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Section : Marathi

1. खारी ददरेल्मा ळबदाॊचा वलकल्ऩातून मोग्म वभानाथी ळबद ळोधा -

a) आनन
b) आवन
c) ऩथ्
ृ ली
d) अॊफय
Ans = c)

2. वलभर
a) वॊदय
b) ननभमर
c) भरीन
d) दभन
Ans = b)

3. खारी ददरेल्मा ळबदाॊचा वलकल्ऩातून मोग्म वलरूद्धाथी ळबद ळोधा

a) लवधा
b) ऩयरोक
c) ऩाताऱ
d) यवाताऱ
Ans = b)

4. ननॊदा
a) नदी
b) नद
c) ननॊदण
d) स्तती
Ans = d)

5. खारी ददरेल्मा लाक्प्रचायाॊचा अथम वलकल्ऩातन

ू ळोधा
धूऱ चाटणे
a) भाती खाणे
b) चाऱण कयणे
c) भरीन शोणे
d) ऩूणम ऩयाबल कयणे
Ans = d)

6. ताये तोडणे
a) लेड्मावायखे फोरणे
b) उॊ च उडणे
c) खूऩ कष्ट कयणे
d) नवते फोरणे
Ans = a)
7. खारी ददरेल्मा म्शणीॊचा अथम वलकल्ऩातून ळोधा
खाण तळी भाती
a) खाणीतून भात्ती काढणे
b) आईफाऩारभाणेच भरे
c) जवे कयाले तवे बयाले
d) वरभाण अवणे
Ans = b)

8. ऩाचा भखी ऩयभेश्र्लय

a) ऩॊचभखी
b) ऩष्कऱ रोक जे फोरतात ते खये
c) ऩाॊच भख अवरेरा
d) दत्तात्रम
Ans = b)

9. खारी दे रेल्मा ळबदवभूशावाठी वलकल्ऩातून एक ळबद ळोधा

____ घयादायाव ऩायखा झारेरा
a) बटका
b) ऩोयका
c) अनाथ
d) उनाड
Ans = b)

10. ____ दे गड पोडणाया

a) फेरदाय
b) दॊ गड्मा
c) गोट्मा
d) पोडका
Ans = a)

11. खारी ददरेल्मा वाभासवक ळबदाॊचा वभाव वलकल्ऩातून ळोधा

a) नञतत्ऩरुऴ
b) अव्ममीबाल
c) द्लॊद्ल
d) द्वलगू
Ans = a)

12. कभरनमन
a) द्लॊद्ल
b) फशव्रीशी
c) द्वलगू
d) कभमधायम
Ans = d)
13. खारी ददरेल्मा ळबदाॊची वॊधी वलकल्ऩातून ळोधा
रनत + अष
a) रनतषा
b) रतष
c) रत्मष
d) रनतळा
Ans = c)
14. नौ + इक
a) नालक
b) नावलक
c) नौइक
d) नौका
Ans = b)
15. खारी ददरेल्मा वॊधधचा वलग्रश वलकल्ऩातून ळोधा
a) ने + अन
b) न + मन
c) नै + अन
d) नै + इक
Ans = a)
16. चॊद्रोदम
a) चॊद्र + अदम
b) चॊद्र + उदम
c) चॊद्र + ओदम
d) चॊद्र + इदम
Ans = b)
17. खारी ददरेल्मा लाक्प्माॊचा काऱ वलकल्ऩातून ओऱखा ____
भी रश्नऩत्र वोडलरे आशे .
a) लतमभानकाऱ
b) ऩूणम लतमभानकाऱ
c) वाधा बूतकाऱ
d) बवलष्मकाऱ
Ans = b)
18. तानाजी ळौमामने रढरा
a) बत
ू काऱ
b) लतमभानकाऱ
c) बवलष्मकाऱ
d) वाधा बूतकाऱ
Ans = d)
19. खारी ददरेल्मा ऩद्दऩॊक्प्तीतीर अरॊकाय वलकल्ऩाद्लाये ओऱखा -
भॊफईची 'घये ' भात्र रशान । कफतयाच्मा खयाड्माॊवायखी ।
a) अनराव
b) उऩभा
c) मभक
d) उत्रेषा
Ans = b)
20. खारी ददरेल्मा ऩद्मऩॊक्प्तीचे लत्त
ृ वलकल्ऩातून ळोधा –
भना लावना दष्ट काभा नमे ये
भना वलमथा ऩाऩफद्धी नको ये ।
a) ऩथ्
ृ ली
b) भासरनी
c) बजॊगरमात
d) लवॊतनतरका
Ans = c)

