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Costin Croitoru

Keywords: Polish silver coins, potrojnik, triple six potronici – ”money ready”2 (DIR 1952, 169,
grosz. doc. no. 227). Another act, issued we do not know
when, somewhere between 1591-1600, holds a
The history of the Romanian vocabulary is com-
first parity of sales value: ”Fifteen thalers, but
plex mainly due to the fact that he was perma-
silver potronici; for a thaler, 12 potronici each”.
nently enriched with borrowings from the lan-
Interesting is the addition in the same document,
guage of different peoples and civilizations with
written in Romanian: ”for a hurt that was done,
which it came into contact. These loans are ob-
I gave 5 potronici, three money (= bani), and for
viously the result of the historical circumstances
another hurt also a thaler; for a murder I gave
and of the geographic context in which the Ro-
them into their hands 3 pigs, 1 hive, 6 potronici”3
manian language evolved. The majority of the
(DIR 1957, 8, doc. no. 8). Subsequently, the fre-
neighboring idioms, among which the Polish,
quency of mentions increased significantly with
contributed to the enrichment of the Romanian
the onset of the 17th century. For example, on
lexicon. It should be noted that the coin names
February 4, 1621, Magda Vrânceneasa confesses
of Polish origin were known to the inhabitants
in a written act that she bought two vineyards
of the three Romanian Principalities, but given
that she gave ”yellow gold coins and beaten thal-
the geographical proximity and direct trade re-
ers and silver potronici”4 (DIR 1957, 8, doc. no.
lations, especially of those from Moldova and
11) and on April 5, 1625, a certain Paul buys a
property with ”the equivalent of two red gold
In order not to abuse the patience of the readers, coins and ten silver potronici– how the money is
the editorial space, and because the attestations flowing now”5 (DIR 1957, 42, doc. no. 44).
of the Polish coins that circulated in the Roma-
The etymology of the term potronic is clear.
nian provinces are abundant, we will stop on only
Thus, obviously, is fanciful the opinion of Val-
one of them as a first step of our approach, name-
entin Bude, who was convinced that ”from the
ly the potronic. For the same reason, although
word «patrona» derives, probably the name of
this currency name benefits from an extended
the coin potronic, a silver coin circulating in our
documentary background, I have provided below
country in the 17th century, and having a Austro-
only those examples considered more eloquent
Hungarian origin, and not of Polish origin, as Mr.
about the issues that are exposed here.
Iorga says (Iorga 1921, 291)”. However, worthy of
Potronic is a word certified especially on the ter- note to this author, is the information according
ritory of Moldova and less in the other Romanian to which” the elders of Bucovina still call today
provinces1. It designate a silver coin, commonly the older silver coins «patroance»” (Bude 1923,
used in various transactions or paying taxes and 235).
duties. The oldest reliable documentary testi-
In the original Romanian text: ”21 talere şi şasă potronici,
mony we know dates back to June 7, 1597 when
bani gata”.
Petre of Răchiteşti sells its land for 21 thalers and 3
In the original Romanian text: ”pentru o năpaste ce s-au fă-
cut, am dat 5 potronici, câte trei bani şi pentru altă năpaste
Among the exceptions, see The Memorial of the Transylva-
aşişdere un taler; pentru o moarte asemenea 3 porci, 1 stup,
nians from the district of Nasăud submitted in 1757 to the 6 potronici ci-au dat în mânule loru...”.
Royal Court of Vienna, in which there are enumerated the 4
In the original Romanian text: ”galbeni de aur şi talere bă-
numerous taxes and duties they were subjected to, among tuţi şi potronici de argint”.
which there is a mention of the potronic (= a tax with the 5
In the original Romanian text: ”dereptu doi galbeni ruşii şi
value of a potronic) (according to Bichigean 1926, 31-40). dzeci potronici de argintu – cum înblă banii acu”.

