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Indian J Med Res 150, October 2019, pp 328-331 Quick Response Code:

DOI: 10.4103/ijmr.IJMR_227_19


Looking into biological markers of suicidal behaviours

Suicide is now identified as a major public the focus of suicide research has shifted to understanding
health problem accounting for 1.5 per cent of all the neurobiological mechanisms of suicidal behaviour,
deaths globally in 20161. Premature mortality due which might help in reliable prediction of suicide
to suicide affects all age groups but is particularly risk. Diverse approaches have been used to identify
prevalent among adolescents and young adults. It is quantifiable biological correlates, consistently
the second leading cause of death among those aged associated with suicide vulnerability. The most
15-29 yr and the third leading cause among those prominent biochemical approaches which have yielded
aged 15-39 yr, thus curtailing many young productive valuable information are in the fields of neurotransmitter
lives2. Socio-economic and emotional consequences systems, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis,
for the surviving family and the society at large are neuroinflammatory indices, neurotrophic factors and
enormously devastating. This has led to public health lipoproteins5.
emphasis on various strategies for risk identification
and prevention of suicidal behaviours. Among neurotransmitter systems, the role of
the serotonergic system has been the most widely
Suicidal behaviour is determined by a complex implicated in suicide, particularly the violent suicide
interaction of various genetic and environmental attempts which may even be independent of its role
factors, and includes a spectrum of thoughts (suicidal in depression5,6. Low cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) level
ideation and planning) and activities ranging from of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), the main
non-suicidal self-injury, suicidal gestures, aborted metabolite of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT)
and non-fatal suicidal attempts to completed suicide. has also been found to be consistently associated
Several risk factors for suicidal behaviour have been with suicide and has been suggested to be a specific
identified which include presence of psychiatric illness, marker6. Genetic polymorphisms of tryptophan
substance use, family history of suicide, past history hydroxylase (biosynthetic enzyme for serotonin),
of suicide attempts, physical illness, recent adverse serotonin receptors (5-HT1A and 5-HT2A) and
life events, psychosocial crises, access to means of serotonin transporter (5-HTT) have also been studied
self-harm, genetic and neurochemical abnormalities, and specific alleles identified which confer a higher risk
traumatic events in early life, personality traits and of developing suicidal behaviour7. The noradrenergic
cognitive styles3,4. system has also been implicated with alterations
Clinical risk assessment is largely based on the in norepinephrine activity, tyrosine hydroxylase
subjective report of the patient’s experience, which has activity, receptor polymorphisms and alpha- and
its own limitations with likelihood of under-reporting. beta-adrenergic binding in the prefrontal cortex and
Despite the existence of numerous clinical risk factors limbic system, being associated with suicidal risk5-7.
and refined screening instruments, it is very difficult However, the association shown in different studies
to predict suicide. Thus, there is a growing need for has been inconsistent, thus precluding any predictive
developing objective measures to supplement clinical value of these results. Dopaminergic and GABAergic
data and improve accuracy for risk assessment tools pathways have also been reported to be associated
and prevention strategies. With advances in medical with depression, but studies have not shown enough
research technology, structural and functional brain evidence to connect them with development of suicidal
imaging, molecular genetics and biochemical research, behaviours6,7.