21. खारी ददरेल्मा वलकल्ऩातून ळद्ध ळबद ळोधा

a) गोधभ
ू लयण
b) गोधभलणम
c) गोधभ
ू लणम
d) गोधभूलणम
Ans = c)

22. खारी ददरेल्मा लाक्प्माॊचा रकाय वलकल्ऩातून ळोधा

तानाजी रढता रढता भेरा
a) सभश्रलाक्प्म
b) केलऱलाक्प्म
c) वॊमक्प्त लाक्प्म
d) ददरेरे वलम
Ans = b)

23. आकाळात जेंव्शा ढग मेतात, तें व्शा भोय नाचू रागतो.

a) केलऱलाक्प्म
b) वॊमक्प्तलाक्प्म
c) सभश्रलाक्प्म
d) ददरेरे वलम
Ans = c)

24. खारी ददरेल्मा लाक्प्माॊचा रकाय वलकल्ऩातन

ू ळोधा
शजाय रूऩमे शी काशी रशान यक्प्कभ नाशी
a) शोकायाथी
b) नकायाथी
c) रश्नाथी
d) उद्गायाथी
Ans = b)

25. आम्शी तभचे उऩकाय कधी वलवयणाय नाशी

a) उद्गायाथी
b) वलधानाथी
c) रश्नाथी
d) शोकायाथी
Ans = b)
Section : English

Question 26-30. Read the passage and answer the following questions :
Every colour of American population is thriving. This was the message of the Census Bureau‟s
national headcount. Every ethnic group, including the white majority is growing larger. There are
2,814 million people inside America‟s borders, whether legally or not. It is 13% more than a decade
earlier. Some 211m of them say they are white, a rise of 12m, but a slightly lower share of the total
than last time. The white share is dipping as other groups grow faster, thanks to immigration and to
higher birth rates. Latinos have made most gains. That group has soared to 353m people, and for
the first time is roughly as large as the black total.
Black are losing their spot as America‟s top minority and no one doubted that it would happen. Few
thought though it would happen so soon. Other, smaller groups appear to have grown even more.
The total for native Americans rose by more than a quarter, Asians by nearly a half and “other
races” by more than a half. More young Americans admit their mixed race. America is becoming
even a bigger melting pot, cooking its stew. But blending of races is less evident when one looks
below the national level. Big cities get more immigrants. Smaller places get almost none. Some
white suburbs are becoming whiter because of internal migration. New immigrants tend to go where
there relatives or communities are.
26. "National headcount" means _____________________________.
a) counting the nation
b) counting the ethnic groups
c) counting the people
d) counting the people‟s gender
Ans = a)

27. Birth rate in the white population is ___________________________.

a) the same as in other groups
b) lower than in other groups
c) higher than in other groups
d) Decreasing day by day
Ans = b)

28. Where do you observe 13% of growth?

a) in the legal population of the USA
b) in the illegal population of the USA
c) legal/illegal population of the USA
d) in the gender vise polulation of USA
Ans = c)

29. What is the condition of Black Population?

a) growing fast
b) growing slower than others
c) growing slowly
d) growing stably
Ans = b)

30. Find the synonym for the word “flourishing” from the given passage.
a) Thriving
b) Including
c) Dipping
d) Rising
Ans = a)
Question 31-33. Fill in the Blanks with appropriate Preposition.
31. Suddenly, Metwo sensed a human approaching and leapt ________a bush.
a) behind
b) by
c) between
d) in
Ans = a)

32. The car was stopped ________the police.

a) on
b) behind
c) by
d) over
Ans = c)

33. We need to put the responsibility ________ the students‟ shoulders.

a) in
b) by
c) on
d) above
Ans = c)

Question 34-36. Choose the correct option from bracket.

