘pau!llno AlsnoyaJd se
ue3 Japaa4 aqi Il!4aJ 01 pue uaanb
ayl yaaya 01 any aql lctadsul-
duce their flying ability, but do
not soak them.
-Dip the queen cage in syrup, or
spray it, so that the queen will
not fly off when released; do not Direct Release Method
dip it if the weather is cold.
-Carefully remove the screen from
the queen cage and lower the cage
into the hive near the bees (see
-Allow the queen to walk or drop
gently on top of the bees. 5. -. , . ._ n emotv
-As soon as the pile of bees dis-
perses, carefully replace the frames,
taking care to avoid crushing the m -- -=-
-Replace the inner cover and follow
the rest of the steps in the Indirect
Release Method I.
Advantages: ’
-queen released and can start to
lay sooner
-easiest, fastest method; complete in
one operation
-no return trips to apiary needed
except for feeding
-extra hive body needed
-queen could be killed or balled
-bees could leave (abscond) with
free-flying queen
ktrance cleat

-queen could fly away during in- *!

stallation (taking bees with her) or
be otherwise lost
-queen could be superseded
-Some bees and/or queen could be
injured or killed when frames are
drifting occurs
-any dead bees in package are also
shaken into the hive, making extra
work for bees to remove them
Feeding Bees
Combination Method
The Combination Method follaws
the same sequence as the Direct Release
Method, except that the queen remains
Bees should be fed unti?r the following conditions:
caged and is released by an Indirect Re-
-when no natural honey or pollen is available (in late winter or early spring)
lease Method. In other words, the bees
in order to stimulate brood rearing
are shaken dimcfly into the hive, but the
.. -when colony is in danger of starving
queen is kept caged so the bees will have
-when it is necessary to supply medication (chemotherapeutic agents)
to free her. The advantages of this Com-
-when installing a package or hiving a swarm for the above reasons, as well
bination Method are the same as for the
as to stimulate wax glands when these bees or others are given foundation
Indirect Release Method I; the disadvan-
to draw
tages are the same as for the Direct Re-
-when requeening
lease Method, except for references to
-when rearing queens and no natural honeyflow is on
the queen.
Bees can exhaust their own food stores or for other reasons be unable to build
up existing stores and eventually deplete them. In either case, the colony will be
REASONS FOR PACKAGE FAILURES hard-pressed to stay alive and should be fed. If this situation occurs dr!r;ng the flow-
ering period, the colony may continue to exist on a day-to-day basis, but it will sure-
Bee hives started from packages ly be weakened and-should an interval of inclement weather set in-may perish. If
sometimes fail after they are installed. stores are exhausted in the fall, winter, or early spring, the colony will die.
Reasons for failure include: Stores may be reduced in these ways:
-queen has been superseded (due to -the beekeeper removes too much honey, particularly in the fall
nosema disease or other reasons) -the bees eat up the last of the winter food in late spring
-queen is unmated or poorly mated -the number of field bees becomes reduced due to spring dwindling (see
-queen is balled as a result of too GENERAL SEASONAL MANAGEMENT: Spring Dwindling)
many disturbances of the hive by -the bees’ food consumption increases when egg-laying resumes in midwinter,
the beekeeper (especially during to provide heat and food for brood
first ten days after installation) -when an expected honeyflow fails to materialize; or inclement weather sets
-weather has been too cold for in at the time of the honeyflow to prevent bees from collecting fresh food;
bees to forage or obtain syrup due or a plant fails to yield expected food
to location or type of feeder When colonies are in a condition where starvation is imminent, the bees must be
-bees have starved fed to insure their survival. The various methods of feeding bees with sugar syrup,
-disease dry sugar, honey, and pollen and its substitutes are discussed in this section (see
-bees have left the hive REFERENCES: Feeding Bees).
SUGAR SYRUP breaks down the sugars but may be det- inner cover. Place an empty hive body
rimental to bees. Bees should be fed around the feeder, and replace the outer
One gallon of sugar syrup (2:1, sug early enough in the fall so that the sugar cover.
arwater) will increase the food reserves has time to cure, but if this is not pos- The syrup will not leak as long as
of a colony by about 7 pounds. The fol- sible, add one teaspoon tartaric acid for the holes are not too large and the feeder
lowing proportions (by volume) of sugar: each 20 to 30 pounds of sugar syrup. is level; if there is empty drawn comb in
water should be fed depending on the the hive, the bees will remove the syrup
season and the purpose for the feeding: Screw-top Jars and Friction-top Pails from the feeder and store it in the comb
-1: 1, sugarwater, for spring feeding below.
One of the best ways to feed bees
-2:1, sugarwater, for fail feeding
at almost any time of the year is with a
-7 :2, sugarwater, to stimulate Division-board Feeder
five or ten-pound glass jar or friction-top
brood rearing (make only two
tin pail turned upside-down over the top The division-board feeder is a frame-
holes in the lids of the gravity
tiars of the hive or over the oblong hole size container whid; can be inserted in
feeders so the bees will only be
of the inner cover. The lid is perforate J place of a frame within a deep hive body.
able to obtain small amounts over
with a few small holes so the bees can Feeders of this type have some kind of
an extended period of time; this
insert their tongues into the holes to fiotation device or a strip of screen which
effect will be similar to a light
withdraw the sugary solution. allows the bees to reach the syrup with-
nectar flow)
Plastic jars often collapse afttr they out drowning. Division-board feeders are
Use white, granulated cane or beet are filled and inverted, so their use is not made with masonite, wood, or plastic and
sugar only; new use brown or raw sugar, recommended. Tin pails become rusty, usually have Styrofoam or wood floats.
molasses, or sorgum since these contain are difficult to clean, and are expensive Some beekeepers keep one division.
impurities and can cause dysentery in to purchszo. Glass jars, on the other board feeder in each deep hive body.
bees. hand, csn ofa:? be obtained free of However, on cold days, bees in weak
Mix the desired proportions of sugar charge arid, although breakage does occur, hives will be less able to obtain syrup
and water and stir adequately until all they are easier to clean and inexpensive when this type of feeder is used unlcy
the sugar is dissolved. Warm water from to replace, and one can readily see if it is located near the cluster. If the I
the faucet is hot enough to dissolve the they need to be refilled. weather continues for a long duratic;
sugar; or mix the sugar with hot, not Use a shingle nail, or a 3 or 4 penny the bees maybe unable to move .CI ttlc
boiling, water that has been heated over nail (l/16 inch diameter, 1.6 mm), to feeder and could starve.
a stove. Never let the sup;-water solu- punch 6 to 10 holes in the lid (after re-
tion boil over direct heat since syrup moving the cardboard washer from a Miller Feeder
that is burned, or caramelized, will cause screw-top lid). At the hive, first invert
high bee mortality. Heating the mixture the jar or pail so drippings will fall in Another type of feeder, called the
over steam or in a double boiler will pre some container or on the ground, rather Miller feeder, is composed or two alu-
vent caramelization. than onto the hive, so as not to encour- minum or plastic pans fastened together
To prevent fall syrup from crystal- age robbing; as soon as the dripping stops, and hung within or otherwise attached to
izing, some beekeepers add cream of place the feeder over the top bars near an empty shallow super. A bee space be-
tartar (or tartaric acid) to the solution of the cluster if the colony is weak; other- tween the two pans alloilvs the bees to
sugar and warm water. Tartaric acid wise, place it over the oblong hole of the crawl up and over the sides to feed. A
Screw-top Jar Feeder

inverted feeder jar with syrup Miller Feeder

screw lid with holes

.feeder pan


empty hive


bees in
I ‘inner
crawl space-
Diision-board Feeder .syrup


V-shaped screen as
platform for bees

floatatio~evice CROSS-SECTION

-- syrup
Filling Empty Drawn Comb

Feeding by Sugar

inner cover dry sugar

(rim-side up)

frame of dry,
drawn comb

bardman Feeder

Rim Feeder


Boardman feeder
oottom board

control clip allows the bees to cling to later fed to larvae, broad diseases like If the bees are unable to store honey in
its sides without drowning in the syrup; American f5ulbrood could result (see the early spring, feeding dry sugar in !ate
it can be placed over the crawl space SPECJAL MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS: spring, prior to a honeyflow, may help
(see illus.). Hit&g a Swarm). It is very important prevent starvation.
The Miller feeder (also called a to ensure that any combs used for feed- The sugar should be located as close
Miller super) is placed at the top of the ing syrup have no history of brood dis- to the bees as possible. It can be spread
hive beneath the inner and outer coveti; eases. around the oblong hole of the inner
it can hold up to four gallons of syrup cover (rim-side up), on the back portion
and can be rapidly fiiled or refilled. Boardman Feeder of the bottom board, or on the top bars
Variations on the same principle are also of the frames near the bee cluster. Or,
A Boardman feeder is a wooden or
available. If this type of feeder is used, the sugar can be spread over a single
plastic holder for a quart-size mason jar.
the super should be bee tight on the out- sheet of newspaper placed over the top
The portion of the holder’s base with an
side or else robbing may result. bars of the hive body where the bees are
entrance platform is inserted into the
located; the bees will chew through the
hive entrance. The bees can obtain syrup
Empty Drawn Comb newspaper to obtain the sugar.
by crawling into the holder’s entrance.
Only strong colonies will benefit
Frames of empty drawn comb can The Boardman feeder is not recom-
from the feeding of dry sugar; weaker
be filled with syrup and placed in the mended since bees from other colonies
colonies may not have sufficient numbers
hive. Slowly dip the frames into a tub can rob syrup from it, and this tends to of bees to obtain the needed water.
of syrup or sprinkle them with a sprinkler encourage further robbing activity. If the
can or other device. A steady stream of weather is cold, the colony being fed will
syrup poured directly from a container not break the cluster to reach the feeder
will not fill the cells, since the air in the and may starve whenever stores are low.
cells will act as a barrier to the liquid. The feeder only holds a quart of syrup
This method can be used for emergency and would require frequent refilling.
feeding, especially if the combs are lo- Furthermore, in this highly exposed con-
cated near or adjacent to the broodnest. dition, the liquid could freeze, or the sun
As with other feeding methods, one has may decompose chemicals in the syrup
to look into the hive (and remove these which were added to medicate the bees.
frames) to determine whether or not they
need refilling. DRY SUGAR
This method is often used when in-
stalling package bees in a hive with drawn Dry, white, granulated sugar can be
comb. Newly hived swarms, however, used as an emergency food in late spring
should not be fed by this method. Bees when outside temperatures are high
in a swarm have full honey sacs and if enough to permit the bees to obtain
put on drawn comb may regurgitate the water for dissolving the sugar; occasional-
contents of their sacs into these cells; if ly, water that has condensed in the hive
such honey contains disease spores and is may be used by the bees for this purpose.


Fondant candy can be made and fed to bees in small molds or with a special The best food of all-when properly
rim feeder. This method is less sloppy than feeding syrup or dry sugar, but the ripened, capped, and free of disease-is,
preparations take much longer. The basic fondant candy recipe (to feed one colony) of course, a super of honey placed above
is: the broodnest, or several frames of .honey
-2 cups white sugar placed next to the broodnest in weak
-2 tablespoons corn syrup (light), or l/8 teaspoon cream of tartar (tartaric hives. Honey obtained from old combs
acid) and cappings, as well as crystalized honey,
-1 l/2 cups boiling water can be diluted and fed to the bees using
-Combine and heat ingredients, stirring until sugar dissolves; heat without any of the methods used for feeding
stirring’ to 238” F (115”C, or until a Medium Ball on a candy thermometer); syrup. Supers with frames that are “wet”
pour out onto cold platter and cool until warm; beat until light and pour or sticky after having been through an
into molds or shallow dishes. extractor can be placed above or below
The molds can be inverted over the top bars near the cluster. the broodnest or over the inner cover for
Another variation is to make up a rim feeder, which is a hardwood or masonite the bees to clean.
board, the size of an inner cover but with a l-inch or deeper rim. It is filled with But caution is urged when bees are
candy and then inverted over the cluster. fed with diluted honey or wet combs:
The recipe for fondant candy to fill 40 rim feeders (as given on page 360 of The the odor of honey will stimulate robbing.
Him and the Honey Bee, edited by Dadant & Sons, Hamilton, Illinois, 1975) is: Therefore, feed honey or place wet combs
-209 pounds sugar on the hives in the early evening so that
-30 pounds honey the bees will have sufficient time to re-
-2 l/2 gallons water move and store it before morning. If
-1 cup vinegar this food is given to weak hives, reduce
-medication (optional) their entrances as a further precaution
-Heat over double boiler to 240” F (116°C) for 2 hours; cool slightly and against robbers. Supers with wet combs
pour into rim to solidify. Each rim will have about 6 l/2 pounds of food. should not be put on colonies in the late
fall or winter. The entire colony of bees
might move up into them and not return
to stores below and, thus, they may die
from starvation.
It should be stressed that store-
bought honey should not be fed to bees.
Honey from hives with foulbrood is some-
times extracted, bottled, and sold. There
is an excellent chance that this honey
contains foulbrood spores which remain
viable in the honey and will likely cause
an outbreak of brood disease (American
or European foulbrood). (Fortunately nectar, and pollen. Without pollen, bees
for us, disease spores contained in honey could not manufacture royal jelly.
are not harmful to humans.) Be certain During the period when flowers are
that any honey fed to the bees is free available, bees usually have sufficient
from spores that cause brood diseases. supplies of pollen in the hive. The de-
Honey mixed with cappings, scrap- mand for pollen increases in the winter
ings, or debris can be fed to bees if it is when brood rearing resumes and the
placed in a container above the inner remaining pollen stores are quickly con-
cover. The remaining wax can then be sumed. The beekeeper, wishing to main-
recovered and melted. tain or stimulate brood rearing, may have Pollen Trap
to supply bees with pollen pellets, pollen,
POLLEN or pollen supplements.

Polien is the male sex cell of flowers. Trapping Pollen

It is also an important part of the diet
for both larvae and adult bees because it Pollen can be obtained from bee sup-
supplies them with minerals, lipids, vita- ply houses or collected in a device called
mins, and proteins (amino acids) and is a pollen trap which consists of a grid and
responsible for activating many of their a collecting container. There is always the
glands. danger that collected pollen may contain
Bees increase their consumption of chalkbrood, American foulbrood, or
pollen in the fall. This factor, coupled European foulbrood spores. Collect or
with a decrease in foraging and brood- purchase only pollen that has been obtained
rearing activities, seems to extend the from disease-free colonies. When the trap
longevity of worker bees beyond their is in position on a hive, bees entering or
usual summer life expectancy of about leaving the hive must pass through the grid
six weeks. (5-mesh per inch), The grid’s dimensions
During the brood-rearing period, will not permit a bee laden with pollen to
the consumption of iarge quantities of pass through until its load (the pollen
pollen by young adult workers stimulates pellets) has been removed.
the head glands to secrete a milky-white, Ideally, a pollen trap is put on the
protein-rich food. This substance, called hive during pollen flows and is kept on
royal jelly, is fed in abundance to all only for short periods. Trapped pollen
larvae less than four days old and to must be preserved and stored carefully to
queen larvae during their entire larval prevent spoilage. Pollen loses its nutrient
stage and throughout their adult lives; qualities after two years of storage. Make
worker and drone larvae more than four sure pollen is free of debris and insects
days old are fed mainly diluted honey, before storing it.

- -
Storing Pollen Pellets sugar and pollen will ensure that proper Notes
proportions are maintained when prepar-
Drying Fresh Poliqn Pellets. Fresh
ing mixes with brewer’s yeast and soy
pellets collected from a pollen trap can
be dried in a few days in the sun, in a
warm oven, or with a lamp. The pellets
-attractive to bees
are ready when they will not crush when
rolled between the fingers Store them in
-difficult to separate pollen and
closed containers at room temperature.
Dry pollen may be fed directly to sugar if you want to feed straight
the bees or mixed with other dry mate- pollen
r rials. If the dry pollen is to be added to
wet mixes, it should first be soaked in Methods of Feeding Pollen
water for an hour. Pollen may be placed into frames of
I Advantages: empty drawn comb. Using the dry or
-inexpensive way of presenting frozen pellets:
I I pollen -Fill the comb on one side of a
Disadvkges: frame with pollen pellets.
-less attractive to bees -Replace the frame in the hive over-
Fiatzing Pellets. Place fresh pollen night to allow the bees to pack the
pellets in containers and store them di- pollen; it will fall out if not first
rectly in a deep freezer (at 0” F or -17.8” packed down by bees before re-
C) until ready to use; they will be moist peating for other side.
when defrosted. Pollen may also be fed in the spring
Adwntages: in an open, screened, covered container
-attractive to bees that lets in only bees. Place the pollen
-cant be used separately or added to container about 10 feet (3 m) from the
mixes apiary and the bees will forage for it.
Disadvantages: Since only the stronger hives will benefit
-more costly to preserve from open feeding, feed the weaker col-
Sugar Storage. Pollen pellets can be onies separately by placing pollen on the
presented with sugar. Fill a container al- portion of the bottom board that is cov-
ternately with layers of pollen and white ered by the hive or by pouring some
sugar, topping it with several inches of around the oblong hole of the inner
sugar. Close the container tightly and cover.
store it in a cool place. Pollen should be
mixed with twice its weight of sugar (1
Part pollen:2 parts sugar). Careful label-
ing of the container as to its amount of

To supplement trapped pollen, a formula of soy flour and brewer’s yeast can be
made or bought. When making your own formula, use the proper ingredients. The
soy flour used in mixtures of pollen supplement or pollen extender must be made by
the low-fat “expeller” or “screw-press” method; bees will not eat the coarsely ground
soy flour used for cattle feed. The fat content should be between 5 and 7 percent.
The proper kind of soy flour for bees can be obtained from most bee supply houses.
Purchase brewer’s yeast from a feed store-any animal-feed grade is adequate, or pur-
chase it from a bee supply house. Different mixtures of these materials, with or with-
out pollen, sugar, or medication, can also be obtained from dealers and supply houses.
Dry pollen supplements can be fed like the pollen pellets, when mixed in a 1:1:3
ratio (by weight) of pollerubrewer’s yeast:soy flour. Some beekeepers add anise or
fennel oil to attract bees, feed it with candy, or even mix it with a 5 percent dried
egg yolk additive to make it more nutritious.
Supplements can be made into patties so they form a stiff dough. One-pound
patties L45 kg) are made from a 1:2:3 proportion (by weight) of pollen:hot water
(or I:1 sugar:water):soyflour. Feed one patty per week for three weeks; freeze extra
patties between wax paper. Once you start a feeding regimen, keep it up or the bees
might starve; provide food until they will no longer take it or until they again begin
to collect ample pollen.


When no pollen is available, mix this feed as an extender:

-Combine soy flour, brewer’s yeast, and sugar in a 3:l:l ratio (by weight);
mix with water to form stiff patties.
-One pound f-45 kg) of the dry extender can also be mixed with 4 cups of
2:l (sugar:water) syrup to make several one-pound patties; make sure this is
thick enough not to drip between the frames.
-One part powdered (not instant) skimmed milk can be substituted for the sugar.
-When making patties, sandwich the mixture between two pieces of wax
paper (not plastic wrap); this way the patty will remain moist.
-Tearing a few holes in the wax paper on the underside of the patty will get
the bees to start feeding.
-Dry extender can also be fed like pollen pellets.
Some pollen extenders available in bee supply houses may contain grain pest
eggs or larvae; these can usually be killed by freezing the material for several days
(at 0°F or -17.8”C); the material should then be placed in sealed containers to pre-
vent subsequent contamination.
Some of the tasks that should be attended to in late winter and early spring,
Seasonal before the fruit bloom, include the following:
-Look for signs of nosema or dysentery, especially yellowish to dark brown
Management spots on the outside of the hive bodies.
-Try to determine the amount of food stores remaining; begin feeding, if
necessary, as soon as the weather permits.
-If the weather is very cold, determine the amount of stores by lifting or
tilting the hive; if the hive seems light, feed the colony.
INTRODUCTION -Check for dead colonies; remove or close up any dead hives to prevent them
from being robbed; check to see if any dead colony succumbed to brood
Timing is as critical to beekeeping as disease-if not, any honey remaining may be fed to other colonies that need
it is to most endeavors. To time one’s bee. it.
keeping activities properly it is usually -Feed pollen supplement or extender in moist patties and honey in sealed
necessary to keep accurate records of past combs or syrup to help stimulate brood rearing and provide medication for
seasons and to carefully observe the flow- the bees (see FEEDING BEES).
ering periods and the colonies’ needs. -Unite weak colonies-those with less than five frames of bees-and kill the
Even then, there are capricious fluctua- inferior queen.
tions from year to year or season to sea- -If the air temperature gets above 75°F (23.9”C), the colony may be checked
son that will make beekeeping a continual for condition of the queen by examining the brood pattern-a compact pat-
challenge. tern of worker brood indicates that a healthy queen is present; this examin-
This section is organized to take the ation should be brief, otherwise the brood can become chilled.
beekeeper through the year-from early -If a colony is queenless, it should be united with another colony.
spring on into winter-so that one can -Diseases or pest damage should be attended to.
anticipate the major tasks that must be A few related tasks should also be undertaken:
attended to. -Update the hive diary.
-Investigate clear water sources or provide fresh water.
-Clean the apiary of any winter debris.
-Prepare for the arrival of package bees.


The following apiary tasks should also be incorporated into the spring manage-
ment work during the dandelion/fruit bloom period and when all danger of frost is
-Unwrap and/or take down winter protection.
-Remove temporary winter windbreaks.
-Remove any insulating or moisture absorbing materials above the inner cover.

-When temperatures are around 75” to 80” F (23.9” to 26.7”(Z), inspect the hives
for disease, brood pattern, and remaining stores.
-Replace poor queens (see SPECIAL MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS: Requeen-
ing) .
-Reverse the upper and lower hive bodies of strong colonies to put the brood-
nest at the bottom (see SPECIAL MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS: Swarm
Prevention Techniques; reversing).
-Replace old, sagging, and drone combs; broken frames; etc.
-Clean bottom boards and scrape off excess propolis and burr comb.
-Check water sources or provide water.
-Provide additional space (hive bodies or supers) as needed.
-Make increases only when the weather is warm enough so the brood will not
become chilled (see SPECIAL MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS: Swarm Preven-
tion Techniques; relieving congestion 1.
-Medicate the colonies against brood diseases and/or nosema; do not give med-
ication once the bees have begun to store honey or it will contaminate the
-Look for signs of swarming and, if nerzessary, initiate swarm prevention/
control techniques (see SPECIAL MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS: Swarm-
ing) .
-Remove entrance reducers from strong colonies.
-Register hives and apiaries with state agricultural department.