Tyragetia, s.n., vol. XIII [XXVIII], nr. 2, 2019, 107-113. 107

II. Materiale și cercetări

Returning to the question about the origin of this cording to which ”the payment in German thalers
coin name, the proposed and accepted etymology was called «in good money» and in potroniciwas
is potrojnik (po + trojnik) which in Polish means called in «silly money, silly thalers» or «potron-
”three” or ”triple” (meaning coin of three groszy) ici money»”10 (Scriban 1939, 1028). In his turn
(Graur 1971, 127/130; Şăineanu 1938, 501) and Th. Codrescu in Însemnare de câteva cuvinte
which in the Romanian numismatic literature cuprinse în Anaforalele şi Hrisoavele din acestu
came under the name of troyak (= trojaki). Uricariu, defines the potronic as ”a Polish silver
In the early part of the seventeenth century, coin worth 15 parale and which in ancient times
when its most consistent attestations were re- counted 20 potronici to one golden coin”11 (Co-
corded, the potronic was worth nine money (= drescu 1871, 397).
bani). Illustrative for its ”power” is, among many The low value of the numismatic piece is also
other examples of this kind, a document issued expressed metaphoricon the heroic novel ”Valea
in Iasi on April 19, 1621, which captures a trans- Albă” (White Valley): ”when the sultan’s life is at
action realized ”for seven hundred and fifty thal- stake, the rifles can perish, and all the armies; all
ers, the money being a potronic nine money (= the nations, all Asia, do not cherish a potronic
bani) [...] and from that money they gave us any more”12 (Belcescu-Silvan 1909, 204).
three hundred thalers, but the potronic count
As noted, potronic often occurs in tax regula-
nine money (= bani)6 (Iorga 1904, 16-17, doc. no.
tions, the amount of payments in which it was
22). A different reality is recorded by Ion Neculce
perceived varying, as well as its equivalents to
when describing the famine in the second reign
other currencies. For the period we are interested
of Dumitraşcu Cantacuzino (1685), withholding
in, the one in which the potronic was circulated
exorbitant prices, among which ”the egg was a
in Moldova, the bribe was paid to the treasury, in
potronic (10 money =bani) [...] and cheese was 2
conventional shares, in proportion to the wealth
potronici (20 money =bani)”7 (Ghibănescu 1923,
of each member (Mioc 1959, 71). For example, in
177). As in the case of other money, the exchange
rate of the potronic has varied, its value relative the first decades of the seventeenth century, for
to other currencies undergoing changes over someone called Pătrăşcanu from Lecuşeni ”it was
time due to various causes. For example, based onepotronic charge”13 (DIR 1957, 1, doc. no. 1).
on a minimal bibliography, we are informed that From the consultation of the documents, it fol-
”in 1617 the patromic has the value of 9 shil- lows that the potronic and the money (= banii)
lings (the laters «şalăi»), at 1622 nine money (so represent the odds of paying the treasure ship-
money and «şalău» was the same thing), but on ments. The golden (= galben) or the zloty (=
1631 (?) 16 money (!?) (Iorga 1904, V, 81 şi nota zlot), sometimes mentioned, fulfills the role of
1; VI, 18, 537) and then a potronic = six money in the thaler in Wallachia, thus having subunits the
1723 (I. Neculce, în Letop., ed. II, vol. II, 370)”8 potronicii and the money (= banii), respectively
(Gîdei 1904 36, note 3). Following N. Iorga, Au- costandele and aspers (= asprii). To pay the trib-
gust Scriban recorded in his dictionary, on the ute Vasile Lupu commanded from Iasi on Janu-
potronic voice: ”an old silver coin which, in 1621, ary 11, 1636: ”To all our subjects, to the peasants
was worth 9 money (= aspers), then 10 under the in the land of Hotin; telling you that they came
Phanariots (there were also silver potronici = 6 from the kingdom to give us the tribute of the
aspers)”9. Here too, we keep the information ac- honest emperor [...]. And I cast you to give you
In the original Romanian text: ”derept şeapte sute şi cindză-
for a name two zloty (= zloţi) what is the fee of
ci de talere, banii câte noao bani la potronic [...] şi dentra- the honest emperor. And the lack of money to
acei bani ne-au dat trei sute de talere, însă potronicul căte
noao bani”.
In the original Romanian text: ”oul câte un potronic (10 10
In the original Romanian text: ”plata în taleri germani se
bani) [...] ocaoa de brânză era câte 2 potronici (20 bani)”. numea «în bani buni» iar în potronici se numea «în bani
In the original Romanian text: ”în anul 1617 potronicul va- proşti, taleri proşti» sau «bani potronici»”.
lora 9 şalenghi (şalăii de mai târziu), la 1622 nouă bani (deci 11
In the original Romanian text: ”monedă leşească de argintu
bani şi şalăi acelaşi lucru); însă pe la 1631 (?) 16 bani (?) în valoră de 15 parale şi în vechime se socotea 20 potronici
(Iorga 1904, V, 81 şi nota 1; VI, 18, 537) şi apoi un potronic = dreptu unu galbănu”.
şase bani la 1723 (I. Neculce, în Letop., ed. II, vol. II, 370)”. 12
In the original Romanian text: ”când viaţa sultanului e în
In the original Romanian text: ”o veche monedă de argint gioc, puştile pot să piară, şi toate oştile, toate crăiile, toată
care, la 1621, valora 9 bani (= aspri), apoi 10 supt fanarioţi Asia, nu mai preţuiesc un potronic”.
(erau şi potronici de argint = 6 aspri)”. 13
In the original Romanian text: ”au fostu cisla un potronic”.