34. ______book you want is out of print.
a) a
b) an
c) the
d) no article
Ans = c)

35. Twelve inches makes _______foot.

a) a
b) an
c) the
d) no article
Ans = a)

36. ________sun shines very brightly in summer.

a) a
b) an
c) the
d) no article
Ans = c)
Question 37-39. Complete each sentence with the proper form of the phrasal verb.
37. There was an accident this evening. A truck ___________a car.
a) collided with
b) collided
c) collided by
d) collided into
Ans = a)

38. I am _________ my bunch of keys.

a) looking for
b) finding out
c) looking
d) finding for
Ans = a)

39. Please _________________ my instructions carefully.

a) hear to
b) hear
c) listen to
d) listen
Ans = c)

Question 40-42. Write synonym for the following words.

40. Pensive
a) oppressed
b) caged
c) thoughtful
d) happy
Ans = c)

41. Detest
a) argue
b) hate
c) discover
d) reveal
Ans = b)

42. Banish
a) exile
b) hate
c) fade
d) clean
Ans = a)

Question 43-45. Choose the correct Antonym from the following words.
43. Common
a) strange
b) uneasy
c) quick
d) fast
Ans = a)
44. Peaked
a) tired
b) arrogant
c) pointy
d) ruddy
Ans = d)

45. Meager
a) kind
b) generous
c) thoughtful
d) copious
Ans = d)

Question 46-50. Give one word for the following.

46. A man who never drinks alcohol.
a) Teetotaller
b) Teatotaller
c) Totaller
d) Teetaller
Ans = a)

47. A book published after the death of its author.

a) Posthumous
b) Anonymous
c) Author
d) Philanthropic
Ans = a)

48. A man who betrays his country.

a) Traitor
b) Trailer
c) Betrayer
d) Terrorist
Ans = a)

49. Something that cannot be touched.

a) Intangable
b) Intangible
c) Tangible
d) Tangable
Ans = b)

50. A man who believes in God.

a) Believer
b) Follower
c) Atheist
d) Theist
Ans = d)
Section : GK

51. Marine Fishing Policy, 2004 focuses on

भयीन फपसळॊग ऩॉसरवी, 2004 -कळालय रष केंदद्रत कयते ?
a) Development of deep sea fishing
खोर वभद्र भावेभायीचा वलकाव
b) Fishing vessels
भावेभायी जशाजे
c) Special fishing harbors
वलळेऴ भावेभायी harbors
d) Protect substance level of fishermen
भावेभायीचे ऩदाथम स्तय वॊयषण
Ans = a)

52. Glit edged market means

धगल्ट एज्ड भाकेट म्शणजे?
a) Markets of goods and services
लस्तू आणण वेलाॊचे फाजाय
b) Markets of foreign exchange
ऩयकीम चरन फाजाय
c) Market of government securities
वयकायी सवक्प्मरयटीजचे फाजाय
d) Market of guns
तोपा फाजाय
Ans = c)

53. India‟s first five year plan was based on

बायताची ऩदशरी ऩाच लऴाांची मोजना कळा लय आधारयत शोते?
a) Mahalnobis model
भशरनोफीव भॉडेर
b) Harrod-Domar Model
शॅयोड-डोभय भॉडेर
c) Kaldor Model
कारदय भॉडेर
d) Hicks model
दशक्प्व भॉडेर
Ans = b)

54. A private bill can be introduced in parliament by

कोण वॊवदे त एक खाजगी बफर वादय करू ळकतो?
a) Only Finance Minister
पक्प्त अथमभॊत्री
b) Only Prime Minister
केलऱ ऩॊतरधान
c) Other than a minister
भॊत्री ऩेषा इतय
d) Only Law Minister
पक्प्त कामदा भॊत्री
Ans = c)
55. Zero Pendency Court Project is associated with
झीयो ऩें डन्
े वी कोटम रोजेक्प्ट कळाळी वॊफॊधधत आशे ?
a) New Delhi
न्मू ददल्शी
b) Kerala
c) Odisha
d) West Bengal
लेस्ट फेंगार
Ans = a)

56. Finance commission gives recommendations on

अथम आमोग कळा लय सळपायवी दे तो?
a) Functioning of the banks
फॉकाॊचे काभकाज
b) Tax devolution between centre and state
केंद्र आणण याज्म दयम्मान कय वलघटन
c) Income devolution of the RBI
बायतीम रयझव्शम फॅंकेची सभऱकत
d) All of these above
ददरेरे वलम
Ans = b)

