Optimization On Amazon

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How to sell more books by

tweaking your Amazon listing
Geoff Affleck
Bestselling Author & Publishing Coach
Who is this for?

•  Published authors

•  Fiction

•  Non-fiction

•  About to publish
Publishing your book on Amazon
is easy BUT…

Publishing it strategically to
maximize sales is something most
authors don’t know how to do.
What We’ll Cover
1.  The 7 conversion factors that affect your
Amazon sales (“7 Tweaks”)
2.  Live Amazon optimizations
3.  How I can help you
I help authors publish
and promote their
books and build their
•  Online self-publishing courses
•  Consul=ng & Coaching
•  Book & product launches
•  Author pla?orm & websites
7 Tweaks
1.  Title: Sub-title
2.  Cover
3.  Description
4.  Keywords
5.  Categories
6.  Editorial Reviews/Author Central
7.  Price / Price Promotions
Mistake #1: Confusing Title
Mistake #2: Amatuerish Cover
Mistake #2:
Unprofessional Cover
Mistake #3: Short Description that
Doesn’t Sell the Book
Mistake #4: Keywords are too Broad,
unpopular, or too competitive
Mistake #6:
Not Enough Editorial Reviews

BEFORE: Category selec3on too

AFTER: Category selec3on op3mized
Mistake #7: Price too high or too low
Live Optimizations

[Watch the video replay from 22:00 minutes on to see

Geoff commentary and recommendations on the
books that were analyzed on this training]

“Done For You” Amazon Makeover
•  Title, subtitle & cover recommendations
•  Copywriting for Amazon description
•  Amazon Keyword recommendations
•  Amazon Category recommendations (10 eBook + 10 book)
•  Author Central optimization
•  Pricing recommendations
•  Make all the Amazon changes on your behalf
•  Amazon Ads campaign set up and monitoring $497.00
•  Two private phone consultations & email access

Published December 2017 - initial flurry of sales and

International Bestseller status.
“Then sales plummeted as did my euphoria.”
In early 2018 hired Geoff to do Amazon makeover.

•  New subtitle
•  New front cover
•  New copy for the back cover
•  Reformatted book interior
•  Created an Author Central page and uploaded my
editorial reviews
•  New book description for Amazon
•  Optimized key words and categories
•  Created a marketing strategy including: one sheet,
newsletter, mini eBook as an opt-in to email list, free
book promotion, and Amazon Ads
•  3,248 downloads from 5-day free campaign
•  #1 bestseller status in all ten categories.
"My choice to hire Geoff was the wisest
decision I have made in my short career as an
author. Literally every encounter with Geoff is
empowering. He has skillfully and pa?ently
guided me through every challenge along the
way. I am proud of my presence, and my book’s
presence, on Amazon.”
—Gwen Wellington
Interested in Geoff’s $497
“Done for You” Amazon Makeover?

Schedule a discovery call:
Not everyone can afford $497 and that's why
I’ve created the…
For Amazon authors who want to find more
readers and sell more books and want to learn
how to tweak their listing themselves…
Course Overview
•  4 weeks Feb 25 – Mar 19 at 1pm PST / 4pm EST
•  4x 90-min LIVE weekly Q&A calls
•  Lifetime access to recordings
•  Personal feedback from me until your book is optimized
•  Resources, templates, checklists
•  Facebook group
•  Accountability partner
•  BONUS 1: Amazon Scorecard ($97 value)

•  BONUS 2: 30-min private consultation with me ($125 value)

Plus if you register in the next 24 hrs…

•  BONUS 3: “Done for you” Strategic Amazon category research
and recommendations ($150 value)


Category Optimization Example
Course Investment

*Done for you Amazon category research bonus for next 24 hrs only


Published June 2017 with bestseller status
32 Amazon reviews
Feb 2019 hired Geoff to do Amazon

•  Decided not to make changes to subtitle

or cover for now
•  New book description
•  Improved key words
•  10 new categories
•  Added editorial reviews
•  Revised price
•  Amazon Ads campaign
•  #1 bestseller status in 2 categories.

Feb 12 - 2 days aYer Amazon Makeover…

"I aFended one of Geoff’s webinars on how to
publish a book and move it to bestseller status
on Amazon. I was blown away by the
usefulness of the training content and Geoff’s
exper?se. I immediately signed up for a
makeover on my second book.

In the space of one day the book hit #2, and
the next day it was #1 in more than one
category. Having someone with this level of
start to finish publishing savvy and the
technical exper?se in marke?ng strategy and
execu?on is simply revolu?onary..”
—Dr. Lisa Turner
Registration Now Open


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