Seasonal Fluctuations within a Hive

nL I I I I I 1 I I I

Adapted from charts by W. A. Stephen in Laurence J. Connor:

“Beekeepers Calendar,” Ohio Bee Lines, Cooperative Extension
Service Bulletin #450. Columbus: Ohio State University, 1971.
Spring Dwindling should reach a population of over 40,000 or break some branches and place
In some colonies, older bees may by the time of the major honeyflow. them over the hive cover.
begin to die faster than young bees emerge Weak colonies should be united. -Stagger supers slightly to increase
and the number of bees is reduced to a Here are two methods for estimating the air flow throughout the hive.
point where the process cannot reverse colony size: Some beekeepers raise the inner
itself: the colony dwindles to nothing. -Try to count bees coming and go- cover or the front of the bottom
This is called spring dwindling-since it ing at the entrance; if they can be super with small blocks; others
usually happens at that time of year. easily counted, the colony is weak; bore a 3/4 inch (18.75 mm) auger
It may be prevented or checked by: between 30 and 90 bees per min- hole in an upper corner of the
-wintering only strong colonies ute indicates a strong colony. top super.
with ample stores of honey and -One deep frame covered with adult -Make sure fresh water is available.
pollen; combining weaker hives bees equals about one pound of Prepare for the honeyflow by repair-
in the fall, if necessary bees (3,500 bees). ing frames or by preparing frames with
-providing high-quality winter stores Other tasks during this time should foundation for the honey supers. Keep
-having a young queen include the following: fresh wax foundation sheets in plastic
-protecting the hive from winter -Requeen where needed. bags to protect them against wax moth
and spring drafts and dampness -Unite weak colonies with stronger infestation and to keep them from drying,
-a spring management program ones. since dry foundation becomes brittle and
-ampl$ colony strength in spring; -Check for diseases. breaks easily.
if there are only 3 or 4 frames of -Check the colony’s food stores.
bees, unite it with a stronger colony -Reverse the brood chambers again
-good weather-if it is a rainy or
cold spring, dwindling is more pre- -Add honey supers as needed; when
a super is 2/3 full (6 or 7 full Signs
-medicating the bees against nosema frames) add another super (see Honeyflows are periods during the
in the fall or spring (see BEE EN- GENERAL SEASONAL MANAGE- year when bees are able to collect ample
EMIES AND DISEASES: Nosema) MENT: Rules for Supering). supplies of nectar. They may be of only
-prevention of brood diseases -Give frames of foundation in supers a few days’ duration or they may last a
-prevention of poisoning (from only if a good honeyflow is on, few weeks. Major honeyflows provide
pesticides) otherwise bees will chew the wax. bees with more nectar than is needed to
-prevention of drifting -Keep burr bomb and propolis sustain the colony over short periods.
scraped off frames and hive walls. This surplus is stored by the bees as
SUMMER honey in supers located above the brood
Cooling the Hives chamber, and can later be taken off, or
Each colony should be examined
harvested, by the beekeeper.
closely about once a week before the When the temperatures are frequent- A honeyflow is indicated by the
major honeyflow begins in your area. ly above 90°F (32.2X): following signs:
Check the colony strength to determine -Shade the hive from the noonday -hive scale shows weight gains over
&ether it is populous enough; a colony sun with fencing, boards, or shrubs, several days or weeks
i -’
i 6
I l

I -bees are easy to work eased colonies that must be medi- -Bait an empty honey super with a
( -fresh, white wax evident on ends cated must not be used for human frame or two of capped or un-
of drawn comb and on top bars consumption. capped honey; this should make
-wax foundation drawn out quickly -Requeen poor, weak, or diseased the bees move into this super.
-large amounts of nectar ripening in colonies (see SPECIAL MAdvAGE- -It becomes increasingly difficult to
cells MENT PROBLEMS: Requeening). cut away the cappings of combs
-bees fanning at hive entrance that have been darkened with
-lots of foraging activity propolis. These frames should be
Super Sizes
/‘, -odor of nectar (honey) often per- used only for brood rearing (if
I vades apiary When a honeyflow is on, the bees full depth) or should be rendered
I During the honeyflow, the beekeeper will deposit nectar in supers placed above into wax.
should not break down the hive to look the brood chamber. These supers may -Some beekeepers use drone foun-
at the brood, nor should pollen traps be vary in size from full depth supers (deep dation in their honey supers since
t placed on hives. The colonies should be hive bodies) to the shallow or section the cells are larger and honey seems
all checked prior to a major honeyflow. comb supers (see illus.). There is no to extract readily from these cells.
Entering the broodnest during a flow will hard and fast rule about which super
disrupt the nest and the bees’ gathering size to use; personal preference, physical Methods of Supering
activities and may even reduce the amount strength, and the quantity of the expect-
of honey being brought in for several days. ed surplus should be your guide. There are two basic ways to super
for honey; they are called reverse super-
Apiary Tasks ing and top supering.
Rules for Supering
Reverse Supering. This method can
In general, the tasks at the apiary The most important rule for supering also be used for comb honey and general-
I during the major honeyflow should in- is to keep the queen out of the honey ly needs a queen excluder to keep the
clude the following: supers. Use one of the following methods queen from laying in the honey supers (see
-Super hives as needed, placing to accomplish this: illus.). A super with foundation or dry
honey supers above the broodnest -Place a queen excluder above the combs (S-l) is always placed below a
(see GENERAL SEASONAL MAN- broodnest. super at least half full of honey (S-2).
AGEMEN T: Rules for Supering) . -Keep a hive body filled with honey Top Supering. This method does
-Reverse honey supers. directly above the broodnest. not require a queen excluder since the
-Provide adequate ventilation. Some general guidelines for supering queen rarely will go above a super full
-Keep supers on until honey is bees during a honeyflow are listed below: of honey. Put supers with dry comb
capped. -Stagger the honey supers to hasten or foundation (S-l) abpve honey supers
-Avoid adding too many supers, as the ripening of honey. that are at least half firled with honey
bees may partially fill all of them -Use only 8 or 9 frames in the 6-2).
instead of filling one completely. supers for honey that is to be ex- There are many methods of supering
-Never medicate colonies at this tracted so the bees will draw cells using these two themes; talking with local
time as it will contaminate the out more, making it easier to cut beekeepers may be helpful in determining
honey. Honey collected by dis- the cappings. how to super in your particular area.
Reverse Supering Sizes of Supers

4 5/8” (12.2 cm)
full weight 25 Ibs (11.3 kg)

half depth
5 11116” (14.4 cm)
full weight 35 Ibs (15.8 leg)

three-quarters depth
Top Supering 6 5/8” (16.8 cm)
full weight 65 Ibs (29.3 kg)

full depth
9 5/8” (24.5 cm)
full weight 90 Ibs (40.5 kg)



Chart I-Reverse Supering Sequence

-reverse Begin supering withq.e. -reverse brooanesr as neeaea -reverse Drooanest as neecled -take o:f honey,
-remove entrance extract and
reducer prepare for winter

Chart 2 -Top Supering Sequence

“I”-- ..-_. -- ------ - .---r - -- _. . . . - -.

(optional) -remove stores
wrapping -extract honey

cl DRY COMB = iTalal5’” EXCLUDER

Chart 3 - Supering for Section Comb Honey

split hive, shake -all ss go below q.e. -remove q.e. and ss.
bees, put on q.e.


Bulk, Chunk, Section, and Cut Comb supering is one which is used for section again so the full supers are above
Honey comb honey; this is described below and the empty one.
Some beekeepers, instead of extract- is illustrated in Chart 1, Method A. -Remove the completely filled sec-
ing the honey from the comb, cut the -A colony used for section comb tion supers after using bee escapes
honey-filled comb from the frames and honey production is generally to ensure all the bees are out of
bottle it with extracted honey or place wintered in two deep hive bodies the supers; never use a fume board
the cut, honey-filled comb in plastic (#l and 442); in the spring, this since the honey might be adversely
wrap or containers. Section comb honey, colony must be built up to full flavored.
in small wooden frames, is usually placed strength prior to the major honey- Comb honey should be marketed as
in cardboard containers; Cobana comb flow, and the brood chambers soon as possible to reduce the danger of
honey, in round plastic frames, is covered should be reversed to provide am- it granulating or being damaged by wax
with two plastic lids, requiring no other ple room for the queen to lay. moths. The freezer is a good place to
special packaging. -As soon as the honeyflow begins, store comb honey. After the honeyflow
Foundation for the chunk, bulk, reduce the strong two-story colony is over and the section comb honey pro-
section, or cut comb honey should be the to one deep (#I), and set up this duction ceases, unite the reduced colony
thin, unwired type. As soon as the combs colony so it contains two empty with another hive or otherwise allow it
are sea!ed, they should be removed from brood frames (in the middle) and to build up enough stores to overwinter
the hive to prevent the white cappings as many frames of capped brood in two deep hive bodies.
from becoming darkened with propolis as possible on either side, with ac- For another way to super for section
or soiled by travel stains. companying queen and bees. comb honey see Chart 3, Method 6.
The supers containing frames for -Shake bees off all remaining frames
chunk, bulk, section, or cut comb honey from deep #2 at the entrance of
production should be placed on a strong #l; frames of honey and any re- HARVESTING THE HONEY
colony that consists either of two brood maining brood frames from #2
chambers or of a colony reduced to one should be given to other colonies. In some regions, two crops of sur-
brood chamber (as described for the pro- -Over the reduced hive (#l), place plus honey can be expected, one in the
duction of section comb honey). Place the first section super (%-I), with summer and another in the fall. Some
an excluder above the broodnest and thin foundation in the section box- beekeepers harvest the summer and fall
super the hive using the same rotation es or cabana frames. crops separately; others harvest both at
illustrated for section comb honey. -When SS-1 is half full of honey, the end of the fall honeyflow.
place a second section super (SS-2) Average yields of honey depend on
Supering for Section Comb Honey above it. the amount of open land filled with hon-
-When SS-1 is almost filled, reverse ey plants. Yields vary from 25 pounds
Comb honey, especially section it with 58-2 (so the full super is of Surplus per colony up to 90 pounds or
comb honey, is difficult to produce be- above the empty one). more. For hives located in temperate
cause success depends on a relatively --If the honeyflow is strong, add a climates, about 60 pounds of honey
heavy honeyflow, strong colonies, and third (or subsequent supers, SS-3, should be left on for overwintering each
time-consuming hive manipulations at the etc.) above the first (SS-1) until colony (see GENERAL SEASONAL
correct intervals. The Miller method of SS-2 is half filled, then reverse MANAGEMENT: Wintering Hives).

Removing Bees from Honey Supers -relatively easy if bees remain calm out within 25 days.
-inexpensive for one who has few There must be no cracks or holes in
The methods listed below describe
hives supers placed above an escape board
five ways of removing bees from honey
Disadvantages: since bees from the same hive and/or
supers. Honey supers will also be free
-may promote robbing robbing bees and other insects will invaae
of bees when it gets very cold (in the
early fall) after the bees leave the honey -time consuming and remove the honey. Tape or otherwise
-brushing may excite bees to sting close off these entrances to the unprotect-
supers to join the warm cluster below.
Bee Escape. The Porter bee escape ed honey supers. If the outer cover is
Shaking. Remove a frame with
is an inexpensive metal gadget which al- warped and you are using the inner cover
sealed honey from the super and shake
lows bees to pass through it in only one as an escape board, put an extra inner
the bees off in front of the hive entrance,
direction. The escape fits into the oblong cover above the topmost super to close
then gently brush off the remaining bees.
hole of the inner cover, or any cover that off the top and to keep all bees out.
Brushing. Use a soft, flexible bee
has been modified to hold 4 or 5 bee es- Advan rages:
brush (see illus.), or a handful of grass
-does not excite bees
and gently brush the bees off the frames, capes in order to facilitate the passage of
allowing them to fall at the hive entrance. bees. When an inner cover or modified
Tnen place the frames, free of bees, into cover contains one or more bee escapes,
--usually effective
al empty super and cover it with burlap it is referred to as an escape board.
or a thick, wet cotton sack to keep out The escape board is placed directly -honey could be removed by bees
robbers. If robbing is particularly intense, below the honey supers the beekeeper from the same hive or by robbers
an additional cloth might be needed to wishes to remove (see illus.). Usually if supers are not bee-tight
cover the super you are working. If rob- within 48 hours after the escape board -not always effective
bing becomes unmanageable, put the hon- is in place, the bees will move down to -drones or dead bees may block
ey frames into a vehicle and close all seek the warmth of the broodnest or the escape, keeping bees in supers to
doors and windows. bee cluster and, since many of these bees be vacated
Adwntages: are field bees, they may want to leave the -involves extra trips to apiary to
-able to select frames containing honey supers to resume foraging activities.
insert board, remove supers, and
capped honey (honey covered by In extremely warm weather, place so forth
thin layer of wax) the escape board on during the later after- Repellent board. Repellent boards
noon and remove the supers before noon are used by some beekeepers to drive
the next day. This will prevent the wax bees out of the honey supers. An ab-
comb from melting since the bees can no sorbent pad or cloth is placed inside a
The Bee Brush
longer fan it. spare outer cover or other holder. The
If the supers contain brood, the bees pad is then saturated with a chemical
will be less likely to abandon them. All which repels bees. Some fume boards
the brood should be allowed to emerge. have a black metal top which will ab-
To do this, place these supers above a sorb heat and make the chemicals work
queen excluder so the queen cannot get better. These boards work best when
up ,there and lay; all the brood should be the bees are in shallow supers.
To use a fume board:
-Saturate a pad with the repellent
-Remove the outer and inner covers,
using smoke as needed.
-Scrape any burr comb off the top
-Use smoke to drive the bees down-
Removing Honey Supers
ward between the frames.
-Place the saturated repellent board
over the frames (see illus.).
-After no more than five minutes,
the bees will have left the super. USING FUME BOARD
-Remove the first super and repeat
the process for subsequent supers USING ESCAPE BOARD
-Air the supers thoroughly and store
them in a covered place to prevent
robbing. \
Use the repellent board only long honey supers
enough to get the bees out of the supers. to be removed -
Do not leave it on the hive for more
than a few minutes.
Some chemicals used as repellents
-glacial acetic acid
-propionic anhydride
-butyric anhydride
Federal and state laws may restrict the
use of some or all of these chemicals as
bee repellents, so comply with all regu-
lations in this regard.
The use of these chemicals is further
complicated by the fact that their efficien-
cy is governed by the air temperature;
y..*l’?“,-~~‘ ( I ,I

I,/ -.



therefore, the desired result is not always EXTRACTING THE HONEY stored, each colony should be checked
certain. and attended to as follows:
Advantages: The usual process for getting honey -If possible, pick a day when there
-one trip to remove honey out of the wax cells is to remove the cap- may still be a light honeyflow and
-easy pings with a hot knife (uncapping knife) forager bees are out, since in the
-inexpensive and put the uncapped frames into a huge fall bees are more prone to sting
~ Disadvan taps: centrifuge, called an extractor. As the when a hive is being manipulated.
-excites bees extractor spins, the honey is forced out -Check for brood diseases.
-dependent on temperature of the cells and against the cylindrical -Do not attempt to overwinter a
-could adversely flavor honey wall of the extractor, leaving the frames colony found to have American
-may be illegal to use of wax combs empty of most of the foulbrood; destroy the colony.
The Bee Blovver. A bee blower is a honey. A small gate at the bottom of -Medicate for nosema and American
portable gas or electrically powered de- the extractor can be opened to let the and European foulbrood as a pre-
vice that produces a blast of air strong honey flow out into other containers. ventive measure (see BEE PESTS
enough to blow the bees off the frames Honey that is kept in supers prior AND DISEASES).
and from the supers. to extraction can be ruined if it is stored -Remove queen excluder.
Advantages: in a humid or wet area since even capped -If requeening, check after 7 days
-fast honey can absorb water vapor. To pre- to see if the queen has been ac-
-effective : vent this, stack the supers in a staggered cepted.
Disadvantages: arrangement to allow ventilation and -Check winter stores (60 to 80 Ibs.,
-expensive either use a dehumidifier or blow warm, 132 to 176 kg, of surplus honey
-during cold weather, bees blown dry air over the combs before extracting. should be left for each colony).
out may be unable to return to This will further reduce or maintain the -Feed the colonies whose stores
hive existing low moisture content of the hon- are low.
-requires two people-one to load ey. -Replace damaged equipment.
supers-to work efficiently Frames to be extracted should be -Reduce bottom entrance or cover
completely or almost completely capped. with hardware cloth; provide a top
Getting Along with Your Back Uncapped cells will contain honey with entrance.
Lifting off supers full of honey a higher moisture content; extracting too -Unite weak colonies.
might be the reward of a productive many partially capped frames will increase -Remove and store empty hives.
year, but it can also be a literal pain in the moisture of the extracted honey and
the back. Unless you are careful in lift- invite spoilage by fermenting yeasts (see
ing these heavy boxes, serious damage
could be done to your back. Proper lift- tracting).
General Rules
ing and strengthening exercises might be
needed if chronic backpain is a problem. FALL Colonies can survive very well with-
In any case, medical advice should be out elaborate wintering techniques as long
sought. For some general information After the fall crop has been removed as the bees are protected from winter
on back care see REFERENCES: Honey. and the supers have been cleaned and winds. However, following the minimum
procedures for wintering hives can be the
difference that makes for overwintering The amount of heat generated by
success. These are the most common the cluster depends, among other things,
wintering practices: on whether or not brood is present. In
-Invert the inner cover (to rim-side the late fall, the colony is without brood
down) to allow moisture to escape. and, therefore, the cluster will be produc-
-Reduce the entrance with a wooden ing only around 57”- 60°F temperatures
cleat. Make sure that the opening (13.9”-15.6”CI-enough to keep the colony
from freezing. When the queen resumes
of the cleat is turned up against
her egg laying in midwinter, the cluster
the hive body, not against the bot- temperature in the vicinity of the eggs
tom board; this will prevent the and brood will be maintained at around
opening from becoming blocked 93°F (33.9”C) (see illus.).
by a layer of dead bees which may
accumulate on the bottom board The Winter Cluster Connective clusters of bees join the
during the winter. main cluster to the food stores. If these
-Provide top ventilation and/or en- connectives are cut off, or if ‘the winter
trance by propping up the inner is unusually long and very cold, the bees
cover slightly or boring an auger could. starve even though there is honey
hole, not more than 1 inch (2.5 elsewhere in the hive. The cluster must
cm) in diameter, in an upper corner be able to move to the food periodically
or below the handhold of the top throughout the winter. In general, the
super; this lets moist air out of the cluster will move into the upper stories
hive. during the cold weather, and if the honey
-Unite weak hives. is not placed or stored above the cluster
-Place weights on top of hives so in the fall the bees may move up into
the covers will not biow off in high the empty supers and starve.
winds. Bees retain their feces when confined
-Remove queen excluders. to the hive as they commonly are during
-Remove bee escapes. the winter. Periodically, air temperatures
-Leave ample honey (or cured sugar reach 57” F (13.9”C) or above, and on
syrup) and pollen stores. such days bees are able to break their
Adapted from C. L. Farrar: “Production Management of Honeybee confinement to take cleansing flights and
The Winter Cluster Colonies in the Northern United States,” USDA circular #702, defecate outside the hive. If the bees are
July 1944. confined to the hive over long periods,
Honey bees do not “hibernate” in
the winter but cluster in a ball when the the hive floor and frames can become lit-
air temperatures are below 57°F (13.9X). tered with fecal material and dysentery
They remain relatively active in the cluster can weaken the bees further.
because of the heat generated by the con- High winter survival depends on:
traction of their wing muscles. -cold winters interspersed with warm
sunny days


-dry winters warm so it can be properly cured; the wind as it approaches the hives, but
-long springs syrup should be 2:1, sugar:water (see they should still permit air drainage to
Low winter survival is due to: FEEDING BEES). take place.
-wet, cool winters The following are essential for a A suitable w.indbreak would be a 6-
-long, cold winters with few sunny, colony to overwinter successfu Ily, emerge foot high snow fence, or slotted board
warm days (reducing or eliminating in the spring with sufficient numbers, fence, set up on one or all sides of the
opportunities for cleansing flights) and be capable of taking fuii advantage apiary; the boards should be about 1 inch
-nosema disease of spring and early summer nectar flows: apart to allow air to filter through but
-a young, vigorous queen (prodi- block the wind flow. The first row of
Dn Warm Climates gious egg layer) hives should be about 5 feet (1.5 m)
-large population of bees (20,000 from the windbreak.
If winter temperatures do not get to 30,000)
much below 45” to 68“ F (10” to 20” C), -adequate supply of honey, cured Wrapping
it is not necessary to provide the same sugar syrup, and pollen
winter protection, such as wrapping and Hives can be wrapped with a light
-disease-free condition (medicate)
insulation, that is required in colder re- tar paper or blackjack to protect the
-an upper entrance (auger hole in
gions. However, to ensure a strong colony bees from chilling winds; the dark color
top super)
when the nectar flows again, a colony will also absorb the sun’s heat. There arc
-top ventilation to release moist
should have the following: several procedures for wrapping hives, and
air (prop up inner cover)
-a young, vigorous queen most of them incorporate these features:
-protection from prevailing winds
-adequate food stores (about 30 -top ventilation
-reduced front entrance
pounds of honey) -top and bottom entrances
-periodic inspections
-protection from extreme temper- -absorbant material enclosed in a
-maximum sunlight
atures (reduced bottom entrance, super over an inner cover to draw
Specific wintering techniques such
an upper entrance, shelter from off moisture (straw, shavings, por-
as wrapping, insulating, and the like are
cold winds) ous pads, corregated paper, fiber-
discussed in the rest of this section.
-periodic inspections glass, insulite board, or other build-
ing insulation)
In Coke Climates or High Altitudes -dead air space underneath hive
Apiaries should be located where -use of mouse poison, like treated
In regions where average tempera- they will be sheltered from prevailing grain, on the bottom board and/or
tures during the coldest months are winds to reduce the amount of cold the inner cover, or other mouse
around 20°F (- 6.7”C), one should leave drafts in winter and spring. Hives should protection
about 70 pounds of honey on each colo- be situated where barriers such as ever- Advantages:
ny or feed an amount of sugar syrup that green, thick deciduous growth, walls, or -protects from piercing winds
will equal 70 pounds of honey. If sugar buildings will take the brunt of the pre- -allows hive to warm up when sun
syrup is to be fed to bring the food vailing winds. When no windbreaks are is nut
stores up to 70 pounds, it must be present temporary ones should be con- -bees can recluster on honey if in-
given to them while the weather is still structed to lessen the velocity of the side temperature is warm enough

-time consuming Wintering Bees (different kinds of insuhtion)
-vapor barrier may form between
hive and tar paper resulting in ex-
cess moisture accumulation in the
hive which, if it freezes, will encase
bees in an “ice-box”
straw, shavings, news-
-hive may warm up too much and .paper, or old blanket
bees may begin premature cleans-
ing flights outside before air tem- reversed (rim-side
peratures are high enough to pro- down) inner cover
tect them from being chilled 1” insulite board
(can also be placed on
-top of inner cover)
Insulation will provide colonies with
extra protection against cold winter tem- straw, shavings,
peratures. Any one or a combination of ieaves, efc’.
these insulating materials and devices super with screened
have been found to be of some aid (see bottom and %”
illus.): vent holes
-Provide dead air space underneath
the hive.
-Place follower boards against the
inside walls. A follower board is 3/W plywood frame-
a solid piece of board the size of sized follower boards,
a deep frame, of variable thickness, or division-board
feeder (can be kept
that hangs like a frame; it can be on all year)
used to reduce the interior size of
a deep super by substituting it for
one or more frames.
3/W auger hole
-Insert a division-board feeder (can
substitute for follower board). ,reduced entrance
-Insulate the top with moisture-
absorbing material (one or a com-
bination of the materials listed be- -_

low) placed between the outer ,

cover and the inner cover (rim- ‘h ,,I .y
I 4 type hive stand
k- ’
side down); make sure the oblong PREPARING FOR THE NEXT SEASON Notes
hole is open:
-l-inch insulite board The following tasks should be attend-
-newspaper, straw, leaves, old ed to during the winter months in prepara-
blankets, etc. tion for the next spring season:
-an empty hive body with -Clean supers and frames of burr
screened or burlapped bottom comb and propolis.
on top of inner cover and filled -Paint and repair equipment; re-
with leaves, shavings, or straw place with new equipment when
Some beekeepers put a super of dry, necessary.
drawn comb on top of the inner cover, -Sort and cut out old, sagging, dis-
although these combs can collect excess eased, damaged, or drone combs
moisture and be damaged. and replace with foundation.
Hives can also be double-walled (or -Store wax foundation and scrap-
a “cover” can be slipped over a single- ings in moth-proof containers.
walled hive) and the spaces between the -Build new equipment.
walls can be filled with insulating -Order new equipment and bees
material. for spring arrival.
-Check apiary periodically for
Miscellaneous damage by wind, vandalism,
skunks, etc.
cellar wintering, once extensively
-Melt wax scrapings.
practiced in the northeastern states, is
See REFERENCES: Management
no longer practical. This type of winter-
of Bee Colonies and Beekeeping
ing requires that only the strongest hives
be placed in a draft-free location where
temperatures are kept between 40” and
60°F (4” to 10°C); temperature control
is very important. Today, it would be
very costly to construct such a structure.
Hive heaters are thermostatically
controlled devices which maintain a con-
stant temperature in the hive. These de-
vices are expensive and require an elec-
trical outlet in the vicinity of the apiary.
Otherwise, the hives must be moved near
an outlet in the fall; this is an extra
energy user and would be expensive if
one has many hives.