57. India‟s top supplier of crude oil in 2019 is

वन 2019 भध्मे बायतातीर क्रूड ऑइरचे बायतातीर आघाडीचे ऩयलठादाय?
a) UAE
म ए ई
b) Iraq
c) Venezuela
d) USA
म एव ए
Ans = b)

58. Himachal Pradesh celebrated 72nd state day on

दशभाचर रदे ळ नी कोणत्मा ददलळी 72 ला याज्म ददलव वाजया केरा?
a) 15th April
15 एवरर
b) 15th March
15 भाचम
c) 15th January
15 जन्मअयी
d) 15th February
15 पेब्रआ
ू यी
Ans = a)
59. Who designated Masood Azhar as a global terrorist ?
भवूद अझय माॊना जागनतक दशळतलादी म्शणून कोणी ठयवलरे ?
b) WTO
डबल्मू टी ओ
c) WHO
डबल्मू एच ओ
मू एन एव वी
Ans = d)

60. Project KANNAMMA is associated with which state?

कन्नम्भा रकल्ऩ कोणत्मा याज्मात आशे ?
a) Kerala
b) Tamil Nadu
c) Karnataka
d) Rahasthan
Ans = b)

61. As per Swachh Survekshan Award 2019, the rank of Maharashtra is

स्लच्छ वलेषण ऩयस्काय 2019 नवाय भशायाष्राचा दजाम आशे ..?

a) 1st – ऩदशरा

b) 2nd – दवया

c) 3rd – नतवया

d) 4th – चौथा
Ans = c)

62. Maharashtra Samruddhi Mahamarg‟ is proposed expressway between which cities?

'भशायाष्र वभद्
ृ धध भशाभागम' कोणत्मा ळशयातून एक्प्वरेवले रस्तावलत आशे ?
a) Mumbai-Nashik
b) Mumbai- Nagpur
c) Pune-Nashik
d) Mumbai-Aurangabad
भॊफई-औयॊ गाफाद
Ans = b)
63. Tadoba is famous for ____.
ताडोफा ____ वाठी रसवद्ध आशे .
a) Crocodile park
भगयभच्छ ऩाकम
b) Bird sanctuary
ऩषी अबमायण्म
c) Snake park
वाऩ ऩाकम
d) Tiger reserve
लाघ आयक्षषत
Ans = d)

64. Who is the author of book –Prakashwata?

रकाळाव्ता ऩस्तकाचे रेखक कोण आशे त?
a) Dr. Kotnis
डॉ. कोटणीव
b) Mukund Taksale
भकॊ द तषरे
c) P. N. Oak
ऩी. एन. ओक
d) Dr. Prakash Amte
डॉ. रकाळ आभटे
Ans = d)

65. Which town is situated on bank of river Krishna?

कृष्णा नदीच्मा काठी कोणते ळशय लवरेरे आशे ?
a) Nashik
b) Trambakeshwar
c) Wai
d) Beed
Ans = c)

66. Ichalkaranji is famous for ____.

इचरकयॊ जी ____ वाठी रसवद्ध आशे .
a) Saree pattern
वाडी नभना
b) food
c) Fruits
d) Folk dance
रोक नत्ृ म
Ans = a)
67. Khindsi lake is situated at ____.

णखॊडवी झीर ____ मेथे आशे .

a) Parbhani


b) Akola


c) Nagpur


d) Jalna


Ans = c)

68. National Acadamy of Fire and Safety (NAFS) is situated at ____.

____ मेथे याष्रीम एकेडभी ऑप पामय अॉड वेफ्टी (एनएएपएव) स्स्थत आशे .

a) Nagpur


b) Jalna


c) Amrawati


d) Jalgaon


Ans = a)

69. Which of the following railway stations is on Gujarat- Maharashtra border?

ऩढीरऩैकी कोणते ये ल्ले स्टे ळन गजयात-भशायाष्र वीभेलय आशे ?

a) Virar


b) Palghar

c) Boisar


d) Navapur


Ans = d)
70. Who is famous lady film director of Maharashtra?
भशायाष्रातीर रसवद्ध भदशरा धचत्रऩट ददग्दळमक कोण आशे ?

a) Sai Paranjape
वाई ऩयाॊजऩे

b) Shanta Shelke
ळाॊता ळेल्के

c) Shrimati Garware
श्रीभती गयलाये

d) Kamlabai Ogle
कभराफाई ओगरे

Ans = a)

