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Relationship lower right abdominal pain and nausea and vomiting

Under normal stomach pain caused by colic pain where colicky pain is pain that arises due
to hypoxia, felt intermittent, may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Differentiate
colic pain on pain renal and non-renal colic. When viewed under a scenario that happens is
colicky pain renal colic pain, renal colic pain is a pain in the waist which are caused by stones
in the ureter or ureter Pelvic Junction (PUJ) (urolithiasis). Colicky pain may indicate
obstruction of hollow organs (lumen). Colic is visceral pain due to spasm of smooth muscles
of hollow organs and is usually caused by the passage barriers in the internal organs (bowel
obstruction, ureter stones, gallstones, increased pressure intraluminar). Felt during colicky
pain itself is sudden pain that is sharp,

References: 1. Kidney Disease and Urology.2009

2. 4. P. Davey urinary tract stones in At a glance medicine. Erland. Jakarta, 2006: 242-243

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