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Certification in College Teaching Institute, May 9-10, 2019, Michigan State University

Worksheet for Reflections and Applications of Teaching and Learning

Session: Incorporating Technology in Teaching Thursday

What skills and techniques did I learn that will help me become a better educator?

I learned not to see nails when I’m holding a hammer. In other words, rather than deciding on what technology to use and then forcing it to fit
with a learning objective I should first consider the learning objective. Once the learning objective is decided, I can then base the technology I
use (or do not use) on whether it is the best way to address the learning objective.

What things am I still uncertain about regarding this topic that I need to investigate further in the future?

Although I see the appeal of using Twitter or some other form of social media to supplement course material, I am unsure how to hold
individual students accountable when using this technology. This also reveals another issue: privacy and ethical considerations when
combining school and social media.

How can I apply materials from this session to my own class to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning?

I will keep in mind that there are many types of technology to possibly be used to teach, and each technology can be used in multiple ways.
For this reason, I will decide first on what message/learning objective I’d like to bring to my students. Then, I will decide what kind of
experience would be the best for absorbing the knowledge. Technology is thus the final culminating step to planning the lesson/lecture, and is
a means to an end rather than an end in itself.

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