Special Management UNITING COLONIES

Problems Newspaper Method

Although two weak colonies do not usually make one strong one, a weaker colo-
ny can be united to a stronger one. If you have a preference for one of the queens,
eliminate the less desirable one; if not, proceed and one of the two queens will survive.
The best use one can make of the bees in a weak colony is to unite them with a
strong one just before the honeyflow-the united bees will be able to gather more hon-
ey. Or, if it is determined early in the spring or summer that a colony is weak, its
position in the row or apiary can be interchanged with a strong one to increase its
population (see SPECIAL MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS: Swarm Control Techniques;
interchanging hives). It can then be strengthened further by adding frames of capped
brood (without any adult bees) from one or several strong colonies. If, after these
manipulations the existing queen fails to improve, the colony should be requeened or
To strengthen a weak hive, either unite a swarm to it or unite it to a stronger
colony. It must be remembered that when two different colonies are united, the
hive of each has its own set of odors, and unless some precautions are taken the bees
will fight. The most successful and least time consuming method of uniting colonies
is the newspaper method:
-Put a single sheet of newspaper over the top bars of the stronger colony
(see illus.).
-If the weather is warm, make a few pencil-sized holes or small slits in the
paper with a stick or hive tool.
-Set the weak hive on top and cover; field bees from the weak colony’s
original hive site will probably drift to other hives.
-The paper will be eaten through slowly by bees and most of the paper will
be chewed up in a week; shredded paper will appear at or near the hive
-If the weather is extremely hot, unite the two hives during the late afternoon.
-If there is a dearth of nectar and pollen and the bees are unusually aggressive,
decrease the possibility of fighting by feeding the stronger hive for a few
days before uniting.


Uniting Colonies - Newspaper Method
Preparing the Hive
Follow the procedures described
below to safely move an established hive.
It is a general practice to move a hive at
least 3 miles (4.8 km) from its old site;
if it is moved a distance of less than 3
miles, many field bees will return to the
old location and become lost. The best
weak hive, swarm,
or queenless hive
time to move hives is in the spring, when
populations are the lowest and the hives
are light in weight.
-You must first check and comply
with all legal requirements pertain-
ing to moving and/or selling bees.
Have the state inspector certify
that the bees are disease-free.
B%& Iew spaper with slits -If the hive consists of more than
two hive bodies, supers that are
relatively free of bees should be
F stronger hive removed first to make the moving
operation less cumbersome. To
remove bees use a bee blower or
shake or brush the bees from the
frames onto the grass in front of
the hive. Or place an inner cover
fitted with a bee escape above the
second deep body (see GENERAL
Harvesting Honey; removing bees
from honey supers); after two days,
the upper hive bodies should be
vacated unless they contained
-In the spring, the bees will usually
be in the upper hive bodies; after

b 1
removing the empty lower hive outer cover while transporting so
bodies, place the hive bodies con- the screened top is exposed.
Moving an Established Hive
taining bees (usually two deeps) -The hives should be placed close
directly on the bottom board. together on the truck with the
-Tape or screen all holes and cracks frames parallel to the road; this will
in the two remaining deep hive prevent the frames from sliding to-
bodies. gether if the truck stops suddenly.
-If the weather is warm, place a -While loading and unloading, keep
screened board (like a division the engine running since the vibra-
screen) or screened inner cover on tion of the vehicle will help keep
top of~the hive beneath the outer the bees in their hives.
cover. -Smoke the entrances before and screen I
-Using smoke as needed, hammer ly removed)
after unloading, then remove the
in hive staples on all sides (slant entrance screen.
staples in opposite directions, alter- -Fill the hive entrance loosely with I screened hole can
nating on each side; see illus.); grass to slow the bees’ exit and to
steel or plastic strapping lath might keep them from drifting.
also be used. Do not use electrician’s -Replace the outer cover.
staples as they could split the wood. -Inspect the hive after a few days
-If the hive is very populous or if to see if all is well.
the weather is very hot, add a Problems in moving hives:
shallow super with empty frames -bees can suffocate if weather is
above the top hive body to collect too hot
the overflow of bees; otherwise, -queen could be killed, injured, or
the bees might be hanging outside balied v-shaped
the hive when you return to move -hive bodies might break screen pushed
them. +zombs could break into entrance
-if moving in winter or very early
Loading and Unloading spring, the winter cluster could be
-In the evening, smoke the entrance broken resulting in bees recluster-
to drive the bees in and use a piece ing on empty combs and starving,
of screen the length of the entrance or in the existing brood being
-Move the hive off its stand to the
and about 5 inches wide to close chilled before the bees have a
new location,
off the entrance (see illus.). Slide chance to resettle
-In its old location, put a nut box
the screen into the entrance so it (small hive with four or five frames)
will spring against the bottom Moving Short Distances
or one deep hive body with bottom
board and hive body. Follow these procedures to move an board and top cover.
-If the weather is hot, remove the established hive less than 3 miles (4.8 km): -Fill the hive at the old location
with dry comb frames and at least MARKING OR CLIPPING THE QUEEN
two frames of brood, with or with-
out a queen or queen cells; if you Some beekeepers choose to mark the queen with a spot of color or a color disc
wish, make a split (see SPECIAL (with or without numbers) on her thorax, or they clip her fore and hind wings on
MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS: one side. Marking or clipping the queen allows the beekeeper to keep a record of
Swarm Control Techniques; re- the ages of his queens and the use of color will also make it easier to find her,
lieving conga tion 1. especially if she is dark. Clipping the wings of a queen will not control swarming,
-Field bees of the original hive will although this erroneous fact is stated in the literature.
return to the new hive at the old Never hold the queen by the abdomen when picking her up to mark or clip her.
location; this hive with the low bee If the queen is picked up this way, she can become injured and her egg-laying ability
population can be left and then will be reduced; as a result of this or any injury to the queen, the colony may super-
moved at one’s convenience. sede (replace) her.
Or: To avoid the possibility of injuring a queen, first practice on a few drones. To
-After two or more days, if the mark the queen:
weather has been good, move the -Grasp the queen by the wings, then transfer the hold to the sides of her
small hive from its original location thorax.
to a new site at least three miles -If marking with a color spot, use a fast-drying paint like nail polish; mark
away. only the thorax.
-After three weeks, this hive may -If marking with a disc, apply adhesive on thorax, then the disc.
be moved to a desired location or -Allow paint or adhesive to dry before returning queen gently to frame on
it may be united to original colony which she was found, or place her on the top bar of a frame and let her
bee SPECIAL MANAGEMENT walk down the comb.
PROBLEMS: Uniting Colonies; If clipping the queen’s wings, pick her up as described above and use manicure
newspaper method). scissors to cut half of both the fore and hind wing on one side only (see illus.).
Or: The queen can be removed from the hive without alarming the other bees; in
-Move all the hives to be relocated fact, for short periods (5-10 minutes) they will not be aware she is absent.
over three miles away for three
weeks and then move them again
to the desired location.
-It is often recommended that clip both fore
when moving established hives and hind wings
numbered disc
very short distances, each hive be or color spot
moved 1 foot each day (0.3m/day)
until the hive is in the desired lo-
cation (the bees will not return to
the original location). However,
this process is slow and not recom-
mended unless the distance is less

II than 30 feet (9 m).


Some beekeepers requeen every other year to maintain quality stock. To keep Notes
track of the queen’s age, they clip her on the right side on even years and on the
left side on odd years. The same system can be used with two colors. In Europe,
beekeepers use a color system on a five-year sequence: Blue, gray, orange, red, and
green, starting again with blue on the sixth year (the color for 1977 is orange).
Advantaps of marking the queen:
-queen is easily found
-queen’s age can be determined and recorded
-queen’s absence will be indicative of some colony change
Advantages of clipping the queen:
-queen’s age easily determined
-absence of clipped queen will indicate colony change
Disadvantages of marking and clipping:
-bees might supersede “maimed” queen
-clipping does not prevent or control swarming
-queen could be injured
-queen clipped may be a virgin and thus would be unable to fly and mate
-virgin queen might sting when handled (but this is not likely)

Failure to Find a Marked Queen

If the beekeeper fails to find a marked queen, it can be assumed that either
part of the colony may have swarmed with her, she was superseded (replaced), or
she was accidentally lost and subsequently replaced. If the queen is not found but
eggs and brood are present, one should assume a queen is in the hive. If no queen
is found and/or no eggs or brood are present, look for queen cells about to hatch
or assume a new young queen is present but has not yet begun to lay.
A virgin queen might be difficult to locate because she tends to move more
quickly on the comb than a laying queen. She might also be a little smaller than
a laying queen (more the size of a worker) since she loses some body weight
before the mating flight and needs time to regain it before she starts to lay. The
absence of eggs or brood in a colony, therefore, could mean that a virgin queen has
not yet mated or has not begun to lay eggs. Before requeening such a hive, be sure
that the colony is queenless since any attempt to introduce a new queen into a hive
with a virgin queen or newly mated queen present is likely to fail.
On the other hand, laying workers are present if one finds scattered brood,
scattered capped drone cells, and/or several eggs in each cell that are attached to
the cell walls instead of the bottom (see SPECIAL MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS:
Laying Workers).
SWARMING Swarming vs. Productive Hives
By reproducing, organisms perpetuate and protect their kind from extinction. Swarming used to be a sign of “good
Social insects like the honey bees can reproduce new individuals within the colony and productive” beekeeping since the bee-
unit, but this is not sufficient for their continued survival. If bees were to maintain keepers could make increases from the
themselves solely by producing young, their colonies-without man’s intervention- numerous swarms available. Straw skeps,
would diminish as a result of disease, fire, predators, and adverse environmental con- logs, or other cramped hives used over a
ditions. hundred years ago would soon become
Honey bee colonies perpetuate themselves by swarming. Swarming is a natural too crowded and promoted the swarming
process whereby a colony divides so that part of it leaves for a new homesite usually behavior of bees.
with the old queen, while the remaining members continue at the original siie with Today, swarming can be viewed as
a newly emerged, and later mated, queen. In this manner, a single unit becomes two. a sign of the beekeeper’s negligence since
An abundance of queen cells, often called swarm cells, indicates that swarming it means a loss of both bees (unless the
preparations are underway. Shortly after the swarm cells are sealed, the colony will swarm is captured) and honey. Although
cast a swarm. Bees will exit as a swarm on any warm, windless day, usually between most beekeepers make efforts to prevent
9 a.m. and 3 p.m. (earlier or later if the weather is favorable). Occasionally, bees or control swarming, it is not an easy
will swarm when the weather is less than favorable. task. The picture is further complicated
After the swarm issues, some of the bees will alight on a nearby object and by the fact that most methods used for
begin fanning with their scent glands exposed to attract the remainder of the swarm controlling or preventing swarming result
and the queen. Soon a “cluster” of bees forms. (It is this cluster-readily visible to in manipulations that reduce the colony
the casual observer-that is correctly called a swarm). Scout bees will then depart size.
from the cluster to find a new home site. When a suitable one is found, after a few Thus, although swarming can be
hours to a few days, the swarm flies to the new site. controlled or prevented, in doing so the
Bees in a swarm are usually quite gentle. Before leaving their old hive they goal of maintaining populous colonies for
engorge honey and this seems to contribute to their gentleness. Another reison for the honeyflow is sacrificed somewhat.
their gentleness might be that, since the homeless cluster is only a temporary situa- Nevertheless, this is far better than having
tion, the division of labor-including guarding-that prevails in a normal hive is either the colony cast a swarm which may leave
nonexistent or not as prevalent the apiary site before the beekeeper can
recapture it.
Reasons for Swarming
Honey bee colonies swarm for any
one or more of these reasons:
-poor ventilation (perhaps due to
lack of noontime shade)
-defective combs (those with too
many drone cells or cells that are
irregular, thick, damaged, or other-
wise not suitable for the queen to to a beekeeper on routine hive inspec- -after queen cells (swarm cells) are
lay in, reducing broodnest capacity tions. The list below is a rough chronolo- sealed over
and increasing congestion) gy of the various signs one might see in -when few bees are foraging (little
-inclement weather, which keeps a colony which may ultimately swarm: flight activity of bees at hive en-
bees confined to hive and causes -rapid increase in worker population trance) compared to other hives of
further congestion (especially in spring-after a minor same strength
-failing queen (instead of supersed- honeyflow and before a major -when bees are clustered near the
ing the queen, the colony may honeyf low) entrance-when not due only to
swarm) -drone rearing begins as worker hive congestion or high air temper-
-queen pheromone production de- numbers increase atures
clines or amount of pheromone -broodnest (area where eggs, larvae, -during the warmest part of the day,
being distributed among a highly and pupae are located) cannot be usually between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.
populous colony is not sufficient expanded due to combs already (earlier or later if weather condi-
to control swarm preparations occupied with brood and/or honey tions are right)
-heredity -queen cup construction at lower -usually on the first warm, sunny,
-idle nurse bees frame edges evident calm day following a short period
-disease, like American foulbrood -queen deposits eggs in these queen of cold, wet, cloudy days when
cups the congestion in the hives is ag-
Other Reasons that Bees Leave -queen’s egg-laying tapers off and gravated
amount of young brood decreases
Under certain conditions, the entire -queen restless Clipped-Queen Swarms
original colony may depart their home -many queen cells containing larvae A clipped queen will attempt to
forever without leaving a new queen be- which vary somewhat in age leave the hive with a swarm but, being
hind. This is called absconding and -field bees less active and begin to unable to fly, will not accompany the
could be caused by: congregate at hive entrance; this other bees and will be left behind, usually
-starvation can also happen if weather is hot on the ground near the hive from which
-disease or colony congested she attempted to swarm. The swarming
-wax-moth (or other pest) infestation -queen cells are capped or sealed bees, without a flying queen, may return
-fumes from newly painted or other- -swarm cast to the hive while they are still airborne,
wise treated hives Signs of swarming that are not read- or they may cluster on the ground with
-poor ventilation ily observable are: the queen. They could also cluster with-
-excessive disturbance of the colony -queen begins to lose body weight out her and later move back to the old
by the beekeeper or vandals in preparation for flight with swarm hive or to the queen on the ground. If
-excessive disturbance by animal -bees gorge honey the beekeeper witnesses any of these
events, he can take steps to discourage
Signs of Imminent Swarm Issuance their reoccurrence by the following pro-
Signs of Swarm Preparation cedure:
A colony that has been making swarm
Signs that a colony is in some stage preparations can be expected to issue a -Find and cage the queen either be-
of swarm preparation are clearly visible swarm: fore or after the swarm returns.
-Move the parent hive from its stand PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF SWARMING
and replace it with a new hive of
foundation or dry drawn comb. Swarm prevention is being practiced when a beekeeper is able to keep bees from
-When the swarm returns, let the initiating queen cup construction which may lead to swarming. Swarm control is em-
queen walk in with them. If the ployed when the beekeeper finds and removes queen cups and other signs of swarm
swarm has already returned to the preparations already evident. Although the times for initiating swarm prevention and
parent hive at the old location, control are different, the manipulations are the same. Such methods are discussed in
shake half of the bees in front of the following sections including: relieving congestion by adding more room for the
the new hive; the bees will enter queen to lay or storage space for the growing bee population; separating the queen
this hive; release the queen so she from most of the brood; and interchanging weak colonies with strong ones,
can walk in the hive entrance with
the bees. Reversing
-Check after ten days.
-Requeen the colony, since the Reversing the brood chambers, or lower hive bodies, at regular intervals or as
queen might have swarming in- needed beginning in the spring, is one method used to relieve congestion in the hive.
stincts-the old colony, moved to Throughout the winter, the colony and its queen move upward through the hive (see
another site, will have virgin queens GENERAL SEASONAL MANAGEMENT: The Winter Cluster); by spring, the cluster
emerging; the surviving virgin will is usually in the topmost super (or supers) and since the queen may not move down,
mate and begin to lay. Since this the brood will be confined there. U,nless the queen, broodnest, and bees are put on
colony might also swarm, all queen the bottom with the empty hive bodies on top, the colony is likely to become con-
cells should be destroyed and the gested and will probably swarm, even though there is expansion space below. Here
colony subsequently requeened. is a quick outline for reversing hive bodies:
Another method would be to let the -Take an extra bottom board to the bee yard. Move the hive off its stand or
swarm return to the original colony after from its location and place the extra bottom board in its place. Take the
removing the queen cells. Check after hive body containing the queen, most of the bees, and brood (#3 in illus.),
ten days to remove any queen cell con- and put it on the extra bottom board.
struction, or Demaree the hive (see -Place at least one deep hive body (#2) above the broodnest (#3).
SPECIAL MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS: -If three hive bodies were present, place the third (#I 1 on top of other two.
Swarm Prevention Techniques; Demaree -Clean the original bottom board and go to next hive.
Method). -Repeat the procedure until all the hives are reversed.
-If the queen is reluctant to move up after a week, exchange a frame of brood
from fl with an empty frame from hive body (#2).

Relieving Congestion
Hives that are very congested due to poor combs or inadequate space for brood
will be more likely to swarm, Listed below are some techniques for relieving such
-Add extra frames or supers full of foundation.
-Stagger supers slightly to allow for more ventilation.
Interchanging Hives
I In an apiary where the hives are in
long rows, the bees tend to drift toward
the row ends. As a result, the colonies in
the middle may be weaker than the colo-
nies on the ends (see BEFORE THE
BEES ARRIVE: Hive Orientation).
If a hive is very populous and seems
likely to swarm at some point but has
not yet made preparation to do so, inter-
change it with a weaker hive (see illus.).
This way more incoming, food-bearing
foragers will return to the stronger hive’s
location but will enter the weaker hive,
augmenting its population. Conversely,
the strong hive will have a sudden de-
crease of incoming field bees, and any idle

tizizlHONEY q DRY
COMB bees that might have normally initiated
swarm preparations would soon be forag-
ing, Foreign bees entering the switched
-Separate brood and queen: hives should not fight if there is a honey-
-Place the queen, with unsealed brood, eggs, and bees in the lowest super. .flovr in progress. To decrease chances of
-Above this, place a super with foundation. fighting, wait for a good honeyflow be-
-Above this, place a super filled with capped brood and the rest of the bees. fore interchanging the hives.
-Decrease the number of bees or brood in the hive by splitting the hives to
make additional ones, called irxreases (see illus.): Demaree Method
-Place frames of capped brood and bees taken from several different hives
into a new hive (one deep body). The Demaree method, made popular
-If there is no food coming in, spray each frame of bees with syrup to by a beekeeper of that name, allows one
reduce any fighting among the bees on the frames taken from different to retain the complete population of a
hives. hive while practicing swarm prevention
-Give the new hive a frame of eggs from your best hive so they may make and control. Basically, ‘it separates the
their own queen; or, requeen the split with a new queen; or, provide some brood from the queen and decreases the
queen cells (usually swarm cells). congestion. Here is one way to Demaree
-Each increase hive should have four frames of brood, four frames of foun- (see illus.):
dation and two frames of honey or empty drawn comb filled with syrup. -Fill two deep bodies (#4 and #5)
-Reduce the entrance to discourage robbing and bees returning to their with frames of dry drawn comb
original hives; check after one week. from which brood has already
emerged. -After one week, cut out any new -ventilation-to increase air flow
-Foundation or a combination of queen cups in the upper story (#l within a hive:
both drawn comb and foundation or in #4). -hive bodies can be staggered
can also be used; if no honeyflow -Two weeks later, if the queen’s -inner or outer cover can be
is on, use less foundation since the hive body (#4, below excluder) is vowed up
bees will chew it; if you have only congested and full of queen cells, -bottom front entrance can be
foundation, feed bees with syrup remove the queen cells and De- raised on small blocks
so foundation will be drawn out. maree again. -these techniques might encourage
-Place these two hive bodies beside -One week later, remove any queen robbing so only strong colonies
the hive to be Demarreed. cells above the excluder. should be manipulated in the
-Find the queen and place her on a -Fifteen days after the last manipu- ways described
frame containing very young larvae lation, since the queen can’t get
and eggs. above the excluder to lay, the top
-There should be no queen cups or supers will be free of brood and
cells on the frame with the queen; will be used for honey storage or
if present remove them or replace remain empty.
the frame. Variations of this method are used to rear
-Remove some dry comb frames or queens (in warm weather), run a two-queen
foundation from the middle of one colony, or make increases; a division
of the new hive bodies (#4) and screen can be used in place of a queen
place the frame with the queen and excluder.
clinging bees there. Advantages:
-Add two or three frames of honey -population kept at a peak for
and pollen to #4 on the bottom honeyflow
board. Disadvantages:
-Place a queen excluder above #4 -must find queen
and place body #5 (full of founda- -many manipulations necessary
tion or dry comb) above the ex- -time consuming
cluder. -many trips to the apiary needed
-Remove any queen cups from re-
maining brood frames and place Other Factors
them and clinging bees in #l. In addition to the other techniques
-Any remaining frames of brood or described, the following factors may also
honey without the clinging bees be of importance in helping to decrease
can be given to other colonies; any swarming in some hives:
empty frames can be stored or -young, vigorous queens
placed in a super and added to a -queens raised from nonswarm stock
populous colony for additionai -hybrid queens with nonswarming
room. tendencies

Making an Increase (or Split)

-1 Transfer frames of capped brood, bees, and
\ honey from congested hives (replace removed
frames with foundation). Add either a new
queen, eggs, or queen cells.

b----- .’ -1

1 reduce1 czI

populous hive populous hive increase hive populous hive

Demaree Method of Swarm Control

capped brood,
honey, bees bees

dry comb, foundation

bees, larvae
?-give to weak hives - queen excluder
*’ I or use as split
capped brood, :
bees dry comb,-- queen plus 3 or 4 frames
of eggs, larvae, honey,
and pollen
Interchanging Hives (Plan View)


. . .
” .
-. .