C. Croitoru, Contributions to the history of the romanian vocabulary

give as you gave it up to now, only who will give ish thalers» have been filled”16. Three years later,
«beaten zloty», not to give away. Also, who will on July 25, 1625, Ionaşcu of Ivăneşti sells his vil-
give silver potronic, to give a Polish coin (= ban), lage for ”6 good golden coins (= galbeni) and 6
for those who are taking down...”14 (DRH 1996, potronici”. Interesting is also the explanation in
335, doc. no. 297). Another example that I have the same document: ”I gave zloty, the zloty valu-
recalled comes from almost a dozen years. Thus, ing eight silver potronici, that it the amount of
in 1733 Constantin Mavrocordat broke the habit circulation”17 (DIR 1957, 359, doc. no. 474 = DRH
and the law made by Grigore Ghica: ”They gave 2006, 431, doc. no. 360). On July 20, 1635, three
the boyars and the monasteries for 10 hives one parcels were sold ”with no force [...] as 35 po-
«lion» (= leu), and now they gave it to them, as tronici, «good money»”18 (DRH 1996, 210, doc.
the peasants – for ten hives 22 potronici; and no. 175). An act dated January 30, 1637, testi-
22 potronici were worth 220 money (= bani), fies Obreja’s pledge on part of his property, but
that is, a «lion» (= leu) and 100 money (= bani); ”the money was counted potronici, as 11 «good
so doubles were paid hives, like the peasants”15 money», to be know”19 (DRH 1998, 24, doc. no.
(Ghibănescu 1925, 86). 24). Interesting is the act of Miss Aniţa Paladi for
1000 «lions» (= lei) borrowed from Coste Papafil
In order to give us an idea about the material
on June 15, 1757, and for which she is committed
value of the potronic, we extracted from the lit-
to pay interest ”a «lion» (= leu) at six potronici,
erature a range of prices. Thus, an exceptional
per cent per month” which would amount to 18%
situation is recorded by the chronicler Neculce,
value per year (Ghibănescu 1930, 88, no. doc.
according to which, during the Polish occupation
of 1687, a cup of water from the Golia monastery
pump cost a potronic (anyway this being the first The potronic is equal to costanda (Ştefănescu
attestation of the pump in Golia’s yard) (Zotta 1869, 82; Haşdeu 1893, 2426; Tiktin 1903, 423;
1925, 8). In 1742 the flour measure was bought Giurescu 1946, 625), this equivalence some-
with three potronici, a lamb with nine potroni- times suggesting the synonym of the two mon-
ci, and a wine carafe with six to eight potronici etary terms (Candrea 1931, 341: „old silver coin,
(Bogdan 1915, 218-219). also called potronic, whose value was, after the
period in which it circulated, 9 or 10 money (=
It seems that potronic have been used both as a
bani)”). Constantin Moisil, following a judi-
real currency and as an account currency. An-
cious analysis, advances the idea that the term
other sale-purchase act drafted also in the capital
”costanda” was used predominantly in Muntenia
of Moldova, in March 1622, recorded the sale of
to designate the Polish trojak which in Moldova
a village with ”500 thalers, «good money» and
was called ”potronic” (Moisil 1945, 8-14). His
«potronici money»” (Iorga 1904, 18, doc. no.
suggestion is ”promoted” by Octavian Iliescu in
24). See here also the explanation: ”9 money (=
his attempt to date as accurately as possible the
bani) at one potronic on payment”; see further
translation of Învăţăturile lui Neagoe Basarab
on ”I have given by the patron Scărletoaie fifty
(Neagoe Basarab’s Teachings) into Romanian,
thalers of «foolish money»; the potronic worth
based on the coin names from the text: ”from the
9 money (= bani), and so eight hundred «fool-
analysis of documentary sources and monetary
thesaurus, one finds that the trojak or silver tri-
ple grosz, called costanda in Wallachia and po-
tronic in Moldova – from potrojnik – penetrates
our space in massive quantities only from about
In the original Romanian text: ”la toţi mişeii noştri, la ţăra-
nii din ţinutul Hotinului; dându-vă ştire că ne-au venit de la
Împărăţie ca să dăm haraciul cinstitului împărat [...] arun- 16
In the original Romanian text:”câte 9 bani potronicul,
cat-am şi pre voi ca să daţi de un nume câte doi zloţi, ce iaste la plată”; see also „mi-au mai dat jupăneasa Scărletoaie
dajdea cinstitului împărat. Iar lipsele banilor să le daţi cum cindzăci de taleri bani proşti, potronicul câte noau bani, şi
aţi dat şi până acum, numai cine va da zloţi bătuţi, să nu dea s-au împlut optu sute de taleri proşti”.
lipsele. Aşişderea cine va da potronic de argintu, să dea câte 17
In the original Romanian text: ”am dat zloţi, zlotul câte optu
un ban leşesc, pentru câţi se iau cu scădere...”. potronici de argintu, că aşea înblă acum”.
In the original Romanian text: ”dau boierii şi mănăstirile de 18
In the original Romanian text: ”fără nici o silă [...] drept 35
10 stupi un leu, iar acum făcură de dau ţărăneşte de zece stu- de potronici, bani boni”.
pi 22 potronici; 22 potronici valorau 220 bani, adică un leu 19
In the original Romanian text: ”banii s-au nomărat potroni-
şi 100 bani; aproape deci îndoit se plăteau stupii ţărăneşte”. col câţi unsprădzăci bani boni, să să ştie”.

