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Hello I’am Risma,

Now we will learn geometry that is “ cuboid”, And I will explain about the cuboid elements first, oke
so let we draw a cuboid, after that we name each angles. For remember that must be sequential. Ok,
first, cuboid has a 12 edges, that is AB ekuivalen CD ekuivalen CF ekuivalen HG. There are a four
edges that is ekuivalens, so let’s we note that first, then what else? AD parallel BC parallel FG
parallel EH, then what else? That is AE parallel BF parallel CG Parallel BH. So cuboid has a 12 edges.

Then cuboid’s side, cuboid has a six side, a side pf cuboid is rectangle that is ABCF equel CDHG,
ADBC equal EFHG, and ADEH equel BCFG.

Ok now we learn about cuboid volume.

The formula of cuboid’s volume is

Volume = Long times width times high

For example

1. The are cuboid that is has long 8 cm width 4 cm and high 3 cm, so what is the volume?
2. Lets we draw a cuboid, that is has long 10 cm width 5cm and high 6 cm, so what is the

Let’s we solve the problem

1. Let’s write the formula first,

Volume = Long times width times high after substitute the number of long, width and high.
So volume =long that is 8 times width that is 4 times high that is 3= 8 times 4 equal 32 time
3 equal 96, so the volume of cuboid is 96 cm kubik
2. Volume = Long times width times high after substitute the number of long, width and high.
So volume = long that is 10 times width that is 5 times high that is 6= 10 times 5 equal 50
time 6 equal 300, so the volume of cuboid is 300 cm kubik

Ok so this the cuboid’s volume for problem no 1 and this for number 2.

So how about we was know the volume and the problem is we must to find out the long or width or
the high.

1. Write the formula, that is V= 240 cm kubik. Long10 cm and width 6 cm and find out the high!
Volume = Long times width times high and substitute the number of long, width and volume.
That is 240=10 time 6 time hight
240= 10 times 6 equel 60 time high equel 60t so
240=60 times t
Then, t = 240 divided 60 equel 4. So the high of cube equel 4 cm.

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