. . windbreak



.- . . . - . .-_ - .- <-.
-. .
-, .I - ..w- ‘_
. w-
- -.
Swarm Traps
It is generally not possible to check one’s apiary on an hourly basis, and such at-
tention to outyards throughout the swarming season is impossible. Despite good man-
agement procedures for swarm prevention or control, occasionally a colony preparing
to swarm is overlooked. In addition, many beekeepers are constrained from devoting
the time necessary for proper management. Thus, some swarming probably takes
plite in most apiaries. If one is not able to capture the swarm, the opportunity to
increase one’s holdings or to return the swarm to its hive is lost.
Some beekeepers who are unable to visit their apiaries frequently may attempt
to compensate for their absence by capturing swarms lured to bait hives or by pro-
viding sites near the apiary for swarms to cluster. Such swarms can be readily seen
and caught if they remain clustered until the beekeeper arrives. Some swarm traps
are listed below:
-Decoy or bait hives-with drawn comb or foundation-can be placed at vari-
ous distances and directions from the apiary. Wax, propolis, and vrher odors
may attract the scout bees and, ultimately, the swarm, but they might also
attract mice and wax moths, so any remaining bait hives should be removed
at the end of the season.
-Low, dark objects close to the ground-such as a burlap bag wrapped around
a low branch in a rough sphere-may attract a swarm to cluster there.
-Empty frames of old, dry drawn comb in tree crotches may attract swarms;
be sure the combs are free of disease.
Some states have laws concerning the use of bait hives or restricting the use of
exposed combs for baiting swarms. Find out what laws apply locally before using - -
these techniques- spray bees with
medicated syrup
Swarm Containers or water

To be prepared the beekeeper should always have extra hives full of foundation
for hiving swarms. If the swarms have to be collected some distance from the apiary,
bring along a hive, or nut box, with the bottom board stapled on. The swarrn can
then be shaken in front of the hive, and after most bees have entered the entrance can
be closed with a piece of screen. The hive can then either be carried off or left there
unscreened until the evening so that any stray bees can rejoin the swarm; its entrance
should be screened when the hive is retrieved in the evening, shake swarm
.in front of
Other containers that can be used for collecting swarms are:
prepared hive
-a screened box, like an old bee package; shake the swarm into the box and

carry the box to the apiary If the swarm is to be united, its

-a cloth bag (not a plastic bag);shake the swarm into bag and transport it to queen or the hive’s queen should be
the apiary, or if the swarm is on a tree branch, envelope the swarm with bag, caged (see Care of Caged Queens) while
tie. it closed, and cut the branch their performance is evaluated. If both
Swarms, especially large ones, need plenty of ventilation and must be kept out are good, the extra queen can be used to
of direct sunlight. Often bees are “cooked” or smothered when collected in inappro- make an increase or replace a poor queen
priate containers. A swarm in a temporary container should be stored, like a package elsewhere. Swarms united to colonies
of bees, in a cool, dark place until it can be placed in a proper hive. should be placed in a hive with founda-
tion and then placed over the colony
Collecting and Hiving a Swarm they are to be united with; they should
Beekeepers are often called by individuals, humane societies, and police and fire not be placed in an empty hive body
departments to retrieve swarms. If you wish to collect swarms to enlarge your apiary without frames as this will encourage the
or strengthen weak hives, notify these agencies by letter or phone each spring and ask bees to cluster on the underside of the
to be put on the “swarm list.” Most beekeepers are thankful to get swarms and con- inner cover and construct comb.
sequently pick them up without charge.
Swarms are usually well-gorged with honey and gentle. But sometimes a swarm Precautions
is ill-tempered, especially if it ha: been clustered for several days and the bees are Swarms should always be treated as if
hungry. In any case, it is prudent to wear a veil when collecting swarms. they are diseased; that is, install them on
Some beekeepers carry spray bottles of syrup, often medicated syrup. Bees foundation and feed with medicated syrup
which are sprayed lightly with the syrup will gorge the food and become gentle and (see BEE ENEMIES AND DISEASES:
easier to handle. These are the basic steps for collecting and hiving a swarm (see illus.): American foulbroodj. If a swarm is put
-If the swarm is clustered on a tree limb, with owner’s permission, cut away on drawn comb, the bees may regurgitate
excess branches, leaves, or flowers; avoid shak,ing or jarring the cluster. drops of nectar containing disease spores
-If the swarm is jarred and the bees begin to break the cluster, spray the bees from their honey sacs into the comb. By
and wait for the c!uster to re-form. installing them on foundation, the bees
-Sa*w or clip the limb above the swarm, holding the limb above the swarm to will consume their honey sac contents
steady it while you cut; spray the swarm with syrup. first. Many of the bees in a swarm are
-Shake the swarm into a hive or collecting container prepared for them or, if usually young bees with active wax glands
possible, put the entire cut limb in the collecting container. and will draw beautiful comb; if given
-If the swarm is on a post or flat surface, brush or smoke the bees into a hive drawn comb, much of this wax will be
or container, directing them gently with puffs of smoke. wasted.
-A piece of cardboard can be used like a dust-pan to gently scrape bees into
the container or in front of the hive entrance.
-At the apiary, shake the bees from the container into a hive filled with foun-
dation or unite the swarm with a weak colony.
Supersedure is the colony’s replace- Young queen larvae can begin their -queen cells are present after the
ment of an old or inferior queen by a growth in queen cells or in worker cells. normal swarming period
young queen. The workers in the colony Queen cells made from worker cells are In swarming:
build a few queen cells and when a new often called emergency queen cells. The -the colony is populous
queen emerges, she destroys the other sudden loss of a queen usually forces the -numerous frames of capped brood
queen cells and may destroy the old queen bees to modify worker cells into emergen- are present, and there is a dimin-
(sometimes the mother queen is allowed cy queen cells, and as the larval queens ished number of cells with uncap-
to remain in the colony to die naturally). develop, the cell’s edges are slowly altered ped brood
Swarming does not usually take place by the added wax which forms the peanut- -swarming season is on (late spring
when a queen is superseded. shape characteristic of all queen cells. and early summer)
Some of the reasons for the super- Queen cells which begin from a cup-
sedure of established, package, or intro- shaped base (queen cups) are either swarm
duced queens are listed below: cells or supersedure cells, depending on
Emergency or Supersedure Cell
-queen is deficient in egg-laying their location and numbers. Swarm cells
-queen has inadequate amounts of usually hang from the lower edges of a
queen substance (pheromone) due comb, are numerous, and contain larvae
to age, injury, or other physiologi- of different ages (variation in cell size).
cal problems Supersedure cells, on the other hand, are
-queen is injured as a result of clip- few in number, are usually located away
from the comb edges, and contain larvae regular
ping, fighting among virgins, or worker
balling by workers of approximately the same age (no vari- cells
-queen was injured when removed ation in cell size).
from or placed into queen cage A surviving queen that has emerged
-queen is defective or poorly mated from a swarm cell usually replaces a
-queen has not been receiving queen that has departed with a swarm.
enough nourishment (which may A surviving queen that has emerged from Swarm Cells
contribute to some of the above an emergency queen cell replaces a queen
defects) that was accidently lost.
+zolony has nosema disease The state of the colony and the time
-inclement weather for extended of the year may also indicate whether the
periods (other than winter) colony’s aim is to supersede or swarm.
-after installation of a package, In supersedure:
when numbers of adult bees decline -the colony is usually not very
bottom bar
and no new ones emerge for 21 populous of frame
days, the remaining older workers -the brood pattern is scattered or
may undertake supersedure activi- almost nonexistent due to a queen
ties that is injured, diseased, or failing

LAYING WORKERS colony and there is still time for the queening colonies that show these ten-
colony to build up its population and dencies:
When a colony loses its queen and is stores before the winter. -low bee populations for no appar-
unable to rear a replacement due to a ent reason
lack of eggs or proper-aged larvae, some REQUEENING -inferior queen, laying more drone
workers may start to lay. The ovaries of than worker eggs
these females will mature and, after these Although queens may live for four -unmated or injured queen, laying
bees are fed the high-protein royal jelly, years, the most productive queens are drone eggs or having some drone
eggs will develop. Since workers are in- usually between one and two years old. and worker larvae scattered over
capable of mating, the eggs they lay will Many beekeepers replace an older, exist- the comb
be only unfertilized or drone eggs. The ing queen with a younger queen annually -diseased queen, brood, or workers
worker population within a colony with or every other year (see SPECIAL MAN- -aggressiveness
laying workers, therefore, will slowly de- AGEMENT PROBLEMS: Marking or -excessive propolizing
cline since the rearing of new workers Clipping the Queen); others replace only -poor wintering success (very weak
stops with the loss of the queen. queens who perform poorly. in spring)
To correct this situation, several If the bees are preparing to swarm -high honey consumption
methods have been developed, all of or supersede their queen, they are in -poor honey production
which involve the introduction of a queen, effect requeening the colony themselves. -high tendency to swarm
queen cells, or a frame containing larvae This natural process of requeening is not
less than three days old. Often bees beneficial to the beekeeper. Queen re- Types of Queens
within a laying worker colony are first placement as a consequence of swarming,
shaken from their frames at a distance for example, results in a loss of a portion Queens can be obtained by:
of 100 yards from their hive just before of the colony along with the old queen, -purchasing
the introduction of a queen, queen cells, unless the swarm is captured and reunited -raising one’s own
or young larvae. Unfortunately, these with the colony. But because swarming -obtaining them from colonies
attempts at rescuing a colony of laying traits are hereditary, that queen and preparing to swarm or supersede
workers from inevitable doom have never colony might swarm again, as might the their queen
worked to anyone’s satisfaction-frequent- daughter queens in the old hive. There- Queens can come from any one of
ly the colony will reject the introduced fore, both the remaining colonies and four categories:
queen or queen cells, or it will rear any captured swarms should be requeened. -virgin queens
workers rather than queens from the in- Queen supersedure, on the other -untested queens (have been ob-
troduced larvae-and there is always the hand, takes place only after the colony served to lay)
risk of losing valuable time. The best has been declining due to a failing queen -tested queens (have been retained
one can do is to unite a colony of lay- (see SPECIAL MANAGEMENT PROB- in mating boxes :-:ntil the first
ing workers with a queenright hive. Ex- LEMS: Queen Supersedure). Her replace- brood emerges in order to deter-
perimenting with various methods of ment may be inferior, especially if the mine purity of mating)
requeening may be worth the experience, colony numbers and stores are not ade- -select-tested queens (have been
however-if one has no other colonies quate for rearing good quality queens. placed in colonies and tested not
with which to unite a laying worker The beekeeper should think of re- only for purity of mating but for
other characteristics such as disease the excluder, otherwise the caged queens population
resistance, gentleness, and produc- may be killed. -colony emerges in spring with high
tiveness) bee population ready for honey-
Seasonal flow and/or increase
Care of Caged Queens Requeening can be done in the Disadvantages:
spring, summer, or fall. It is preferable -hive populous
Mated queens, packaged in Benton to requeen during a honeyflow, since a -old queen difficult to find
maihhg caps, are mailed from dealers to colony is almost certain to accept a new -if no honeyflow is on, bees prone
all parts of this country and to some queen when food is coming in. to sting and run when hive is
other countries. Some of the procedures opened
for notifying the postal service when Spring Requeening -time consuming
awaiting bee packages should also be -in fall, fewer opportunities to
Advantages: check if queen was accepted if
followed when queens have been ordered.
-colony less likely to swarm weather turns inclement
When the queens arrive, they should
-vigorous egg layer will produce -less time to assess queen’s perfor-
be properly cared for. If the cages con-
strong bee populations for subse- mance
tain candy and four or five attendant bees,
quent honeyflows -could end up with queenless colo-
they can be kept in a warm, dark place
-colony will enter winter with a ny and laying workers
free of drafts for a period of about two
large population
weeks. Each cage should be provided
-old queen easier to find since colo-
with a small drop of water twice a day.
ny numbers are low
If the queens are to be introduced by the
“Indirect Method” described in the fol- -bees calm, less prone to sting or
lowing sections, the attendant bees should
-plenty of time to assess queen’s
be removed beforehand.
To store caged queens for longer performance and to change her if
periods, first remove the attendant bees,
then place one end of the cage against
-queen more costly to purchase
the under side of the top bar of an empty
-dependent on weather
frame (without comb or foundation) and
-queen could be superseded if in-
rest the other end on a bar of wood
clement weather sets in
which has been nailed in to run the
length of the frame (see illus.). The
Summer-Fall Requeening
frame with the caged queens can be in-
serted into a queenless colony or into a Advantages:
queenright hive above a queen excluder. -queen less expensive
The queens will be cared for until they -less chance of swarming the follow-
are needed. A free queen must not be ing year
allowed in the queenless colony or above -colony enters winter with a strong


QUEEN INTRODUCTlON Other Types of Cages. Although the

Benton queen cage is used most often for
Although many methods, including some ingenious ones, have been devised for requeening, many other types of cages for
introducing queens into colonies for the purpose of requeening, none can guarantee queen introduction have also been invent-
absolute success. Often the more time-consuming ones are the most likely to succeed. ed.
It is generally agreed that no matter what method is employed, the most oppor- The push-in cage can be made by
tune time to requeen is during a honeyflow. All the methods iis:ed here, except the folding all four edges of a piece of hard-
division-screen method, require that the hive be degueened (queen taken out to make ware cloth or screen at right angles to
hive queenlass} from 2 to 24 hours prior to the introduction of the new queen. The form a box without a top. After the
methods used-can be divided into two categories: colony has been dequeened, the open end
-Indirect Release, where there is a delay before the bees have direct access to of the cage is pushed into a section of
the queen, and comb over a newly obtained queen (see
-Direct Release, where the queen is immediately released among the bees. illus.). Such a section should contain
Some of these methods can be combined with swarm control or making increases in capped brood, a few cells of honey, and
the apiary (see SPECIAL MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS: Swarm Control Techniques). no adult bees. After seven days, release
Spoke should be employed in the same fashion as when ordinarily working with the queen by removing the push-in cage.
the be% It may be worth the time to feed the colony with sugar syrup a few days Some beekeepers cut a hole in one of the
before and after killing the old queen to mimic a honeyflow and increase the likeli- corners of this cage and plug it with candy
hood of the bees accepting a new queen. made from a small amount of honey
mixed with confectionary (powdered)
Indirect Release sugar; the bees will release the queen after
This method of requeening employs the Benton queen cage (shipping cage): eating through the candy.
-Dequeen the colony 2 to 24 hours prior to replacing with new queen.
-Remove the attendant bees. One way of doing this is to remove the cork
opposite the candy end of cage while standing in a darkened room next to Push-In Introduction Cage
a closed window; when bees fly out toward the daylight, recapture the
queen from the window; picking her up only by the wings or thorax, return top bat-L-1
her to cage and replace the cork. Attendant bees in a queen cage should be
removed since they and the bees in the hive may fight. As they encounter
each other and start struggling, an alarm pheromone is released in the vicin-
ity of the cage. Such a signal may stimulate other hive bees to congregate
in the area and they may begin to bite and ball the queen.
-Remove the cork in the candy end and make a small hole through the candy
with a nail to make it easier for the bees to free the queen. The hole should
not be too large since one of the purposes of the candy plug is to delay the
queen’s release and thus enhance her acceptance.
-Wedge the cage, candy-side up, between two top bars of frames with young
cage pressea In
larvae, making sure the screened side of the cage is accessible to the bees. . .. 1 over brood and
--Examine the colony after one week; if the queen is still in her cage poke a some honey,
bigger hole in the candy or release her directly (see STARTING BEES candy or but no bees
FROM PACKAGES: fnstalling Packages). I..“.“..,.W..“..
The Chantey cage, also commonly by giving it a frame of uncapped larvae the bees.
used for queen introduction, consists of and eggs from your best hive (see Queen -Be sure sure to spray all frames
a compartment for the queen and two Rearing). You may also introduce anoth- with bees.
tunnels plugged with candy. One tunnel er laying queen into the nut, either by -Release the queen on the top bars.
leads to a piece of queen excluder and the Indirect or the Direct Release Method, -After she has crawled down between
the other, when the candy is chewed so that it may be united with a weak the frames, close hive; check after
through, frees the queen from her com- hive later (to requeen it) or to make an one week.
partment. increase with the nut. Smoke Method. Dequeen the colony
It is always helpful to talk with ex- Honey Method. Dequeen the colony at least a day in advance, then proceed as
perienced beekeepers about their success at least a day in advance then proceed as follows:
with these different cages before using follows: -Reduce the entrance to 1 inch
them. -Open the hive and remove nearest with loosely packed grass.
frame; check each frame until you -Blow four or five strong puffs of
Direct Release find one with young larvae and smoke into the entrance.
honey; remove it, shaking off all -Close the entrance for 1 to 2
Nucleus Method. Dequeen the colo- adult bees. minutes.
ny at least one day in advance, then pro- -Break the wax seal over some hon- -Open the entrance slightly to allow
ceed as follows: ey and, without injuring the new the queen to enter; smoke a few
-Place a well-populated nucleus box queen, coat her with honey. puffs after she enters.
containing three to five deep -Release the queen on the frame -Close the entrance for 3 to 5
frames of bees and a laying queen with young larvae and then gently minutes.
next to the dequeened hive. replace the frame into the hive; -Reopen the entrance after 15 min-
-Apply a small amount of smoke replace remaining frames and close utes to about l-inch wide (the
into the nut entrance, being care- the hive. bees will remove the remaining
ful not to disturb the bees too -Check for the queen after one grass within a few days if it is
much. week. loosely packed).
-Remove the nut cover to air out Scent Method. The scent method -Check for the queen after one
the smoke. employs a scented syrup (peppermint, week.
-Remove two to three frames from lemon, vanilla, mint, onion, anise oil, or Caution should be used with this method
one side of the dequeened hive grated nutmeg) which temporarily masks if the weat!her is extremely warm since a
and replace them with two to the odor of the introduced queen. As reduced entrance will make it difficult for
three frames of bees and laying the scented odor gradually diminishes, bees to ventilate the hive.
queen from the nut box; the lay- the queen’s scent eventually replaces it,
Shook Swarm Method
ing queen should be between two causing the bees to accept her more read-
of the inserted frames. ily. Dequeen the colony at least a day Dequeen the colony at least one day
-Close the hive and check after one in advance, then proceed as follows: in advance, then proceed as follows:
week. -Spray both the frames containing -Take out frames with bees on
If the nucleus colony is exceptional- bees and the new queen with the them and spray bees and frames
ly strong, use it to raise another queen scented syrup, but do not soak with syrup.

-Shake these queenless bees into a separates the queen and bees in a lower -Check hive after one week.
screened box, old bee package, or hive from the queen cells or new queen -Three weeks later, replace the
swarm box (the container should and bees in a hive placed above. This division screen with a queen ex-
be large enough so bees are not way, the smaller colony above can take cluder. The hive can now be run
overcrowded and should be screened advantage of the heat generated from the on a two-queen system until after
for ventilation); after the bees have colony below. the honeyflow, or the hives can
been “shook” off the frames into To requeen by this method, follow be united by removing the exclud-
the container, any frames with these steps: er just before a major honeyflow.
brood should be given to another -Remove from any strong hive(s) Find and remove the older queen;
(weaker) coiony. The empty hive three or more frames of capped otherwise, just unite the colonies
should be closed to prevent rob- brood from which bees are emerg- by removing the excluder.
bing of remaining frames of honey. ing.
-Put the bees in a cool, dark place -Shake the frames to remove all
and feed them with 1: 1 sugar syrup adult bees.
as needed (see STARTING BEES -Place the frames of brood in the
FROM PACKAGES: When the center of an empty hive body (#3
packages arrive). as illustrated).
-Seven to eight hours later, intro- -Place frames of sealed honey with
duce the queen into the container; some pollen on each side of the
she can be sprayed, along with the brood frames.
bees, when introduced; a scented -Fill the remaining space with frames
syrup can even be used. of dry comb.
-After one hour, reopen the old -Place the division screen above the
hive and install the bees as you broodnest of the hive that is to be
would a swarm. requeened.
-Or, the queen can be put into a -Place the hive body with honey
queen cage, and the bees and queen and brood above the division
can be installed by the Indirect screen; heat from the colony below
Release Method for Packages (see will keep the emerging brood warm.
STARTING BEES FROM PACK- --Requeen the top hive body with a
AGES). queen cell or a queen (by any
method). As the young bees
Divisiordcreen Method emerge, they will accept the queen
as their own.
A division screen is a double-screened, -The entrance of the division screen
rimmed partition which has a small en- should be small so only a few bees
trance on one side of the rim (see illus.). can pass through at one time; close
It is used to make an increase or to start this with loosely packed grass for
a two-queen colony or a split; the Screen a week until the brood emerges.