II. Materiale și cercetări

1590, enjoying intense traffic until 1630, when fication of the Polish monetary system with that
local traffic will not be fed with new programs of Lithuania and Riga. Thus, the issue of numis-
and will only use battered pieces up to 1624” (Ili- matic terminology attestations is the result of the
escu 1967, 6-7; see also Zamfirescu 1973, 362). huge production of Polish coins of the last decade
Discussions on the amount and modalities of of the 16th century – which propelled this nomi-
payment of the tribute have given rise to similar nal (grossus argenteus triplex) as the first in the
conclusions: ”the Polish pieces of triple grosz, small coins category of the next century. Due to
nominally named in the internal documents of their quality and relative stability they have had
the 17th century costanda in Walachia and po- a strong impact on ”consumers” being – as me-
tronic (literary meaning «of three») or babcă in dieval documents and archaeological discoveries
Moldova, were in fact coinage divisions valuing show – some of the most appreciated pieces on
1/12th – 1/13th part of a thaler; in Ottoman cur- the market (Velter, Boldureanu 2015, 205-206.
rency, a Polish triple grosz piece was equivalent See also Butnaru 2010, 237-352; Butnaru 2012,
to 6 aspri while the thaler was worth 68-78 asp- 73-95).
rii” (Iliescu 1979, 558).
Following the Polish model, the Transylvanian
Such a hypothesis, without being a priori re- Principality issued a coin of the same value,
jected, raises at least two questions; 1. Why did called triplugros argenteus, and which com-
the Polish terminology used in Moldova not be pared to the original piece has circulated more
imposed in Muntenia? and especially 2. How is it in Wallachia (Ungureanu 2005, 461). Pieces of
explained that a Polish coin has come to be called triple grosz, similar to those from Poland, but
under a Greek name – costanda? (Lupu 2013, with Moldovan armory on the reverse were also
66-67). beaten by Moldovan princes – Ştefan Răzvan and
Ieremia Movilă, of course with respect to the title
To illustrate the parity of the numismatic pieces,
and weight of the trojak, so that it can also cir-
but also for the picturesque language, we note the
culate in the Polish kingdom (see in this regard
following fragment of the ”guild law”: ”a grave
the text of the agreement between Sigismund III
digger or a bastard who slapped someone else in
and Ieremia Movilă in 1595, at Codrescu 1862,
his guild, was punished with a fine of 15 potronici
no. 280-282).
or 15 costande, plus the punishment with beat-
ing – 50 sticks”20 (Pavlescu 1939, 382). As a diverse fact, we also note the apparent per-
ception of the term that interests us among the
Regarding the circulation of the potronic, let
anthroponomics, some Maria Potronica being
us note, as an ante quem guiding mark, that on
immortalized by a document issued on 15 March
April 11, 1739 Grigore Ghica imposed for the
1643 (DRH 2005, 58, doc. no. 51).
”Polish Armenians” that bring herds to Moldova,
amongst other ones, a charge of ”an ancient These are, very succinctly, the considerations we
potronic of ox and a «lion» (= leu) of ox as make about the designation of a coin that has
custom duty” (our emphasis) (Bălan 1937, 142, made a ”career” especially in commercial rela-
doc. no. 3). In all likelihood, in the second half tions and the payment of tribute and taxes for
of the seventeenth century the potronic began more than a century. His massive presence – as I
to emerge from the commercial market, possibly have shown, suggestively illustrated both literally
due to the influx of fake coins issued in Moldova and archaeologically, is not an exception, but on