71. What percentage of population of Maharashtra is literate as per 2011 census?

2011 च्मा जनगणनेनवाय भशायाष्रातीर फकती टक्प्के रोक वाषय आशे त?

a) 79.6%

b) 82.3%

c) 86.7%

d) 80.8%

Ans = b)

72. As per the fifth „Employment & Unemployment Survey‟ conducted during 2015-16 for
persons of age 15 years & above unemployment rate in Maharashtra is
2015-16 दयम्मान 15 लऴे आणण त्माऩेषा जास्त लमाच्मा व्मक्प्तीॊवाठी ऩाचव्मा 'योजगाय आणण फेयोजगायी वलेषण'

रभाणे भशायाष्रात फेयोजगायीचा दय काम आशे ?

a) 2.1%

b) 1.6%

c) 2.6%

d) 1.1%

Ans = a)
73. Which is the largest district of Maharashtra in terms of area?
षेत्राच्मा फाफतीत भशायाष्रातीर वलामत भोठा स्जल्शा कोणता आशे ?

a) Pune

b) Nashik

c) Solapur

d) Ahmednagar

Ans = d)

74. Which is biggest thermal power plant of Maharashtra?

भशायाष्रातीर वलामत भोठे ताऩ वलद्मत वॊमॊत्र कोणते आशे ?

a) Koradi

b) Chandrapur

c) Khaparkheda

d) Parli

Ans = b)

75. What is the name of initiative for Labour Room Quality Improvement developed by the
National Health Mission?
नॅळनर शे ल्थ सभळनने वलकसवत केरेल्मा रेफय रूभ क्प्लासरटी इम्रूव्शभें टवाठी ऩढाकायाचे नाल काम आशे ?

a) Hausala

b) Laqshya

c) Ayush

d) Kayakalp & Swacch Swasth Sarvatra

कामाकल्ऩ आणण स्लच्छ आयोग्म वलमत्र

Ans = b)
Section : Intellectual
76. The smallest square number divisible by each one of the numbers 7, 8 and 9 is
7, 8 ल 9 ने रत्मेकाने बाज्म अवरेरी वलामत रशान लगम वॊख्मा
a) 7056
b) 5476
c) 4096
d) 2916
Ans = a)

77. By what number (–6)–3 should be multiplied so that the product will be equal to (10) –2
(–6)–3 रा फकतीने गणल्माव गणाकाय (10)–2 अवेर
a) –3/5
b) –5/3
c) –54/25
d) –25/54
Ans = c)


a) 3.5
b) 3
c) 2
d) 1.5
Ans = c)

79. The value of is eqn. image

चे भल्म

a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
Ans = b)

80. The average of all prime numbers between 40 & 70 is

40 ते 70 भधधर अबाज्म वॊख्माॊची वयावयी
a) 51
b) 53
c) 55
d) 57
Ans = b)

81. 2/3% of z is 20, then z=

z च्मा 2/3% जय 20 अवेर तय z=
a) 4000
b) 3000
c) 2000
d) 1000
Ans = b)
82. If a is 6% of b, b is 20% of c and a=240, then the value of b and c respectively is
जय a शा b च्मा 6% अवरे, b शा c च्मा 20% अवरे आणण a=240 अवेर तय b आणण c ची अनक्रभे फकॊ भत
a) b=4000, c=20000
b) b=20000, c=4000
c) b=2000, c=10000
d) b=10000, c=2000
Ans = a)

83. If x + 1/x = 6 then x4 + 1/x4 =

जय x + 1/x = 6 तय x4 + 1/x4 =
a) 1146
b) 1150
c) 1154
d) 1158
Ans = c)


a) 15.2
b) 16.3
c) 17.4
d) 18.5
Ans = c)

85. If a * b = a/2 + 2b + ab, then 8 * 7 =

जय a * b = a/2 + 2b + ab तय 8 * 7 =
a) 54
b) 64
c) 74
d) 84
Ans = c)

86. Find the odd one out from the given response
खारी ददरेल्मा रनतवादातून लेगऱा रनतवाद ननलडा
a) 961
b) 992
c) 1023
d) 1052
Ans = d)

