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* AlertMe EMAIL & SMS DEMO (that you have to scroll past the comments to see)
* by Connor Nishjima 2017
* Did you know an ESP8266 can not only send emails, but SMS too - without any
* extra hardware? Well, technically. SMTP is easy enough, then you can use it
* to send emails to your cell-carrier's Email-to-SMS portal! If you have
* unlimited texting (as most carriers do now that data is the focus) then this
* SMS feature costs you virtually nothing!
* This sketch uses WiFiManager and ArduinoJSON to persistently store WiFi and
* SMTP connection credentials in the ESP8266's SPIFFS filesystem. This way, on
* each boot we can immediately reconnect to the network and test our connection
* to the SMTP server.
* When there is no working network credentials to connect to, the ESP8266 will
* host a WiFi AP named "AlertMe Configuration". Connect to this access point,
* and visit in your browser to enter new WiFi and SMTP
* Unless your WiFi network or email provider changes, you'll only have to do this
* step once. We're going to assume you're using Gmail for this example, so the
* SMTP information may differ for your provider. To allow sending emails through
* outside services on Gmail, you'll need to follow the steps for your account
* With the WiFiManager portal on the "AlertMe Configuration" network at
*, you'll want to use these inputs:
* SMTP Port: 465
* SMTP Server:
* Email Address:
* Password: your_gmail_password
* Once entered, the ESP8266 will retry a WiFi connection, and then test the SMTP
* credentials you entered. If successfully configured, it will send two messages:
* - Email to "" containing the milliseconds since start
* - SMS to "" with a random 16-bit integer
* From now on, the WiFi and SMTP credentials are stored for future use, and
* alert.connect() will connect and continue without hesitation! If you want to
* change your saved information any time, just use alert.config(). You can check
* for a gounded pin at boot to trigger this with a switch.
* Don't use this for spam. Don't you do it.
* I assume no responsibility for how this is used.

#include "AlertMe.h" // This includes all of the references to WiFiManager and

ArduinoJSON that we need
AlertMe alert;

uint8_t config_pin = 12;

String to_email = ""; // The email address to send the message to
String to_sms = ""; // Look up your carrier's Email-
to-SMS gateway here:

String subject_line = "AlertMe Demo";

String message;

void setup() {
if(config_pin == LOW){ // Short pin to GND for config AP

//alert.debug(true); // uncomment for debug/SMTP data

Serial.print("\nConnecting to WIFI/SMTP...");
alert.connect(); // Connect to WiFi, then test connect to SMTP server.
// If we fail with either, or they aren't configured,
// host an AP portal for configuration.
// alert.connect(true) prints WiFi debug info

// Finally, let's send some alerts!

message = "This was email sent from the AlertMe library running on an ESP8266
with the Chip ID "+String(ESP.getChipId())+"! It's been " + String(millis()) + "
milliseconds since this code started.";
Serial.print("Sending Email...");
Serial.println(alert.send(subject_line, message, to_email)); // alert.send()
returns "SENT" on success, or a specific error message on failure

message = "This was email sent from the AlertMe library! A random 16-bit integer:
" + String(random(0, 65536));
Serial.print("Sending SMS...");
Serial.println(alert.send(subject_line, message, to_sms));

void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

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