during Eustatie Dabija, of course without com- the contrary confirms historical realities. These
pletely disappearing. coins have, to some extent, replaced the lack of
cash on the market. Its inadequacy, in addition to
Regarding the other chronological reference, not
maintaining the barter as a form of exchange until
by chance, as we have seen, the first literary at-
late, favored the presence of counterfeits and the
testations of the term date back to the end of the
circulation of devalued, old coins. In this context,
16th century. Most triple grosz coins are struck
it is possible to understand the expressions so
after the 1580-1581 reforms that led to the uni-
frequent in documents, which almost invariably
In the original Romanian text: ”un cioclu sau un mişel care
apply currency equivalences, various denomina-
dădea palmă altuia din breasla sa, era pedepsit cu o gloabă tions of the same numismatic pieces or just the
de 15 potronici sau 15 costande, plus certarea de câte 50 de
toiage”. specification of ”old money” and ”new money”.

C. Croitoru, Contributions to the history of the romanian vocabulary

Glossary of monetary terms in Romanian, used in the text (mainly after Iliescu 2002)
akcè in Turkish, white silver coin – was the Ottoman currency unit issued between 1326-1819. Starting
Aspru in the later half of the 15th century, up to the end of the 17th century, the Ottoman aspru was the legal
tender of Walachia.
popular name given in Moldova arround 1632 to the silver coin with face value of 3 groszy issued by
the Polish kingdom starting from 1528 and subsequently also by another state authorities.
silver coin issued starting 1365-1368 by Vlaicu Vodă, the ruler of Walachia (1364-1377) and then by his
succesors. In the beginning one ban was equal to 1/3 of a ducat or 1/2 of a dinar, all three face values
Ban token together formed the first monetary sistem of Walachia; it is also a name given to the Hungarian
silver dinar in the documents issued in Walachia since 1594-1598; during the reign of Mihai Viteazul
(1593-1601) an Ottoman aspru hat the same value as two bani (= Hungarian dinars).
popular name given in the 17th century in Walachia to a silver coin equal to 3 groszy, issued starting
Costanda 1528 by the Polish kingdom and also by other states or cities vested with the power to mint coins;
costanda was worht 10 bani (= Hungarian dinars).
generic popular name given in the Romanian Provinces during the 17th-19th centuries to the gold coins
(such as Austrian ducats or Turkis altuni).
(”lion”), popular name used in Romanian provinces in the 17th-18th centuries for the Dutch leeuwenda-
Leu alder; it was used also as a account money issued in Moldova and Walachia around the middle of the
18th century, and divided into 40 para;it was used until 1867.
Ottoman silver coin worth initial 3 akcè (= aspri) issued starting 1623; it was also a money of account
Para worth 1/40 of one leu used in Walachia and Moldova starting from the middle of 18th century and
thereafter in the United Principalities and Romania until 1867.
potrojnik in Polish (= piece of three); popular name used in Moldova during the 17th and the 18th
Potronic centuries for the silver coin with face value of 3 groszy issued starting 1528 in the Polish kingdom and
also by other states or cities; sometime it was equal to 10 aspri or 10 bani.
(”zander”), popular name used in Moldova in the 17th and 18th centuries to designate a silver coin, bilon
Şalău alloy or bronze, worth 1 shilling, issued in Poland, Lithuania, Baltic cities and Prussia. Actualy şalău is
the Romanian distorted pronunciation of the Polish word ”şelong” (= shilling).