Occasionally, a colony of bees be-

comes unusually aggressive despite the
beekeeper’s best precautions. These
colonies make one’s work more difficult,
and if the bees are extremely agqressive,
Division-Screen they could adversely affect the behavior
of other colonies due to excessive amounts
of alarm pheromone released whenever
frames of this aggressive colony is worked.
bees and The best way to deal with such a
either queen colony is to requeen it. After it has been
cells or new \ :> successfully requeened, the change in the
:, \ 1\I
t),~,$;,? -division
behavior of the colony will be apparent
-- A as soon as the new queen’s offspring pop-
i screen
ulate the hive.
Finding the queen of an aggressive
! hive poses the major probiem in getting
it requeened. Here is one method of re-
\3\\\i' +,'
' \3\ \\\/ queening called the Non-Shook Swarm
-During a honeyflow, on a very
IEVERSE HIVE t: favorable day, move the colony to
old queen, bX ,, ‘, \>,,‘~‘, a new location.
-In the old location, put an empty
hive body on a bottom board, and
place one frame of young larvae in
it. Fill the remaining space with
dry, drawn comb; put on inner
BRooDNEsr q DRY COMB and outer covers.
-Field bees from the aggressive
colony will return to the old loca-
tion and the new hive; with old
colony’s populatibn reduced, it
will be more manageable.
-Find the old queen and remove her.
-Introduce the new queen by any
method you choose.
-Wait seven days, then check to colony when there is an abundance of the two frames of the sealed brood.
see if the new queen has been food (honey, sugar syrup, and pollen) -Make sure the queen is on one of
accepted. available to the nurse bees. the frames.
-Return the original hive to its old The easiest, but not necessarily the -On either side of the brood frames,
location and unite it with the best way, of obtaining queens is to pro- fill the hive with frames of honey
small hive, or unite small hive vide a strong queenless colony with a and pollen (there should be no
with original hive at its new low- frame of larvae less than three days old empty cells in these frames, other-
tion. taken from a colony witl-: desirable wise the queen may lay in them).
The colony can also be requeened to take queen cells from -The queen will be forced to lay
at its original location without these colonies preparing to swarm in the prepared frame as soon as
steps if the queen can be found quickly. or supersede their queens. cells are drawn.
If the hive is too populous, split it, wait Advantages: .’ -About one week later, remove the
four days, then dequeen the split. Re- -easy prepared frame; trim away edges
queen one or both splits or unite them -inexpensive of the newly drawn pieces of
after one has been successfully requeened. -will succeed in obtaining queens foundation until you encounter
The non-shook swarm method can also -few manipulations needed cells with small larvae (preferably
be used to requeen hives that are not Disadvantages: less than a day old, but never
aggressive. -loss of brood in dequeened hive more than two days old).
I I -queen could be inferior
-may disrupt hive (if it is
-Dequeen colony to be requeened
QUEEN REARING 24 hours before it is to receive

dequeened) Miller frame. The next day re-
-queen might mate with inferior move all frames with open brood
Letting Bees Raise Their Own
drones from dequeened colony (or at
Some b&keepers prefer to raise least frames with young brood).
their own queens rather than purchase Miller Method -Insert the Miller frame into the
them from a commercial breeder. While The Miller Method of queen rearing dequeened colony and place a
educational and exciting, the rearing of may be the easiest for the beginner. Pre- frame of older larvae next to it;
queens can be tricky, t,l;me consuming, pare an empty brood frame by fitting it insert some frames of pollen and
and often unsuccessful. with four pieces of foundation, 2 inches honey; the young larvae on the
A superb queen can probably be wide and 4 inches long (see illus.). Cut Miller frame will receive ample
found in any apiary with two or more the unattached lower half of each strip care and royal jelly.
colonies. Obviously, if queens could be of foundation to form a triangle with its -Nine days after inserting the
raised from the larvae of such a colony apex pointing downward. Do not wire Miller frame, remove the sealed
and later be introduced sucwssfully to foundation to frame. queen cells by cutting them from
other colonies, the entire apiary could -Remove all but two frames of the Miller frame and attaching
be upgraded. However, if bees are in- sealed brood from a hive whose them to combs in queenless hives
bred they deteriorate rapidly. Good queen is of superior quality. or nut boxes.
queens are reared by bees of a strong -Insert the prepared frame between -Queens from these nut hives will
hatch and mate. These queens
can then be left in the hives from
which they mated or used for re- Queen-Cage Holding Frame
queening after they have begun to
lay eggs.


I ’ II

Doolittle Frame for Queen Rearing

Miller Frame for Queen Rearing


Doolitde Method TWO-QUEEN SYSTEM

This method is much more difficult than the Miller Me-ihod, but many queens
Some beekeepers use two-queen
can be reared at one time. See also the REFERENCES: Queens for more informa-
systems of colony management to improve
tion on available books on the subject.
honey yields. Two separate colonies one
Before beginning, several queen cups (wax cells) and their bases (wooden cell
above the other (each with its own queen)
cups) should be made or purchased.
are joined, but a queen excluder is placed
-An empty frame is fitted with a strip of foundation 3 inches wide.
between them to protect each queen from
-A wooden bar is fitted into the frame just below the free end of the strip
the other. There are various methods of
Isee illus.).
managing hives with two queens; here is
-Wooden cell cups with wax queen cups inserted in them are attached with
one method:
beeswax to the underside of the wooden bar.
-Split a very strong colony and re-
-Two days before transferring larvae to these cups, dequeen a strong hive and
queen the upper queenless portion
feed it with syrup.
by the division-screen method,
-On the third day, shake the bees off every brood frame in the dequeened
placing only capped brood above
hive and remove all queen cells; these cells will provide you with royal jelly.
the screen.
-Rearrange the frames in the dequeened colony so that the lower chamber
has mostly sealed brood; the upper chamber should have (in order) a frame
-Place a division screen in a strong
of honey, two frames of older larvae, a frame of young larvae, space for a
hive between two hive bodies of
frame with queen cells, a frame of pollen, one of older larvae and one of
brood with the original queen be-
-Remove a frame of larvae less than three days cld (larvae 24 hours old or
PROBLEMS: Swarm Prevention
younger are ideal) from a hive with excellent genetic attributes.
Techr;iques; Rel/eving congestion) ;
-Prime the queen cups with royal jelly, scooping the jelly from the previously
introduce a new queen to the
cut queen cells, into the queen cups.
upper chamber or provide it with
-Transfer the larvae with a grating tool or toothpick (with one end carved
queen cells.
flat and curved slightly upward) from worker cells to the primed queen
-After the queen above the division
cups; the larvae should be placed on top of the royal jelly in the same posi-
screen (-93) has been accepted and
tion they were in before the transfer.
laying for two weeks, replace the
-Insert the frame, with queen cups containing transferred larvae, into the de-
division screen with a queen ex-
queened hive.
-Continue to feed the queen-rearing colony with sugar syrup.
-The hive should be comprised of
-Nine days after inserting the queen cups, transfer the ripe queen ceils, one
the following parts (see illus.):
to each nucleus box, queen nuts, or hives-all of which contain bees that
-one deep with original queen
have been queenless for two days; these bees will continue to incubate the
queen cells. After the queens have emerged, they will fly out and return
-one shallow or deep above origin-
mated: they can then be used where needed.
al queen (#l)
-division (board) screen
-one deep with new queen (#3),
inner cover, and outer cover
-Super for honey both above and
below the exrluder.
-Remove the excluder in the fall
and either kill the less desirable or
older queen or let them fight it
-better yields since one large colony Two-Queen Colony Manipulation
will produce more than two separ-
ate colonies, each having half the
strength of the large one
-more bees which can be used later
for making an increase or for
strengthening weak hives
-strong hive for wintering
-if one queen fails, hive has a back-
up queen
-can be combined with requeening
and swarm control techniques
-even if all manipulations are com-
pleted successfully, will not be
effective if local honeyflows and
colony are not synchronized
-time consuming
-difficult to manipulate
-hard to make work successfully


Beekeepers with fewer than 200 inating over dextrose. Other sugars that
colonies can easily manage to get by with remain after invertase activity include
an extractor, uncapping knife, and some small amounts of sucrose and a dozen
additional equipment. other complex sugars.
PrcKlwts of the In addition to sugars and water,
Chemistry honey contains enzymes which alter
other molecules by reducing or increasing
Among other things, nectar contains
their molecular size. !mportant enzymes
sugars and water. The water content of
HONEY in honey include invertase and glucose
nectar is high and has to be reduced in oxidose, the latter reacting with dextrose
order to make and enhance the preserva-
The Honey House to produce gluconic acid and hydrogen
tion of the final product-honey. Bees peroxide. The factors which endow hon-
A sanitary honey house for extract- returning to the hive with sugar-water ey with antibacterial properties include
ing, bottling, or otherwise handling honey, solution, release small portions of the the hydrogen peroxide, the high sugar
should include the following necessities: solution from their honey sacs onto the content (about 80 percent), and the high
-hot and cold running water bases of their proboscis, or tongue. acidity.
-washable floor (concrete or ceramic Small amounts of the ripening nectar are When honey is reduced to ash, trace
tile) with center drain then placed in cells-usually by the hive amounts of minerals are found. They are:
-screened windows with bee escapes bees-where further evaporation of its calcium, chloride, copper, iron, magnesi-
installed to allow bees in house to water content takes place. Warm air um, manganese, phosphorous, potassium,
escape circulating in the hive, fanned by other silica, sodium, and sulfur. Other, compon-
-storage space for empty supers in hive bees, helps speed reduction of the ents of honey are acids, proteins, $nino
an unheated portion of building water content of these sugar solutions. acids, and vitamins-all in trace amounts.
-electricity Staggering honey supers by about l/4
-work areas for constructing and inch or so during the honeyflow will
Forms of Honey
repairing frames, supers, and such increase the ventilation and quicken the
-dehumidifier ripening process. Once a frame of honey Honey sold in stores is either extract-
-storage tanks for honey has been at least three-quarters sealed ed snd bottled or sold in the comb. Ex-
Though not essential, the following with wax cappings, it can be removed tracted honey removed from the comb is
equipment may also be stored here: from the hive and processed. packaged in liquid form (which will ul-
-uncapping knives Nectar from flowers generally con- timately granulate, or crystallize, if not
-extractor sists of 60 percent water and 40 percent treated) or is purposely packaged in the
-capping tank or tray sucrose. The sucrose is altered by the crystalline state. Extracted honey is
-honey pumps action of a bee enzyme called invertase, further classified into colors ranging from
-straining cloths which breaks sucrose into the two simple water white (light yellow) through amber
-capping baskets sugars (carbohydrates) called dextrose (gold) to dark (black). The lighter the
-screen to drain cut comb honey and levulose (glucose and fructose). honey color, the milder the flavor.
-bottles and labels These two sugars are the principal com- Comb honey remains in the wax
-holding tanks ponents of honey, with levulose predom- honey comb where it, too, may ultimate-
ly granulate. The basic types of comb frames with unequal amounts of the cleaned supers after a day or
honey are: honey may cause the extractor two and store them.
-section comb, consisting of indivi- to vibrate due to the unbalanced 4xtracted combs should not be
dual wooden boxes (sections) or weight distribution. stored wet since remaining honey
-_ circular-plasticrings (Cobana) -If using a basket-type extractor, wi!l crystallize in the cel!s and
-cut comb, where the entire comb start with a slow spin and gradual- hasten the granulation of next
is removed from the frames (bulk ly increase the speed; spin the year’s crop.
comb) or sections are cut out of frames on one side for three min- -Hemove as much honey as possible
the frame (cut comb) and pack- utes, then reverse them and spin from the cut cappings and then
aged on the other side for three minutes. melt the wax cappings down.
-chunk comb, where sections of -If using a radial extractor, there is
cut comb are placed in a bottle no need to reverse frames-both Properties of Honey
which is then filled with liquid sides of the frame are extracted
honey simultaneously. Start with a slow Hygroscopici:y. Hygroscopicity is
spin and gradually increase speed; the ability of a substance to exchange
Extracting Honey start at about 150 revolutions per moisture with the air. Honey will ab-
minute increasing to 300 revolu- sorb moisture when the relative humid-
Supers with honey ready to be ex- ity in the storage area is above 60 per-
tions per minute. Spin at the max-
tractled should be placed in a bee-tight cent. In low humidities honey will give
imum rate for about 15 minutes.
room or honey house. If the room tem- up moisture to the air. The hygroscopic
-The honey may be drained from
perature is about 90°F (32.2X), the hon- nature of honey is due to its sugars.
the extractor while it is spinning.
ey can be extracted with ease. Let the This property of honey is beneficial to
supers stand in a warm room until the the baking industry since it helps keep
After Extracting Honey
honey is room temperature. Avoid stor- baked goods that contain honey, moist
ing supers in temperatures below 57°F Extracted honey should be strained and soft, On the other hand, if honey
(13.9”C) since this tends to promote the -’ to remove wax, bees, and debris. The incorporates too much water (more than
granulation of honey. strainer can be made of nylon, screen, or 17 percent), sugar-tolerant yeas-13will
The wax cappings which seal the cheesecloth-any material that is easy to spoil the honey by causing it to ferment.
honey in the cells are commonly cut wash and will not clog too easily. Fermentation. Sugar-tolerant yeast
away with a steam-heated or an electric Atier extracting: spores (osmophilic) under certain con-
uncapping knife. -Place the strained honey into a ditions are ahr to germinate in honey and
-Cut the cappings off both sides of holding tank until it can be put metabolize sugars. As the sugars of
the honey comb, letting the cap- into other containers. honey are ~%rabolized,the yeasts produce
pings drop into a screened basket -Remove the empty, wet frames high enel- ‘nolecules and the by-products
or onto some other device which from extractor and place them in (alcohol -I carbon dioxide) which spoil
will permit the honey to drain off empty supers; return these to the bon Probably all honeys contain
the cappings (see illus.). hives at dusk to 4low bees to osmoph i I~ yeasts and conditions which
-Place the frames into an extractor clean the wet frames. If no other determine whether or not these spores
(radial or basket-type). Note: honeyflows are anticipated, remove will germinate and multiply, include:

-water content of the honey

-temperature at which the honey
is stored
-number of yeasts in the honey
-the granulation of the honey,
which results in an increase in the
Honey Extractors
water content of the remaining
liquid portion
Fermentation of honey can be prevented
if its moisture content is less than 17
percent, if it is stored at temperatures
below 50°F (lO”C), or if it is heated to
145°F (62.2”C) for 30 minutes.
Granulation. Most honey will gran-
ulate after being removed from the comb;
some honey granulates just a few days
after being extracted, while other honey
remains in liquid form for weeks, months,
and even years. in order to keep most
extracted honey in a liquid state, it has to
be heated to 145°F (62.2%) for about
30 minutes. Honey that is allowed to
granulate naturally can lead to fermen-
tation, or granulation with undesirably
large crystals; partially granulated honey
is often considered “spoiled” by the un-
educated consumer but is, in fact, per-
fectly good to eat. Many honey produc-
ers granulate honey by a method called
the Dyce Process and sell it as a spread;
this honey has very fine crystals and does
not ferment. The ideal temperature for
honey to granulate is 57°F (13.9”C)-
unless the object is to produce this kind
of honey, ail honey should be stored
above this temperature.
Uncapping Setup
Cooking With Honey
Honey is a truly natural sweeterrer, and it is often used to replace sugar in cook-
ing. Since honey is a combination of sugars that are broken down by the bees into
the sirnylle sugars of ievu!ose and &xtrtise, it is very digestible, especially to infants
and the infirm. Some claims about the benefits of honey, whether exaggerated or
not, maintain that honey is helpfui in:
-retaining calcium in the body
-counteracting the effects of alcohol in the blood
-deterring bacterial growth
-providing quick energy
-keeping baked goods moist
When substituting honey for sugar in any basic recipe, the following rules should
be observed:
-Reduce the liquid in the recipe by l/4 cup for each cup of honey used to
replace sugar.
-Measure honey with a greased utensil.
-Use a mild-flavored honey, unless the flavor of the honey is a necessary part
of the product.
-Some people add l/12 to l/5 teaspoon of baking soda per cup of honey to
counter the honey’s acid.
-Reduce the cooking temperature by 25”.
If honey is stored in a dry place (not the refrigerator) or if it is frozen, it will
granulate (crystallize) much more slowly and will not ferment. To liquify granulated
honey, place the container in a pan of warm water until the crystals are melted; do
not let the honey overheat, as many of the flavors and aromas of honey are volatile
and are destroyed by heat (see REFERENCES: Honey and Honey Cook Books).
will help keep it submerged). Heat the completely. The amount of wax one
water to 190°F (88°C) for several hours, can derive from broken pieces of foun-
The domestic wax industries are occasionally poking the bag with a stick dation, cappings, and old or burr comb
only able to obtain half of the beeswax to allow the wax to move through the is extensive and well worth the effort.
they need from U.S. beekeepers; the fabric to the surface of the water. After
other half is imported. Because wax the wax has melted, remove the heat and
foundation is expensive beekeepers should allow the water to cool; the wax will
make every effort to save all cappings, solidify on the surface of the water.
old combs, and bits and pieces of extra None of these methods will be suf-
wax scraped from frames and other hive ficient to render all the wax found in old
parts and to melt these down to trade combs; the wax that remains should not
for wax foundation. be discarded but saved and brought to a
Soiar Wax Melter
Cappings, old combs, and wax dealer who has the special equipment
scrapings should be kept in airtight con- which is capable of rendering it.
tainers or frozen until melted down to
prevent infestation by wax moths. Cap- Solar Wax Melter
pings should be melted separately from
The solar wax melter is essentially a
the old combs, since the latter contain
box painted black inside and out, covered
nonwax substances which would impreg-
with a piece of glass, plexiglass, or plastic,
nate and reduce the value of the almost
and made airtight. it is put in a sunny
pure wax cappings. Use extreme caution
location, tilted at right angle to the sun’s
when melting wax: wax ignites easily
rays. The sun heats the interior of the
and wax fires are difficult to put out
box, something like a greenhouse, melting
the wax inside which collects into a pan.
For greater heating efficiency, some bee-
Wax cappings, old combs, and scrap- keepers use two pieces of glass or plexi-
ings can be melted with one of these de glass, with a 114 inch (6.23 mm) gap, for
vices: better insulation. The inside of the box
-electric wax melter contains a metal tray, fashioned from
-solar wax melter sheet metal, onto which the wax comb
-double-boiler (use aluminum or and scraps are placed (see illus.).
stainless steel container; other con- The melter will melt cappings, new
tainers such as iron or copper will burr comb, and old comb, but it will
darken the w:x) not melt the old comb completely.
An often-used method is to place After this older comb has been in the
the old comb and scraps in a burlap bag; melter for a few days, collect the black,
submerge the bag in a tub or barrel of gummy remains and take them to a bee
water (stones or bricks placed in the bag supply dealer to be rendered down more
BEE BROOD Research is still in progress concern- especially in Russia, have shown that this
ing the benefits obtained from honey bee product can be quite valuable. Its anti-
Bee brood, at the present time, is venom for persons with rheumatoid ar- microbial action has been found effective
generally an unexploited product of the thritis and other diseases. In addition, re- against infection in farm animals (see
hive. Like most organisms, bee brood is cent research indicates that some of the REFERENCES: Products of the Hive,
rich in proteins and other substances re- components of venom are much more Excluding Honey). Since propolis is not
quired in our daily diet. The value of effective than other serums in desensitiz- water-soluable, use acetone or ethyl alco-
this hive product does not yet compen- ing persons who are allergic to bee venom. hol to remove it from hands and clothing.
sate the cost of removing brood from See APPENDIX: Physiology of Bee
comb and the reduction of the adult Sting Reaction and REFERENCES: POLLEN
colony population that ensues if too Products of the Hive (Excluding Honey).
much brood is removed. Honey bee Pollen, the protein-rich powder pro-
brood is currently used, on a small scale, ROYAL JELLY duced by the male parts of flowers, is
as food for birds, reptiles, and fish. collected and sold by beekeepers to health
Drone larvae is often used for fish bait. Royal jelly, the milky-white secre- food stores, to pollination businesses, to
tion from the food glands of the workers bee dealers (for bee food), and to allergy
BEE VENOM used to feed young larvae, is sometimes victims (as a desensitizing agent). Pollen
collected and sold. it is rich in proteins traps are put on hives to collect pollen
Bees require pollen in their diets in and B-vitamins, and its acidic properties pellets from foraging bees. Pellets so
order to synthesize some of the compon- combat fungus and bacteria. The Chinese collected should be stored properly (see
ents of venom. The synthesized venom have long used it for its dietary and cos- FEEDING BEES: Pollen and REFER-
is stored in the poison sac of worker and metic value. ENCES: Products of the Hive [Excluding
queen bees (see APPENDIX: Anatomy Honey] and Feeding Bees).
of the Honey Bee). Venom contains a PROPOL IS
complex array of chemical substances,
like histamine, which reacts adversely From the Greek words pro (before)
with the body chemistry of some indivi- and polis (city), propolis is a resinous
duals. substance collected and used by bees to
In order to collect substantial seal up the hive and reduce the entrance
amounts of venom, either for medical use (in front or before the city) for winter
or other scientific work,, a special electrical protection and defense. It comes from
grid is placed near the entrance of a hive. the sticky exudations of trees and buds-
This grid produces a mild shock and bees such as the alders, poplars, and some con-
that land on it react by stinging a sheet of ifers-and is collected by foragers and
nylon taffeta below this grid. The venom transported back to the hive on the
is deposited on and collected from a glass pollen-collecting structures.
plate located below the nylon portion of Although propolis is a sticky, gum-
the device. my mess in the hive, recent discoveries,
in front of the entrance which will to control damage from mice:
allow bees to sting the skunk’s -Place hives on stands (although
belly mice can climb).
Bee Pests Before killing or baiting poison traps,
contact state game and wildlife depart-
-In fall, close the entrance with 4-
mesh hardware cloth or metal
and Diseases ments and comply with regulations for
controlling fur-bearers.
mouse guards.
-Use entrance reducers.
-Place poison grain on bottom
ANIMAL PESTS Bears boards (not recommended since
its effect is not selective).
Bears eat brood and honey and do
extensive damage to equipment, especial-
Skunks often visit hives in the eve- iy in the western and northern states Vandals
ning and, by scratching at the entrance, where large bear populations. exist. Bears
entice bees to come out of the hive. As are capable of destoying apiaries. There has been an increase in the
the bees crawl out, the skunk eats them. Signs of bear damage are: number of hives stolen or otherwise
Colonies can become greatly reduced in -overturned hives vandalized in recent years. The increas-
size if they receive continuous visits from -smashed hive bodies ing demands for equipment, honey, bees,
skunks. -frames scattered over the apiary and hives for pollination services have all
Signs of skunk visits are: An electric fence around the apiary contributed to the prevalence of thieves.
-aggressive bees is probably the only effective control Furthermore, colonies are also vandalized
-grass near hive entrance torn up against bears, although this form of pro- by the curious who think that by simply
-weak colony tection, in most cases, is often too costly. opening up a colony they will be able to
-area near entrance muddy after a Alternatives include: obtain some free honey. In addition,
rain -moving bees to a new location those bent on mischief car] overturn or
Discouraging and eliminating skunks -seeking the assistance of local con- otherwise damage hives.
may be accomplished by: servation departments Vandals can be discouraged by
-sprinkling salt or lye crystals on the placing apiaries near year-round dwellings.
ground around the hive If it is not possible to place them near
-trapping skunks one’s own residence, land can often be
-killing skunks in their lairs Mice enter hives in the fall and win- rented from a homeowner with available
-using poison baits (this method is ter and, although they appear not to harm _ land for a few pounds of honey a year.
not advocated since it is not selec- the bees, can cause some comb damage. Branding your hive bodies and frames is
tive enough and can harm other Signs of mice damage are: also good protection. If your hives are
organisms) -chewed combs or wood stolen, for example, and the bee inspec-
-using hive stands to keep bees out -nesting materials (grass, paper, tor finds your brand on hives in some
of reach (see BEFORE THE BEES straw, or cloth or such) in hive other yard, the person responsible for
AR RIVE: Hive Stands) ustrally among the comb the act is more likely to be apprehended
-extending a piece of hardware cloth The following measures may help and your equipment returned to you.


BIRD PESTS -Locoweeds (Astragalus spp.)

