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Requesting everyone to please settle down for we our about to start the program in a few minutes.

Inviting everyone to be at ____________ for the fashion walk.

I guess everyone is ready to flaunt their floral themed fashion, let us not make them wait, without
further delay dearly beloved!! let us have the Fashion Parade 2019!

To formally start our program, may I ask everyone to please rise to give honor to our heavenly father,
followed by the singing of the Philippine National Anthem through Audio Visual Presentation.

// may I ask everyone to please rise for our opening prayer to be led by _____________ and please
remain standing for the singing of our National Anthem to be conducted by ______________

You may now take your seat.

Ladies and Gentleman, Live in

To give us an opening remark, let’s give a big hand to our

Thank you very
of applause please.
Thank you for such and inspiring words coming from you sir Leo.

And now let us all enjoy a surprise intermission number put together by the Newly Hired Personnel of.
Around of applause please.
At this juncture another dance number will be given to us by _______________. A big hand for them.
Thank you so much mga ate and kuya for that amazing performance. And now let’s proceed to

At this juncture, we will be proclaiming the winners

Congratulations to everyone! This is such an amazing Christmas celebration. This will surely get the D a
big jumpstart for the next year.

And this ends the Pasko sa D 2019!!

We are your hosts

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year!

Good Day!

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