Bălan 1937: T. Bălan, Documente bucovinene, III (1573-1720) (Cernăuţi 1937).

Belcescu-Silvan 1909: Gh. Belcescu-Silvan, Valea Albă (roman istoric) – 1476 (Bucureşti 1909).
Bichigean 1926: V. Bichigean, Un capitol din lupta românilor someşeni cu saşii din Bistriţa. Arhiva Someşeană.
Revistă Istorică Culturală 6, 1926, 31-40.
Bogdan 1915: I. Bogdan, Sămile mănăstirilor de ţară din Moldova pe anul 1742. Buletinul Comisiei Istorice a
României 1, 1915, 218-219.
Bude 1923: V. Bude, Un mic tezaur de monede, găsit în Tătăraşi, Iaşi. Ioan Neculce. Buletinul Muzeului Munici-
pal din Iaşi 3, 1923, 235.
Butnaru 2010: V.M. Butnaru, «Grossus argenteus triplex» în Moldova (I). In: Anuarul Institutului de Istorie
„A.D. Xenopol”, 47 (Iaşi 2010), 237-352.
Butnaru 2012: V.M. Butnaru, «Grossus argenteus triplex» în Moldova (II). Studii şi Cercetări de Numismatică
III (XV), 2012, 73-95.
Candrea 1931: I.A. Candrea, Dicţionar enciclopedic ilustrat al limbii române din trecut şi de astăzi (Bucureşti
Codrescu 1862: T. Codrescu, Uricariul sau colecţiune de diferite acte care pot servi la istoria romanilor, volumul
V (Iaşi 1862).
Codrescu 1871: Th. Codrescu, Uricariul cuprindetoriu de Hrisoave, Anaforale şi alte Acte din suta a XVIII şi XIX,
volumul I, ediţiunea a II-a (Bucureşti 1871).
DIR 1952: Documente privind istoria românilor, veacul XVI, A. Moldova, vol. IV (1591-1600), ed. I. Ionaşcu, L.
Lăzărescu-Ionescu, B. Câmpina, E. Stănescu, D. Prodan, M. Roler (Bucureşti 1952).
DIR 1957: Documente privind istoria românilor, veacul XVII, A. Moldova, vol. V (1601-1605), ed. I. Ionaşcu, L.
Lăzărescu-Ionescu, B. Câmpina, E. Stănescu, D. Prodan, M. Roler (Bucureşti 1957).
DRH 1996: Documenta Romaniae historica, A. Moldova, volumul XXIII (1635-1636), ed. L. Şimanschi, N. Ciocan,
G. Ignat, D. Agache (Bucureşti 1996).
DRH 1998: Documenta Romaniae historica, A. Moldova, volumul XXIV (1637-1638), ed. I. Cihodaru, I. Caproşu
(Bucureşti 1998).