-Seaside Arrowgrass (Triglochin
Although many birds are insectivor- maritima )
ous, few if any eat bees in large quantities. -Summer Titi (Cyrilla racemiflora
Flycatchers and king birds have been re- L.)
ported to feed on bees, and woodpeckers -Western False Hellebore (Veratrum
can damage old abandoned hives. How- californicum)
ever, the beekeeper should make no -Whorled Milkweed (Asclepias sub-
attempt to control birds by poisoning, verticilla ta )
shooting, or such; shooting or poisoning
many birds is also illegal.

Sundew, Venus Fly Trap, and

Pitcher Plants are insect-eating plants
that attract insects by secreting a sweet
sap and/or odor. These plants grow in
wet areas and are not usually attractive
to bees; the number of bees lost to them
is minimal. The following plants, as re-
ported by J. F. Morton (“Honeybee
Plants of South Florida,” see REFER-
ENCES: Honey Plants) and by E. L.
Atkins in Chapter XXII in the Hive and
the Honeybee, ed. by Dadant and Sons,
Inc. 1975), yield nectar or pollen toxic
to bees:
-Azaleas and Rhododendrons
(Rhododendron spp.)
-Black Nightshade (Solanum
nigrum )
-California Buckeye (Aesculus
californica )
-Death Camas (Zygadenus venenosus
-Dodder (Cuscuta spp.)
-Eastern Mt. Laurel (Kalmia lati-


Acarine Disease Although bees are often preyed on

A&ne disease is not present in the United States, but it is widespread in Europe by other insects and spiders, these preda-
where it affects adult bees. This disease is actually caused by a small mite (Acarapis tors usually do not have any appreciable
modi) as a result of the female mites laying their eggs in the thoracic tracheae (breath- effect on a colony’s well-being. Some
ing organs) of aduit bees. After the eggs hatch;the immature mites live as parasites insects that do eat adult bees include:
inside the breathing organs of the adult bees and will cause severe bee losses, sometimes -Ambush bugs (Hemimptera: Phyma-
weakening or destroying entire colonies. tidae)
In 1922 the US, Government passed the Honey Bee Act which prohibits importa- -Robber flies (Diptera: Asilidae)
tion of adult bees into the U.S. from abroad. This legislation was enacted to prevent -Mantids (Orthoptera: Mantidae)
the introduction of these mites into the U.S. -Hornets and Wasps (Hymenoptera:
Vespidae )
Wax Moth -Dragonflies (Odonata: Anisoptera)
The female Greater Wax Moth (Galleria me/one//a) is about 3/4 inch long, gray- Spiders (Araneidhj also prey on adult
brown (color varies somewhat), and holds her wings tent-like over her body. This bees-some species even wait for them to
moth deposits eggs in cracks between hive parts or in any other suitable place inside arrive at a flower before attacking. The
the hive. After hatching, the larvae tunnel into the wax combs. The dark wax of most common types of spiders that would
brood combs contains the shed exoskeletons of bee larvae and some pollen, both of catch a bee are the orbweaving, grass, and
which are eaten by the wax moth larvae. As these larvae tunnel along, silk strands house spiders.
mark their trails through the combs. Before pupating, the larvae fasten themselves
Ants, earwigs, and cockroaches may
to the frames, inside walls, inner covers, or bottom boards of the hive and spin a silk
use various hive parts, especially the inner
cocoon, sometimes damaging the hive by chewing the wooden parts just before spin-
cover, as a shelter or nest. While not a
ning their cocoons. Left untended, wax moths can destroy weak hives within one
serious problem in the temperate climates,
in the tropics hives have to be placed on
Symptoms of wax moth damage are:
top of greased or oiled cans or on posts to
-tunnels in combs
keep out marauding ants.
-silk trails, crisscrossing one another over combs
-small dark objects (excrement of wax moth larvae) in the silk trails in a hive Other pests that find their meals in
-silk cocoons attached to wooden parts a hive are:
-destroyed comb, piles of debris on bottom board -Bee louse (Diptera: Braculacaeca),
To control wax moths, use these methods: eating food out of the bee’s mouth
-Maintain strong colonies (the best defense against wax moths). -Earwigs (Dermaptera)
-Store empty combs in cold places since freezing temperatures kill the larvae. -Weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionoi-
-Freeze comb honey. dea)
-Store empty combs with moth crystals. -Beetles (Coleoptera)
Some chemicals can be used to fumigate combs, but their permitted use varies -Pollen mite (Atari)
from state to state. The state bee inspector or extension entomologist should be con- To control these insect pests, store
sulted before using chemicals. equipment in cold or freezing tempera-
The Lesser Wax Moth does similar damage to wax comb, but unless the infesta- tures. Never use insecticides or pest strips,
tion is great, the damage is minor compared to that of the Greater Wax Moth. since these will also kill bees.

ADULT BEE DISEASE with many circular constrictions rags in 114 pint 80 percent acetic
(see illus.) acid (available from photo supply
Nosema Disease For positive diagnosis of nosema, houses); place pad on top bars of
tease apart some bee guts and place them combs.
Nosema is the most common adult
under a microscope; spores will be evident. -Add hive bodies above first, plac-
bee disease. It is the most prevalent in
the spring, especially after winter weather ing soaked pad above the top bars
Treatment for Nosema of each hive body in the stack.
has confined bees to their hive. Nosema
greatly reduces adult bee populations, Good management practices and the -Make the stack airtight by sealing
feeding of Fumidil-B as a preventative adjacent hive bodies with masking
and it is a factor in the supersedure of
package bee queens, further delaying the measure help insure healthy colonies (see tape and cover the top with a
growth of a hive in which packages are ADUL T BEE DISEASE: Chemotherapy).
installed. To prevent or control the disease from -One week later, disassemble the
Some symptoms of the disease, listed spreading the beekeeper should also: stack and air out combs for two
below, are also associated with pesticide -provide fresh, clean water days.
poisoning, but if most of these are ob- -provide young queen Dysentery
served in the spring, nosema should be -locate hives at sunny sites, sheltered Dysentery is not caused by a micro-
suspected: from piercing winds but with organism and is not a disease at all, but
-bees cannot fly or can fly or:!y- good air drainage is primarily the result of poor food and
short distances -maintain adequate stores of pollen, long periods of confinement. In general,
-bees seen trembling and quivering, honey, or cured sugar syrup; if dysentery is caused by:
colony appears restless stores are short, bees should be -fermented stores
-feces on combs, bottom boards, fed a heavy medicated syrup in -diluted syrup fed in fall
and outside walls of hive early fall -syrup with impurities such as raw
-bees seen crawling aimlessly on -keep only clean combs; sterilize or or brown sugar
bottom board, near entrance, or dispose of those that are soiled with -dampness
on ground; some dragging along fecal material or are diseased -long periods of confinement
as if their legs were paralyzed -provide upper hive entrance for the -too much moisture in the air
-wings positioned at various angles winter -poor drainage
from body-not folded in normal Combs with nosema spores can be -honeydew in stores
position over abdomen sterilized if heated to 120” F (49°C) for The symptoms of dysentery are:
-abdomen distended (swollen) 24 hours; combs should be free of honey -languid bees
-when bee is dissected, mid-gut and pollen and temperature should not -swollen abdomens
(ventriculus) is swollen, dull, get above 120°F or wax will melt. -hive stained with yellow to brown-
grayish-white color and circular Diseased combs can also be fumigat- ish fecal material
constrictions of gut (similar to con- ed in a well-ventilated place: To treat dysentery:
strictions on an earthworm’s body) -Place a hive body on a board or -provide winter exit so bees can
are no longer evident; normal gut upturned outer cover. take cleansing flight on warm win-
color is brownish-red or yellowish, -Soak a pad of cotton or wad of ter days
Effects of Nosema Disease on Midgut -provide good stores, with low
water concentration (properly
cured honey and sugar syrup)
-feed thick syrup in fall if bees
healthy, tan midgut showing
need more stores
-medicate as for nosema as a pre-
ventative measure

m The cause of septicemia is a bacteria
found in the blood of bees, called Pseudo-
monas aspiseptica. It rarely if ever debili-
tates bee colonies and can be recognized
by these symptoms:
-dying bees are sluggish
-dead bees decay rapidly
swollen, whitish gut with -dead bees become dismembered
hard to distinguish bands when touched
-dead bees have putrid odor
The disease is transmitted by soil,
water, and infected bees by way of their
breathing organs (tracheae). To’treat this
disease, place hives in locations that are
sunny and dry and that have good air
Nosema Spores Pesticide Poisoning
Bees are vulnerable to many of the
insecticides used by orchardists, farmers,
nder microscope and other growers to control harmful
insect pests. This problem will continue
to be serious if the amount of insecti-
cides used continues to increase.
Signs of bee poisoning are evident
by the sudden decrease in the foraging
force of a hive due to their destruction
in a sprayed field. Look for:
-weakened hives, low honey pro-
---_ ..,..

-disorganized hive routine (to make -Fenthion (Baytex) (and Ethy! Para- -propoxur -carbofuran
up for bee loss) -Diazinon thion) (Baygon) (Furadan)
-masses of dead bees, those that -Dursban -Trithion -Banal -metacil
made it back, at hive entrance -Dimethoate -Phosdrin (Mevin- -carbaryl -methomyl (lan-
-brood killed by contaminated -EPN phos) (Sevin) nate and Nudrin)
pollen stores; hive may appear to -Ethyl Guthion -Phosphamidon
have a brood disease (Azinphos-ethyl) (Dimecron)
-adult bees killed by contaminated -FensuIfothion -Sumithion
water in puddles by the fields (Dasanit) -Supracide Dinitrophenyl poisoning is recog-
sprayed with insecticides; bees -Guthion -Systox (Demeton) nized by:
will collect contaminated water (Azinphos-methyl) -Jew -regurgitation of the digestive tract
on hot days and die at the hive -Malathion -Vapona (Dichlor- contents, as in organophophate
entrance -Methyl Parathion vous; D DVP) poisoning
-aggressive hives -Penncap-M -high percentage of bees die at hive
The types of insecticides generally The most toxic to bees in this class
used in this country are: is:
Chlorinated Hydrocarbon poisoning -dinoseb (dinitrobutylphenol)
is recognized by:
-chlorinated hydrocarbons
r -spasmodic movements
-semi-paralyzed appearance
-wings held away from body
-botanicals Botanical poisoning is recognized by:
-high percentage die in the field
-pathogens -regurgitation of digestive tract
as well as in the hive
The following symptoms summarize contents
The most toxic insecticides in this
the information given by E. L. Atkins in -spasmodic movements
class are:
the Hive and the Honey Bee, edited by -paralysis
Dadant and Sons, Inc., Hamilton, Illinois, -bees die quickly between hive and
-Chlordane (only the stock formu-
1975. field since botanical kills on con-
lated prior to July 25, 1975)
Organophophate poisoning is recog- tact but does not last long in the
nized by these symptoms: environment
-wet bees, regurgitating Carbamate poisoning is recognized The most toxic insecticides in this
-disoriented, awkward movements by: class are:
-lazy, semi-paralyzed appearance -aggressive attitude of bees -the pyrethroids
-erratic cleaning attempts -spasmodic movements Other insecticides include the inor-
-wings hooked but held away from -stupefied, paralyzed attitude ganic materials and have to be ingested
the body -high percentage die at hive by the bee (as in a syrup or waterj to be
-high percentage of dead bees at -queen ceases to lay, supersedure poisonous. These are:
colony entrance attempted -calcium arsenate
The most toxic of this class of in- The most toxic insecticides in this -crylolite
secticides are: class are: -lead arsenate
Pathogen insecticides, unless specific trance with screen may be a way Treatment of hives with chalkbrood
for hymenopterous insects, are not toxic to protect bees; keep burlap wet. includes:
to bees. Some pathogens used to control If bees are covered for more than -moving hive to sunny location
many lepidopteran insects (like the Wax a few days there is the danger -removing infected combs
Moth or Gypsy Moth) are: they will be smothered. Move -adding bees to strengthen weak-
-Bacteria: Bacillus thuringiensis hives out of area and move back ened, diseased hive
(Dipel, Biotrol, Thuricide) into the area only when the po- -requeening if disease is severe
-Virus: Trichoplusia polyhedrosis tency of the particular insecticide (See REFERENCES: Diseases.)
(Polyhedrosis Virus) is rendered innocuous.
Federal Indemnity Programs, European Foulbrood (E FB)
Protecting Bees from Pesticides developed to reimburse beekeepers
European foulbrood is caused by a
due to pesticide losses, are available
Since insecticide poisoning is a spore-forming bacteria Streptococcus
through local state agencies, coop-
serious problem in some areas, this section pluton, although other bacteria may also
erative extension offices, or agricul-
gives some guidelines to help protect your infect larvae at the same time. It is
tural stabilization agencies. commonly found in weak hives. The
bees from destruction by poisoning:
-Time of spraying: Do not spray disease slows the growth of the colony
BROOD DISEASES and is usually prevalent in the spring.
when bees are actively flying.
Never spray plants in bloom nor Not as serious as American foulbrood
Chalkbrood (AFB), EFB should be treated with drugs
let spray drift to blooms.
-Field conditions: Spray during Although common in Europe for and the colony should be requeened and/
cold, inclement days, or at night decades, chalkbrood was first reported or strengthened with additional bees.
if below 70°F (21.1”C). in the United States in 1968 and has .The symptoms of a hive infected
-Dosage: Always use proper dosage; since spread throughout the country. It with EFB are:
if possible use materials less toxic is caused by a fungus Ascophaera apis -larvae die in a coiled or irregular
to bees. (Maassen ex. Clausen) and may reduce position in their cells
-Type of application: If spray is a honey production but usually will not -since most larvae die young, their
dust, try to prevent drifting of destroy a hive. The symptoms are cells are not capped
dust toward hives; coarse sprays white, mummified larvae which are easily -larvae color may change from
or granular materials are less hazard- removed from their cells. The larvae are light cream to grayish brown,
ous; use insecticides more specific most susceptible to disease when four darkening as the dead larvae dry
to pest, not the wide-spectrum days of age. up (normal color is pearly white)
chemicals that kill everything. This fungus is transmitted by: -dry scales (the remainder of the
-Familiarkation: Notify grower/ -wind larvae) are easily removed from
applicator of proximity of hives -soil their cells, unlike AFB scales
and request to be notified before -nectar, pollen, and water which are difficult to remove
any spraying begins. -drifting -some larvae die in capped cells,
-Moving hives: Covering hives with -diseased robber bees scattered over the brood comb;
burlap or plastic and closing en- -the queen cappings may be discolored,
concave, and punctured American Foulbrood (AFB)
-an odor may be present
American foulbrood disease (AFB) is caused by a bacteria Bacillus larvae, which
-dead larvae are normally not ropey
exists in both a spore and vegetative stage. The disease is transmitted by the spore
as in American foulbrood
and the infected brood is killed by the vegetative stage. This is the most destructive
-drones and queen larvae are also
of the brood diseases. Once the vegetative stages appear in a colony, the disease
spreads rapidly and the colony weakens; in most cases the hive will eventually die.
EFB is transmitted from hive to
The symptoms of AFB are:
hive in these ways:
-brood pattern is irregular rather than compact
-cells in which larvae hatch may
-healthy larvae are glistening white color; diseased ones lose this appearance,
contain bacteria
and turn from light brown to dark brown
-bacteria are present in honey and/
-dead larvae develop a consistency of glue and are difficult for bees to remove
or pollen and are passed on to
-the death of larvae and pupae often occurs after their cells are capped; such
larvae by nurse bees feeding them
cappings become concave and some will be punctured by bees attempting
-as scales am removed by cleaning
to remove the dead brood (see illus.)
bees, bacteria are spread through-
-surface of cappings will be moist or wet rather than dry
out the hive
-eventually dead larvae dry out; the dried out remains or scales adhere to
-diseased robber bees enter the hive
the bottom, back, and side walls of the cell and are difficult to remove
-contaminated equipment
-some dead pupae, shrunken into scales, have their tongues protruding at a
-drifting of bees from diseased hives
right angle to their scale
To control EFB:
-unpleasant odor
AFB is transmitted from hive to hive in these ways:
-use chemotheraputic agents
-cells in which larvae hatch may contain bacteria
(see Brood Dikease Chemo-
-bacteria are present in honey and/or pollen and are passed on to larvae by
nurse bees feeding them
-cleaning bees spread bacteria throughout hive when attempting to remove
dead brood
-diseased robber bees enter the hive or bees rob from diseased hive
-contaminated equipment
-drifting bees from diseased hives
-wax combs containing spores
If a colony is suspected of being diseased with AFB, follow these steps:
-Reduce entrance to minimize robbing.
-Distinguish it from the rest by color or symbol to reduce drifting.
-Begin medication (chemotheraputic) program.
-Call state bee inspector for advice and to confirm diagnosis or, to confirm
diagnosis, send a sample of brood comb which is free of honey, about 4 or
5 inches square, and contains as much of the diseased brood as possible.
Cut sample out of the frame and wrap it in newspaper so it will not get Appearance of Capped
motdy; do not use any other kinds of wrapping. Place it in a sturdy wooden
or cardboard box and mail to your state bee lab or to one of the national Brood Cells with AFB
bee labs operated by USDA (see REFERENCES: USDA Bee Labs).
Testing for AFB. Use the “ropey test,” described below, on larvae that have sunken, punctured
been dead for about three weeks. Since it is difficult to determine how long a cawinns
larva has been dead, randomly test five or more. An accurate way of determining
how long a larva has been dead is by checking the presence or absence of its
body segments or constrictions (like earthworm constrictions). If absent, the
larva has been dead for at least three weeks.
Insert a match, stem, or twig into a cell, stir the dead material, then slowly
withdraw the testing stick. If a portion of the decaying larvae clings to the twig
and can be drawn out about 1 inch (2.5 cm) or more while adhering to the
other end (the dead larva), its death was probably due to AFB. BE SURE TO
Treatment of Hives. Before the availability of chemotherapy and ethylene
oxide gas chambers, the only acceptable method of dealing with colonies infected
with AFB was to destroy them by burning. Three methods of treating diseased
hives, other than medication, are discussed here: ndrmal convex
Burning: capping
-Kill all adult bees with Resmethrin or other poison.
-Burn bees and frames in a deep pit.
-Cover with dirt.
-Invert and stack hive bodies. Ropey Test for AFB
-Pour kerosene inside stack and ignite it; when insides of hive bodies are
scorched, extinguish fire. (A propane torch can also be used; wood should sunken capping,
be lightly browned.)
-Also scorch inner and outer covers and bottom boards.
Exchanging Hives:
-Exchange diseased hive with a cleaned hive full of foundation.
-Shake adult bees from diseased hive into one with foundation; these bees
must not drift to other colonies. Place new hive on newspapers to catch
honey which may drop while shaking and then burn the newspaper. Shake
the bees in the evening, using extreme caution to prevent drifting. If
necessary, screen entrances or move adjacent colonies away before shaking
diseased hive.
-Feed medicated syrup to bees now on foundation.
-Burn diseased hive as explained above.
Fumigafion: After killing bees or placing them on foundation (see above),
larval remains phpal tongue
place hive bodies, covers, and bottom Terramycin (Animal Formula Soluble (sugar: water) syrup
boards in an ethylene oxide gas chamber. Powder from farm and bee supply stores): Or, for six packages:
This method kills the disease spores and -in syrup (TM loses viability in 0.5 grams per 6 gallons of 2:l
allows the equipment to be re-used. syrup after one week) syrup
Before burning, exchanging, or using mix 2 teaspoons of TM-25 per NOTE:
chemotherapy on bees with AFB, check gallon of 2:l or 1:l syrup -proper dosage, especially for bees
with your state’s bee inspector to be sure Or, confined for long periods of time,
the procedure is legal and to determine mix 1 teaspoon of TM-50 per is 2 gallons medicated syrup per
the amount and kind of medication that gallon in 2:l or 1 :l syrup hive
is permissible. If you intend to kill the --dry -one gallon of 2:l syrup equals
bees, inquire from the inspector as to mix 2 tablespoons TM-25 in 20 7 3/4 pounds of sugar and l/2
the poison you should use and the avail- tablespoons sugar gallon of water
ability of an ethylene oxide chamber. Or, -one gallon of 1:l syrup equals 4
mix 1 tablespoon TM-50 in 20 pounds sugar and l/2 gallon water
Then, dust 4 tablespoons of either
Drugs can be given to bees for both above mixture on ends of top
AFB and EFB once the disease has been bars and/or bottom board; do
diagnosed or as a preventative measure. not dust directly on top of brood
The two drugs sodium suhthiozole frames containing uncapped larvae
(sulfa) and terramycin (TM) are used and since TM is toxic to them
mixed with syrup, dry sugar, or in a -Pam/
patty. Drugs used as a preventative meas- mix l/4 pound confectioner’s
ure should be applied in the spring and (powdered) sugar with-
fall, not during a honeyflow. If drugs are 1 tablespoon TM-25 or 1
used during a honeyflow, the honey must teaspoon TM-50
not be used for human consumption. l/4 pound shortening
Here are some formulas: blend together and roll into a ‘li4
Sodium Sulfathiozole (from bee inch thick patty; place on top
supply houses): bars as if feeding pollen patties
-in syrup
mix l/4 teaspoon per gallon of a ADULT BEE DISEASE
1 :l or a 2: 1 (sugar:water) syrup CHEMOTHERAPY
mix 3 tablespoons of sulfa with a The drug used to control nosema
1 pound bag of confectioner’s disease is Fumidil-B, sold at bee supply
sugar or with granulated sugar; houses. It is fed in this formula:
then dust 2 tablespoons of mix- -sYruP
ture on top bars of brood frames 1 teaspoon per gallon of 2: 1

HONEYDEW The need for bee pollination is increasing

due in part to declining bee populations
In addition to nectar collected from caused by urbanization of natural forag-
floral or extra-floral nectaries, bees collect ing land, pesticide use, and pollution.
Bee Plants another sugary liquid called honeydew.
Honeydew may be secreted directly by
Some factors to consider when
leasing or renting bees are:
a plant or may be excreted from the -Number of hives: if other factors
intestinal tract of aphids and scale insects are favorable, count on one colony
POLLINATION as they feed on plant sap. Bees will per acre of fruit crops, more for
sometimes collect honeydew in large other crops.
Fertilization takes place when the quantities and store it as honeydew hon- -Weather: optimum flying condi-
pollen, or male sex cells, of a flower ey, which is dark in color, contains less tions for bees include ‘temperatures
unite in the ovary of the female sex cells. of the two principal sugars found in hon- between 60” and 90” F (15.6” to
This transfer of pollen from the male ey, and has a higher ph (lower acidity) 32.2”C), winds of less than 15
sex organs (see illus.) is called pollination. than honey made from nectar. mph, and fair, sunny days.
All plants must be pollinated before -Colony strength: each colony
seed (or fruit) will set. Pollen is trans- should have at least five brood
ferred from the anthers to the stigma of a HONEY AND POLLEN PLANTS frames and a laying queen.
flower by wind, water, gravity, mammals, -Timing: set out bees just as crop
birds, humans, and insects. Beekeepers wishing to improve their comes into bloom; if set out too
The most efficient pollinators-since yields may consult honey plant lists (see early, bees may set up their own
they are highly motile, small, and plenti- REFERENCES: Honey Plants and flight patterns.
ful-are the insects. Major insect pollina- Nurseries and Plant Catalogs) and collect -Leasing fees: although there is no
tors include beetles, flies, butterflies, or purchase seeds, plants, or cuttings of flat fee for leasing bees, some fac-
moths, and bees. Bees are probably the species with high-yielding honey value. tors that may affect the price in-
principal pollinating agents of plants Many of the plants richest in nectar and clude pesticide hazard; loss of
whose flowers have colors within a bee’s pollen grow wild and have no commercial queen, bees, and/or honey; and
visual range-blue, yellow, green, and value; some are considered weeds. How- the difficulty of getting to and
ultraviolet. Bees are effective in pollina- ever, weeds detrimental to agriculture from the field.
should not be encouraged where valuable
ting flowers, such as commerical fruit
farm land will be invaded.
crops, which are self-infertile, that is,
which require pollen of another type or
variety to set seed. They are one of the LEASING BEES
most efficient pollinating agents since
they can be manipulated by man. About Many beekeepers lease their hives
eight billion dollars worth of crops are to fruit and vegetable growers whose
pollinated by bees in the U.S. crops must often be pollinated by bees.

