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Tutorial 2: How to Do a Literature Review

The task for this session, which must be done before the tutorial, is to read
the assigned paper and come to the class prepared to answer the questions

The paper for this week is:

Brown, S.L. and Eisenhardt, K.M. (1995). Product development: Past

research, present findings, and future directions. Academy of Management
Review. 20, pp. 343-378

This is available via the library website (search for it using the author and
title). Download the electronic version in .pdf format, print it out, and bring
the hard copy to the tutorial. It is important you have access to a hard
(preferably) or soft copy during the tutorial.

You will need this paper again for tutorial 4 so please keep your copy.

In advance of the tutorial, read the paper. Complete a minimum of two sides
of A4 notes on the paper (of which a minimum of one side should be on the
questions below - make sure you keep the notes for your Portfolio/Learning
Journal). Come to the tutorial prepared to discuss the following questions:

1. What were Brown & Eisenhardt’s aims in this review? How do these fit
with the main general aims of a literature review (see the lecture)?

2. Describe the way in which the authors have structured their paper.
What is the logic behind their approach?

3. Identify the ‘streams’ they use to structure the main body of the
review. What other ways could they have used to organise this

4. Evaluate the ways in which Brown & Eisenhardt deal with the
methodological issues in the literature they survey. Do they treat
methodology separately or as they go along?

5. Work through the introduction to the paper in detail and identify the
sub-structure of this section. What is the purpose of each paragraph?

6. What lessons can you take from the paper to help you conduct and
structure your own literature review? Note: this should generate a list
of at least 8 points (and fewer points may lose you marks in the
learning journal).

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