II. Materiale și cercetări

DRH 2005: Documenta Romaniae historica, A. Moldova, volumul XXVII (1643-1644), ed. P. Zahariuc, C. Chelcu,
M. Chelcu, S. Văcaru, N. Ciocan, D. Ciurea (Bucureşti 2005).
DRH 2006: Documenta Romaniae historica, A. Moldova, volumul XVIII (1623-1625), ed. I. Caproşu, V. Constan-
tinov (Bucureşti 2006).
Ghibănescu 1923: Gh. Ghibănescu, Ştiri despre Iaşi şi Moldova în cronicarii şi scriitorii români. Neculai Costin
şi Ioan Neculcea (1622-1685). Ioan Neculce. Buletinul Muzeului Municipal din Iaşi III, 1923, 172-184.
Ghibănescu 1925: Gh. Ghibănescu, Sama visteriei Moldovei din 1763. Ioan Neculce. Buletinul Muzeului Munici-
pal Iaşi V, 1925, 70-121.
Ghibănescu 1930: Gh. Ghibănescu. Surete şi izvoade. Documente slavo-române între 6939 (1428) - 7265 (1757),
volumul XXIV (Iaşi 1930).
Giurescu 1946: C.C. Giurescu, Istoria românilor, III / partea a II-a, de la moartea lui Mihai Viteazul până la
sfârşitul epocei fanariote (1601-1821) (Bucureşti 1946).
Gîdei 1904: A.V. Gîdei, Contribuţiuni pentru istoria socială a ţărănimii noastre şi pentru istoria raporturilor eco-
nomice dintre ţărani şi proprietari până la 1864 (Bucureşti 1904).
Graur 1971: Al. Graur, Puţină aritmetică (Bucureşti 1971).
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Contribuţii la istoria vocabularului românesc: nume de monede poloneze care au

circulat în Moldova. I. Potronic

Cuvinte-cheie: Potronic, vocabular, monedă poloneză, Moldova.

Rezumat: În această scurtă intervenţie autorul analizează atestările denumirilor de monede poloneze care au cir-
culat în spaţiul românesc. Întrucât acestea sunt foarte numeroase, şi-a îndreptat atenţia doar asupra uneia dintre
ele, anume „potronicul”. „Potronic” este un termen atestat în special pe teritoriul Moldovei şi mai puţin în celelalte
provincii româneşti. Desemna o monedă divizionară din argint utilizată frecvent în variate tranzacţii sau la plata
unor taxe şi impozite, motiv pentru care beneficiază de un fond documentar extins.

C. Croitoru, Contributions to the history of the romanian vocabulary

Revenind la chestiunea originii numelui acestei monede, etimologia propusă şi acceptată este potrojnik (po + tro-
jnik), care în limba polonă înseamnă „de trei” sau „triplu” (adică „ban de trei groşi”) şi care în literatura numismatică
românească a intrat sub denumirea de troiak (= trojaki).
Prezenţa sa masivă – cum am arătat, sugestiv ilustrată atât pe cale literară cât şi arheologică, nu reprezintă o
excepţie, ba din contră, confirmă realităţi istorice. Aceşti potronici au suplinit într-o măsură lipsa numerarului de
pe piaţă.

Из истории румынской лексики: названия польских монет, распространявшихся в

Молдове. I. Потроник

Ключевые слова: потроник, лексика, польские монеты, Молдова.

Резюме: В этой краткой статье автор анализирует название одной из многих польских монет, бывших в
обращении на румынском пространстве, а именно потроника. Это название использовалось на территории
Молдовы и меньше известно в других румынских провинциях. Это была серебряная монета, которая часто
использовалась при заключении различных сделок или при оплате налогов, поэтому она широко упоми-
нается в документальных источниках.
Возвращаясь к вопросу о происхождении названия этой монеты, следует сказать, что оно этимологически
восходит к слову «потройник» (po + trojnik), что в переводе с польского означает «три» или «тройной»;
в румынскую нумизматическую литературу она вошла как «трояк» (= Trojaki). Тот факт, что потроники
широко известны как по документальным, так и по археологическим источникам, соответствует историче-
ским реалиям и свидетельствует о том, что они в какой-то степени заменили недостаток наличных денег
на рынке.


Dr. Costin Croitoru, ”Carol I” Museum of Brăila, Piaţa Traian 3, Brăila, Romania; “Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu” Sta-
te University, Piaţa Independenţei 1, Cahul, Republic of Moldova,, e-


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