COMMERCIAL CROPS Vegetable Crops: Liliatxae Other Vegetables: -Redcurrent

REQUIRING OR BENEFITING FROM -Asparagus -Sweet Potato -Strawberry
BEE POLLINATORS -Chives --Lettuce -Tung
b”.. ” -Beets
The USDA maintains a list of com- -Leek -Rhubarb
mercial crops in a publication entitled -Onion Fruits, Nuts and Berries
Insect Pollination of Cultivated Plants by Malvacf39e: -Almond
S. E. McGregor (Agricultural Handbook -Okra -Apple
#496, 1976). It includes these commercial Crucifera: -Apricot
plants: -Broccoli -Artichoke
Legume and Seed Crqtx (Pastumge) -6russel Sprouts -Avocado
-Alfalfa (luceme) -Cabbage -Blackberry
-Cloven: -Chinese Cabbage -BIackcurrent
Annual White Sweetclover -Collard -Blueberry
Annual Yellow Seetclover -Horseradish -Cherry ’
Alsike -Kale -Citrus Fruits:
Crimson -Kohlrabi Grapefruit
Ladino -Mustard Lemon and Lime
Red -Radish Orange
white Dutch -Rutabaga ‘Tangelo
-Field and Broad Beans -Turnip Tangerine
-Bush or Lespedeza Clover Cwcurbiaceae: Temple Orange
-Lima Beans -Cantaloupe (Muskmelon) -Cranbern/
-Sainfoin -Cucumber -Chestnut
-Trefoil -Gourd -Date Palm
-Vet& -Pumpkin -Dewberry
Crucifera: Rape -Squash -Fig
Others: -Watermelon -Gooseberry
-Sugar Beets Solanaceae: -Grape
-Buckwheat -Eggplant -Huckleberry
-Flax -Pepper -Olive
-Linseed -Tomato -Peanut
-Safflower Gmbelliferae: -Peach
-Sunflower -Carrot -Pear
-soybmtls -Celery -Plum (Prune)
-Cotton -Parsley -Persimmon
--Ah Culinary Herbs -Parsnip -Raspberry
Flower Parts
germinating- -I --I--- ..
pollen grain aoorred pollen tube
. A

-L Trecepta da ld*rn nf fln\n#nr\

peduncle (stalk support-
:,, r.,.....,, A _..^ . ..“...\
further antibody production. cause a faster reaction, which means
In a local reaction, the antigen of more histamine is released each time a
the bee venom appears to react with the person is stung. Usually, a systemic
IgE bodies which are attached to tissue reaction builds up gradually, with the
Appendices cells (called mast cc//s). Mast cells con-
tain numerous vesicles filled with hista-
victim showing greater distress (like
breathing difficulty) each time he is
mine and other substances promoting stung. In some people the second bee
inflammation. The action of the antigen sting may be enough to kill them. An
Appendii A reaction with the IgE-mast cell complex antihistamine and adrenaline (epinephrine)
Bee Sting Reaction Physiology seems to cause the histamine-filled ves- should be immediately administered to
icles to empty. Histamine, once released counteract the effects of the released
into the body, has several effects. These histamine and give relief to breathlessness.
include the expansion of blood vessels
(vasodilation), the increased permeability
LOCAL REACTION of capillary cell walls to proteins and DESENSITIZATION OR IMMUNITY
fluids, and the constriction of the respir-
What is happening in your body atory passages. The first two actions People that develop hypersensitivity
when you are stung by a bee? As with may be responsible for the inflammation, to bee stings can become desensitized.
any bacterial invader the body’s natural swelling, and itching associated with bee Most beekeepers become less sensitive
defenses are called to help. Basically stings. Most beekeepers are reported to or immune to bee stings after repeated
bee venom is a foreign protein (called have this kind of local reaction. Upon exposure. Desensitization can also be
antigen) which stimulates the production repeated stingings, the body becomes ilndertaken by an allergist. In either
of the body’s defense proteins (called immune to the bee venom and the venom case, the immune processes (desensitiza-
antibodies). Antibodies belong to a will probably cause little if any discom- tion) are probably the same. Frequent
family of proteins known as gamma fort. injections of the venom appear to induce
globulin %nd are also called immunoglob- the body to manufacture a “blocking”
ulins. The bee sting antigens appear to antibody, IgG. The IgG competes with
stimulate specific immunoglobulins known SYSTEMIC REACTION the IgE in its reaction activities to bee
as lmmunoglobuiin E (written as IgE in venom antigens. Since the IgG antibodies
the diagram). In a systemic reaction, the same are not fixed to mast cells but float free-
Since the bee venom antigen reacts mechanisms as in the local reaction come ly, they seem to be better able to com-
with specific antibodies (in this case the into play, with one big difference: the bine with the bee sting venom antigens.
IgE), people not otherwise exposed to antigen-IgE-mast cell complex reaction Less histamine is therefore released, and
honey bee proteins must be stung at can cause death. This allergic reaction, the discomfort or allergic response is
least once before any type of reaction called hypersensitivity, appears to be a prevented. What an allergist does is to
will occur. After the initial innocula- result of the large amounts of histamine control the amount of venom that the
tion, the body seems to “remember” being released from the mast cells. Since victim receives, allowing the body to
that particular antigen and will be likely the body remembers the bee venom anti- form enough of these blocking antibodies
to react faster to subsequent stings, with gen, the subsequent innoculations usually to combat the allergic reaction.
There is evidence to support the
idea that persons afflicted with hyper-
sensitive reactions like asthma and hay-
fever are more prone to allergic reactions
to stinging insect antigens, but this in-
creased risk is small.
Some beekeepers can, over long
Bee Sting Reaction Physiology
periods of time, even become allergic to
beeswax, honey, bee debris and bodies,
and propolis. The percentage of bee-
empty histamine ceils as a
keepers that do become allergic to bee result of the IgE/mast cell
stings, although hard to assess since indi- antigen complex reaction
vidual body chemistry and allergy history
bee sting skin
are so varied, is small. While most people L EFFECTS OF HISTAMiNE
will probably already know if they are IN THE BODY
allergic, those who do not can contact r-5 -
local allergy clinics or sometimes hospital
mpty histamine vesicle;
out-patient facilities. istamine released in body

mast cell/immunoglobulin
(IaEl cnmnla lantihnrlr

blood vessels
more permeable passages :
-; I
swelling, inflammation breathlessness
are stored in this sac. Since the walls of on the illustration Glands and Some
the honey sac can expand readily due to Muscles of the Worker Bee.
invaginations, a heavy load of liquid can
be carried in it. A valve at the posterior
Appendix B Queen Pheromones
part of the sac called the stomach mouth,
Anatomy of the h. ey Bee or proventriculus, controls whether or not Located in the mandibles of a
the contents of the honey sac pass into queen’s head are the mandibular glands
the remaining parts of the alimentary which produce and secrete the phero-
canal. On returning to the hive, most of mone called queen substance (9-oxodec-
INTRODUCTION the contents of the honey sac are brought Trans-2-enoic acid). This substance
up and transferred to young hive bees elicits various responses in worker and
The anatomy of the honey bee is who work the nectar with the probos- drone honey bees. Inside the hive this
similar to that of other insects except cis for some time to remove moisture and substance has been shown to inhibit
for the specialization of certain organs then place it in cells for further drying. ovary development in workers and deters
and structures needed by bees to carry them from constructing queen cells. Its
out functions peculiar to them. Parts ANTENNAE absence invokes the opposite response-
common to other insects include: the queen cell construction is undertaken.
three basic insect parts-head, thorax, Most of the tactile (touch) and (If bees are unsuccessful in rearing a
and abdomen; the hard, waxy protein olfactory (smell) receptors of bees are replacement, ovary development takes
(chiton) covering; the free respiratory located on the antenna1 segments. These place in worker bees.)
system (no lungs); the ventral or bottom receptors guide bees both inside and out- A swarm-either flying out of the
spinal cord; and the free circulatory sys- side the hive and enable them to differ- hive or to a homesite or in a cluster-is
tem (no veins). These are labeled and entiate between hive, floral, and phero- aware of its queen’s presence by means
defined on the diagram Internal Organs mone odors. Once detected, odor and of the same substance. Queen substance
of a Worker Honey Bee. tactile stimulation is transmitted down also guides drones towards queens who
Some of the more specialized struc- the nerve cord from the brain, ending are on mating flights.
tures and functions not seen externally in the affected area.
include the honey sac, the significance Worker Pheromones
of the antennae and eyes, and the phero- PHEROMONES Three different chemical pheromones
mones and glands of the bee. are produced by workers. Two of these
Honey bee behavior both inside and are alarm pheromones. One alarm odor
HONEY SAC outside the hive is regulated to a large (isopentyl-acetate) is released from a
extent by chemical substances called membrane at the base of the sting. The
The esophagus of the bee begins at pheromones. Pheromones are secreted dispersal of this chemical is enhanced
the back of the mouth and continues by an animal and trigger certain behav- by the fanning action of the bee secret-
through the thorax, terminating in the ioral responses or physiological activities ing it. This substance stimulates bees
anterior part of the abdomen where it in other members of the same species. to sting or fly at intruders.
expands into the crop or honey sac. Important queen and worker pheromones Another alarm odor (2-heptanone)
Collected nectar, honeydew, and water are discussed below. Others are shown is released by the mandibular glands of
workers. Items annointed with this odor sun’s position and the bee’s direction Notes
are attacked by bees. are the factors determining which section
A third pheromone is the scenting of the ommatidia will receive full, partial,
or orientation Odin and is comprised of or no ligtit. The effect of this on the
four chemicals (neralic, geranic, and compound eye will be patterns of light,
citrol acids and geroniol). This chemical dark, or shaded regions. This pattern
complex is produced by the Nasanoff serves as a “compass” to the bee, giving
or scent gland near the dorsal tip of the directional information. The bee is able
abdomen. Dispersal of these substances to continually monitor these shifting
is aided by the fanning action of bees patterns as it flies and, if necessary, ad-
secreting it. Upon smelling these chem- justs its course.
icals, bees move towards the source
The hind legs of worker bees are
Bees have five eyes-three simple specialized for collecting and carrying
(ocelli) and two compound. The com- pollen. An inner segment on the hind leg
pound eyes are composed of thousands is covered with numerous hairs, forming
of individual lightsensitive cells called the pollen combs. Bees actively collect
ommatidia. It is with the compound pollen by scraping it off of flowers with
eyes that bees perceive color, light, and their jaws and legs; as the pollen is re-
directional information from the sun’s moved, a small amount of honey is added
ultraviolet rays. to make it sticky. Additional pollen ad-
The color range of bee vision has heres to the bee’s body as it is being col-
been shown to include the violet, blue, lected. The collected pollen is then trans-
blue-green, green, yellow, and orange ferred by the bee to areas on its body
colors as well as ultraviolet light which where it can be reached and removed by
is invisible to humans. Flowers which the pollen combs.
depend on bee pollination are within Removal of the pollen from the
these color ranges since they compete pollen combs is accomplished by rubbing
with each other for available pollinators. the legs together so the pollen is squeezed
Those plants which succeeded in attract- from the inside to the outside of the legs.
ing bees with their color, nectar, and The pollen will deposit eventually into a
pollen gained an edge over other plants depression called the pollen basket. When
during their evolutionary development. the baskets are full, the bee returns to the
The structures and arrangement of hive, backs into a cell, and deposits the
me ommatidia permits polarized light pollen pellets. The hive bees will pack the
to pass through certain parts of each pollen in solidly, eventually capping it
ommatidium at any given instance. The with honey for winter stores.

Internal Organs of a Worker Honey Bee

stomach mouth or proventriculus

k midgut or ventriculus

rsal diaphram

rectum (expanded)

-rectum (normal size)

Adapted from: The Hive and the Honey Bee. Copyright 01975
by Dadant 81 Sons, Hamilton, Illinois. Used by permission of
Dadant & Sons.
Glands and Some Muscles of the Worker Honey Bee

intersegmental membrane
of abdominal seaments
thoracic salivary gland

longitudinal flight muscles

hypopharvngeal gla scent gland

alkali gland
I flight muscles

Adapted from a drawing by Barry Siler in Charles 0. Michener: The Social Behavior of Bees.
Copyright @I974 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College. Used by permission of
the publisher, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.


tracheal body cells
contracted longitudinal 5X
flight muscles racheole

Adapted from R. E. Snodgrass: Anatomy of the Honeybee. Copy-

right 01956 by Cornell UniversiCy. Used by permission of Cornell
University Press.

r .4

hood of an accident but might warp Notes

more easily and become scratched. An
opening to the outside is necessan/ so
that bees will be able to forage and per-
Appendix C form their normal activities.
Observation Hives Kits for observation hives are avail-
able from most bee supply dealers. Plans
for building these hives are also available.

Many beekeepers maintain observa- Swarms or packages are somewhat
tion hives in their homes or in some difficult to install into an observation
nearby enclosure. They are useful when hive. The best way to install bees into
teaching others about bees, without this hive is by taking frames from an es-
having to disturb or interrupt the activi- tablished hive. The deep frames should
ties of the colony. A lecture to a school contain brood, some honey and plenty
or other groups on bees is enhanced if of adult bees. A new queen or queen
one can bring along an observation hive cells can be introduced, or the queen
which practically does the talking for the from the old hive can be used, requeening
lecturer. Observation hives are also used that hive with a new queen.
at fairs to attract people to the honey Since new wax looks neater and
stands. cleaner than old comb (a selling factor
By observing bee activities in these if used with a honey display), a frame
hives, the beekeeper may obtain a general of foundation cap be inserted into an
picture of what is taking place in his box established hive and, when it contains
hives. brood, it can be transferred to the obser-
vation hive. Another method to obtain
BASIC COMPONENTS a clean-looking observation hive would be
Observation hives usually consist of to install a small swarm or package into
two deep frames, or one deep and one a hive with foundation and feed it syrup.
shallow frame, or a deep frame with a In five to six weeks several frames of
comb section frame above it. A 3/8 inch brood and bees can be transferred to the
bee space must be maintained between observation hive.
hive parts as in a regular hive. Glass or To keep bees from building comb
thick plexiglass can be used to enclose onto the glass, a very thin coating of
the frames. Plexiglass, although more ex- Vaseline will keep bees off, but might
pensive than glass, will reduce the likeli- distort viewers sight.
Appendix D
Basic Hive Parts

Metal cover

Side (2) 314 x 2% x 21 718


Ends (2) 3/4 x 1% x 16 l/4

Top Bar 314 x 1 I/16 x 19
Metal Frame Rest (2)


I+ End Bar (2) 318 x

End Cleat (2) 3/4 x ~-0

8oti;;mE;)$4x~~~// x 11116 x 17 518

(or 3 separate boards) ,/

Side 314 x 1 15i16x 22
Measurements are in inches. Metric
equivalents to these hive dimensions
vary somewhat. For proposed
Bottom Cleat 3/8 x
314 x 14 11116 standardization of metric measure
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Luening, R. A., and Gojmerac, W. L. Beekeep- W. Atlee Burpee Seeds, Warminster, Pennsyl-- 63353
ing R-r&. Coop. Ext. Serv. #A2655. vania 18974 Stokes Seeds, Inc., 80x 548, Buffalo, New
Madison: University of Wisconsin. Caprilands Herb Farm, Coventy, Connecticut York 14240
Michael, A. S. “Bee Laws of the United Emlong’s, Stevensonville, Michigan 49127 Suttons Seeds, Ltd., London Road, Earley,
States.” Amer. Eee Journal 116(71: 308- Farmer Seed & Nursery Co., Faribault, Minne- Reading, Berkshire, RG6 1AB England
309, 340, 1976. sota 55021 Thompson & Morgan, 401 Kennedy Blvd.,
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ington, D. C.: USDA, 1961.
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Year. USDA Dept. Ent. Insect Information. Banker, Secretary, Rt. #l, Box 68, Cannon
Hemlock Hill Herb Farm, Litchfield, Connec-
Amherst: University of Massachusetts, Falls, Minnesota 55009
ticut 06759
196!5. American Honey Producers Association. Glenn
Interstate Nurseries, Hamburg, Iowa
+ting Manasment of Honey Bees. Dept. Gibson, P. 0. Box 386, Mince, Oklahoma
J. W. Jung Seed Co., Randolph, Wisconsin 73059
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Amherst: University of Massachusetts, American Bee Breeders Association. Louis
1968. Kelly Bras., Nurseries, Dansville, New York Harbin, Secretary, P. 0. Box 218, Theodore,
14437 Alabama 36582
Shaw, F. R., and Whitehead, S. B. Honeyhxs
and Iheir Management New York: van Lakeland Nurseries, Hanover, Pennsylvania California Bee Breeders Association. Clarence
Nostrand, 1951. 17331 Wenner, Secretary, Rt. #l, Box 283,
Smith, M. V. Caring for Bees in Schools McMinnville Tree Farm, Highway 55, McMinn- Glenn, California 95942
Ontario Dept. Agri. Publication #169. ville, Tennessee 37110 Eastern Apicultural Society, Mrs. Marie Morse,
Toronto, 1971. Mellinger’s, 2310 West South Range Road, N. Acting Secretary, Cornwall Bridge Road,
Two-Queen Colony Management for Produc- Lima, Ohio 44452 Sharon, Connecticut 06069
tion of Honey. Agri. Res. Serv. #3348. Merry Gardens (Herbs), Camden, Maine 04843 State Beekeeping Organizations. Check your
Beltsville, Maryland, 1958. Nichols Herb and Rare Seeds, 1190 N. Pacific state.
,, -+