© 2019 Indian Journal of Medical Research, published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow for Director-General, Indian Council of Medical Research
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The role of HPA axis dysregulation in depression victims have also been a potential area of research11.
and suicidal behaviour has also been extensively Various novel approaches have been used to explore
researched. HPA axis dysregulation is an apparent putative biochemical mediators of interaction between
indicator of physiological sensitivity to stress which lipid metabolism and complex behaviours such as
confers increased risk to suicidal behaviours in suicidality. Since the 1990s, proteomics has become
response to stressful situations5,8. Suicidal behaviours an increasingly popular approach for identifying
have been shown to be associated with lower baseline biomarkers for several major physical disorders and
cortisol levels and exaggerated responses of HPA axis has recently been applied in psychiatric disorders such
to stress8. Studies on suicide completers have indicated as depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia12.
hyperreactivity to stress with elevated corticotropin- The volume of proteomic literature in area of suicide
releasing hormone (CRH) and vasopressin levels is limited and primarily based on post-mortem brain
in the forebrain, raphe and locus ceruleus, fewer tissue. The study by Mathew et al13 published in
CRH receptors in the frontal cortex, increased pro- this issue describes the application of proteomics to
opiomelanocortin precursor to adrenocorticotropic discover a potential peripheral biomarker among
hormone (ACTH) in the pituitary and altered survivors of self-harm attempt. Using two-dimensional
glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptor gel electrophoresis (2D-GE) and matrix-assisted laser
expression and sensitivity5. desorption ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI MS),
the authors found that expression of apolipoprotein
Immune system dysregulation is another
(Apo) A-IV (a plasma protein involved in cholesterol
pathophysiological mechanism proposed for
metabolism) was reduced among the patients with
suicidality, and there is growing evidence in support
deliberate self-harm as compared to healthy controls.
of the role of neuroinflammation in triggering suicidal
The authors further validated their findings in a new
behaviours. The potential pathway involves various
set of participants using isotope-labelled relative
inflammatory conditions (infections, autoimmune
quantification and Western blot analysis. The levels
disorders, head injury, etc.) causing excessive
of total, esterified and high-density lipoprotein
release of pro-inflammatory cytokines which act as
cholesterol were found to be lower in the self-harm
mediators for various neurochemical changes such
group. The study concluded that downregulation of
as dysregulation of tryptophan catabolism (leading
Apo A-IV was probably the biochemical link between
to low serotonin levels), hyperactivation of HPA axis
low cholesterol levels and deliberate self-harm. This
and alterations in monoamine metabolism9. Studies
study has implicated the role of Apo A-IV in suicide,
have focussed both on peripheral (blood and CSF) and
and there is a scarcity of evidence for its role in any
central (brain, particularly orbitofrontal cortex) levels
other neuropsychiatric conditions. Till now, only one
of inflammatory markers among suicide attempters.
previous proteomic study has found low CSF levels of
Raised levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines such
Apo A-IV in schizophrenia14 and one genetic study has
as interleukins (IL-1β, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6 and IL-13),
found association of Apo A-IV codon 360 mutation
C-reactive protein (CRP), tumour necrosis factor-alpha
in patients with Alzheimer’s disease15. Reduction
(TNF-α), interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) and decreased
in plasma and CSF levels of another protein Apo E
levels of IL-8 have been reported5,7,9.
has also been found to be associated with suicide
Structural changes in the brain in the form of attempts16.
cortical thinning in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex,
This study13 had several strengths in terms of
reduced hippocampal volume and reduced dentate
both biochemical techniques and methodology used.
gyrus neurons have also been reported in depressed
The authors have followed a rigorous approach
suicide victims, suggestive of accelerated neuron loss
for identification, validation and quantification of
and decreased neurogenesis5. There have also been
biochemical markers differentially expressed in
reports of reduced brain-derived neurotrophic factor
the target population, using the latest techniques.
(BDNF) levels associated with suicidal behaviour
Discovery of a blood biomarker in close temporal
expression by either genetic polymorphisms or
proximity to a suicide attempt can have important
epigenetic mechanisms5,6,10.
management implications. The proteomic approach
Abnormalities in lipid metabolism as potential used here is considered advantageous over genomic
biomarkers among suicide attempters and suicide approach in exploration of biomarkers12. Psychiatric
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disorders are multifactorial in origin with involvement Search for biomarkers in psychiatry is
of numerous genetic loci and their expression being continuously expanding with discovery of novel
influenced by various environmental factors over time. targets based on diverse neurobiological processes.
Protein expression levels and their post-translational However, this process is particularly challenging for
modifications are more closely related to the phenotype psychiatric disorders due to significant overlap of
or observed behaviour and better reflect underlying symptoms between different disorders, heterogeneity
dynamic pathophysiological processes12. A proteomic of symptoms within the same diagnostic group and
approach approach as used in this study is particularly lack of precise understanding of exact causation12,17.
favoured for discovering biomarkers in psychiatric Till date, none of the laboratory findings has
disorders, where experimental evidence for aetiology been translated to applications in routine clinical
of such complex phenomena is not easily available17. practice. Due to multidetermined nature of suicidal
The significant decrease in Apo A-IV expression in the behaviour, it is expected that a combination of several
absence of psychiatric disorder in this study population biosignatures supplementing clinical, neuroimaging
indicates its independent association with suicide and neuropsychological data may be more useful than
attempt. a single biomarker alone in predicting suicide.
The study, however, had certain limitations which Conflicts of Interest: None.
might restrict the applicability of the results. The term
‘deliberate self-harm’ has been used to define the target Rakesh Kumar Chadda* & Ankit Gupta
population, as a proxy measure for suicide attempts. Department of Psychiatry, National Drug
Deliberate self-harm is a loose construct encompassing Dependence Treatment Centre,
all self-harm behaviours with or without suicidal All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
intent. The results of this study indicate low suicidal New Delhi 110 029, India
intent, high impulsivity and lack of hopelessness or *
For correspondence:
diagnosable psychiatric condition among majority
of participants which raises the possibility of non-
Received February 7, 2019
suicidal self-injury (NSSI) rather than suicidal
attempts. It is plausible that more severe attempts may
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