87. If is divisible by 11, where x is a digit, then x =

जय रा 11 ने बाग जाता आणण x शा एक अॊक आशे , तय x =
a) 2
b) 4
c) 6
d) 8
Ans = b)
88. Find the odd one out from the given response
खारी ददरेल्मा रनतवादातन
ू लेगऱा रनतवाद ननलडा
a) 147
b) 149
c) 151
d) 157
Ans = a)

89. Find the missing number

रश्न धचह्न अवरेल्मा दठकाणी मोग्म वॊख्मा ळोधा

a) 108
b) 110
c) 112
d) 114
Ans = c)

90. 6, 25, 62, ___, 214

a) 121
b) 123
c) 125
d) 127
Ans = b)

91. Suraj‟s grandfather‟s brother is the father of sumit‟s father. How is suraj related to sumit?
वयजच्मा आजोफा बाऊ शे वसभतच्मा लडडराॊचे वऩता आशे . वयजचे वसभतळी अवरेरे नाते वाॊगा
a) Brother
b) Cousin
चरत बाऊ
c) Father
d) Uncle
Ans = b)

92. If the sum of first 13 terms of an arithmetic progression equals to the sum of first 27 terms.
Then what is the sum of first 40 terms?
जय AP च्मा ऩदशल्मा 13 ऩदाॊची फेयीज शी ऩदशल्मा 27 ऩदाॊच्मा फेयजेएलठी अवेर तय ऩदशल्मा 40 ऩदाॊची फेयीज
फकती ?
a) 0
b) 1
c) -1
d) 2
Ans = a)
93. If x-8 is the H.C.F. of x2-16 and x2-kx-40 , then what is the value of k ?
जय x-8 शा x -16 आणण x -kx-40 चा भ.वा.वल. अवेर तय k ची फकॊ भत फकती ?
2 2

a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
Ans = b)

94. The sum of the digits of a two-digit number is 13. The number formed by reversing the digits
is 27 less than the original number. Then the original number is ___
दोन अॊकी वॊख्मेच्मा अॊकाॊची फेयीज 13 आशे . अॊक उरट करून तमाय केरेरी वॊख्मा भूऱ वॊख्मेऩेषा 27ने कभी आशे .

तय भूऱ वॊख्मा ___

a) 70
b) 75
c) 80
d) 85
Ans = d)

95. By selling a watch for ` 1380, a man losses 8%. At what price should he sell again to gain
एका व्मस्क्प्तरा एक घड्माऱ ` 1380 रा वलकून 8% तोटा शोतो. 10% नपा सभऱवलण्मावाठी त्माने घड्माऱ फकती

फकॊ भतीरा वलकामरा ऩादशजे ?

a) ` 1600
b) ` 1650
c) ` 1700
d) ` 1750
Ans = b)

96. 380, 870, 1560, ____, 3540

a) 2450
b) 2500
c) 2530
d) 2640
Ans = a)

97. Pointing to a girl, Mr. Krishna said “She is the only daughter of my father‟s son-in-law. How
is the girl related to Mr. Krishna?
एका भरीकडे ननदे ळ करून श्रीकृष्ण म्शणारे, "भाझ्मा लडडराॊच्मा जालमाची ती एकरती एक भरगी आशे " कृष्णाळी

भरीचे नाते काम ?

a) Niece
b) Cousin
चरत फदशण
c) Sister
d) Daughter
Ans = a)
98. Sachin‟s age was 4 times the age of Akash 5 years ago. After 10 years, Sachin will be twice
as old as Akash. The present age of Sachin and Akash respectively are___
ऩाच लऴामऩूली वधचनचे लम आकाळच्मा लमाच्मा 4 ऩट शोते. 10 लऴामनॊतय वधचनचे लम आकाळच्मा लमाच्मा दप्ऩट

अवेर तय वधचन आणण आकाळ माॊचे अनक्रभे वध्माचे लम ___

a) 35, 12.5
b) 12.5,35
c) 15, 30.5
d) 30.5,15
Ans = a)

99. Which number is in all the geometrical figures?

खारीर आकृतीभध्मे वलम आकृत्माॊभध्मे अवरेरी वॊख्मा

a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 8
Ans = b)

100. Observe the figure and find the product of the numbers which belongs to three figures only?
खारी ददरेरी आकृती ऩशा नतन्शी आकृत्माॊभध्मे मेत अवरेल्मा वॊख्माचा गणाकाय ळोधा.

a) 162
b) 648
c) 27
d) 48
Ans = c)

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