PACKAGE BEES Pennsylvania State University, 197 1. Coop. Ext. Ser. Ithaca: Cornell University,
The City of Bees. Medina, Ohio: A. I. Root, 1966.
Beginning Wid Package Bees. A. I. Root co. Nye, W. P., and Knowlton, G. F. Beekeeping
Co. ##5122-QZM-872. Medina, Ohio, Conner, L. J. Honeybees and You. Coop. for Beginners. Ext. Leaflet #l 11. Logan:
undated. Ext. Ser. Bull. #585. Columbus: Ohio Utah State University.
Combs, G. F. and Morse, R. A. Package Bees: State University. O’Dell, W. T. Beekeeping in South Carolina.
lheir Instellation and Immediate Care. Bio- Controlling IV&z Home and Garden Leaflet Ext. Ser. Clemson: University of South
logical Science, Information Bulletin #7. #122. Washington, D. C.: USD.9, 1967. Carolina.
Ithaca: Cornell University, 1974. Dyce, E. J., and Morse, R. A. Beekeeping: Rahmlow, H. J. Beekeeping in Wisconsin.
Martin, E. C. Package B= in hlichigen. Dept. General Infonnation. Ext. Bull. #833. Ext. Circular #659. University of Wiscon-
Mimeo. East Lansing: Michigan State Uni- Ithaca: Cornell University. sin, 1968.
versity, 1965. Scheibner, R. A. Beginning Beekeeping for
-Removing Colonies of Honey Bees from
Package Baa Booklet #2, Dadant and Sons, Buildings. Coop. Ext. Ser. Ithaca: Cornell Kentuckians. Miscellaneous #/361. Lexing-
Inc. Hamilton, Illinois. University, 1967. ton: University of Kentucky.
Eckert, J. A., and Bess, H. A. Fundamentals Scott, H. E., Hillmann, R. C., and Greene,
PAMPHLETS of Beekeeping in Hawaii. Ext. Bull. #55. H. F. Honey Bees in North Carolina. Agri.
Honolulu: University of Hawaii, 1952. Ext. Ser. #512. Raleigh, North Carolina,
&?es... for Pleasure and Profit. Medina, Farrar, C. L. Life of the Honey Bee. Ext. 1975.
Ohio: A. I. Root, Co. Bull. #A-2279. Madison: University of Shade and Water for the Honey Bee Colony.
Beektsping. Agri. Ext. Ser., Insect Notes #l. Wisconsin, 1967. Leaflet #530. Washington, D. C.: GPO,
Raleigh: State University of North Carolina, Haydak, M. H. Beekeeping in Minnesota. Ext. 1964.
1974. Bull. #2W. St. Paul: University of Minne- Shaw, F. R. Beekeeping. Coop. Ext. Ser.
&ekeqing for Beginners. Home and Garden sota, 1968. #148. Amherst: University of Massachu-
Bulletin #158. Washington, D. C.: GPO, Jaycox, E. R. Beekeeping in Illinois. Coop. setts, 1963.
1974. Ext. Circular #1009. Champaign-Urbana: Standifer, L. N. Beekeeping in the United
B@ekqUng in Alaska. Coop. Ext. Ser. #701. University of Illinois, 1969. States. Agri. Handbook #335. Washing-
Juno: University of Alaska. -Beekeeping in the Midwest. Champaign- ton, D. C.: USDA, 1967.
&ekeeping in Tennessee. Agri. Ext. Ser. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1976. Stanger, W. Beginning in Beekeeping. Exper-
Publication ##697. Knoxville: University -Destroying Bees and Wasps. Coop. Ext. imental Station Leaflet #183. Davis: Uni-
of Tennessee, 1975. Ser. Circular #loll. Champaign-Urbana: versity of California, 1965.
Beginning Wti Bees. Booklets #l through #5. University of Illinois, 1969. Stephen, W. A. Ohio Bee Lines. Coop. Ext.
Hamilton, Illinois: Dadant and Sons, Inc. Johanson, C. Beekeeping. PNW Bulletin #79. Bull. #450. Columbus: Ohio State Univer-
Burgin, C. J. Introduction to Beekeeping. Corvallis: Washington State University, 1974. sity, 1971.
Ext. Ent., B-153. College Station: Texas Kissinger, W. A. Beekeeping in Montana. Walstrom, W. T., Kantack, B. H., and Berndt,
A & M University, 1974. Manuscript. Helena, Montana: Department W. L. Beekeeping in South Dakota. Coop.
Caron, D. M. Beekeeping in Maryland. Ext. of Agriculture. Ext. Bull. #EC 565. Brookings: South
Bull. ##223. Coop. Ext. Ser. College Park: Little, L. H., and Wallace, L. D. A Bee Book Dakota State University.
University of Maryland, 1967 and 1975. for Bee-ginners. Nashville: Tennessee Dept. Wasps-How to Control Them. Leaflet #/365.
-Ten Tips for Suburban Beekeepers. Coop. of Agriculture, 1972. Washington, D. C.: USDA, 1954.
Ext. Ser. Leaflet #75. College Park: Uni- Martin, E. C. Basic Beekeeping. Farm Science Wilson, W. T., and Brewer, J. W. Beekeeping
versity of Maryland, 1973. Series, #E625. East Lansing: Michigan State in the Rocky Mountain Region. Coop.
Clark, W. W., Jr.: Pennsylvanian Beekeeping- University, 1971, rev. 1975. Ext. Ser.- Fort Collins: Colorado State Uni-
Ext Ser. Circular #6&I. University Park: Morse, R. A. The Honeybee and Its Relatives. versity, 1974.
PESTICIDES Conner, L. J. Bee Pollination of Crops in #I1 12. Washington, D. C.: GPO, USDA,
Ohio. Coop. Ext. Bull. #559. Columbus: 1975.
Anderson, L. D., and Atkins, E. L., Jr. “Use Ohio State University, 1973. Smith, M. V. Pollination for Fruit and Seed
of Pesticides in Beekeeping.” Annual Review Dorr, J., and Martin, E. C. Pollination Studies Production. AGDEX 616. Ontario Ministry
of Entomology 13: pp 213-238, 1968. on the Highbush Blueberry. Reprint from of Agriculture and Food. Guelph: Univer-
Atkins, E. L., Anderson, L. D.; Nakakihara, H., Quarterly Bull., Michigan Agri. Experimen- sity of Guelph, 1972.
and Greywood, E. A. Toxicity of Pesticides tal Station, 4813). East Lansing: Michigan Starrger, W., and Thorp, R. W. Honey Bees
m Honey Bees One-Sheet Answers, #170. State University, 1966. in Almond Pollination. One Sheet Answer
Coop. Ext Ser. Berkeley: University of Dyce, E. J. Honeybees and the Pollination
#196. Davis: University of California, 1973.
California, 1974. Problem. Coop. Ext. Ser. Ithaca: Cornell
University, 1960. - Cantaloupe, Cucumbers and Watermelon
Jaycox, E. R. Paticides and Honey Bees. Pollination. One Sheet Answer #231.
Circular ##940. Coop. Ext. Ser. Champaign- Free, J. 8. Insect Pollination of Crops. New
Davis: University of California, 1972.
Urbana: University of Illinois. York: Academy Press, 1970.
Using Honey Bees to Pollinate Crops. USDA
Johansen, S. A. ‘Summary of the Toxicity Get More Fruit with Honey Bee Pollinators.
Leaflet #549. Washington, D. C.: GPO,
and Poisoning Hazard of Insecticides to Coop. Ext. Ser. Insect Answers #EM 2922.
Honey Bees.” Table I. Bee World 47(l): Pullman: Washington State University, 1973.
Zozaya, Rubio, J. A. “The Importance of
1966. Honey Bees and Alfalfa Seed Production in
Apiculture in Food Production” In VIII
Martin, E. C. Pesticides and Honey Bees. Eastern Washington. Coop. Ext. Ser. Inter-American Meeting on Foot-and-Mouth
Farm Science Series, Ext. Bull. E-678. #EM 3475. Pullman: Washington State Disease and Zoonoses Control. (316): 64-
East Lansing: Michigan State University, University, 1974. 68. Washington, D. C.: Pan American
1970. Increase Cranberry Production. Coop. Ext. Health Organization, Science Publication,
Minnick, F. A., and Robinson. Pesticides and Ser. BEM 3468. Pullman: Washington 1976.
&ass- Coop. Ext. Ser. Circular #386. State University, 1974.
Gainsville: University of Florida. McGregor, S. E. Insect Pollination of Cultiva-
ted Crop Plants. Agri. Handbook #496. PRODUCTS OF THE HIVE
Noetzel, D. M. Protaction of Honey Bees
Fram Insecticides. Agri. Ext. Ser. Ent. Washington, D. C.: Agri. Res. Ser. USDA, (EXCLUDING HONEY)
#44. St. Paul: University of Minnesota, 1976.
1975. Martin, E. C. Ponination of Fruit Crops. Banks, 8. E., Hanson, J. M., and Sinclair, N. M.
Portrnan, R. W. Toxicity of Insecticides m Dept. of Ent. Mimeo. East Lansing: “The Isolation and Identification of Nowdren-
Insect Pollinators. Idaho Current In- Michigan State University. aline and Dopamine from the Venom of the
formation Series, #184. Agri. Experiment -The Bountiful Business of Bees. Agri. Honey Bee, Apis Mellifera.” Toxicon 14(2):
Station. University of Idaho, 1972. Experimental Station, Science in Action. 117-125, 1976.
Shaw, F. R, “Bee Poisoning: Review of the East Lansing: Michigan State University, Beck, 8. F. Bee Venom Therapy. New York:
More Important Literature.” Journal Econ- 1970. D. Appleton-Century, 1935.
omic Entomology 34: 456, 1941. -and Collison, C. Honey Bee Pollination Beeswax from the Apiary. Advisory Leaflet
hnger, W. My and How Honey Bees Should of Pickling Cucumbers: Theory and Practice. #347. Edinburgh, Scotland: HMSO Press,
Be Protacted Agri. Ext. AXT-268. Davis: Dept. of Ent. Mimeo. East Lansing: Mich- Min. of Ag., 1971.
University of California, 1972. igan State University, 1970. Broadman, J., M. D. Bee Venom. New York:
Meeuse, B. J. D. The Story of Pollination. Putnam and Sons, 1962.
New York: Ronald Press, 1961.
POLLINATION Hocking, B., and Matsumura, F. “Bee Brood
Newton, D. C. Bee Notes for Orchardists. and Food.” Bee World 41(5): 113-120,
Beekeeping by Orchardiss in Central Washington. New Britain: Central Connecticut College, 1960.
Coop. Ext. Ser. #EM 2607. Pullman: Wash- 1974. Jane, S. K., and Bumba, Y. “Composition of
ington State University, 1975. Pollination and the Honey Bee. Ext. Ser. Bee Glue (Propolis).” Pharmazie 29(8):
127 ,’

544-545, August 1974. Laidlaw, H. H. and Edkert, J. E. Queen Leahy Mfg. Co., Higginsville, Missouri 64037
Maksimenko, P. T., and Kozdoba, A. A. Rearing. Berkeley: University of California August Lotz CO., Boyd, Wisconsin 54726
“Allergic Reaction to Propolis (Bee Glue).” Press, 1962.
Marshfield Mfg. Co., Inc., Marshfield, Wisconsin
Stomato/ogiie (Mask) 54(S): 67-69, Novem- Pellett, F. C. Practical Queen Rearing. Quincy, 54449
ber-December 1975. Illinois: Jest and Kieker.
Maxant Industries, Inc., P. 0. Box 454, Ayer,
Psakhis, 8. I., and Volgina, M. E. “Use of Massachusetts 03432
Inhalation Aerosols of Propolis for the
SCHOOLS AND COURSES The Mid-Western Hive Co., 1527 E. 26 St.,
Treatment of Acute Inflammatory Disorders
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404
of the Upper Portion of the Respiratory
System. ” zh. Ushn. nos God- Bo/ezn. (2): Agricultural Technical Institute, Two-year A. I. Root Co., Medina, Ohio 44256
92-93, March-April 1976. Technical Beekeeping Degree. Ohio S&ate Nieman’s Bee Supplies, 23848 SE 216, Maple
Root, H. H. &eswax. Brooklyn: Chemical University Technical Institute, Wooster, Valley, Washington 98039
Publishing Co., 1951. Ohio 44691 Parowan Honey Co., Inc., P. 0. Box 305,
Royal Jelly. Agri. Res. Ser. #CA 33-19. Parowan, Utah 84761
Washington, D. C.: USDA, 1962. courses Sandt’s Honey Co., 714 Wagener Ln., Easton,
Soft&, A. “Chihuahuas and Laetrile, Chelation Pennsylvania 18042
Therapy, and Honey From Boulder, Colo- Cornell University, Apiculture, Comstock Hall, Stony’s Bee Supplies, P. 0. 80x 212, Homer-
rado.” Editorial. Arch. Intern. Med. 136 Ithaca, New York ville, Georgia 31634
(8): 865-866, August 1976. University of Illinois, Coop. Ext., 122 Mumford Superior Honey Co., Southgate, California
Hall, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois 61801 90280 or Ogden, Utah 84401 or Denver,
QUEENS Pennsylvania State University, College of Agri. Colorado 80202
Ext. Ser., University Park, Pennsylvania Williams Bros. Mfg. Co., Portland, Oregon
Doolittle, G. M. Scientific Chen Rearing. 97208
Hamilton, Illinois: Amer. Bee Journal, 1888. SUPPLIES, FOREIGN Also:
Harp, E. P. A Method of Holding Large Montgomery Ward
Numbers of Honey Bee Queens in Laying Sears
Chr. Graze K. G. 7057 Endersbach bei,
Conditian- Ent Res. Div., Agri. Res. Ser. S?&tgart, Germany
Madison: University of Wisconsin, 1969. TEXTS
Lee’s Bee Hive Works. George St., Uxbridge,
4 Speciafized System for Multipie Rearing Middlesex, England
of Quality Honey Bee Queens. Bee Manage- Barth, W., Ed. Five Hundred Answers to Bee
Taylors of Welwyn. E. H. Taylor Ltd.,
ment Lab., Agri. Res. Serv., USDA. Madison: Questions. Median, Ohio: A. I. Root Co.,
Welwyn; Herts. AL6 OAZ England
University of Wisconsin, 1973. 1955.
Thorne’s. E. H. Thorne, Wragby, Lincolnshire,
4tomge of Queen Bees. Ent Res. Div. -Starting Right with Bees. Medina, Ohio:
USDA Madison: University of Wisconsin, A. I. Root Co., 1956.
1967. Dadant, C. P. First Lessons in Beekeeping.
lnstmmental Insemination of l&en Bees. SUPPLIES, U.S. Hamilton, Illinois: Amer. Bee Journal, 1952.
Agri. Handbook ##390. USDA. Washington, Eckert, J. E., and Shaw, F. R. Beekeeping.
D. C.: GPO, 1970. New York: MacMillan, 1960.
Dadant & Sons, Inc., Hamilton, Illinois 62341
Johansson, T. S. K., and Johanssen, M. D. Grout, R. A. The Hive and the Honeybee.
theen Introduction. Diamond Match Co., Chico, California 95926
Flushing, New York: Hamilton, Illinois: Dadant and Sons, Inc.,
City University, 1971. Hubbard Apiaries, Onstead, Michigan 49265 1963.
Laidlaw, H. H. Instrumental Insemination of Hutchison Mfg. Co., Redlands, California 92373 The Hive and the Honey Bee, edited by Dadant
Honey Bee Oueens. Hamilton, Illinois: Walter T. Kelley Co., Clarkson, Kentucky 42726 & Sons. Hamilton, Illinois: Dadant and
D”tiant and Sons, Inc. Lastrange’s, Ware, Massachusetts 01082 Sons, Inc., 1975.

Kelley. W. T. How to Keep Bees and Sell

Honey- Clarkson, Kentucky: Walter T.
Kelley Co.. 1966.
Morse, R. A. Bees and Beekeeping. Ithaca:
Cornell University Press, 1975.
-The Complete Guide to Beekeeping. New
York: Dutton, 1972.
Root, A. I. The ABC and XYZ of Bee
culture. 36 ed. Medina, Ohio: A. I. Root
co., 1975.
Taylor, R. Tire How-to&o-it Book of
Beekeeping. Naples, New York: Walnut
Press, 1974.
-Joys of Beekeqhg. New York:
St. Martin Press, 1974.


Arizona: Bee Research Lab, Agri. Res. Service,

2ooO East Allen Road, Tucson, Arizona 85721
Louisiana: Bee Breeding Lab, RR 3, Box 82-B,
Ben Hur Road, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70808
Maryland: Bioenvironmental Bee Lab, Bldg. 476,
Agri. Res. Center, Beltsville, Maryland 20705
Utah: Wild Bee Research Lab, UMC 53, Room
261. Utah State University, Logan, Utah
Wisconsin: Bee Management Lab, Room 436,
Russell Labs, University of Wisconsin,
Madison, Wisconsin 53706
Wyoming: Pesticides/Bee Disease Lab, University
~~~,n, P-0. Box 3168, Laramie, Wyoming

Abdomen, 5 Boardman feeder, 48 Comb honey, 60

Absconding, 74 Bombidae family. 7 Commercial use of hive products, 97-98
Acerine disease, 101 Bottom board, 20 Communication among bees, 16
Acid board. See Funs board Branding hives, 18 Congestion of colony, 75
AFB. See American Foulbrord Brood, commercial use, 98 Cost of beginning, 21
Africanized Kerr strain, 4 Brood diseases, 22,50, 105-l 08 Creosote, 20
Air flow in hive, 55 Brood nest, 7,34 Crops pollinated by bees, 110
Alarm pheromone, 14,16,31,36,114 Brood oattern. 12 Crossbreeding, 4
Allergy to bea venom, 2,112 Burr comb, 34 Cut-comb honey, 60
American foulbrood, 2.63106108
in commercial honey, 4450 Candy. See Feeding
Anatomy of bee, 5,114 Cappings Dance communication, 16
See ah names of individual body parts of brood, 12 Dark bees, 4
Antennae. 11 i as hive product, 97 Defense of colony, 16
Apiary. See also Colonies Carniolan bees, 4 Demaree method. See Swarm control
enlarging, 28-29 Caucasian bees, 4 Diary, hive, 31
locating. 24 Cellar wintering, 67 Disease, 101. See also names of specific diseases
Apiaw inspection Law, 2 Chalkbrood, 105 of adult bee, 102-105
Apis melifera, 4 Chantry cage. See Requeening of brood, 105108
Asthma, and bee sting, 113 Chemicals for fume board:, 62 Division-board feeder, 45
Attraction pheromone, 41,173 Chemotherapy, 108 Doolittle method. See Queen rearing
Classification of bees, 3 Drift, 76 --
Belling, of queen, 37,38 Cleansing flight, 16, 64 prevention, 26
B&us. see Pasts Clipped queen, 71-72 Drone, 11
Bee blower, 63 Cluster congregating areas, 9, 11
Bea brush, 61 swarm, 73 layer, 11, 12,83
Bee ~scepa, 19,23,61 winter, 64 Drone cell, 11, 12
Baa gloves, 22 Cobana comb honey, 60 Dwindling, 55
Baa hive. See Hive Colonies Dyce process. See Granulation of honey
Bee smoker. 23 how many to have, 22 Dysentary, 53, 102
Bae spaca, 14 transporting, 2
Bee sting See Sting uniting, 68
Bees Colony EFB. See European foulbrood
introduced to Western hemisphere. 4 estimating size. 55 Egg, 7
krasing, 109 life within, 7-1 7 Entrance cleat, 20, 64
obtaining, 2829 temper of, 35 Equipment
races of, 4 Colors seen by bees, 115 beginner’s list, 21
Raewax. See Wax Color system. See Queen marking to take to apiary, 31
Beginner’s list of equipment, 2? Comb used, 22
Behavior of bees, general, 7-17 building, 12 Escape board, 61
*also Management drawn, 20 Ethyline oxidc chamber, 22,108
Benton cage. See Requeening as feeder, 48,51 European bees, 5
Birds. See Pests sterilizing, 102 European foulbrood, 63, 105-106
in commercial honey, 49-50
Eusocial community. 3 Hive Larvae, 7
Evolution spacing, 26 Laying worker, 11, 72,83
of bees.4 weight, 25 Leasing bees, 109
of insect societies, 3 Hive diary, 31 Legal aspects of beekeeping, 2. 69, 108
Examination of colony. 3637 Hive duties of bees, 12 Lifting supers, 63
Extractor, 94 Hive heater, 67
Eyesof bees, 115 Hive odor, 13 Management
Hive products, 25 fall, 63
Fall management. See Management Hive scale, 25 spring, 25,53-55
Fanning, 14 Hive stand, 20,25-26 summer, 55-63
in swarm, 73 Hive staples, 70 winter, 53,63-67
Federal Indemnity Program, 105 Hive tool, 23 Mast cells, 112
Feeders, 4546 Honey, 93-96 Mating flight, 9-10
Feeding, 4452 commercial forms, 60,93 Medicating bees, 39, 63
I=& b=s. 39 as larval food, 7 swarm, 29,81
when, 44 natural fermentation of, 63,94 Medication
winter. 65 winter stores for bees, 60.63 for bee sting, 36
Fermentation of honey, 94 yield per colony, 60 for diseases of bees, 102, 108
Festooning, 13 Honey crops, 60 See also names of bee diseases
Flights. types of, 16 Honey flow, 55-56 Mice. See Pests
Follower boards, 29,66 Honey house, 93 Midnite bees, 4
Fondant. See Feeding Honey plants, 109 Miller feeder, 45
Food exchange, 14 Honey sac, 114 Miller method, supering, 60
Foraging, 12,16 Honey super, 20 See a/so Queen rearing
Foulbrood spores, 49 Honey Bee Act, 101 Moving bees, 6471
Foundation, 2621 Honeydew, 25,109 Mraz bees, 4
Frames 20 Hybrid bees, 4
Friction pail feeder, 45 varieties, 3 Nassanoff gland. See Scent gland
Von Frisch, Karl, 16 Hymenoptera, 7 Nectar, 93
Fuel for smoker, 32 Hypopharyngeal glands, 7 Nest cleaning, 14
Fume board, 61 Nosema, 53,63,82, 102
Fumidil-6,102,109 Immunity to bee sting, 2,112 Nut. See Nucleus hive
Fumigation, 101 Importing bees, 4,101 Nut box, 70,80
for foulbrood, 107-169 Increases, making, 76 Nucleus hive, 28
for nosema, 102 Indemnity. See Federal Indemnity Progra
Inner cover, 19,61 Observation hive, 118
Galleria melonella. See Wax moth as feeder, 48 Orientation
Genetic traits of bees, 10 Insects flight, 16
Gloves, 22 communities, 3 pheromore, 115
Granulation of honey. 95 enemies of bees, 101 Outer cover, ‘I 9
Guard bees, 14,31 pollinators, 3 Outyard, 25
Insecticides. See Pesticide poisoning
Hayfever, and bee sting. 113 Inspection for foulbrood, 2 Package bees, 28,38-44
Heat, generated by bees, 64 Insulating hives, 66 Parthenogenesis, 10
Hive, 2. See also Apiary; Colonies Italian bees, 4 Pest strip, 101
branding, 18 Pesticide poisoning, 103-105
double-walled, 67 Jar feeder, 45 Pests, 99-l 00
examining, 33-37 Kerr. See Africanized Kerr strain preventing infestation, 26
imutating, 65 Killer bees. See Africanized Kerr Strain Pheromoner 114
parts, 16-21 See a/so Alarm pheromone; Attraction
population, 7 Lancet, 7 pheromone; Queen pheromone; Worker
estimating, 55 Langstroth, L. L., 14 pheromone
Plastic hive parts, la,20 Royal jelly. 7,9, 50,83 Telescoping cover, 19
Poisonous plants, 166 commercial use, 98 Temper -
Pollen, 50 of bees, 35
commercial use, 98 Scale, 25 requeening, to improve, 88
as adult bee food, 56.52 Scent gland, 15,73,114 of swarm, 73
as larval food, 7 Scenting, 41, 115 Temperature
Pollen barket. 51 Seasonal management. See Management control by bees, 14
Pollen-collecting structures, 115 Section honey, 60 of winter cluster, 64
Pollen extenders, 52 Septicemia, 103 Terramycin, 106
Pollen plants, 169 Skunks. See Pests Top supering, 56
Pollen supplement, 52 Smoker, 23, D-32 Two-queen system, 91-92
Pollen trapping. 56 Smoking bees, 31-32.41
Pollination, 109 Social insects, 3 Uncapping knife, 63
Pollinators, 3 Sodium suliathiozole, 108
Porter bee escape, 61 Solar wax melter, 97 Vandals. See Pests
Presewatives for hive parts, 29 Spermatheca. 10 Veil, 22
Prop&is. 14.98 Spiracle, 5 Venom, 7,98
removing from clothing, 22 Spring dwindling, 55 allergy to, 2, 112
Protective clothing, 22 Spring management. See Management collecting, 98
Pupal stage, 8 Starline, 4 commercial use, 96
Push-in ca9e. See Requeening Sterilizing equipment, 22, 108 of stinging insects, 7
Sting, 5,7,112-l 13,36-37 Ventilation, 14
Queen, 9-l 0 reactions and treatment, 36-37 for captured swarm, 81
balling. 37,39 physiology, 112-I 13 staggering supers, 93
dipping, 71-72.74 Stinging insects, 7, 36 in winter, 62
genetic characteristics, 10 Stinging See also Fanning
introducing, 85-89 avoidance by protective clothing, 22 Vespidae family, 7
lifespan. 83 means of defense, 16 Vision of bee, 115
locating, 35 mechanism, 7
in a9gmssive hive, 88 of queen, 36 Wag-tail dance, 16
marking, 71-72 Stomach mouth, 114 Washboard movement, 14
mating flight, 9-10 Stroller spacers, 20 Wax, 12-I 3,97
use of sting, 36 Sugar, as bee food, 48 cappings, 97
Queen cells, 9.73,74,82,91 Sugar syrup, 45-48 Wax foundation. See Foundation
Queen excluder, 20 in medicating bees, 81, 108 Wax moth, 101
Queen pheromone, 5,9,14,74, I 14 in requeening, 85 Wax secreting glands, 5
in supersedure, 82 scented, 86 Weather
in swarming, 74 as winter feed, 65 effect on supersedure, 82
Queen rearing, 89-96 Sulfa. See Sodium sulfathiozo!e effect on swarming, 74
Queen substance. See Queen pheromone Summer management. See Management effect on use of fume board, 62
Queenright colony, 12 Supering, 56-60 Weight of colony, 25
Queens, sources, 83 Supers, 20,25,56 “Wet” fmmes, 49,94
lifting, 63 Windbreaks, 65
Racesof bees.45 Supersedure, 9.82 Wings, 5
Records, 27 Swarm Winter cluster, 64
See also Hive diary Winter management. See Management
capturing, 29,80.81
Registering hive, 2 Worker, 7-8
temper of, 73
Requeening. 83.89 duties, 12-I 7
Swarm cells, 82
Reverse supering, 56,75 laying, II, 72, 83
Swarm control, 75-79
Rim feeder, 49 Worker pheromone, 15, 114
Swarm trap, 80
Robbing, 16 Wrapping hives, 65
Swarming, 73-77.83
Round dance, 16 Syrup. See Sugar syrup Yeasts in honey, 63

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